English M.C.Q 11b

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A Photograph MCQ Questions Class 11 English with Answers

Question. What would the mother show to her daughter while showing her the photograph?
A. how her parents dressed her for the beach
B. her cousins
C. her own chlldhood photograph
D. the background

Answer A

Question.Who is the poet/poetess of the poem 'A Photograph7

A. Shirley Toulson
. Rudyard Kipling
C.Elizabeth Jennings
D. Markus Natten
Question. What was the last phase in the poem?
A. after her mother died
B. after she grown uP
C arer ner motner 8own up

D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. What does she feel in the last phase?

A.pain and grier
B. happy and nostalgc
C.sad and nostalgic
.pain and nostalgic

Answer: A

Question. is the poem Photograph' about?
A. About poet's chilldhood memorles
B. tribute to the poet's mother
C. Poet's photograph
D. Poet's tather

Answer: B

Question. What Epithet literary device was used in the poem?

A. Terribly transient
8. Through their
C. Both wry
. Laboured ease


Question. what was the age of the poet's mother when the photograph was taken?
A. eleven years old
thirteen years old
twelve years old
D. fourteen year old


Question. What Oxymoron literary device was used in the poem?

A. Terribly translent
B. Inrough thelr

C. Both wry
D. Laboured ease


Question. When did her mother die ?

A. tWO years 3go
B. five years ago
C. thirteen years ag80
D. twelve years ago

Answer: D

Question. What is the meaning of the word 'wry?

A. Ironic

. y

C sad
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. How many people were in the photograph?

A. two girls

8. three girls
C. two giris and one boy
D. only her mother

Answer: B
Question. How many people were in the photograph?
A. two girls
B. three gir'S
. two girls and one boy
D. only her mother

Answer: B

Question. Who are on both sides of her mother?

A. COusins, Betty and Doly
B. Parents
C. cousins, Dolly and Adam
D. Friends

Answer A

Question. How many phases were depicted in the poem by the poet?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. TOur


Question. What are the three of them doing in the photograph?

A. playing8

8. Standing beside house

. holding hands
. holding hands and went for paddling

Answer: D

Question. What does Terribly Transient Feet' mean in the poem?

A. her feet represent the mother, who changed with time while the sea remained the same
B. temporary situation
C.age is temporary
D. None ot the above

Answer: A

Question. After how many years did her mother laugh on seeing the photograph?
A. twenty-one
3. weny-nree

D. twenty-five

Answer: BB

Question. Who took the photograph of her mother with her cousin?
. Her grandfather
B, Her uncle

C. Her mother's friend

D. Her grandmother

Answer B

Question. What was the favourite memory of her mother?

A. beach holidays

B. School memories
C. vacations
D. None of the above

Answer 3

Question. Which material was the frame of the photograph made of?
A. Cardboard
3. Wood
. Steel
. Plastic

Answer: A

Question. What was the favourite memory of the poet?

A. her mother's memories
B. her mothers laughter
C. her own vacation memories
D. her childhood memories

Answer: B
Question. Who is the main character of the chapter The Portrait of a Lady?
(a) o t n e r

0 Sister

(c) Grandmother
a) Daugnter

Answer: C

Question: What made the grandmother unhappy about the author's new English School?
(a) the fact that she could no longer help him with the lessons5
(b) Because they were in city
(C) Because she didnt understand English
(d) Because she didnt understand English and could no longer help him with the lessons


Question.where were the parents of the author?

