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By William Blake

In-class activity:

Charter’d – adjective
Example: Eighty journalists were flown in by chartered plane
Definition: renting for private use
Woe – noun
Example: Her face was lined and full of woe
Definition: suffering from ad situations
Manacle – noun
Example: His hands were handcuffed with manacles.
Definition: chain like metals connected with rings
Mind-forg’d – adjective
Example: She had some mind-forg’d goals.
Definition: restraints that we put on ourselves in terms of goals.
Chimney-sweeper – noun
Example: Chimney-sweepers are struggling a lot with their jobs.
Definition: a person whose job is to clean inside chimneys.
Appal – verb
Example: I was appalled by her bad behaviour.
Definition: being shocked or disapproved by something
Hapless – adjective
Example: My friends are so hapless from the economy of this country.
Definition: being unhappy for something

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