Use of English Page 24

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Glossary fade to (cause to) lose colour, brightness,

or strength gradually(видцвітати); гаснути, згасати у переносному значенні,
наприклад, надія чи спогади.

e.g. If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.

e.g. Hope is fading that the missing child is still alive.

e.g. I have to change my cap several times in the summer because it’s completely faded within a month.

e.g. My memory of childhood fades as time goes by. give a standing ovation аплодувати стоячи

e.g. The performance was rather indifferent consequently the audience refrained from giving him a
standing ovation

e.g. She received a standing ovation at the end of her speech. sentence smb to засуджувати, засудити (до в’язниці)

e.g. Sanchez was sentenced to three years in prison.

e.g. He was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison.

e.g. The evidence wasn’t strong enough to sentence her. complete postgraduate studies закінчувати аспірантуру extract видобувати; видаляти зуб

e.g. To date extracting a tooth has become painless.

e.g. We use oil which is extracted from sunflowers or olives.

e.g. Lots of people need to extract their wisdom teeth.

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