11.19.21 Notes On Buddhism

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Namu an kimyo – does not have the mind to believe in Amida Buddha – no chance for liberation

Listen harder – I will be saved – see that all countless thoughts passing minds – all deeds that lead us to

Conceit and arrogance- we do not see as we are.

Amida Buddha – creates the mind to believe in amida buddha – mind that believes in the truth

Vow and practice must be within amida butsu

Chance to be saved – why you are listening to buddhism

Listening = true happiness

Ichinen-in a split second- granted salvation – practice goods-go forward towards goodness

Goods deeds-body, mouth and mind

Why practice good deeds? Master shindo encourage with such string terms – in order to breakthrough
our perverted views and arrogance – good deeds humble a person. -our true self is revealed.

Blindness of our true self eliminated at the vertical line.– must be eradicated – gedeki and taleki

2 phrases – world of other power and self power

19th vow-practice goods deeds with the mind, body and mouth.

Amida Buddha’s Vow- to make all being accomplish the meaning of life by practicing good deeds .
19th Vow
Outwardly display the image of one who is wise, good and towards our true
diligent, Avoid holding onto deceitfulness. self. We think we 18th Vow
are good. I am now, a foolish
-Shan tao.
being imbued with evil
“Saying, doing, thinking good – the path forward. and caught, in the
cycle of birth and
death, constantly
wandering for all these
Don’t be lazy, don’t complain, just do countless aeons
it, out into practice without ever a chance
for liberation: this is
clearly revealed to me.
Don’t hold onto false thoughts.
p. 99 -Shan Tao

4. Making Efforts. (Do good and stop

doing bad.) Revelation of true self.

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