(a) Abroad

(b) City
(c) Other Village
(d) Other state


Question: who is the main character of the chapter the portrait of a lady ?
(a) mother

(b) sister
C) Gr ndmother

(O) Daughter

Question. Where was the authors grandfathers portrait placed?
(a) on a shelr
hihne a
o v e the mantelpiece

P O e mantelpiece

(a) on a taDie

Question. How do you feel about the character of the grandmother in the chapter?
(a) Emotional
(b) Strong
(C) Selfless
(d) Loving
Answer: B

Question. Which literary device has been used in Like everybody's grandmother?
(a) Metaphor

(C) Transferred Epithet

(d) Enjambment

Question. When did the author's parents leave him with his grandmother?
(a) when he was à kid
(b) When he was an infant
(C) When he became a teenager
(d) When he failed and became à teenager

Question; what would the grandmother do in the temple on a daily basis?
(a) Meditation
(b) Read Scriptures
(c) sing religious prayers
(d) Preach religious to others


Question. How did the grandmother spend her time in the city?
(a) feedings dogs
(b) reading scriptures
(c) 5pinning the wheel
(d) talking to neighbours

Answer : C

Question. How did the grand mother die?

(a) during telling beads laying on the bed
(b) In the
(C) whileSieepg
(d) None or the above


Question. Where were the parents of the author

(a) Abroad

(b) City
(C) Other Village
(d) other state

Answer : B
Question. From where did the ship sal ror the voyage?
(a) Anierica
(b) Mexico

a ymouth, England

Question. What was
had the
status of the ship
thelevel on January 3?
under control
lal pumps water suficiently
0 condtion was getting worse

(c) they were still struggling to control the pumps

(d)everything was just right

Question. What happened when the authors head smashed into the wheel?
(a) he washurt but steady

(b) he flew overboard sinking below the waves

(C) he
was not hurt
he gained control immediately

Question. What had happened to Sue when the author entered their room to check on them?
(a) her head nurt as there was a bump

(d) she was fine

Question. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

(D) 7&6 years old

C) 10&7 years old
(d)4 years&6 years
Answer :

Question: What happened when the author's head smashed into the wheel?
(a) he was hurt but steady

(6) he flew overboard sinking below the waves

Cne was not hurt

(d) he gained control immediately

Question. What part of the journey was pleasant for them?

(b) Last pat of the ier

(C) First fewmonths
(d) Never

Answer: A

Question. what did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?
(a) Stopped sailing
(D) dropped the storm jb and lashed a heavy mooring rope
ust or d Maed for
(d) did nothing and wated for storm
storm to
to calm
caim down

Question. What does Mayday call mean?
(aj L a l m a d e im t h e m o n t h of May

(0) DEStreS Cal tor heip

(c) Both a and b
None of these

Question. accept his approaching death?

(a) Pirates Why did the the
had attacked author
(D) because he was injured by the explosion
(C) he was thrown in the sea
(a) he was stadbea

AnSwer : A

Question. What was the condition of the ship?

(a) Broken timbers. startboard side Duged inwards; cdothes. crockery. charts. tns and toys sloshed

(cl waterld in er
evey rn andtheir riothes
es were missing
(d) Can't say


Question: What happened to the authors body when he managed to reach the deck?
(a) his head smashed again
(D) his left rbs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken teeth
(c) he br DKe his i
(0) his oroke his iert hand

Question. What happened when the author's head smashed into the wheel?

bi he few overboard sinking below the waves

(c) he was not hurt
n e gained control immediatelyy


Question. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?

(a) a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves
(b) it broke the ship from inside
(c) the ship turned upside down
(d) it didn't affect the ship

Question. Why did the author accept his approaching death?

ta) Pirates had attacked the snip

D because ne was injured by the explosion
in trhe sea
ne wastnfown
was stabbed
Answer :

Question Find out the synonym of Honing from the following?

ta) Perfect

d)A of these

Question: what was the occupation of the author?

ta) Businessmän
(D) Sailor

(c) Teacher
(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question: why did the author hire the two Crewmen?

