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A Research Paper Submitted to

Taal Senior High School

Taal Batangas

As Partial Fulfillment to

Mr. Paulino M. Comia

in Practical Research 2



Leader: Trijo, Mecca Nicole M.

Assistant Leader: De Guzman, Jessa Cassandra D.

Members: Agonia, Leslie Monica P.

Badillo, Angelica A.

Mendoza, Kenneth M.


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical

analysis done and interpretation of findings. These are presented in graphs

and tables following the sequence of the specific research problem regarding

in the Investigating the Factors Affecting Poor Academic Performance among

Grade 11 ABM students of Taal Senior High School SY. 2022-2023

This research study aims to identify and analyze the factors affecting

poor academic performance among Taal Senior High School students. In

connection to this, it sought to answer the following specific questions:

1. Establish the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Grade level

A Grade level is the level of education among students. In this

study it refers to Grade 11 ABM students under study. The level of a

student's educational curriculum is referred to as their grade level. The

Grade Level value for staff does not always correspond to the grade

levels of the students; instead, it corresponds to all course levels

completed by teaching staff for an assignment. Teaching can be more

effective, comprehension can be enhanced, and student achievement

can be boosted by being aware of the disparities in a student's levels.

The grade a child is assigned to and the standards for that

grade are referred to as that grade's level. If a child transfers during the

school year, the initial grade level restrictions might not be applicable

because this term varies by state. The Grade Level expectations may

be addressed next as a baseline for what students in the current grade

are expected to complete independently with a high degree of

accuracy. This is important because the ultimate goal is to help the

child reach that Grade Level proficiency and “catch up” to his peers.

Student classification refers to the familiar names for the four

undergraduate years: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Your

classification is not determined by the number of years of college

coursework you have taken but by the number of semester hours you

have earned.




Graph 1 presented the Grade level and strand of our respondents. As

we can see out of 25 respondents ABM- Villar has 14 respondents with a

percentage of 56% and it followed by the ABM - Sy who has 11 respondents

out of 25 and with a percentage of 44%.

Based on the results shown in the graph, most of the respondents

came from section Villar.

1.2 Age

A period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually

marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development

and involving legal responsibility and capacity: the age of discretion;

the age of consent; The state raised the drinking age from 18 to 21

years. Some common synonyms of age are epoch, era, and period.

While all these words mean "a division of time," age is used frequently
of a fairly definite period dominated by a prominent figure or feature.

Age, the amount of time someone or something has been alive or has


Graph 2 illustrated the Age of the respondents. Which was started with

the age of 16,17,18,19,20 and 21 above. Age 16 got 60% while the Age 18

got 40% of respondents.

Graph 2 shows that the typical age for grade 11 is 16 years old. The

age 16 years old gets the majority responses from the respondents.

1.3 Gadgets Used

For the gadget used included excessive use of technology/

gadget- dependent devices or children such as tables, laptops,

computers, smartphones, video games, etc., can reduce student

motivation, ability and interest in learning. Not safe for students with

limited gadgets use. Technology makes it easier for students to find

information quickly and accurately. Search engines and e-books are

partially replacing traditional textbooks. Instead of personal tutors,

students can get one-on-one help through educational videos –

anytime and anywhere – and massive open online courses (MOOCs).

Gadgets simplify your life and save precious time and money. They are

accommodating if used properly. Excessive use of devices can

increase your dependency on them.



Graph 3 presented the Gadget Used that the students used when it

comes to academic. Gadgets Used that are common used are Smartphones,

Tablets, Laptop and Computer but the most common gadgets Used is

Smartphones which all of the respondents used it and got 100%.

Graph 3 illustrated that all of the respondents are using smartphones

as their academic assistance. Smartphones, were after all, the most handy

gadget they can carry to school.

1.4 Residence

The act of living or staying in a specified place while performing

official duties, carrying on studies or research, awaiting a divorce, etc.

The place where someone lives, or the condition of living somewhere.

Residence which is Rural and Urban. It is based on the respondents





Graph 3 presented the Gadget Used that the students used when it

comes to academic. Gadgets Used that are common used are Smartphones,

Tablets, Laptop and Computer but the most common gadgets Used is

Smartphones which all of the respondents used it and got 100%.

As shown on the fourth graph "residence", all of the respondents live in

a rural place.

