Impacts of Social Media On Youth Research

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Social Media: How Does It Affect the Academic Performance of the Students of St.

Academy Of Patnongon Incorporated
Patnongon, Antique


A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of St. Augustine’s Academy Of Patnongon, Incorporated
Patnongon, Antique


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement
in Practical Research 1


Submitted by:

Amedo, Keirah Zoe M.

Bajalan, Kent Adrian B.
Cepeda, Gio B.
Torrechilla, Keith Trishia B.


Submitted to:

Ricardo S. Pancubilla, MMPM


December 5, 2022

Chapter 1

Impacts of social media on youth according to a site MBAROIN.NI, social media is like a
two-sided coin. On one side, it commits people worldwide and allows interaction; on the other
side, it may promote deceptive posts, messages, conflicts, cyberbullying, and could cause mental
and physical health issues. Evidence from a variety of cross-sectional, longitudinal, and
empirical studies implicate that smart phones and social media usage increases mental distress,
self-injurious behavior and suicidality among youth.

Social media can affect self-view and interpersonal relationships through social comparison
and negative interactions with other social media users. Social media in our own understanding
has a both positive and negative advantage that greatly affects a youth’s individuality wherein it
leads to addiction, and the misuse, browsing and following new trends. The positive side is that
you can gather information and can communicate with family, friends, and peers.

With the advancement of technology and availability of gadgets at a large scale, the role of
social media has been increased. Youths can now access to technology in many ways, it can be
through cell phone, laptop and computer, wherein the individual can manipulate his/her
necessities through it. Social media can be also the showcasing of the individual’s talents,
personality or his/her recreations. All these sites are extensively used by the youngsters. Talent
gets promoted, creativity gets encouraged and this way, skilful youth is having their careers
developed through these platforms.

Statement of the Problem

Some social media content could lead to the normalization of self-harm and suicide. Youth
that are addicted to social media are becoming sleep deprived and it has a big effect on their
academic performances and their relationships with other people. The real problem based on our
observation, is how the students manipulate social media with their academics and because of its
negative influence throughout their life. Based on our observation one of negative influence is
the addiction, because of addiction the students neglect their studies.

The student’s grade was higher before there was no addiction on social media. But when the
addiction takes place the student was neglecting his/her studies and the effects was low scores on
his/her test. Without the addiction on social media the student could focus on his/her studies and
leading to a higher productivity and grade.
Objective of the study

Social media encourages unethical videos, chatting, images that generate difference of
opinion among them. Such postings are weakening the affiliation between nations. As the youth
are immature they fall victim to the cyber bullying. This affects the mental and emotional health
of the youth and leads to suicide.

Research Question

This study investigates the impacts of social media amidst youth. Specifically, this study
sought to answer the following questions:

1. How important social media in a youths’ life?

2. How does social media affects youth’s life?
3. What is the main and minor impact of social media?
4. What is the negative effect in the academic performance?
5. What is the solution of the negative effect cause by social media?
6. How can you demonstrate/know that social affected your academics?

Significance of the Study

Persistent use of these social platforms can also have a negative impact, particularly on the
mental health and well-being of youths. Children, also parents and teachers need to understand
the full impact of social media use nowadays, especially the risks these services pose on their
mental health.

Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the relevant theory, review of related literature, conceptual framework
and hypothesis to make the research clearly and understandable in connection with the study,
“Pupils’ perspective on social media as a learning tool. Youth is struggling to focus on his or her
academic because of an existing influence of social media in his or her life, he/she finds it hard
to concentrate on every situation he or she gets in. Therefore he or she recreates a resolution on
his or her problem on social media by manifesting and act his or her resolution.
Definition of Terms