(b) to help tackle one of the worlds roughest seas, the Southern Indian Ocean
(c) Because he could no longer sail the ship
(d) He wanted to spend some time with his family

Answer: B

uestion.wno sala, w e arent araid or aying w e can all De togetneryou and ummy, >ue
and ."7

[a) jon
[D) Crewmen to each other

Question: what happened after the first indication of disaster?
(a) A wave appeared vertucal, almost twice the heght of other waves
(D) and
Thunaer ngntng
(C) The ship turned upside down due to Tsunami
(a) it didnt arfect the ship

Answer A

Question: what happened to the authors body when he managed to reach the deck?
(a) his hedd smasned e
dgainst uE a a ye vand broken
U teeth
nd hio hon
(c) he broken his right leg and hip bone
(d) his broken his left hand and shoulder

Question. Who sald, "were sinking

(a) His crewmen
(b) Mary
(c) His daughter
(d) His son

What the occupation of the author?
a) man

(b) Sailor
(d) None of the above

Answer: A

Question: what was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

(a) 8 &9 years old
(6) 7& 6 years old

(d) 4 yeàrs &6 years

Question Name the author of this chapter.
(a) Gordon Cook and Alan East
(6)AS. Baron
(C) William Saroyan
(d) Nathan Elis

Answer A
The Voice of the Rain MCQ Questions Class 11 English with Answers

Question. From where does the songg of rain originate?

A. from heaven
B. from ocean
C. from the heart of the singer
D. from the soul of earth

Answer: C

Question. The poem The Voice of the Rain' is a conversation between?

A. poet and rain
8. poet and mountains
C. rain and trees

D. birds and rain

Answer: A

Question. What is the meaning of 'who art thou'?

A Who are you?
B. What are you?
C. How are your
D. whose art is this7

Answer: A

Question. Why does the poet compare the rain with a song?
A because she beautiies the earth
B. Decause she provides lire on earth
C. as they both share a common journey
D. None of the above

Answer: C

Question. Who is the poet of the poem The Voice of the Rain'?
A. Walt whitman
B. Kushwant singh
D. Shirley Toulson

Answer: A

Question. What does the poet ask to the soft-falling shower?

A What do you do?
B. What is your name?
C. Who are you?
D. How are you doing?

Answer: C

Question. what does the word 'Descend' mean?

1ot clear
8. come down

to wash
D. hidden

Answer: B

Question What does thee rain reply to the poet's question "Who are you'?7
A. she is rain
B. she is poem of earth
C. she is rain from mountains
D. she is poem of mountains

Answer: B

Question. What happens to the earth when the rain falls back on the surface of earth?
A. it provides water
B. it beautifies and purifies the earth
C. it helps in greenay
D. it provides water to flora and fauna
Answer: B

Question. Why does the rain descend to the earth?

A. to wash the drought and provide water
8. She proVides ife on earth

C. it beautiíy and purify the earth

D. it provides life

Answer: A
Question. What does the rain do when she doesn't care if anyone bothers about her deeds or
A. she talks to the land

B. she works harder

C. she completes her work and talk to the earth
D. she completes her work and comes back home

Answer: D

Question. If the poet has used a Metaphor in the poem, what is it?
A. l am the Poem of Earth

B. voice of the rain

C. Soft-falling shower
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. What Hyperbole was used in the poem?

A. l am the Poem of Earth
B. Soft-faling shower
C. Bottomless sea
D. voice of the rain

Answer: C

Question. What does the poet compare the rain with?

B. Heaven
p. Flowers

Answer: A

Question. What happens to the rain in the sky?

A. rain drops form
B. rain it condenses
C. it forms clouds
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. How does the rain help the seeds inside the earth?
A provides water
B. provides lfe and helps them grow

C.provides life
D. None of the above

Answer: B

Question. What does 'Reck'd or unreckd' mean?

A. enrichment or no enrichment
B. cared for or not cared for
C. to purify or not
D. to wash or not to wash

Answer: B

Question. From which two places does the rain rise in the form of water vapour?
A. land and bottomless sea
B. land and ocean
C. mountains and land
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. Where does the song return in the poem?

A. to its orlginator, ie. singer
B. to the poet
C. to earth

D. to oceann

Answer: A

Question. why does the rain tell the poet that she cannot be touched?
A. because she is water
B. because she rises in the form of water vapour
. because she is in the form of clouds

D. None of the above

Answer: B
Question. Who is the author of "The Summer of the Beautiful white Horse"?

A. AyCronin

C. Willam shakespeare
D. William Saroyan

Answer: D

Question. What idea/theme does "The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse" entails?

