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These are items and weapons used in the 6th Era Avalon.


-Simple Firearms-
Simple Long Firearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Hunting Rifle 115 gp 1d12 piercing 8 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 120/480), reload (2), two-handed, heavy

Lever Action Rifle 110 gp 1d10 piercing 6 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 80/320), reload (5), two-handed

Dart Rifle 75 gp 1d6 piercing 6 lb. Dart Needles (range 60/180), reload (3), two-handed

Simple Sidearm Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Hammershot Pistol 95 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 60/200), reload (6), light, special

Messenger Pistol 65 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 50/170), reload (5), light

Signal Gun 20 gp 1d4 fire 2 lb. Flares (range 80/320), loading, reload (1), special

Simple Scatter Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Single Shot Shotgun 90 gp 2d6 piercing 7 lb. Shotgun Shells (range 35/90), reload (1), scatter, two-handed

Double Barrel Shotgun 100 gp 3d4 piercing 8 lb. Shotgun Shells (range 30/60), reload (2), scatter, two-handed

-Martial Firearms-
Martial Bulky Firearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Automatic Rifle 195 gp 1d10 piercing 16 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 140/480), reload (20), burst, two-handed, heavy

Light Machine Gun 300 gp 2d6 piercing 28 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 140/480), reload (50), burst, two-handed, heavy

Heavy Machine Gun 400 gp 2d8 piercing 80 lb. High-power Rounds (range 150/480), reload (40), burst, two-handed,
heavy, emplacement

Anti Armor Gun 750 gp 2d6 piercing 50 lb. Explosive Rounds (range 60/240), reload (1), emplacement, heavy,
two-handed, explosive (1d6 fire)

Rocket Launcher 800 gp 2d8 fire 45 lb. Explosive Rounds (range 240/600), reload (1), emplacement, heavy,
two-handed, explosive (1d8 fire)

Grenade Launcher 300 gp - 15 lb. Rifle Round/Grenades (range 120/300), reload (1), emplacement, heavy,

Flamethrower 320 gp 3d6 fire 46 lb. Fuel (range 20/20), reload (6), two-handed, heavy, special
Martial Long Firearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Infantry Rifle 125 gp 1d10 piercing 9 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 150/600), reload (5), two-handed,

Carbine Rifle 120 gp 1d10 piercing 7 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 130/480), reload (10), two-handed,

Cavalry Rifle 145 gp 1d12 piercing 8 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 130/300), reload (5), two-handed,

Sniper Rifle 265 gp 2d8 piercing 10 lb. High-power Rounds (range 250/1000), reload (2), two-handed, heavy

Breach Rifle 300 gp 1d10 fire 11 lb. Explosive Rounds (range 120/480), reload (1), emplacement, two-handed,
heavy, explosive (1d10 fire)

Martial Small Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Machine Pistol 115 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 60/210), reload (20), burst, two-handed, light

Submachine Gun 180 gp 2d4 piercing 10 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 60/140), reload (30), burst, two-handed,

Light Carbine 120 gp 1d10 piercing 6 lb. Rifle Rounds (range 110/380), reload (10), two-handed

Martial Sidearm Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Light Pistol 110 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 60/170), reload (8), light

Rapid Pistol 115 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 60/190), reload (10), burst, light

Hand Cannon 120 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Pistol Rounds (range 80/200), reload (5), light

Martial Scatter Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Scatter Pistol 90 gp 2d4 piercing 4 lb. Shotgun Shells (range 20/60), reload (3), scatter, light

Combat Shotgun 135 gp 2d6 piercing 8 lb. Shotgun Shells (range 30/80), reload (8), scatter, two-handed

Trench Gun 125 gp 3d4 piercing 10 lb. Shotgun Shells (range 45/100), reload (6), scatter, two-handed

Firearm Descriptions

Here are the descriptions of firearms listed above.

Simple Firearms Weapon Descriptions

Hunter’s Rifle. An ordinary simple rifle.
Lever Action Rifle. A carbine with an efficient loading mechanism.
Dart Rifle. A modest rifle mostly used for pest control.
Hammershot. A pistol featuring a revolving cylinder and a single action mechanism.
Messenger Pistol. An ordinary pistol with a stubby barrel and a small internal magazine or
revolving chamber.
Signal Gun. This one chamber pistol launches a flare.
Single Shot Shotgun. A single barrel shotgun useful for hunting down big game and also
Double Barrel Shotgun. Two barrels side by side. Giving another shot to shoot before
reload. There were weapons with more weapons but two barrels seemed the best amount.

Martial Firearms Weapon Descriptions

Automatic Rifle. This weapon is one of the few man portable automatic weapons of the
period. It was designed to be fired while moving on trench advances, and as such it has a
gyroscope in the stock that eliminates the minor jostling from movement. Its magazine is
small and only allows for a few seconds of automatic fire.
Light Machine Gun. Supporting an advance there are always the air-cooled guns steadily
chewing away at enemy positions. They are incredibly heavy, often only carried by the
strongest soldiers.
Heavy Machine Gun. Practically immobile, these weapons are set up on the parapet.
However, by Large or bigger creatures, they can be carried around and fired, devastating to
anything unfortunate enough to be on the business end.
Anti Armor Gun. A small man portable cannon usually used by squads of men to get
through the thick armor of automachines. Firing big high powered anti armor rounds. It fires
a bullet designed to punch through heavy automachine armor, and rarely fails to do so.
Rocket Launcher. A sturdy steel tube capable of launching big propelled explosive
payloads. Results in a precise explosion penetrating armor of vehicle and automachine alike.
Grenade Launcher. A portable bomb launcher using a modified rifle round to prime and
shoot out grenades further than capable by throwing.
Infantry Rifle. A tube-feeding bolt-action rifle. Every soldier is trained with one of these.
Carbine Rifle. New to the battlefield is a rifle whose mechanism loads a new cartridge
without interference.
Cavalry Rifle. A bolt was found difficult to operate on a galloping horse, and so horsemen
were instead equipped with more compact lever-action rifles.
Sniper rifle. While any weapon can be used to take shots as far as the eye can see, not
many fire a high-powered cartridge as this one does. From across trench lines, these rifles
are used by seasoned marksmen to pick off anyone unlucky enough to take a peek toward
the other side.
Breach Rifle. An oversized rifle with a single turn locked breach open chamber, firing a
single powerful round that could lay down a horse. This weapon is normally only brought out
to stop automachines and vehicles. However, a round as large as the one it uses could take
a man down just as easily.
Combat Rifle. A decently balanced rifle with a modest capacity, long range, and respectable
Machine Pistol. A destructively fast firing sidearm with high recoil.
Submachine gun. This odd-looking gun has a high capacity mounted magazine and is
usually only seen in trench rushes. Its rapid automatic fire can reliably cut down waves of
enemies at a time.
Light Carbine. A standard carbine favored by bandits and guards alike.
Light Pistol. A weapon without any special adornments, the light pistol is often the cheapest
gun money can buy. Despite this, it is perfectly serviceable as a sidearm.
Rapid Pistol. An advanced variant of the messenger pistol with a high rate of fire and
consistent fire.
Hand Cannon. A beefy sidearm firearm capable of high damage.
Scatter Pistol. A hand-held variant of the scattergun.
Trench Gun. Pump action shotguns serve as a vital tool for close combat, regardless of
size. You can clear a trench as easily as brooming dust off the floor. Hence the name.
Combat Shotgun. This detachable magazine fed shotgun is capable of a more complex set
of missions.

Name Cost (per 20) Weight (per 20)

Flares 3 gp 3 lb.

Dart Needles 2 gp 1 lb.

Pistol Rounds 15 gp 0.2 lb.

Rifle Rounds 25 gp 0.5 lb.

Shotgun Shells 30 gp 4 lb.

High-power Rounds 140 gp 1 lb.

Explosive Rounds 500 gp 20 lb.

