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Handwriting, key Vocabulary,

Tests & Dictation

Designed & written by:

Ragab Ahmed
3 - First Term 2021 1
‫الر ْح َم ٰـن َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫اللـه َّ‬ ‫بْ‬
‫يم‬ ‫ح‬
‫ِ ِ‬ ‫الر‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫م‬‫ِ‬ ‫س‬ ‫ِ‬
‫يســعدني أن أقــدم لكــم‪ :‬كراســة الخــط ‪ Handwriting‬كاملــة للصــف الثالــث االبتدائــي‬ ‫ ‬
‫‪ Connect 3‬بمناســبة العــام الدراســي الجديــد ‪ ،2020/2021‬وهــذا العمــل مكمــل لجميــع‬
‫الكتــب الخارجيــة وكتــاب المدرســة لمــا يتضمنــه مــن أشــياء عديــدة إضافيــة (خــط ‪ ،‬امتحانــات ‪،‬‬
‫إمــاء ‪،‬أهــم كلمــات الوحــدة ‪.). ...‬‬
‫• • محتويات المذكرة • •‬
‫‪ - 1‬جميع كلمات وجمل الفصل الدراسي األول ‪ +‬شرح القواعد بطريقة سهلة وبسيطة‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2‬جميع الكلمات بالصورعالية الجودة ‪ ،‬والدقة ال تقل عن ‪ 300‬نقطة‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 3‬المحتوي تم تصميمه وكتابته على ‪Adobe InDesign 2020‬‬
‫‪ - 4‬أقل عدد صفحات ستراه يتضمن جميع أجزاء المنهج‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 5‬أهم كلمات الوحدة في صفحة واحدة فقط (‪ 30‬كلمة)‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 6‬جزء جديد خاص باإلمالء ‪ Dictation‬ألهم ‪ 20‬كلمة بصورعالية الجودة والوضوح‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 7‬ثالثة امتحانات قصيرة على الوحدة تضم جميع الكلمات والجمل ال ُمتعلقة بالدروس‪.‬‬
‫حساب فودافون‬ ‫‪ - 8‬عدد الصفحات ‪ 116‬صفحة‪.‬‬
‫كاش‬ ‫‪ - 9‬المحتوي بدون عالمة مائية داخل الصفحات‪.‬‬
‫‪0100 393 2818‬‬ ‫• • مالحظات هامة • •‬
‫• العمل مجاني لجميع أولياء أمور تالميذ الصف الثالث االبتدائي‪.‬‬
‫• العمل مجاني ألي ُمعلم تقل مجموعته الدراسية في الصف الثالث عن ‪(10‬عشرة) تالميذ‪.‬‬
‫• فض ـاً وليــس أمــرا ً ‪ ،‬لــو المذكــرة عجبــت حضرتــك ونــاوي تشــتغل منهــا وتطبعهــا فــي شــغلك‬
‫الخــاص ‪ ،‬عليــك أن تســاهم فــي مقابــل رمــزي فقــط ‪ 30‬جنيهــا ً (ثالثــون جنيهــاً) للتــرم الواحــد‬
‫يتــم شــحنها فودافــون كاش (وهــي خدمــة مثــل تحويــل رصيــد مــن أي محــل تلفونــات) علــى هــذا‬
‫الرقــم ‪ ، 0100 393 2818‬وبعدهــا يحــق لــك عمــل غــاف باســمك علــى المحتــوي وتوزيعــه‬
‫بمدرســتك أوعلــى تالميــذك ولــو احتجــت أي صفحــات معينــة مــن المحتــوي أو أي استفســار عــن‬
‫طريــق ‪ Facebook‬أو ‪WhatsApp‬‬
‫وذلك لعدة أسباب‪:‬‬
‫‪ - 1‬لتغطية تكاليف اإلعداد والتجهيز حيث أنني مشترك في مواقع مدفوعة للصور وليست مجانية‬
‫حرصا ً مني علي إخراج العمل بهذا الشكل االحترافي‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 2‬شراء نسخة ُمرخصة من برنامج النشر المكتبي ‪.Adobe InDesign‬‬
‫‪ - 3‬شراء نسخة أصلية من نظام تشغيل ‪Windows‬‬
‫‪ - 4‬حتى يكون ذلك سببا ً في تنفيذ أعمال أخري للمناهج الجديدة بنفس الجودة العالية‪.‬‬
‫** هذا العمل أخذ جهدا ً كبيرا ً في اإلعداد وهو بين أيديكم بشكل شبه مجاني **‬
‫• • تصميم وكتابة • •‬
‫‪Ragab Ahmed‬‬
‫عــن أبــي هريــرة رضــي هللا عنــه أن رســول هللا صلــى هللا عليــه وســلم قــال‪ « :‬إِذَا َمــاتَ ا ْبــنُ آ َد َم‬
‫عــو لَ ـهُ»‬ ‫ص َدقَ ـ ٍة َج ِاريَ ـةٍ‪ ،‬أ َ ْو ِع ْلـ ٍـم يُ ْنتَفَ ـ ُع ِب ـ ِه ‪ ،‬أ َ ْو َولَ ـ ٍد َ‬
‫صا ِلــحٍ يَ ْد ُ‬ ‫ـن ثَــاثٍ‪َ :‬‬ ‫ا ْنقَ َط ـ َع َ‬
‫ع َملُ ـهُ إِال ِمـ ْ‬
‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
I feel happy!
!‫(أنا) أشعر بالسعادة‬

3 - First Term 2021 1

Unit 1 I feel happy! - Lesson 1

happy hot thirsty hungry

‫سعيد‬ ‫ حران‬، ‫يشعر بالحر‬ ‫عطشان‬ ‫جائع‬
happy hot thirsty hungry

excited angry sad tired

‫ ُمثار‬، ‫ منفعل‬، ‫ُمتحمس‬ ‫غاضب‬ ‫حزين‬ ‫متعب‬
excited angry sad tired

3 - First Term 2021 2

How do you feel? I feel tired.
‫كيف تشعر؟‬ .‫(أنا) أشعر بالتعب‬
How do you feel? I feel tired.

