J ANIM SCI-1985-Estell-1061-71

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Relationship of Rumen Fluid Dilution Rate to Rumen

Fermentation and Dietary Characteristics of Beef Steers

R. E. Estell II and M. L. Galyean

J ANIM SCI 1985, 60:1061-1071.

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R. E. Estell II and M. L. Galyean

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88003-0009

model improved the R 2 to .31. Total V F A
Data from seven beef steer trials were concentration was best described by A D F I
compiled and regression analyses used to (positive /3; R 2 = .14). An R 2 of .29 resulted
evaluate relationships among molar proportions when ME (positive/3) and CPI (negative/3) were
of acetate (Ac), propionate (Pr) and butyrate included in the total V F A model. Rumen pH
(Bu), total concentration o f volatile fatty acids was related to A D F (positive/3; R 2 = .45), and
(VFA), rumen ammonia (NH3), rumen pH, addition of CP (positive fl) to the rumen pH
rumen fluid dilution rate (FDR), rumen fluid model increased R 2 to .55. Crude protein
volume (FVOL), b o d y weight (WT), dry matter concentration was related to ruminal NH3 level
intake (DMI) and dietary concentration and (positive 3; R2 = .42), and inclusion of A D F I
intake of crude protein (CP and CPI), acid (positive t3) into the model improved the R 2 to
detergent fiber (ADF and ADFI), ash (ASH and .47.
ASHI) and metabolizable energy (ME and (Key Words: Fluid Dilution Rate, Fermentation,
MEI). Of the six fermentation variables, Pr Volatile F a t t y Acids, pH, Crude Protein.)
(negative regression coefficient, /3) and pH
(positive ]3) were related (P<.05) to FDR, b u t I ntroduction
only 3 and 12% of the variation in these two Disparity has arisen concerning the relation-
variables, respectively, was explained by FDR. ship of rumen fluid dilution rate (FDR) to
When FDR was described b y dietary charac- rumen fermentation. Molar proportion of
teristics, ASHI was positively related to F D R propionate (Pr) has varied inversely with FDR
(R 2 = .16). The best two-variable model for (Harrison et al., 1975; Hodgson and Thomas,
FDR contained DMI (positive fl) and WT 1975; Thomson et al., 1978; Crawford et al.,
(negative t3) and increased R 2 to .36. Fluid 1980; Estell et al., 1982). A concomitant
volume was best described by ME (positive /3; elevation of acetate (Ac) proportion often
R 2 = .20). The two-variable model for FVOL accompanies increases in FDR (Harrison et al.,
added ASH with a positive partial/3 (R 2 = .23). 1975, 1976; Thomson et al., 1978; Estell et al.,
When fermentation variables were regressed on 1982). Nevertheless, numerous reports show
dietary characteristics, Ac was best described either no effect of FDR on molar proportions
by A D F (positive /3; R 2 = .71). The variable of volatile fatty acids (VFA) or the reverse
that best described Pr proportion was A D F relationship for Ac and(or) Pr (Abe and Ku-
(negative /3; R 2 = .50), and addition of CP meno, 1973; Isaacson et al., 1975; Czerkawski
(negative /3) and ME1 (positive /3) into the Pr and Breckenridge, 1977; Kennedy and Milligan,
model improved R 2 to .70. Molar proportion of 1978; Schaetzel and Johnson, 1981; Hoover et
butyrate was related to CP (positive fl; R 2 = al., 1984). Response of other tureen fermenta-
.23), and addition of ME (positive /3) to the tion characteristics [molar proportion of
b u t y r a t e (Bu), total V F A concentration, pH
and NH3 concentration] to FDR alteration has
been inconsistent, but data are limited.
l Journal Article 1108 of the New Mexico Agr. Moreover, few data are available regarding
Exp. Sta., Las Cruces.
Dept. of Anim. and Range Sci. effects of dietary constituents on FDR. Slower
Received July 5, 1984. FDR has been associated with increased dietary
Accepted November 29, 1984. concentrate level (Cole et al., 1976; Prins and