2. Identify the factors affecting poor academic performance in terms of:

2.1 Comprehension in the subject

In the subset Comprehension, without comprehension, children

cannot understand what they read. Comprehension strategies are used

to help children improve their comprehension of the text and become

active readers by working with the text. Students who read

independently have greater reading comprehension, verbal fluency and

general knowledge than those who do not. They become better

readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and

have greater content knowledge than their non-reading peers.


Factors Affecting Poor Academic performance in terms of





P2.1C1 Limited perceptual span 1.95 Sometimes 7.5

P2.1C2 Faulty eye movement 1.95 Sometimes 7.5

P2.1C3 Concentration habits 2.92 Often 1

P2.1C4 Lack of interest 2 Sometimes 6

P2.1C5 Poor evaluation of important 1.91 Sometimes 8

and less important parts

P2.1C6 Faulty attention 2.02 Sometimes 5

P2.1C7 Reasonable wholesome 2.56 Often 2


P2.1C8 Selective remembering 2.24 Sometimes 3

P2.1C9 Relationship between text, 2.04 Sometimes 4

knowledge and abilities

TOTAL 2.18 Sometimes

Table 1 presented the factors affecting poor academic performance in

terms of Comprehension. A composite mean of 2.18 correspond to a verbal

interpretation of sometimes summarize the overall result. Concentration habits

gained the top spot with 2.92 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of

often, followed by Reasonable wholesome remembering with 2.56 weighted

mean and a verbal interpretation of often too, then Selective remembering

came third with 2.24 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of sometimes.

Last two spots were shared by limited perceptual span and faulty eye

movement with 1.95 both weighted mean respectively both having a verbal

interpretation of sometimes.

Based on the data shown on table 1, comprehension of the students

were affected because of concentration habits. Poor concentration habits can

affect the comprehension of students because they are not focused pn what

they are doing. Moreover, the students' understanding and evaluation of the

important and less important parts.

According to the study entitled According to the study entitled "Effect of

Reading Habits on the Academic Performance of Students: A Case Study of

the Students of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State" Every student's

life must include reading. It relates to how well pupils succeed academically.

They will become lifelong learners if they develop reading habits. The study

looked into how reading habits affected students' academic achievement at

Afe Babalola University in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. The study was framed by five

research questions. Survey research was used for the study. Structured

questionnaires were the study tool employed. The study's findings indicate

that the majority of the respondents are not accustomed to reading for leisure,
and they read on purpose to advance their spoken and written English as well

as for academic purposes. The respondents read primarily textbooks,

journals, and electronic resources. Another finding of the study was that

reading habits had a significant impact on academic performance of students.

The main obstacle to students' reading habits is social media, such as Twitter,

2go, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. The study suggests that lecturers should

encourage their students to read informational materials other than their

notebooks and handouts, that students should have a plan for their reading

time, and that academic institutions should monitor social media use to

ensure that students are carefully using it for educational purposes.

According to the study entitled "Reading Habits, Reading

Comprehension and Academic Performance of Grade V Pupils" Leonel D

Francisco, Claire A Madrazo Asian ESP 15 ,138-165, 2019 Given that there

are no published studies linking the three main ESL variables: Reading

Habits, Reading Comprehension, and Academic Performance In the context

of primary education in the Philippines, this study investigated the reading

habits, reading comprehension, and academic performance of 150 fifth-grade

students and the associations of these variables using a quantitative study

design. tried to determine Young participants were selected using a

systematic random sample. This study is based on Ajzen's (1991) theory of

planned behavior and the psychological property assumptions of Neal, Wood,

Labrecque, and Lally (2012). General academic issues. Students' reading

habits were hypothesized to correlate with reading comprehension and

academic performance. Reading comprehension was also predicted to be

consistent with academic performance. Data showed that students used both
print and electronic sources as part of their reading habits. Her reading level

was average and her academic performance was satisfactory. Consistent with

our hypothesis, students' reading habits were positively correlated with with

reading comprehension and academic performance. Moreover, students'

reading comprehension was strongly.