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Assault Grenade 190 gp 1d6 thunder, 1d6 fire, 2d6 piercing 3 lb. Special (see desc.)

Fragmentation Grenade 125 gp 4d6 piercing 2 lb. Special (see desc.)

Gas grenade 250 gp 3d6 acid 2 lb. Special (see desc.)

Incendiary Grenade 125 gp 2d6 fire 3 lb. Special (see desc.)

Impact Grenade 170 gp 1d6 thunder, 1d6 fire, 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Special (see desc.)

Anti Armor Grenade 300 gp 1d6 thunder, 1d6 fire, 3d6 piercing 5 lb. Special (see desc.)

Tear Gas Grenade 245 gp Special (see desc.) 0.5 lb. Special (see desc.)

Flashbang 150 gp Special (see desc.) 1 lb. Special (see desc.)

Stun Bomb 160 gp Special (see desc.) 1 lb. Special (see desc.)

Smoke Bomb 50gp Special (see desc.) 1 lb. Special (see desc.)

Dynamite 90gp 2d6 bludgeoning, Special (see desc.) 1 lb. Special (see desc.)

Cherry Bomb 50gp Special (see desc.) 0.2 lbs Special (see desc.)

Gold Bomb 75gp Special (see desc.) 2 lbs Special (see desc.)
Grenade Descriptions

Assault Grenade.
This bomb is assembled from a wooden haft with a casing on one end. A string is pulled,
which activates its timer. Choose a point within 60 feet. Anyone within a 20 foot radius
sphere centered on that point, just before the start of your next turn must succeed a DC13
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 thunder, 1d6 fire and 2d6 piercing damage, or half as
much on a success. You can cook the grenade by spending your movement to cook the
grenade and wait a moment before throwing. The explosion occurs at the end of your turn,
instead of just before your next turn.

Fragmentation Grenade.
This fist-sized bomb is hurled, and then explodes a few moments later. Choose a point within
60 feet. Anyone within a 20 foot radius sphere centered on that point, just before the start of
your next turn must succeed a DC14 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 piercing damage, or
half as much on a success. You can cook the grenade by spending your movement to cook
the grenade and wait a moment before throwing. The explosion occurs at the end of your
turn, instead of just before your next turn.

Gas Grenade.
This grenade is filled with a pair of chemicals that, when mixed, create lethal fumes. Bombs
like these necessitated the use of gas masks. Choose a point within 60 feet. A spherical
cloud of toxic gas 20 feet in radius originates on that point, heavily obscuring the area. It
lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
disperses it. Anyone ending their turn within the gas must succeed a DC15 Constitution
saving throw or take 3d6 acid damage, taking half as much on a save. If a creature in the
cloud is wearing a gas mask, the damage to it is halved. The acid damage is considered as
poison for purposes of natural poison protection, additionally it is considered a poison for all
effects of Protection from Poison spell. But not other spells that grant poison resistance.

Incendiary Grenade.
As an action, you can throw Incendiary Grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature
within 20 feet of an exploding Incendiary Grenade must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw or take 2d6 fire damage. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage. After
the Incendiary Grenade is thrown, its flames spread to cover a 10-foot radius of the target for
1d4 rounds, lighting any flammable objects within this area aflame. Creatures that begin their
turns within this area must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be set on fire, taking
1d6 fire damage at the end of each of their turns. A creature can end this effect by using its
action to make a DC 12 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames, or by being doused in
water or a fire extinguisher.

Impact Grenade.
An impact grenade is a hand grenade designed to detonate upon striking a surface, rather
than using a time-delay fuze. The design prevents its target from taking cover or throwing
the device back at its user. Choose a point within 60 feet. Anyone within a 20 foot radius
sphere centered on that point must succeed a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6
thunder, 1d6 fire and 1d6 piercing damage, or half as much on a success.
Anti Armor Grenade.
The soldiers in the frontlines were the first to come up with an improvised anti-armor
grenade by taking an assault grenade and taping three or more of the explosive heads
together in order to create a larger grenade and explosion. Known as the "Bundled Charge",
it was typically thrown on top or the back of slow moving automachines where the armor was
thin.This bomb is assembled from a wooden haft with a casing on one end. A string is pulled,
which activates its timer. Choose a point within 60 feet. Anyone within a 20 foot radius
sphere centered on that point, just before the start of your next turn must succeed a DC13
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 thunder, 1d6 fire and 3d6 piercing damage, or half as
much on a success. You can cook the grenade by spending your movement to cook the
grenade and wait a moment before throwing. The explosion occurs at the end of your turn,
instead of just before your next turn.

Tear Gas Grenade.

Tear gas grenades contain a payload of irritating chemicals such as CS gas or mace. They
are commonly used as a non-lethal riot control weapon. As an action, you can throw a tear
gas grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding tear
gas grenade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded and stunned for 1
minute. A creature has advantage on the Constitution saving throw if it holds its breath and
closes its eyes, but it can still be affected as tear gas is both an inhaled chemical and a
contact agent.
If a creature ends its turn in a tear gas cloud it must again make DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or be blinded and stunned for 1 minute. A creature which fails its saving throw against
tear gas can make a new Constitution save at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success. If a creature in the cloud is wearing a gas mask, the creature is
immune to the effects of the gas.

A tactical bomb that unleashes a blast of light, blinding creatures. After exploding, each
creature within 15ft radius of where the bomb exploded must succeed on a DC 14
Constitution saving throw, becoming blinded until the end of its next turn on a failed save.

Stun Bomb.
A stun bomb is a grenade that stuns targets by pelting them with rubber balls expended at
high velocity from the bomb’s detonation. After exploding, each creature within 10ft radius of
where the bomb exploded must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming
stunned until the end of their next turn on a failed save.

Smoke Bomb.
A tactical bomb that creates a smokescreen. After exploding, the area within a 20ft radius of
the bomb becomes heavily obscured for one minute, as smoke covers the area. A moderate
wind or greater (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke cloud.

Originally made by the stoutfolk of Guldsterk as a device to help them mine hard rock
surfaces, the Dynamite is in the shape of a stick, filled to the brim with blackpowder, and has
a fuse attached to it. The dynamite explodes in a 10ft radius, and creatures must succeed on
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, and half
as much on a successful save.
A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so they explode at the same time. Each
additional stick increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst radius
by 5 feet (to a maximum of 50 feet). You can cook the grenade by spending your movement
to cook the grenade and wait a moment before throwing. The explosion occurs at the end of
your turn, instead of just before your next turn.

Cherry Bomb.
A bomb later crafted by thieves and criminals, it is a bomb that looks like a large crossbow
bolt, and makes a false sound of explosion at impact to distract people when it explodes,
producing no effect other than that. Because of its’ shape, it can also be shot from a light or
heavy crossbow. The sound of this explosion can be heard from up to 100 feet away.

Gold Bomb.
Another bomb used by thieves and criminals, commonly to escape their pursuers in a
crowded area, this bomb is filled to the brim with pyrite coins, which is also known as “fool’s
gold” or even fake gold paper cash. When it explodes, it spreads these coins or cash all over
the ground in a 20ft radius, and it usually draws the attention of people around as they rush
over to pick up these seemingly gold coins or nice amounts of cash from the ground. The
area becomes difficult terrain if the bomb explodes in a crowded area.

Firearm Proficiency
Just like the weapons found in the Player’s Handbook, firearm proficiencies are split
between two categories – simple and martial. Some subclasses gain certain firearm
proficiencies, but others who wish to gain firearm proficiencies can forgo 2 of their martial
weapon proficiencies to gain one firearm proficiency to gain specific firearm proficiencies.
Additionally, a character with the “martial weapons” proficiency can forgo all their martial
weapon proficiencies to gain proficiency with all firearms.

