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Current Psychology

The dark and light of human nature: Spanish adaptation of the light
triad scale and its relationship with psychological well-being
Maria Stavraki1  · Edgar Artacho-Mata2 · Miriam Bajo1  · Darío Díaz1

Accepted: 31 August 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Against the negative conception of human nature employed by the Dark Triad, another instrument was recently developed
to evaluate positive traits, the Light Triad Scale. Our first objective was to apply the same approach of bifactorial models
of mental health, which argue that the absence of psychopathology does not necessarily indicate the presence of positive
health, to the evaluation of personality. In this sense, we expected that the Light Triad and the Dark Triad are two distinct
but interrelated domains of personality, and not just two opposite poles of the same spectrum. Moreover, we examined
the relationship of both the Light Triad Scale and the Dark Triad Scale with well-being. To do it, we first adapted this
instrument to Spanish and studied its factorial validity, factor invariance for age and gender, and reliability. A total of
1158 participants from Spain completed the Light Triad Scale, the Short Dark Triad Scale and Psychological Well-Being
Scales. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the Spanish adaptation of the Light Triad Scale showed an adequate
fit to the data and scalar invariance across gender and age. Parallel analysis and exploratory factor analysis confirmed
the bifactorial model of positive-negative personality traits. Finally, the results showed a positive relation between Light
Triad and well-being. The Spanish adaptation of the Light Triad is a useful instrument to assess positive personality traits,
independently of the negative personality characteristics assessed by the Dark Triad. In closing, the Light Triad seems to
be a core component of positive psychological functioning.

Keywords  Light Triad · Dark Triad · Well-being · Measurement

Introduction level (Paulhus & Williams, 2002). However, the number of

dimensions of this construct has been questioned. For exam-
Human nature is composed by both a dark and a light side ple, some researchers argue that the Dark Triad is composed
(Zimbardo, 2018). Traditionally, most research adopted a of two factors (Dark Dyad): Psychopathy and Machiavel-
negative conception of human nature focusing on the study lianism load in one factor and Narcissism in the other (e.g.,
of the “dark traits” and its relation to ethically, morally, and Rogoza & Cieciuch, 2020). Another proposal considers a
socially aversive beliefs and behaviors (see Moshagen et al., Dark Tetrad, adding everyday Sadism to the original Dark
2018). One of the most widely used constructs is the Dark Triad dimensions (Paulhus, 2014).
Triad that comprises of Machiavellianism (i.e., a personality Despite controversy about Dark Triad structure, many
characterized by interpersonal manipulation), Narcissism researchers have examined the consequences of these traits
(i.e., a feeling of greatness about oneself) and Psychopa- on aversive psychosocial outcomes, such as aggression and
thy (i.e., interpersonal manipulation traits, affective deficits, violence (e.g., Knight et al., 2018), empathy (e.g., Schim-
and an antisocial and parasitic lifestyle) in a subclinical menti et al., 2019), infidelity in intimate relations (e.g.,
Unrau & Morry 2017), high-approach low-avoidance tem-
perament (Wlodarska, et al., 2021), or antisocial online
Maria Stavraki behavior (March & Marrington, 2021). In the field of posi- tive psychology, previous research indicates that Narcissism
is positively related to eudaimonic and hedonic well-being,
Psychology Department, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Psychopathy is negatively related to both constructs of well-
Ciudad Real, Spain
being, and Machiavellianism is unrelated to well-being
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain

