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Charity Mhay T.

Carillo COC-FA-GEC2-01

A Narrative on Effects of Exercises on Individuals with Hypertension

A number of health issues occur to those person who are inactive in physical
activity. Hypertension is commonly known as high blood pressure where it is defined as a
resting systolic blood pressure and is consistently 140/90 mm Hg or higher. It can lead to
severe health complications and increase the risk of heart disease, and stroke. Majority of
the individuals who are diagnosed with hypertension are adult or elderly, their body’s
network of blood vessel, known as the vascular system, changes as they got older.
Hypertension cannot be cured. However, medication can lower excessively high blood
pressure. Making changes to a healthier lifestyle can sometimes help to regulate minor
cases of high blood pressure.

Lifestyle adjustment are highly recommended to treat hypertension. Regular

physical exercise will help to minimize the risks of cardiovascular diseases such as heart
attack, heart failure, and aneurysm. Person with hypertension shall engage in at least 150
minutes of moderate intensity, aerobic exercises every week, or 75 minutes of high-
intensity exercise. They should engage to physical activities such as, walking, jogging,
cycling, and swimming every 5 times a week to benefit in strength training. A vigorous
exercise program maybe appropriate in selected hypertensive patients, the risks of
cardiovascular complications and orthopedic injuries is higher and adherence is lower
with higher intensity exercise programs. Any activity that uses large muscle groups can
be maintained continuously, and is rhythmical and aerobic in nature is recommended to
those hypertensive patients.

Resistance training or exercises serves as an addition to an a aerobic-based

exercise program. Therefore, cardiovascular adaptations are brought on by regular
exercise using broad muscle groups and increase exercise capacity. Strength of the
skeletal muscles and endurance. Regular exercise also lessens symptoms in patients with
established cardiovascular disorders and prevents the progression of coronary artery

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