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Feeding Behavior of Dairy Cattle1s2s3

Department of Animal Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

ABSTRACT of taste is highly developed in cattle.

Pasturing supposedly would reduce
Feed accessibility may be more im-
stocking density, environmental pollu-
portant to cows than the actual amount
tion (waste disposal, odor, nuisance),
of nutrients provided. Competition for energy costs, and use of housing.
feed, water, and space can be reduced by Detailed observations, using intact and
fenceline feeding of TMR, which allows ruminally cannulated cows, suggest a be-
all cows to eat at once. Holstein cows havioral need for the cow to rest and to
that were fenceline fed a TMR of corn ruminate on her left side.
silage and concentrates ate 26% longer (Key words: feeding, behavior, grazing,
following feeding than the same size rumination)
group eating from bunks around which
they traveled. Many dairies practice Abbreviation key: REM = rapid eye move-
fenceline feeding during which cows’ ment.
heads are in the natural grazing position.
Cows eating with their heads in the INTRODUCTION
downward position produce 17% more
saliva, which directly affects rumen The primary concern of all animals is the
function, than cows eating with heads gathering of food (1). All animals evolve as
held horizontally. When fed in shallow, products of their dietary needs: the giraffe’s
neck, the lion’s teeth, the cow’s stomach, and
elevated bunks, 10% of cows exhibited
the suckling instinct in young mammals are all
year-round rooting, sorting, feed tossing
diet-oriented. An animal is not only what it
behavior, and feed wastage (0 to 5%).
eats, but it also is designed so that it can eat
Groups fed at ground level or in head- (29). Dairy cattle responses to various types of
locks showed little or no feed tossing feeds and feeding arrangements differ. Dairy
behavior. This apparent livestock en- farmers can use knowledge of animal behavior
gineering problem is remedied easily by to improve cow well-being and yield (6). For
feeding cows in the natural head down instance, feeding and watering systems must
position. Concrete mangers renovated be placed where young or inexperienced
with epoxy-type finishes, wood, or tile animals can find them. Accessibility of feed
aid feed consumption. Social facilitation may be more important than the actual amount
strongly influences eating bouts and feed of nutrients provided. Efforts must be made to
consumption in cows reared in group reduce the competition for feed, water, miner-
housing compared with isolated cows. als, and shelter. Also, cow space, cow density,
Palatability has a major influence on and distribution of feed are closely related
feed intake in ruminants, and the sense factors. Feed intake and consequent milk yield
are improved by provision of feed when cows
need and want to eat (88). When one cow eats,
Received June 24, 1992. another might be stimulated to do likewise,
Accepted October 16, 1992. whether she is hungry or not. This behavior is
lJournal Paper Number 13468 of the Purdue Univer- an example of social facilitation (38). When
sity Agricultural Experiment Station. cows eat in groups, they eat more than when
*Invited paper. they are fed separately. Furthermore, cows
3This research was conducted as part of Regional
Research Project NC-119, Dairy Herd Management Strate- kept in groups “are likely to be less fearful,
gies for Improved Decision Making and Profitability. and hence, more contented, healthier, and more

