Proficiency 9

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ee [ener eae | [canes snc any HAVE CONFIDENCE = 100% SUCCES “This section contains 1S questions ach question carries I mark. “4 Amplnude of vibacons remains constant in ase of (1) fineibetion 2) forced virion (3) damped viation (9 Bath | 2 |) ample of vibration is very large (2) the amplitude of vibration is very small (2) the waves produced ae alrasoae (4) frequency of vibrations double the fraqueny of applied force sane’: sk) trap’ nee gee Toba nen cach ne el betnen he oil sound and the elec scund mst he () 025 (2) Is 8)25 eats Low snd cone a arr snc, ue = SA Wigs arpliode 2) Mighercoeey 0) igh eueney CO Hlspnd Compressed whee arse ie- (1) Higher Pr Tower ©) normal 20 Sound wives hve (0) Agios cay (2 Frequency wavelength oly BP Arnpltde, frequency end wavelength (8) Amplitude and wavclengt 4. A source of wave produces 40 cress and 40 troughs in 0.4 scones, feqdency of the wave? PI 00 2) 50H @) 150 He (4) 200 Hz PETE Hy, 0 M4 ae ee ee Ye i CLASS ix (AM) eae vs trvcls ata speed of 0.3m and the frequency ofthe wave 6 20H What inte ‘parton tere te two consecutive compression 3 PIS 102m 40, Aw cbverver A fies 2 gun and anther obierver B at a distance 1650 m way fo A he its sound. Iie sped of sound is 30 ms, whats the ime when B wil er he sound afer ing A () 1416 O)16x104m 18 109%m () See @ Ase BB se ose fh. The speedof sound ine 0° () some) 450m ©)s100m Lear Bm Ad. Sore mikes se of () ifreonicsound By“Guasouné ——(S)ortrarysound (4 ight 13. The propemes of ule sound that rake wef, re (@)high power and good decay” PMG frequency and bending sound the objec (1) Beh powershot (0) tithe an ih seed As. "on wey ote pt ds () enon ts wavelet Font dey ad elnino ens (© inti otonnd (400 te amples ante awe A Thesame nes tee phe on tran vere diferin A aay ©) pitch 2) guay and nish 4) none of hese a contains ms = = Creer AA6. Which ofthe following coretly represents 360g of water? m0 (]) Amoles of waters i) 20 makes of water (i) 6022» 10? motets of water (iy) 12084> 10" molecules of water (1) Oniy( Gand) 6) i) ann) “ipandn) 4 ae ee o_o Q BO . YON -\00 eae 2 ad aon ckstd x % es ee 0 = WL A ‘Which ofthe following statements i not rue about a orn? (1) Atoms are notable exit independ. (2) Atoms ae the basic units from which molecules anions are formed BF Atoms are always newt in nature, (4) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the mate that we an see, feel or touch, AB 1108 | amw means 1 AD EY massoF C12 stome (2)Massof C-12 atom (3) Mass of 0-16 tom (4) Mass of Hydrogen moleewie 7G. Wit tte ying ins rina bs eheclee witece > @ex Ortath 12cm A. ‘A sample of NH; molecule isrespective of source contains 82.35% Nitrogen and 17.63% of | Hydrogen “hy mass. This data supports: (1) Law of Conservation of Mass YF Law of Definite Propontions An clement X is divalent and another 2) Law of Multiple Propotions (4) Avopadko’s Law + clement Y is teavalent. The compound formed by these 0 Yelomenes wil be: XY a xv IK Oxy xy, AB. The molecule formula of potessim nite is urkNO, @ Knox CORNO, (KON, © sete ete dnd 8 gf nein aT te oats te Py sions: Lew” (1) 668108 (3)6022*10" (4) 602210" ‘CLASS =X (AN) 2a ‘Molectlarmassis dened asthe: _P ann ony peel (On ct tn compen ates co O) Mansearcanspentniaaeinigiaan dell (0 Nee et deine 25. A-change in