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The country is making all possible efforts to establish institutional mechanisms in line with the 2030

Agenda. The newly elected government has a firm stance on strengthening institutions, ensuring
meritocracy and introducing transparency at all levels. This is considered essential for translating our
political vision into reality through efficient and effective management of available resources and
improving quality of service delivery. With the establishment of federal and provincial SDG units,
Pakistan has instituted monitoring and evaluation processes that are critical for supporting the SDGs’
implementation, horizontal and vertical coordination, and strengthened collaborations with
development partners, civil society organizations, think tanks, academia and the private sector. To
ensure an enabling institutional environment, Parliamentary Taskforces are operating in national and
provincial assemblies, closely overseeing progress on the SDGs. All such efforts are expected to
accelerate the pace of Pakistan’s progress on the SDGs. The second smooth democratic transition of
power in Pakistan is helping leverage partnerships across institutions and sectors to develop plans that
can help alleviate poverty and improve social inclusivity; eliminate hunger and improve the health status
of our people, while adopting the one health approach. Political commitment is highly supportive in
embracing programmes that will help us alleviate poverty. We firmly believe that population planning,
benefiting from the demographic dividend, and ensuring equal gender participation are the strongest
drivers of sustained economic growth

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