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Abnormal Involuntary Movements in

Neuroleptic-Naive Children and Adolescents
Mark Magulac, MDt, John Landsverk, PhD'\ Shahrokh Golshan, PhD3 , Dilip V Jeste, MD4

Objective: To determine the prevalence ofand identify riskfactors for abnormal involuntary movements in a well-
characterized community sample ofneuroleptic-naive children and adolescents.
Method: The Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) was administered to 390 subjects aged 3-17 years
who were in foster care. Additional instruments were used to assess intellect and behaviour problems.
Results: A total 12.6% ofsubjects hadat least I rating of "mild" movements on AIMS; these included 4.1% with at
least 2 ratings of "mild" or 2 of "moderate " severity. Significant riskfactorsfor movement disorder were younger
age, lower IQ, and more severe behaviour problems. The abnormal movements were usually orofacial, and the af
fected subjects were generally unaware ofthese movements.
Conclusion: The base prevalence ofabnormal involuntary movements must be considered in children and adoles-
cents assessedfor medication in order to determine the true rate ofmotor side effects.

(Can J Psychiatry 1999;44:368-373)

Key Words: foster care, movement disorder, tardive dyskinesia, antipsychotics, mental retardation, psychosis

he term "dyskinesia" includes choreoathetosis, dystonia,

T stereotypies, and tics but not tremor or myoclonus (1).
Kane and Smith estimated a 5% prevalence of spontaneous
reported to increase with age (3), reduced intellectual capac-
ity (4-6), medical disorders (7,8), and poor dental health (9)
or lack of teeth (10).
dyskinesia from 19 adult studies including psychiatric or de- Neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia (TD) is themost
mented subjects not treated with neuroleptics (2). The base-
widely researched iatrogenic MD in children and adolescents
line prevalence of movement disorder (MD) has been
(11-21). Research diagnosis of TD requires a minimum of3
months' history of neuroleptic exposure, at least 3 months'
duration of dyskinesia, and a specified severity threshold
Part ofthis work was presented at the 41st Annual Meeting ofthe American (22). Populations with high baseline rates ofMDs may cause
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, NY, October
25-30, 1994.
inflated estimates of TD prevalence when the neuroleptic
Manuscript received September 1997, revised, and accepted August 1998. treatment duration is 3 months or longer (23).
1Associate Clinical Professor, Department ofPsychiatry, University ofCali-
fornia, San Diego, California. TD prevalence in younger populations has primarily been
2Professor, School of Social Work, San Diego State University, San Diego, studied in individuals with autism (12,24-26) and mental re-
California. tardation (27-29), who are predisposed to stereotypies and
3Associate Project Scientist, Psychiatry Service, San Diego Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, San Diego, California.
other abnormal involuntary movements. Conclusions from
4Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Director, Geriatric Psychiatry these studies are somewhat limited by a lack ofcontrolgroeps
Clinical Research Center, University of California, San Diego; Psychiatry sharing the same psychopathology and by the difficulty in
Service, San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego, California.
distinguishing stereotypies from neuroleptic-induced dyski-
Address for correspondence: Dr DV Jeste, San Diego VA Medical Center
(116A-l), 3350 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA 92161 nesias (30). Nevertheless, Gualtieri and others reported that
email: young subjects who developed TD had higher daily andtotal
lifetime neuroleptic amounts (27,31). In this analysis, low IQ
Can] Psychiatry, Vol 44, May 1999 was also a significant risk factor but might have been