I feel hungry. I feel thirsty.

.‫(أنا) أشعر بالجوع‬ .‫(أنا) أشعر بالعطش‬
I feel hungry. I feel thirsty.

3 - First Term 2021 3

Unit 1 - Lesson 2

unhappy unkind kitchen mommy

‫غري سعيد‬ ‫ قاس‬، ‫ غري حنون‬، ‫غري لطيف‬ ‫مطبخ‬ ‫أم‬
unhappy unkind kitchen mommy

game sandwich kind juice

‫لعبة‬ ‫ساندوتش‬ ‫ حنون‬، ‫ كريم‬، ‫لطيف‬ ‫عصري‬
game sandwich kind juice

3 - First Term 2021 4

Unit 1 - Lesson 3

healthy food strawberry chocolate

‫طعام صحي‬ ‫فراولة‬ ‫شكوالته‬
healthy food strawberry chocolate

ice cream burger cheese

‫أيس كريم‬ ‫ساندوتش برجر‬ ‫جبنه‬
ice cream burger cheese

3 - First Term 2021 5

Unit 1 - Lesson 4

drink eat sleep play

‫يرشب‬ ‫يأكل‬ ‫ينام‬ ‫يلعب‬
drink eat sleep play

watch TV don’t exercise walk

‫يشاهد التلفاز‬ )‫ال تفعل (اليشء‬ ‫يتدرب‬ ‫مييش‬
watch TV don’t exercise walk

3 - First Term 2021 6

go by car vegetables sports
‫يذهب بالسيارة‬ ‫خرضوات‬ ‫ألعاب رياضية‬
go by car vegetables sports

bananas television board games

‫موز‬ ‫تلفزيون‬ ‫ألعاب طاولة‬
bananas television board games

3 - First Term 2021 7

Unit 1 - Lesson 5

feel happy leaf bee

‫يشعر بالسعادة‬ )‫ورقة (نبات‬ ‫نحلة‬
feel happy leaf bee

clean sleep eat

‫ نظيف‬، ‫ينظف‬ ‫ينام‬ ‫يأكل‬
clean sleep eat

3 - First Term 2021 8

meat team green
‫لحم‬ ‫فريق‬ ‫أخرض‬
meat team green

meet Shereen playground

‫يقابل‬ )‫رشين (اسم‬ ‫ملعب‬
meet Shereen playground

3 - First Term 2021 9

Unit 1 - Lesson 6

long millimeters centimeters

‫طويل‬ ‫مليمرتات‬ ‫سنتيمرتات‬
long = tall millimeters centimeters

thumb finger hand

‫إصبع اإلبهام‬ ‫اصبع اليد‬ ‫يد‬
thumb finger hand

3 - First Term 2021 10

K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 1

feel 16
excited 17 ice cream
happy 18
sad 19
thirsty 20
hungry 21
healthy food
hot 22
tired 23
exercise 24
angry 25
kitchen 26
living room 27
mommy 28
kind 29
sandwich 30
3 - First Term 2021 11
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 1
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 c 3 a
b e b
s s r
sandwic_ ch_se thi_sty

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. happy - finger - sad .......................................
2. chicken - bananas - apples .......................................
3. green - red - excited .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 12

Mini-Test (2) on Unit 1
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. drink

2. eat

3. angry

4. juice

5. living room

2. Unscramble and write.

gaem graspe berrystraw riec

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

foo..... sle.....p m.....t .....inger

3 - First Term 2021 13

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 1
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. How do you ........................... ? “ I feel hungry.”
a feels b feel c feeling
2. I like to drink ........................... .
a cheese b strawberry c juice
3. What ........................... is it? “ It’s green and yellow.”
a animal b bird c colour
4. How ........................... is it? “ It’s two centimeters long.”
a long b name c class

2. Look and answer the questions:

1 How do you feel? 2 What is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 Is it green? 4 How do you feel?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. how do you feel today

2. we feel happy

3 - First Term 2021 14

‫‪Unit 1 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫يرشب‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫أرز‬ ‫شكوالته‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫عصري‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫فراولة‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫عنب‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫لعبة‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫ورقة (نبات)‬

‫إصبع اليد‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫اللون األخرض‬

‫لحم‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫جائع‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫جزر‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬

What’s the matter?
‫ مام تشكو؟‬، ‫ما املشكلة؟‬

3 - First Term 2021 16

Unit 2 What’s the matter? - Lesson 1

sick medicine glass water

‫مريض‬ ‫دواء‬ ‫كوب‬ ‫مياه‬
sick medicine glass water

fever cough headache cold

‫حمى‬ ‫ سعال‬، ‫كحة‬ ‫صداع‬ ‫برد‬
fever cough headache cold

3 - First Term 2021 17

What’s the matter? I have a cough.
‫ مام تشكو؟‬، ‫ما املشكلة؟‬ .‫عندي كحة‬
What’s the matter? I have a cough.

I have a fever. I have a cold.

.‫عندي حمى‬ .‫عندي برد‬
I have a fever. I have a cold.

3 - First Term 2021 18

Unit 2 - Lesson 2

foot feet arm leg

‫قدم‬ ‫أقدام‬ ‫ذراع‬ ‫رجل‬

mouth nose eye hand

‫فم‬ ‫أنف‬ ‫عني‬ ‫يد‬

3 - First Term 2021 19

heart skin bones
‫قلب‬ )‫حيوان‬/‫ برشة (إنسان‬، ‫جلد‬ ‫عظام‬
heart skin bones

stomach blood body

‫معده‬ ‫دم‬ ‫ جسم‬، ‫جسد‬
stomach blood body

3 - First Term 2021 20

This is my heart. This is my skin.
.‫هذا قلبي‬ .‫هذه برشيت‬
This is my heart. This is my skin.

This is my bone. This is my stomach.

.‫هذه عظامي‬ .‫هذه معديت‬
This is my bone. This is my stomach.