A. Honesty
B. Honour
L. Irust
D. All of the above

Answer: D

his eyes instead of his heart." What

Question. John Byro said, "A suspicious m a n would believe
does it tell about him?
A. He belileved in the honesty of Garoghlanian family
B. He was impractical

C. He was foolish
D. None of the above


the hallmarks of the Garoghlanian tribe?

Question. What were

3.I Honesty
C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Question. After the horse was stolen and returned, it became

A. sick & ill
D. S r o n g e r & Deter-tempered

C. Both (A) and (C)

Answer : C

Question. "Quiet, man, quiet. Your horse has been returned." Who said this?

A. o u r d

B. Aram

C. Uncle khosrove

D. Not mentioned in the story

Answer: C

Question. Where did Aram live?

A. In the centre of the town

B. In the country
C. Olive Avenue
D. At the edge of town on walnut Avenue

Answer: D

Question. What according to Aram, was his first longing?

A. To own a horse
B. To become rich
C. To ridea horse

D. To visit a vineyard


Question. Why did the boys return the white horse to its owner?
A. Because they were conscience stricken
B. Because they were afraid
C. Because they tound it difficult to hide the horse
D. Because they were accused of theft

Answer: A

Question. Why couldn't Aram believe when he saw Mourad with the horse?

A. Because Mourad was crazy

B. 5ecause they were poor to aftord a horse

C. Because ne was sieepy

D. Because he was dreaming

Question. Mourad enjoyed being. more than anybody else.

. alive
D. None of the above

Byro learned to speak Armenian out of
Question. John
A. necessity
3. fun
D. loneliness


Question. At what time did Aram and Mourad ride the horse?
A. Late night

8. Eary morning
D. Aftern0on hours


Question. "I have a way with farmers." Who says it to whom?

A. Aram tO Mourad

B. Mourad to John Byro

C. Aram to John Byro
D. Mourad to Aram

Answer: DP

Question. When did the boys return the horse?

Aram leàrned to ride it
A. Ater
B. After an year
C. After six months
D.After they ran into John Byro

Answer: D

Question. When Aram rode the horse alone, it ran down the road to the.

A. vineyard
B. irrigation ditch
D. countryside


Question. What was uncle Khosrove's customary line?

A. Ignore I; pay no attention,

3. rget it.
C. It is harmless; ignore it.

D. it is no harm, pay no attention to it.

Answer : D

Question. No member of the Garoghlanian family could be

A. poor
. rich
D. crazy
Answer: C

Question. Mourad had been hiding the horse.

A. In a stable
B. in a barn of a vineyard
C. at a secret place of his house
D. None of the above

Question. What was the behaviour of the horse initially?
A. It wanted to be trained

B. It wantecd to rest
C. It wanted to run wild

D. All of the above

Question. Why did the horse's owner refuse to believe that the boys had stolen his horse?
A. Because he didn't examine the horse carefuly
B. Because thelir family Was known for honesty
C. Because he had found his horse elsewhere
D. Because his horse had a twin

Answer :

Question. How does Aram describe the horse?

A. Magnificent & lovely

B. Beautiful white horse

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Answer: C

Question. Who is the narrator of the story The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse"?
A. William Saroyan
3. Aram
C. John Byro

Answer: B

Question. Mourad was considered the natural descendant of his

3. uncle
C. grandtather

Answer: B

Question. What sort of an understanding did Mourad mention with the horse?

Simple and honest
. Difficult

Answer: B

Question. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" is a story of two-

A. Armenlan
. Arablan

. .African

Answer: A

Question. What did uncle Khosrove do to stop anyone from talking?

A. By beating them
B. By walking àway
C. By shouting at them
D. By ignoring them

Answer: C

Question. Who was the true knower of the horse?