1993 J Dairy Sci 76:485-498 485


productive. The common practice of feeding (54). Some evidence (62, 73) indicates that
and milking cows in groups thus has a sound cattle eat less hay when fed individually than
psychological basis” (90). when group fed, possibly because of the in-
Dairy cattle are social animals that operate creased anxiety exhibited by temporarily iso-
within a herd structure and follow a leader lated cows. In joint research (16), group-reared
(leadership-followership) to and from pasture, calves spent a significantly (P < .05) greater
feedbunk, and milking parlor. Such behavior percentage of a 24-h d eating than did calves
can be beneficial (e.g., following a leader onto reared in isolation (10.9 vs. 5.4%).
a scale) or detrimental (e.g., a stampede) (21). Cattle have a distinct diurnal grazing pat-
Behavior becomes a balance of interacting tern, which includes a major meal beginning
driving forces: for newly mixed cows, aggres- approximately at sunrise (47, 54, 56). Further,
sion is dominant, but it soon diminishes as the cattle are crepuscular, that is, most active at
social order becomes established and the feed- sunrise and again at sunset. In Kenya, approxi-
ing drive becomes dominant (43). Cows ex- mately 35 km south of the equator, day length,
hibit wide differences in temperament, and sunrise to sunset, is 12 h and 8 min throughout
their behavior is determined by inheritance, the year. Arousal of cattle from a lying to a
prior experience, and training (37). Cows nor- grazing state occurs predictably between 20
mally are quiet and thrive on consistency and min before and 30 min after sunrise. The rate
gentle treatment by handlers (37). Handling of arousal varies considerably and is related to
procedures are more stressful for isolated the rate of increase of illumination and cloud
cows; therefore, attempts should be made to cover. The maximum temperature of the previ-
have several cows together during medical ous day, humidity at 0700 h, wind, and radia-
treatment, during artificial insemination, or tion of the previous day do not affect behavior
during movement from one group to another (50). Feeding behavior is affected by climate,
(17, 102). condition of teeth, age of cattle, and nature and
Research on feeding behavior may be found kind of feed. In general, feed consumption (in
in the reviews of Baile and Della-Fera (20) and a controlled climate laboratory) is depressed
Campling and Morgan (28). Aspects of feeding by increasing environmental temperature (83).
behavior relative to confinement housing, Patterns of feeding vary according to the
management, and innovations in feeding physical consistency of the ration. Cracked,
ground, processed grains are usually offered to
devices were reviewed by Coppock et al. (36). d a q cattle while they are restrained in a stan-
This paper summarizes current and relevant chion, headlock, or stall. Feed is put in front of
knowledge of eating and feeding behavior; de- them in a manger, from which the cattle eat by
velopments in feeding and grazing behavior gathering feed up with the tongue and sucking
because of the renewed interest in intensive it into the mouth. Most feed is in moderately
grazing and seasonal dairying; and the be- small particles; thus, no biting action is neces-
havioral aspects of rumination. Suckling be- sary, although chewing movements take place.
havior in calves-rates, patterns, and The major organs for prehension of feed are
frequency-is a subject unto itself and has the lips, teeth, and tongue. The general direc-
been covered earlier (54). Recently, drinking tion of movement of the jaws during eating in
behavior and water intake and deprivation the cow is the same as other mammals. Chew-
were summarized elsewhere (76). ing movements in ruminants differ from those
of most other mammals. At centric occlusion,
Eatlng Behavior only a narrow strip of their molars is in contact
because domestic ruminants are highly anisog-
The amount of grains and ground feed mix- nathous (having the upper jaw much wider
tures consumed is determined largely by the relatively than the lower one) (89). For further
quantity offered. However, cattle on silage eat details on eating procedures (i.e., jaw move-
larger quantities of less nutritious feed than ments, teeth, and voluntary and involuntary
when on pasture, presumably because of the swallowing), see the paper by Campling and
preclusion of selective choosing (54). Dry mat- Morgan (28).
ter consumption is higher when cows are fed Whole grain, pellets, silage, chopped
hay than when they are fed silage or pasture forages, and small roots also are scooped into
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993
the mouth by lip and tongue movements, fol- 3 h of feed deprivation increased rumination in
lowed by vigorous chewing. Cows discern the subsequent period. This finding supports
quickly how to select the leaves from hay and the assumption that feeding has priority over
how to figure out the transponder system to get rumination whenever the causal factors of the
what they want (e.g., hay rather than corn two behaviors are in conflict. [However, earlier
silage diets). Cattle bite and eat large tubers, research (80) indicates that rumination can
roots, and fruits, such as potatoes, sugar beets, have priority over eating when the former is
carrots, and apples, just as humans would. Salt restricted.] Similar data on the duration of
blocks, still common on many farms and feed- eating can be found in a study by Hafez and
lots, are licked by cattle. Earth eating (geopha- Bouissou (54) and summarized by Balch (23).
gia) is widespread in Africa and in confined Few data show the extent of variability be-
cattle the world over. Cattle are inquisitive tween days in eating time by cows given the
creatures that supposedly go to earth licks for same amount of feed each day.
salt because the Na content of herbage is often In an earlier 24-h observation study, Fuller
low. This hypothesis is not supported by (46) reported that cows in box stalls fed hay
chemical analysis (54). The reason why cattle for ad libitum intake spent 6 h eating and 8 h
eat earth is unknown. Also, cattle might as- ruminating, but cows in stanchions spent 3 h
sociate sensory information about harmful eating hay and 8 h ruminating. The number of
phytochemicals (poisonous plants) with ap- jaw movements per minute eating for Ayrshire,
propriate behavior through instinct, learning as Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey cows were 94
an individual, learning as part of a social for grain and silage, 78 for hay, with 55 for
group, or combinations of the given behaviors ruminating. A summary of approximate jaw
(82). movements was 4700 (eating grain and silage),
Time spent masticating different rations 10,530 (eating hay), and 26,400 (ruminating)
varies directly with the total number of chews for a total of 41,630 movements/d. The effects
(54). In a series of papers (47, 48, 49), the of dietary NDF concentration on chewing and
number of chews per unit of time spent milk yield were assessed using alfalfa silage-
ruminating varied with diet. Campling and based diets with and without supplemental
Morgan (28) have summarized the duration long hay (24). Increased NDF resulted in a
and pattern of eating in noncompetitive and quadratic increase in ruminating and total
competitive situations. chewing time from 344 and 558 for 26% NDF,
to 403 and 651 for 30% NDF, and to 414 and
Noncompetitive Eating Situations
674 midd for 34% NDF, respectively. Added
hay increased milk yield by .7 kg/d but did not
Metz (73) analyzed and described in detail increase daily ruminating and chewing time;
the eating and ruminating patterns of seven ruminating time per unit of NDF intake was
dry, nonpregnant Dutch cows offered hay reduced by hay supplementation (75.3 vs. 69.4
wafers for ad libitum intake. Among cows, the minkg). Other relevant data on chewing and
duration of eating ranged from 248 to 392 mid rumination can be found (24).
d (average 330 midd), and this variability was Another important factor influencing eating
not associated with either the amounts eaten or rate was the amount of feed offered to the cow.
the BW of the cows. Daily rumination times Milking cows took 1.6 min to eat 1.0 kg of
ranged from 464 to 579 midd (average 511 pelleted concentrate, but, if presented with 4
midd), and daily number of rumination bouts kg, the eating rate was 1.05 min/kg (60).The
ranged from 10.8 to 16.9 (average 14.0) Bouts authors suggest that smaller amounts of con-
of eating (meals) tended to be most frequent at centrates are more thinly spread over the area
the beginning and end of the daylight period; of the base of the manger than a larger amount,
the cows were in a room illuminated continu- thus increasing the time and maneuverability
ously for 16 h. Daily feed intake averaged 14.7 by cows to gather the feed into their mouths.
kg and ranged from 10.3 to 18.5 kg. The This idea has appeal in conjunction with the
number of meals varied between cows from TMR concept. Campling and Morgan (28)
5.9 to 11.4/d (average 8.3). Metz (73) estab- summarized other work, concluding that lactat-
lished that the prevention of rumination during ing cows eat slightly more rapidly than nonlac-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993
TABLE 1. Effects of reducing manger space on visits, cow numbers, total feeding time, and manger space occupied for
each 24-h observation period.
Manger space per cow
.45 m .3 m .251 m .2 m .18 m .15 m
Visits, no. 11.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 10.0
Cows, no. 4.4 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.5 3.1
Total time feeding,* min 191.0 186.0 139.0 178.0 163.0 158.0
Mean manger space occupied, % 19.6 25.5 29.9 40.4 39.8 41.9
'five cows in estrus disturbed other cows while feeding.
*Mean feeding time per cow = 169 min.