Current Psychology

(Aghababaei & Błachnio, 2015). Moreover, positive mood, As a complementary objective we pretend to adapt the
a core component of hedonic well-being, is negatively instrument proposed by Kaufman and colleagues (2019)
related to Machiavellianism and Psychopathy, and unrelated to Spanish population. We intend to maintain the original
to Narcissism (Egan et al., 2014). items as close as possible to the original scale and examine
Although it is necessary to continue studying the rela- factorial validity and reliability. Finally, we aim to examine,
tionship between Dark Triad and well-being, it is also essen- for the first time, the scale factorial invariance across age
tial to go further and measure positive traits, strengths, and and gender.
virtues since positive characteristics are important for opti-
mal psychological functioning (Sheldon & King, 2001). As
a consequence of the interest in seeking the positive side of Method
human nature, a new construct emerged, named the Light
Triad, which has been proposed to measure human positive Participants
traits related to a loving and beneficent orientation toward
others (Kaufman et al., 2019). Interestingly, previous empir- In this study, 1190 people from the Spanish general popu-
ical evidence showed that the Light Triad is a unique con- lation participated voluntarily and without any compensa-
struct, distinct to other personality dimensions, such as the tion. Thirty-two participants did not answer to all scales and
Big Five and the Honesty-Humility tendency (Kaufman et were excluded from the study. Thus, the final sample was
al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020). The Light Triad is composed composed by 1158, 919 female (79.3%), 220 male (19%)
by three distinct dimensions: Faith in Humanity, Humanism and 20 (1.7%) not identified with one of the two genders,
and Kantianism. The first factor, Faith in Humanity, refers aged between 18 and 81 years (M = 25.62, SD = 8.03). Spe-
to a way of thinking and acting that is based on the belief cifically, the age distribution was as follows: 759 partici-
that there is innate goodness in all human beings. Human- pants were between 18 and 24 years old (65.54%), 282 were
ism refers to valuing the dignity and worth of each person, between 25 and 34 years old (24.35%), 57 were between 35
and Kantianism to treating people without seeking an end and 44 (4.93%), 44 were aged between 45 and 54 years old
or utility. Interestingly, the Light Triad is related to several (3,80%), and 16 were older than 55 years old (1,38%).
positive functioning outcomes, such as prosocial (March &
Marrington, 2021) and helping behavior (Ruel et al., 2022), Instruments
increased kindness (Gerymski & Krok, 2019), selfishness
and compassion (Kaufman et al., 2019). Light Triad. To measure positive personality traits, we trans-
Due to the importance of the Light Triad in positive lated in Spanish the Light Triad Scale (LTS; Kaufman et
psychology, our first objective was to examine the relation al., 2019). To adapt the items, we followed the international
between the Light Triad and the Dark Triad, using the same instructions for translating and adapting tests (International
approach of bifactorial models of mental health (e.g., the Test Commission, 2017; Muñiz & Fonseca-Pedrero, 2019).
Complete State Model of Health; Keyes, 2005). That is, we Two bilingual experts in positive psychology translated the
hypothesized (H1) that the Light Triad and the Dark Triad items of the original scale (Kaufman et al., 2019). Later,
are two distinct, but interrelated domains of human nature. another bilingual psychologist translated back the Spanish
Put differently, the absence of Dark Triad characteristics version of the scale and compared it to the original. The
does not necessarily imply the presence of Light Triad ones. differences found were resolved through discussion, arriv-
Second, to the best of our knowledge, there is no previ- ing to the final version of the scale through consensus. The
ous research concerning the relation of the Light Triad with instrument consists of 12 self-report items, that participants
well-being. For this reason, we aimed to examine the rela- had to answer on a 6 points Likert-scale, ranging from 1
tionship of the Light Triad with well-being. We expected that (Completely disagree) to 6 (Completely agree). For exam-
the Light Triad would be positively correlated to well-being ple, one of the items to measure Humanism was “I tend to
(H2). Specifically, we expect moderate correlations indicat- applaud the successes of other people”, to evaluate Faith
ing that there is no overlap between the two constructs. in Humanity was “I tend to see the best in people” and to
Finally, our third objective was to examine the relation- measure Kantianism was “I prefer to be authentic even if it
ship of the Dark Triad with well-being. Following previous may damage my reputation”.
results, we expected a positive relationship between Nar- Dark Triad. To measure negative personality traits, we
cissism and well-being (H3a) and a negative relationship used the Spanish version of the Short Dark Triad Scale (SD3;
between Psychopathy, Machiavelianism and well-being Jones & Paulhus, 2014; adapted to Spanish by Pineda et al.,
(H3b) (e.g., Aghababaei & Błachnio, 2015; Egan et al., 2020). The measure consists of 27 self-report items that
2014). measure Machiavellianism, Psychopathy and Narcissism.

