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Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63

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Short Communication

Dynamical sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking

of underactuated unmanned underwater vehicles
Jian Xu, Man Wang n, Lei Qiao
College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper proposes a novel adaptive dynamical sliding mode control based methodology to design
Received 1 March 2014 control algorithms for the trajectory tracking of underactuated unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
Accepted 16 June 2015 The main advantage of the approach is that the combination of backstepping and sliding mode control
enhances the robustness of an UUV in the presence of systematical uncertainty and environmental
Keywords: disturbances. The position and attitude dynamical equations of an underactuated UUV are first
Backstepping represented and analyzed using coordinate transformation with the aid of backstepping technique.
Sliding mode control Subsequently, the output feedback problem is tackled by employing adaptive sliding mode control to
Underactuated system estimate the systematical uncertain states required by the stable velocity tracking controller. The final
Lyapunov stability theory
controlled system can be proved to be globally asymptotically stable based on Lyapunov stability theory.
Unmanned underwater vehicles
Simulations performed on an underactuated UUV demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the stability is only guaranteed in a neighborhood of the selected

operating points. Moreover, performance can suffer significantly
Over the last few years, it has witnessed a great amount of when the vehicle executes maneuvers that emphasize its non-
research in the area of motion control of underactuated unmanned linearity and cross coupling. On the basis of backstepping and
underwater vehicles (UUVs) (Aguiar and Joao, 2007). However, a associated Lyapunov functions, some research results were pro-
control problem of UUVs continues to pose challenges to system posed to tackle the control for underactuated UUVs; see for
designers, since most of them are underactuated, i.e., they have example (Pettersen and Egeland, 1999; Lapierre and Soetanto,
fewer actuators than the number of degrees of freedom, imposing 2007; Repoulias and Papadopoulos, 2007). Besides, a current
nonintegrable acceleration constraints (Yuh, 2000). In addition, observer was presented based on the Lyapunov stability theory
UUVs' kinematic and dynamic models are highly nonlinear and and by using the backstepping technique to estimate the unknown
coupled, and the hydrodynamic parameters are often uncertain, constant ocean current (Bi et al., 2010). However, in most existing
especially when the vehicle may subject to unknown disturbances backstepping based techniques, these results require a very
from ocean currents (Fossen, 1994), making trajectory tracking restrictive assumption that yaw reference velocity must satisfy
control design a hard work. persistent excitation conditions and thus, it does not converge to
Focusing on the motion control of UUVs, trajectory tracking zero (Serrano et al., 2014). Consequently, the approach suffers
control has received relatively more attention than path following from the drawback that a vehicle cannot track straight-line
problem, since it is concerned with the design of control laws that reference trajectories.
force the vehicle to reach and follow a time-varying parameterized Compared with backstepping, adaptive control is considered to
trajectory. Currently, different control strategies that are available be better for plants with uncertainties because it can improve its
for the trajectory tracking and path following of UUVs are performance with little or no information of the bounds on
proposed in the literature. uncertainties. Hence, global output-feedback tracking control (Do
In Kaminer et al. (1998) and Khac and Jie (2009), a linearization et al., 2004a, 2004b; Bidyadhar et al., 2013), model-based output
method was proposed to solve the trajectory tracking control, feedback control (Refsnes et al., 2008), and adaptive output feed-
respectively. However, the basic limitation of the approach is that back control based on DRFNN (Ge and Wang, 2002; Zhang et al.,
2009) for underactuated UUVs were proposed, respectively. How-
ever, a drawback of these adaptive control approaches is compu-
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 86 15124525458. tationally intensive for higher order systems and effective only for
E-mail address: (M. Wang). constant and slowly varying parameters. Unlike above adaptive
0029-8018/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63 55

