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Foundation of SpEd (Prof Ed 123) LET Enhancement

Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer to the following questions.

1. What is the practice of enrolling learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents in
a regular school, where students could participate in a mainstreamed classroom
with nondisabled peers?
A. Normalization
B. Mainstreaming
C. Integration
D. Inclusion
2. Which refers to the practice of educating learners with disabilities, giftedness and
talents in regular classes during specific time-periods based on their skills?
A. Normalization
B. Mainstreaming
C. Integration
D. Inclusion
3. What is the concept that refers to the reduced function or loss of specific part of the
body or organ?

A. Impairment
B. Disability
C. Handicap
D. None of these

4. Kagitingan SpEd Center is a division of Rizal Elementary School in Tayuman, Sta.

Cruz that offers opportunity for learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents to
learn side by side with their peers. What type of school service is described in the

A. Inclusive Education
B. Special Education
C. A&B
D. None of these

5. A 9-years old girl is diagnosed with Down syndrome. She is currently enrolled at
John Mark Academy where her teacher teaches regular pupils in her classes. What
type of school service is described in the situation?

A. Inclusive Education
B. Special Education
C. A&B
D. None of these
6. When referring to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents, which does not
adhere to the People First Policy?

A. Special Child
B. Person with Disability
C. Person with Autism
D. Person with ADHD

7. During this period, person with disabilities were considered useless to society, and
thus, must be eliminated?

A. Era of Ridicule
B. Era of Extermination
C. Early Beginnings of Special Education
D. Era of Asylum

8. Which Philippine Law recognizes the need for inclusiveness of education, and
stipulates the implementation of programs aiming to address the needs of all

A. 4Ps
B. Kindergarten Education Act
C. Mother Tongue- Based Multilingual Education
D. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

9. Which refers to the person- level limitations in physical and psycho-cognitive


A. Disability
B. Handicap
C. Impairment
D. Special needs

10. Which among the following policies state that the core principle of the K-12
curriculum is inclusion?

A. DepEd Order 21, s 2019

B. DepEd Order 72, s 2009
C. CHED Memo 77, series of 2017
D. Senate Bill 996

11. Which of the following periods believed that many people still questioning upheld the
superstitious and beliefs in demonology?
a. Primitive period b. Greek civilization c. Ancient Period d. Roman Empire
12. In this period some fathers, instead of choosing a “death sentence” would decide to sell
the deformed or divergent child into slavery.
a. Primitive period b. Greek civilization c. Ancient Period d. Roman Empire

13. Which period where barriers of the “handicapped” reigned and brought immeasurable
suffering to the physically challenged?
a. Feudalism b. colonialism c. Roman Empire d. Ancient

14. This period is the cornerstone set for the civilized treatment for the differently-gifted
individuals were smashed as the influence of the church to took on a more extreme
stand against divergent behavior.
a. Feudalism b. colonialism c. Roman Empire d. Ancient

15. He experimented with a “wild boy” in an attempt to “normalize” him and proved that
with appropriate training, a person with Intellectual Disability can exhibit behavior well-
above his normal capacity.
a. Gallaudet b. Louise Braille c. Jean marc Itard d. Hellen Keller

16. In 1994, this school in Mindanao produced 1st graduate of special education in the
a. University of Southeastern Phils. (USEP) c. University of Mindanao (UM)
b. Ateneo De Davao University d. University of the Philippines

17. Which of the following courses offered at the Baguio Vocational Normal School in
a. Gifted, Mentally Retarded c. Deaf and Blind
b. Socially, handicapped d. all of the above

18. Who opened the Insular School for the Deaf and blind in 1907 at Ermita, Manila?
a. Miss Delight Rice b. Rogerio Lagman c. Robert John Meehan d. Juan Mitra

19. Which level of prevention occurs when dealing with restoring health and function to
people who have already developed a disability?
a. Primary prevention b. secondary prevention c. tertiary prevention d. All of the

20. In this level of prevention of disability, seeks to keep physically challenged from
developing in the first place.
a. Primary prevention b. secondary prevention c. tertiary prevention d. None of the
21. Which of the following possible causes and factors of difficulties in basic learning and
applying knowledge is taking alcoholic drinks or cocaine during pregnancy?
a. Hereditary b. teratogenic c. medical d. environmental
22. It is a chronic neurological disorder and common learning difficulty that can cause
problems with reading?
a. Dysgraphia b. dyscalculia c. dyslexia d. aphasia/dysphasia
23. Which learning difficulty is a transcription disability that is a writing disorder associated
with impaired handwriting and orthographic coding?
a. Dyslexia b. dysgraphia c. dyscalculia d. aphasia/dysphasia
24. Which of these learning difficulties is concern on comprehending arithmetic,
understanding numbers and learning facts in mathematics?
a. Dyscalculia/dyscalcula b dysgraphia c. dyslexia d. aphasia/apraxia
25. It is a loss or deficiency in the power to use or understand language as a result of injury
to or disease of the brain.
a. Dyscalculia/dyscalcula b. dysgraphia c. dyslexia d. aphasia/dysphasia