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Clarke, 1980; Huntington et al., 1981; Goetsch (1971) and converted to ME by multiplication
and Galyean, 1982) and decreased dry matter of DE by .82 (NRC, 1976).
intake (Grovum and Williams, 1973; Kennedy Because the seven experiments were con-
and Milligan, 1978; Galyean et al., 1979; Evans, ducted with independent objectives, and
1981; Adams and Kartchner, 1984). Both frequent rumen sampling was required to
elevated roughage percentage and increased measure FDR, a large number of rumen samples
dry matter intake should increase FDR (Owens was generated and variation in sampling times
and Isaacson, 1977). occurred. However, most studies included
This study examined interrelationships of determination of pH, molar proportions of Ac,
rumen fermentation measurements, FDR and Pr and Bu, total VFA concentration and NH3
fluid volume, body weight, dietary composition concentration at 3 or 4 h postfeeding. These
and intake with data from seven beef steer values were considered to be close enough in
experiments. time to represent adequately fermentation
characteristics shortly after feeding. Exceptions
were NH 3 concentration in trial 3 (analyzed
Experimental Procedures
only at 1 h postfeeding) and VFA concentra-
Data Compilation. Seven previous studies at tion and molar proportions in trial 4 (only the
New Mexico State University were compiled, mean of values for 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h post-
and data were used to examine relationships feeding available). No time • treatment inter-
among FDR, fermentation patterns and dietary action existed in trial 4 for VFA proportions or
constituents. Although these studies were con- concentration, so mean values should accurate-
ducted with specific, unrelated goals, each trial ly depict 3-h values. Means and standard
provided similar information. Data from studies deviations of FDR, rumen fluid volume (FVOL),
by Adams et al. (1981; trial 1), Galyean and steer body weight, dietary variables and fer-
Chabot (1981; trial 2), Goetsch and Galyean mentation characteristics for each trial and for
(1982, 1983; trial 3 and 4, respectively), the seven trials combined are shown in table 2.
McCollum (1983; trial 5) and McCollum and Statistical Ana!ysis. The General Linear
Galyean (1983a,b; trial 6 and 7, respectively) Models (GLM) procedure of Statistical Analysis
were included in the compilation. A brief System (SAS, 1979) was used to assess relation-
description of each trial appears in table 1. ships between fermentation variables and FDR.
Each study used Hereford or Hereford x For each trial and across the seven trials, Ac, Pr,
Angus rumen-cannulated steers. Methodology Bu, VFA, pH and NH3 (dependent variables)
for measurement of rumen FDR and tureen were individually regressed on FDR. Stepwise
fluid volume was similar for all trials, in that a procedures of SAS with the maximum R 2
pulse-dose of an ethylenediaminetetraacetate- option (SAS, 1979) were used to describe
chelated metal was administered and a series of rumen FDR and FVOL for the seven trials
rumen samples was collected postdosing. combined, with the nine dietary variables and
Calculations were as described by McCollum body weight (WT) serving as independent
and Galyean (1983a). variables. Stepwise procedures were used also to
Data were screened and information com- describe each of the six fermentation variables
mon to all trials was recorded. Concentrations (across trials), with WT, FDR and the nine
of crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber dietary variables as independent variables.
(ADF) and ash (ASH) were available in all seven For all stepwise analyses, a maximum of
studies. Metabolizable energy, concentration eight variables was allowed to enter the equa-
(ME; NRC, 1976) was computed for each diet. tion. The best models containing one to eight
In addition, dry matter intake (DMI), crude significant variables are reported. Standard
protein intake (CPI), acid detergent fiber intake error of the estimate (Sy.x) for each equation
(ADFI), ash intake (ASHI) and metabolizable was the (mean square error) -2 (Draper and
energy intake (MEI) were available for each Smith, 1966). Twenty-six steers were used in
steer. Metabolizable energy values for range the seven studies. Each period was considered
forage (trial 5; table 1) were unavailable, thus, as an independent observation, resulting in 133
digestible organic matter obtained from in vitro separate determinations of FDR, FVOL, WT
organic matter digestibility determinations was and each fermentation and diet variable. The
converted to digestible energy (DE) concen- decision to consider repeated observations on
tration by the equation of Rittenhouse et al. the same animal as independent was supported