3 - First Term 2021 21

Unit 2 - Lesson 3

stay at home drink water listen to

‫ميكث بالبيت‬ ‫يرشب املياه‬ ‫يستمع إيل‬
stay at home drink water listen to

music take medicine play tennis

‫موسيقي‬ ‫يأخذ الدواء‬ ‫يلعب تنس‬
music take medicine play tennis

3 - First Term 2021 22

cupboard shelf adult
‫دوالب‬ ‫رف‬ )‫شخص بالغ (كبري‬
cupboard shelf adult

nurse doctor ill = sick

‫ممرضة‬ ‫طبيب‬ ‫مريض‬
nurse doctor ill = sick

3 - First Term 2021 23

Unit 2 - Lesson 4

sick skin black skirt

‫مريض‬ ‫ برشة‬، ‫جلد‬ ‫أسود‬ ‫ جونله‬، ‫جيبه‬
sick skin black skirt

sky duck garden kick

‫سامء‬ ‫بطة‬ ‫حديقة‬ )‫يركل (يشوط الكرة‬
sky duck garden kick

3 - First Term 2021 24

Unit 2 - Lesson 5

smile wash exercise

‫يبتسم‬ ‫يغسل‬ ‫يتدرب‬
smile wash exercise

eat healthy food tissues

‫يأكل‬ ‫طعام صحي‬ ‫مناديل ورق‬
eat healthy food tissues

3 - First Term 2021 25

brush teeth toothpaste
‫يغسل بالفرشاة‬ ‫أسنان‬ ‫معجون أسنان‬
brush teeth toothpaste

soap water dry hands

‫صابون‬ ‫مياه‬ ‫يجفف اليدين‬
soap water dry hands

3 - First Term 2021 26

Unit 2 - Lesson 6

nurse children hospital

‫ممرضة‬ ‫أطفال‬ ‫مستشفي‬
nurse children hospital

jobs help sick = ill

‫ أعامل‬، ‫وظائف‬ ‫يساعد‬ ‫مريض‬
jobs help sick = ill

3 - First Term 2021 27

K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 2

headache 16
cold 17 heart
cough 18
fever 19
medicine 20
sick 21
7 glass 22
water 23
foot 24
feet 25
eye 26
eyes 27
leg 28
arm 29
nose 30
3 - First Term 2021 28
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 2
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 r 3 a
k e b
s s s
sic_ wate_ no_e

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. arm - leg - headache .......................................
2. drink - eyes - eat .......................................
3. fever - black - cough .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 29

Mini-Test (2) on Unit 2
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. cold

2. fever

3. arm

4. skirt

5. skin

2. Unscramble and write.

shefl hmout musci garnde

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

coug__ medi__ine gla__s fo__t

3 - First Term 2021 30

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 2
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. What’s the matter? “ I have a ......................................... .”
a happy b kind c fever
2. This ......................................... my heart.
a am b is c are
3. ......................................... do you do? “ I’m a nurse”
a What b Where c How
4. What’s your ......................................... ? “ My name is Ragab.”
a job b name c colour

2. Look and answer the questions:

1 What’s the matter? 2 What’s the matter?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 What do you do? 4 Where do you work?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. what’s the matter

2. i have a headache

3 - First Term 2021 31

‫‪Unit 2 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫معده‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫جلد ‪ ،‬برشة‬ ‫طبيب ‪ ،‬دكتور‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫دواء‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫مناديل ورق‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫بطة‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫اللون األسود‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫يأكل‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫أنف‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫مياه‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫مريض‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪32‬‬

On the weekend
‫يف عطلة نهاية األسبوع‬

3 - First Term 2021 33

Unit 3 On the weekend - Lesson 1

draw pictures listen to music Very good.

‫يرسم صور‬ ‫يستمع إيل املوسيقي‬ . ً‫جيد جدا‬
draw pictures listen to music Very good.

magnet music sports

‫مغناطيس‬ ‫موسيقي‬ ‫ألعاب رياضية‬
magnet music sports

3 - First Term 2021 34

playing sports pop music
‫ميارس ألعاب رياضية‬ )‫موسيقي البوب (هي موسيقي شعبية و شائعة‬
playing sports pop music

collecting magnets photo

‫يجمع املغناطيس‬ ‫صورة‬
collecting magnets photo

3 - First Term 2021 35

‫‪taking photos‬‬ ‫‪singing a song‬‬
‫يلتقط صور‬ ‫يغني أغنية‬

‫‪It’s old.‬‬ ‫‪It’s new.‬‬

‫إنها قدمية‪ / .‬السيارة قدمية‪.‬‬ ‫إنها جديدة‪ / .‬السيارة جديدة‪.‬‬
‫‪It’s old.‬‬ ‫‪It’s new.‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪36‬‬

Unit 1 - Lesson 2

colors pink orange gray

‫ألوان‬ ‫مببي‬ ‫برتقايل‬ ‫رمادي‬
colors pink orange gray

black green light blue dark blue

‫أسود‬ ‫أخرض‬ ‫أزرق فاح‬ ‫أزرق غامق‬
black green light blue dark blue

3 - First Term 2021 37

badge picture spider
‫ عالمة مميزة‬، ‫شارة‬ ‫صورة‬ ‫عنكبوت‬
badge picture spider

football tennis ball clock

‫كرة القدم‬ ‫كرة التنس‬ ‫ساعة حائط‬
football tennis ball clock

3 - First Term 2021 38

Unit 1 - Lesson 3

home time art class

‫بيت‬ ‫ زمن‬، ‫وقت‬ ‫حصة رسم‬
home time art class


Saturday have lunch grandpa

‫يوم السبت‬ ‫يتناول طعام الغداء‬ ‫جد‬
Saturday have lunch grandpa

3 - First Term 2021 39

Unit 3 On the weekend - Lesson 4

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

half past quarter past quarter to

‫ونصف‬ ‫وربع‬ ‫إال ربع‬
half past quarter past quarter to

o’clock math(s) time

‫بالضبط‬ ‫حساب‬ ‫ زمن‬، ‫وقت‬
o’clock math(s) time

3 - First Term 2021 40

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

What time is it? It’s half past two.