2.2 Personal Factor

The learning process is influenced by many personal factors. A

through knowledge of these factors can be a great help to teachers and

parents in understanding and guiding their children's learning. Some of

the personal factors that influence the learning process can be

categorized as: Awareness and Perception, Fatigue and Boredom,

Maturity, Emotional States, Needs, Interests, and Motivations and



Factors Affecting Poor Academic performance in terms of Personal





P2.2Pe1 Disinterest and boredom 2.13 Sometimes 3.5

P2.2Pe2 Oral language deficiencies 1.76 Sometimes 4

P2.2Pe3 Difficult texts 1.74 Sometimes 5

P2.2Pe4 Motivation to learn 3.01 Often 1

P2.2Pe5 Prior linguistic knowledge 2.13 Sometimes 3.5

P2.2Pe6 Comprehensible input 2.36 Sometimes 2

TOTAL 2.19 Sometimes

Table 2 showcased the Factors Affecting Poor Academic Performance

in terms of Personal Factor. It can be seen from the result that a composite

mean of 2.19 with the verbal interpretation of sometimes summarizes the

aggregate. Motivation to learn got the highest mean of 3.01 corresponding to

a verbal interpretation of often, Comprehensible Input with 2.36 weighted

mean and a verbal interpretation of sometimes on the second place and

Disinterest and Boredom and Prior linguistic knowledge got the same

weighted mean of 2.13 and a verbal interpretation of sometimes. The last two

spots are Oral language deficiencies and Difficult texts had a weighted mean

of 1.76 and 1.74 respective with verbal interpretation of sometimes.

Table 2, personal factor, shows that the students' motivation to learn

does often affect their academic performance. Meaning to say, if a student is

motivated, like, have a family support or inspired for future outcomes, they are

more likely to perform well at school. In contrast to that, difficult texts hinders

them to perform well at school.

In the study entitled " Student Academic Performance: The Role of

Motivation, Strategies, and Perceived Factors Hindering Liberian Junior and

Senior High School Students Learning" The nature of motivation and learning

strategy use is vital to improving student learning outcomes. This study was

intended to explore the motivational beliefs and learning strategy use by

Liberian junior and senior high school students in connection with their
academic performance. It also solicited students’ self-reports about presumed

factors hindering their learning.

As a result of poor student performance, the education sector has

faced serious backlash from across Liberia, including President Ellen

Johnson-Sirleaf, who called for a complete overhaul and stressed the need for

a concerted effort to address the situation. At the Joint Education Sector

Review (JESR) held in Grand Bassa County (one of 15 counties in Liberia) in

2015, stakeholders in the Liberian education sector acknowledged this

predicament and made recommendations for improving Liberian education.

Drafted a joint resolution declaring a national emergency. In their wisdom,

redeeming the sector would require extraordinary measures, again

emphasizing that collectivism needed to fix the sector. In a clear response,

the Liberian Ministry of Education has set many priorities in this direction. The

most important of these relates to dealing with underperforming students by

improving their learning outcomes. However, since prioritization has not been

determined empirically, there is no proven model to guarantee that the

implementation of prioritization will fully yield the expected improved learning

outcomes. With the many contributions that have been invested in Liberian

education so far, many Liberians envisioned significant improvements in

student learning outcomes. On the contrary, this is not happening. This

therefore requires a deeper step by empirical means, thereby reigniting the

necessary holistic positive change that the sector continues to desperately

crave from traditional approaches to delivering interventions. A paradigm shift

to evidence-based programming could occur.

Learning that is tailored to the student's own motivations, strategies

and barriers to learning, as students are at the center of the learning process

and play a key role in transforming their own learning and achieving academic

achievement. is essential. Pintrich therefore acknowledged that the study of

student motivation is central to research in learning and teaching

environments. Pintrich et al. We show that positive motivational beliefs are

positively associated with higher levels of self-regulated learning. This study is

of great importance because it examines the motivations and strategies of

Liberian students, as well as the factors that impede their learning. With this in

mind, Zimmerman emphasizes the growing educational need to understand

how students develop the ability and motivation to coordinate their learning.

We believe that monitoring one's reactions and associating outcomes with

one's strategies self-regulates learning, increases self-efficacy, increases

intrinsic motivation, and improves academic performance. Gasco et al. We

found that motivation plays an important role in learning, as it strongly

explains academic performance. Students are said to be able to initiate,

change, and maintain information. Additionally, research shows that student

motivation and the use of strategies have some impact on student

performance. According to Schunk, Pintrich believes students need to

monitor, coordinate, and control cognition, motivation, and behavior as part of

self-regulated learning. According to Pintrich, Zimmerman suggests that

students who self-regulate, set goals and plans, and monitor and control their

own perceptions, motivations, and behaviors based on those goals do more in

school. indicates a high probability.