control, robust adaptive control technique shows the special

characteristics in trajectory tracking of underactuated UUVs with
unknown parameters and environmental disturbances. A novel
method of time delay control that can be thought of as “instanta-
neous learning” of the system dynamics was proposed in Kumar
et al. (2007). Implementation of the control law requires the
derivative of the system states to be known, which generally
considered as a drawback when it has to be calculated based on
the state measurement. In Do et al. (2004a, 2004b), a nonlinear
robust adaptive control strategy was proposed by using Lyapu-
nov's direct method, the popular backstepping and parameter
projection techniques.
In this paper, a methodology of the combination of backstep-
ping and adaptive dynamical sliding mode control is proposed for
Fig. 1. Reference frames of an unmanned underwater vehicle.
underactuated UUVs to deal with the planar trajectory tracking
control problem. In such a way, the proposed controller is robust
and adaptive to the systematical uncertainty and environmental
disturbances. Moreover, the proposed control law adopts virtual present the mathematical model of a neutrally buoyant UUV under
velocity error dynamics to represent attitude errors, and thus the following assumptions that (i) the center of mass (CM)
simplifies the representation of the controller. The position and coincides with the center of buoyancy (CB), (ii) the mass distribu-
attitude dynamical equations of an underactuated UUV are first tion is homogeneous, (iii) the hydrodynamic drag terms of order
derived and analyzed using coordinate transformation with the aid higher than two are negligible, and (iv) the heave, pitch, and roll
of backstepping technique. Subsequently, the output feedback motions can be neglected. Then, as by Repoulias and Papadopoulos
problem is tackled by employing adaptive sliding mode control (2007), the kinematics and dynamics of an underactuated UUV can
to estimate the systematical uncertain states required by the stable be expressed by the following differential equations:
velocity tracking controller. Also, to demonstrate the effectiveness 8_
and performance of the developed control strategy, simulation > x ¼ cos ðψ Þu  sin ðψ Þv;
results for the following three scenarios are presented as a circular > y_ ¼ sin ðψ Þu þ cos ðψ Þv;
trajectory with constant velocity, Dubins paths, and a sinusoidal < ψ_ ¼ r;
trajectory with time-varying velocity. The main contributions of τu þ τw1 ð1Þ
> u_ ¼ m d11
m11 vr  m11 u þ m11 ;

this paper can be summarized as follows: >

> v_ ¼  m11 ur  d22 v þ τw2 ;
m22 m22 m22
: r_ ¼ m11  m22 uv  d33 r þ τr þ τw3
(i) A methodology of the combination of backstepping and m33 m33 m33
adaptive sliding mode control is proposed to design control
algorithms for the trajectory tracking of underacutated UUVs.
Global uniform asymptotic stability of the overall control where (x, y) denotes the position coordinates of an UUV in the
system is proved in the paper. earth-fixed frame, ψ is the yaw angle of the vehicle, and u, v and r
(ii) Different from the traditional approach to construct Lyapunov are the surge, sway, and yaw velocities, respectively. The surge
functions, the paper utilizes a virtual velocity variable to force τu and the yaw torque τr are considered as the available
represent the attitude error, which can avoid the occurrence control inputs. Parameters mii and dii are assumed to be positive
of representation singularities and simplify the analytical constants and are given by the vehicle inertia and damping
expression of the controller. matrices. Clearly, the UUV is underactuated because the sway
(iii) To enhance the robustness of an underactuated UUV against force is missing in Eq. (1).
to model parameter uncertainties and unknown environmen-
tal disturbances, the novel sliding surfaces are designed in
terms of the velocity errors, position errors and approximate 2.2. Control objectives
errors. In comparison with the previous work, the controller
cannot only realize tracking the trajectories with constant In order to facilitate the formulation, we first define the actual
velocity, but also satisfy the constraints with time-varying variables p ¼ ½xðtÞ; yðtÞ; ψ ðtÞT and v ¼ ½uðtÞ; vðtÞ; rðtÞT . Let pd ¼ ½xd ðtÞ;
velocity. yd ðtÞ; ψ d ðtÞT be a given sufficiently smooth time-varying desired
trajectory with vd ¼ ½ud ðtÞ; vd ðtÞ; r d ðtÞT the reference velocity, and
its derivatives with respect to time are bounded. Considering the
underactuated UUVs represented in (1), we shall design a con-
2. Problem formulation troller to render all the tracking errors j j p  pd j j and j j v  vd j j
converge to a neighborhood of the origin that can be made
The section describes the kinematic and dynamic models of an arbitrarily small. Therefore, in comparison with path-following
underactuated UUV moving in the horizontal plane, and then problem, the control objective to force the underactuated vehicle
formulates the problem of trajectory tracking control. The notation given in (1) to asymptotically track a smooth time parameterized
is standard. trajectory by designing the control inputs τu and τr is considered
in the paper. In addition, the control laws should be robust against
2.1. UUV modeling to model parameter uncertainties and unknown environmental
disturbances while guaranteeing a satisfactory performance of the
To study the planar motion, the general kinematic and dynamic vehicle, so it is desired to design the controller that globally
equations of an UUV moving in the horizontal plane can be uniformly asymptotically stabilize the tracking errors of an under-
developed using an earth-fixed reference frame {E} and a body- actuated vehicle with systematical parametric uncertainties and
fixed reference frame {B} as shown in Fig. 1. Here, we briefly unknown disturbances from the ocean environment (Fig. 2).
56 J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63