-is an on-going and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal,
physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.
-an act of harming someone by verbal, non-verbal or somehow physical.
-relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual
- describing a person, thing, or idea as part of the computer.
-a forceful contact or onset.
-a major effect.
-relating to relationships or communication between people.
-only relates or interact to small groups or to too few people.
OSNs/ Online Social Networks
-social structure made up of a set of social actors, sets of dyadic ties, and other social
interactions between actors.
- provide online data valuable for a tremendous range of applications.
-St. Augustine’s Academy of Patnongon Incorporated
-a private school in Antique located in Patnongon, Antique
-a portable computer device that combines mobile telephone and computing functions into
one unit which facilitate wider software, internet etc.
-a device for accessing immediate response mainly in social media platforms.
Social media
-interactive technologies that is part of media facilitating the creation and sharing of
information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and
-a kind of media that is widely use and most popular to people.
-machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
-scientific phenomenon made by scientists using mechanical machineries.
-habitual or customary practice, especially as creating a right, obligation, or standard.
-the use of: or an act of using something.
User-generated content
-any content that has been created and published by unpaid contributors.
-any content made by a person.
-a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a
single person or organization.
-kind of media platform mostly produced by someone or many.
-period between childhood and adult age.
- a youngster or an adolescent

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Social media (St Claret College, Bangalore-5600013 Karnataka, 2017) is a set of collective
channels for online communications sources dedicated to varieties of input, communication,
sharing and collaboration. It is especially based on Websites, applications, blogging, social
networking, social bookmarking, and wikis are the different types of social media. Social media
is interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications. User-generated content, such as text posts or
comments, digital photos or videos, and data generated through all online interactions, are the
lifeblood of social media. Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are
designed and maintained by the social media organization. Social media facilitates the
development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other
individuals or groups. Social media uses web-based technologies, desktop computers and mobile
technologies (e.g. smart phones and tablet computers) to create highly interactive platforms
through which individuals, communities and organizations can share, co-create, discuss, and
modify user-generated content or pre-made content posted online.

A research study by (Maslin Binti Masrom1, Abdelsalam H. Busalim2* , Hassan Abuhassna3

and Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood1, 2021), stating many studies have investigated student behaviors
on these sites, which indicates the significance of the current review in providing an in-depth
understanding of student behavior on (Online Social Networks) OSNs.To date, various studies
have investigated why students use OSNs and explored different student behaviors on these sites.
Although there is an increasing amount of literature on this emerging topic, little research has
been devoted to consolidating the current knowledge on OSN student behaviors.
Another study based on the Smartphone Addiction Scale (Kwon et al., 2013), studies using
smartphones on students to understand the link between addictedness and usage usually divide
them into two groups (potential addicts and non-addicts). Moreover, (Maslin Binti Masrom1,
Abdelsalam H. Busalim2*, Hassan Abuhassna3 and Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood1, 2021) to utilize
the power of OSNs in an education context, it is important to study and understand student
behaviors in this setting. However, current research that investigates student behaviors in OSNs
is rather fragmented. Thus, it is difficult to derive in-depth and meaningful implications from
these studies. Therefore, a systematic review of previous studies is needed to synthesize previous
findings, identify gaps that need more research, and provide opportunities for further research.
To this end, the purpose of this study is to explore the current literature in order to understand
student behaviors in online social networks. Accordingly, a systematic review was conducted in
order to collect, analyze, and synthesize current studies on student behaviors in OSNs. According
to sociological research(Jhoselle Tus1, Jenalyn Conquilla2 Nicole Anne Espiritu3 Niña Ercie
Paras4 Stephen Ryan Garcia5 Kate Erika Rodriguez6 Shainalhyn Gado7 Ma. Rovelyn Escoto8
Shealtielle Blaise De Jesus9 Rhoyet Cruz10 Lhyza Perante11, 2021), there is a destructive
relationship between social media use and academic performance.

For example, Rosen et al. (2013) looked into the behavior and study environments of 263
students from various educational levels, such as middle school, high school, and university.

