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Test Plan Template

Test Plan Template................................................................................................................
Test approach.........................................................................................................................
Entry criteria..........................................................................................................................
Exit criteria............................................................................................................................
Defect management...............................................................................................................
Test Deliverables...................................................................................................................

Give an overview of the release and it's objective.

Describe the objective of the testing exercise - what is intended to be achieved.

Describe the scope / limitations of this testing exercise. Describe what will be tested and what
will not be tested.

Features to be tested

Features not to be tested


Test approach
Describe the approach you adopt to complete testing for this release. Mention if you are going
to do a full fledged testing or running a minimum number of tests depending on the release
requirements. Minimum acceptace, functionality, browser compatibility, integration,
end-to-end, load, adhoc tests, etc. If testing is done across different phases, please mention here.

Entry criteria
Define requirements to be fulfilled before starting testing. You can describe entry criteria for
each type of testing required to perform.
Example: For commencing integration testing of the Drupal CMS with your organizations
website, basic functionality of Drupal, and the points of integration from your organizations
website should be available which allows them to talk to each other.


Exit criteria
Define the exit criteria which mark the end of testing for the release. This can also be defined for
each type of testing required to complete.
Example: No P1 bugs should be open.
If you would like to understand more about bug classification (bug severity and bug priority,

The following are only examples. Modify appropriately
Test deliverables (schedule) can be affected:
If module is not delivered on time which pushes the test start date
If prioritized bugs are not fixed in time
Necessary hardware resources are unavailable at the time of testing
Team members leave the project or are pulled into another high priority task as felt
necessary by Sponsors

Defect management
Bugs encountered during the testing process will be filed in <Name of Bug tracking tool>
available at url:
http://<web location of bug tracking tool>

Test Deliverables
The following is an example only. Please modify appropriately.
Test Plan (this document)
Test Cases
Test Scripts in Python to run the tests
Testing status reports will be sent to stake holders over email twice a week/weekly. Issues
will be highlighted and discussed on the conference calls.
Defect Reports & Matrices

Final Test Completion Report with release recommendation

Describe the testing activity schedule. Reference the source of information based on which the
dates were arrived at.
The following is an example only. Please modify appropriately.

Expected Start Date

Minimum Acceptance Tests

16th June 2008

Expected End Date

System testing
Integration testing

QA Machine configuration details (Example: testing content management system Drupal)
Machine configuration based on deployment plans (Example: what is required to run Drupal for
Windows, Linux, etc)

OS requirements
Packages and tools required

The following are only examples. Please modify appropriately.
Team member


<Team Lead Name>

Planning, test execution, reporting and sign off

<Member1 Name>

Test cases, test execution, reporting

<Member2 Name>

Test cases, test execution, reporting


The following are only examples. Please modify appropriately.

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