-Firearm Properties-
In addition to the new properties listed below, firearms also use the following weapon
properties found in the Player’s Handbook: ammunition, heavy, light, special, and
two-handed, which have been rewritten here for convenience.

You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you
have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you
expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other
container, or chambering the ammunition from a magazine, is part of the attack (you need a
free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can recover half your
expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield. Ammunition expended by
a firearm cannot be recovered. If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to
make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon.

When making a ranged attack with a weapon with the burst property, you can target any
number of creatures in a 10-foot-cube area within normal range with shots. All creatures in
the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw on a fail creatures takes the weapon
damage or half as much on a success. This action uses ten pieces of ammunition. The DC is
8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, if you are proficient with the weapon.

A weapon with the explosive property fires a projectile that can explode in an area. When
you hit a target with a ranged attack, the target and each creature, object, and structure
within 5 feet of the target takes additional damage equal to what is shown in parenthesis
after the weapon’s explosive property.

Creatures that are Small or Tiny have disadvantage on attack rolls made with a weapon with
the heavy property.

A weapon with the light property is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when
fighting with two weapons.

A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after
the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon's
normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's long range. When attacking a
target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can't attack a
target beyond the weapon's long range.

A weapon with the reload property draws ammunition from its own reserve, such as a
magazine. A weapon with this property has a maximum reload score shown in parenthesis
after the weapon's reload property, and it has a current reload score that starts off equal to
its maximum reload score. Whenever you expend a piece of ammunition with the firearm, its
current reload score decreases by 1. When a weapon's current reload score equals 0, it
cannot expend further pieces of ammunition.
You can reload a firearm as an action or, if you can make more than one attack with the
Attack action, you can replace one of these attacks with a reload. Reloading a weapon
requires a free hand. For each piece of ammunition you load a weapon with, its current
reload score increases by 1. A weapon’s current reload score can never exceed its
maximum reload score.
When you reload a weapon, you can also unload any currently loaded ammunition as part of
the same reload, reducing the weapon’s current reload score by 1 for each piece of
ammunition you unload.

Weapons with the scatter property have the potential to hit more than one target with a
ranged weapon attack. A weapon with the scatter property can make a single-target attack
or hose an area with pellets. All creatures within half of the firearm's normal range or within
15-foot-cone (whichever is lower) must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, on a fail
creatures takes the weapon damage or half as much on a success. If you have a creature
within 5 feet of you that is in the blast radius, that creature instead takes two rolls of the
weapon’s damage dice instead, half as much damage on a failed save. The DC is 8 + your
Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, if you are proficient with the weapon.

A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use, explained in the
weapon’s description (see “Special Firearms” later in this section).

This weapon requires two hands when you attack with it. This property is relevant only when
you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it.

This weapon is designed to be fired from a stationary position. A creature of Small size or
smaller must set up this weapon in order to use it. While a weapon is set up, it is immobile. A
Medium or bigger creature can maneuver and use this weapon without setting it up, but
makes attack rolls at disadvantage unless they have a Strength score of 15 or higher.
Setting up or folding up an emplacement is an action.

Special Firearms
Firearms with special rules are described here.

Vaetheri-beam Gun.
This gun is made of Vaetherium crystals they use the residual arcane power within it. This
variant of the gun does not use ammo but must cool down after an amount of shots are
made equal to the reload score shown in parenthesis after the weapon's reload property. It
can cool down after 1 round or can be cooled down as an action, an arcane spell caster can
cool it as a bonus action. This version of the firearm also deals force damage instead of any
damage the weapon normally deals.
Also, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a ranged weapon attack made with this
firearm, you can choose to knock the creature out. You make this choice the instant the
damage is dealt. A knocked-out creature falls unconscious and is stable.

Signal Gun.
This firearm shoots a glaring projectile that casts bright light out to a radius of 120 feet and
dim light for a further 120 feet for 1 hour or until extinguished. The projectile adheres to
surfaces it hits. If this firearm is fired into the air, the projectile travels up to this firearm’s long
range and descends at a rate of 15-feet per round. If the projectile hits a creature, it is
extinguished at the start of your next turn.

Hammershot Pistol
The trigger mechanism of a single action gun simply releases the hammer, which first has to
be pulled back or cocked manually. The benefit of a single action gun is that you can fan the
hammer. Letting you burst without having any penalties of having lower than 10 rounds, this
special use of burst only uses 6 rounds.
This weapon bursts out roaring flames 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, shooting in a direction
you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes
3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The DC is 8
+ your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, if you are proficient with the weapon.

Firearm Types
All firearms belong to one of the following types: bulky, long, scatter, sidearm and small.
These types can be thought of as families of firearms that are similar in design, operation,
and function.

Ranged Weapons
Firearms are ranged weapons. Whenever the game refers to a ranged weapon, or a ranged
weapon attack, this includes firearms. However, whenever this guide refers to a firearm
specifically, it is not referring to any and all ranged weapons.

Most of the time, the noise of an adventurer’s weapon in combat isn’t important. However,
firearms are louder than most other weapons.
For those times where stealth is important, the audible distance of a firearm can be
determined by multiplying the maximum value of its damage dice by 100.
For example, the single shot shotgun deals 2d6 piercing damage, which is a maximum of 12
damage, so attacks made with it have an audible distance of 1,200 feet. At the DM’s
discretion under certain conditions, such as fighting in an echoing cave or open field, an
attack made with a firearm might be audible from up to twice its normal audible distance.

Firearms are constructed with many mechanical parts, with some being more complex and
more prone to degradation in use than others. A firearm’s quality condition represents a host
of factors that might impact the performance of the firearm.
A firearm's quality condition can be restored with maintenance. Maintenance is a light activity
which takes 1 hour and requires the use of a gunsmith’s kit and gun oil. A character can
maintain, modify, and apply oils to a number of firearms equal to their Dexterity modifier
(minimum of 1) during this 1-hour period, and 1 gun oil is consumed for every firearm
At the end of this activity, any firearms the character chose to maintain have their quality
condition restored by one state.

A firearm suffers the normal penalties when used to make a ranged weapon attack to
underwater targets, unless the firearm is a mariner’s receiver fitted firearm. The firearms are
incapable of making attacks while submerged unless they are Vaetheri-beam Gun or are
fitted with a mariner’s receiver.

Armor Class Against Firearms

Conventional armors in the PHB are effective against swords, maces, spears etc. but firearm
shots are so fast and are made to punch through much thicker armor, these armors are
worthless against them. Unless it's a spell granted AC bonus, racial AC bonus, Natural
Armor or Ballistic Armor, your armor class is 10 + your Dexterity modifier against firearms.
Ballistic versions of the armors cost twice as much.

Unarmored defense on both Barbarian and Monk starts being ballistic at level 4.

There is also the ballistic vest. It provides +1 armor against firearms and costs 8 gp and 4 lb.

Firearm Options
Brands supply firearms with unique and flavorful benefits based on their manufacturer. The
caliber system offers a deeper dive into ammunition. Mods are more mechanically focused
than brands, providing meaningful avenues for weapon customization and combat
adaptation. Finally, firearm quality provides an extra layer of depth to the reliability of
firearms.They add a substantial amount of unique depth to the gameplay of a firearm
wielding character.

Firearm Brands
Firearm brands function as small benefits that are thematically tied to certain purposes and
designs. This subsystem is a great way to expand the campaign setting by offering a
thematic link between the world and a character’s weaponry. A firearm can only belong to
and benefit from one firearm brand. A firearm’s brand is decided by the crafter when a
firearm is crafted, or chosen by the DM when purchased. Some brands specialize in
particular types of firearms, and those firearms are more likely to be found with that
particular brand, and vice versa.

When making your own firearm brand, focus on the brand as an entity within your world
before anything mechanical; who is their market? How do they appeal to them? What do
they offer that no one else does? Once you find the answers, the next step is to assign
thematically fitting traits and to decide whether or not this brand’s firearms cost more or less
than their normal cost.