Fig. 2. Dynamical sliding mode control scheme of an underactuated UUV.

3. Controller design curvature and twist due to the vehicle's high inertia and no control
input in the sway directions.
This section presents Lyapunov-based control laws using back-
stepping technique and dynamical sliding mode control method
for the underactuated UUVs with the dynamic parameters that are 3.2. Backstepping adaptive dynamical sliding mode controller design
uncertainty in the underwater environment. Before stating the
main result of the note, we first do the coordinate transformation This section presents a trajectory tracking controller based on
in a form that is easier amenable for stabilization. the combination of backstepping technique and sliding mode
control method (Cheng et al., 2007; Liao et al., 2011), and analyzes
3.1. Coordinate transformation the stability based on Lyapunov stability theory.

To facilitate the design of the controller, we introduced three Step 1: Considering the subsystem of Eq. (4), we chose a
error variables xe , ye , ψ e by the coordinate transformation. And the Lyapunov function candidate as follows:
desirable heading angle of the vehicle only relies on the reference 1
V 1 ¼ ðx2e þ y2e Þ ð5Þ
trajectory, that is 2
ψ d ¼ arc tan _ d ; ð2Þ Its derivatives along the solutions of the system (4) can be
Then the position and attitude errors xe , ye , ψ e are defined in
the body-fixed frame as V_ 1 ¼ xe ðu  vp cos ðψ e Þ þ rye Þ þye ðv þ vp sin ðψ e Þ  rxe Þ
2 3 2 32 3 ¼ xe ðu  vp cos ðψ e ÞÞ þ ye ðv þvp sin ðψ e ÞÞ ð6Þ
xe cos ðψ Þ sin ðψ Þ 0 x  xd
6y 7 6 76 7
4 e 5 ¼ 4  sin ðψ Þ cos ðψ Þ 0 54 y  yd 5 ð3Þ
The traditional design method is to choose ψ e to make ye
ψe 0 0 1 ψ ψd
converge to a neighborhood of the origin that can be made
where ðxd ; yd ; ψ d Þ represent the position and orientation of the arbitrarily small. It is, however, well known that the use of
vehicle in earth-fixed frame. Then, the derivatives of the position minimal attitude descriptions, such as Euler angles, can subject
tracking error variables along (1) can be obtained to the occurrence of representation singularities (Gianluca
( et al., 2001). It can be avoided by introducing a virtual velocity
x_ e ¼ u  vp cos ðψ e Þ þ rye ; variable, which is defined as follows:
y_ e ¼ v þ vp sin ðψ e Þ  rxe ;
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi αv ¼ vp sin ðψ e Þ ð7Þ
where vp ¼ x_ 2d þ y_ 2d .
From the expression of the virtual velocity, it makes the control
Assumption 1. The reference signals ud , r d , qd , u_ d , r_ d , q_ d are
of ψ e transform to the control of αv , which is a novelty in the
bounded. There exists a strictly positive constant ud min , such
control design.
thatj ud ðtÞj Z ud min , 8 t Z 0. The reference sway velocity satisfies:
In order to make V_ 1 negative, u and αv are considered as the
j vd ðtÞj o j ud ðtÞj , 8 t Z 0.
virtual controls, and their desired values ud and αvd are chosen
Remark: The condition j ud ðtÞj Zud min , 8 t Z 0, covers both
forward and backward tracking since the reference surge velocity
is always nonzero but can be either positive or negative. Indeed, ud ¼ vp cos ðψ e Þ  k1 xe =E ð8Þ
the condition j ud ðtÞj Zud min , 8 t Z 0, is much less restrictive than a
persistently exciting condition on the yaw reference velocity. The
αvd ¼  v  k2 ye =E ð9Þ
condition j vd ðtÞj o j ud ðtÞj , 8 t Z 0 implies that the underactuated where E ¼ 1 þ x2e þ y2e . It avoids the occurrence of the velo-
underwater vehicle cannot track a helix with an arbitrarily large cities ud , αvd beyond the vehicle can reach when the initial
J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63 57