26. Which speech sound error characteristics usually caused by deficient oral motor skills?
b. distortions b. substitution c. omission d. additions

27. Which of the following is the characteristic of speech sound error wherein learner drops a
sound from a word?
b. Distortions b. substitutions c. omissions d. additions

28. Which type of difficulty or disorder is caused by stuttering & cluttering with the flow of rhythm?
b. Fluency difficulty b. voice difficulty c. voice disorder d. articulation disorder

29. Which degree of hearing loss in person who have difficulty keeping up with conversations
when not using a hearing aid?
b. Mild hearing loss b. moderate hearing loss c. severe hearing loss d. profound hearing

30. This degree of hearing loss will benefit from powerful hearing aids, but often they rely heavily
on lip-reading even when they are using hearing aids. Some also use sign language.
a. Mild hearing loss b. moderate hearing loss c. severe hearing loss d. profound hearing
31. Which of the following is/are inclusion strategies in evaluation modifications for learners with
difficulty in hearing?
c. Reduce quantity of test c. allow extra time
d. Use alternative tests d. all of the above
32. The following are other suggested interventions/strategies to cater learners with difficulty in
displaying interpersonal behavior except __________________.
c. Keep class rules simple and clear c. Fair treatment for all
d. Reward positive behavior d. display misbehavior chart
33. Which difficulty in mobility has continuing muscle and joint weakness, muscle pain that get
worse, becoming easily exhausted and muscle wasting?
b. Poliomyelitis b. mild cerebral palsy c. epilepsy d. amputation
34. It is an incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges with some degree of
weakness or paralysis in the lower limbs which resulted to difficulty in mobility?
b. Poliomyelitis b. amputation c. spina bifida d. epilepsy
35. What do you call the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness or surgery?
a. Poliomyelitis b. amputation c. spina bifida d. epilepsy

36. The following are intellectual characteristics of gifted learners except:

A. Having a keen sense of justice
B. Being curious
C. Having the capacity to reflect deeply
D. Being excited easily

37. What enrichment strategy comprises of adult mentors who act as resource persons
with the goal of transferring skills and attitudes to students of the same interest as
A. Peer-tutoring
B. Mentorship
C. Questioning
D. Special Interest Groups and Clubs

38. Thomas Alva Edison was said to be considered as twice-exceptional, specifically as:
A. Gifted with disabilities
B. Gifted with ADHD
C. Gifted with learning disabilities
D. Gifted with autism spectrum disorder

39. Individuals with exceptional potentials and performing high ability skill despite
having impairments or disability have the following descriptions except:
A. Twice- exceptional
B. Special children
C. Gifted with disabilities
D. Double- labeled

40. Jamie’s cornea has been damaged, which leads her cornea to produce images that are
not equal in focus. What kind of visual impairment does Jamie likely have?

A. Farsightedness
B. Nearsightedness
C. Cortical Visual Impairment
D. Astigmatism

41. We want to determine how loud the sound is. Which of the following would give us
that information?

A. Hertz
B. Decibels
C. Frequency
D. Audiometric Zero
42. When Allan speaks, he often rapidly repeats the beginning consonants of words. He
also tends to prolong certain sounds or sometimes experience verbal blocks. What
condition does Allan likely have?

A. Speech-sound Errors
B. Cluttering
C. Stuttering
D. Dysarthria

43. How can you assist your classmate Gemma, who has blindness, in going to the next
A. Take the person’s hand and walk hand-in-hand with her.
B. Ask if she needed help and offer your hand for her to hold.
C. Rush to the next classroom while guiding her so you will not be late.
D. Stay one step ahead and pull her towards your direction.

44. Sir Regis provided opportunities to his pupils to work collaboratively, grouping them to
complete a particular task. What is this strategy called?
A. Scaffolding
B. Vocabulary Building
C. Discrimination Activities
D. Jigsawing

45. Below are techniques to help develop social skills of learners with ASD. Which one is
A. Direct Instruction
B. Modeling
C. Reinforcements
D. Speechreading
46. Ronna is a learner with physical disability that gets worse over time. Which of the
following is likely Ronna’s condition?

A. Cerebral Palsy
B. Fibromyalgia
C. Spina Bifida
D. Chronic Arthritis

47. Jenna has a physical disability that remain stable. Which of the following is likely
Jenna’s condition?

A. Cerebral Palsy
B. Multiple Sclerosis
C. Muscular Dystrophy
D. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
48. Ms. Umali would like to teach baking to her students with blindness. Which among the
following tactile books should she use to introduce the materials needed?

A. Object Book
B. Experience Book
C. Routine Book
D. Theme Book

49. Mr. Morales teaches his learners with blindness to develop their abilities in transporting
to places safely and effectively. What is this ability that the teacher tries to develop
among his learners?

A. Mobility
B. Orientation
C. Independent Living
D. Leisure

50. Jim needs to undergo a test in order to determine his visual acuity. Which among the
following would give that information?

A. Pure Tone Audiometry

B. Operant Conditioning Audiometry
C. Vision Services Severity Rating Scale
D. Snellen Chart

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