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A uniform is a variety of clothing worn by members of an organization

while participating in that organization's activity. Every school in the world has
their own regulation about the way to wear. Some schools require students to
wear the uniform, while others allow them to wear casual clothes. What is my
opinion about them?
Uniforms at the school have certain advantages: to begin with, it creates
equality, children won’t be competing about their expensive clothes.
Consequently, it creates uniformity. Then again, wearing school uniforms gives
a sense of belonging and pride. Because of this, students concentrate better on
learning, thus they are proud of their school. Not to mention that it also helps
students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes, there is less peer pressure
and it also creates saved money.
However, school uniforms do have their disadvantages. The most
important drawback is that it takes away individuality and the freedom of self-
expression. It is important for children to discover their style, but with uniforms
they are not able to do this. On top of this teenagers are rebels anyway,
compulsory things make them hate them even more.
In conclusion, the decision is not that easy about this topic. But all things
considered, although there are some disadvantages of wearing school uniforms,
the advantages outstand them. I believe it can be a very helpful thing in our life.

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