tating, pregnant cows; older, socially dominant reduced. In another trial comparing mangers of
cows ate forages and concentrates in the milk- .5 and .25 m per cow, time spent by the cows
ing parlor faster than younger cows; Jerseys in using the mangers and feed intakes were
ate less rapidly than Holsteins; and correlation similar (45).
was direct between rate of eating hay and BW; Collis (1978, personal communication) con-
jaw movements while eating hay, herbage, and ducted a similar study with 60 British Friesian
silage were 75 to 90/min with little variation cows comparing 1.1, .5, .3, .25, .2, .18, or .15
among cows; and fresh feed given during a m of manger space. At the end of each week,
meal or a large meal divided into two small before the reduction in manger space, this
meals led to an increased rate of jaw move- group of cows was observed continuously for
ments. 24 h. Visits to the manger, cow numbers, total
time feeding, and manger space occupied are
presented in Table 1. The 24-h milk yields
Competitive Eating Situation8 (kilograms) of treatment and control groups for
Competition for feed may develop when each observation period are in Table 2. Reduc-
cows are kept in groups and when manger tion in manger space had no effect on the
space is insufficient to allow all cows to feed mean number of visits. The mean total feeding
at once. The critical length of manger space times decreased during the 6-wk trial, but not
significantly. No significant differences oc-
below which competition occurs depends on curred between the treatment and control
the time that feed is in the manger. Also, the groups for percentages of cows observed
presence of manger divisions may affect eating standing, lying, or feeding. The mean milk
behavior of submissive cows, enabling them to yields of both groups decreased, but differ-
eat longer (27). Friend et al. (44)examined the ences between them were not significant. How
time that cows spent at the manger and their this short-term experiment with smaller num-
voluntary intakes when each cow was allowed bers fits actual current herd conditions is not
.5, .4, .3, .2, or .1 m of manger space; a TMR known. A gradual reduction in manger space
including 25% ground hay was available for for an established group of cows may be ac-
21 h/d. Only when the length of manger was cepted more than adaptation of a new group to
below .2 m were eating time and intake limited manger space.

TABLE 2. Effects of reduced manger space on 24-h milk yield for each observation period.
Manger space per cow
1.07 m .45 m .3 m .25 m .2 m .18 m .15 m 1.07 m
Milk yield, kg/d
Treatment group 21.9 22.4 21.3 20.4 21.2 20.8 19.3 19.9
Control group 23.6 23.6 22.7 21.6 22.3 20.9 19.6 19.9