conditions xe , ye are too large. And k1 , k2 are positive constants To this end, it is a rule to find a control law to move toward the
needed to be chosen later. sliding manifold. Consider the Lyapunov function candidate
Step 2: Considering that ud and αvd are not true controls, thus 1
we have to introduce error variables ue andαve , described by V 3 ¼ V 2 þ m11 S21 ð19Þ
ue ¼ u ud ; αve ¼ αv  αvd ð10Þ
Its derivative becomes
To this end, the derivatives of the errors xe and ye are arranged V_ 3 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E þ αve ye þ m11 ue S1 c1 m11 u2e
as _ _
( þ ðue  F^ 1 ÞðF 1  F^ 1 Þ þ S1 ½c1 ðF 1 þ τu Þ þ T 1 þ F^ 1 þ x_ e  ð20Þ
x_ e ¼ ue  k1 xe =E þ rye
y_ e ¼ αve  k2 ye =E  rxe
If we choose dynamical sliding mode control law T 1 as
T 1 ¼  c1 ðF^ 1 þ τu Þ  F^ 1  x_ e  m11 ue  ks1 sgnðS1 Þ  ws1 S1 ð21Þ
Thus, Eq. (6) can be rewritten as
where ks1 and ws1 are positive constants. Then, yields
V_ 1 ¼  ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E þ ue xe þ αve ye ð12Þ
V_ 3 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E þ αve ye  c1 m11 u2e  ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21
The task now is to stabilize the error variables ue and αve . In þ ðue  F^ 1 þ c1 S1 ÞðF 1  F^ 1 Þ ð22Þ
this step, we first design controller to stabilize the component
ue . Differentiating ue with respect to time, the surge velocity Designing the adaptive law of the uncertain term F 1 as follows:
equation, using the new variables, yields
F^ 1 ¼ ue þ c1 S1 ð23Þ
u_ e ¼ u_  u_ d
m22 vr  d11 u þ τw1  m11 u_ d þ τ u Then the time derivative of V 3 yields
m11 V_ 3 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E  c1 m11 u2e ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21 þ αve ye ð24Þ
ðF 1 þ τu Þ
¼ ð13Þ
where F 1 ¼ m22 vr  d11 u þ τw1  m11 u_ d . Step 3: In this step, the component αve will be considered to be
Then, consider the following Lyapunov function candidate: stabilized. Differentiating αve with respect to time, the virtual
velocity equation, using the new variables, yields
1 1 α_ ve ¼ α_ v  α_ vd
V 2 ¼ V 1 þ m11 u2e þ ðF 1  F^ 1 Þ2 ð14Þ
2 2 ¼ v_ p sin ðψ e Þ þ vp cos ðψ e Þðr  ψ_ d Þ þ v_ þ k2 ðE  1  y2e E  3 Þy_ e
where F^ 1 is an approximate value of the uncertain term F 1 .  k2 xe ye E  3 x_ e
One of the contributions in the paper is to resolve control F2
problems of underactuated UUVs with the systematical uncer- ¼ v_ p sin ðψ e Þ þ vp cos ðψ e Þðr  ψ_ d Þ þ þQ1 ð25Þ
tainty and unknown environmental disturbances. According to
the currently popular nonlinear techniques, dynamical sliding where F 2 ¼  m11 ur  d22 v þ τw2 , Q 1 ¼ k2 ðE  1  y2e E  3 Þy_ e 
mode control method can be introduced and the novel sliding k2 xe ye E  3 x_ e .
manifold is designed in terms of tracking errors and approx- Before proceeding to the next step of the design, some
imate errors. First, the sliding manifold S1 yields manipulations on the virtual error dynamics equation can be
performed. In order to make V_ 3 negative, r is considered as a
virtual control, and its desired value r d is chosen as
xe ðF 1  F^ 1 Þ
S1 ¼ c1 ue þ u_ e þ   v_ p sin ðψ e Þ  F^ 2 =m22  Q 1  k3 αve  ye =m22
m11 m11 r d ¼ ψ_ d þ ð26Þ
vp cos ðψ e Þ
ðF^ 1 þ τu Þ þ xe
¼ c 1 ue þ ð15Þ
m11 where F^ 2 is an approximate value of the uncertain termF 2 . And
k3 is a positive constant to be chosen later.
where c1 is a positive constant. Then, the time derivative of ue
Considering that r d is not a true control, we have to introduce
error variable r e as follows:
xe ðF 1  F^ 1 Þ re ¼ r  rd ð27Þ
u_ e ¼ S1  c1 ue  þ ð16Þ
m11 m11