May 1999 Abnormal Involuntary Movements in Children and Adolescents 369

confounded by the more intense and prolonged treatment Abnormal Involuntary Movements. The AIMS was devel-
with neuroleptics. oped by the Psychopharmacology Research Branch of the
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (32) to assess
We attempted to determine the risk factors for MDs and neuroleptic-induced and other MDs in adults. It has been ap-
the prevalence, severity, and distribution ofMD symptoms in plied to children and adolescents at risk for TD by several re-
a community sample of children and adolescents in foster searchers with good interrater reliability (11,27,29,36). This
care who were at an increased risk for cognitive and behav- study used the AIMS without attempting to discriminate
,iour problems but not treated with psychotropic drugs. among different types of MDs. The AIMS ratings include
choreoathetotic and stereotypic movements and tics but ex-
Method clude tremor and myoclonus.
Subjects The AIMS examination used in this study was modified,
as described by Munetz (37), to omit the original AIMS con-
The subjects were 423 children, aged 3-17 years old, who
vention of subtracting I point of the severity rating when an
required new court-ordered, out-of-home placement and abnormal movement was seen during a prescribed activated
were still in foster care 6 months later. These subjects com- motor state (such as rapidly alternating fmger movements).
prised the community sample of the Foster Care Mental When he or she was examining children, it was helpful for the
.Health Project, a prospective study of placement and treat- examiner to model the AIMS examination postures.
ment decisions made by mental health workers in San Diego
County. The history of family dysfunction and foster home Raters were 11 graduate-level students who attended
olacement suggested that the population was at an increased group training, which included calibration of severity ratings
-risk for psychiatric morbidity. to videotaped ratings of 20 young subjects with movement
disorders by Gualtieri and others (38). Ongoing instruction
Subjects were excluded if they were less than 3 years old included blind ratings and discussion of videotaped AIMS
.oecauseofanticipated difficulties in comprehension, concen- examinations.
:ration, and cooperation with the Abnormal Involuntary
MDs may vary in intensity within the same patient. Anxi-
Movements Scale (AIMS) (32). No medical or psychiatric di-
ety and brief voluntary suppression are factors in such vari-
ignoses resulted in exclusion, but past neuroleptic treatment
ability (39). In this study, children interacted with the rater for
) f current psychotropic-medication use was an exclusion cri-
30 minutes before the AIMS assessment, allowing the child to
:erion. Medical health status and all current medications were
become accustomed to the rater and the rater to observe
assessed at the time of the evaluation. movements for a prolonged period without the child's aware-
Assessment ness. Raters usually required approximately 10 minutes to
complete the AIMS examination and record the ratings.
Detailed neuropsychiatric, pharmacological, and other
medical histories were obtained, and psychiatric and physical Statistical Analysis. The data were analyzed using Statisti-
examinations were performed. Specific instruments, de- cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The
scribed below, were used to evaluate intellect, behaviour group differences were studied using 2-tailed t-tests, analysis
of variance (ANOVA), or chi-square, and relationships
.problems, and MDs.
among variables were examined using Pearson correlation
:. Intellect. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-2 coefficients. A logistic regression analysis was performed to
::PPVT-2) was used to estimate IQ (33). The standard scores determine predictors of MDs.
In this measure are scaled for age to allow comparison among
different age-groups. The PPVT-2 estimates of intelligence Results
In children and adolescents are comparable to those arrived at
This study included 390 subjects from the original pool of
Jy the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (34).
423 intended subjects. Nineteen potential subjects were ex-
Behaviour Problems. The major behaviour instrument cluded because they were currently being treated with psy-
vas Achenbach's (35) Child Behavior Checklist (CBC). It chotropic drugs-specifically, an antidepressant (n = 1), a
vas completed with the help of the subject's primary care- neuroleptic (n = 5), an anticonvulsant (n = 6), and a stimulant
aker based on the subject's behaviour during the previous 3 (n = 7). Two intended subjects refused, and 1 was unable to be
nonths. The CBC yields a "total problem score," which, tested because of severe hyperactivity. Eleven other subjects
vhen elevated above the 90th percentile (T-score = 63), iden- were excluded after I rater who had rated those subjects failed
ifies 82% ofthe children and adolescents that are referred for the AIMS trainer's minimum eligibility, which required con-
nental health care (35). A cutpoint at the 82nd percentile (T- currence with the AIMS "gold standard" in more than 50% of
'core ~ 60) may be used to identify subjects with borderline the ratings. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) (40)
ehaviour problems. for AIMS score was 0.69.
370 The Canadian)ournal of PsycWatry Vol 44,No4