Awe & Sons

“Awe & Sons: Awesome”
Awe & Sons want to bring their explosive personality to all gunners. They have no particular
Firearms made by Awe & Sons cost 50% more than normal and gain the following benefit:
● This firearm gains the explosive property. If this firearm already has the explosive
property, its explosive property gains an additional die of damage. Otherwise, a bulky
firearm, a long firearm or scatter firearm gains the explosive (1d6 fire) property, and a
small or sidearm firearm gains the explosive (1d4 fire) property.

Magician's Hat Incorporated

“Casting Guns”
M.H.I caters to the spellcasters that desire a practical sidearm to complement their spells.
They specialize in producing simple long, sidearm and small firearms.
Firearms made by M.H.I cost 25% more than normal and gain the following benefits:
● This firearm can be used as a spellcasting focus.
● When the wielder uses this firearm as a spellcasting focus, the spell does not require
verbal components, or material components without a listed cost. But still requires
somatic components.

Der Bunkerbrecher
“Once a Bunker, Now a Crater; That’s Bunker Breaker!”
The Bunker Breaker believes that bigger always means better. They specialize in simple and
martial heavy and scatter firearms, and are legendary for their penetrating overcharge rifles.
Firearms made by Bunkerbreaker cost 25% more than normal and gain the following
● This firearm’s ranged attacks deal additional damage to objects and structures equal
to the wielder’s proficiency bonus, so long as they are proficient with this firearm.
● This firearm’s maximum reload score increases by 2.

Fabbrica d'Armi Pierro Abretta

“Le pistole non uccidono, le persone sì”
Pierro Abretta’s Arms Factory wants firearms to be accessible to common citizens with the
quality and the years of expertise they bring. They specialize in manufacturing simple
firearms, martial small, sidearm, and long firearms.
Firearms made by Pierro Abretta’s Arms Factory cost their normal amount and gain the
following benefit:
● If the wielder of this firearm is not proficient with this firearm, they gain a +2 bonus to
ranged attack rolls made with it. If they are proficient with this firearm, they gain a +1
bonus to damage and attack rolls made with it.

“Never Stop”
Hummingbird cherishes speed above all else: this brand specializes in simple and martial
long and small firearms.
Firearms made by Hummingbird cost 50% more than normal and gain the following benefits:
● This firearm gains the burst property, using 10 rounds as normal or as many as
possible up to 10. In that case you gain -1 to your DC for your burst attack.
● The wielder of this firearm can reload this firearm as a bonus action on their turn.

Smith Huntsman
“All Pain, All Terrain”
Smith Huntsman knows the truth of wetwork: this brand specializes in simple and martial
long, scatter, and small firearms.
Firearms made by Smith Huntsman cost 50% more than normal and gain the following
● This firearm doesn’t lose weapon condition due to exposure to environmental factors.
● If a ranged attack made with this firearm deals damage to a creature, the wielder has
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track that creature for the next 10
● Deals an additional dice worth of damage to beasts.

Conroy Industries
“Conroy Enterprises, the future of Dironaal.”
Anbustead based company, It developed new technologies that would be accessible to
everyone for everyday use such as medical, electronics and many more. They keep their
same direction also in firearms; well rounded and accessible.
Firearms made by Conroy Industries cost twice their normal cost and gain the following
● This firearm’s maximum reload score increases by 1.
● Increase the firearm's normal and long range by 5.
● When broken this weapon can be repaired using an action, instead of during a short

M.I.N.D. Linc.
“Ahead of the Curve”
MIND Limited Incorporation lives to please every citizen that believes in advancement. If a
firearm can be sold, they make it.
Firearms made by M.I.N.D. Linc. cost twice their normal cost and gain the following benefits:
● This firearm cannot be in Poor Quality or lower condition.
● This firearm can only expend M.I.N.D. Linc branded ammunition. The ammunition is
considered to be magical, and it costs five times as much as normal ammunition.

D'armes de Jean-Fusilier
“Keep Calm and Carry on Shooting”
Arms of Jean-Fusilier markets itself to the upper crust of society and claims that all nobles
should carry suitably deadly protection. They specialize in simple and martial long, scatter,
sidearm, and small firearms.
Firearms made by The Shooter’s Stock cost two times their normal cost and gain the
following benefits:
● This firearm counts as being in subpar quality even when it's in poor quality.
● You can attempt to fix this weapon as a bonus action regardless of your ability to do

Günther Armory
“Keep shooting, more shooting”
Günther Armory has a simple saying; shoot more, kill more. They prefer to craft simple and
martial long, scatter, and small firearms but are also well-known for their cyclones.
Firearms made by Günther Armory cost 50% more than normal and gain the following
● This firearm’s maximum reload score increases by 3.
● Once per turn if you miss you can fire one more time with disadvantage.

“No place is too far to travel for a bullet”
Håkke is known for their exceptional barrels that lets their firearms shoot at much greater
distances. Also combined with their post-fire bullet accelerating receiver design even
deadlier at longer ranges. They manufacture simple and martial long and sidearm firearms,
also rarely scatter guns.
Firearms made by Håkke cost 50% more than normal and gain the following benefits:
● Increase the firearm's normal range by 15 and its long range by 35.
● When you hit a target within this firearm's long range it deals an extra 1d6 piercing
“Swift death to my enemies”
Dîn’Tingûr markets itself to the budding quiet need of an edge. They manufacture simple and
martial long and sidearm firearms.
Firearms made by Dîn’Tingûr cost 25% more than normal and gain the following benefits:
● Creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to hear this
● Once per turn, you can draw or stow this firearm without it counting as the free object
interaction on your turn.

Bag’gan Jank
“Another One’s Treasure”
Bag’gan Jank recognizes that the average firearm is far too expensive for a regular citizen,
and often far more advanced than what their needs require. They manufacture anything and
everything they can cobble together from the donated and recycled components available to
Firearms made by Bag’gan Jank cost half their normal cost and gain the following benefits:
● These firearms can never be above subpar condition.
● This firearm can still be fired when it's broken. A creature can attempt to fire a broken
firearm with a gunsmith’s kit as part of the same attack action, the creature must
make a Dexterity (Gunsmith’s Kit) check, the DC of which is 5 if it is a simple firearm,
or 10 if it is a martial firearm.
On a success, the firearm can fire until the start of your next turn. On a failed check,
the firearm fails to fire that turn.

Firearm Calibers
Firearm ammunition is divided into pistol, rifle, shotgun, high-powered, and explosive. Using
this method, a firearm can only be loaded with ammunition of the same type. For example, a
rifle round using firearm can only be loaded with rifle round ammunition.

Firearm Mods
Firearm mods provide player characters with a myriad of ways to customize their firearms to
produce drastically different effects and playstyles.

Magical & Mundane

Some firearm mods are mundane, while others are magical. A firearm mod will state whether
it is magical or not before its rarity.
Magical mods cease to function while in an anti-magic field, dead magic zone, or similar
effect, but they are not considered to be spells or spell effects.

Attaching & Detaching Mods

A character can attach and detach a number of mods up to their Dexterity modifier over the
course of 1 minute, or a character can attach and detach any number of mods to or from a
firearm they are maintaining.
While a mod is attached, the firearm it is attached to gains the bonuses and traits written in
the mod description. While a mod is detached, it is assumed to weigh 1 pound.
A firearm with at least 1 magical mod of rare or higher rarity attached to it requires
attunement to benefit from such mods when used. A firearm only requires one attunement
slot, regardless of how many mods it has attached that require attunement.

Mod Types
Mods are organized into several different types; Barrel, frame, gear, receiver, and sight.
These mod types describe the function and placement of a particular mod on a firearm.
A firearm cannot have more than one of the same type of mod attached to it at once.