Current Psychology

Participants answered the items on 5-point scales, anchored Light Triad Scale, the Short Dark Triad Scale, and the Psy-
at 1 (Completely disagree) to 5 (Completely agree). For chological Well-Being Scales.
example, one of the items to measure Machiavellianism was
“It is not wise to tell your secrets”, to evaluate Psychopathy Data Analysis
was “People often say I am out of control” and to measure
Narcissism was “I know that I am special because everyone To test the factorial validity of the LTS we employed a
keeps telling me so”. In the current study, Cronbach’s α for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with a robust maxi-
the SD3 score was 0.79, for Machiavellianism was 0.72, for mum likelihood estimation using MPLUS 8.5. The standard
Psychopathy was 0.64 and for Narcissism was 0.65 (moder- goodness-of fit indices used for testing the acceptability of
ate correlations for these subscales were also found in previ- the model were: χ2, Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), compara-
ous research, see for example Kaufman et al., 2019; Pineda tive fit index (CFI), standardized root mean square residual
et al., 2020; item-total correlations for subscales: Machia- (SRMR) and the root mean-square error of approximation
vellianism > 0.24, Psychopathy > 0.20, Narcissism > 0.25). (RMSEA). As a general rule, it can be said that TLI and CFI
Psychological Well-being Scales. To measure Psycho- values greater than 0.95, and values of the SRMR less than
logical Well-Being (Ryff, 1989) we used the Psychologi- 0.08, and values of RMSEA less than 0.06 indicate good
cal Well-being Scales (PWBS; adapted in Spanish by Díaz model fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999). The measurement invari-
et al., 2006). This instrument consists of 29 self-reported ance by gender and age was tested through multi-group CFA
items that measure the 6 dimensions proposed by Ryff estimation. First, configural invariance was tested where the
(1989): Self-acceptance (e.g., “In general, I feel confident factorial structure is constrained to be the same for both
and positive about myself”), Positive Relations with Others groups (male-female; younger or equal to 25 – older than
(e.g., “I know that I can trust my friends, and they know 25). Then, we checked metric invariance (the magnitude
that they can trust me”), Autonomy (e.g., “I am not afraid of all factor loadings was constrained to be the same for
to voice my opinions, even when they are in opposition to both gender and age groups). Finally, the scalar invari-
the opinions of most people”), Environmental Mastery (e.g., ance was tested constraining the intercepts of items to be
“In general, I feel I am in charge of the situation in which I the same across gender and age groups. Once the factorial
live”), Purpose in Life (e.g., “I enjoy making plans for the validity has been analyzed, we tested internal consistency
future and working to make them a reality”) and Personal through Cronbach’s α and corrected total-item correlations.
Growth (e.g., “For me, life has been a continuous process of Pearson correlations were used to examine the relation-
learning, changing, and growth”). Participants answered a 6 ships between the LTS, the SD3 and PWBS. Since no prior
points Likert-scale, ranging from 1 (Completely disagree) to published studies have examined the bifactorial model of
6 (Completely agree). In the present study, Cronbach’s α for light-dark personality, we employed an exploratory factor
PWBS was 0.92, for Self-acceptance was 0.88, for Positive analysis (Gerbing & Hamilton, 1996) using Factor program
Relations with Others was 0.79, for Autonomy was 0.76, for 10.10.03 edition. Suitability of the matrix for conducting the
Environmental Mastery was 0.71, for Purpose in Life was EFA was tested using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test
0.86, and for Personal Growth was. 71. and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. According to our objective,
one of the most critical methodological decisions regard-
Procedure ing EFA is the number of factors to retain. Following vari-
ous authors’ recommendations (e.g., Hayton et al., 2004) to
The study was conducted from February 2nd, 2020 until estimate the number of factors to maintain we conducted a
May 31st, 2020, as a part of a research project funded by the classical parallel analysis. We employed robust unweighted
Spanish Ministry of Science and was approved by the ethics least squares as factor extraction method.
committee of the “Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha”
(UCLM) and the HGUCR (“Comité Ético de Investigación
Clínica HGUCR-UCLM”, No. 01/2020/C-305). It was pre- Results
sented as a research project on personality traits, beliefs,
and attitudes. Participants from Spanish general population Dimensionality and factor structure
were invited to take part at the study through social media
and were informed that collected data would be voluntary Table1 presents Means, Standard Deviations, Skewness and
and anonymous. No payments were made for participation. Kurtosis of all LTS items. The data for Skewness ranged
An online study format was used to collect data. Partici- from − 2.00 to − 0.14, and Kurtosis ranged from − 1.11 to
pants answered a questionnaire containing, in this order, the 5.26. According to Finney and DiStefano (2013) criteria
(maximums of 2 for Skewness and 7 for Kurtosis), the LTS

