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1.Використовуємо at with (streets, lanes, avenues) коли говоримо про адресу

e.g. My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New
Mexico. This is my confession. If you’re watching this tape, I’m probably dead, murdered by my
brother-in-law Hank Schrader.

2.Натомість з avenues and streets використовуємо ON

e.g. You may know that

President Obama lives on Pennsylvania
Avenue in Washington, D.C.

suburb vs. outskirts

The main difference between these two expressions is the difference between the
nouns  suburb and outskirts. As you can see in the Learner's Dictionary entries shown below,
a suburb is a town near a larger city, where people typically live in houses with yards rather than
apartment buildings. Suburbs are also associated with a lifestyle oriented around families with

The word outskirts, which is always plural, refers to the edges of a community. There are outskirts
around a city, and these might be suburbs or they might not. There are also outskirts around the
edges of a small town.

3. on the outskirts на околицях, на відшибах

e.g. There are lots of factories on the outskirts.

e.g. They live on the outskirts of Paris. the suburbs у передмісті

e.g. Would you like to live in the suburbs?

e.g. As for me, living in the suburbs is the best option.

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