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Primary and Secondary School

An Independent School Est. 1991 37 Khoza Street
EMIS 700232090 Atteridgeville
Tel: 012 373 6201/7923 Pretoria
Fax: 012 373 4220 P O Box 97803 WEST PARK


2022 Re-registration on or 2022 Re-registration as from
New Registration 2022
before 31 10 2021 LATE 01 11 2021
Grade Per month x11 Registration Annual Per month Registration Annual Per month Registration Annual
x1 x11 x1 x11 x1
Grade 10 2 800 2000 32 800 2 800 1 700 32 500 2 800 2 000 32 800
Grade 1-9 2 600 2000 30 600 2 600 1 700 30 300 2 600 2 000 30 600
Grade R 2 520 2000 29 720 2 520 1 700 29 420 2 520 2 000 29 720
Grade RR 2 500 2000 29 500 2 500 1 700 29 200 2 500 2 000 29 500

A discount of a R1000 for Grade 1 to 10 and R800 for Pre-School per account if the year school fee is paid before the end of
Grade 10 - 12 Gr 1 to 9 Gr R Gr RR
1st Child 2 800 2 600 2 520 2 500
2nd Child 2 700 2 500 2 420 2 400
3rd Child 2 680 2 480 2 400 2 380

Please reference your family code when making a payment.

Fees are payable in advance as per parent contract. Parents have the option to pay it in one amount at the beginning of
the year, 4 installments at the beginning of each term or 11 installments at the beginning of each month. School fees are
not payable per month of attendance it is one amount owed for the year of academic delivery. Affordability of fees must
be confirmed before learner admission to an academic year.

Stationery packs: Parents will pay a fee towards stationery per year. This will include a basic pack of pens, pencils,
colouring pencils, art material, scripts, ruler etc. Items like scissors and glue will be available in class but will not always
be included in the pack to take home. When learners lose their stationery, they will be responsible to replace it. Grade
Pre-R to 3 keeps all stationary in class.
Printed Workbooks are not included in the stationery fee. The cost differs per grade depending on the number of
workbooks needed per subject. It can range from between a R100 to R450 depending on the needs per child in each
grade. We will provide a list of the stationery items and the workbooks with the cost as to be transparent in the process.
We procure the best quality at the most affordable price.

ALL School Uniform items must be marked with the child’s name; Parents can order labels from the school or supply
their own. Cost will be from R95 per basic pack of labels. The number of lost clothing items cost the parents a lot of
additional money and time looking for items. Uniform items are available at the school uniform store.

Cost of official PEPPS Motheong Afternoon Activities, offered by the school as part of the curriculum, will be covered
by the school fees. However additional activities like Karate, Gymnastics, Swimming, Sewing and Maths Buddy will be
for the cost of the parent.
Parents can budget for school trips and camps in grades as per information leaflet in January. Due to Covid no camps or
trips materialised in the past year.

In class we will have a dictionary available to share. Parents may purchase a dictionary or make an online dictionary
available for their child to use at home. See stationery list for this.

Section 21 Company Reg. No. 2001/002363/08

Directors: D. Mahan (Chairperson), C. Baloyi, H. Berrangé R. Moyo, I. Ntjana, N. Ogude, J. Ditinti and S. Steyn

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