Students were observed for 15 minutes, and their on-task and off-task conduct was recorded
every minute. Students become distracted in less than 6 minutes on average before turning to
technology distractions like social media and texting. According to the findings, there is a
negative relationship between time spent on Facebook and grades.In comparison to other
activities such as studying or attending classes, it appears that social media provides students
with immediate enjoyment (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011). According to (M. Junaid Ahmed, Umar
Farooq, Hafiz Abdul Rehman, Waqar Naeem, 2021), social media benefits in both positive and
negative means. It does not force an individual to get addicted to a specific feature, brand or idea,
but rather provides them with all the things and lets them choose the desired one. Interest based
content and preferred advertisement are there to make people crazy about certain products. To
put in a nutshell, social media retains the flexibility and urges people to enhance it according to
their taste. Using cell phones, like social media, has a negative impact on academic achievement
(Al-Barashdi et al., 2015); in fact, social media is becoming increasingly synonymous with
smartphone usage.
Another study by (Students, Tanauan City Integrated High School, 2021/2022) maintaining
that, nowadays, social media is crucial and widely used by people because of its information.
Teenagers between 13 to 19 years old often use social media accounts to access politics and
societal issues related news, statistics and data. Young people’s involvement in formal political
processes is important; it brings democratic values to life leading to the overturning of
authoritarian practices. They usually engaged in formulating today and tomorrow politics
utilizing their rights and knowledge that has been given to them. The public has seen them
forward their agenda on various socio-political matters. With the use of social media platforms,
they amplify their voice to raise awareness and engagement to strengthen government response
to the problems emerging in the country (Medina, 2019).In sum, we can say that there are
benefits and risks associated with using any social network even though there have been reports
regarding its effect on students’ academic performance.
Accordingly, some researchers found a poor effect and influence when the media is overuse
in such a way that do not academically improve learning or its process. There are still other
researchers who examined this same problem but have found no conclusive data affirming the
significant relationship between using social networking and student academic performance (Al-
Rahmi and Othman, 2013). Social media (St Claret College, Bangalore-5600013,Karnataka,
2017) plays a very important role in the life of teenagers and young adults. It is also an easy way
to connect with people throughout the area that they live in. Social media has both positive and
negative impact on the youth. Youth can be defined as a time of life when one is young, it is a
period between childhood and adult age. Social media sites provide a platform whereby the
youth can create groups and pages depending upon their common interest and discipline and they
build connections and opportunities for their careers by updating various topics for discussion.

Youth are more dependent on social media for latest information. Younger generation says
that social media is a part of their life and it makes the life easier and efficient. Social media sites
enable them to communicate in a speedy and efficient manner. It helps to build social
relationships and makes it easier to get in touch with friends and families living outside the

