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1)acquisition(засвоєння)-the process of learning or getting something

3)alacrity(готовність)-If you do sth with alacrity, you do it in a very quick and
willing way.
4)accession(приєднання)-the time when someone starts a position of authority,
especially a king or queen
5)felicity(благополуччя)-happiness, a condition that produces positive results
6)tenderness(ніжність)-the quality of being gentle, loving, or kind
7)to endeavor(намагатись)-to try to do something
8)gratification(задоволення)-pleasure or satisfaction, or sth which provides this
9)to flatter(лестити)-to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or
important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere
10)insertion(вставка)-adding something, especially words to something else
11)suavity(ввічливість)-a man's behaviour that is polite, pleasant, and usually
attractive, but often slightly false
12)perception(сприйняття)-a belief or opinion, often held by many people and
based on how things seem
13)circumstance(обставина)-a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
14)equally(однаково)-fairly and in the same way
15)established(визначений)-accepted or respected because of having existed for
a long period of time
16)doubtful(сумнівно)-If you are doubtful about sth,you are uncertain about it
17)deception(обман)-the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage
18)disposal(утилізація)-the act of getting rid of sth, especially by throwing it
19)to regard(розглядати)-to consider or have an opinion about sth or someone
20)to require(вимагати)-to need something or make something necessary
21) dreadful(жахливий)-causing fear, shock, or suffering
22) engagement(заручини)-an agreement to marry someone
23)blunder(помилка)-a mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking
24) blindness(сліпота)-the condition of being unable to see
25) attachment(кріплення)-an extra piece of equipment that can be added to a
26) reluctant(неохоче)-not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
27) to distinguish(розрізняти)-to notice or understand the difference between
two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
28) concerned(стурбований)-worried
29) desperation(відчай)-the feeling that you have when you are in such a bad
situation that you are willing to take risks in order to change it
30) gratitude(вдячність)-the feeling or quality of being grateful
31) apparent(видимий)-able to be seen or understood
32) compliance(відповідність)-the act of obeying an order, rule, or request
33) perhaps(можливо)-used to show that sth is possible,that you are not certain
34) governance(управління)-the way that organizations or countries
35) obstinacy(впертість)-the quality of being unreasonably determined, despite
what anyone else says
36) madness(божевілля)-stupid or dangerous behaviour
37) resentment(образа)-a feeling of anger because you have been forced to
accept something that you do not like
38) deplore(жалкувати)-to say or think that something is very bad
39) folly(дурість)-the fact of being stupid, or a stupid action, idea, etc.
40) ensure(забезпечити)-to make something certain to happen
41) derived(похідний)-coming from or caused by something else
42) delightful(чудовий)-very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
43) conversation(розмова)- talk between two or more people in which thoughts,
feelings, and ideas are expressed
44) heavens(небеса)-an expression of surprise, anger, annoyance, or emphasis
45) vexed(роздратований)-difficult to deal with and causing a lot of
disagreement and argument
46) embarrassed(збентежений)-feeling ashamed or shy
47)to tremble(тремтіти)-to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control
48) affair(справа)-a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered
49)preserve(консервувати)-to keep sth as it is,іn order to prevent it from
50) kingdom(королівство)-a country ruled by a king or queen
51) jealous(ревнивий)- angry because someone that you love seems interested
in another person
52)to surround(оточувати)-to be everywhere around something
53) hesitation(вагання)-the act of pausing before doing something
54) altered(змінений)-changed; different
55) to whisper(шепотіти)-to speak very quietly
56) blessing(благословення)-a request by a priest for God to take care of a
particular person or a group of people
57) to envy(заздрити)-to wish that you had something that another person has
58) reduction(скорочення)-the act of making sth, or of sth becoming, small in
59) servant(слуга)-a person who is employed in another person's house, doing
jobs such as cooking and cleaning
60) to betray(зраджувати)-to not be loyal to your country or a person
61) witness(свідок)-a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or
an accident
62) inferior(нижчий)- = below
63) notion(поняття)-a belief or idea
64) to struggle(боротись)-to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in
order to do sth
65) delighted(в захваті)-very pleased
66) to assort(сортувати)-When genes assort, they spread among the cells of a
living thing
67) trinket(дрибниця)-a small decorative object
68) amused(веселий)-showing that you think something is funny
69) intended(призначений)-the person that you are going to marry
70) scarcely(ледве)-almost not
71) beyond(поза межами)- further away in the distance (than something)
72) licence(ліцензія)-an official document that gives you permission to own, do,
or use sth
73) devote sth to sth/sb(присвячувати)-to give all of sth, especially your time,
effort, or love, or yourself, to sth you believe in or to a person
74) wildness(дикість)-the quality of being uncontrolled, violent, or extreme
75) compatible(сумісний)-able to exist, live, or work successfully with something
or someone else
76) remonstrance(нарікання)-a complaint to someone or about something
77) animate(живий)-having life
78) immediately(негайно)-now or without waiting or thinking
79) excusable(пробачливий)-deserving to be forgiven
80) compassion(співчуття)-a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the
81) amiable(привітний)-pleasant and friendly
82) discern(розрізняти)-to see, recognize, or understand sth that is not clear
83) evitable(неминучий)-able to be avoided or prevented
84)indignation(обурення)-anger about a situation that you think is wrong or not
85) suffering(страждання)-physical or mental pain that a person or animal is
86) grievance(скарга)-a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated
87) encumbrance(обтяження)-sth that makes it difficult for you to do sth
88) to measure(вимірювати)-to discover the exact size or amount of sth
89) to purchase(купляти)-to buy something
90) anticipation(очікування)-a feeling of excitement about something that is
going to happen in the near future
91) previously(раніше)-before the present time or the time referred to
92)apprehensive(побоюваний)-feeling worried about sth that you are going to
93) observance(дотримання)-the act of obeying a law or following a religious
94) refutation(спростування)-the act of saying or proving that a person, is
wrong or false
95) anxiety(занепокоєння)-an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry
about sth
96) favourably(сприятливо)-in a way that shows someone or sth is liked or
approved of
97) to express(висловити)-to show a feeling, opinion, or fact
98) to acknowledge(підтвердити)-to accept, admit, or recognize sth, or the truth
or existence of sth
99) to shudder(здригатися)-to shake because of a very unpleasant thought or
100) supposition(припущення)-the fact of believing something is true without
any proof

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