Table l. Frequency and severity of abnormal movements on AIMS on the AIMS ratings. One required at least 1 rating of2 (mild)
exam (% of total) on any ofthe first 7 items ofthe AIMS (mild MD). The other
Minimal or Moderate or more conservative definition required at least 2 ratings of2
None borderline Mild severe (mild) or 1 rating on (moderate) on any ofthe first 7 items of
(score = 0) (score = I) (score = 2) (score = 3 or 4)
the AIMS. This second definition is similar to the Research
Muscles of face 82 15 3 OJ Diagnosis ofTD (RD- TD) criteria proposed by Schoolerand
Lips and 87 10 3 OJ Kane (22) and will be referred to henceforth as "RO-MD,"
Sixteen subjects (4.1 % prevalence) met the criterion for
Jaw 91 6 2 OJ RD-MD, and 49 subjects (12.6% prevalence) met or ex-
Tongue 87 10 2 OJ ceeded the criterion for mild MD. The mean sum ofthe AIMS
Upper 93 6 body-region ratings (items 1-7) was used for dimensional
extremities analyses.
Lower 90 9
Topographic Distribution
Neck, 96 3 MDs appeared most frequently in 1 ofthe 4 facial andoral
shoulders, and regions and then in the extremities. Truncal movements ofthe
neck, shoulders, and hips were least common (Table 1).
AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale. Table 2 compares the topographical distribution in this
sample with that from other published studies ofdyskinesiain
children and adolescents. These studies may not be directly
Table 2. Symptom distribution in RD-MD cases in published
reports (% of cases) on neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia comparable because no effort to exclude tics was made inthe
present study. Nonetheless, the distributions of MD and
Orofacial Extremity Truncal
n (%) (%) (%) dyskinesias are similar, despite the difference in drug-
Gualtieri and others (31) 15 87 33 27
treatment history.
Campbell and others (36) 10 64 27 9 Awareness
Perry and others (26) 13 76 40 20 When questioned about their abnormal movements, 88%
Gualtieri and others (27) 13 78 26 21 ofthe subjects with mild MDs reported no awareness ofMDs,
6% were aware of but not distressed by their symptoms, and
Campbell and others (24) 22 83 45 29
only 6% were distressed by the MDs.
Present study (RD-MD 16 87 44 37
in neuroleptic-naive Age
The relationship between the subjects' age and their AIMS
RD-MD = Research Diagnosis-Movement Disorder, that is, movement disorder score was studied using Pearson correlation coefficient.
(MD) with at least 2 ratings of 2 (mild) or I rating of 3 (moderate) on any of the first
7 items of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). There was a low but significant negative correlation between
these 2 variables (r = -0.13, n = 390, P < 0.01).

There were 224 (57.4%) female subjects with a mean Physical and Dental Health
(± SD) age of8.6 ± 4.0 years and 166 (42.6%) male subjects Physical health was rated as "poor" in less than 1% ofthe
with a mean age of7.4 ± 4.0 years in the sample. The mean population, precluding further analysis.
age for the entire sample was 8.1 ± 3.9 years. The ethnic dis-
tribution was 45% white, 35% African American, 15% His-
panic, and 5% others. The mean PPVT-2 standard score was A subject's gender did not confer a statistically significant
88, identifying the overall population as being intellectually risk for MDs. Three percent of the males versus 4.9% ofthe
adequate. Achenbach's CBC confirmed that the majority of females (X2 = 0.35, ns) met the RD-MD criterion, while
the population was at psychiatric risk. Using Achenbach's 13.3% of the males versus 12.1% of the females (X2 = O.73,
(35) clinical cutpoint of T-score :?: 60 (82nd percentile), ns) met the mild-MD criterion.
51.3% of the subjects had at least borderline behaviour prob- Intellect
lems, while 38% had clinically significant behaviour prob-
The mean standard score for the PPVT-2 was 87, with a
lems (CBC score 2 standard deviations above the norm in
mean of 87.9 for subjects without mild MDs and 84.5 forsub-
Achenbach's sample).
jects with mild MOs. There was no significant difference be-
The severity ratings on the AIMS are as follows: 0 = none, tween these 2 groups on standard PPVT-2 score. Usingthe
1 = minimal, 2 = mild, 3 = moderate, and 4 = severe. We de- RD-MD criterion, however, subjects without RD-MDs
fined the presence of an MD using 2 different criteria based (mean = 87.9) had significantly (t = 5.7, P < 0.02) higher
May 1999 Abnormal Involuntary Movements in ChUdren and Adolescents 371

PPVT-2 scores than did subjects with RD-MDs (mean = Table 3. Results of 3-way ANDVA
76.25). Mean N df F P
Subjects were assigned to 1 of2 groups based on intellec- PPVT -2 standard score
tual competency: those with an estimated IQ of70 and above
(87.6%) versus those with an estimated IQ of 69 and below
White 93.2 172
(12.4%). The 2 groups were significantly different from each
other in the prevalence of RD-MDs (X2 = 9.8, df = 1, P < Hispanic 80.6 56

