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Name: PIO N.


Constructive Response. Directions: Answer the question substantially. Write your answers on
the space provided below.(8 points each) Please DO NOT COPY PASTE your answer from
internet websites. Analyze your sources and don’t forget to cite your references. More
references to justify your answer is recommended.

2pts. 1pt.
Content/ Knowledge The information presented is The information presented is
adequate and relevant. weak and/or not necessarily
Usage of Words Most sentences are well- The author makes numerous
constructed. The author makes errors in grammar, mechanics,
a few errors in grammar, and/or spelling that interfere with
mechanics, and/or spelling, but understanding.
they do not interfere with
Cite of Sources References are adequate to There are only minimal sources
explain the concept. to explain the concept.
Timeliness The quiz was submitted on or The quiz was not submitted on
before the scheduled time time.

A. How did Galileo describe the motions of an object?

● Aside from the numerous inventions of Galileo, he also laid down the first accurate laws
of motion for masses. Galileo measured that all bodies accelerate at the same rate
regardless of their size or mass. The motion of objects he explained that the concept of
motion dwvelopi in terms of velocity (speed and direction) through the use of inclined
plane. He developed also the idea of force as a mass of an object made no difference to
the speed at which it fell.

How did it differ from that of Aristotle?

● Aristotle says that the heavier things are the quicker they will fall compare to Galileo.
Aristotle only ever considered the speed at which objects fall once they had reached
final velocity. The moving force was the measurable weight, and the final velocity
depended on the size and shapes of the object and the medium through which it fell. It is
unclear whether Aristotle understood that there is a transition phase, though this could
easily have been demonstrated to him by dropping a stone into water from different
heights and observing the flash. Aristotle certainly did not state that the falling speed an
object was proportional to its weight, as the concept of proportionality did not exist in this

B. How is Astronomy interrelated with Astrology?

● Astronomy and Astrology almost seen synonymous to the average person. The fact that
there numerous similarities between these fields of study is indispactable but there are
also many differences that set them very much apart.
● Both Astronomy and Astrology have been studied by ancient cultures and our night sky
is the source material for both of them. How ever, its important to distinguish between
the two, especially if you're interested in studying one or the other somewhere down the
● Astronomy is a "universal" study of the entire universe, encompassing all realms both
known and unknown to man.
● Astrology dabbles in the studies of position, transition, and motions of various celestial
objects, but the most important aspects of this branch is how these links affect us the
humans on the Earth.
● Astronomy studies the celestial relationship between celestial bodies while astrology
studies how the same principles affect our lives.
● Through realistically, there are some similarities between the two that often lead people
to confuse them with one other. This largely to do with zodiac signs and the way that
Zodiac sign are used in both (Gemini is both a constey in astroy and a Zodiac sign in
● Astronomy is basically, a field of scientific study that is interested in all celestial objects
outside of our planets atmosphere. Obviously, this includes all the planet scattered
throughout the universe; stars that are visible or invisible, all galaxies, nebulas, satellites
and such.
● So far we've come to an understanding that Astronomy is different from Astrology even
though they're closely linked together. Both of them belong to scientific realms of study
that employ accurate mathematical calculy and empirical techniques to collect, refine
and analyze gathered data for different purposes.


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