A. John Byro
C. Dikran Halabian

Answer: A

Question. For how long did Mourad have the horse before Aram got to know about it?
One day

One year
One montn
A. One week

The Address MCQ Questions Class 11 English with Answers

Question. How did Mrs. Dorling treat the author when the author vislted her?
A. Warm & welcoming
B. Cold & inhospitable
C. Overjoyed
D. Both (A) and (C)
Answer: B

Question. After reading "The Address", how would you describe Mrs. Dorling?
A. Materialistic
. Selfish
D. All of the above

Answer: D

Question. How does the author describe Mrs. Dorling when she saw her the first time
the war?
A. A woman with a broad back
B. A woman with a round back
C.A woman with a straight back
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. What message does The Address" talk about?

A. Importance of things
B. Not to trust someone
C. Human predicament of war
D. None of the above

Answer: C

Question. "Her face gave absolutely no sign of recognition." Who is her?

Mrs.! S
B. Mrs. Dorling's daughter
C. Mrs. Dorling
D. Mrs. Ss daughter


Question. "Il thought that no one had come back." Why does Mrs. Dorling say this?
A. Because she was happy to see the protagonist
B. Because she had been waiting for the protagonist for a long time
C. Because she thought everyone in the protagonist's family were dead
D. None of the above

Answer: C

Question. What was the address that the author's mother asked her to remember?
A. Number 50, Marconi Street
B. Number 46, Baker Street
C. Number 54, Marconi Street
D. Number 46, Marconi Street

Answer: D

Question. How does the author describe the living room?

A. Mugey smell
B. Strange atmosphere
C. Sophisticated
D. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: D
Question. Mrs. Dorling's was of Mrs. S.
A. a sister
B. an old acquaintance
C. an old friend
D. a relative
Answer: B

Question. What was the very first out of her mothers possessions that the protagonist
A. Hanukkah candle-holder
B. Woollen table-cloth
C. White tea pot
D. Green knitted cardigan

Answer: D

Question. Mrs. Dorling took the possessions of the things on the pretence of .
A. using them
B. selling them
C. keeping them safe
D. Both (A) and (B)
Answer: C

Question. At the end, what does the author decide?

A. To forget the address
B. To visit next year again
C. To remember the address forever
D. None of the above
Answer: A

Question. Was the author convinced with her mother's idea of letting Mrs. Dorling take
their things?
A. Absolutely
B. Partially
C. Not at all
D. Not mentioned in the story

Answer: B

Question. Why had the author come to visit Mrs. Dorling?

A. Because Mrs. Dorling had belongings of authors mother
B. Because Mrs. Dorling called her
C. Because she missed Mrs. Dorling
D. None of the above

Answer: A

Question. In total, how many times did the author visit the given address?
A. Twice
3. Once
D. Never
Answer: A

Question. In what attire did the author find Mrs. Dorling?

A. Authors mothers green knitted cardigan
B. Authors green knitted cardigan
C. Author is unable to recognise it
A. Not mentioned in the story

Answer: A
Question. In what attire did the author find Mrs. Dorling?
A. Authors mothers green knitted caraigan
B.Author's green knitted cardigan
C.Author is unable to recognise it
A. Not mentioned in the story

Answer: A

Question. Who is the author of "The Address"7

A. Manon Uphoft
B. Marga Minco
C. Marente de Moor
D. None of the above

Answer: B

Question. Who opened the door upon the author's second visit to Mrs. Dorling's house?
A. Mrs. Dorling
B. Mrs. Dorling's daughter
C. Mrs. Doriing's husband
D. No one opened the door

Answer: B

Question. Unlike Mrs. Dorling, her daughter was - towards the author.
A. rude

C. hospitabie


Question. In what condition did the author find the living room?
A. Haphazard

B.Well arranged
. Empty
D. Old fashioned

Answer A

Question. Why did the author wait for such a long time before visiting The Address7
A. Because she was not Interested
B. Because she was afraid to confront her mothers belongings
C.Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above

Answer C

Question. What was the 'silver that the author was once asked to clean by her mother?
A. Jewellery
B. Cutlery

D. Stones

Question. According to the author, when do we notice the things in the house?
A. Wnen they are out of our sight

B. When they are used

w n e n they are show

D. All of the above

Answer: A

Question. Why did the author leave Mrs. Dorling in a hurry?