It involves both internal and external factors that stimulate people's

desire and energy to be consistently interested and committed to a job, role,

or subject, or to make an effort to achieve a goal. Motivation is a fundamental

ingredient for academic success. Dornyie suggested that human behavior is

explained by motivation. Determine what they are going to accomplish, how

hard they are going to work at it, and how long they are willing to keep doing

it. To put it another way, "motivation is what gets 317." According to

Alderman, students who are highly motivated have an advantage because

they employ adaptive attitudes and behaviors like maintaining intrinsic

interest, setting goals, and self-monitoring. In addition, motivational factors

interact with cognitive, behavioral, and contextual factors to disrupt self-


Furthermore, motivational beliefs are crucial for students' academic

success because they influence how much they will value, put forth effort, and

show interest. For instance, self-efficacy affects how learners feel, think,

motivate themselves, and behave. Research has shown that students'

problem-solving performance is strongly correlated with their self-efficacy

beliefs. Zimmerman claims that Collins discovered that highly effective pupils

were more immediately able to reject bad tactics, solve more problems, and

rework more previously challenging issues than their less effective

colleagues. Additionally, Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons pointed out that

pupils who showed higher levels of efficacy perception and applied learning

strategies made good academic success. According to Zimmerman and

Martinez-Pons, students' perceptions of their academic efficacy might be a

crucial window into how individuals differ in their motivation and learning
styles. The general expectancy-value model of motivation divides motivation

into three elements, all of which are taken into account in this study: value

elements, such as goal orientation and task value, expectancy elements, such

as self-efficacy and control beliefs, and the effective structure of test anxiety.

2.3 Psychological Factor

The most important psychological factors affecting student

performance are self-efficacy, motivation, stress and test anxiety for

subjects. Therefore,teachers should choose meaningful and authentic

assignments that will benefit students in their future careers.

To improve our academic performance,we must know the

resources that is available in our area,we should be organize, use

technology to our own advantage,learn good study habits, connect with

our classmates,do the work,and know our limits.


Factors Affecting Poor Academic performance in terms of Psychological





P2.3Ps1 Critical bearing on 1.24 Never 7


P2.3Ps2 Low esteem to learn 0.83 Never 8

P2.3Ps3 Low level concept of 1.28 Never 6


P2.3Ps4 Poor health influencing 1.36 Never 5

thinking abilities

P2.3Ps5 Emotional and social status 1.97 Sometimes 4

P2.3Ps6 Extreme emotions 2.07 Sometimes 3

handicap thinking abilities

P2.3Ps7 Environmental grows-up 2.24 Sometimes 2

P2.3Ps8 Resistant learners. 2.25 Sometimes 1

TOTAL 1.66 Sometimes

Table 3 illustrated the factors affecting poor academic performance in

terms of psychological factors. A 1.66 composite mean with a verbal

interpretation of sometimes summarized the content. Resistant learners

produced the highest mean of 2.25 corresponding to a verbal interpretation of

sometimes. Environmental grows-up followed with 2.24 weighted average and

a verbal interpretation of sometimes and Extreme emotions handicap thinking

abilities with 2.07 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of sometimes on

the third spot critical bearing on comprehension and low esteem to learn got

the last spot with 1.24 and 0.83 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of


As shown on the results of the table number 3, academic performance

of students are commonly affected by psychological factors, specifically, to

resistant learners.

According to the study entitled "Academic Stress, Academic Motivation,

and Its Relationship on the Academic Performance of the Senior High School

Students" Several factors, both internal and external, influence academic

performance (Bello & Gumarao, 2016). Stress is one of the factors that

influence students' academic performance. According to a study conducted by

Crego et al. (2016), academic stress may impair students' performance.

Another study, conducted by Kotter et al. (2017), stated that increased stress

leads to decreased performance, which leads to increased stress. This

demonstrates that stress has a significant relationship with academic

performance. Other factors influencing student performance include the

student's environment, family status, and new teaching methods. Because

students are spending more time at home and often learning remotely, the

student's home situation is more important than ever.

Student academic performance will lead to an increase in employment.

If the students perform well in their examination, then they will graduate on

time. By getting the graduation on time they still have a lot of time to further

their study for the next stage (2019).

According to Miles (2014), a lack of sleep correlates with a lower test

grade. According to Ratner (2008), lower test scores indicate poor academic

performance, and educators should consider sleep patterns in academic

counseling. Academic performance is one of several factors that contribute to

academic success. Many factors influence academic performance, including

socioeconomic status, student temperament and motivation, peer and

parental support (2019).

According to Walberg's theory of academic achievement, individual

students' psychological characteristics and their immediate psychological

environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral, and

attitudinal) ( Reynolds & Walberg, 1992) Academic achievement is critical for

young people's successful development in society. Students who perform well

in school are better prepared to enter adulthood and achieve occupational

and economic success. Regnier, Janell (2015).

