New Doc 12-13-2022 12.09

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SHANTI GYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL DWARKA, NEW DELHI PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION (2022-2023) CLASS : XII SUBJECT : BIOLOGY TIME :3 Hrs MM. : 70 General Instructions- (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory. (ii)Section-A has 16 questions of I mark each; Section-B has 5 questions of 2 marks each; Section C has 7 questions of 3 marks each; Section D has 2 questions of 4 marks each; and Section-E has 3 questions of 5 marks each. (iv) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn. SECTION - A QU.Which of the following characters was not chosen by Mendel ? (a) Pod shape (b) Pod colour (c) Location of flower (@ Location of pod Q2.ZZIZW type of sex determination is seen in (2) platypus (b) snails (©) cockroach (@ peacock Q3.A cross between two tall plants resulted in offspring having few dwarf plants. What would be the genotypes of both the parents ? (@) TT and Tt (b) Ttand Tt (©) TT and TT (@ Ttand It Q4.Biolistics (gene gun) is suitable for (a) introducing DNA into plant cells (b) introducing DNA into animal cells (©) disarming the pathogen vectors (@) DNA fingerprinting. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Q5.Plasmids in bacterial cells are (a) extra-chromosomal DNA, which cannot replicate (b) extra-chromosomal DNA, which can . self-replicate (©) extra DNA associated with the genome (d) extra DNA, associated with the genome, but cannot replicate Q6. The DNA polymerase enzyme used in PCR is obtained from (a) Thermus aquaticus (b) Escherichia coli (©) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (4) Salmonella typhimurium. Q7.While isolating DNA from bacteria, which of the following enzymes is not used? (a) Lysozyme (b) Ribonuclease (c) Deoxyribonuclease (4) Protease Q8.The variation shown by the medicinal plant Rauwolfia vomitoria growing in different Himalayan ranges represents (A) Genetic diversity (B) Species diversity (©) Ecological diversity (D) Community diversity Q9. Which of the following group represents minimum species diversity among, vertebrates? (A) Birds (B) Mammals (©) Reptiles (D) Amphibians Q10.Which of the following is not an in situ technique? (A) Cryopreservation (B) National parks (C) Sanctuaries (D) Sacred forests Q11.‘Smack’ is a drug obtained from the (a) latex of Papever somniferum (b) leaves of Cannabis saliva (c) flowers of Datura (d) fruits of Erythroxyl coca. Q12.The substance produced by a cell in viral infection that can protect other cells from further infection is (a) serotonin @ scanned with OKEN Scanner (b) colostrum (c) interferon (@ histamine. Q13.Antibodies present in colostrum which protect the new born from certain diseases is of (@) IgG type (b) IgA type (©) IgD type (d) IgE type. Q14-Tobacco consumption is known to stimulate secretion of adrenaline and nor- adrenaline. The component causing this could be (a) nicotine (b) tannic acid (©) curaimin (@) catechin. Q15.Antivenom against snake poison contains (@) antigens (b) antigen-antibody complexes (©) antibodies @ enzymes Q16.Which of the following is not a lymphoid tissue ? (a) Spleen (b) Tonsils (©) Pancreas (@ Thymus SECTION-B QU7.During a field trip, one of your friend in the group suddenly became unwell, she started sneezing and had trouble in breathing. ‘Name and explain the term associated with such sudden responses. What would the doctor recommend for relief? QI8.CTTAAG GAATTC (a) What are such sequences called? Name the enzyme used that recognizes @ scanned with OKEN Scanner such nucleotide sequences. (b) What is their significance in biotechnology? Q19.Draw a well-labelled diagram of ‘Central dogma’, 20. What are the factors affecting the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Q21.What do you mean by “survival of the fittest”? SECTION -C Q22.Highlight the structural importance of an antibody molecule with a diagram. Name the four types of antibodies found to give a humoral immune response, mentioning the functions of two of them you have studied. Q23.Explain adaptive radiation. Give examples in support of your answer. Q24.State two ways through which humans are benefitted from biodiversity. Q25.Define sacred groves. What is their role in the conservation of biodiversity? Q26.How can the loss of biodiversity be prevented? Q27. What is the significance of antibiotics in medicine? Q28. Name & describe the three important components of biodiversity. SECTION-D Q29.What are Cry proteins? Name an organism that produces it. How has man exploited this protein to his benefit? Q30. Draw a well- labelled diagram of ‘Replicating Fork’. SECTION - E Q31.What is gene therapy? Illustrate using the example of adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. Q32.Expand each one to its fall form: (a) MALT (b) CMI (©) AIDS (@NACO () HIV Q33. What are the major causes of species losses in a geographical region? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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