Mundane firearm gear, common, 3 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another gear mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm is treated as a dagger for the purposes of melee attacks made with it.
● The firearm cannot be a sidearm or have the emplacement property for this to be

Enhanced Rail
Mundane firearm sight, common, 20 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another sight mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm’s normal range increases by 10 feet.

Mundane firearm gear, common, 40 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another gear mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● While wielding this firearm, you can use a bonus action to activate or deactivate the
illuminator. While active, it casts bright light in a 60-foot cone, and dim light for an
additional 60 feet.

Knock-out Barrel
Mundane firearm barrel, common, 50 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another barrel mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a ranged weapon attack made with
this firearm, the creature falls unconscious and is stable.

Mundane firearm gear, common, 2 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another gear mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● You have +2 to checks made not to drop your firearm, even then it only falls on your
Arcane Receiver
Magical firearm receiver, uncommon, 400 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another receiver mod to the
firearm, and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Mundane firearm barrel, uncommon, 200 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another barrel mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● Once per turn, when you make a ranged weapon attack with this firearm, you can
make an additional attack at disadvantage, so long as this firearm has the
ammunition to do so.

Hammerhead Choke
Mundane firearm barrel, uncommon, 250 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another barrel mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm’s scatter property now affects an additional 5 feet.

Light Build
Mundane firearm frame, uncommon, 150 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another frame mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm loses the two handed property if it has the light property, or gains the
light property if it lacked the heavy property.
● A firearm with this mod attached cannot benefit from a sight mod.

Mundane firearm barrel, uncommon, 200 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another barrel mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● The audible distance of this firearm’s ranged weapon attacks is reduced to 5 times
the max damage of the weapon feet, instead of 100 the max damage of the weapon
times feet. (explained in “loud”)
● Creatures have disadvantage on the checks to notice they are being shot at unless
missed shot hits something in the line of shot that reveals it.

Arcane Receiver (+1)

Magical firearm receiver, rare, 800 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another receiver mod to the
firearm, and the firearm gains the following benefits while you are attuned to it:
● This firearm is magical, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it.
Mariner’s Receiver
Magical firearm receiver, uncommon, 280 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another receiver mod to the
firearm, and the firearm gains the following benefits while you are attuned to it:
● This firearm can fire underwater with no penalties.

Mundane firearm gear, rare, 100 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another gear mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● While you are prone or behind suitable horizontal half cover such as a table or
half-wall, you gain a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls made with this firearm.

Extended Magazine
Mundane firearm frame, rare, 220 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another frame mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● This firearm gains a bonus to its maximum reload score.

Mundane firearm sight, uncommon, 210 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you cannot attach another sight mod to the firearm,
and the firearm gains the following benefits:
● You can use a bonus action to line up a shot, negating the disadvantage for firing
beyond the firearm’s normal range.
● The long range of the weapon increases by an amount of feet equal to half the
weapon’s normal long range.

Mundane firearm frame, common, 20 gp
While this mod is attached to a firearm you CAN attach another frame mod to the firearm,
and this attachment can be applied to firearms with other frame mods. The firearm gains the
following benefits:
● The weapon loses the heavy property or gains the light property if it lacks the heavy
● The firearm gets its weight halved due to loss of stock and the shortened barrel.
● The weapon loses 10 feet of long range due to this.

Firearm Quality
A firearm scavenged from a dungeon or battlefield will likely be broken or heavily damaged,
whereas a firearm crafted by the finest gunsmith in the country is likely to be of a far higher
quality and in pristine condition. Using this rule, firearms come in four different qualities:

A broken firearm cannot be used until it has been repaired. Firearms of this quality are worth
a quarter of their normal cost.
A creature can attempt to repair a broken firearm with a gunsmith’s kit over the course of an
hour as a light activity. At the end of the hour, the creature must make a Dexterity
(Gunsmith’s Kit) check, the DC of which is 10 if it is a simple firearm, or 15 if it is a martial
On a success, the firearm is now of poor quality instead of broken, and you consume 1 gun
oil. On a failed check, the firearm breaks permanently and is considered to be worthless.

Poor Quality
A firearm of poor quality automatically misses on a 1, 2 or 3 on the dice and malfunctions.
When a firearm malfunctions, it cannot be used to make further ranged weapon attacks until
a creature wielding it uses an Action to fix it. Characters who can reload as a bonus action
can also fix a malfunction as a bonus action.
Additionally, a firearm of poor quality has -1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Subpar Quality
A firearm of subpar quality automatically misses on a 1 or 2 on the dice and malfunctions.
When a firearm malfunctions, it cannot be used to make further ranged weapon attacks until
a creature wielding it uses an Action to fix it. Characters who can reload as a bonus action
can also fix a malfunction as a bonus action.

Average Quality
Average quality firearms function as normal, with no further benefits or flaws, and are worth
their normal cost.

Good Quality
Firearms of this good quality have +1 bonus to attack rolls, and when they roll a 1 on the
damage dice, reroll it and use the new one. Also, firearms of this quality are worth 50% more
than their normal cost.

Premium Quality
A firearm of premium quality does not automatically miss when a 1 is rolled on a ranged
attack roll made with it. Firearms of this quality have +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls,
and when they roll a 1 on the damage dice, reroll it and use the new one. Also, firearms of
this quality are worth four times their normal cost.

Artillery Weapons
Personal firearms are not the only ones that ravage the battlefield. There are also larger
weapons that can sometimes weigh thousands of pounds and must be carried by beasts of
burden. These weapons often have a range of miles, used to drop heavy explosive shells
directly onto enemy lines. It makes the battlefield incredibly lethal: the enemy does not
have to see a man to kill him.

Grand Gun
Gargantuan object
Armor Class 18
Hit points 300
Damage immunities poison, psychic
Weight 80,000 lb.
Ammunition Artillery shell, gas shell
The forty-ton lumbering menace of a refitted naval cannon. Attached to a pair of treads, this
beast sinks into the dirt below it even if it is bone dry. It has an incredible range secondary
only to the Citadel Gun, of which there is only one. It takes two actions to load a Grand Gun,
two actions to aim it, and one action to fire it.
Explosive shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 3,000 feet and 30,000
feet. Each creature within a 40 foot diameter sphere centered on that point must succeed a
DC14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. Being behind three quarters cover or greater allows a creature to further reduce
this damage by half.
Smoke shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 3,000 feet and 30,000 feet.
A spherical cloud of smoke 60 feet in diameter appears on that point. The area within the
smoke is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed
(at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Gas shell. This uses 1 gas shell. Choose a point between 3,000 feet and 30,000 feet. A
spherical cloud of toxic gas 60
feet in diameter originate on that point, heavily obscuring the area. It lasts for 1 minute or
until a wind of moderate or
greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Anyone ending their turn within the
gas must succeed a DC15 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 acid damage, taking half as
much on a save. If a creature in the cloud is wearing a gas mask, the damage to it is halved.

Field Gun
Huge object
Armor Class 16
Hit points 125
Damage immunities poison, psychic
Weight 8,000 lb.
Ammunition Artillery shell, gas shell
A field gun is a short-range artillery piece that can be carried in by an army. They are the
second lightest after howitzers, but still weigh four tons. In a pinch, they can be moved about
and adjusted. They are manned by several people, including a commander, loader, and
gunner. It takes two actions to load a field gun, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it.
Explosive shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 1000 feet and 10,000
feet. Each creature within a 30 foot diameter sphere centered on that point must succeed a
DC14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. Being behind three quarters cover or greater allows a creature to further reduce
this damage by half.
Smoke shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 1000 feet and 10,000 feet.
A spherical cloud of smoke 40 feet in diameter appears on that point. The area within the
smoke is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed
(at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Gas shell. This uses 1 gas shell. Choose a point between 1000 feet and 10,000 feet. A
spherical cloud of toxic gas 40 feet in diameter originates on that point, heavily obscuring the
area. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per
hour) disperses it.
Anyone ending their turn within the gas must succeed a DC15 Constitution saving throw or
take 3d6 acid damage, taking half as much on a save. If a creature in the cloud is wearing a
gas mask, the damage to it is halved.