country and even closer family members. Writing updates takes over 15 seconds and with cross
posting over social networks switched on, the updates gets to everyone you want it to reach. It
gives the youth a place to express themselves and helps to develop social skills which enable to
them to evaluate and interpret different situations contextually and prepare themselves mentally
for situations later on.
Another study proving (Muhammad Junaid Ahmed, Umar Farooq, 2021) Social media is
widely used by the adolescence and youth. Starting from Facebook in 2003, it has seen massive
increase in its users who choose it for diverse purposes. It provides them with the chances of
showcasing their hidden skills to the world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat,
and Tumbler all offer far reaching prospects to observe and choose them according to their
interest. From getting salaried to running businesses, from relishing impressive content to
presenting inner skills, from reading books, novels and interesting content to staying updated
with the happening events, it benefits each of its users in the best desired way. Where social
media has comprehensive and far-reaching impacts on youth, it is also being used in negative
means. In modern time, social media has been used by young students during their studies. It
enables them to grasp different kinds of information from diverse sources. Students use it for
enhancing their knowledge and to understand the concealed secrets. Through several blogging
sites, students also polish their skills and showcase their potential by posting attractive content
and hence, prove their worth.
Social media is not just fun, it enables youngsters to form collaborations with others and this
way, they can enrich their potential. Moreover, it allows them to share files easily that could
contain books, articles and informative videos. (Siddiqui & Singh, 2016) On the contrary, social
media is also affecting the youngsters in negative means. Ohio State University’s research states
that students who used social media in their study hours had lesser grades than those who did not
involve themselves in these activities. Furthermore, extensive and unbalanced use of social
media sites also leads to mental and psychological stress and this way, it affects their learning
and understanding skills. To be more precise, there are examples where youngsters tangled
themselves in online delinquencies just because of lack of knowledge and information.
Those who indulge in activities that are considered wicked by humanity are a big threat not
only for the person whom they are harassing, but also for themselves. (S, Kumar, & Kumar,
2019) There is also a need for parents to keep an eye on the activities of their children and teens.
As social media allows liberty to its users, there are suspicions that they might indulge
themselves in immoral or unlawful activities. For this, proper guidance and teaching is necessary
and it should be started from home. The motive of positivity could only be achieved if
youngsters have the understanding of good and bad. (Clinical Report—The Impact of Social
Media on, 2011) One of the shady deals of social media is unavailability of authenticity, trouble
of diverse ideas, increase in nudity and threat to moral conducts. If not looked properly, social
media can prove to be caustic for smooth run of societal system. Immoral and offensive content
can lead to mental stress and this way, it can affect many of the spheres of human life.
Cybercrimes are another negative outcome of this medium. (Shabir, Mahmood, & Safdar, 2014)

Chapter 3

Methodology of the Study

A. Research Design

In this study, the design adopted is Phenomenology which includes surveys and fact- finding
enquires of different kinds. The major purpose of Phenomenology study is to give a description
of the state of affairs as it exists at present, because the researcher has no control over the
variables and can only report as to what had happened or what is happening. It will also attempt
to discover the causes even when they cannot control the variables. To investigate the problems
stated in this study such as the profile of the students, their Social media usage, and the effects of
Social media in their Academic Performance, is employed. As to identify the relationship of the
Social Media in the students' Academic Performance, correlational type of research is employed.
The Phenomenology research design will be considered as the ideal design to examine the
impacts of social media on youth base under the observance of the researchers.

B. Research Locale

The setting of conducting the study will be held on the campus of ST AUGUSTINE’S
Augustine’s Academy. The St. Augustine Academy of Patnongon Incorporated was built as a
convent in the late 19th century as part of a larger church complex. The other elements of the
complex have been lost; the convent itself is a classical revival treasure. SAAPI is 49 min (34.7
km) from the provincial capital, San Jose de Buenavista.
Location details: Poblacion, Patnongon, Antique
Description: St. Augustine Academy of Patnongon Incorporated is a ground level school in
composition of grade 7-12 students; the campus contains 3 buildings which have two new
buildings and one old. It has a basketball court that connects the stadium. The campus has offices
for each teacher and rooms for each grade level.
International: 12.8797° N, 121.7740° E
Provincial: 11.3806° N, 122.0635° E
Municipal: 10.9230° N, 122.0610° E

C. Sample on the Respondents

The study will consist of all SAAPI students and will be utilized to a SIMPLE RANDOM
SAMPLING (per chance selection) in accordance of a tambiolo.

N = Population
n = sample size
e = Marginal error (10%)

D. Data Collection

Collecting of data will be according to a Non-Participant observation and will observe only in
a distance by watching and listening, having no interaction at all, only on handing the survey.

E. Research Instrument

Source of data is a structured survey questionnaire to achieve the relevance of the study. The
questionnaire provides 21 questions that are based on the ideas of the researches in; to be
answered by the respondents.

