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Leaning diasability
Is a condition giving rise to learning difficulties especially when not associated with physical
disability. Learning disability encompases many different learning differences. There are 3 forms
of learning disabilities which are reading disabilities ,writing language disabilities ,math

2.Common features with individuals with dyslexia

I . Difficult with development of phonological awareness and phonological processing skills
ii. Difficulty accurately decoding nonsense or unfamiliar words
iii. Difficult in reding single words in isolation
iv. Inaccurate and labored oral reading
v. Lack of reading fluency
vi. Various degrees of learning the names of letters and their associated sound
vii. Difficulty with learning to spell
viii. Difficulty in word finding and rapid naming
ix. Variable difficulty with aspects of written composition
x. Variable degrees of difficulty with reading comprehension

3.Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder characterized by writing disabilities. This disorder causes

a persons writing to be distarted
-Common signs includes
i. difficulty following a line a line or staying within margins
ii. trouble with sentence structure or following rules of grammar when writing but not speaking
iii. Difficulty organizing and planning though when writing
iv. Pronounced difference between spoken and written understanding of a topic

5. Causes of learning disability

i. Family history and Genetics are the traits which acquired from parents to offspring this affect
the intellectual capacity of children for example maternal age which is greater than 45 years
she have high chance of delivery a child with mental disability this can be caused due to the
imbalance of chromosomes, also family history lead to disability forexample cultural belives

Prenatal and post natal risk ;

-Poor growth in the uterus [severe intrauterine growth to uterus]
-exposure to alcohol or drugs before birth
-Premature birth and birth weight has been linked with learning disorders
Iii. Environmental Expos

- Exposure to high levels of toxins such as lead and mercury has been linked to an increased
risk of learning disorders
iv. Trauma
-Physical trauma involves head injuries or nervous system infections might play a role in the
development of learning disorder

6.Leaning disability
Is a condition giving rise to learning difficulties when not associated with physical disability.
Learning disability encompases many different learning differences. There are 3 forms of
learning disabilities which are reading disability,writing. The following are the approaches that
should be considered by the teacher or tutors and organization to help students with learning
disability in Tanzania.
Make learning participative teachers should encourage student with learning disability to work
Break tasks down into smaller steps that incrementally build into the task objective through
using of Applied behavior Analysis(ABA).Produce the most consistent education improvement.
Use learners own words language materials and personal context be clear about activity
purpose and how does it relates to the skills needs of the learners.Make both written and
spoken information clear use eliminate the use of ambiguous terms and follow plain English
Encourage learners to ask for help,show that this acceptable and is not a sign of failure
listen,closely to the learners say,always respond to the content of what someone is saying and
not misled by the style of delivery.
Collaborating working with their peers and teaching and support staff,will enable them to
demonstrate and build on their skills,experience and achievements.Curriculum should focus on
functional skills that will help student to succeed in self-care,vocational,domestic(i.e
cleanliness),community skills for example greating people, dressing.
Regular schools with assistances for learners with disability should be given fluent checking in
the progressive and to support them
The government of Tanzania should increase the number of special schools that we have few
day schools and residential school.

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