the physical state can be brought about 22 1 in ga we (2) only when energy is taken out from the systern v Dra magy aster ioaetenaagel ae (6 Witt ay sey mae 46. The aya ere oo omic mas of sium is 23. The number of moles in 46g soda i wn Direction: In each ofthe following questions a statement of Assertion is given followed by « coresponding, statement of Reason. Of the temas, maith comet answer as 927 Both assertion an reason are tre and reazon isthe coret explanation of assestion. (2) Both asserion and reason ae true but reason isnot the correct explanation of assertion. @) Assertion strue but reaon is false, (4) Assertion is fs bat reason etme AY. Asserion: The number of moles of Hein 2 pot He is 13.7 Reason: The nussber of moles of an atom ithe ratio of ts given asst is mole a, ¥ ee rah wS COy > 9s ae uy pe | An \ \ \ yy Bs = ie “Gy me CASE! UDY BASED QUES’ Read the folowing and answer question number 13 ‘A mole of an atom is cllection of atoms whose total mess isthe marber of gr eau t9 the atomic nas. Since equal number of mols of different elements consin an equal ruber of atoms It becomes, conveneat wo expres the amounts ofthe clement ie tens of moles. A mole represents definite number of panties viz, atoms, molecules, ns or electrons, This definite mmber i called Avogndre mamber Avogadko constant which is equi 96022 » 10. Hence a mole represents 6.022 * 10 partes of the vba. One mole of substance represents one gram-formua ofthe eubstance, One moe of aac at standard temperature and pressure occupies 224 ites As What isthe massin grams of 242 mol of sae? (Atomic ts of Zn = 65 1) @ a5 orion (422210 1) 2008 ess A. How many stoms of oxygen are preset in 300 gran of CXC? HH 420710 @) 9.20710 Gy 1220710 ‘Which ofthe following represents the comet relation between Avogadi numer (No) numberof Oe @)e-NN, @)allare comeet Aieieeteenmemrmeere (fl miniemctees (©) Hybedzation means orssing between genetically dissimilar plats (4) Cross between two varieties is called as imerspecitic hybridisation X, (Gi livedacing genes of dsied chractes ito a plan gives genatically modified sop (iv) Cros between plants of twa species called ss inter varietal hybridisation omic (2) Gipard(y GB) and Gi) Gi) andi) [evsesne | A (sao Ab Aserton-Diteren typeof crops requied deen kinds of feria 3», Reason Harail chemicals plays vit le ie plant gow, (1) Bots Asserionané Reaton are correct, and reason the comet explanation fer astern (2) Both Asserion and Reason are conse, and Resco isnt the comer caption for Assertion 6) Amis tc Reem We IA 80 iseran nd Rena fen. ys 3D ee ‘Assertion: Fungicides and Festicileseabasces crop prodten. Reason Ferilzers and manure produces chemical which enhances ol frit. (1) Both Atserion and Reason arc cones, and aso ete ceret explanation for asenion. (@) Both Assertion and Reason are conect, and Reaten i not the come explnation for Assertion. 