Then, the time derivative of αve yields

Differentiating V 2 with respect to time along Eq. (16), we can
obtain its time derivative easily α_ ve ¼ r e vp cos ðψ e Þ þ ðF 2  F^ 2 Þ=m22  k3 αve  ye =m22 ð28Þ

V_ 2 ¼  ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E þ αve ye þ m11 ue S1  c1 m11 u2e

_ In a similar way, consider the following Lyapunov function:
þ ðue  F^ 1 ÞðF 1  F^ 1 Þ ð17Þ
1 1
V 4 ¼ V 3 þ m22 α2ve þ ðF 2  F^ 2 Þ2 ð29Þ
2 2
If we select T 1 ¼ τ_ u , then S_ 1 becomes

_ Its derivative becomes

c1 ðF 1 þ τu Þ þ T 1 þ F^ 1 þ x_ e
S_ 1 ¼ ð18Þ V_ 4 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E  c1 m11 u2e k3 m22 α2ve  ks1 j S1 j
58 J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63

 ws1 S21 þ ðαve  F^ 2 ÞðF 2  F^ 2 Þ þ m22 αve r e vp cos ðψ e Þ ð30Þ Differentiating V 5 with respect to time, and substituting (36)
into V_ 5 , then its derivative becomes
Designing the adaptive law of the uncertain term F 2 as follows: V_ 5 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E c1 m11 u2e ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21  k3 m22 α2ve
_ _
F^ 2 ¼ αve ð31Þ þ m33 r e S2  c2 m33 r 2e þ ðr e  F^ 3 ÞðF 3  F^ 3 Þ ð37Þ

Differentiating (35) with respect to time, if we select T 2 ¼ τ_ r ,

Then, the derivative of V 4 yields then S_ 2 becomes
V_ 4 ¼  ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E  c1 m11 u2e  ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21  k3 m22 α2ve _
c2 ðF 3 þ τr Þ þ T 2 þ F^ 3 _
þ m22 αve r e vp cos ðψ e Þ ð32Þ S_ 2 ¼ þQ2 ð38Þ
Step 4: Considering the error r e as an auxiliary control, hence, Q_ 2 ¼ ðm22 =m33 Þ½α
_ ve vp cos ðψ e Þ þ αve v_ p cos ðψ e Þ  αve vp sin ðr  ψ_ d Þ.
in this step, we shall design the control laws to stabilize the Consider the Lyapunov function candidate as follows:
componentr e . Differentiating r e with respect to time, the
angular velocity equation, using the new variables, yields V 6 ¼ V 5 þ m33 S22 ð39Þ
r_ e ¼ r_  r_ d
Its derivative becomes
ðm11  m22 Þuv  d33 r þ τw3  m33 r_ d þ τr
m33 V_ 6 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E c1 m11 u2e ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21  k3 m22 α2ve
ðF 3 þ τr Þ _
¼ ð33Þ  c2 m33 r 2e þ m33 r e S2 þ ðr e  F^ 3 ÞðF 3  F^ 3 Þ
c2 ðF 3 þ τr Þ þ T 2 þ F^ 3 _
where F 3 ¼ ðm11 m22 Þuv  d33 r þ τw3  m33 r_ d . þ m33 S2 ð þ Q 2Þ ð40Þ
If we choose dynamical sliding mode control law T 2 as
As a similar way, we consider the following Lyapunov function
candidate: T 2 ¼  c2 ðF^ 3 þ τr Þ  F^ 3  m33 r e  m33 Q_ 2  ks2 sgnðS2 Þ  ws2 S2 ð41Þ
1 1
V 5 ¼ V 4 þ m33 r 2e þ ðF 3  F^ 3 Þ2 ð34Þ where ks2 and ws2 are positive constants. Then, substituting (41)
2 2 into (40), the equation can be rewritten as
where F^ 3 is estimate value of the uncertain term F 3 .
V_ 6 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E c1 m11 u2e ks1 j S1 j  ws1 S21  k3 m22 α2ve
Then, choosing dynamical sliding mode function as follows:
 c2 m33 r 2e  ks2 j S2 j  ws2 S22 þ ðr e  F^ 3 þ c2 S2 ÞðF 3  F^ 3 Þ ð42Þ
m22 αve vp cos ðψ e Þ ðF 3  F^ 3 Þ
S2 ¼ c2 r e þ r_ e þ  Designing the adaptive law of the uncertain term F 3 as follows:
m33 m33
ðF^ 3 þ τr Þ þ m22 αve vp cos ðψ e Þ F^ 3 ¼ r e þc2 S2 ð43Þ
¼ c2 r e þ
m33 Then, the time derivative of V 6 yields
ðF^ 3 þ τr Þ V_ 6 ¼ ðk1 x2e þ k2 y2e Þ=E k3 m22 α2ve  c1 m11 u2e  c2 m33 r 2e  ks1 j S1 j
¼ c2 r e þ þQ2 ð35Þ
 ws1 S21  ks2 j S2 j  ws2 S22 r 0 ð44Þ
where Q 2 ¼ ðm22 αve vp cos ðψ e Þ=m33 Þ, and c2 is a positive constant.
Then Theorem 1. Consider an underactuated UUV moving in the hori-
zontal plane with dynamics (1) and satisfying Assumption 1, adaptive
ðF 3  F^ 3 Þ laws (23), (31) and (43), under the action of control laws (21) and
r_ e ¼ S2  c2 r e Q 2 þ ð36Þ
m33 (41), then the tracking error z ¼ ½xe ; ye ; ue ; αve ; r e ; F~ 1 ; F~ 2 ; F~ 3  converges