A. Because she was getting late for the train
B. Because she no longer wanted to stay there
C.Both (A) and (6)
D. None of the above

Answer: C

Question. Who is the protagonist of The Address"?

A. Mrs. Dorling
B. Mrs. Ss daughter
Mrs. 9
D. Mrs. Doling's daughter

Answer: B
Question: What does the play "Mothers Day" talk about?
a) Status of the mother in the family
b) Status of the tather in the tamilyy
C Status of the children in the family
d) Status of the family in the societyy


Question : What is the first thing that Dorrls does as soon as she enters the house?

b) Asks her mother to cook something for her

c)Asks her mother about her day
d) Asks her mother to iron her yellow silk

Question: How does the author describe Mrs. Fizgerald?
a) worried l0ONing
b) Sinister oo

dy Both
both (b)
(0) and
and (c)

Question: The attitude of Mrs. Pearson's family changes towards her. Comment.
a) No
b) Yes
C) Maybe
3) Not clear from the story

Question: Where was Dorris headed for the night?
a) she had to wok
b) She was going out with Charlie Spence
She was going for her friend's birthday
d) she had some appointment

Answer : B

Question : What message does the author of"Mothers Day try to convey?
a) lo appreciate wives mothers for their work
D)lo work hard for your mother
c lo spend time with family
0) 1o respect everyone


Question : Tes wonderful having a real_ Iiving next door." Complete the dialogue.
a) doctor
b) writer
) fortune-teller
d) cher

Question : What does George mean when he says we re at sixes and sevens here?
3) in à state of contuaion dnd disorder

b) in a middle of a conflict
c) In a middle of taking à decision
d) In a state of agony


Question: Where did Mrs. Fitzgerald learn to tell the future?

) ine we
b) The st
c) The Middle-tast
a)Not merntioned in the play


Question: What are the 'changes' that Mrs. Pearson referred to Cyril?
a) Change in the way she is treated by the family
D) changes in her daily routine
a n g e s T e l a t e d to her work

Question: How does Mrs. Pearson describe her family members?
a) Thoughtless and selfish
b) Pleasant and helpful
c) Hardworking
a) Mindtu

Question: According to Mrs. Pearson, where Cyril had been wasting his time and money
a) Races
b) lce shows
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Clubbing

Questlon: How would you describe Mrs. Pearson?
a) Dominang

oth (hl and

d) Both (b) and (c)

Question: How does Mrs. Fitzgerald plan to help Mrs. Pearson?
a) By talking to Mrs. Pearson's family
b) By listening to Mrs. Pearson rants
) By swapping personalities with Mrs. Pearson
a) botn (a) dhd (o)

Question: Who is the writer of the play "Mother's Day'?
a) AJ. Corni
b) William Wordworth
C) Patrick Pringle
0)J.5. Pnestiey

Answer D

Question : Mrs. Pearson was a b o u t Mrs. Fitzgerald's plan

) envious

Question: When do Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald get back to their original selves?
a) when Mrs. Pearson's tamily gets to know about them
b) When they both get Dored
wnen the situation goes out of hand
O) None of the above


Question Mrs. FiCzgerald is a

a) relative
o f Mrs. Pearson.
b) neighbour
c) maid
d) None of the above

Answer: B

Question: Mrs. Pearson's family had been . -towards Mrs. Pearson.


D polite
C) blased
d) unappreciative
Answer :

Questlon: What makes Dorris astounded as soon as she enters the house?
a) The sight of her mother smoking8
b) Because the tea was not ready
Because her mother was not there
0) None o the above

Questlon: "Buck teeth and half-witted... " Who has been described here?
à) yril Pearson

b) George Pearson
c Charlie Spence
d) Mrs. Fitzgerald

Question: How does the author describe George Pearson?

b) Solemn
c) Fifty-ish
d) All of the above

Question: What was George's reaction when he saw his wife drinking stout during daytime?
a) He did not like it
b) He did not mind
ed ner
e gnored her


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