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, NO. 2. 1993

In a Michigan herd of approximately 600 bors (low and medium or medium and high
cows over 200 d, milk yield, conception, ani- rank) were further apart (3.8 positions); and
mal health, behavior, and labor input at 61 most dissimilar neighbors (low and high rank)
versus 46 cm of bunk space were checked, and had the greatest separation (4.4 positions).
there were no differences (5, 94). High build- When a competitive situation existed at the
ing investments suggest that the most efficient manger, dominant cows tended to spend more
use should be made of dairy facilities. There- time eating than did cows of low social rank,
fore, 46 cm of bunk should be provided instead leading to a greater intake of feed by dominant
of 61 cm of space per cow for heavy corn than by submissive cows (70).
silage diets or complete feeds. With cows aver-
aging 36 kg/d, no difference in milk yield was Developments in Feeding
found, but Bickert (25), an agricultural live-
stock engineer, asks the question: "What is the Several recent papers report the effects of
effect if cows are averaging 45 or 57 kg/d of feeding variables and additives upon feed in-
milk or more per day?" (page 17). take and milk yield in dairy cows. In a mul-
When a competitive situation exists at the tivariate data acquisition system to measure
manger, dominant cows tended to spend more feed and water intake and chewing behavior
time eating than did cows of lower social rank continuously, Dado and Allen (39) found that
(27, 44, 45); this feeding situation led to a cows at higher yields achieved greater DMI by
greater intake of feed by dominant than by increasing meal size while spending less time
midranked or submissive cows (44).The more eating and ruminating per unit of intake. Nom-
competitive the situation was caused by bekela and Murphy (77) suggested that cows
reduced length of manger (from .5 to .1 m) ranked sweeteners (sucrose at 1.5% of dietary
available to each cow, the stronger was the DM) over control, followed by sour, bitter, or
correlation between intake and dominance salt flavors. In a second trial, control and
value (45). With 12 dairy cows using a monosodium glutamate ranked over anise, de-
10-variable model, time spent eating, time in hydrated alfalfa, and molasses flavors; there-
free stalls, and individual DMI were described fore, the potential exists to enhance feed intake
predominantly by yield variables (45). The by exploiting flavor additive preferences in
social rank or dominance hierarchy, which is early lactation through free-choice feeding.
based on the number and strength of aggres- Arana et al. (12) reported that flavomycin
sive interactions between cows, is usually beneficially (but not significantly) affected
complex and difficult to describe as a simple milk yield and efficiency of feed utilization.
linear function (13, 26, 33), and social rank The sense of taste in dairy cattle is highly
may not adequately describe motivation of the developed, and taste sensitivity of cows
cows and competition for feed (44, 45, 97). changes with feeding. Cows fed predominantly
Studies have reported a weak correlation be- silages had decreased taste sensitivity to sour
tween social rank (13) and milk yield, although things and increased sensitivity to sweet ones
social rank sometimes has been associated (64).Hence, corn silage addition to complete
directly with BW, age, or breed (33, 65, 87). feeds and TMR development were logical
Manson and Appleby (70) studied lactating choices (59). With grass-legume-based TMR,
cows fed diets offered for ad libitum intake in DMI was higher for cows fed buffered TMR
a food trough divided into 44 feeding posi- (P < .OS) than for control cows (57).
tions, each .65 m wide. Agonistic interactions Recently, considerable interest has devel-
were recorded, and cows were classified as oped in utilizing fat as an economical alterna-
low, medium, and high ranking. When from 4 tive energy source in lactating cow diets. Eat-
to 14 cows were feeding, positions chosen ing patterns were studied in two trials with
were nonrandom. When <4 or >14 cows were lactating cows fed grain mixtures (50% of feed
at the trough, their distribution was not signifi- DM) containing 10% tallow or blended
cantly different from random. Choice of posi- animal-vegetable fat. The number and use of
tion was affected by dominance relationships. spontaneous meals tended to increase when
Neighboring cows similar in rank were, on either fat source was fed so that daily feed
average, 3.0 positions apart; dissimilar neigh- consumption was not different. A word of
Journal of Dauy Science Vol. 76. No. 2, 1993
caution is recommended: because the first observations (two 72-h and three 48-h watch-
meal is smaller, high fat in the concentrate es). After 3 d of continuous observation, 28
ration should not be used under feeding condi- cows used the feeders regularly. The remaining
tions with restricted time (58). The TMR help 4 cows and all subsequent parturient cows
to mask flavors and, thus, provide an excellent were trained successfully to use the feeders by
means of incorporating high fat into the feed- placing cows in the stall for 5 min. The feeders
ing system. Likewise, Megalac@(Church and initially caused strong competition, and cows
Dwight Co., Inc., Princeton, NJ), a calcium would accept vigorous repeated butts to the
salt of palm fatty acid distillate, which pro- rear without backing out of the stall area, even
vides high energy (without rumen effects) though the feeder was not dispensing. During
when it is fed to milk cows and growing cattle, the 4-mo trial, cows became more willing to
has initial palatability problems. However, back out of the feeder even when concentrate
most cows adapt quickly, and energy intake was being dispensed. The position of a cow in
was not compromised (79). In order to facili- the group social organization did not influence
tate adaptation, there are ample opportunities this response; cows backed out as readily for
to use flavor compounds and TMR rations. younger or subordinate as for older, dominant
When cows calve during daylight hours, cows (34, 35). Computerized dispensing of
opportunity is greater for assistance; thus, concentrates, applied properly, can economize
night calving is a dairying disadvantage. Com- on consumption of concentrates when group-
plete feeds given once daily for at least 2 wk ing and feeding of different rations are impos-
to 129 dry cows altered their calving times. sible (69).
Morning feeding (0800 h) had 62.5%, and Fenceline or auger feeding of TMR should
night feeding (2000 h) had a slight increase be practiced to allow all cows to feed at once
(68%), for cows that calved during daylight and to reduce aggression. Holstein cows fence-
hours (0600 to 1800 h) (81). Three 24-h be- line fed a T M R of silage and concentrates ate
havioral observations were made in a l-ha for 26% more of the time following feeding
