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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
________ District






No. of % of No. of


Days Items Items

Describe the parts of the

reproductive system and their
10 18% 9 1-4, 9 7 8 5-6
function. (S5LT-IIa-1)

Explain the menstrual cycle.

( S5LT-IIc-3) 10 10% 5 13 11,14 10, 12

Describe the different modes of

reproduction in animals such as
butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats 5 14% 7 18, 20 21
and dogs. (S5LT-IIe5)

Describe the reproductive parts in

plants and their functions. (S5LT-
5 14% 7 22-24, 25-26 27-28

Describe the different modes of

reproduction in flowering and
non- flowering plants such as 29,
5 14% 7 30 35 34
moss, fern, mongo and others. 31-33
(S5LT-IIg- 7)

Discuss the interactions among

living things and non-living things
in estuaries and intertidal 5 12% 6 40 38 41
Explain the need to protect and
conserve estuaries and intertidal 45-46,
5 18% 9 42 44, 47 43, 49 50
zones 48

TOTAL 23 7 7 8 5 0
40 100% 50
30 15 5

Prepared by: Checked & Verified by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

Approved by:


Head Teacher III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
________ District



Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Score:

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the choices that corresponds to the correct
answer. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which is an organ of the male reproductive system?
A. Cervix B. epididymis C. fallopian tube D. uterus
2. Which glands below is as big as a thumb that aids in sperm motility?
A. Cowper’s gland C. seminal vesicle
B. Prostate gland D. vas deferens
3. Which serves as both passageway of both sperm and urine?
A. Penis B. scrotum C. testis D. urethra
4. What do you call a soft-walled tube with mucous membrane that is about 7 centimeters long and also
called the birth canal?
A. Cervix B. fallopian tube C. uterus D. vagina
5. How does the ovary work?
A. It is the site of fertilization.
B. It deposits sperm to the vagina.
C. It secretes estrogen and progesterone.
D. It provides nourishment to the fertilized egg.
6. Which of the following part and function is correct?
A. uterus- houses the developing fetus
B. prostate gland – egg cell production site
C. vas deferens – where sperm cells develop
D. fallopian tube – connects the testes and the penis
7. Which of the following statements does NOT show the proper care of the male reproductive system?
A. Have your circumcision with a physician.
B. Use a very tight cycling shorts when biking.
C. Wear clean and dry underwear and change at least once a day.
D. When playing contact sports, use protective gear to prevent testicular trauma.
8. Merida is turning thirteen. She noticed that her breasts are growing and her hips enlarging. What shall
Merida do?
A. Merida should stay inside her room and observe the growth of her breasts and her hips.
B. Merida shall use tight fitting clothes to prevent the growth of her breasts and enlargement of her
C. Merida should tell her mommy to take her to the doctor because of the growth of her beast and
enlargement of her hips.
D. Merida should stay calm, the growth of her breasts and enlargement of her hips are part of growing
up and have nothing to worry about. She should act as a lady and be aware of her hygiene as always.
9. What do you call the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus through the vagina?
A. fertilization B. implantation C. menstruation D. ovulation
10. When would you expect ovulation to take place in a 28- day cycle?
A. 11th B. 12th C. 13th D. 14th
11. What happens to the egg cell while menstruation is going on?
A. It dies. C. it starts to mature.
B. It is fertilized. D. It travels to the fallopian tube