F. Research Collecting Procedure

First, the researchers will ask the present adviser or subject teacher for the approval to get the
answered questionnaire of the students of the conduct study. Second, the researchers will
conduct the administered pretesting of the questionnaire for validation of the said instrument.
Third is the sampling and actual identification by the researchers of the actual respondents. Then
finally the questionnaires will be retrieved right away after the respondents have answered them

G. Data Analysis

Will be analysed by interpreting the answers of the respondents and will gather the
commonalities. After collecting the primary data, the researcher will verify the collected data.
Afterwards the data will be edited and coded, and master table summarizing all the collected
information and graph showing the frequencies of responses towards information was prepared.
Statistical tools through percentages. (e.g. Percentage of respondents that answered that certain
Social Media: How Does It Affect the Academic Performance of the Students of St.Augustine’s
Academy Of Patnongon Incorporated,
Patnongon, Antique

Name: ________________________________ Age: __ Gender: (F)/(M) Grade: ___

Note: Please read carefully. Use check (✓) in answering the survey. Kindly return it after taking
the survey. Thank you!

1. Do you use social media?

( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
2. Do you agree with that social media provides learning opportunities?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
3. Does social media provide you with the chance to show your talents to the world?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
4. Do you use social media for entertainment?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
5. Does Social media helps you acquire a job?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
6. Do you agree that use of social media leads to mental and psychological stress?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
7. In what range do you use Social media for having communication with friends and
families? Low-( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5- High
8. Do you or have you bought products after watching advertisements on social media?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
9. Do you agree that Social media helps you to adopt the decent moral, social and cultural
values of other countries?
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Maybe
10. Do you agree that social media is a source of spreading news quickly?
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Maybe
11. Have you experienced cyber bullying or having molested online?
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Maybe
12. Do Social media helped you during pandemic to support on your studies?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
13. Does social media has negative impacts on your studies?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure

14. Do social media helps your productivity?

( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Maybe
15. Do social media contribute negativity in society?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
16. Can social media change lives?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
17. Do social media make life easier to you?
( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Maybe
18. Do you promote social media?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
19. Do you believe all information in social media?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Don’t know ( ) Not sure
20. What do you feel after taking the survey?
( ) Very Dissatisfied ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied
( ) Satisfied ( ) Very Satisfied

~~~~~~~END OF SURVEY~~~~~~~
Social Media: How Does It Affect the Academic Performance of the Students of St.Augustine’s
Academy Of Patnongon Incorporated, Patnongon, Antique

1. Do you use social media? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
2. Do you agree with that social media provides learning opportunities? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know)
(Not sure)
3. Does social media provide you with the chance to show your talents to the world? (Yes) (No)
(Don’t know) (Not sure)
4. Do you use social media for entertainment? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
5. Does Social media helps you acquire a job? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
6. Do you agree that use of social media leads to mental and psychological stress? (Yes) (No)
(Don’t know) (Not sure)
7. In what range do you use Social media for having communication with friends and families?
Low-(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)- High
8. Do you or have you bought products after watching advertisements on social media? (Yes)
(No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
9. Do you agree that Social media helps you to adopt the decent moral, social and cultural values
of other countries? (Agree) (Disagree) (Maybe)
10. In your own understanding do social media makes the world unite? Kindly support your

11. Do you agree that social media is a source of spreading news quickly? (Agree) (Disagree)
12. Have you experienced cyber bullying or having molested online? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know)
(Not sure)
13. Do Social media helped you during pandemic to support on your studies? (Very Dissatisfied)
(Dissatisfied) (Neither Dissatisfied or Satisfied) (Satisfied) (Very Satisfied)
14. Does social media has negative impacts on your studies? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
15. What do you feel after taking the survey?(Very Dissatisfied) (Dissatisfied) (Neither
Dissatisfied or Satisfied) (Satisfied) (Very Satisfied)
16. Do social media contribute negativity in society? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
17. Can social media change lives? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
18. Do social media make life easier to you? (Agree) (Disagree) (Maybe)
19. Do you promote social media? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
20. Do you believe all information in social media? (Yes) (No) (Don’t know) (Not sure)
21. Do social media helps your productivity? (Agree) (Disagree) (Maybe)

~~~~~~~END OF SURVEY~~~~~~~

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