‫ كم الساعة؟‬، ‫ما الوقت‬ .‫الساعة الثانية ونصف‬
What time is it? It’s half past two.

11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

It’s quarter past nine. It’s quarter to five.

.‫الساعة التاسعة وربع‬ .‫الساعة الخامسة إال ربع‬
It’s quarter past nine. It’s quarter to five.

3 - First Term 2021 41

Unit 3 - Lesson 5

bottle string paperclip

‫زجاجة‬ ‫خيط‬ ‫مشبك ورق‬
bottle string paperclip

nail pencil scissors

‫مسامر‬ ‫قلم رصاص‬ ‫مقص‬
nail pencil scissors

3 - First Term 2021 42

glue coin magnet
‫صمغ‬ ‫عملة معدنية‬ ‫مغناطيس‬
glue coin magnet

north pole (N) south pole (S) metal objects

‫القطب الشاميل‬ ‫القطب الجنويب‬ ‫أشياء معدنية‬
north pole south pole metal objects

3 - First Term 2021 43

‫‪attract‬‬ ‫‪repel‬‬ ‫‪push‬‬
‫ينجذب (ألن القطبني مختلفني)‬ ‫يتنافر (ألن القطبني متشابهني)‬ ‫يدفع‬
‫‪attract‬‬ ‫‪repel‬‬ ‫‪push‬‬

‫‪pull‬‬ ‫‪end‬‬ ‫‪center‬‬

‫يشد ‪ ،‬يسحب‬ ‫نهاية‬ ‫وسط ‪ ،‬مركز‬
‫‪pull‬‬ ‫‪end‬‬ ‫‪center‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪44‬‬

Unit 3 - Lesson 6

sing fishing sports

‫يغني‬ ‫الصيد‬ ‫ألعاب رياضية‬
sing fishing sports

space spider king

‫فضاء‬ ‫عنكبوت‬ ‫ملك‬
space spider king

3 - First Term 2021 45

speaking living room swimming
‫يتحدث‬ ‫حجرة املعيشة‬ ‫يسبح‬
speaking living room swimming

eating singing excited

‫يأكل‬ ‫يغني‬ ‫ ُمثار‬، ‫ منفعل‬، ‫ُمتحمس‬
eating singing excited

3 - First Term 2021 46

Unit 3 - Lesson 7

teacher class can’t walk

‫ ُمدرس‬، ‫ُمعلم‬ ‫فصل‬ ‫ال تستطيع أن متيش‬
teacher class can’t walk

can’t hear sign language understand

‫ال تستطيع أن تسمع‬ ‫لغة اإلشارة‬ ‫يفهم‬
can’t hear sign language understand

3 - First Term 2021 47

K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 3

play 16
half past
sports 17 quarter past
listen 18
quarter to
collect 19
magnet 20
north pole
take 21
south pole
photo 22
sing 23
song 24
scissors 25
light blue 26
dark blue 27
color/colour 28
gray 29
pink 30 sign language
3 - First Term 2021 48
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 3
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 c 3 t
b p b
g s r
kin_ s_ider magne_

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. light blue - dark blue - magnet .......................................
2. ten - clock - twelve .......................................
3. sing - song - play .......................................
3 - First Term 2021 49
Mini-Test (2) on Unit 3
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. coin

2. glue

3. attract

4. nail

5. string

2. Unscramble and write.

cipenl scisssor genre sgin

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

fishin__ tennis ____ spide__ __net

3 - First Term 2021 50

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 3
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I like listening .............................. music.
a too b two c to
2. He is singing a .............................. .
a song b photo c picture
3. What time is it? “ It’s seven .............................. .”
a clock b o’clock c a clock
4. I like drawing, ......................... I don’t like listening to pop music!
a and b or c but

2. Look and answer the questions:

1 What time is it? 2 What time is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 What is it? 4 What color is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. how are you today

2. do you like collecting magnets


3 - First Term 2021 51

‫‪Unit 3 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫قلم رصاص‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫مغناطيس‬ ‫يتنافر‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫عنكبوت‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫كرة تنس‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫يغني‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫عملة معدنية‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫ساعة حائط‬

‫مقص‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫يجمع املغناطيس‬

‫صيد األسامك‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫يستمع إيل املوسيقي‬

‫مسامر‬ ‫‪19‬‬
‫ُمشبك ورق‬

‫أخرض‬ ‫‪20‬‬
‫كرة قدم‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪52‬‬

At home
‫يف البيت‬

3 - First Term 2021 53

Unit 4 I love my home - Lesson 1 Pages 58 & 59

look for math book photo homework

‫يبحث عن‬ ‫كتاب حساب‬ ‫صورة‬ ‫واجب منزيل‬
look for math book photo homework

dad cupboard table lamp

‫ والد‬، ‫أب‬ ‫دوالب‬ ‫منضدة‬ ‫مصباح‬
dad cupboard table lamp

3 - First Term 2021 54

chair armchair clock
‫كريس‬ ‫كريس بذراع‬ ‫ساعة حائط‬
chair armchair clock

bookcase couch television

‫خزانة الكتب‬ ‫ كنبه‬، ‫أريكة‬ ‫تلفاز‬
bookcase couch television

3 - First Term 2021 55

Unit 4 - Lesson 2 Page 60

on next to behind
‫عىل‬ ‫بجوار‬ ‫ وراء‬، ‫خلف‬
on next to behind

between in living room

‫بني‬ ‫يف‬ ‫حجرة املعيشة‬
between in living room

3 - First Term 2021 56

Unit 4 - Lesson 3 Page 61

feed the cat cut the vegetables

‫يطعم القطة‬ ‫يقطع الخرضوات‬
feed the cat cut the vegetables

sweep the the floor make my bed

‫يكنس األرضية‬ ‫ أرتب رسيري‬، ‫أرتب فرايش‬
sweep the floor make my bed

3 - First Term 2021 57

set the table play football
‫يعد املائدة‬ ‫يلعب كرة القدم‬
set the table play football

watch TV play video games

‫يشاهد التلفاز‬ ‫يلعب ألعاب فيديو‬
watch TV play video games

3 - First Term 2021 58

Unit 4 - Lesson 4 Page 62

5 + 3=8
count adding How many ...?
‫ يحسب‬، ‫يعد‬ ‫الجمع‬ ‫؟‬... ‫كم عدد‬
count adding How many...?