grass-covered grove with 45 of the 129 cows than the same size group eating from a trough
being dry. Data collection was designed so that around which they had to travel (2, 5). Many
relatively inexperienced technicians could han- visitors to the Purdue Dairy Research Center,
dle behavioral observations (7). General obser- at which weighed, complete blended (corn si-
vations were that the two groups with differing lage plus concentrates) rations were first fed
feeding strategies and physically separated by with a mixer wagon 25 yr ago, have com-
a wire fence in the same wooded grove had mented on how tame, docile, and relaxed the
significantly different herd behavior patterns. cows appear (8, 59). Much of the mechaniza-
Cows fed at night stood longer and rested less tion that underlies this system was developed
than control cows. It has been reported else- for commercial cattle feedlots, especially those
where (31) that 55% of total lying time in in Nebraska and Colorado in the 1960s.
dairy cattle occurs between the 6-h period of Universal application of this feeding system
2200 to 0400 h. In this study, control cows had was inhibited somewhat by the lack of knowl-
49%, and experimental cows fed at night had edge about how to formulate complete diets
40%, of their total rest during this same time (78).
span (7, 81). Cows fed at night spent 40% of Many dairies practice fenceline feeding
their daytime hours lying, and the control with cows eating with their heads in the natu-
group spent 25% lying. In both years follow- ral grazing position. During her world milk
ing feeding of complete feeds once daily, sig- yield record, US Holstein, Beecher Arlinda
nificantly more (83%) control cows and 85% Ellen, ate hay at floor level (3). Evidence
of cows fed at night calved fkom 06oO to 1800 exists (67, 68) that cows eating with their
h and from 0500 to 2100 h than the one-half heads in the downward position produce 17%
and two-thirds random calving pattern ex- more saliva than cows eating with their heads
pected (81). held horizontally, which directly influences the
Electronic grain feeders placed near the efficiency of ruminal functions. A 24-h be-
milking parlor exit in a loose housing barn havioral watch (3, 104) has been summarized
were subjected to continuous winter month in Table 3.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76. No. 2. 1993
TABLE 3. Behavioral profile (24-h) of cow yielding world for feed tossing behavior. About 10% of the
milk record.
cows participated in this rooting, sorting ritual.
Eating time1 6 h 15 min Feed wastage from feed tossed over their backs
Resting ( l y i n g ) Z 13 h 55 min or along their sides was 0 to 5 % each week.
Other3 3h50min Feed tossing occurred especially in summer
Chew per min, no. 60
Chews between swallows. no. 82 during heavy fly concentration but took place
in winter as well. When cows were given the
'In a 24-h period in late lactation, k h e r Arlinda alternative option of eating from an elevated
Ellen consumed different feeds: hay, 13 times; grain, 12
times; straw, 2 times; water, 7 times; and mineralized salt, feedbunk with the floor and top of the trough
5 times. 28 and 76 cm from ground level, respectively,
%yes closed for 30 min, broken into about four peri- or from the same trough at ground level, they
ods of 5 to 10 min each. Cow spent 7 h 30 min ruminating chose the lower level. The group fed at ground
(5 h 5 min on her left side and 1 h 50 min on her right level showed no feed tossing behavior. This
side). Of the 14 h lying, 8 h were spent lying on her right livestock engineering problem appears to be
side and 6 h on her left side.
remedied easily by feeding cows so that they
3Ruminating while standing, 30 min; defecating 12 consume feed in the natural head down, graz-
times and urinating 7 times; milked twice daily in a
milking parlor; grooming; interaction with other cows, ing position (4, 8).
calves, cats, humans; and idling. Graves (53) suggested eliminating feed-
bunks based upon feeding observations. A rea-
son some farmers give for not offering their
high yielding cows more to eat is that they
An attempt was made to establish basal have to shovel the orts out of the bunk. Conse-
salivation rates for early lactation dairy cows quently, they only feed enough ration so that
fed TMR and to determine differences in sali- the cows clean it up every day, and this
vation between diets based on haycrop and amount probably is not enough feed. By leav-
corn silages. Diet did not affect feeding be- ing some orts (5% or so), provided they are of
havior, salivation rates, saliva volumes good quality and not too wet, the cows have an
produced while cows were eating or resting, or opportunity to eat their fill at the bunk. The
saliva composition, but degree of feed ensali- orts feed can be fed advantageously to weaned
vation (fresh basis) and volume of saliva per calves, heifers, and dry cows. In the long run,
bolus were higher for cows fed the haycrop another construction option for feed bunks is
silage diet because of its higher DM content. flat feeding floors with headlocks in drive-
Ruminal pH was lower for the haycrop silage through barns (53).
diet. Resting salivation rate and volume The floor of the trough should be level or
produced while resting were greater at wk 8 slope no more than 1% along the length of the
than wk 4 of lactation, even when corrected to feed bunk. When troughs have slopes of 3 to
constant DMI; this result indicates that adapta- 5% or more, cows shift and move in the
tion to diet postpartum involved increased direction of the slope. The cows keep shifting
basal resting salivation rate (30). and moving. Likewise, with excessive slopes
Concrete mangers can be renovated with of 5% or more in holding pens, cows eventu-
epoxy-type finishes or relined with wood or ally become hesitant about entering the area as
tiles to aid feed consumption (5). Over time, well as the milking parlor (5, 8).
silages, with their lower pH, tend to etch con- Low yielding boss cows should be culled.
crete, thus exposing the cow's tongue and Hog rings can be placed in the poll of obvious
mouth to rough edges and stones. Deep, boss cows. In order to eliminate fighting at the
46-cm troughs facilitate once daily feeding and feedbunk, all cows should be dehorned to
ease labor requirements on weekends. Con- eliminate potential boss cows. Culling of
versely, shallow, 30- to 46-cm troughs require weak, submissive cows as well as low yielding
more frequent distribution of feed, which boss cows will result in a more stable herd (5,
results in fresher feed. Cows exhibit more root- 68). The effects of different types of physical
ing behavior in shallow, elevated troughs. For barriers on side by side feeding times of hun-
more than a year, milking cows at Purdue gry cows were classified according to domi-
University were observed about once weekly nance and submission status. Barriers provid-