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by a lack of consistent animal effect on fermen- Ac and Pr shifts upon FDR alteration. In-
tation characteristics vs FDR based on prelim- creased molar proportion of propionate h a s
inary plot analyses. Furthermore, GLM proce- been associated with elevated proportion of
dures were conducted on these variables by dietary concentrates (Reid et al., 1957; Rumsey
steer and compared with models with all steers et al., 1970) and reduced FDR (Cole et al.,
included. Root mean square error, (MSE) -2, of 1976; Huntington et al., 1981). Trials in which
overall models were of the same magnitude as high concentrate diets were fed generally
(MSE) -2 of individual steer models, and indiv- showed slower FDR, higher Pr and lower Ac
.idual (MSE) -2 were usually similar to overall proportion (table 2), which may have been
(MSE) -2 for a given model. Based on these responsible for depressed (P<.05) Pr and a
computations, steer effects were ignored and trend for elevated (P>.10) Ac with increased
FDR estimates from a given steer during FDR in the combined analysis. However,
different periods were considered independent Harrison et al. (1975) observed an inverse
observations. relationship of Pr with FDR when FDR was
altered without a dietary change. Also, Rogers
et al. (1979) noted depressed Pr and elevated
Results and Discussion Ac when FDR was accelerated in cattle con-
Fermentation and Fluid Dilution Rate. suming a concentrate diet, but not with cattle
Relationship of FDR with each fermentation fed a high roughage diet. Higher baseline FDR
variable was examined by trial and across trials was observed for cattle fed the high roughage
(table 3). Fluid dilution rate and Ac were diet, indicating a low FDR in control animals
positively related (P<.IO) in trials 1 and 3, but may be necessary for a fermentation response
negatively related in trials 2 (P<.01), 5 (P<.O01) to FDR manipulation. Hoover et al. (1984) also
and 7 (P<.05). Elevated FDR was associated noted decreased Pr when FDR was increased
with increased Pr in trials 2 (P<.O01), 5 from 4 to 8%/h and 8 to 12%/h, but no further
(P<~001) and 7 (P<.05). A positive relationship effect occurred when FDR was increased to
between FDR and Bu was observed in trials 5 16%/h. Sutton (1980) reported the effect of
(P<.O01) and 7 (P<.05), but a negative rela- altering dietary concentrate level on FDR
tionship existed in trial 3 (P<.01). Total VFA depends on initial and final proportion of
concentration was positively related to FDR in dietary concentrate.
trial 5 (P<.01). Ammonia concentration and Response of Bu to FDR alteration was
FDR were positively related in trial 5 (P<.01) erratic for the seven individual trials (table 3 )
but negatively related in trial 1 (P<.IO). In and was not related (P>.10) to FDR for the
trials 1 and 3, pH and FDR were positively combined analysis. Lack of consistency among
related (P<.IO), but were negatively related trials was also evident with respect to the effect
(P<.01) in trial 5. Although regression coeffi- of FDR on total VFA concentration (table 3).
cients were often nonsignificant for FDR vs Only trial 5 exhibited a relationship (P<.01;
fermentation measurements, their magnitude positive 3) of VFA concentration and FDR. In
and varying directions reveal a variable response this pasture study, faster FDR was observed
of fermentation characteristics to altered FDR. during stages of lush, more fermentable forage
Examination of the combined analysis of all growth. Fluid dilution rate and VFA concentra-
seven trials (table 3) further substantiates this tion were not related (P>.10) when data were
variability. Only two relationships were signifi- combined across trials (table 3).
cant in the combined analysis; negative (P<.05) Kennedy and Milligan (1978) noted lower
and positive (P<.001) relationships were noted ruminal NH3 concentration in sheep with faster
between FDR and Pr and pH, respectively. FDR. In the present study, however, only trial
Although a negative and positive relationship 1 exhibited a negative relationship (P<.10)
of Pr and Ac, respectively, with FDR has been between NH3 concentration and FDR, al-
reported previously, it is often not the case though a trend (P>.lO) for negative relation-
(table 3). The present data and other reports ships was observed in trials 2, 6 and 7 (table 3).
(Isaacson et al., 1975; Kennedy and Milligan, In trial 5, a positive relationship (P<.01)
1978; Hoover et al., 1984) do not show con- existed between these variables, perhaps due to
sistent positive changes in Ac and negative a higher soluble N concentration in more lush
changes in Pr with increased FDR. forages.
Diet effects may have caused differences in Elevated FDR could hasten removal of