0.002); 2.1% of the more intellectually competent group had African American 83.7 134 2350 22.3 <0.01
RD-MDs, compared with 10.6% of the other group. Such a Age
difference did not exist with respect to mild MOs.
3-11 years 87.0 282
Behaviour Problems 12-17 years 90.5 80 1350 4.1 < 0.05
Subjects were compared on their behavioural and motor AIMS total score
dyscontrol employing an Achenbach CBC total behaviour-
problems score. The subjects were divided into 2 groups de-
3-11 years 1.1 291
termined by Achenbach's borderline clinical cutpoint (per-
centile ::::: 82, T-score ::::: 60) for the CBC total behavioural- 12-17 years 0.5 82 1361 92 <0.01

problems score (35). Subjects with a total behavioural- Achenbach CBC total
:problems score < 60 (group 1) had a lower total mean AIMS score

score (0.8 ± 1.4) than did those with a total CBC total score Gender
60 (group 2) (AIMS score 1.3 ± 2.3) (t = 2.98; P = 0.003). Male 0.44 141
Similarly, 8% of group 1 subjects (n = 14) and 16% of the Female 0.55 1318
189 4.0 <0.05
.group 2 subjects met criteria for mild MDs (X2 = 4.67, df = 1,
P < 0.04), while 3% of group 1 (n = 5) and 5% of group 2 AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale; CBC = Child Behavior Checklist;
PPVT-2 = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-2.
(n = 9) subjects met criteria for RD-MOs (X2 = 1.19, df= 1,
P < 0.3).
United States (US) aged 6-12 years old had a 12% prevalence
Interactions Among Predictors oftics (42). An epidemiologic study of7970 British 6- and 7-
To study the interaction effects, a 3-way ANOVA was year-old children found a 4% prevalence of tics (43). Al-
used, with gender, age, and ethnicity as grouping factors (Ta- though these studies did not use a rating scale such as the
ble 3). For this purpose, MD was defined as mild MO. Be- AIMS, calibrate severity to videotaped ratings, or assess in-
cause of the small sample sizes, only 3 levels for ethnicity terraterreliability, the 4% RD-MD and 12% mild-MO preva-
(white, Hispanic, African American) were used. There was lence rates found in the current study are compatible with the
no significant 3-way or 2-way interaction. Significant main British and US reports. The exact defmitions of tics and
effects were those of ethnicity and age for the PPVT-2 stan- dyskinesias likely varied across these investigations. As de-
dard score, age for the AIMS total score, and gender for the fmed by the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on
Achenbach CBC total score (using 60 as a cutpoint). TO, the term "dyskinesia" includes choreoathetosis, stereo-
To study the contributions of gender, ethnicity, PPVT-2 typies, and tics (1). To avoid confusion, MO was used as the
standard score, dental problems, and overall health on the outcome in this study and included different types of abnor-
prevalence of mild MDs, a logistic regression model was de- mal involuntary movements but not tremor and myoclonus.
veloped. This model did not significantly explain the vari-
The accuracy of research on drug-related dyskinesias is
ance in MO prevalence (X2 = 10.51, n = 371, df= 7, P=0.16).
predicated on measuring the baseline rate of nonpharma-
Themodel became significant, however, when age was added
cologie dyskinesias. This is particularly true in populations
to the equation (X 2= 15.85, n = 371, df= 8, P<0.05). This sig-
with psychosis, autism, and mental retardation, who tend to
nificance was mainly because of 1 level ofethnicity (white, P
have higher prevalence of MOs prior to psychotropic-drug
< 0.01) and the age factor (P < 0.03).
exposure. Further studies of dyskinesia using diagnosis-
Discussion matched, drug-naive control groups are needed in these spe-
cial populations.
The current study complements a handful of older investi-
gations that determined the prevalence of MOs in very large Our study has several limitations related to the assessment
samples using less stringent methodology. In the earliest such of MD. The instrument used, the AIMS, does not distinguish
study (41), 24% of 1700 French children aged 2-13 years old tics from other types of dyskinesias, including choreoathe-
had tics. A randomly selected group of 482 children in the totic and stereotypic movements. These different types of
372 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Vol44,No4