8) Asserion ste bat Retson sae (or Btn Assenion and Reason are ale ‘Avimal husbondy is the siete management of © Animal being Gi) Cultae oF aims () Reasng of animals 0G, Giana Go) P0).Gaiy 08) oo 0) (9 and vy ‘Weed feet he crop plants by () Killing of pans in ed bere they grow (2) Dominating the plants to prow (©) Competing for various resources of cops (plants) causing low avalabity of natrens BT Aloft above Wood) 2 rake v0 Ny — A mas eR fot be => HOMLA Bare BEE _ ea gh) o ‘ho Sore = ei a aAL < gs &-a93n0 58 gt “a ML: we BS i ao es eae a) Terk (a) They rede ee wa8 «Al yan’) © BN Gor So 4 oF ae” hai ap: Wheat sr, ty 1 AO | (@) 25-50% (40-30% (4)55-70% er a (0) Chemposion suites aditete_g2¥Anannis, cheep an sons (1 Amarin cocea a ower Practice of cultering atte fish is known () Sercelwe OF Aqunculure —G) Pieeature plans aed animals Ike prawns, sh Jobstrs, crabs, mo ms SE014.0 4) Contd, banem 4) Masiclure The production of wero aquatic ‘Ths set nnins 8 questions. Fach question carries 1 45, There are 1240 employees in an organization out of which, 25% are promod. How many such employees are there who pot promotion? avious types of water rescues called (4) Siveresoion | y cuture (2) Pivccubure—_@)Siviotre ‘che einen fom watgne macnn idcinwielcmmie? —\M | 5) Wien sain priest + met t «© 8 : : own win om @ os 10 wx 7 (1) Wheat+ peanut (2) Oat + Rie 17.) The difference etween T8% of s umber and 59% ofthe same marsbr i 323. What i 62% ofthat (Po Ams fone tcc fo ene 3 hi ha nadcquate spplyoffertizers ae manures | ae q is (@) Pest atack (Sei condiions —_ gag 41 a) 1054 2) 178 1037 GyNone ofthese a t Ee - panne: Tones lerreuah work eee ap Jraemog al FB. - $94 . doy “Ne wee 3 » ee : foo 00 “he oy ae 100 99 160 , au Aen \aSeR, ee sO = ah BD ex ae ee y 184 A © SEBO . 4 ay guna ° (piace — 40%O soe ae adheres a % es 1 oa <0. es jo — 100 HOO “ED ANG OO Siege acy ig eee Inga - 116 ba a 7 3200- mcs ea SA, a ees nae Sa rote pone nmin Poo! Ge sane munter #25 Wo eae fame & a es ; 3-9 Cand scoring % mars nan examination and falls bya mats, while anther candida Who Scores y% mars, gts b marks more thn the minimum equed pass mad, YA fo mame ‘What the mexiran Wy AY 030 @) 1080 varia wa mars forthe examination? cuce{ 18) The Pies of two ances ae as. 4: the pric of the Fist acl is serensed by 10% and tht of series) mos) pe omy $8 cBt-P SND wendy Ca tcl nel te Te gl pinot ined mide (800 eos Mee Get) gy mech) el $ 3 8 1 (ay 14500 @) , 18900 ere, cate Ke 56, Asmat simple rest of 133%4per enn amounts € 38D indyr Findon 702 e 40. ) in order to pass in an exam, a suadent is required to get 780 macks out of the aggregate mars. Sons s F Cam 0728 marks and was declared fled by 5% What ree manimur agavegste marks ast con (15502 1680 erE00 4 0 al Sateen 57, Kim dag en moun of SD chin asap i be if ko ne rie, ne Wat otal amount will Kriya get atthe end of yn 5 «0 100 @ 110 ema anos A tata anc ils pt tte an The salary of a person is increased by 10% of his onginal salary. But he received the same amount AT 102648 2) Ch1S246 Q)8 125578 ye 10326 cate nceacn Wit te oanste maybe idnatreeed +19" SS, it Desired an mur 1250 fr Asie eeeeEe ts lao of 26250 ath ond 6? esse, : 109 we Va teddny a BAT wa ein Oe on Stig lcieamm Gitreum G)repcene goon el 9 PH stensuay. Ten. percentage of Bick als pestis | tes ces a ae ae | i wos bal Pr : om op | © scones mane wtb ait Mansons (50 53, re price coin ancl is & S00, I his income increased by 30% ten what i his menly ape aici eas dials y a Be Ropererrcr ae : . ; a QO ya e500 64500 res say bys Bp incosannmat tmaanenetn va 33, Spo (G_)macamaene verve poe inure ad snpe itr the te of let i a © = Sx5GR) ()rearoon reve ep etn i re = s a ai @) 155% Oe we 3309 | sro o snanour of ISO fo rie, Whats he vauoarRD [REA | om o 1% ome ies oY oe