Current Psychology

Table 1  Means, Standard Deviations (SD), Skewness and Kurtosis for items follow a normal distribution. Mardia’s multivari-
LTS items. [In italic the translation in English.]
ate skewness and kurtosis coefficients of these items were
Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis
25.46 and 219.54, indicating a non-normal multivariate
Faith in Humanity 3.97 0.98 − 0.80 0.11
Tiendo a ver lo mejor a los distribution. For this reason, to test the factorial validity
demás of the LTS, we conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis
[I tend to see the best in with a robust maximum likelihood estimation. Precisely, we
people] tested the original three-factor structure (Faith in Human-
Tiendo a confiar en que los 3.79 1.14 -69 − 0.44 ity, Humanism, and Kantianism; 12 items, 4 per dimension)
demás serán justos conmigo
proposed by Kauffman et al. (2019), and the two-factor
[I tend to trust that other
people will see the best in structure (Light Diad: Faith in Humanity and Humanism;
me] 8 items, 4 per dimension) presented by Gerymski and Krok
Creo que la gente es buena 3.50 1.05 − 0.30 − 0.45 (2019). As shown in Table 2, both solutions had a relatively
[I think that people are good fit, with values of TLI and CFI ≥ 0.94 and values of
mostly good] SRMR < 0.08 and RMSEA < 0.06, although the two-factor
Perdono rápido a quienes 3.14 1.30 − 0.14 -1.11
model fit better the data (χ2 diff = 137.92, df diff = 32, p < .01).
me han herido
[I’m quick to forgive people
who have hurt me]
Humanism 4.53 0.77 -1.94 4.14 Measurement invariance
Disfruto escuchando a
personas de toda condición
The next step was tested invariance across gender (Male
[I enjoy listening to people
vs. Female) through multi-group CFA estimation. Both the
from all walks in life] three-factor and two-factor configural models, which do
Tiendo a celebrar el éxito 4.45 0.76 -1.53 2.68 not constrain any parameters, showed a relatively good fit
de los demás to data (Table 2). The metric invariance for both models,
[I tend to applaud the suc- where factor loads are constrained to be equal, also showed
cess of other people]
an adequate fit to data. Fit comparison between both config-
Tiendo a valorar a las 4.65 0.61 -1.99 4.75
ural and metric models indicated metric invariance (three-
[I tend to treat others as factor model χ2 diff = 15.57, df diff = 9, p = .08, △TLI ≤ 0.01,
valuable] △CFI ≤ 0.01, △SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤ 0.1; two-fac-
Suelo admirar a los demás 4.07 0.95 − 0.94 0.52 tor model χ2 diff = 8.03, df diff = 6, p = .24, △TLI ≤ 0.01,
[I tend to admire others] △CFI ≤ 0.01, △SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤ 0.1) (Chen,
Kantianism 4.33 1.01 -1.62 2.01 2007). Once full metric invariance is supported, the next step
No me siento cómodo is to test for scalar invariance. Scalar invariance is tested by
manipulando a los demás
para que hagan lo que constraining loadings and item intercepts to be equivalent
quiero in the two groups. These models also showed an adequate
[I don’t feel comfortable fit to data. Also, fit comparison between metric and scalar
overtly manipulating people models supported scalar invariance (three-factor models χ2
to do something I want]
diff = 16.53, df diff = 9, p = .06, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01,
Prefiero la honestidad al 4.70 0.60 -2.00 5.26
encanto superficial △SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤  0.1; two-factor models χ2
[I prefer honesty over diff = 11.92, df diff = 6, p = .06, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01,
charm] △SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤ 0.1).
Prefiero ser auténtico, 4.00 0.93 − 0.77 0.21 To test invariance across age (< 25 years old vs. >25 years
aunque pueda dañar mi old) we conducted another multi-group CFA estimation. The
configural and metric models showed an acceptable fit to data
[I would like to be authentic
even if it may damage my (Table  2). Also, comparison between both configural and
reputation] metric models indicated no relevant fit indices differences,
Cuando hablo con los 4.05 1.07 -1.05 0.37 although in this case the change in χ2 was significant for the
demás rara vez pienso en lo two-factor models (three-factor models χ2 diff = 13.70, df
que quiero de ellos
diff = 9, p = .13, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01, △SRMR ≤ 0.1;
[When I talk to people, I am
rarely thinking about what I
△RMSEA ≤  0.1; two-factor models χ2 diff = 14.17, df
want from them] diff = 6, p = .03, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01, △SRMR ≤ 0.1;
△RMSEA ≤ 0.1). However, focusing on TLI, CFI, SRMR

Current Psychology

Table 2  Goodness of Fit Indexes and Invariance across Gender Age of the Three and the Two-Factor Solutions
Models χ2 df p TLI CFI SRMR RMSEA
Three-Factor Model 227.25 51 0.00 0.94 0.94 0.04 0.05
Configural invariance 303.50 102 0.00 0.92 0.92 0.06 0.04
Metric invariance 319.07 111 0.00 0.92 0.92 0.07 0.04
Scalar invariance 335.60 120 0.00 0.92 0.92 0.07 0.04
Configural invariance 291.43 102 0.00 0.93 0.93 0.05 0.04
Metric invariance 305.13 111 0.00 0.93 0.93 0.05 0.04
Scalar invariance 314.11 120 0.00 0.93 0.93 0.05 0.04
Two-Factor Model 89.33 19 0.00 0.97 0.97 0.04 0.05
Configural invariance 120.00 38 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04
Metric invariance 128.03 44 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04
Scalar invariance 139.95 50 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04
Configural invariance 109.17 38 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04
Metric invariance 123.34 44 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04
Scalar invariance 127.84 50 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.05 0.04

