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Health Record

Name: John Date of last record: 12.2.2018

Birth Date: 1.4.1985 Contact number: 412 555 784
Medical ID: 12345678912345 other information:
Comment: Started this sheet in 2015

Known condition or allergies

Name Description Medication Dosage Effect / Side Effects Comments
Hay Fever Sneezing, itching eyes Zyrtec 1/4 of a pill per 24hrs none, works great after 6 months, lost some effect

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Medical visits
Date Why Who Where Tests, Feedback, Prescription Prescription

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Vaccination, Immunization
When What Who Where Comment (side effects, results)

1999 Measles, mumps, and rubella Dr.Alan New-York, Children hospital head some fever after

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This sheet is provided free of charge and without any warranty whatsoever.

You have to put the correct values into this sheet based on your doctor's advice.

Eat healthy, do sport, move a lot, be active, have fun

Don't watch to many violent movies, don't bully or be bad, enjoy life and let others enjoy it, b

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