Joumal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993


ing complete protection of the cow’s head water intake were significantly lower than
allowed subordinates to feed for more than when feed and water were available for 24 Wd.
two-thirds of the test period, whereas partial Anderson (11) also found that when pairs of
protection allowed feeding for about half of tied cows shared a water bowl, the dominant
the time (27). cow ate, drank, and yielded significantly more
Cows should be shifted from one group to than the submissive cow. It was hypothesized
another when necessary, and small groups of that the submissive cow suffered from chronic
cows should be moved. Not only is there so- stress. The only way to be certain in all situa-
cial pressure on the cow in her new group, but tions that cows have access to sufficient
she also may have different amounts of feed, a amounts of water is to have one water bowl
new milker, and a different milking time (5). per cow.
Handling procedures are more stressful for iso-
lated cows; therefore, attempts should be made Grazing Behavior
to keep several cows together during medical
treatment, artificial insemination, or movement Interest in grazing dairy cattle in the US has
from one group to another (17, 102). waned during the past 30 yr (14). Year-round
When corn silage is the only forage fed, hay drylot feeding, especially of the milking herd,
should be provided, allowing 2.3 to 4.5 kg/d of has become the norm. Variation in perfor-
long hay per cow. Accompanying the move to mance when cows graze may arise from many
all or high corn silage diets in the US has been sources, and variation is basic to drylot prefer-
an increase in digestive upsets, displaced ence. Extensive grazing behavior information
abomasums, and fat cow syndrome. Cows fed has been completed (1, 19, 54, 63, 75). Allen
all corn silage diets or feed chopped too finely (10) recently published a helpful compilation
(92) do not ruminate for as long as those on of terminology used for grazing lands and
hay diets. All corn silage diets need a great grazing animals (10).
deal of buffering plus added protein to com- In New Zealand, 40 yr ago, animal behavior
pare favorably with grass and hay crops such research with identical twins was initiated and
as alfalfa hay. conducted by Hancock (55, 56); this classical,
Previous research suggested that metabolic detailed work on grazing behavior is summa-
disorders, such as milk fat depression, may be rized as baseline values in Table 4 (seven
induced by changes in rate and duration of 24-h periods throughout one season).
chewing activities (93, 96, 100, 103). The ef- Slightly less than 60% of the total grazing
fects of forage particle size upon behavior in time was between 0700 and 1500 h, and
dairy cows, especially chewing activity, have slightly more than 40% was between 1700 and
been reviewed and studied by Grant et al. (51, 0445 h. This ratio was fairly constant under all
52). They fed TMR differing in silage particle weather and pasture conditions. On average,
size (fine, medium, coarse), and they observed almost 85% of the total grazing time was spent
cow behavior at 5-min intervals during 24 h during daylight and only 15% during darkness.
for each of three periods. Results indicated that There generally were six cycles of grazing:
decreasing particle size of the forage reduced four between morning and afternoon milkings,
time cows spent ruminating, whether standing one immediately after the cows were let out on
or recumbent, and had no effect on rumination the pasture following milking at 1700 h, and
rate or number of rumination bouts per one (sometimes two) during the night. Approx-
24-h period. Eating time was unaffected by imately 50% of the available time between
treatment. Effect of forage particle size upon 0700 and 1500 h was spent grazing. It seems
baseline rumination activity appeared to be that, even under ideal grazing conditions, dairy
most pronounced from 0800 to 2000 h, al- cows do not spend much more than half of the
though maximum rumination activity occurred time between morning and afternoon milkings
during nighttime hours. in actual grazing. The rest of the time is used
In a series of water experiments by Ander- partly for searching for food and partly for rest
son ( l l ) , when eating time was restricted to and rumination. Of the period following the
2.5 h at each feeding with no water during the afternoon milking (1700 to 0445 h), only ap-
first 2 h, feed consumption, milk yield, and proximately 25% was occupied with grazing.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993
TABLE 4. Behavioral patterns for monozygotic cattle twins, after having strayed some distance from
twins on pasture. each other while grazing, sought each other's
Grazing time, min 411 company at frequent intervals. In general, iden-
Loafing time.1 min 195 tical twins tend to graze together and to behave
Lying down time, min 580 similarly while at pasture (61). The differences
Distance covered, m 2778
Defecations, no. 12.2
in grazing times between identical twins was
Urinations, no. 10.1 very small, averaging only 7.5 min, whereas
Water, drinks 3.7 the range among sets of twins was as great as
Total bites grazing, no. 23,966 2.25 h (56). Also, single born calves that have
Bites, min 51.3 been reared together in pairs usually are found
Rumination time, min 324
Total chews (rumination). no. 17.117 together when they are turned out with a graz-
Rumination: grazing .75* ing herd (40).
~~ ~ ~