12. Mommy Jen wants is planning to have a baby, on which menstrual phase could pregnancy could
pregnancy be possible?
A. follicular B. luteal C. menstrual D. ovulation
13. What phase of the menstrual cycle does progesterone is at their highest level?
A. Follicular phase B. Luteal phase C. Menstruation D. Ovulation
14. The start of menstruation is a sign that a girl is __________________.
A. A teenager. C. Already a woman.
B. Already pregnant. D. Capable of being pregnant
15. What do you call the proces by which animals produce young animals of their kind?
A. Asexual reproduction C. fission
B. sexual reproduction D. regeneration
16. What do you call the cells involved in sexual reproduction?
A. embryo B. gametes C. ovum D. zygote
17. What do you call the process when the sperm cell and egg cell are joined together to form a unit?
A. embryo B. fertilization C. reproduction D. zygote
18. Which animal undergoes external fertilization?
A. cat B. cow C. fish D. lion
19. When is zygote formed?
A. When the embryo grows.
B. When the egg is hatched.
C. When the adults lay eggs.
D. When the fertilized egg and sperm unite.
20. Which of the following describes asexual reproduction?
A. The ovary produces egg cell.
B. No sex cell is needed to form a new organism.
C. Sex cells from male and female animals are needed.
D. The embryo is soon developed as a young individual.
21. Why can’t a cow give birth to a baby dog?
A. Cows eat grass only.
B. Cows are bigger than dogs.
C. Cow’s breasts are too big for puppies.
D. Cows can produce only their own kind.
22. What is the collective term for the male reproductive part of a flower?
A. calyx B. pistil C. sepal D. stamen
23. What do you call the female part of the flower which consists of stigma, style, ovary and ovule?
A. pistil B. pollen grain C. sepal D. stamen
24. The butterflies and other insects are attracted to the brightly colored part of the flower. What do you call
this part?
A. anther B. ovules C. petals D. stigma
25. The following statements are functions of a flower. Which one is NOT?
A. It traps the pollen grain.
B. They absorb water needed for production.
C. It develops into plant sperms or male sex cells.
D. They protect the parts of the flower that makes the seeds
26. Which statement below in INCORRECT?
A. The pistil consists of the style, stigma, ovary, and ovules.
B. The stigma is very sticky to allow pollen grains to get stuck into it.
C. The stamen has three parts which consists of the anther, filament, and pollen grain.
D. The petals are the flower’s colorful parts which attract insects like mosquitoes and butterflies.
27. Why are flowers important part of pollination?
A. Flowers carry the ovary.
B. Flowers have anthers that birds eat.
C. The ovary in the flower will become fruit.
D. Flowers have colorful and fragrant petals that attract pollinators.
28. How do birds help guava trees reproduce?
A. They eat the anthers.
B. They eat the flowers.
C. They eat the seed and disperse to other areas.
D. They carry the ovaries from one flower to another.
29. What do you call a process by which plant produce their offspring without seeds?
A. fertilization C. sexual reproduction
B. pollination D. asexual reproduction
30. We can obtain new plants from seed. What do you call this type of reproduction?
A. Sexual reproduction C. fertilization
B. Asexual reproduction D. pollination
31. Which of the following are the reproductive parts of a plant?
A. flowers and roots C. pollen and nectar
B. petals and sepals D. stamen and pistil
32. What are the two main categories of plants on how they reproduce their offspring?
A. flowering and non- flowering C. water and air
B. Tall and short D. water and land
33. What are spores?
A. A spore is a single reproductive cell that is protected by water light covering that prevents from
drying out.
B. A spore is a dust like seed in small size which can be carried out by wind, animals and man that
thrives in cold places.
C. A spore is a small part of a plant found underneath the leaves which grow when there is enough
moisture from the surroundings.
D. A spore is a seed like shape that is attached to the flowers of a plant but does not require water to
survive for a long period of time.
34. Lola Bambina wants to propagate her roses. Which of the following can lola Bambina do?
A. Cut the roots and plant it.
B. Cut the leaves and plant it.
C. Cut the stems and plant it.
D. Cut the flowers and plant it.
35. Your house has an idle backyard. Which is the best thing to do?
A. Sell it.
B. Turn it into a vegetable garden.
C. Make it a dump area for wastes.
D. Create a playground so children could play.
36. What do you call a system where interaction between living (biotic) and non- living (abiotic) things
a. earth B. ecosystem C. estuary D. nature
37. What do we call organisms that feed on dead animals and wastes?
A. consumers B. decomposers C. omnivores D. producers

For items number 38-39, please refer to the illustration.

38. Which of the organisms above receives the most energy?

A. eagle B. grass C. rat D. snake
39. In the food chain above, which organism is the second- order consumer?
A. eagle B. grasshopper C. rat D. snake
40. The estuaries are home for various living organisms. Which of the following can you do to maintain the
ecosystem and to have a safe home for the organisms?
A. Get the organisms in the estuaries.
B. Use insecticides and synthetic fertilizers.
C. Do not throw garbage on bodies of water.
D. Throw plastic bags and cups to bodies of water.
41. What do you think will happen if we will kill spiders in our garden?
A. The plants will grow.
B. No spiders will play in the garden.
C. The garden ecosystem in the garden will not be balanced.
D. It’s good because there will be no scary creature in our garden.
42. Which of the following is NOT a practice in making your home an estuary friendly?
A. Dispose chemicals properly.
B. Throw wastes on the spillway.
C. Repair any automotive oil leaks as soon as possible
D. Conserve water in your home.
43. Where should you throw your worn-out tires?
A. Burn them.
B. Bring them to the riverbanks.
C. Throw them at the backyard.
D. Reuse them as pots for vegetables.
44. You are boating out with your family when you are just about to finish your favourite drink. What
should you do with the plastic bottle?
A. Give it to the fishes.
B. Throw it to the coral formation.
C. Throw the plastic bottle on the sea.
D. Keep the plastic bottle for a while and throw it to trash bins when you are on shore.
45. What does 5R means?
A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Recover
B. Remove, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Recover
C. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repaint and Recover
D. Remove, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Retrieve
46. When do we need to pump our septic tank?
A. Every two years. C. Every four years.
B. Every three years D. Every five years.

47. Which of the following is the best practice in taking good care of our pets?
A. Wash out with water.
B. Just leave them outside.
C. Do your best to pick up their waste.
D. Just let them scatter their waste on their care
48. The fishermen use dynamite in order to have big catch. If this practice continues, what do you think
will happen to the water resources?
A. Fishes multiply fast.
B. Marine life will increase.
C. Marine life will be the same.
D. There will be an abrupt decrease in the number of marine life.
49. Which does NOT show the protection and conservation of estuaries and intertidal environment?
A. Proper disposal of garbage and household chemicals.
B. No to dynamite fishing.
C. Overharvest of recreational and commercial species.
D. Planting marsh grass.
50. Why is it important to protect the estuaries and intertidal environment?
A. It attracts tourists.
B. It gives people work to do.
C. It is a mandate to give importance from the town mayor.
D. It provides places for habitat of valuable species of plants and animals.

Prepared by: Checked & Verified by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

Approved by:


Head Teacher III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
________ District




1. B 26. D
2. B 27. D
3. D 28. C
4. D 29. D
5. C 30. A
6. A 31. D
7. C 32. A
8. D 33. A
9. C 34. C
10. D 35. B
11. C 36. B
12. D 37. B
13. B 38. B
14. D 39. A
15. B 40. A
16. B 41. C
17. B 42. B
18. C 43. D
19. D 44. D
20. B 45. A
21. D 46. A
22. D 47. C
23. D 48. D
24. C 49. C
25. B 50. D

Prepared by: Checked & Verified by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I

Approved by:


Head Teacher III

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