and RMSEA differences (vs. χ2 difference) is a better crite- the real dataset (i.e., 2.56, 1.13) exceeded mean random
rion of comparison between models (Chen, 2007; Cheung & values (i.e., 1.10, 1.05). In the first analysis, six variables
Rensvold, 2002; French & Finch, 2006; Meade et al., 2008). were introduced into the EFA, the three LTS subscales and
Finally, the scalar invariance model showed an acceptable the three SD3 subscales. The N:p ratio was 193, higher than
fit to data. Fit comparison between metric and scalar mod- those generally recommended in the literature to yield fac-
els supported scalar invariance (three-factor models χ2 tors’ good recovery (e.g., Gorsuch, 1983). The KMO test
diff = 13.70, df diff = 9, p = .13, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01, gave a result of 0.75 and Bartlett’s sphericity test was sig-
△SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤  0.1; two-factor models χ2 nificant (χ2 = 1326.03, p < .000), indicating that EFA was
diff = 14.17, df diff = 6, p = .03, △TLI ≤ 0.01, △CFI ≤ 0.01, adequate for this sample. All subscales shown a Skewness
△SRMR ≤ 0.1; △RMSEA ≤ 0.1). ranged from − 1.28 to 1.08, and Kurtosis ranged from 0.06
to 2.00. Mardia’s multivariate skewness and kurtosis coef-
ficients of these six subscales were 4.56 and 58.20. For this
Reliability reason, we employed robust unweighted least squares as
factor extraction method. As shown in Table 4, all items of
Internal consistency analysis revealed an adequate value the Dark Triad essentially loaded on the first factor, explain-
for the global LTS (α = 0.77 for both models). Specifically, ing 42% of variance. All Light Triad items loaded on the
The Faith in Humanity and Humanism showed a good second factor, explaining 19% of the variance, however
internal consistency (α = 0.72; α = 0.69, respectively). How- Kantianism loaded on both factors, and mainly in the first
ever, similarly to Gerymski and Krok (2019) and Lukić and one. These results support the existence of two different uni-
Živanović (2021) results, the Kantianism scale had a lower polar dimensions: negative personality characteristics (Dark
reliability (α = 0.50). Also, the items showed low to medium Triad; factor 1) and positive personality characteristics
item – total correlation, ranging from 0.27 to 0.53. (Light Triad; factor 2). Correlation between the two factors
was − 0.41, which is a first indicator of the strong existing
relationship between positive and negative traits.
Light Triad vs. Dark Triad: testing the two- In the second analysis only five variables were intro-
dimensional model of positive-negative duced into the EFA, the two LTS subscales and the three
traits SD3 subscales. PA indicated that only the first and second
eigenvalues of the real dataset (i.e., 2.15, 1.13) exceeded
Table 3 presents Means, Standard Deviations and Pearson mean random values (i.e., 1.08, 1.04). Mardia’s multivariate
correlation coefficients among all scales. In order to test the skewness and kurtosis coefficients of these five subscales
two-dimensional model of positive-negative traits we first were 3.55 and 42.16. We also employed robust unweighted
conducted a PA. Only the first and second eigenvalues of least squares as factor extraction method. As shown in

Current Psychology

Table 3  Means, Standard Deviations, and Pearson’s correlations of all scales

Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Light Triad 3-factors 4.10 0.51 0.94** 0.82** 0.79** 0.69** − 0.41** − 0.41** − 0.40** − 0.11**
2. Light Triad 2-factors 4.01 0.60 0.91** 0.79** 0.40** − 0.32** − 0.33** − 0.34** − 0.04
3. Faith in Humanity 3.60 0.82 0.47** 0.28 ** − 0.27 ** − 0.28** − 0.29** − 0.03
4. Humanism 4.43 0.57 0.44** − 0.28** − 0.29** − 0.30** − 0.05
5. Kantianism 4.27 0.58 − 0.42** − 0.41** − 0.35** − 0.19**
6. Dark Triad 2.23 0.44 0.80** 0.76** 0.69**
7. Machiavellianism 2.61 0.64 0.49** 0.28**
8. Psychopathy 1.77 0.53 0.28**
9. Narcissism 2.34 0.59
10. Psychological Well-being 4.23 0.77 0.31** 0.30** 0.25** 0.27** 0.20** 0.00 − 0.18** − 0.17** 0.35**
11. Self-acceptance 4.26 1.15 0.26** 0.27** 0.26** 0.20** 0.12** 0.05 − 0.10** − 0.16** 0.35**
12. Positive relationships 4.48 1.09 0.35** 0.35** 0.29** 0.32** 0.20** -,11** − 0.23** − 0.18** 0.18**
13. Autonomy 3.83 0.98 0.04 − 0.03 − 0.06* 0.03 0.15** 0.05 − 0.13** 0.02 0.24**
14. Environmental mastery 3.88 0.96 0.26** 0.27** 0.25** 0.21** 0.13** − 0.00 − 0.12** − 0.18** 0.28**
15. Personal growth 5.02 0.91 0.27** 0.25** 0.19** 0.24** 0.20** − 0.03 − 0.15** − 0.14** 0.22**
16. Purpose in life 4.15 1.12 0.26** 0.26** 0.23** 0.22** 0.13** 0.03 − 0.08** − 0.16** 0.30**
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