Field Cannon
Large object
Armor Class 15
Hit points 75
Damage immunities poison, psychic
Weight 2,500 lb.
Ammunition Artillery shell
A field cannon is a short-barreled artillery piece easily maneuvered by a single horse. Most
have large wheels on the sides. They can be manned by two people, usually. It takes one
action to load a field cannon, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it.
Explosive shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 600 feet and 6,000 feet.
Each creature within a 20 foot diameter sphere centered on that point must succeed a DC14
Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
success. Being behind three quarters cover or greater allows a creature to further reduce
this damage by half.
Smoke shell. This uses 1 artillery shell. Choose a point between 600 feet and 6,000 feet. A
spherical cloud of smoke 40 feet in diameter appears on that point. The area within the
smoke is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed
(at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Artillery Ammunition
Name Cost (per 1) Weight (per 1)

Artillery shell 325 gp 25 lb

Gas shell 600 gp 20 lb.

–6th Era Tool Kits–

Electrician’s Kit
Cost: 40 gp Weight: 5 lb.
This kit allows a character to understand, rewire and repair electrical or electronic devices.
Components. This collection of hand tools and small parts typically includes a variety of
pliers, drivers, cutting devices, fasteners, power tools, and leads and wires.
Arcana, History. Your knowledge of electrical systems aids you in identifying the properties
of magical energy sources and mods or the history of such items. Your expertise also lets
you gain additional insight when examining electronic devices or circuitry and trying to
determine their history, model, or manufacturer.
Investigation. When you examine electronic devices or circuitry, proficiency with an
electrical tool kit is useful for determining factors such as the purpose of the item, the reason
it was damaged, the type of workload the device was under, and the general maintenance
state it was in.
Repair. You can restore 10 hit points to a damaged electronic object for each hour of work, if
it can be repaired. You need access to the necessary materials required to repair it if need
Sabotage Circuitry. Your knowledge of an electronic’s internal design enables you to
sabotage them with ease. With an electrical tool kit in hand, you can spend 1 minute
tinkering with an electrical circuitry or a similar electrical device, such as a radio or a
generator to sabotage it. The sabotage is not immediately obvious unless a creature
inspects the device unless it causes a noticeable malfunction. A sabotaged device cannot be
used until it is fixed.

Activity DC

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged small electronic device 10

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged standart circuitry 15

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged generator by rerouting power or otherwise 15

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged complex circuitry 20

Mechanic’s Kit
Cost: 30 gp Weight: 7 lb.
This kit, which fits in a portable toolbox, allows a character to make repairs for mechanical
devices or the mechanical aspects of more complex devices.
Components. A mechanic’s kit includes a collection of hand tools and small parts typically
includes a variety of wrenches, drivers, pliers, hammers, cutting devices, bolts and precise
implements used for deconstructing and reconstructing constructs and mechanical devices
such as ships, cars, bikes and automachines.
Arcana, History. Your knowledge of mechanical systems aids you in identifying the
properties of magical mechanic constructs and mods or the history of such items. Your
expertise also lets you gain additional insight when examining mechanical devices or
constructs and trying to determine their history, model, or manufacturer.
Investigation. When you examine mechanical devices or constructs, proficiency with a
mechanic's kit is useful for determining factors such as the purpose of the item, the reason it
was damaged, the type of workload the device was under, and the general maintenance
state it was in.
Perception. Your experience grants you greater insight when conducting repairs on ships,
vehicles and other machinery. Your eyes are trained to see damages and breaches of
Repair. You can restore 10 hit points to a damaged mechanical object for each hour of work,
if it can be repaired. You need access to the necessary materials required to repair it if need
Sabotage Machine. Your knowledge of a machine’s internal design enables you to
sabotage them with ease. With a mechanic’s kit in hand, you can spend 1 minute tinkering
with a machine or a similar mechanical device, such as an engine or a generator to
sabotage it. The sabotage is not immediately obvious unless a creature inspects the device
unless it causes a noticeable malfunction. A sabotaged device cannot be used until it is

Activity DC

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged simple machinery 10

Disassembling a standard vehicle’s engine 15

Restore function to a damaged vehicle 15

Restore function to a broken or sabotaged complex machinery 20

Disassembling a complex vehicle’s engine 20

Demolition Kit
Cost: 40 gp Weight: 6 lb.
This kit contains everything needed to set detonators, wire explosive devices, and disarm
explosive devices.
Components. Demolition kits include all of the necessary components to create, set, and
disarm explosives. It contains a plastic face guard and heavy duty gloves, as well as
precision cutting and gripping tools, and various common components of grenades and
History. Your knowledge of explosives grants you insight when answering questions about
the most effective explosives for a given task.
Investigation, Perception. You gain additional insight when looking for mines and charges,
because you have learned a variety of common signs that betray their presence.
Amplify Explosive. Over the course of a short or long rest, you can make a DC 15
demolitions kit check to temporarily improve one grenade or mine. To use this benefit, you
must have a demolition kit with you, and the object must be within reach. If the explosive is
detonated before the end of your next short or long rest, it deals bonus damage. This bonus
is a die, with a maximum value equal to your proficiency bonus. If you have expertise in the
tool, this die’s maximum is instead equal to twice your proficiency bonus.
Craft Makeshift Explosive. Just as you can disable explosives, you can also set them. As
part of a short rest, you can create an explosive using items you have on hand. The total of
your check becomes the DC for someone else's attempt to discover or disable the trap. The
trap deals damage appropriate to the materials used in crafting it (such as poison or a
weapon) or damage equal to half the total of your check, whichever the DM deems

Activity DC

Examine a scene of explosive 10

Conceal an explosive 15

Disarm an explosive Varies

Gunsmith’s Kit
Cost: 35 gp Weight: 6 lb.
A necessary tool for any firearm wielder, a gunsmith’s kit allows its owner to maintain,
modify, and otherwise tinker with firearms.
Components. A gunsmith’s kit includes metal files, scourers, cloths, polish, and precise
implements used for deconstructing and reconstructing firearms.
Arcana, History. Your knowledge of firearms aids you in identifying the properties of
magical firearms and mods or the history of such items. Your expertise also lets you gain
additional insight when examining firearms and trying to determine their history, model, or
Investigation. When you examine the scene of a gunfight, proficiency with a gunsmith’s kit
is useful for determining factors such as a shooter’s position, the firearm they used, the type
of ammunition that was shot, and the skill of a shooter.
Medicine. This tool proficiency grants additional insight whenever you treat anyone suffering
from a gunshot wound, or when examining the corpse of a creature killed by a firearm.
Sabotage Armament. Your knowledge of a firearm’s internal design enables you to
sabotage them with ease. With a gunsmith’s kit in hand, you can spend 1 minute tinkering
with a firearm or a similar weapon, such as a cannon, to sabotage it. The sabotage is not
immediately obvious unless a creature inspects the weapon. A sabotaged weapon cannot be
used to make ranged weapon attacks until it is maintained or otherwise fixed.

Activity DC

Repair a broken or sabotaged simple firearm 10

Repair a broken or sabotaged martial firearm 15

Repair a broken or sabotaged piece of ordnance 20

Gunner’s Pack
Cost: 45 gp Weight: 33 lb.
If you are buying your starting equipment, you can purchase a gunner’s pack for the price
shown, which might be cheaper than buying items individually.