numbers equals = is multiplication

‫ أعداد‬، ‫أرقام‬ ‫يساوي‬ ‫عملية الرضب‬
numbers equals = is multiplication

3 - First Term 2021 59

Multiplication × ‫عملية الرضب‬
What is + ‫ الرقم األول‬+ times + ‫? الرقم الثاين‬
‫ ؟‬................... ‫ يف‬................... ‫ما هو ناتج رضب‬
‫ الرقم األول‬+ times + ‫ الرقم الثاين‬+ is )‫(املجموع‬ ‫الناتج الكىل‬

What is four times five?

1 4 × 5 = 20
• Four times five is twenty.

What is four times two?

2 4 × 2 = ........
• Four times two is ................................... .

What is two times three?

3 2 × 3 = ........
• Two times three is .................................. .

4 What is three times five? 3 × 5 = 15

• ........................................................................................... .

5 What is two times two? 2 × 2 = ........

• ........................................................................................... .

6 What is three times three? 3 × 3 = ........

• ........................................................................................... .

7 What is four times four? 4 × 4 = 16

• ........................................................................................... .

8 What is five times three? 5 × 3 = ........

• ........................................................................................... .
3 - First Term 2021 60
Unit 4 - Lesson 5 Page 63

15÷ 3=5
division groups divided by
‫عملية القسمة‬ ‫مجموعات‬ ‫مقسوم عىل‬
division groups divided by

equals carrots friends

‫يساوي‬ ‫جزر‬ ‫أصدقاء‬
equals carrots friends

3 - First Term 2021 61

Division ÷ ‫عملية القسمة‬
‫ الرقم األول‬+ divided by ‫ مقسوم عىل‬+ ‫ الرقم الثاىن‬+ equals + )‫الناتج الكىل (املجموع‬

1 Ten divided by two equals five. 10 ÷ 2 = 5

2 Eighteen divided by three equals six. 18 ÷ 3 = ............

3 Fourteen divided by two equals ............ . 14 ÷ 2 = 7

4 .................................................................................. . 8 ÷ 4 = ............

5 20 ÷ 5 = 4
.................................................................................. .
6 9 ÷ 1 = ............
.................................................................................. .
7 12 ÷ 6 = 2
.................................................................................. .
8 12 ÷ 2 = ............
.................................................................................. .
3 - First Term 2021 62
Unit 4 - Lesson 6 Pages 64 & 65

hair chair a pair of ear

‫شعر‬ ‫كريس‬ ‫زوج من‬ ‫أُذن‬
hair chair a pair of ear

beard chocolate candy basketball

‫لحية‬ ‫شكوالته‬ ‫حلوي‬ ‫كرة السلة‬
beard chocolate candy basketball

3 - First Term 2021 63

Unit 4 - Lesson 7 Pages 66 & 67

spoon ruler knife

‫معلقة‬ ‫مسطرة‬ ‫سكينة‬
spoon ruler knife

bike nails paper clips

‫دراجة‬ ‫مسامري‬ ‫مشابك أوراق‬
bike nails paper clips

3 - First Term 2021 64

melt iron ore rocks
‫ يذوب‬، ‫ينصهر‬ ‫خام الحديد‬ ‫صخور‬
melt iron ore rocks

natural resource metal different

)‫مصدر طبيعي (موجود يف البيئة دون تدخل البرش مثل الصخور واملياه‬ ‫معدن‬ ‫مختلف‬
natural resource metal different

3 - First Term 2021 65

Unit 4 - Lesson 8 Pages 68 & 69

Egypt sand glass chemicals

‫مرص‬ ‫رمال‬ ‫زجاج‬ ‫مواد كيميائية‬
Egypt sand glass chemicals

bowl liquid solid gas

‫ وعاء‬، ‫سلطانية‬ ‫سائلة‬ ‫صلبة‬ ‫غازية‬
bowl liquid solid gas

3 - First Term 2021 66

desert farmer plants
‫صحراء‬ ‫فالح‬ ‫نباتات‬
desert farmer plants

the Nile vegetables market

‫(نهر) النيل‬ ‫خرضوات‬ ‫سوق‬
the Nile vegetables market

3 - First Term 2021 67

K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 4

1 chair 16 set the table

2 armchair 17 sweep the floor
3 lamp 18 feed the cat
4 clock 19 make my bed
5 bookcase 20 cut the vegetables
6 television 21 divided by
7 cupboard 22 equals = is
8 sofa 23 ear
9 table 24 beard
10 on 25 hair
11 in 26 pair
12 next to 27 spoon
13 behind 28 knife
14 between 29 desert
15 ruler 30 iron ore
3 - First Term 2021 68
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 4
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 t 2 c 3 e
b w b
s s r
coun__ bo__l rul__r

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. hair - beard - water .......................................
2. on - ruler - next to .......................................
3. vegetables - feed - cut .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 69

Mini-Test (2) on Unit 4
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. melt

2. knife

3. sweep the floor

4. rocks

5. feed the cat

2. Unscramble and write.

chairarm era osfa bkcasooe

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

knif__ behi__d betw__n lam__

3 - First Term 2021 70

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 4
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Egypt has many natural .................... .
a rivers b resources c cars
2. We can make .................... from sand.
a deserts b chemicals c glass
3. What is three times five? " Three times five equals .................... ."
a ten b fifteen c two
4. Fifteen .................... by three equals five.
a divide b divided c divides