Fig. 3. The MATLAB/Simulink framework for the trajectory tracking controller.

J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63 59

150 30




0 100 200 300 400 500 600


0 0.5

-50 -0.5


-100 -1.5
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
x(m) t(s)

2 4

1 S2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
t(s) 2
sliding surface

0 1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0

-0.5 -2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t(s) t(s)

0 400

-200 300
error of F


0 100 200 300 400 500 600

adaptiv e approx imate errors

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 t(s)
error of F
2 50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600


error of F
-50 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t(s) t(s)

Fig. 4. Simulation results of circular tracking (red dotted line: desired reference; blue solid line: the actual result). (a) Circular trajectory. (b) Tracking errors of position and
yaw angle. (c) Velocity-tracking results. (d) Sliding surfaces. (e) Adaptive approximate errors. (f) Control inputs. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
60 J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63

150 30



-50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600



-200 -0.5

-250 -1

-300 -1.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
x(m) t(s)


3 S2

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t(s) 1
sliding surface


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -2
1 -3

0 -4

-1 -5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t(s) t(s)

500 600
error of F1


0 100 200 300 400 500 600

adaptive approximate errors

error of F2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 t(s)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

error of F3

0 -100

-200 -200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
t(s) t(s)

Fig. 5. Simulation results of Dubins paths tracking (red dotted line: desired reference; blue solid line: the actual result). (a) Dubins paths. (b) Tracking errors of position and
yaw angle. (c) Velocity-tracking results. (d) Sliding surfaces. (e) Adaptive approximate errors. (f) Control inputs. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

to zero, where F~ i ¼ F i  F^ i , i ¼ 1; 2; 3. Therefore, the final controlled found in Repoulias (2007). Taking γ ¼ min ½ekmax 1 k2
; emax ; c1 ; k3 ; c2 ;
system is globally uniformly asymptotically stable. ws1 ws2
1; 1; 1; m ; , then, _ 6 r  2γ V 6 , which employing the compar-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 11 m22
Proof If we define ρ ¼ ½xe ; ye ; m11 ue ; m22 αve ; m33 r e ; ison Lemma, yieldsV 6 ðtÞ r V 6 ð0Þe  2γ t for t A ½0; þ 1Þ. Doing the
~F 1 ; F~ 2 ; F~ 3 ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
m11 S1 ; m22 S2 , then, considering the Lyapunov func- algebra, we conclude that j j ρðtÞj j r j j ρð0Þj j e  γ t , t A ½0; þ1Þ.
tion (39), one can obtain 2V 6 ¼ j j ρ j j 2 . It is straightforward to Hence the tracking error z converges to zero and the overall
prove that ρ converges to zero using a similar approach as that system is globally uniformly asymptotically stable.
J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63 61