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Acetate, Propionate, BuWrate, V F A a, Ammonia,

Trial no. Statistic mol/lOO mol m o l / l O 0 mol m o l / 1 0 0 tool mmol/liter m g / 1 0 0 ml pH

1 n 25 25 25 25 25 25
.82t - . 5 4 NS b - . 4 7 NS - 1 . 4 1 NS -2.50 t .07 ?
Sy. x 3.88 3.79 2.58 23.03 10.96 .35
R2 .133 .066 .101 .O13 .151 .119

2 n 25 25 25 25 25 25
-1.07"* 1.03"*" .11 NS - . 7 3 NS - . 6 0 NS - . 0 1 NS
Sy. x 3,94 2.71 1.62 45,80 6.82 .22
R2 .287 .443 .026 .001 .041 .026

3 n 8 8 8 8 8 8
1.73 t --.72 NS --.47"* .83 NS .88 NS .14 t
Sy. x 2.28 1.62 .37 8.87 11.28 .21
R2 .491 .247 .733 .014 .010 .425

4 n 8 8 8 "8 8 8
--.69 NS 1.92 NS - 1 . 1 0 NS 7.13 NS 19.92 NS - . 3 2 NS
Sy. x 1.45 1.63 1.55 8.80 16.62 .29
R~ .086 .361 .172 ,212 .370 .331

5 n 35 35 35 35 35 35
-.98"** .28"** .35"** 2.31"* 1.82"** -.04"*
Sy. x 2.22 1.16 1.17 11.31 7.28 .23
R2 .598 .309 .403 .243 .325 .206

6 n 16 16 16 16 16 16
~/ - . 9 8 NS .49 NS .39 NS .49 NS --.04 NS .02 NS
Sy. x 3.95 3.00 1.81 11.77 1.37 .29
R2 .073 .033 .056 .002 .001 .008

7 n 16 16 16 16 16 16
-.47" .27" .15" 1.11 NS - . 2 2 NS .03 NS
Sy. x 2.18 1.24 .78 11.60 3.01 .25
R2 .324 .335 .267 .087 .051 .145

Combined n 133 133 133 133 133 133

,28 NS -.37" .10 NS .01 NS - . 1 6 NS .05"**
Sy. x 6.86 6.40 2.19 27.70 13.94 .40
R2 .015 .029 .017 .000 .001 .116

aVFA = total volatile fatty acid concentration.

bNS = nonsignificant (P>.10).

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acidic end-products and increase pH. Trials 1 936) indicated a negative relationship of WT and
and 3 (P<.10) and the c o m b i n e d analysis a positive association of DMI with F D R .
( P < . 0 0 1 ) d e m o n s t r a t e d a positive relationship Increased DMI has increased F D R in previous
for pH and F D R . A negative relationship for studies ( G r o v u m and Williams, 1973; K e n n e d y
these t w o variables was n o t e d in trial 5, proba- and Milligan, 1978; Galyean et al., 1979;
bly because o f greater f e r m e n t a b i l i t y o f m o r e A d a m s and Kartchner, 1984). Evans (1981)
lush forage. Based on i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m these assessed factors affecting F D R and c o n c l u d e d
seven trials, effects of F D R alteration on that DMI was the m o s t i m p o r t a n t factor
f e r m e n t a t i o n m a y be s o m e w h a t predictable for controlling F D R for b o t h cattle and sheep,
a given set of conditions. Effects of F D R are which could be due to t h e f a c t that DMI o f t e n
less definite, however, across a wide set o f parallels water intake. Harrison et al. (1975)
conditions. d e t e c t e d no effect o f H 2 0 infusion on F D R ;
Fluid Dilution Rate and Diet. Dietary however, water intake was n o t measured in
characteristics and b o d y weight (table 2) f r o m c o n t r o l vs infused animals. The inverse relation-
the seven studies were used as i n d e p e n d e n t ship b e t w e e n b o d y size and F D R was similar to
variables to describe F D R (table 4) with step- results of Poppi et al. (1981), who n o t e d faster
wise regression. The same approach was also F D R in smaller animals. The best three-variable
used to describe F V O L (table 4). m o d e l c o n t a i n e d DMI, WT and A S H (R 2 = .38).
R u m e n F D R was best described by ASHI, The best six-variable m o d e l for F D R explained
w i t h F D R increasing slightly per u n i t increase 50% o f the variation in F D R and c o n t a i n e d
in ASH1; however, R e was only .16. The fact MEI and A D F I , as well as the f o u r previously
that A S H I was the m o s t i m p o r t a n t d e t e r m i n a n t m e n t i o n e d variables. Partial regression coeffi-
o f F D R agrees with reports o f elevated F D R cients for b o t h MEI and A D F I were negative.
with increased c o n s u m p t i o n o f mineral salts Decreased MEI should increase F D R because it
(Harrison et al., 1975, 1976; Rogers et al., reflects elevated roughage intake, which should
1979). Increased quantities o f osmotically stimulate salivation and increase r u m e n fill
active material in the r u m e n f r o m infusion of (Owens and Isaacson, 1977). The negative
h y p e r t o n i c solutions seemingly causes increased effect o f A D F I on F D R is surprising because
w a t e r influx and m a y increase water intake, coarser feeds stimulate salivation ( P u t n a m et
w h i c h should increase liquid Outflow (Rogers et al., 1966). However, the m a g n i t u d e o f the
al., 1979). T h e best two-variable m o d e l (R 2 = coefficient was e x t r e m e l y small, and MEI had


