Chapter 9 Equal Protection

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Substantial Distinctions
 Not superficial but must be substantial
 Art. 3 Sec. 1 “… nor shall any person be denied the equal  Certain physical differences of persons can in some
protection of the laws.” instances be the basis of a valid classification. E.g. woman,
 When the particular act assailed partakes of an being weaker, may be treated more tenderly by law than
unwarranted partiality or prejudice – the sharper men in specifying working conditions; Policemen and
weapon to cut it down is the equal protection clause. (If firemen may be given better retirement privileges than
arbitrariness is general, it may be challenged on the basis of other public functionaries because of the higher risks they
due process clause) have to take in the discharge of their duties.
 Couched in indefinite language because the guaranty is  For example:
dynamic (same with due process) - provides for more a. In Ceniza v. COMELEC, the classification of cities into
adjustability to the ‘swiftly moving facts’ of our changing highly urbanized cities and component cities on the
society. (So rulings are changed in light of societal basis of their regular annual income is based upon
developments and other factors notwithstanding that not a substantial distinction because the revenue would
single alteration had been made in the wording of equal show whether they are capable of existence and
protection clause) development. Moreover, the practice of allowing
voters in one component city or vote for provincial
Definition officials and denying the same privilege to voters in
 Requires that all persons or things similarly situated should another component city is a matter of legislative
be treated alike, both as to rights conferred and discretion which violates neither the Constitution nor
responsibilities imposed. the voter’s right of suffrage. It would have been
 Similar subjects should not be treated differently so as to discriminatory and denial of the equal protection of
give undue favor to some and unjustly discriminate against the law if the statute prohibited an individual or group
others. of voters in the city from voting for provincial officials
 But substantive equality is not enough. It is required that while granting it to another individual or group of
the law be enforced and applied equally. voters in the same city.
b. In Philippine Association of Service Exporters, it was
Persons Protected held that Filipino female domestic working abroad
 All persons, natural and juridical. were in a class by themselves distinguishable from
 Artificial - only insofar as their property is concerned other Filipino female workers and from Filipino OCWs
 But by constitutional reservation, certain rights are in general, because of the special risks to which their
enjoyable only by citizens such as the right to vote, hold class was exposed. Reports show that a number of
public office, exploit natural resources, and operate public them had been abused and maltreated.
utilities. c. In International School Alliance of Educators, equal pay
for equal work. Persons who work with substantially
Classification equal qualifications, skill, effort and responsibility,
 Equal protection clause does not require the universal under similar conditions would be paid similar
application of the laws - to operate on all people without salaries. Thus, the foreign-hires and local-hires should
distinction. This will result in unequal protection. both enjoy the same benefits and be accorded the
 For example: same treatment.
a. Law requiring military service of all citizens - valid as
to able-bodied but oppressive to those sick and the B. Relevance to Purpose of Law
old.  The classification should justify the purpose of the law.
b. Law prohibiting mature books to all persons - benefits  For example:
the morals of the youth but violates the liberty of a. The difference in physical stamina between men and
adults women will justify the prohibition of the latter from
 So, the law is not required to provide equality if they are not employment as miners.
similarly situated! b. Law cannot however provide for lower passing
 Hence, what the Constitution requires is EQUALITY average for women in the bar exam because physical
AMONG EQUALS. strength is not the test for admission.
 The legislature is allowed to classify as long as the c. Imported cars may be taxed at a higher rate than
classification is REASONABLE. So even if the law may locally assembled automobiles for the protection of
operate only on some and not all of the people, there is no the national economy, but their difference in origin is
violation of equal protection clause. nojustification for treating them differently when it
 Classification is defined as the grouping of persons or things comes to punishing violations of traffic regulations.
similar to each other in certain particulars and different
from all others C. Duration
 For example:  Must be enforced not only for the present but as long as the
a. Minors from adults problem sought to be corrected continues to exist.
b. Citizens from aliens  Meaning, the classification, to be reasonable, should be in
terms applicable to future conditions as well.
(1) Requirements of Classification – must not be arbitrary!  In Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. case, the challenged ordinance to
Hence, to be reasonable, it must conform to the following: impose municipal tax of 1% per export on any centrifugal
1. Based upon substantial distinctions sugar milled at the Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc is held
2. Germane to the purposes of the law unconstitutional because its classification is singular and
3. Not be limited to existing conditions only exclusive as to exclude any subsequent established sugar
4. Apply equally to all members of the class central in the city. Again, for classification to be reasonable
in must be in terms applicable to future conditions as well.
D. Applicability to All
 Not necessarily that the classification be made with
absolute symmetry. Substantial similarity will suffice. All
those covered by the classification are to be treated equally.
 However, the mere fact that an individual belonging to a
class differs from the other members, does not justify the
non-application of the law to him.
a. A sterile woman would still be entitled to the benefits
of a law protecting the reproductive functions of her
sex. Her inability to bear children does not make her
any less a woman.
 In Ichong Case, the SC rejects the argument that the Retail
Trade Nationalization Act violated the equal protection
clause because the practices resorted to by aliens, their
secret manipulations of stocks of commodities and prices,
their utter disregard of the welfare of their customers, show
the existence of real and actual, positive and fundamental
differences between an alien and a national. These
differences are certainly a valid reason for the State to
prefer the national over the alien in the retail trade.
 In Deregulation cases, the SC struck down a law
deregulating the downstream oil industry because it
favored the oligopoly of Petron, Shell and Caltex to the
prejudice of prospective investors in the oil industry that
would be saddled with the requirements already complied
with by the three oil giants.

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