2. Look and answer the questions:

10÷ 2= ?
1 What is ten divided by two? 2 How do you say that?
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

4 × 5= ?
3 Where is the apple? 4 What is four times five?
.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. there’s a bookcase behind the table
2. there are a chair a clock and a television

3 - First Term 2021 71

‫‪Unit 4 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫يقطع‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫يطعم القطة‬ ‫منضدة‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫يذوب‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫خزانة كتب‬

‫رمال‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫تلفاز ‪ ،‬تلفزيون‬

‫يكنس‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫أريكة ‪ ،‬كنبه‬

‫غاز ‪ ،‬غازية‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫ساعة حائط‬

‫سائلة‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫صلبة‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫خرضوات‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫النيل‬ ‫‪20‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪72‬‬

At the zoo
‫يف حديقة الحيوان‬

3 - First Term 2021 73

Unit 5 - At the zoo - Lesson 1 Pages 74 & 75

zoo animals excited

‫حديقة حيوان‬ ‫حيوانات‬ ‫ُمتحمس‬
zoo animals excited

Good idea! penguin elephant

!‫فكرة جيدة‬ ‫طائر البطريق‬ ‫فيل‬
Good idea! penguin elephant

3 - First Term 2021 74

lion hippo panda
‫أسد‬ ‫ سيد قشطه‬، ‫فرس النهر‬ ‫حيوان الباندا‬
lion hippo panda

giraffe skin many

‫زرافة‬ )‫ حيوان‬، ‫جلد (إنسان‬ ‫ كثري‬، ‫عديد‬
giraffe skin many

3 - First Term 2021 75

Favourite animal ‫الحيوان املفضل‬

What is your favourite animal ? ‫ما هو حيوانك املُفضل ؟‬

• My favourite animal is the + ‫ اسم الحيوان املفضل لديك‬.

• I like the + ‫اسم الحيوان املفضل لديك‬

What is your favourite animal?

• My favourite animal is the ................................. .

What is your favourite animal?
• I like the .............................................................................. .

3 What is your favourite animal?

• ....................................................................................................... .

4 What is your favourite animal?

• ....................................................................................................... .

What is your favourite animal?

• My favourite animal is the ................................. .
What is your favorite bird?
• I like the .............................................................................. .
favourite = favorite It’s = It is

3 - First Term 2021 76

Unit 5 At the zoo - Lesson 2 Page 76

map go see
‫خريطة‬ ‫يذهب‬ ‫يري‬
map go see

Turn right. Turn left. Go straight.

.ً‫اتجه ميينا‬ .ً‫اتجه يسارا‬ .‫رس لألمام‬
Turn right. Turn left. Go straight.

3 - First Term 2021 77

Unit 5 At the zoo - Lesson 3 Page 77

lake sea grasslands

‫بحرية‬ ‫بحر‬ ‫ أرايض عشبية‬، ‫املراعي‬
lake sea grasslands

bamboo forest strong long neck

‫غابة الخيزران‬ ‫قوي‬ ‫رقبة طويلة‬
bamboo forest strong long neck

3 - First Term 2021 78

Unit 5 At the zoo - Lesson 4 Pages 78 & 79

fractions a half a fourth

‫كسور‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫ربع‬
fractions a half a fourth

a third a fifth one-eighth

‫ثلث‬ ‫خمس‬ ‫ُثن‬
a third a fifth one-eighth

3 - First Term 2021 79

Unit 5 At the zoo - Lesson 5 Pages 80 & 81

plant recycle sort trash

‫يزرع‬ ‫يعيد تصنيع األشياء‬ ‫ يفرز القاممة‬، ‫ينصف القاممة‬
plant recycle sort trash

pollute cities ride a bike reuse

‫تلوث املدن‬ ‫يركب الدراجة‬ ‫يعيد استخدام‬
pollute cities ride a bike reuse

3 - First Term 2021 80

go by car pollute the river
‫يذهب بالسيارة‬ ‫تلوث النهر‬
go by car pollute the river

clean food earth

‫ينظف‬ ‫ غذاء‬، ‫طعام‬ ‫ كوكب األرض‬، ‫الكرة األرضية‬
clean food earth

3 - First Term 2021 81

plastic glass paper
‫بالستيك‬ ‫زجاج‬ ‫ورق‬
plastic glass paper

balcony flower bee

‫ بلكونه‬، ‫رشفة‬ ‫وردة‬ ‫نحلة‬
balcony flower bee

3 - First Term 2021 82

Unit 5 - Lesson 6 Pages 82 & 83

photo white elephant whale

‫صورة‬ ‫أبيض‬ ‫فيل‬ ‫حوت‬
photo white elephant whale

Where? When? big meat

)‫متى؟ (للسؤال عن الزمان) أين؟ (للسؤال عن املكان‬ )‫كبري (الحجم‬ ‫لحم‬
Where? When? big meat

3 - First Term 2021 83

Phonics Time

1 Where is the photo?

2 The whale is white.

3 When is the elephant here?

The lion is big ‫ كبــر‬and

brown. It lives ‫ يعيــش‬in the
grasslands ‫ املراعــي‬in Africa
‫أفريقيــا‬. It eats meat ‫اللحــوم‬.

• big big big

• lives lives lives
• grasslands grasslands grasslands
• Africa Africa Africa
• meat meat meat
3 - First Term 2021 84
K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 5

zoo 16
animals 17 grasslands
excited 18
lion 19
panda 20
elephant 21
a half
hippo 22
a fourth
giraffe 23
a third
penguin 24
a fourth
good idea 25
map 26
turn right 27
turn left 28
go straight 29
lake 30
3 - First Term 2021 85
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 5
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 h 3 a
b e b
s s t
Go straig__t. Turn rig__t. Turn lef__.

