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Name: Madriaga, John Vincent S.

Course/Sec: BSCS 1D

1. Why do you think there are people who evade or avoid paying tax?

In my words, why there are people avoid paying taxes is because they think that
the tax they pay is higher than they receive. They avoid paying taxes so they can
get or spend their salary in 100%

2. “Marawi crisis was a lesson for us” – Lorenzana. What was he referring to as a

Based on my understandings, Lorenzana was implying that something had been

more thoroughly prepared. I wish they'd been more prepared. Our attention
should have been drawn to national issues rather than selfishness. What she
means is that we should take this as a lesson and hopefully learn from our
mistakes. To avoid a repeat of this situation, be extra cautious and watchful.

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