Experiment No 9

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I a p t . iNO.
Page Nio,

AIM: To prebare 2 0 SoluHon 0f 0calic add and using
solubonto dekeHmíne he molaktEy and StrengBh D Bis
given Solubon o KMoD4
RERUTREMENTG : BureHe pipeHe s bea keh unoel Conital lask,
Volumehtt1a6k, tzih0d, r e gauze maBch bo:t burelte stand

n his kiHahon,0xalit acid. ack ak a kaductog agentand KHn04
acts 0s on 0ridising 0gent So the aac.bon behoeen oxalie
acid 0nd KMn04 iS a redor reachoD RHn04 is a skorg
oocfdlising09ent and in the pres.ence of 2504 -itacks 0
a pouwerpul 0xidiaing agent Ih Ocidic medlium the oridising
ability 0 KMn04s kepesented by he ollotutng equahian
Chemital Peochon Loníc eguaHbn>
Coo 2c02+2ex5 (OHR)
5(00H)2 5lo] 5 H20 +10 C02 LOHR] Lcoo-

+5Lo LRHEJ L Mn04 + BH+ 5e Mn+4H20 x 2 RHR)

2KMn04+3H2S04 K2 504 + 2MnS04 + 3H20

5S0+ 2MnO4 + 16HT 2Mn+ 1OC02+8H20 (oueralt

2KInO4 + 3H2St4+ 5(0oH)2 K2504 +2 HnS04 + 8 H20 10 C02
ionic squah
Indicator KMn04 Í` a sel indicakor
pink colou
End Pont colourless topemanent
(APreborabon_of/20 0xalia acid solubion
Oralit Ocid
Molakly o 20
taken for eoch Eikahon = 2 5 m
For prebarahon of250.ml0 /20 amounE of 0ralic actd require
Volume of 0abc ocid
DE = M x Molrmose y V_
Obsenuahion tahle. 1000
ut= 20 X 126 x 25om
S.NO Inibal burete Finol burete Volurre o KMn04 lObO

Rending Reoding Used Lwt= 5

Molority 1 given KHnD4 Saluhion
(KMn0u (OYalfe acid
MV M2 V2

MiX- 20 x 25
Contordort Volume of KMn04 Used m

M = y 25 y2
20 5

MLE mal L

L) Strengh of gien_KMn4 Solub'on

Strergthe M X Memossop KMn04
MX 158
K 15
Expt. NO Page No.

MolaiEy 01 given KHn04 Solubibn= mol
strengh gtven KMn04 Solubto L


Add one kes-kube 1M H2SO4 SoluHon in 25 of Oxalic

acid Solub'on before

(eDomat blou the oir from_mouth to he piþeke wbile

remouing he last drap of Solubon

3 Rinse he burelte and pthelite wih Hhe solub'on to be

LSed in hem

4 Remove he air bubble rom he bureke aftekiling

(5) Do not rmce the Hkrahon lask

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