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Building armies continues

Part 4: The Dead are following
Kev Dallimore

The Dead Men of Dunharrow here led by the King of the Dead

When I first saw the Oathmark Revenants  and idea publicity photography, and fortunately still had them
immediately popped into my head
  “they would make great around so I experimented on  them so see if I could do a
undead to add to my Lord  of the Rings armies”, these fast job on them like the rest   of the armies we did for
were the armies I fast painted
  in lockdown as detailed in Oathmark Express. Well it didn’t  quite workout as I had
the Oathmark Express articles,
  which I did and wrote envisaged, for two fortunate reasons.
with wargaming buddy John   Treadaway, sometime back  
The first reason came when I showed them to Nick and
(see here).  I had thought  of this when the Oathmark
he said, “Trouble is, the description
  of them describes
Skeletons  were released, but  I wanted ghosts or undead
their spears like a winter thicket,
  and the Revs don't have
not full-on boney chaps so the
  Revenants would be ideal
spears”… and when someone   quotes Tolkien at you it’s
I thought.     
time to listen. The quote is by   Legolas. "I see shapes of
The troops I was hoping to represent were the Dead Men Men and of horses, and pale  banners like shreds of cloud,
of Dunharrow,  appropriately   also know as the and spears like winter-thickets  on a misty night. The Dead
Oathbreakers. These Men   were cursed to remain in are following." So I needed spearmen…
Middle-earth  after they abandoned
  their oath to aid the  
The second reason was in spite of the fact I had already
good side in the War of the Last
  Alliance. The Army of the
painted the first five, I wasn’t  entirely happy with the end
Dead was led by the King of the
results, so I was pleased have   another go at them and
I had built build up a frame of five models already for see if I could get a more satisfactory

I then carefully snipped off the hand holding the spear at the A nice crease at the wrist (on the elves) that was just right
wrist at an angle that would hopefully match a handless and off the hand came a treat, but be careful not to nick the
Revenant arm. (this is a Elf Spear) spear or yourself when cutting.

MAKING SPEARMEN I then carefully snipped off the hand holding the spear at
the wrist at an angle that  would hopefully match a
The first task was to make them spearmen. The handless Revenant arm. As luck   would have it there was
Revenants come armed with  a variety of weapons but no a nice crease at the wrist (on  the elves) that was just right
spears, so I needed to look  elsewhere for spear armed and off the hand came a treat,   but be careful not to nick
hands and arms, as it were, to   graft on to the Revenants. the spear or yourself when cutting.
  Tidy up the spear and
  hand before you do the surgery   so that it’s all nice a clean
I started by sorting out all the spear armed arms I could
find, and trying to workout if  that would fit and suit the to pop onto the waiting arm.  
Revenants. I rejected the dwarf   and men spears as being  
Initially I did think I would have to slice off loads of sword
to big and solid, I wanted a  lighter look to them.  As it hands but fortunately the right   arms for the two handed
happens I keep a large bag of   spare plastic parts for just axes are hand free, because  the hand is moulded on the
such an occasion left over from   all the other frames I have axe, grasping it, and not on  the arm. It could have been
made up over the years. The  donor arms holding spears made for it! Of course, I did   slice off three or four sword
came from across the North  Star plastics ranges, most hands before this occurred too   me, doh! However it wasn’t
from the Oathmark Elf Infantry,   with other contributions wasted effort as I used those  too and it added a bit more
from, Oathmark Goblins,   Frostgrave Cultists  and variety to the mix of arms.  Always snip off components
Soldiers II and just one   from Oathmark Skeleton with modelling side-clutters and  tidy up with a knife.
Fortunately the right arms for the two handed axes are hand Always snip off components with modelling side-clutters and
free, because the hand is moulded on the axe. tidy up with a knife.

To get a good position for the new limb with spear I just On most of these guys I tried to have more than one
lightly tack the arm and hand in place with just a smidge of attachment point, to give it a bit more strength, as these
glue. figures will be gamed with so need some robustness.

Then you can assemble the rest of the Revenant in a way that looks good with the new spear arm.

