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Unit 2: Trouble for the air plants

*Main idea1 : Main idea 1: The mysterious canopy

- In the high canopy, a special group of plants called epiphytes
- Mosses are the most common epiphytes, with a total of more
than 28,000 species worldwide.
- Air plant is another name for epiphytes.
- Epiphytic roots attach to other branches, especially branches.
However, epiphytes do not ingest nutrients from their host
*Main idea 2: Cling to life
- The plants are stripped of moss, then sold to florists and
horticultural shops.
- Many tropical forests have been destroyed by humans in recent
years to make way for agriculture and other activities.
*Main Idea 3: Reconnecting People
- Nadkarni has collaborated with rappers, authors and artists to
capture the attention of young people in particular.
Unit 3 : Big Problems , Simple Solutions
*Main idea 1 : Liquid lenses
- Many people need eyeglasses, but often there are not enough
optometrists in developing countries
- Silver invented special eyeglasses that make it easier for people
to self-correct their nearsightedness
- It is a cheap product
*Main idea 2: Fuel briquettes
- Smoke from indoor cooking kills more than 2 million children
every year
- Amy Smith has discovered a way to make safe cooking fuels
with higher combustion efficiency
- The materials she uses are also free and plentiful
*Main idea 3: Disaster Shelters
- More than 31 million people around the world lose their homes
every year due to genius
- Michael McDaniel invented the cheap, makeshift home for
people in these matters
- They are made from durable, recycled plastic and are super light

Unit 4 : Is gaming good for you ?

*Main idea 1 : People may benefit from online gaming in a number of


- Playing online multiplayer games can improve social skills.

- The more often teenagers play, the more successful they are in
society and the less lonely they feel.

*Main idea 2 : Online gaming may also improve thinking skills.

- They found that the players had more neurons in the parts of the
brain responsible for memory and planning.

*Main idea 3 : Virtuoso Gamers

- McGon's specialty is that these gamers have 4 superpowers
( Urgent Optimism, Community Builder, Bissfull Productivity,
Epic meaning ) making them better problem solvers

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