Gunner’s Pack (45 gp) ( 33 lb.). Includes a bandolier (2 lb.), a gunsmiths’ kit (6 lb.), a hooded
lantern (2 lb.), a steel mirror (½ lb.), 30 shots of firearm ammunition ( pistol, rifle, shotgun rounds), 2
pouches (1 lb. each), 2 flasks of oil (1 lb. each), 5 gun oil (½ lb. each), 5 days of rations (2 lb. each), a
tinderbox (1 lb.) and a waterskin (5 lb.).
–Vehicles and Mechanoware of 6th Era–

This age of advancement brought along an extreme ease of travel. Vehicles of all kinds
travelling land, sea, and even air at great speeds. Here are the new set of vehicles and rules
of how to modify and use them.

This age also brought a plethora of mechanical advancements, new tools, factories etc.
Some of these are less human… Giving off some of your humanity to machine parts. These
new mechanical body modifications are called Mechanowares. Started off as prosthetics and
wearable tool sets. Later inspired by the rise of the Warforged, people started to incorporate
mechanical body parts for their daily life use.

Vehicles and Mechanoware WIP

–Industrial Adventuring Gear–

Item, Cost, Weight
Adding machine 20 gp, 1 lb.
Backpack, small 2 gp 5 lb.
Backpack, large 5 gp 8 lb.
Ball bearings, 1,000 5 sp 2 lb.
Bandolier, 2 gp, 2 lb.
Barrel, wood, 30 gal. 10 gp 350 lb. (full)
Barrel, steel, 55 gal. 25 gp 600 lb. (full)
Basket, wicker 3 sp 2 lb.
Battery, 1 sp, 0.05 lb.
Battery, (20), 2 gp, 1 lb.
Bayonet 3 gp 2 lb.
Bedroll 1 gp 7 lb.
Bell 1 gp ---
Blanket, silk 5 gp 4 lb.
Blanket, wool 5 sp 3 lb.
Block and tackle 1 gp 5 lb.
Book, lore 18 gp 5 lb.
Book, manual 15 gp 1 lb.
Book, novel 10 gp 2 lb.
Boots, leather 10 gp 2 lb.
Bottle, glass, 16 oz. 5 sp 1 lb.
Bottle, glass, 32 oz. 1 gp 2 lb.
Jug, glass, 1 gal. 5 gp 8 lb.
Box, matches, 50 5 sp ---
Bucket, 5 gal. 2 sp 2 lb.
Caltrops, 20 1 gp 2 lb.
Camera 30 gp 5 lb.
Camera film, 10 shots 10 gp 1 lb.
Canister, 5 gal. 5 gp 3 lb.
Canister, gasoline, 5 gal. 15 gp 53 lb.
Candle 1 cp ---
Canteen, 4 pints 5 sp 5 lb. (full)
Case, 10 bolts 1 gp 1 lb.
Case, map/scroll 1 gp 1 lb.
Cigars, 2 cigar, 8 sp
Cigarettes, 1 pack, 3 cp
Cigarettes, 1 carton (10 packs), 5 sp
Chain, 10 ft. 3 gp 10 lb.
Chalk 1 cp ---
Chest, travel 15 gp 15 lb.
Chest, iron 20 gp 40 lb.
Chest, wood 10 gp 30 lb.
Climber's kit 20 gp 12 lb.
Clock 75 gp 2 lb.
Clothes, commoner's 1 gp 3 lb.
Clothes, costume 5 gp 4 lb.
Clothes, fine 15 gp 6 lb.
Clothes, noble 35 gp 6 lb.
Clothes, peasant's 5 sp 2 lb.
Clothes, robes 3 gp 4 lb.
Clothes, royal 120 gp 10 lb.
Clothes, soldier's 10 gp 5 lb.
Clothes, traveler's 3 gp 4 lb.
Component pouch 25 gp 2 lb.
Coffee, can, 1sp,
Crowbar 1 gp 5 lb.
Fishing tackle 5 sp 4 lb.
Flask, 1 pt. 5 sp 1 lb.
Flask, developing fluid 10 gp 2 lb.
Flask, oil 1 sp 2 lb.
Flask, water, holy 30 gp 2 lb.
Flask, water, unholy 60 gp 2 lb.
Focus, arcane --- ---
Crystal 35 gp 1 lb.
Orb 50 gp 3 lb.
Rod 25 gp 2 lb.
Staff 15 gp 4 lb.
Wand 10 gp 1 lb.
Focus, druidic --- ---
Mistletoe sprig 1 gp ---
Totem 1 gp ---
Staff, wooden 1 gp 4 lb.
Wand, yew 3 gp 1 lb.
Gas mask 15 gp 2 lb.
Gas mask filter, 24 hrs. 8 gp 1 lb.
Grappling hook 5 gp 4 lb.
Hammer 1 gp 1 lb.
Hammer, sledge 5 gp 15 lb.
Healer's kit 5 gp 3 lb.
Holy symbol --- ---
Amulet 5 gp 1 lb.
Emblem 5 gp ---
Reliquary 5 gp 2 lb.
Lantern, bullseye 10 gp 2 lb.
Lantern, hooded 5 gp 2 lb.
Lamp, dynamo 25 gp 3 lb.
Lighter 2 gp ---
Lock 10 gp 1 lb.
Paper, 10 sheets 1 gp ---
Parchment, one sheet 5 sp ---
Pen, ink 2 sp ---
Pickaxe 5 gp 10 lb.
Piton 1 sp ¼ lb.
Pouch, 50 rounds 5 cp ---
Quiver, 20 arrows 1 sp 1 lb.
Radio, handheld 300 gp 20 lb.
Radio, portable 180 gp 12 lb.
Radio, cabin 320 gp 25 lb.
Radio, station 400 gp 29 lb.
Rations, 1 day 2 sp 1 lb.
Repair kit, blade 10 gp 5 lb.
Repair kit, gun 25 gp 5 lb.
Rod, ferrocerium 5 sp 1 lb.
Rope, hemp, 50 ft. 1 gp 10 lb.
Rope, silk, 50 ft. 10 gp 5 lb.
Sack 1 sp 1 lb.
Scale, merchant's 10 gp 3 lb.
Saw, bone 5 gp 2 lb.
Saw, crosscut, one-man 10 lb. 6 lb.
Saw, crosscut, two-man 16 gp 9 lb.
Sealing wax 5 sp ---
Shovel 2 gp 5 lb.
Signet ring 20 gp ---
Soap, bar 2 cp ½ lb.
Spellbook, basic 75 gp 5 lb.
Spellbook, deluxe 300 gp 8 lb.
Spikes, iron, 10 1 gp 2 lb.
Scope 80 gp 1 lb.
Spyglass 200 gp 2 lb.
Suitcase, regular 10 gp 6lb
Suitcase, large 13 gp 10lb
Ten foot ladder 5 gp 7 lb.
Ten foot pole 1 gp 25 lb.
Tent, one-man 1 gp 13 lb.
Tent, two-man 2 gp 20 lb.
Tent, three-man 5 gp 23 lb.
Tent, four-man 9 gp 26 lb.
Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
Trap, bear 20 gp 50 lb.
Trap, hunting 10 gp 20 lb.
Vial, 4 oz. 2 sp ¼ lb.
Vial, acid, weak 15 gp ½ lb.
Vial, alchemist's fire 20 gp ½ lb.
Vial, antitoxin 20 gp ½ lb.
Vial, ink 5 gp ½ lb.
Vial, oil, gun 1 gp ½ lb.
Vial, perfume, cheap 1 gp ½ lb.
Vial, perfume, fine 10 gp ½ lb.
Vial, poison, basic 20 gp ½ lb.
Vial, poison, drow 50 gp ½ lb.
Vial, poison, venom 200 gp ½ lb.
Watch, pocket 40 gp ---
Whetstone 2 cp 1 lb.
Whistle, trench 5 gp ---