Equationbc R2 Sy.x

FDR = 6,19 + .003 (ASHI) 91669 2.75

FDR = 12.11 + .001 (DMI) --.03 (WT) .3623 2.42
FDR = 9.69 + .001 (DMI) --,02 (WT) + .14 (ASH) .3852 2.38
FDR = 1.24 + .002 (DMI) --.03 (WT) + .96 (ASH) --.01 (ASHI) .4408 2.28
FDR = 4.94 + .004 (DMI) --.04 (WT) + ,68 (ASH) --.009
(ASHI) -.57 (MEI) --.002 (ADFI) .5022 2.17
FVOL = --1.14 + 22.62 (ME) .2035 229
FVOL = -44.91 + 32.47 (ME) + 1.92 (ASH) .2382 22.01
FVOL = --70.04 + ,009 (DMI) + 9.15 (CP) --,09 (CPI)
+ .08(WT) .3474 20.53
FVOL = --3.35 --4.76 (ASH) + 7.99 (CP) --.08 (CPI)
+ .08(WT) + .06 (ASHI) .3586 20.44

aonly models in which all selected variables were significant (P<.05) are presented.
b n = 133.
CFDR = fluid dilution rate, %/h; ASH1 = ash intake, kg/d; DMI = dry matter intake, kg/d; WT = body weight,
kg; ASH = ash concentration, %; MEI = metabolizable energy intake, Mcal/d; ADFI = acid detergent fiber intake,
kg/d; FVOL = fluid volume, liters; ME = metabolizable energy concentration, Mcal/kg; CP = crude protein con-
centration, %; CPI = crude protein intake, kg/d.