Dewey believed that learning was socially constructed and that brain-

based pedagogy should prioritize children over curriculum and institutions.

Students needed to use previous (and current) experiences to create new

meaning in order to learn effectively. Improving student learning outcomes

necessitates a knowledge of motivation and the use of learning strategies.

The purpose of this study was to investigate Liberian junior and senior high

school students' motivational beliefs and learning strategies in relation to their

academic performance. It also asked Liberian junior and senior high school

students to self-report on the factors they believed were impeding their

learning motivational belief and learning strategy use in relation to their

academic performance.

In the study entitled " Student Academic Performance: The Role of

Motivation, Strategies, and Perceived Factors Hindering Liberian Junior and

Senior High School Students Learning", academic achievement is defined and

described by several authors. According to Narad and Abdullah (2016),

academic performance is acquired knowledge measured by teacher

performance and/or educational goals that students and teachers set to

achieve over a period of time. A student's academic performance embodies

an important part of the set of factors that determine academic success. It

also plays a very important role in education, especially as a tangible tool to

access the student's learning process. Psychologists and researchers have

tried to understand how students process so much. We have used various

cognitive styles and performance measures for retention and retrieval of

learning information and for personality adjustment. One of the main factors in

evaluating school performance is study habits and attitudes. Arieta,

gementiza, and soco (2017) emphasized the important role of study habits in

students' lives. Moreover, their success depends on skill, intelligence and

dedication. The impact of students' good study habits in completing their

homework, attending classes, managing their time, staying focused, and

working hard is also beginning to have a positive impact. The Results area

reports the results of the study based on methodology. Information was

collected using [or methods]. The results section should present the research

results in a logical order without bias or interpretation. If your study includes

data from your own research, you should especially elaborate on the section

describing your results. When grouped by profile, there is a correlation

between the factors that influence student performance decline.

2.4 Platforms Used In face-to-face education, you acquire new

knowledge and abilities while interacting in person with other students.

Being on the same learning journey makes it simpler to sympathize

and learn from one another. Face-to-Face learning through platforms is

a particularly efficient way to learn skills and knowledge because it

frequently integrates many learning modalities. It is important to follow

the school's protocols because pandemic are not yet done. Face-to-

face gives better motivation to study; instant feedback. It is too difficult

to learn everything through computer. Face-to-face interaction with

instructors is better for the learning process. Face-to-face is better for

resolving study problems.


Factors Affecting Poor Academic performance in terms of Platforms




P2.4PL1 Modular 1.72 Sometimes 4

P2.4PL2 Online 2.39 Sometimes 2

P2.4PL3 Modular and online 1.9 Sometimes 3


P2.4PL4 Face to face 3.92 Always 1

TOTAL 2.48 Sometimes

Table 4 enlisted the factors affecting poor academic performance in

terms of platforms used. Highlighted on the table was the composite mean of

6.99 with a verbal interpretation of --- concluded the table. Demonstrating the

highest weighted mean was face to face with 3.92 weighted mean and a

verbal interpretation of always immediately followed by online platforms with

2.39 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of sometimes and modular

online combination with 1.9 weighted mean and a verbal interpretation of

sometimes came in the third spot. Modular platform was placed in the last

spot with a weighted mean of 1.72 and a verbal interpretation of sometimes.

Since face to face classes were already back on track, it is visible on

the table that most of the respondents have answeres face to face classes.
Being physically able to see and hear what the teacher teaches makes it more

easy for students to understand the lesson. It is more convenient to students

since, they can learn more.

According to the study entitled "The Relation between Academic

Procrastination of University Students and Their Assignment and Exam

Performances: The Situation in Distance and Face-to-Face Learning

Environments", this study examined the relationship between college student

task and exam performance and academic procrastination behavior in remote

and face-to-face learning settings. Empirical studies conducted both face-to-

face and online generally show a negative correlation between academic

procrastination and academic performance. However, the impact of academic

procrastination on distance learning tasks has not been extensively analyzed.

Understand the interaction between academic procrastination and the

learning environment. We investigated task and exam performance of her 88

undergraduates in face-to-face (FtF) and distance learning (DL) settings.

According to the results of this study, students' academic procrastination and

attribution scores were negatively correlated in both settings, but especially so

in the DL setting. In contrast, study delays and trial results correlated only in

the FtF setting. On the other hand, there was no correlation between total task

and test scores in the DL group, whereas a moderate positive correlation was

found in the FtF group. The results of the binomial logistic regression analysis

showed that the predictive value of the DL environment for task scores was

much stronger than students' academic procrastination behavior.

