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1 WAP to show functionality of basic calculator using functions

WAP using functions in python which accepts list of marks of students &
2 return the minimum ,maximum & average marks
WAP to count the total number of lines starting with A ,B & C from the file
3 myfile.txt
4 WAP to replace all spaces with dash from the file myfile.txt
5 WAP to generate a random number between 1 and 6
WAP to create a binary file with roll no, name and remarks. Also display the
6 data entered
WAP to demonstrate the concept of variable length argument to calculate
7 the sum and product of first 10 numbers
WAP to read text file and display the numbers of vowels, consonants,
8 uppercase and lowercase characters.
WAP to write data in binary file and display the number of students who
9 score more than 95
10 WAP to check whether a number is prime or not
11 Write a menu based program to demonstrate stack operations
12 WAP to count the frequency of He and She in a text file
WAP to pass integer list as to a function and push only those element that
13 are divisible by 7
14 WAP program to create a text file and print all the line that starts with t/T
WAP to Create a CSV file students.csv with columns name,roll no, marks.
15 Also search for the rollno for the given name
16 WAP to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not
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