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abandon abbreviate ability abnormal abolish abolition

"The mother abandoned both her kids." "This is an abbreviated version of the book." "The clown had the ability to make people laugh." "His behavior was considered abnormal." "Slavery was abolished many years ago." "Slavery was abolished many years ago."

abortion above abroad abrupt absent absorb


"Abortion is the act of ending a pregnancy." "He found his cat hiding above the closet." "He traveled abroad for business." "He left the meeting abruptly." "The student was absent from class." "She absorbed the insults with dignity."

abstract abundance acceleration accept accessories accessory

"This painting is abstract; you can't see any clear shapes." "Some countries have an abundance of copper." "The car's acceleration was poor." "She accepted his decision without question." "Your bracelet is a lovely accessory." "He was accused of being an accessory to the crime." "The accident caused a traffic jam." "It is believed that bread is an accidental invention." "He was acclaimed employee of the month." "They managed to accomplish the task." "According to the news paper, tomorrow it will rain." "Icy roads account for the increase in accidents."

accident accidental acclaim accomplish according to account for

account of accountable for accumulation accurate accuse achieve

"On account of his behavior he was given a medal." "Tom is accountable for his actions." "The accumulation of human knowledge over the years is amazing." "He described the incident accurately." "He was accused of car theft." "They achieved many things together."

achievement acid acknowledge acquainted acquire across


"This achievement was hard to accomplish." "The acid burned his hand." "She acknowledged her disabilities." "She traveled abroad to get acquainted with the local culture." "He acquired the book quite easily." "She traveled across the desert in 3 days." "He was an active member of the organization for many years." "This activity is considered boring." "His book was based on an actual incident." "He is actually a very nice guy." "He had an acute fever a few years back." "He can adapt to anything."

active activity actual actually acute adapt addition adhere adjacent adjust admire admitted

"He asked for additional material." "He adhered to his beliefs." "He stood adjacent to the curb." "He adjusted the time on his watch." "He admired the rock band for many years." "He admitted that he had committed the crime."

adopt advantage

"The couple decided to adopt a baby." "He had an advantage over his opponent."

adventure adverse advice advise

"This was a frightening adventure." "One can easily see the adverse effects of the depression." "He was happy with the advice she gave him." "He advised he to leave her workplace immediately." "He studied for many years in order to become an advocate." "He has affection for her." "The agenda was posted on the wall." "He felt agitation before entering the room." "I agree with him." "This family made its living from agriculture."

advocate affection agenda agitation agree agriculture

aid ailment aim aim akin alarm

"The aid he received helped him re-open his store." "His ailment made him lose the use of his leg." "His aim was to open a business." "He aimed the gun at the enemy." "She was akin to her mother." "The alarm drove the thief away."

alarming alert alike alleviate allocate allotment

"It is alarming to see banned chemicals find their way into the water supply." "He stood there alert, looking out for any danger." "His books are all alike." "The pill helped alleviate the pain." "He allocated money for the renovation." "He used the allotment to grow vegetables." "He almost missed the train." "He stood there aloof and quiet." "She always altered what he told her."

almost aloof alter

alternate alternative amaze

"This flag has alternating stripes." "We had no other alternative." "He was amazed when he heard the whole story."

ambiguous amble amend amidst among amoral amount amuse analysis ancestor ancestry anchor

"The orders they received were ambiguous." "The morning after the party he ambled out of his room." "The US Constitution was amended several times." "The house was built amidst a large forest." "There were many brave men among them." "We live in an amoral universe."

"He bought large amounts of candy." "The play amused them all." "His analysis helped solve the problem." "His ancestors were noble." "His ancestry is one of nobility." "The ship dropped its anchor." "The ancient text they found was written is a strange language." "He was angered by her actions." "A triangle has 3 angles." "They escaped the annihilation that threatened them." "They announced his name as he came in." "Helping her wasn't an annoyance for him."

ancient anger angle annihilation announce annoyance

annoying annually anonymously anthropocentric

"The annoying sound kept him awake." "The committee gathered annually." "The letter was sent anonymously." "His anthropocentric views were accepted

by his classmates."

anthropomorphous anticipate

"The anthropomorphic cave carving was discovered a few years back." "He couldn't anticipate what would happen at the meeting."

anticipation antique anxiety apart apart from apathetic

"We went to bed early in anticipation of the next day." "The antique chair was stolen." "His anxiety caused him to make foolish mistakes." "They lived apart for many years." "Apart from Tom you are all expected to hand in you assignment." "He was apathetic to the news." "He felt apathy when he received the news." "He went to her in order to apologize for what he did." "She accepted his apology." "His appeal was denied by the Supreme Court." "He has the appearance of a decent merchant." "He was asked to append a list of errors to the report."

apathy apologize apology appeal appearance append

appetite applaud application apply appoint appointment

"He lost his appetite when he heard the news." "The crowd applauded him after the show." "They denied his application." "You have to apply for this job." "They still don't know who to appoint for this position." "He was late for the appointment."

appreciate apprehension

"They appreciated all he had done for them." "The apprehension of the criminal was

made public the next day."

approach approach appropriate approval

"The approach to the target was blocked by large enemy forces." "He tried to approach her for a long time." "He reacted with appropriate force." "He never got her parents' approval for the marriage." "They approved his actions after reviewing all the facts." "We will reach our target in approximately two hours." "These aquatic animals are protected by law." "His decision was arbitrary." "They saw the beautiful arch as they went into the room." "The entire area was closed to visitors."

approve approximately aquatic arbitrary arch area

arena argue argument arouse arrangement arrival arrive arrogant artificial ascend ascribe ask

"They saw the gladiators fighting in the arena." "They argued for hours." "They didn't resolve their argument." "She aroused his interest." "They had a good business arrangement." "What is the estimated time of his arrival?"

"We waited for him to arrive." "No one likes him because he is arrogant." "The artificial lighting in the room is almost as bright as daylight." "The prince ascended to the throne." "Researchers ascribe his success to his strong military backgroung." "You can ask anything you want." "He aspires to a lot of things but he is doing nothing about it." "He was assailed by the burglars."

aspire assail

assemble assert asset assign assist associate associated assume assure astonish astounded by attach attachment attain attempt attempt attend attention attitude attraction attribute audience

"They assembled at the library." "You can assert it's Tom's fault but you will have to prove it as well." "He owns many assets in this city." "I will assign the chores. You do them."

"I can assist you if you need help." "I don't associate myself with such people." "His problems are associated with what he went through in his childhood." "Everyone assumed he was the robber but they couldn't prove it." "I can assure you this will not happen again." "Your attitude astonishes me."

"He was astounded by her gift." "I attached the receipt to the bag." "She has a strong attachment to her grand parents." "He can attain this very easily." "His attempt to climb the mountain failed." "He decided to attempt this again." "He promised to attend the meeting." "He lost his attention when he saw her." "He has a very warm attitude towards children." "She has an attraction to Italians." "The plane crash was attributed to mechanical failure." "The audience was bored at his lecture."

aura author authority

"It is said that holy people have an aura around them." "The author of the book attended our school today." "He is considered to be the authority in

this field."

autumn available average

"Autumn is the best time to travel abroad." "This book is available in 14 languages." "He is an average student."

avoid aware of awkward axis

"You can avoid trouble easily if you prepare for this trip." "I hope you are aware of the dangers ahead." "He felt awkward when he saw her again." "They couldn't open the door because the axis was broken."

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