This section describes items that have special rules or require further explanation.
Adding machine. This handheld machine can add, subtract, multiply, and divide amounts of
up to 100,000.
Backpacks. A small backpack can hold up to 20 pounds of equipment. A large backpack
can hold up to 40 pounds of gear.
Ball bearings. As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a
level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must
succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area
at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.
Bandolier. A bandolier can hold up to 40 shots worth of firearm ammunition within its
pouches. In addition, it has two holsters; one on the hip and another on the back. The hip
holster can hold 1 small firearm and the back holster can hold 1 long or scatter firearm.
Block and tackle. A set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach
to objects, a block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times the weight you can
normally lift.
Books. Books of lore discuss history or speculation about history. Manuals instruct a reader
on how to perform a certain task. Novels discuss fictional events.
Caltrops. As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5
feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the
creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature
moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.
Camera. A camera is used to produce photographs. As an action, you can take a picture.
Doing so uses one shot of camera film. To develop your film into photographs, you need
developing fluid. About 1 pint of developing fluid will develop 10 photographs.
Candle. For 1 hour, a candle sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 5 feet.
Canister, gasoline. Gasoline is used to power vehicles using a combustion engine. It is
flammable, and one can spread one pint of it on the ground in much the same way
that oil can, using the same statistics as it.
Case, map/scroll. This cylindrical leather case can hold up to ten rolled-up sheets of paper
or five scrolls.
Chain. A chain has 10 hit points. It can be burst with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
Chests. An iron chest can hold a maximum of 500 pounds of objects. A wooden chest can
hold a maximum of 300 pounds of objects.
Climber's kit. A climber’s kit includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You
can use the climber’s kit as an action to anchor yourself; when you do, you can’t fall more
than 25 feet from the point where you anchored yourself, and you can’t climb more than 25
feet away from that point without undoing the anchor.
Clock. A clock is a stationary piece used to indicate and measure time. With this, you can
accurately know the exact time of the day.
Component pouch. A component pouch is a small, watertight leather belt pouch that has
compartments to hold all the material components and other special items you need to cast
your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell’s
Crowbar. Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar’s
leverage can be applied.
Fishing tackle. This kit includes a wooden rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks,
lead sinkers, velvet lures, and narrow netting.
Flask, oil. Oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint. As an action, you can splash
the oil in this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it
on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target creature or object, treating the oil as an
improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire damage
before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 fire damage from the
burning oil. You can also pour a flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area,
provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to
any creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this
damage only once per turn.
Flask, holy/unholy water. As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a
creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case,
make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the flask as an improvised weapon.
If this is holy water, then a fiend or undead creature takes 2d6 radiant damage. A cleric or
paladin may create holy water by performing a special ritual. The ritual takes 1 hour to
perform, uses 25 gp worth of powdered silver, and requires the caster to expend a 1st-level
spell slot. Unholy water is functionally identical, except it deals damage to celestials and
good-aligned creatures, and requires 50 gp of powdered silver to create.
Focus, arcane. An arcane focus is a special item— an orb, a crystal, a rod, a specially
constructed staff, a wand-like length of wood, or some similar item— designed to channel
the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a
spellcasting focus.
Focus, druidic. A druidic focus might be a sprig of mistletoe or holly, a wand or scepter
made of yew or another special wood, a staff drawn whole out of a living tree, or a totem
object incorporating feathers, fur, bones, and teeth from sacred animals. A druid can use
such an object as a spellcasting focus.
Gas mask. A gas mask allows a creature to have advantage on any saving throw against a
gaseous substance in the air. A gas mask must have an attached filter to gain this effect,
which lasts for 24 hours once attached. Putting on or removing a gas mask is an action.
Healer's kit. This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has
ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0
hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Holy symbol. A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. It might be an amulet
depicting a symbol representing a deity, the same symbol carefully engraved or inlaid as an
emblem on a shield, or a tiny box holding a fragment of a sacred relic. A cleric or paladin can
use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must
hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
Lantern, bullseye. A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an
additional 60 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an action, you
can fix the focusing mirrors, projecting bright light in a 120- foot line 10 feet wide.
Lantern, hooded. A hooded lantern casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil. As an action, you can
lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 5- foot radius.
Lamp, dynamo. A dynamo lamp is powered by a crank. It casts bright light in a 60-foot cone
and dim light for an additional 60 feet. It does not require fuel, but does require both hands to
power it. There is also a version with a battery and switch which does not require you to hold
Lighter. This flip lighter has 100 uses. Using it to light a torch—or anything else with
abundant, exposed fuel—takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.
Lock. A key is provided with the lock. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves’
tools can pick this lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Your GM may decide that
better locks are available for higher prices.
Radio, handheld. This is a handheld radio designed to be used by a small team of signal
officers. It allows communication between this radio and any number of radios in a 10 mile
radius. Uses both batteries and a dynamo. Under heavy fog, rain, snow, or any other
condition that obscures the atmosphere, this radius is reduced by half.
Radio, portable. This is a portable radio designed to be used to receive radio transmissions
on the go. Needs batteries to work. It allows listening to radio channels in a 50 mile radius.
Under heavy fog, rain, snow, or any other condition that obscures the atmosphere, this
radius is reduced by half.
Radio, cabin. This is a radio cabin designed to be used to receive radio transmissions in
houses. It allows listening to radio channels in a 100 mile radius. Under heavy fog, rain,
snow, or any other condition that obscures the atmosphere, this radius is reduced by half.
Radio, station. This is a station radio designed to be used by a radio operator for many
purposes. It allows communication between this radio and any number of radios in a 1000
mile radius. Under heavy fog, rain, snow, or any other condition that obscures the
atmosphere, this radius is reduced by half.
Rations. A soldier's rations usually consist of potted beef and rations. Most also come with a
small amount of cigarettes. The rations given to frontlines is known for packing a small
amount of rum with their rations.
Repair kits. This repair kit allows you to fix a bladed weapon. If a weapon is damaged to the
point where it suffers a penalty, a repair kit can reduce that penalty by 1. Applying a repair kit
to a bladed weapon takes 1 hour.
Rod, ferrocerium. When struck against an object made of steel, this rod makes heavy,
bright sparks. Using it to light a torch—or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel—takes
an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.
Rope. Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17
Strength check.

Scale, merchant's. A scale includes a small balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of
weights up to 2 pounds. With it, you can measure the exact weight of small objects, such as
raw precious metals or trade goods, to help determine their worth.
Saws. A bonesaw grants advantage on Medicine checks to amputate limbs. Crosscut saws
are used to buck logs. A two man saw, when two people use it, grants advantage on checks
to cut down wooden objects.
Spellbooks. A basic spellbook has 50 vellum pages. A deluxe spellbook has 200 vellum
Spyglass. A spyglass is collapsible, usually carried by officers. It magnifies objects to six
times their size.
Torch. A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it deals 1
fire damage.
Traps. When you use your action to set a hunting trap, it forms a saw-toothed steel ring that
snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap is
affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the
ground. A creature that steps on the plate must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of
the trap, its movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature
can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within
its reach on a success. Each failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature.
A bear trap requires a DC15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid, deals 2d6 piercing damage on
a failed save, and requires a DC15 Strength check to escape. Failed checks deal 3 piercing
damage each time.
Vial, acid, weak. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within
5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a
ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a
hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.
Vial, alchemist's fire. This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action,
you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against
a creature or object, treating the alchemist’s fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the
target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage
by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
Vial, antitoxin. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws
against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.
Vial, poison, basic. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing
weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature
hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before
Vial, poison, drow. This poison is typically made only by the drow, and only in a place far
removed from sunlight. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC13
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more,
the creature is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes
damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.
Vial, poison, venom. This poison must be harvested froma dead or incapacitated giant
poisonous snake. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Watch, pocket. A small watch on a chain allows the user to keep track of the time down to
the tenth of a second.
Whistle, trench. A trench whistle, when blown, can be heard clearly by anyone within 300
feet. Blowing the whistle uses a bonus action.

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