150 30




50 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


0 0.5



-100 -1
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
x(m) t(s)

2 2

1 1.5 S2

0 1
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
1 0.5
sliding surface

0 0

-1 -0.5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

0 -1.5

-0.1 -2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
t(s) t(s)

500 400
error of F1
0 300


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

adaptive approximate errors

error of F2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 t(s)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

error of F3

-20 -50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
t(s) t(s)

Fig. 6. Simulation results of sinusoidal tracking (red dotted line: desired reference; blue solid line: the actual result). (a) Sinusoidal trajectory. (b) Tracking errors of position
and yaw angle. (c) Velocity-tracking results. (d) Sliding surfaces. (e) Adaptive approximate errors. (f) Control inputs. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Simulation and discussion parameters of the kinematics and dynamics (1) are m ¼ 185 kg;
I z ¼ 50 kgm ; X u_ ¼  30 kg; Y v_ ¼ 80 kg; N r_ ¼  30 kg; X u ¼
In this section, three simulation examples are included to 70 kg=s; X uj uj ¼ 100 kg=m; Y v ¼ 100 kg=s; Y vj vj ¼ 200 kg=m;
illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed control Nr ¼ 50 kg m2 =s; N r j r j ¼ 100 kg m2 as in Pettersen (2009). Also,
scheme. The simulation studies are performed in MATLAB/Simu- m11 ¼ m  X u_ ; m22 ¼ m  Y v_ ; m33 ¼ I z  Z r_ ; d11 ¼ X u þX uj uj j uj ;
link, and the framework of the system is shown in Fig. 3. The d22 ¼ Y v þ Y vj vj j vj ; d33 ¼ N r þ N r j rj j rj : Here, the desired reference
62 J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63