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been accounted for. In addition, in many of the .71). Enhancement of molar proportion of Ac
seven trials, roughage was fed in the ground by dietary fiber in ruminants is well document-
form and buffers were fed, which may have ed (Reid et al., 1957; Rumsey et al., 1970). A
confounded relationships. 4% increase in R 2 was achieved when FDR and
When FVOL was described by the same set CP entered, with most of this increase attrib-
of variables as with FDR (table 4), ME was the uted to FDR; however, in contrast to many
best predictor of FVOL (R 2 = .20). As diet ME literature reports, FDR was negatively related
rose, FVOL also increased. In contrast, Putnam to Ac.
et al. (1966) observed decreased rumen volume Molar proportion of propionate was best
as dietary concentrate proportion increased. described by, and negatively related to, ADF
Galyean et al. (1979) observed lower F V O L (R 2 = .51; table 5), which agrees with reports
with increasing intake of a high concentrate that Pr and diet roughage proportion are
diet, and suggested that increased rumen dry inversely related (Reid et al., 1957; Rumsey et
matter may have forced more liquid from al., 1970). The second variable selected was CP,
the rumen. Huntington et al. (1981) reported which exerted a negative effect on Pr and
tha$ elevated concentrate proportion m a y have increased R 2 by 11%. The effect of CP on Pr
increased DMI and increased FVOL. Possibly, may have been an artifact created by the
diets with increased concentrate proportions possibility that feeds high in ADF were also
may occupy less space because of a more high in CP. A positive effect of MEI on Pr was
rapid degradation and, consequently, may force noted in the three-variable model, which
less fluid outflow, which could explain higher accounted for an additional 7% of the variation
fluid volumes associated with diets of greater in Pr. An additional 2% of the variation in Pr
ME. The best two-variable model for FVOL was explained by FDR. In contrast to previous
also contained ASH (positive /3; R 2 = .23). reports, the partial coefficient for FDR was
Elevated ASH should increase the amount of positive when effects of dietary energy, fiber
osmotically active material in the rumen, which and protein were accounted for. A five-variable
could cause water influx and consequently model (R 2 = .73) contained WT, which had a
increase FVOL. In the four-variable model, a small, positive 13.
slight positive relationship of DMI and FVOL The variable best related to Bu proportion
was observed. Purser and Moir (1966) and was CP (R 2 = .23; table 5), which is in agree-
Putnam et al. (1966) showed that rumen ment with Church (1975). The two-variable
volume (fluid + particulate) increased when model for Bu contained ME (negative/3; R 2 =
DMI increased. Adams and Kartchner (1984) .31). Reid et al. (1957) observed that addition
reported an inverse relationship between DMI of corn to alfalfa diets decreased ruminal Bu
and FVOL. The four-variable model for FVOL proportion, but Rumsey et al. (1970) found
also contained WT and CP (positive/3) and CPI elevated Bu with increased concentrate level.
(negative /3). A positive relationship between The third variable that entered the Bu model
WT and FVOL would be expected, because was WT, but the partial coefficient was small
Purser and Moir (1966) observed a positive (-.006).
correlation between sheep weight and e m p t y Total V F A concentration was best described
rumen weight. Also, CPI tended to be higher by ADFI (R 2 = .14; table 5), with a small
with rapidly fermented diets (table 2) that (.008), positive/3. The best two-variable model
would be degraded more quickly and allow for for V F A contained ME (R 2 = .18). The positive
more fluid space. Generally, FVOL was not partial /3 was large (13.49), suggesting die-
effectively described by the variables offered tary energy density is related to degree of
for selection, because R 2 was small and Sy. x fermentation. Other researchers have shown
was large for equations describing FVOL. increased rumen VFA concentration with
Fermentation and Diet. Because FDR did elevated dietary concentrate (Putnam et al.,
not appear to be a major director of fermenta- 1966; Esdale et al., 1968). The three-variable
tion, stepwise regression was employed to model contained CPI (R 2 = .29). Addition of
describe each of the six fermentation variables other variables resulted in small increases in R 2 .
(table 5) with WT, FDR and the nine dietary Generally, variables representing intake were
components (table 2) as independent variables. more often selected to describe V F A concen-
Using this procedure, the best one-variable tration, while molar proportions were best
model for Ac contained ADF (positive /3, R 2 = described b y dietary concentration variables.

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This finding was expected, because total sub- c e n t r a t i o n at 4 h p o s t f e e d i n g h a d b e e n a v a i l a b l e ,

strate available should reflect fermentation because absorption and microbial metabolic
capacity, while individual dietary components state may complicate interpretation of concen-
should dictate microbial populations and t r a t i o n v a l u e s . D i e t m a y also a f f e c t V F A
pathways and, consequently, end-products. concentration at 4 h postfeeding, because the
Models describing molar proportions of Ac V F A p e a k is l a t e r w i t h f o r a g e d i e t s t h a n w i t h
a n d Pr h a d h i g h e r R 2 v a l u e s t h a n B u a n d V F A high concentrate diets (Phillipson, 1942).
c o n c e n t r a t i o n , s u g g e s t i n g A c a n d Pr a r e b e t t e r The best variable for describing pH was ADF
indicators of change of fermentation status, ( R 2 = . 4 5 ; t a b l e 5). E l e v a t e d p H in c o n j u n c t i o n
while Bu and total VFA are explained by with elevated fiber intake wasexpected because
random variation or factors yet to be identified. h i g h g r a i n d i e t s d e p r e s s r u m e n p H ( P u t n a m et
Total VFA description might have been more al., 1 9 6 6 ; R u m s e y e t al., 1 9 7 0 ) d u e t o m o r e
e f f e c t i v e if t o t a l p r o d u c t i o n r a t h e r t h a n c o n - rapid fermentation, causing greater acidic