Table 5
Assessment of the relationship between Personal Profile and the

Factors affecting poor Academic Performance in terms of


Indicators R- P- Decision to Verbal

values values Ho Interpretation

1. Grade Level 0.315 0.630 Accept the Not Significant


2. Age 0.436 0.860 Accept the Not Significant


3. Gadgets Used 0.048 0.042 Reject the Ho Significant

4. Residence 0.296 0.643 Accept the Not Significant


Table 5 presented the relationship between the personal profile and the

factors affecting poor academic performance in terms of comprehension.

Among the said variables, the gadgets used were found to be significant, and

the hypothesis must be rejected as evidenced by p-values below 0.05 degree

of significance. On the other hand, grade level, age, and residence were

found not to be significant. Thus, the hypothesis must be accepted.

Table 6

Assessment of the relationship between Personal Profile and the

Factors affecting poor Academic Performance in terms of the Personal


Indicators R- P- Decision to Verbal

values values Ho Interpretation

1. Grade Level 0.026 0.029 Reject the Ho Significant

2. Age 0.011 0.024 Reject the Ho Significant

3. Gadgets Used 0.034 0.031 Reject the Ho Significant

4. Residence 0.047 0.039 Reject the Ho Significant

Table 6 discussed the relationship between personal factors and the

personal profiles of the respondents. The results showed that all the variables

were found to be significant. Thus, hypotheses with regards to their

relationship, namely grade level, age, gadgets used, and residence, had to be

rejected, under which p-values fall below 0.05 degree of significance.

Table 7

Assessment of the relationship between Personal Profile and the

Factors affecting poor Academic Performance in terms of the

Psychological Factors

Indicators R- P- Decision to Verbal

values values Ho Interpretation

1. Grade Level 0.089 0.097 Accept the Not Significant


2. Age 0.032 0.048 Reject the Ho Significant

3. Gadgets Used 0.176 0.169 Accept the Not Significant

4. Residence 0.044 0.036 Reject the Ho Significant

Table 7 enlisted the assessment of the relationship between personal

profile and the factors affecting poor academic performance in terms of

psychological factors. Among the variables, grade level and gadgets used

were found not to be significant. Thus, the hypothesis must be accepted. On

the other hand, age and residence were found to be significant; therefore, the

hypothesis must be rejected as evidenced by p-values below 0.05 degree of


Table 8

Assessment of the relationship between Personal Profile and the

Factors affecting poor Academic Performance in terms of the Platform


Indicators R- P- Decision to Verbal

values values Ho Interpretation

1. Grade Level 0.451 0.536 Accept the Not Significant


2. Age 0.192 0.454 Accept the Not Significant


3. Gadgets Used 0.032 0.041 Reject the Ho Significant

4. Residence 0.697 0.762 Accept the Not Significant


Table 8 summarized the relationship between the personal profile and

the factors affecting poor academic performance in terms of platforms used.

The results showed that only the gadgets used had a direct relationship with
the factors affecting poor academic performance; it was found to have a

significant relationship, which causes the hypothesis to be rejected under

conditions where p-values fall below 0.05 degree of significance.


Based on the findings of the research, the proponents conclude the

following recommendations.

1. According to the respondents' judgments of the variables on the

factors affecting poor academic performance, the term comprehension when it

comes to compensation habits needs to take a short break. After that, taking

very brief breaks by shifting your attention to anything else can significantly

enhance mental focus. On the other hand, the phrase Personal Factor when it

comes to learning motivation, make clear goals since your goals need to be a

little closer to home. In fact, adopting specific academic goals has been

proven to increase grade point averages. Additionally, while talking with

resistant learners, it's important to take into account any potential

psychological factors. In light of the feedback, think about how the teacher

might approach the class differently to reduce resistance. Resistant learners

are everywhere, so try to build relationships with them, cooperate with the

discipline they need to feel, and make learning achievable. Last but not least,

face-to-face learning through platforms is a particularly efficient way to learn

skills and knowledge because it frequently integrates many learning

modalities. It is important to follow the school's protocols because pandemic

are not yet done. Face-to-face gives better motivation to study; instant

feedback. It is too difficult to learn everything through computer. Face-to-face

interaction with instructors is better for the learning process. Face-to-face is

better for resolving study problems.

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