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Ot so easily impressed, one of the

drunken warlords scoffed 31 the

exclamations of the sorcerers, and
stalked towards Morathi. He tried to lay
his hands upon her, and she made no
move [Q StOP the hulking warrior. Yet as
his hands drew near, they turned
suddenly black, and he recoiled in
horror. Within moments, the blackness
had spread up his arnlS and covered bis
entire body. He began to scream and claw M WS os S T W I A Ld
at his chest - the symbol of Slaanesh Morat.hi 5 5 4 4 336 3 10
began to fonn on his chest, the skin Sulepbct 8 3 0 4 434 2 6
bubbling and blistering as if he was
burning from within. Morathi is tbe mother oj tbe Witch King anti second only to bim in power. She can
In a spectacular, orgiastic ritual, Morathi be ltlken as one ojyourl.ord c/Joices. S/Je must be u.sed exactly as presemed here
summoned sixty troupes of six and may not be given any additional equipment or magic items.
Daemonettes, and bid them descend
upon the tribe's main Kurgan rivals. The Points: 470
Daemoncnes ripped through the Kurgan
warbands with ease, and the warlords Weapons: Morathi wields Hcamender.
swore their oaths of alliance with the
Armour: MoraLhi is protected by the Thousand and One Dark Blessings.
Dark Elf Sorceress. So il Came to pass that
Morathi allied herself with the tribes that
Mount: Morathi rides her Dark Pegasus Sulephet.
had been previously raiding the borders
of aggaroth. Word of her alliance spread SPECIAL RULES
throughout the Hung tribes, [0 whom High Sorceress
she became known as the Conson-Queen Morathi is a Founh Level Dark Elf Sorceress. She always uses Dark Magic, but you
of Shaarnor. may choose which four spells she has at the start of the batrle, rather than rolling
tories of the alluring Daemons of for them. In addition, Morathi adds +2 to all of her casting roUs, rather than the
Slaanesh appearing at her call spread normal + 1.
wildfire amongst the Iribes, and a great
many warriors set OUI from aU over the Beloved of Khaine
Wastes to be near one so blessed. They MoraLhi is the first of the Hag Queens, and all Witch Elves owe allegiance to her
pledged their blades to her, and she was before any other. Any \Vitch Elves within 12" of Morathi may use her Leadership
pleased. Morathi, of course, would not value, as if she was their anny General. If Morathi is in your army Witch Elves may
have any qualms about severing her ties not use the army General's Leadership.
with the Chaos hordes when they ccased
to be useful to her, but for now the TIlOusand and One Dark Blessings
alliance suited her own dark plans. With Morathi has ancients pacts with many malevolent spiritS and daemonic entities,
""'"",. are Chaotic aHies flocking to her each whose unnatural energies protect her from harm. This has the e.ffect of giving her
day, she began to [urn her attention back a 4 + Ward save and Magic Itesistance (1).
to the south.
Enchanting Beauty
With Morathi at its head, her Chaotic Morathi is possibly the most beautiful
allies began the march towards the lands woman in the known world, and mere
of the Dark Elves. No more would they mortals are enraptured by her. Any
have need to assault those lands, for enemy model in basc •
behind Morathi they would march within contact with Morathi at
its borders without bloodshed. When the Start of a rou nd of
they arrived in N:lggaroth, Mor:nhi combat must pass a Leadership
planned to form her greal Cult army, and test or have their WS
turn tOwards the south, towards the reduced to I for the
sleaming jungles of Lustria. In her greed duration of thai
for the ancient, magical marvels of the round.
Old Ones, she seeks once morc to push
deep into that land like a plunging MAGIC ITEMS
__ dagger. lb her son Malekith, she justifies Heartreoder
this desire by feeding his own greed - for Such is Moratbl's skill witb tbe lance-
such wonders and weapons that lie like Iletlrlrender sbe can pluck (I victim S
dormant within the crumbling temple- beartfrom tbeir cbest with a single weI/-
cities could surely be I'urned against the placed blow.
hated High Elves, she claims. The gods of
Chaos smile down upon Morathi - for On the turn Morathi charges,
an)' al'tack against the fading Uzardmen Hea.nrcnder adds +2 to her Strength.
must weaken their resistance to the In addition, when she is charging she
forces of Chaos... gains the Killing Blow special rule.


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