omen er \ { Age 2 hogs. R- yoo! ‘PIR - heen 2 xR . R-4T wo we yo 99 tubal X2 Koo 18S das u 5 \ Pk» 4. Va GATOS Gy teh got?) | a bbe aneiad oe HOD s5b8Ne AY! “yg Hi font 4 2h "100 PR 0c wil the amount become tment? (aye @ 128 x (oye ve A vem ate pad tra bene 25s ne sme sn Besa wa fe oy v6 We, fais es Vv wi oF 45 (65. ) the simp intrest on cra sum For2 ris 2120 and compound interest is € 129. Find the rte of om @) 15% @) 13% _S Pant workingtonebecan is pee of Hoek ie days whe B ae a Hh 30 cy Intow many day A.slon ih the Wook? () Ways pF 20¢0y ()24ys (425 anys 61, Aa doa pice of wou in x days and Ab can doth se work ine dys. To fs th work A wget, ey the 12 days, What he value oF? @10 ie oF Asano es fork nds cancomplee same werk 12, Wate mer @n ‘of days required todo the same work together? m2 A os ws (69, A.cando pice of work in 8 days, B Can doit in 10 days and C can doit in 20 days. ln how many ayscan A.B and C together complete the work?” “Ei QE My Ddegs era BaoP-2 OR = 14 U0p, me st, 100] < (sov+28|,p .ng 'sore ee 50h» PR= 199 ¥S0 A Corin ahi ngueheeeTETET Et them worked together for days and then A lef. The mamber of days B wil ike lo complete re > remaining job is om one @ 2 a 1S0P- boon: 40 = ube “bev mie Poe Jp 128 "hls secon contains 40 questions Each custion carries 1 mark Directions (Q.71 to Q.74) : Sty the following rangement carefallya8d answer te questions see below 1. WH ae flowing term is ewely midway bewocn aly ep fling between Cand 5? SP eM Nor “ 72. each hbo ofthe above sequences repliced wih eter nd ech dpi replaced wih new “sym, then how many ltrs willbe thee nthe sequence? 2S ws rie or wor 7) Novy eh ae ci scolds ea Ok flowed by alte? 0) Ow ee (nen 2 i ist ement om th etintechangs place wt fe eth ment ors thee. slaty second with ninth, third with eighth ands en, then which ofthe following wl be seventh to he If cof eighth clement fom the sgh? wz Cy @s 90R. eB sd ey 3 32 it 7 iI ee ae \ ee at va Sag Zw 2 | eau Walle ar dele ~~ en neve _— nee he which te olowing eters rt Fe 0:9) Tseqpoten meet Be EH Shaya andaver begun Takyhak qb” uSskwswobeTy tap Which ofthe following elements ithe 4 othe right of 12° Ms ay 6 OF ‘98 imenediately preceded 16. How many such number are ther inthe above rangement which are immediately preeeded by ¢ OS > sm 7 ‘nett ttt weaned, ge nines eo Dincioe(Q15 8: nse te oor he aa mi me aN stared fren M, Mis interchanged with 3 and Ris interchanged with # and Ss ps errata easton seve NK gun =a80 “wen 2) ov r. (ayOVT \el Loy bale pe position in the abOve S 2 AW Sesf AKO ,1007 Thre of he following Sou re alike nw certain wa based on thi &) 7 smamgemen Wen he lowing ent leg he 29 (i) sax a) re cps vofow DeK1@AW2P¢=Q67F6 y OG “@ 198 _00/- = + RICESESGIEN9 Le ‘witen jn reverse ore, then which clement wll be So the right of 16% Inte above sequence clement fiom height ond? 2 wr ou wo rections (81-84): These questions ae based on the folowing ate se. Sanne om ®, » ii i) Bi wD aafsofuvaeifaugnnn}éyicoccacauuaasc G1. How mary Cs re Shere in abavearageest which is inmciately flowed by vowel? (1) Tavs @ Two @)One four ae jooR = tb00d ~ \0oos * 9000 = S000 ae aT O+R)100+2) — 100 00 Doe RY — Pronk e qooks Yh wm Or & ee ee eu V _ g9ee% xR . 96 i 1 | &) -A-Zoe® te resubmarines. Some submarines ae yatches 87.) Statements: Some ships are beats, boats Some yates are beats.” 