Equationbc R2 Sy. x

Ac = 51.44 + . 43 (ADF) .7145 3.69

Ac = 54.31 + .47 (ADF) --.44 (FDR) .7467 3.49
Ac = 50.01 + .53 (ADF) --.50 (FDR) + .24 (CP) .7542 3.45
Pr = 33.47 - . 3 4 (ADF) .5085 4.55
Pr = 50.14 --.55 (ADF) --.84 (CP) .6233 4.00
Pr = 46.84 - . 5 2 (ADF) - 1 . 0 9 (CP) + .33 (MEI) .6952 3.61
Pr=53.25--.78(ADF) zl.13(CP)+.39(FDR)+ .002(ADFI) .7189 3.48
Pr = 28.37 - . 4 4 (ADF) - 1 . 1 0 (CP) + .55 (FDR) + 4.37 (ME)
+ .02 (WT) .7258 3.45
Bu = 6.05 + .25 (CP) .2325 1.94
Bu = 8.02 + .42 (CP) --1.86 (ME) .3150 1.84
Bu = 9.05 + ,44 (CP) - 1 . 4 4 (ME) - . 0 0 6 (WT) .3472 1.80
VFA = 79.54 + .008 (ADFI) ,1405 25.68
VFA = 44.63 + .01 (ADFI) + 13.49 (ME) ,1842 25.12
VFA = 19.51 + .01 (ADFI) + 32.03 (ME) --.02 (CPI) ,2910 23.51
VFA = 38.53 + .04 (ASHI) + 17.97 (ME) --.06 (CPI) + 2.62 (MEI) .3248 23.03
VFA = 180.76 + .03 (ADFI) + .05 (ASHI) --3.64 (CP) + 8.11 (MEI)
--1.70 (ADF) --.03 (DMI) .3462 22.84
pH = 5.54 + .02 (ADF) .4551 .32
pH = 4.52 + .03 (ADF) + .05 (CP) .5525 .29
pH = 4.56 + .06 (ADF) + .05 (CP) --.0004 (ADFI) --.10 (ASH)
+ .001 (ASHI) .6006 .28
pH = .94 + .13 (ADF) + .21 (CP) --.001 (ADFI) - . 1 4 (ASH)
+ .002 (ASHI) --.002 (CPI) + .0005 (DMI) .6326 .27
NH 3 = --10.26 + 2.17 (CP) .4266 10.57
NH 3 = - 2 0 . 7 6 + 2.52 (CP) + .002 (ADFI) .4713 10.18
NH 3 = - 2 1 . 1 4 + 2.72 (CP) + .39 (ADF) + .82 (MEI) - . 7 2 (FDR)
- . 0 4 (WT) .5101 9.92

a o n l y models in which all selected variables were significant (P<.05) are presented.
b n = 133.
CAc = acetate, m o l l 1 0 0 mol; A D F = acid detergent fiber concentration, %; FDR = fluid dilution rate, %/h;
CP = crude protein concentration, %; Pr = propionate, m o l / l O 0 tool; MEI = metabolizable energy intake, Mcal/d;
ADFI = acid detergent fiber intake, kg/d; ME = metabolizable energy concentration, Mcal/kg; WT = b o d y weight,
kg; Bu = butyrate, m o l l 1 0 0 mol; V F A = volatile f a t t y acids, raM; CPI = crude protein intake, kg/d; ASHI = ash
intake, kg/d; DMI = dry m a t t e r intake, kg/d; ASH = ash concentration, %; pH = r u m e n pH; NH 3 = r u m e n a m m o -
nia, m g / l O 0 ml.

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