Table 4  Exploratory factor analysis of Three-Factor/Two-Factor Light related to LTS subscales with the strongest correlation
Triad Scale and Dark Triad Scale
appearing between Machiavellianism and Kantianism.
Three-Factor Two-Factor
Finally, Narcissism was only significantly related to Kan-
1 2 1 2
Faith in Humanity 0.51 0.69
tianism, while correlations with the other LTS subscales
Humanism 0.92 0.69 were not significant.
Kantianism − 0.54 0.47 * *
Maquiavellianism 0.73 0.69
Narcissism 0.40 0.42 Light Triad - Dark Triad relationships with
Psychopathy 0.67 0.70 Psychological Well-Being
% Variance 42 19 43 23
Note. Presented is the structure matrix. Table3 also shows correlations of LTS - SD3 with PSBW.
Tables presents only loadings factors higher than 0.40.
First, LTS positively correlated with PSBW, while the rela-
*Kantianism not included in the Two-Factor Scale
tionship between SD3 and PSBW was not significant.
All LTS subscales correlated with PSBW subscales,
Table  4, all items of the Dark Triad essentially loaded on except for Humanism that was not related to Autonomy.
the first factor, explaining 43% of variance. All Light Triad However, the relation between Faith in Humanity and
items loaded on the second factor, explaining 23% of the Autonomy, though significant, was negative. This is prob-
variance. Again, the results support the existence of two ably due to the component of individualism that is included
different unipolar dimensions: negative personality char- in Autonomy. The strongest relationship appeared between
acteristics (Dark Triad; factor 1) and positive personality Humanism and Positive relations with others, indicating the
characteristics (Light Triad; factor 2). Correlation between interpersonal character of Humanism.
the two factors was − 0.32, which once more supports the Concerning SD3 subscales, Machiavellianism and Psy-
existing relationship between positive and negative traits as chopathy were negatively related to all PBSW subscales,
two independent but related dimensions. apart from Psychopathy that was not related to Autonomy.
Within the LTS, Faith in Humanity and Humanism The strongest relation appeared between Machiavellianism
presented the strongest correlation (Table 3). Kantianism and Positive relations with others. In contrast, Narcissism
showed a significant relation with Humanism, and the weak- was positively related to all PSWB subscales, indicating
est one with Faith in Humanity. Within SD3, the strongest that a subclinical level of Narcissism could not disrupt psy-
relation was between Machiavellianism and Psychopathy, chological positive functioning.
while Narcissism showed the weakest relation with both
Machiavellianism and Psychopathy.
Concerning the correlation among the LTS y SD3 sub-
scales, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy were negatively