0 1V. Sume patches are ship ef Only Hand Il folow (4) Only FV follows Ith, Some submarines are ships V” 1) All follow (3) Only HT faiows ‘8, Statements: All Carts ae birds, Some telephones are Caras, Al bedshees ae telephone 1 Allbedshoot are birds 1 Some bedseet are bids IIL, Some birds are telephone IV, Alltelephove are birds (4) Onty follows (@) Only 1 fllows (9) Only and follow (4) Only MI follows Ce re ‘Some staplers ae stickers All the = Conclusions: az (9, Some pens ae staplers a (i) Some sickersare keys (i No sticker is key. (1) Only) ana iy (@) Onyy (i) and a) (Some supers arckeys (@)niy (a).ae Gv) (4) Onty (i) and Ga either (ipo) Statements: Some question ate answers Some answers ae writers. Althe wits ae poets \S Conetusions: (i) Some writers are answers. (i Some poets ae quesions. (i) Allthe questions are posts (Gr) Some oot or sneer (@)Only i end) (yOnly Gyan 6) (1D) Only Gane Gi (2) Only) and git) 91. Question in which your ws Raul bors? Statement: 1. Radul at prescet is 25 years younger to his moter 1 Rohs tether, who was bom in 196, 3 years younger ois mothe, (4) 1 lone i suiient wale I alone isnot sulTcest (2) alone is sufficient while I alone is nt sulicient (2) Either or i sufficient 27 Flot 1 and 1 ae suticient Ss repre ee re Evasion + | ieee among ie penone P,Q, 5 7 Statement: 1 Rb fed omelet oft nd wae ere (CT) 1, QisteinmdaelerT vomuemdtedesguote (1 Taloe ice vie alist 2e bilograms more than ie tia wih i of t90 poke. I. -Tae wal weight ote poles (i) aloes saci while I ane wt unt s (2) Both Land ae uit €2)lNalon i sufiet wie Llose is o suicest 4c PF Biter ois scent es (Neier or is slic : aN ee 6. Question: How isX retesto¥? 21, ae Hw mye dor Mane aed o ae j The oly dmg ofX nan inwitectM. th Kand Jac brabemo 1. Yas." haveoniyene ete”. Xen oly me site” 1) aloes ulcer while ales ose U1 alone is sufficient while If alone is not sufficient ee am kiaes aes alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient (0) lslone is rien ee |G) Bither | or Il is sufficient ©) Poll ee ese cele if Nether nor is sein usin The at any of Mah, 206 on ish te? 97, Quest: What the cae fr nthe code gage 2 Siemens Surana 1. aW(@)e* means ight or wong ni mea “high and Yee means a 1. The int Sunday ofthat oni lon 3h 11 The ayo tat moth was Fide. +n a 1 pu a ean tha sight ts ep! mean Bp hat ad nk means (4) alone is seiicien while Malone snot safiient there 1 alone is suficint while alone i ot uleat {2) I alone is sufficient while alone is act sicient (4) Bosh Land I ae sufficient (G) Esther or Tis suficient (2) Both and tare suit. 2) Malone is saicient while Falone isnot sfficient BV ier Loris sac ae marae aa none Wswerry = or wel a Ve Bin > (= ansen Sharad ic younger than Madan. Gy Bath | and IT a sf 1L- Prabhakar is heavier than Mano) and Kamba ightr than 1, Manoj ie Higher than He Tatone is sufficient while I aloe is no sufficient (4) Both and Hae sufficient. 100, Question: Vinod's and Javed salaries are ithe proportion of 4 1. Javed'sslary i 75% that of Vinod!’ sar 1 Talon i suficins while I alene snot sufficint x 27 Malone is suficint while alone i not slfcent (G) Either Iori sufficen (4) Sot Land tae sucien ‘CLASS : DK (AN) pd Who among them the Wek yam 5 respectively. Whats Vined's 1, Javed salary is Re 4500

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