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. lion - giraffe - big .......................................
2. plastic - penguin - paper .......................................
3. right - a half - a third .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 86

Mini-Test (2) on Unit 5
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. giraffe

2. penguin

3. lion

4. bamboo forest

5. go by car

2. Unscramble and write.

apm kela fithf whlea

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

bir__s pand__ ri__er w__ite

3 - First Term 2021 87

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 5
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. The lion eats ................................... .
a grass b meat c paper
2. The panda lives in the bamboo ................................... .
a zoo b zoo c forest
3. A penguin can’t ................................... .
a fly b run c walk
4. A whale lives in the ................................... .
a sea b zoo c forest

2. Look and answer the questions:

1 What is it? 2 Where does the panda live?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 What’s your favourite animal? 4 What colour is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. when is the elephant here

2. the lion is big and brown


3 - First Term 2021 88

‫‪Unit 5 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫ﺣﺪﻳﻘﺔ ﺣﻴﻮان‬

‫حديقة حيوان‬ ‫‪11‬‬


‫ُمتحمس‬ ‫وردة‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫حيوانات‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫فيل‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫يبحث عن‬

‫طائر البطريق‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫فكرة جيدة!‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫يركب دراجة‬

‫أسد‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫كبري (الحجم)‬

‫فرس النهر‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫باندا‬ ‫‪19‬‬
‫اتجه مييناً‪.‬‬

‫جلد ‪ ،‬برشة‬ ‫‪20‬‬
‫اتجه يساراً‪.‬‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪89‬‬

Let’s go to the circus!
!‫دعنا نذهب إيل السريك‬

3 - First Term 2021 90

Unit 6 - Let’s go to the circus! - L. 1 Pages 88 & 89

circus tent glasses

‫سريك‬ ‫خيمة‬ ‫نظارة‬
circus tent glasses

clown ringmaster acrobat

‫ُم َه ِّرج‬ ِّ ‫ُم ِدي ُر َحلْ َب ِة‬
‫الس ْريك‬ ‫َبهلَ َوان‬
clown ringmaster acrobat

3 - First Term 2021 91

dog trainer juggler trapeze artist
‫ُمدرب الكالب‬ )‫ العب خفة (فنان يتالعب بالكرات‬، ‫حا ٍو‬ ‫فنان أرجوحة السريك‬
dog trainer juggler trapeze artist

short tall fat

‫قصري‬ ‫طويل‬ ‫سمني‬
short tall fat

3 - First Term 2021 92

thin old young
‫نحيف‬ )‫كبري السن (شيخ‬ ‫صغري السن‬
thin old young

beautiful look like forget

‫ جميله‬، ‫جميل‬ ‫ مياثل‬، ‫يشبه‬ ‫ينيس‬
beautiful look like forget

3 - First Term 2021 93

What does the + ‫االسم‬ + look like ? ‫؟‬..... ‫كيف يبدو الـ‬

tall. ‫طويل‬

short. ‫قصري‬
He fat. ‫سمني‬
She is
‫االسم املفرد‬ thin. ‫نحيف‬

young. ‫صغري السن‬

beautiful. ‫جميل‬

What does the clown look like?

• He is ........................ and ........................ .

What does the acrobat look like?

• He is ........................ and ........................ .

What does the dog trainer look like?

• She is ........................ and ........................ .

3 - First Term 2021 94

Unit 6 - - Lesson 2 Page 90 & 91

square rectangle rhombus

‫مربع‬ ‫مستطيل‬ ‫ُمعني‬
square rectangle rhombus

angle two lines different

‫زاوية‬ ‫خطان‬ ‫ُمختلف‬
angle two lines different

3 - First Term 2021 95

Unit 6 - - Lesson 3 Page 92 & 93

funny jump rings

‫ُمضحك‬ ‫يقفز‬ ‫حلقات‬

throw fly talk

‫يرمي‬ ‫يطري‬ ‫ يتكلم‬، ‫يتحدث‬
throw fly talk

3 - First Term 2021 96

Skills ‫مهارات‬

1 The clown is very funny.

.ً ‫البهلوان ُمضحك جدا‬

2 The dog trainer loves animals.

.‫ُمدرب الكالب يحب الحيوانات‬

3 The trapeze artist can fly above us.

.‫فنان أرجوحة السريك يستطيع التحليق فوقنا‬

can jump and move

4 The acrobat
his body.
.‫البهلوان يستطيع القفز وتحريك جسده‬

talks to everyone
at the circus to say
5 The ringmaster what is happening.
ِّ ‫ُم ِدي ُر َحلْ َب ِة‬
‫الس ْريك يتحدث مع كل شخص يف‬
.‫السريك ليقول له ما سيحدث‬

can throw rings and

6 The juggler balls.
‫ الحاوِي) يستطيع رمي‬، ‫العب خفة اليد ( الحا ٍو‬
.‫الحلقات والكرات‬

3 - First Term 2021 97

Unit 6 - Lesson 4 Page 94 & 95

cloud mouse mouth

‫سحابة‬ ‫فأر صغري‬ ‫فم‬
cloud mouse mouth

pound flower cow

‫جنية‬ ‫وردة‬ ‫بقرة‬
pound flower cow

3 - First Term 2021 98

Phonics Time

The cow has a flower
in its mouth.

The mouth is under a
He is a young ‫صغري السن‬,

fat ‫ سمني‬clown ‫بهلوان‬. He is
at the circus ‫السريك‬. He is
very funny ‫ ُمضحك‬.