MDs may have different underlying neuro- or psychopathol-

Clinical Implications
• Of community-dwelling children not receiving psychotropic
drugs, 13%had abnormal movements.
Also, the rating scale may have been restrictive. Although
• Youngerchildren and those with lower IQ and more severe
the AIMS is the most widely used instrument for dyskinetic behaviour problems weremorelikelyto haveabnormal move-
disorders, it is a single-syndrome scale. A scale that measured ments.
both parkinsonisn and dyskinesia, such as the Extrapyramidal • Movement disorders should be assessed in children before
psychotropic drugs with motor side effects (such as antipsy-
Symptom Rating Scale (44), might have given a more com- choticsand stimulants) are prescribed.
prehensive assessment. Further, for every rater, we required
> 50% (rather than > 90%) concordance with "gold-standard" Limitations
ratings. Also, the interrater reliability (ICC = 0.69) was estab- • The Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) is a
single-syndrome scale and does not measureparkinsonism.
lished after, not before, the initiation ofthe study. However,
• For every rater, we required> 50% (rather than> 90%) con-
we evaluated a large sample ofcommunity-dwelling subjects cordance with "gold-standard" ratings.
not receiving psychotropic drugs and used standardized in- • Children inthisstudyweremorerepresentative of children re-
struments for assessing MD, intellect, and behaviour prob- ferred for mental health intervention than of all community-
dwelling children.
lems. Though the children in this study group were living in
the community, they may not be representative ofthe popula-
tion at large but may be somewhat more representative of Prospective studies are needed to rule out nonpharmacologic
children who are referred for mental health intervention. We MDs during psychotropic-drug treatment.
do not know if the behavioural difficulties of the population
being studied reflected neurodevelopmental problems, social Our fmding that more severe behaviour problems are arisk
disadvantage, or both. factor for MD further supports the recommendation that psy-
chiatrists specifically examine for baseline MD in children
There are variable fmdings regarding gender differences and adolescents being considered for psychotropic-drug
in the risk for MDs. Tourette syndrome is 3 times more com- treatment. Our study had only 38% of subjects with Achen-
mon in boys than in girls (45). In contrast, the prevalence of bach CBC total behaviour-problems scores elevated 2 stan-
neuroleptic-induced TD is higher in women than in men (46). dard deviations above normal mean, yet 82% of clinical
The present study found no significant gender difference. psychiatric populations are expected to be characterized in
this way. Therefore, higher dyskinesia prevalence than was
A new finding of this study was the association between found in this community sample might be expected in clinical
MD and behavioural problems in children. Mental retarda- populations.
tion also was associated with RD-MD in this study, in a man-
ner independent of behavioural problems. Both intellectual Two cortical functions-that is, intelligence and behav-
deficits and behavioural problems are common in special- ioural dyscontrol-were correlated with MD prevalence in
education settings. California children assessed for special this study. Shared infectious, metabolic, or traumatic insults
education classes had a 28% prevalence of tics, and 12% had to the cortical and subcortical regions could conceivablyun-
a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome (47). Another special- derlie such associations. Younger children were at a higher
education sample (48) identified a 23% prevalence of tics. risk for motor dyscontrol, perhaps based on a developmen-
tally mediated immaturity similar to that found in intellectual
The AIMS previously has been established for use in and behavioural development (51). Maturation, intelligence,
populations at risk for TD. In this study, raters applied the behavioural regulation, and motor regulation covaried inthis
AIMS to a neuroleptic-naive community sample, with inter- study, prompting the search for a common substrate.
raterreliability (ICC = 0.69) determined during the study. Us-
ing the AIMS in this manner allows physicians to document
MDs before they prescribe psychotropic drugs. The process This work was supported, in part, by National Institute ofMental
Health grants MH49671, MH43693, and MH45131 and by the De-
is potentially relevant, since Jeste and others (49) and other
partment of Veterans Affairs.
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Objectif: Determiner la prevalence et la nature des facteurs de risque des mouvements involontaires anormaux
dans un echantillon communautaire bien caracterise d'enfants et d'adolescents novices aux neuroleptiques.
Methode: On a administre I 'echelle des mouvements involontaires anormaux (AIMS) a390 sujets de 3 a17 ans
qui etaient enfoyer nourricier. On a utilise d'autres instruments pour evaluer les problemes d'intellect et de com-
Resultats : Un total de 12,6 % des sujets avaient au moins un resultat de mouvements « legers » a I 'AIMS, dont
4,1 % avaient au moins deux resultats de gravite « legere» ou « moderee ». Lesfacteurs de risque significatifs du
trouble du mouvement etaient Ie bas age, un QI irferieur et des problemes de comportement prononces. Les mou-
vements anormaux etaient habituellement bucco-faciaux, et les sujets affectes en etaient generalement inconsci-
Conclusion: Laprevalence de base des mouvements involontaires anormaux doit eire prise en consideration chez
les enfants et les adolescents qu 'on evalueen vue d'un traitement pharmacologique, afin de determiner Ie taux ve-
ritable des effets secondaires sur Ie systeme moteur.

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