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A manager who is interest to solve the conflict must understand the causes of it

The factor that influence behavior of employees

Internal and external factor

Exrernal factor that found in


Organization reward factor

Organization character/structure

Co workers

Outcomes of performance example in udsm reward

Other factor includes laws and regulation, technological condition /technology affect behavior

Internal factor are those within a employees that

Knowledge skills and abilities


Attitudes toward the leader, negative managial system

External and internal factor combine and determine the employees behavior

The theory under the bhaviour

Abraham maslw

Daugras and Mc Geoger theory

Herzberg theory


Contingency theory there no one best way to manage an organization as suggested by scientific

Managing an organization depend on situation , any principle can involve that situation differ from one
organization to the others , each organization is unique and must be understood as unique

The following factors that can influence situation factor management organization
The size of organization(size matters)

Managing large organization can not be the same as small

Environment ,organization of one environment is differ from other one

Difference among resources

Manager towards his/hers subordinates


Preference of top manager


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