trajectories of three scenarios are as follows: (1) a circular errors, where very good tracking ability is observed in the case of
trajectory with constant velocity xd ¼ 100 sin ð0:01tÞ; yd ¼ large initial errors and abovementioned constraints. Then, the
100 cos ð0:01tÞ; (2) so called Dubins paths as in Fossen et al. satisfactory performance of the underactuated system, when the
(2015) that are constructed by the interconnection of two straight speed of the desired trajectory changes continually, is duly
lines with a circle arc; and (3) a sinusoidal trajectory with time- analyzed in Fig. 6. The sinusoidal trajectory is generated with a
varying velocity xd ¼ t; yd ¼ 100 sin ð0:01tÞ. Initial position and time-varying linear velocity u and a yaw velocity r. And from the
yaw angle tracking errors exist in all scenarios and initial velocities sway velocity v, the tracking results do not present the disadvan-
are ðu; v; rÞ ¼ ð0; 0; 0Þ. To guarantee global uniform asymptotic tage in previous work that imposes the yaw velocity to be nonzero.
stability of the overall system, the control gains are chosen as In order to obtain clear and readable results of tracking perfor-
k1 ¼ 1:7; k2 ¼ 1; k3 ¼ 0:1; c1 ¼ 0:8; c2 ¼ 1:3; ks1 ¼ ks2 ¼ 0:5; mance, some other important variables, such as the dynamic
ws1 ¼ ws2 ¼ 1, which can be easily obtained by using the MATLAB sliding surface and adaptive approximate errors are also displayed
by trial and error. Without loss of generality, the time-varying in Fig. 6(d) and (e), respectively. Values taken by the control
disturbances are generated similar to that of Ghommam et al. actions so that the underwater vehicle can track the desired
(2010), which are given by reference trajectory are shown in Fig. 6(f). In all of above simula-
8 tion results, the validity and advantages of the proposed method
< τw1 ¼ 10 m11 þ λð sin ð0:01tÞ  1ÞðNÞ
> are sufficiently demonstrated.
τw2 ¼ 10  1 m22 þ λð sin ð0:01tÞ  1ÞðNÞ ð45Þ
τw3 ¼ 10  1 m33 þ λð sin ð0:01tÞ  1ÞðNmÞ
5. Conclusion
where λ ¼ r and ð UÞ is the Gaussian random noise with a magni-
tude of one and zero lower bound. In order to demonstrate the In this work, the planar trajectory tracking control problem for
robustness of the proposed controller against to systematical underactuated UUVs in the presence of possibly large systematical
parametric uncertainties and unknown disturbances, all simula- modeling uncertainty and unknown environmental disturbances
tions results are presented with aforementioned environmental is addressed. And a methodology of the combination of back-
disturbances and errors of the order of 10% on all system para- stepping technique and adaptive dynamical sliding mode control
meters. Specially, we assume that the system parameters will method is proposed to resolve the environmental disturbances
simultaneously increase 10% to the actual model. It will be shown and systematical parametric uncertainties. Global uniform asymp-
below that even with these uncertainties, satisfactory performance totic stability of the overall system is demonstrated based on
of the underactuated UUV can be maintained. To illustrate the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Lyapunov stability theory. From the simulation results, the pro-
following simulation results clearer, we define e ¼ x2e þ y2e , where posed controller can remain satisfactory performance of an under-
e is the total position-tracking error that represents the planar actuated UUV inspite of the cases of a circular trajectory tracking
distance between the actual vehicle and the desired. with constant surge velocity, Dubins paths or even the sinusoidal
Fig. 4 shows the simulation results for tracking a circular trajectory tracking with time-varying velocity. In comparison with
trajectory with constant velocity. From Fig. 4(a)–(c), it is clearly the previous published control laws (Yu et al., 2012), a novel
to see that all of the tracking errors are sufficiently small and the dynamical sliding surface is designed in terms of velocity tracking
good performance can be maintained even in the presence of errors, position tracking errors and approximate errors as a new
systematical parametric uncertainties and unknown environmen- form to guarantee the convergence of all trajectory tracking errors.
tal disturbances. It is noted that the proposed method in this paper Different from the control design in Do et al. (2004a, 2004b), the
does not directly design ψ e to make all of the tracking errors in method proposed here adopts virtual velocity dynamics to repre-
sway direction converge to a neighborhood of the origin that can sent attitude errors, thus avoids differentiating the errors of
be made arbitrarily small as in Do et al. (2004a, 2004b). To simplify orientation such that it simplifies the representation of the control
the expression of the controller, a virtual velocity variation is laws with the aid of backstepping technique. Further work can
constructed to represent attitude errors, thus avoids differentiat- extend the results to the case of three-dimensional trajectory
ing the errors of orientation. In order to verify the robustness of tracking control for underactuated UUVs with non-diagonal inertia
the proposed controller, the novel dynamical sliding surfaces and and damping matrices, high-order damping terms. In addition, the
adaptive approximate errors are presented in Fig. 4(d) and (e). developed methodology for the controller design can be also
Fig. 4(f) shows that the actual control inputs of the underactuated applied for other types of underactuated systems with nonholo-
UUV under aforementioned conditions. nomic velocity constraints.
Fig. 5 shows the simulation results for Scenario 2. The trajec-
tory shown in Fig. 5(a) is constructed by the interconnection of
two straight lines with a circle arc, which is motivated by the
results of so-called Dubins paths in Fossen et al. (2015). It is clearly
to see that the proposed method can track not only straight lines
but also curve trajectories. To present the time constraints of This work was supported by the National Natural Science
trajectory tracking, we can clearly see that three obviously Foundation of China under Grant 51179038, and partly supported
different velocities are required in the tracking of Dubins paths by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
from Fig.5(c). It is noted that the dynamic responses of the vehicle under Grant HEUCFX041401 and Harbin Engineering University
are sufficiently fast when yaw angle are suddenly changed due to Science and Technology on Underwater Vehicle Laboratory under
the transition from circle arc to straight line at time 400 s. As Grant 9140C270208140C27004.
noticed before, all of the tracking results sufficiently demonstrate
the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Fig. 6 shows the tracking results for Scenario 3. Different from Appendix A. Supporting information
the circular trajectory tracking aforementioned, here the controller
has to deal with time-varying velocity that results in time-varying Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
nonlinear dynamical couplings, see Eq. (1). Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows the online version at
the desired and actual sinusoidal trajectory, including tracking 022.
J. Xu et al. / Ocean Engineering 105 (2015) 54–63 63

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