• young young young

• fat fat fat
• clown clown clown
• circus circus circus
• funny funny funny
3 - First Term 2021 99
Unit 6 - Lesson 5 Pages 96 & 97

water drop pound coin

‫مياه‬ ‫قطرة‬ ‫عملة الجنية‬
water drop pound coin

experiment count guess

‫تجربة علمية‬ ‫ يحسب‬، ‫يعد‬ ‫يخمن‬
experiment count guess

3 - First Term 2021 100

K ey Wo r d s o n U n i t 6

circus 16
tent 17 corner
clown 18
dog trainer 19
trapeze artist 20
juggler 21
acrobat 22
tall 23
short 24
fat 25
thin 26
young 27
square 28
rectangle 29
rhombus 30
3 - First Term 2021 101
Mini-Test (1) on Unit 6
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 p 3 a
c e b
s s o
__lown jum__ c__unt

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. square - rectangle - clown .......................................
2. acrobat - fat - ringmaster .......................................
3. thin - pound - tall .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 102

Mini-Test (2) on Unit 6
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. rhombus

2. different

3. square

4. trapeze artist

5. fat

2. Unscramble and write.

wco tnte lerjugg owfler

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

__all y__ung dog train__ f__nny

3 - First Term 2021 103

Mini-Test (3) on Unit 6
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. I love the trapeze .................................. because he can fly.
a teacher b farmer c artist
2. The .................................. is talking to people at the circus.
a ringmaster b nurse c doctor
3. What does the clown look ..................................? “ He is fat.”
a likes b like c luck
4. I love the clown .................................. he’s very funny!
a and b to c because

2. Look and answer the questions:

1 What does the clown look like? 2 What is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3 Is he short? 4 What is it?

.............................................................................. ..............................................................................

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. what does the dog trainer look like

2. hany and Hana are at the circus


3 - First Term 2021 104

‫‪Unit 6 - Dictation Time‬‬

‫خيمة‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫بهلوان‬ ‫ُمعني‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫طويل‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫فأر‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫فم‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫فنان أرجوحة السريك‬

‫قصري‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫يعد ‪ ،‬يحسب‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫يقفز‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫مدير الحلبة‬

‫مستطيل‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫حا ٍو ‪ ،‬العب خفة (فنان‬

‫وردة‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫يتالعب بالكرات)‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪105‬‬

Malak’s Dream
‫ُحلم ملك‬

3 - First Term 2021 106

Malak’s Dream Pages 108 & 119

teacher dream lip-read

‫ ُمعلمة‬، ‫ُمعلم‬ ‫ يحلم‬، ‫ُحلم‬ )‫ لغة الشفاه‬، ‫قراءة الشفاه ( لغة الصم‬
teacher dream lip-read

university proud clever

‫جامعة‬ ‫فخور‬ ‫ بارع‬، ‫ ذيك‬، ‫ماهر‬
university proud clever

3 - First Term 2021 107

American Sign Language (ASL)
‫لغة اإلشارة األمريكية‬
American Sign Language (ASL)

hearing aids work hard

‫سامعات األذن‬ ‫يعمل بجد‬
hearing aids work hard

3 - First Term 2021 108

children friends sign
‫أطفال‬ ‫أصدقاء‬ ‫ عالمة‬، ‫ الفتة‬، ‫إشارة‬
children friends sign

hear sad happy

‫يسمع‬ ‫حزين‬ ‫سعيد‬
hear sad happy

3 - First Term 2021 109

deaf understand think
)‫أصم (هو الشخص الذي ال يسمع‬ ‫يفهم‬ ‫ يعتقد‬، ‫يفكر‬
deaf understand think

fun help excited

‫ مرح‬، ‫متعه‬ ‫يساعد‬ ‫ُمتحمس‬
fun help excited

3 - First Term 2021 110

Key Sentences ‫أهــم الجمــل التي ورت بالقصة‬

1 Malak loves teaching.

2 She wants to be a teacher.
3 Malak can’t hear well.
4 She wears a hearing aid.
5 Malak goes to a special teacher.
6 The teacher shows Malak how to read lips.
7 Malak is very kind .
8 She can say “Hello” in sign language.
9 She talks to deaf people.
10 Malak finishes university.
11 She is very happy and proud.
12 Ms Malak is very happy and excited.
13 All the children are very happy.
14 Malak says, “Be happy and help others.
3 - First Term 2021 111
Key Words on M a l a k ’ s Dream Story
1 lip-read 16 teacher
2 sign language 17 children
3 university 18 friends
4 hearing aid 19 mom
5 proud 20 dad
6 clever 21 How are you?
7 dream 22 Hello!
8 kind 23 please
9 happy 24 think
10 sad 25 club
11 hear 26 fun
12 talk 27 deaf
13 speak 28 want to
14 work hard 29 understand
15 ask 30 say
3 - First Term 2021 112
Mini-Test (1) on the story
1. Look and write the words.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

2. Circle and write.

1 h 2 r 3 d
b e b
s s r
__appy hea__ frien__s

3. Circle the odd one out.

1. happy - language - sad .......................................
2. hear - read - school .......................................
3. kind - excited - teacher .......................................

3 - First Term 2021 113

Mini-Test (2) on the story
1. Match the words with the pictures.
1. sign language

2. happy

3. teacher

4. children

5. hear

2. Unscramble and write.

kdin ads dafe scohol

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

3. Write the missing letters.

hell__ chil__ren thin__ pl__y

3 - First Term 2021 114

Mini-Test (3) on the Story
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. She is .............................. . She is wearing a hearing aid.
a tall b deaf c short
2. I love teaching. I want to be a .............................. .
a teacher b farmer c student
3. Malak wants to learn American .............................. language.
a sing b song c sign
4. Malak is very .............................. and proud.
a sad b hungry c happy

2. Look and complete:

1 She feels ................................... . 2 I want to be a ................................ .

3 She wears a ............................ aid. 4 He is very ................................ .

3. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. malak can see what people say

2. she learns how to say many things


3 - First Term 2021 115

‫‪Malak’s Dream Story - Dictation Time‬‬

‫مدرس ‪ُ ،‬معلم‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫لغة اإلشارة األمريكية‬

‫سعيد‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫سامعة أذن‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫يحلم‬ ‫أصم (الشخص الذي ال يسمع)‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫يقرأ‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫يتحدث ‪ ،‬يتكلم‬ ‫يساعد‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫جامعة‬ ‫أهالً ‪ ،‬مرحباً‬

‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬

‫سعيد‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫يسمع‬ ‫‪19‬‬

‫أصدقاء‬ ‫‪20‬‬
‫يفكر ‪ ،‬يعتقد‬

‫‪3 - First Term 2021‬‬ ‫‪116‬‬

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