4as Method Lesson Plan (Verb Used As Subjunctive Mood)

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Name: Mary Claire M.

Villanueva Year/Course: BSED III English


Given the materials and activities, the students will be able to do the following with at
least 75% level of accuracy:

A. Identify the different types of adjectives;

B. Write sentences with appropriate adjectives;
c. Demonstrate teamwork and responsibility towards learning.


Reference: internet

Materials: laptop, electronic projector, jumble words


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

a. Prayer
“Class please stand for the prayer.”
“Miss Sumile please lead the
prayer” “Our father…”
b. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am!”
“How are you today class?” “Were fine ma’am!”
c. Checking of Attendance
“Miss Secretary who is absent
today.” “None ma’am.”
“Very good!”
d. Checking of Assignment
“Do we have an assignment today?” “None ma’am.”
e. Giving of Classroom Policies
Before we proceed to our lesson, I
want you to know my rules:
1. Avoid going in and out while the
class is going on..
2. Participate in every activities.
3. If you have a question please rise
your left hand for you to be recognize.
4. Please turn your cell phone into
silent mode or better turn it off.
Is that clear? “Yes ma’am.”

A. Activity
This time I am going to group you into four
groups, each group will be given one
incomplete sentence. I need one representative
each group to pick out the jumble word on the
table to compete your sentence and all you
need to do is assemble it in just 1 minute and (Students will proceed to their assigned group
post it in front. Kindly count one to four. and assemble the jumble words)

G1- I suggested that he ____ up to the bully. • I suggested that he face up to the bully.
G2- It is vital that she ____ the meeting. • It is vital that she attend the meeting.
G3- I wish I ____ able to fly. • I wish I were able to fly.
G4- I demand that they ____ counted again! • I demand that they be counted again!

B. Analysis
“Mr. Robles, what have you observed in the “I observe that each sentences has expressing
sentences?” their own in different way.”
Very good observation!
“Ms. Merila, what can you tell me about the “The four words that underlined in each
four words that were underlined in each sentence are the verbs.”
Very good!
“Another, yes Ms. Galvez, do you have an idea “Those words are verbs used as subjunctive
what are those words?” mood.”
Very good!

C. Abstraction
The reason why I let you do the activity
because I want you to be prepared for our
lesson today.
“Verb Used as Subjunctive Mood” (Students will listen to the discussion)
◎ Subjunctive mood is a verb form used to
express a wish, a suggestion, a demand,
explores a hypothetical situation.
• If it were me, I’d go. (As this explores a
hypothetical situation, was becomes were.)
• It is imperative that the game begin at
once. (As this expresses a demand, begins
becomes begin)
• I wish it were real. (As this express a wish,
was becomes were.
• I propose he work full time. (As this
express a suggestion, works becomes work.)

“Did you understand our lesson class?” “ Yes ma’am!

“Now let’s see if you really understand the
lesson. I will ask some questions.”

“Miss Supat, what is our topic all about?” “Our topic is all about verb used as subjunctive
Very good! mood.”
“Miss Supapo, what is subjunctive mood.” “Subjunctive mood is a verb form.
Very good!
“Miss Ostan, what is the subjunctive mood used “Subjunctive mood used to express a wish, a
of?” suggestion, a demand, explores a hypothetical
Very well said. situation.”

D. Application
a. Guided Practice
This time class we will have another activity.
In the same group, I want you to construct
sentence using verb use as subjunctive mood
that listed on the board. You will be given
three minutes to finish it. Then I want one (Students will proceed to their assigned group
representative to give a brief discussion about and construct a sentence)
your sentence.
Group 1 Group 1
• insist Insist that it be a running conversation with the
public. (the expression used in the sentence is
to insist and be is the verb used as subjunctive
Group 2 Group 2
• ask All we ask of a president is that he be likeable.
(the expression used in the sentence is to ask
and be is the verb used as subjunctive mood)
Group 3 Group 3
• suggest If you are a dog and your owner suggest that
you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail.
(the expression used in the sentence is to
suggest and wear is the verb used as
subjunctive mood)
Group 4 Group 4
• demanded Saddam Hussein systematically violated every
UN resolution that demanded th disarm and
destroy his chemical and biological weapons.
(the expression used in the sentence is to
demanded and disarm, destroy are the verb
used as subjunctive mood)

b. Independent Practice
Now class in the same group, I want you to
present an advertisement using verbs as
subjunctive mood in sentences. You will be
given three minutes for the preparation and
three minutes for the presentation. I have here (Students will proceed to their assigned group
rubrics to be guided. and present an advertising)

Criteria 5 3 1

Oral Clearly Explains Experience

Presenta explains the s difficulty
tion the advertis in
Relevan advertise ement explaining
t and ment to but not the
appropri the target so advertisem
ate audience. clearly. ent to the
content target
Appropr Shows Shows Shows
iate evidence some limited
structur of having evidence ability to
e of the planned of structure
presenta and planning the
tion structure and presentatio
d the structure n.
presentat .
Effectiv Demonst Use Demonstra
e skills rates a some tes limited
of oral consisten aspects awareness
presenta t of body or
tion awarenes languag acknowled
s of the e, (eye gement of
audience contact, audience.
for the posture,
oral gesture)
presentat appropri
ion Ex. ately
By and
actively effective
promotin ly.
g the
ment and
E. Assignment
In the same group, research for more verb
using subjunctive mood and use it to
construct ten sentences and underline the
word of verb used as subjunctive mood and
highlight the expression. Submit it next time.

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