Worldwide, the most continuous grazing

1Time spent standing or walking, not grazing.
periods occur in the early morning at sunrise
ZRatio of ruminating to grazing time was .95 in steers and near sundown. Thus, in a given locality,
and .46 in sheep grazing the same pastun (66).
the initiation of early morning grazing is cor-
related with the season of the year. Under
some conditions, one or two periods occur
during the night, but they are less sharply
Considering the distribution of all activities defined than the day periods. Night grazing
together, the habits of dairy cows in New may be more frequent during the summer and
Zealand are essentially diurnal, as best illus- under tropical conditions because, under hot
trated by the ratio of grazing to loafing (time weather conditions, dairy cattle prefer to graze
spent standing or walking, not grazing) to ly- during the cooler mornings and evenings. In
ing down, which was approximately 5:2:2 dur- the hot midday, they seek cover, idleness, rest,
ing daylight compared with 1:1:8 during dark- or rumination. Seath and Miller (91) inves-
ness (56). tigated the influence of air temperature on the
Cows seldom stopped more than a few mo- grazing habits of dairy cows in Louisiana. Hot
ments on the same spot but moved continu- weather (30'C) lowered the grazing time by
ously, apparently searching for more palatable about an hour compared with time during
grass and frequently grazing as they walked cooler weather (22'C). Behavior patterns were
along (56). Grass of poor palatability thus different; during 30'C weather, cows grazed
conceivably may increase the distance walked. 1.9 h in the day and 6.5 h at night, and, during
When a cow felt the urge to drink, she would 22'C weather, they grazed 4.5 h in the day and
suddenly stop grazing and walk straight to the 4.7 h at night.
water trough, rarely pausing to graze on the The amount of time that a cow spends
way, Because all paddocks were of the same grazing can be recorded by a grazing clock
size, daily differences cannot be accounted for strapped to a halter on the cow's head. The
by variation in the distance to the trough. The swing of the pendulum in the clock is recorded
frequency of drinking varied considerably from as the cow's head moves through an arc of 60
day to day, and this variation influenced the to 80" while eating. [For further details about
amount of walking. While grazing, the cows grazing clocks and grazing behavior, see the
generally were spread quite evenly over the work of Kilgour and Dalton (63) and Stobbs
paddock. However, they tended to congregate and Cowper (95).]
in lying down. This tendency was especially Pasturing supposedly reduces stocking den-
noticeable at night when often only a few cows sity, environmental pollution (waste disposal,
were grazing simultaneously; when a cow had odor, nuisance), energy costs, and use of hous-
finished grazing, she immediately returned to ing for shorter periods (15, 98). Many dauy
the area where the other cows were lying. This managers continue to pasture dry cows and
action sometimes was initiated by a short leap heifers, but the trend is toward drylot manage-
accompanied by a bellow. This was interpreted ment of the milking herd. Because data are
as play behavior. The twins provided a special limited on the long-term effects of intensive
case of gregariousness. Members of a set of production systems, concern has been ex-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993

pressed about the comfort, well-being, be- below the ruminal fluid level, thus avoiding
havior, reproduction, and udder, foot, and leg interference with rumination, eructation, belch-
health of cattle kept on concrete. Whenever ing of ruminal gasses, and, possibly, bloat.
possible, many dairy producers let cows out of Although most nonruminants (i.e., horse, dog)
their barns in the middle of the day to sun and sleep on their side, ruminants must maintain
to groom themselves and each other, to stretch sternal recumbency (6, 32). Also, the self-
and exercise their limbs, and to show estrus stimulatory aspects of rumination may provide
behavior and overall health. As a safeguard, the physiological rest and rejuvenation nor-
many cows are removed from concrete to dirt mally provided by deep sleep. Cows spend
lots or pasture, at least during the dry period much less time sleeping than do people, dogs,
(6). and horses. Cattle are drowsy for about 7 (71)
Rollin (84) noted that legislation in Sweden, to 8 h/d (85). Balch (22) concluded that, if
which granted cattle the right to graze, indi- cattle sleep, their sleep is of a short and tran-
cates that “U.S. society will soon demand that sient nature. Memck and Scharp (72), using
agriculture back off, at least to some extent, electroencephylograph readings, concluded
from confinement and pay greater attention to that cattle rest without loss of vigil or con-
agricultural animal comfort and happiness, and sciousness. Rukebusch et al. (86) present con-
encode this demand in legislation” @age vincing evidence that cows do indeed practice
3461). Pasturing has its problems, however, REM sleep (rapid eye movement or ‘‘true
and may not be as ideal as animal rights sleep”) in short 2- to 8-min periods. Theoreti-
activists perceive. Weather limits the grazing cally, sleep serves two functions: recuperation
season (150 d or less) in several northern for physiological and psychological restoration
states. Pasture probably will not supply and increased response thresholds to prevent
nutrients needed to maintain high milk yield disturbance of rest from insignificant environ-
because forage of uniform quality and quantity mental stimuli. Some recumbency is necessary
is difficult to provide. Shade, water, heat, in- to prevent fatigue. Cattle deprived of resting
sects, susceptibility to bloat, energy expended (lying) compensate for loss of REM sleep by
in grazing and travel to the milking parlor, and indulging in non-REM (“quiet”) sleep while
toxicity from soil are other considerations as- standing (14).
sociated with pasturing. For example, high Cows aim to achieve a rather fixed amount
yielding cows spent much less time lying of lying, and their well-being is impaired when
down and significantly more time grazing from lying time is restricted for several hours (74).
the beginning to the end of the grazing season Earlier, the variability in the behavior of in-
(15). dividual cows in comfort tests appeared to be
more influential on resting habits than was the
Rumination and Resting type of stall-comfort, tie, or stanchion (42).
(That study was conducted before invention of
Ewbank (41) speculated that rumination the free stall and technological improvements
acts as an “anti-boredom” activity in the adult of comfort and tie-stall barns.) For further de-
bovine. Considerable self-stimulation and “in- tails on dairy cow comfort and resting be-
wardness” occurs in cattle because of the rumi- havior, see studies by Albright and Stricklin
nation process. During rumination, whether ly- (8) and Curtis et al. (37).
ing or standing, cows are quiet and relaxed Left-side ruminally cannulated cows are
with their heads down and their eyelids lo- used in experiments that measure chewing ac-
wered. Cows can ruminate while standing, but tivity and ruminal function. This observation
they usually lie down with their chests against raises an important, but largely overlooked,
the ground (6, 8). behavioral and physiological issue. Normally,
It has been suggested (6, 8, 51) that left-side cows exhibit left-side laterality; Le., they pre-
laterality is of strategic value to the ruminant fer to lie on their left side on a level surface (9,
animal for rest and to optimize positioning of 14, 99, 101). Prepartum dairy cows in a
the rumen within the body for most efficient wooded lot spent 55% recumbency on their
rumination. Together with an upright posture, left side (7). Cows also exhibit increased (P<
the esophageal opening is not allowed to fall .01) left-side laterality as calving approached.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993