Once you have your component handless arm and spear some robustness. Often the spear was glued to the
with a hand on it, you can  assemble these and then fit ground or thigh as well as the new wrist joint.
them to the body.  To get a good   position for the new limb  
Then you can assemble the rest of the Revenant in a way
with spear I just lightly tack the
  arm and hand in place with
that looks good with the new spear
just a smidge of glue, this  allows you a bit of play to
reposition if needed. Then once   you are happy slosh on And here are some more examples of the conversions,
more glue to fix it in place. On most of these guys I tried to see if you can spot where  the odd rogue heads have
have more than one attachment point, to give it a bit more come from!  
strength, as these figures will   be gamed with so need  

And here are some more examples of the conversions, see if you can spot where the odd rogue heads have come from!
PAINTING SPEARMEN spears, I decided it didn’t quite give the ethereal look I
was hoping for so I decided  not to go with it for the rest.
Keeping to the same ethos as before in this Oathmark This meant I couldn’t use the  first five for the Dead Men
Express series I wanted them  to be super fast painting so of Dunharrow but they aren’t   wasted and have been
no shading or highlighting, a   straight neat paint job, then repurposed for Frostgrave… 
Army Painter Quickshade  Washes  all over to provide  
all the shading and contrast.   As before this relied on two PRIMER
main things the quality of the  models and the neatness of
my painting. I had planned initially to also use a coat of The models were sprayed up with car primer, very lightly,
and then Army Painter Uniform
  Grey Colour Primer
Army Painter Quickshade -  Strong Shade  varnish, but
after a test out on the first five Spray.  
  Revenants I made without

As ever keep the block of colours neat!  Flesh – (or where flesh should be) Ash Grey.

COLOUR SCHEME Clothing – Uniform Grey mixed with Black.

As ever keep the block of colours neat! It’s not a vast Light Clothing and boots – Stone Golem or Uniform
range of colours but luckily  Army Painter  does enough Grey mixed with White.
greys and the odd extra bit  of mixing gives you enough. Light Hair and teeth – Gorgon Hide.
Below is a list of the sort of colours
  I used, and as you can
see I have mixed it up a bit throughout
  the unit. Woodwork and boots – Uniform Grey.
  Armour and metalwork – Bright Gold mixed with
Flesh – (or where flesh should be) Ash Grey.
Shinning Silver.
Dark Clothing and boots – Necromancer Cloak or
Uniform Grey mixed with more Black. Wash - Quickshade Washes Green Tone all over the
whole model, I did a couple of coats.

Dark Clothing and boots – Necromancer Cloak or Uniform Grey mixed with more Black.

Armour and metalwork – Bright Gold mixed with Shinning Silver.

Wash - Quickshade Washes Green Tone all over the whole model, I did a couple of coats.

VARNISH made up by John by the bucket. It is self-coloured and

dries to a rock hard mostly matt
  textured finish.  Once the
As before these models are to be troops on the table not compound was thoroughly dry  and hard it was drybrushed
cabinet pieces they needed  a good protective coat of with Desert Yellow, in a fairly  rough manner and covered
varnish. This was in fact two
  coats of Anti-Shine Matt with various flocks.  
Varnish, brushed on.    
One layer of paint and a wash, no highlighting, just
I used the same mixed up basing compound, which is neatness, good models and good

Far left has a Frostgrave Cultist spear, next right Frostgrave Soldiers II spear, next another Cultist spear, next another
Frostgrave Soldiers II spear and far right has an Oathmark Elf spear.

Far left has a head from the Oathmark Skeletons set and second from left’s head is from the Frostgrave Barbarians set, these
two both have Oathmark Goblins spears. The next two have Oathmark Elf spears and the one far right has a spear from the
Oathmark Skeletons set.

These boys all have Oathmark Elf spears.

These are the metal command figures for the Revenants.

Here they are as one big unit for Oathmark.

Here are the first five non spear armed I did, then rejected for the Dead Men of Dunharrow, based up to have another life or
death in Frostgrave. 

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