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Biometrics ABSTRACT:


The term Biometrics is derived from the Greek words; Bio means life and metric means to measure. This paper consists of Biometrics which is making personal, physical or biological measurements about an individual. Face, fingerprints, hand geometry, hand writing, iris, retina, vein and voice are the usually measured features. The paper also includes detail explanation of the biometrics as the process of collecting, processing and storing details of a persons physical characteristics for the purpose of identification and authentication with the help of a Biometrics Model.

Paper also includes detailed description of various methodologies used in Biometrics. Application of biometrics is also listed.

From identification of criminals for prevention of unauthorized access to ATMs, Cellular phones, Smart Cards, Desktop PCs, Workstations, Computer Networks, Biometrics has come along way. On its implementation into our daily lives we can look forward to a boost in security and surveillance. In the field of Commerce, financial transactions via telephone and internet will be the in-thing. In automobiles, usage of keys would be replaced with keyless entry devices.

Biometrics What is Biometrics?

Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioural characteristic. The word biometrics means Biological Measurements. Therefore in this way we can use computers to recognize persons.

Physiological characteristics means Fingerprints, Retinal and Iris Patterns, Hand and Finger Geometry, Behavioural characteristics Facial means Voice recognition Patterns, Signature etc. etc.

There are different biometric solutions. Some of them are Finger Print Recognition, Iris Pattern recognition, Facial Recognition, Voice Pattern Recognition, Hand and Finger Geometry etc. In all these biometric solutions the details about the physiological/behavioural characteristics are entered into a database. When the user uses the sytem the characteristics required for the system are scanned and a template is formed. It is checked whether there exists a match for this template with any of the records already stored in the database. If a match is found, the user is allowed access. Otherwise Each biometric the solution user can be is used in denied two different access. modes.

In Identification mode, where the biometric system identifies a person from the entire enrolled population his/her Applications of Biometrics. Improvingairportsecurity. Strenghtheningournational InpeventingIDtheft. e-banking,e-commerceandotherfinancialtransactions. Law enforcement. Social Services. Health and borders in travel documents, visas, passports etc. by searching previously a database enrolled for a match. pattern. In Verification mode, where the biometric system authenticates a person's claimed identity from


Network and

security Government

infrastructures, networks.


In Enterprise

Biometrics based authentication applications include workstation, network and domain access, single sign-on, application logon, data protection, remote access to resources, transaction security and Advantages of web security using biometrics in etc. various applications.

Only the biometric authentication is based on an intrinsic part of a human being. So unlike a password or PIN or Smart Card, it can't be forgotten, misplaced, lost or stolen. We are having our identification with ourselves and therefore there is no need to carry any card or remember passwords A biometric template is for unique for an our individual for whom it identification. is created.

Biometrics ensures that the person trying to access your network and applications is actually a sanctioned user, and not in a posession of a stolen smartcard or someone who found, hacked or cracked Disadvantages cycle support like cost of can facial using overtake recognition the etc. intial are biometric cost not of the that password. solutions. hardware. accurate

It is not only the intial cost that of the sensor or the matching hardware that is involved. Often the life Most of the biometric systems like firnger print recognition, iris recognition etc. are accurate. But someothers

Biometrics is an advanced technology for superb security and authentication .The term "biometric it represent that "bio" means related to the biological study and "metric " means something, which is related to measurement. In network environment security is a crucial factor. Provide security to pages in the network is to difficulty. Password is not a good measurement for security. Good security mechanism is necessary on the Internet. Security in different levels applies to various documents. Security is depends how security assign to documents. Security depends on following categories.

An important point to be noted in constructing a biometric system is that it should be based upon a distiguishable triat. For eg: Law enforcement has used finger prints to identify people. There is a great deal of scientific data supporting the idea that no fingerprints are alike. All biometric systems capture data from individuals. Once these data have been captured by the

system, they can be forwarded to any location and put to many different uses which are capable of compromising on an individual's privacy. A good biometric system is one that is of low cost, fast, accurate, and easy to use

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