Current Psychology

Discussion Marrington, 2021). For this reason, some researchers advo-

cate in favor of the Dark Dyad, that includes Machiavellian-
During the last fifteen years, substantial research has ism and Psychopathy, and see Narcissism as a correlated but
explored the negative aspects of personality and their effect independent dimension (Egan et al., 2014).
on ethically, morally, and socially aversive beliefs and The second objective of the current research was to exam-
behaviors (e.g., Moshagen et al., 2018). The construct that ine the relation between the Light and Dark Triad and well-
is more widely used to measure this dark and malevolent being. The results confirmed our hypothesis (H2) showing a
side of human nature is the Dark Triad (Paulhus & Williams, positive relation between Psychological Well-being and the
2002; Pineda et al., 2020). While there is no doubt for the Light Triad (but not with the Dark Triad), a fact that argues
existence of negative traits, humans also have a beneficent in favor of the role of positive personality characteristics on
and positive side (Sheldon & King, 2001). To measure these positive functioning (DeNeve & Cooper, 1998). That is, the
traits, a new instrument was proposed recently called the Light Triad was significantly correlated with all well-being
Light Triad Scale (Kaufman et al., 2019). dimensions apart from Autonomy, that represents people’s
The main goal of the present research was to extend the intentions to be themselves and maintain their opinions
complete state model of health to the evaluation of personal- despite social pressure (Ryff, 1989). Interestingly, Posi-
ity positive-negative traits. In line with the Complete State tive relations with others is the dimension that was more
Model of Health (Keyes, 2005) that proposes the existence strongly related to the Light Triad in general and to Human-
of two different dimensions in mental health evaluation, one ism in particular. These findings can be easily understood
positive (i.e., presence of well-being indicators) and one because, on the one hand, Humanism is defined as seeing
negative (i.e., presence of psychopathological symptoms), the best in others, a fact that, according to the results, posi-
we expected the existence of a bifactorial model of positive tively affects interpersonal relationships. On the other hand,
traits-negative traits of personality (H1). Our results verified when thinking on their autonomy, people are probably cen-
this two-dimensional Light Triad – Dark Triad hypothesis. tered more to the self and don’t consider whether valuing
As expected, PA and EFA indicated that the LTS and the others, seeing the best in them and treat them as ends (and
SD3 loaded on separate but correlated factors. This result is not mere means), a fact that reduces the relation of Auton-
especially relevant because as positive and negative human omy with luminous personality traits. Personal growth was
traits constitute two unipolar dimensions, to comprehen- also highly related to the Light Triad, probably because for
sively evaluate personality we need to assess the presence/ a person to improve oneself overtime and develop one’s true
absence of both positive and negative characteristics. In this potential, they must have positive opinions of human nature
sense, in clinical applications, psychological treatments and and generate optimistic thoughts about others.
interventions should not only be based on reducing dark Concerning our third hypothesis, we expected and found
characteristics (i.e., Psychopathy; see Lewis, 2018), but a positive relation between Narcissism and well-being
also focus on luminous characteristics promotion, using for (H3a). Specifically, the subscales of Self-acceptance and
example moral elevation-based interventions that promote Purpose in life showed the highest correlations with Narcis-
love for our fellow human and inspire us to be better people sism. According to previous research, a subclinical narcis-
(Thomson & Siegel, 2017). sistic personality not always has negative consequences for
Examining with more detail the relation between LTS the person (e.g., March & Marrington, 2021) and can be
and SD3, one interesting finding is that Kantianism showed useful for living a good, autonomous, and full functioning
higher load in the Dark Triad than in the Light Triad factor. life (Aghababaei & Blanchnio, 2015). As a possible expla-
Also, Kantianism is the Light Triad subscale that presented nation, Narcissism not only has negative forms of expres-
the highest correlation with SD3, though, as expected, this sion, but it also has a positive part: the confidence associated
relation was negative. Precisely, it presented a strong cor- with self-pride may be linked to a positive self-concept,
relation with Machiavellianism. This finding could indicate clear priorities, and purposeful goals about life. In the same
that Kantianism could be an opposite pole to Machiavel- way that Narcissism can have positive consequences about
lianism (i.e., treating people as ends unto themselves vs. the self, its consequences for others tend to be less negative
manipulation of others). than the consequences of Psychopathy-Machiavellianism,
Further examining the distinct dimensions of the Dark also known as manipulative-callous dark core (see also,
Triad, Narcissism is not related to Faith in Humanity and Egan et al., 2014).
Humanism, and it is only weakly related to Kantianism. Indeed, our findings confirm that Psychopathy and
Previous research indicates that narcissism is the dimen- Machiavellianism have a negative relationship with well-
sion less related to negative interpersonal relationships being (H3b), especially with the subscale Positive relations
and can even have some prosocial aspects (e.g., March & with others. Treating people with callousness or as mere