TABLE 5. Laterality in intact and ruminally cannulated dairy cows.
Intact Cannulated
Activity Left1 Right* Left' Right2
Lying, 463 53. 47 30 7oa
Lying, ruminating, 46 55' 36 55' 46
Lying, no chewing, % 45 64a 45 54a
'Significantly different from 5050 (P > .05).
'Lying on left side, dorsal process uphill, stall slope, .7%.
S y i n g on right side, dorsal process downhill, stall slope, .7%.
3Data from three intact and three ruminally cannulated cows observed for 48 h.

With increasing age and size, the tendency for the cow's upright resting posture and rumen
cows to lie more on their right side shifts positioning is considered.
significantly (18). Such was the case with To categorize postural differences in resting
Beecher Arlinda Ellen (Table 3). dairy cattle, Coe et al. (32) observed 80 bull
Six Holstein cows (three intact and three calves at 20-min intervals from 1900 to 0330 h
ruminally cannulated) were observed for 48 h at 5, 10, and 17 wk of age. They also observed
to examine the effect of ruminal cannulation 68 (62 to 75) lactating cows at 15-min inter-
upon laterality and recumbent rumination ac- vals from 1900 to 0330 h twice (3 mo apart) in
tivity (51). Cows were housed in a free-stall winter in two bams in northern Indiana with
barn equipped with an individual feeding sys- 40 calves housed in stalls (.93 m2 each) and 40
tem that allowed continual access to feed in eight group pens (6.5 m2 or 1.3 m2 each),
(American Calan, Inc., Northwood, NH). The all with slatted wood flooring. Cows were
free-stall barn had an open exposure to the housed in 64 free stalls (2.8 m2 each) on
south and an upward stall slope of .7% from bedded wood or bedded concrete. As part of a
south to north. The slope was upward, right to larger study, each calf was observed for vari-
left, from the cow's perspective when facing ous resting postures (Table 6). No significant
into the stall. The free stalls were 2.3 m long differences existed between calf postures in
and 1.1 m wide, and the slope was 5.5% from stalls or pens, so those data were pooled. For
front to rear of the stall. A neck rail was both calves and cows, the results demonstrated
located .36 m from the front of the stall at a that sternal recumbency with their eyes open is
height of .94 m. The dimensions of the stall the most common resting position. Resting
alleyway and adjacent exercise lot were ap-
proximately 20 x 3.1 m. Stalls were bedded
daily with dry sawdust.
Ruminally cannulated cows demonstrated TABLE 6.Resting postures as a percentage of total obser-
increased right-side laterality (70%) compared vations.
with intact cows (47%)' but the cows tended to Postures cows Calves
ruminate while lying on their left side. The
percentage of time spent ruminating while (%I -
recumbent on the left side was similar (55%) Ered, eyes open 74.2 58.6a
for intact and cannulated cows (Table 5). The End, eyes closed 10.0 7.2a
Head on neck 6.2 18.9
percentage of time ruminating on the right side Head on leg or flank .4 13.2a
was significantly less than the time spent Head on stalls or floor 7.5 .6a
ruminating on the left side. These observations Lateral, on side
~~~ ~ ~
indicate a behavioral need for the cow to rumi- rIhe f test for significance (P e .01) signified that
nate on her left side. This concept is quite values for calves were different from cows for various
logical when the evolutionary significance of postures except lateral recumbency.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76, No. 2, 1993


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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 76. No. 2. 1993

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