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5.Evaluation Rubric for Story Hook Presentation

Excellent Average Needs Work

Content Story provides excellent “hook” for Story is loosely Story is unrelated
final academic presentation on related to selected to selected topic.
selected topic. topic.

Vocabulary Vocabulary accurately describes Vocabulary is Vocabulary is

speaker’s experience. general. simplistic.
Verbs are used to move along story. Few verbs are Verb tenses are
(Speaker uses past tense to narrate used. incorrect.
story.) Sometimes slang Language is mostly
No slang or professional jargon is expressions are informal with
used. used. inappropriate
Organization Story is well-organized. Speaker Storylines Story lacks
answers questions of sometimes structure.
Who/What/Where/When/Why/How. becomes
Storyline is logical and easy to follow. confusing.

Story features Story includes sensory detail Story includes Story lacks
Story describes emotions of one or two sensory detail,
speaker. references to emotions, and
Story includes dialogue emotions and/or dialogue.
sensory detail.
Story includes
long dialogue.

Length Story is concise: shorter than a Story seems long Story is too short
minute and it includes an excellent due to with no
punchline. unnecessary punchline.

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