Current Psychology

means to one’s own ends, which is the case of Psychopathy (in the study by Lukić & Živanović, 2021) and Spanish
and Machiavellianism respectively (Egan et al., 2014), is participants. However, apart from showing a low internal
negative for interpersonal relations and may reduce well- consistency, the Kantianism subscale also presented the
being. From a macro-perspective, the General factor of SD3 lowest inter-correlations with the other two subscales. Since
was not related to Psychological Well-being General factor. these results are similar for the three adaptations (i.e., Span-
However, as mentioned, a closer look of the results shows ish, Polish and Serbian), reliability and validity problems
that the Psychopathy-Machiavellianism was negatively could derive from the original scale proposed by Kaufman
related to the dimension of Positive relations with others, and colleagues (2019). Thus, future research could further
indicating that these negative personality characteristics examine the Kantianism subscale’s reliability and validity
disrupt interpersonal relations. That is, humans do not live with American population.
isolated from their environment and social relations are Also, some differences in interpreting Kantianism could
important for positive functioning (Blanco & Díaz, 2005). be found even within cultures, since education and lan-
In other words, although traditionally the Dark Triad has guage proficiency might impact some items understand-
been considered as a vulnerability factor for well-being, ing (Haynes et al., 1995). For example, the item “I prefer
since a warm and close social network can be important honesty over charm” could be understood as I prefer to be
for positive mental health (e.g., Blanco & Díaz, 2005), our treated honestly, or I prefer to behave this way. In sum, the
findings indicate that this only happens for Psychopathy and two-factor solution (Light Dyad) that excludes Kantianism
Machiavellianism (see also Egan et al., 2014). Narcissism, seems more psychometrically appropriate. This structure
however, can even act as a protection factor. fitted significantly better to our data and may resolve the
Importantly, a complementary objective of the present low reliability problem of the Kantianism subscale. Finally,
research was to adapt the Light Triad Scale (Kaufman et al., Cronbach’s Alpha of the 12-items LTS general factor (i.e.,
2019) to Spanish population. Concerning the psychometric Faith in Humanity, Humanism, Kantianism) was very simi-
properties of the LTS, confirmatory factor analyses indicated lar to the 8-items version of the scale (i.e., Faith in Human-
that both structures proposed in the literature (three-factor: ity, Humanism), despite reduced test length (Schmitt, 1996).
Kaufman et al., 2019; two-factor Light Diad: Gerymski & In spite of the findings described above, the present
Krok, 2019) adequately fit the data. Previous research has research has some limitations, such as the fact that our study
confirmed the three-factor structure in Serbian population, was only composed by a convenience sample of Spanish
although some fit indicators are outside standard recom- participants which may limit the generalizability of the
mended values (CFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.90; Lukić & Živanović, results. Future research could include other Spanish speak-
2021). As a novel contribution, we tested scalar invariance ing populations such as participants from Latin America
for gender and age, that, to the best of our knowledge, is countries that might differ in various ways, such as having a
examined for the first time in relation to this scale. Our collectivist focus (Smith et al., 1998).
results confirmed both gender and age scalar invariance. To conclude, our findings indicate that the Spanish ver-
Concerning reliability, Faith in Humanity and Human- sion of the Light Triad Scale showed adequate factorial
ism subscales showed good internal consistency. However, validity, scale invariance across gender and age, and ade-
the internal consistency of the third dimension (i.e., Kan- quate reliability (except for Kantianism subscale), suggest-
tianism) was not adequate. Previous results also showed the ing that it can be a useful instrument for the study of positive
lack of internal consistency in Kantianism subscale (Lukić personality traits. Moreover, the Light Triad Scale and the
& Živanović, 2021). For example, Gerymski and Krok Dark Triad Scale loaded on separate but correlated factors,
(2019) argue that in their research, low reliability may be thus constituting two unipolar dimensions measuring the
due to cultural differences in understanding the items in presence/absence of positive and negative characteristics.
Polish population compared to North American popula- On the one hand, the Light Triad is positively related to Psy-
tion (Kaufman et al., 2019). Precisely, Polish participants chological Well-being, a fact that argues in favor of positive
could interpret the Kantianism items “I prefer honesty over personality traits as a key component of positive function-
charm” and “I would like to be authentic even if it may dam- ing (DeNeve & Cooper, 1998; Schimmack & Kim, 2020).
age my reputation” equivocally, either as treating people as On the other hand, Psychopathy-Machiavellianism disrupt
an end or as being honest and faithful to oneself (Gerymski well-being, except for Narcissism that could even be a pro-
& Krok, 2019). tective factor of positive functioning.
Consequently, differences in interpreting the items, a
common problem in cross-cultural adaptation of question- Author contribution All authors contributed to the study conception
and design. Material preparation and data collection were performed
naires (Epstein et al., 2015) may have affected answers of by Edgar Artacho Mata and Miriam Bajo. Data analyses were per-
Polish (in the study by Gerymski & Krok, 2019), Serbian formed by Maria Stavraki and Darío Díaz. The first draft of the manu-

Current Psychology

script was written by Maria Stavraki and all authors commented on Gerymski, R., & Krok, D. (2019). Psychometric properties and val-
previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the idation of the Polish adaptation of the Light Triad Scale. Cur-
final manuscript. rent Issues in Personality Psychology, 7, 341–354. https://doi.
Funding  This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and In- Haynes, S. N., Richard, D.C.S., & Kubany, E. S. (1995). Content
novation in Spain (grant number: PID2020-116651GB-C32). Validity in Psychological Assessment: A Functional Approach to
Concepts and Methods. Psychological Assessment, 7, 238–247.
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Decisions in Exploratory Factor Analysis: A Tutorial on Parallel
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laration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical
standards. International Test Commission (2017). The ITC guidelines for trans-
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