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layáhar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)

FRY was implemented by Rajeev Gandhi on 28th April 1989. It aims at reaching every single Panchayat. The central state assistance
was 80:20 percent respectively.
30 percent of the employment created is to be provided to women. It employs one member in a BPL family for 90 to 100 days a
year. National Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programmes were merged with the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana in the year 1989
2. Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)
NRY was started in 1989 and it aims to benefit poor urban people by creating employment opportunities.) That is, NRY is an urban
Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana (PRY)
puRY was started in 1993, basically for the urban poor, then it extended for the Fural poor people, it aims to generate new
employment opportunitie it is a seA. employment scheme meant for the educated unemployed youth, t is meant o. poor families
having an income of less than Rs. 25,000 per annu. fach educaten unemployed youth is eligible for a loan of Rs. 1 lakh to start a
small business.
4. Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY)
JCsY was started on 1° April 1999 to create rural infrastructure, like roads, bridges, etc. The main objective was to crgate wage
employment for the unemployed rural Youth. The expenditure was shared between centre and state in the ratio of 80:20.
5. Sampooma Gramin Rojgar Yojana (SGRY)
This scheme was started in September 2001. The main objective of this scheme was to provide gainful employment and food
security to villager® Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY) have been merged in this
scheme because both have the same objectives
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is a flagship programme of the government of India launched on
February 2, 2006. Later it was renamed as MGNREGA on October 2, 2009. It is a job ensuring programme to the rural community
whose adult member is willing to do unskilled manual works. It guarantees 100 days of employment for job card holders from the
Panchayath. Refer to the previous section of this module for its detailed explanation.
7. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana (DDU-GKY) 2 0 14
The government launched DDUGKY on 24 September 2014. It aims to target youth, under the age group of 15- 35 years and is
aimed at enhancing the employability of rural yauth,)DDU-GKY is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (RI.M), tasked with
the dual objectives of adding diversity to the incomes of rural poor families and cater to the career aspirations of rural youth.

Skill India
Current Challenges Facing The Indian Economy
(sell India 15 a campaign launched by Prime Minister Narondra Modi on 15m july 3015 with an aim to train over 40 erores (900 mil
lion people in Lite in liferent skills by 2022) It includes various intiatives of the government like vational Skill Development Mission",
"National Policy for Skil Development and
«kill Loán Scheme."
,,Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM)
SPMRM is a scheme launched by the Government of India on 16 September 2015 to deliver integrated project-based infrastructure
in the rural areas, which will also include the development of economic activities and skill developmend The objective of this
scheme is to stimulate local economic development, enhance basic services, and create well-planned Rurban clusters.
10. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra Programme (PMKK) *
The Union Budget 2018-19 proposed that the Government is setting up a model aspirational skill centre in every district of the
country under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra Programme. This scheme comes under the "Skill India Mission." The main objective
of the programme is to make candidates eligible for full-time jobs, through short-term, job-oriented training and certification
The focus is on drawing employable youth from rural and urban areas into the workforce and providing those already in the
workforce with re-skitting and up-killing support. 306 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra have been established for imparting skill
training through such centres.

and cultural activities

. Training for Rural Youth for Self-Employment (TRYSEM) TRYSEM wasimplementedin 1979. This program provides
employment opportunite
. Tor siral people, particularly thosé people. who live below the poverty line me Scheme also aimed to provide basic technical
and entrepreneurial skills to the Fural poor in the age group of 18-35 years enable them to take up income generating
activities (self/wage employment). The scheme had been merged into Swarnajayani Gram Swaroigar Yojana (SGSY) with
IRDE, DWCRA, etc. from April 1999.
. Twenty Point Program (TPP)
TP was first initiated by Indira Gandhi in(1975. Revised this program and again introdliced in 1982 and 1986)It aims to provide a
better condition of living for the less privileged sections) The Government had restructured the TPP-1986 in 2006 to manage the
challenges of the 21 Century with particular reference to the ongoing process of economic reforms, liberalization, privatization, and
globalization of the Indian Economy.
14. Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)
It is a program launched to eradicate poverty and unemployment. IRDP was introduced on 2nd October 1980. The scheme targeted
poor people by providing means of Lying, employment opportunities, and adequate training.
5. National Rural Employment Program (NREP)
REP was started in 1980, during the Sixth Five-Year Plan in India. It was implemented as a centrally sponsored program with 50
percent central assistance.
This was viewed as a major step towards poverty alleviation., The NREP replaced the Food for Work (FFW) programme. Its main
obiectives include:
a Generation of additional gainful employment for unemployed and under employed persons (both men and women) in rural areas.
© Creation of productive community assets for direct and-continuing benefits
to the poor.
© Improvement in the overall quality of life in the rural areas.

Module /V
6. National Social Assistance Program (NSAP)
NSAP was introduced on 154 August 1995 as a 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme for social assistance benefit to poor
households affected by old age, death of primary bread earners, and maternity care. )Currently, this scheme has five components;
© Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS)- 1995
• National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) - 1995
~ Annapurna Scheme - 2000
~ Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) - 2009
© Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme - 2009
7. Mid-Day Meal Scheme
It was started in India on 15 August 1995 under the name of National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-
NSPE)? In October 2007, NP-NSPE was renamed as 'National Programme of Mid-Day Meal in Schools,' which is popularly known as
the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. It is the world's largest school meal programme aimed to attain the goal of universalization of primary
It ensures nutritional support and thereby address hünger and malnutrition.
8. Swarna Jayanti Shahar Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
SISRY was initiated in 1997, meant for urban and semi-urban areas, Its main aim was to improve the living standard of urban poor
people. The following are the components of SISRY:
© Urban Self Employment Program (USEP)
2 Development of Women and Children in Urban Areas (DWCUA)
9. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna (PMGY)
PMGY was introduced in 2000-01 with the objective of focusing on village-level development in five critical areas; namely: health,
primary education, drinking water, housing, and rural roads by providing or generating new employment opportunities.
10. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
AAY was launched in December 2008. It covers the poorest of the poor families from amongst the BPL families covered under the
Targeted Public Distribution

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