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No. SME-EL2-EL2-ooss-2017- Eq* ISME, dated the 2e May, 2017

Sri B.N.Pradhan, OAS(SAG),
Additional Secretary to Government
The Director, Elementary Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Sub: - De-nomenclature of the designation of the Zilla Parishad Teachers.
I am directed to say that it was clearly explained in the Odisha Elementary Education
(Method of recruitment and conditions of Service of Teachers and Officers) Amendment
Rules, 2014 that'all persons now working as primary school teachers under Zilla Parishad
having requisite training qualification i.e C.T or B.Ed shall be treated as member of Level-V
of the service from the date of commenc€ment of these rules". But, most often in the
official correspondences, the field functionaries of this Deptt. are using the designation of
such teachers as'Zilla Parishad Teacher'.
Therefore, considering the grievances of such teachers, it has been decided to issue
suitable instructions to all sub-ordinate offices to the effect that henceforth the Junior
Teachers, after regularisation in the Level-V of the service in the cadre, will be designated
as 'Assistant Teachers' instead of 'Zilla Parishad Teachers'for all purposes.
Hence, you are requested to issue suitable instructions to all concerned accordingly.
You rs faith v,
Secretary to Government
Memo No. *1Lt) /sME, dtd. zu
_ S.'- tfdditional
Copy fonararded to the all Directors(Except DEE) under the control of S&ME Deptt./
all Diskict Education Officers / all DPCs, SStu all BEOs/ all officers an Sections of S&ME
Deptt. for information and necessary action /1
Additional S ry to Government
Memo No. G13o s
ME, dtd. 34 -S- 17
Copy forwarded to Computer Cell of S&ME Deptt. for information and necessary
They are requested to take steps for hoisting of the letter in the partment Website
for information of all concerned. ..rtl
'.)-o 4
Additional Secretary to Government
Memo No. e1o t /s ME, dtd.+n-Y_E_
Copy forwarded to the P.S to Hon'ble Minister, School & Mass E cation for kind
perusal of the Hon'ble Minister. .\.
Additional Secretary to Government

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