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Laissez Faire Leadership Style circumstances and meet our desired

Leader just provide info and resources goals.

needed to job. Leader avoids power, non-
authoritative, wherein leaders give least The Situational Leadership approach can
possible guidance to try and achieve help you develop relationships with your
control through less obvious means, the team members because you’ll customize
leader believe that people excel when they your style of leadership to their
are left alone to respond their own development level.
responsibilities and obligations in their Characteristics of a leader: Flexible,
own ways. In more efficient and faster way Trustworthy and Strategic
no need approval.
Two researchers, Paul Hersey and Ken
Gives workers autonomy, drive and Blanchard, developed the Situational
confidence, also proves that the company Leadership model during the mid-1970s
has implicit trust in the worker
Telling/Directing/ Guiding
Advantage: Workers are allowed to grow,
- Low competence, high commitment
max scope of development since potential
and capacity of worker is utilized. - Support is low, direct is high
worker is allowed to find a solution ~close supervision
positive motivation ~new member, guide
Disadvantage: Does not work when - Some competence, low commitment
worker is inexperienced, not creative, or - support is high, direct is high
when the workers need monitoring, does ~ observe and support without close
not get guidance (may cause poor supervision
involvement) Work in different direction ~ essay, feedback
leading to chaos due to that leader take Participating/Supporting/Facilitating
advantage and take no accountability - High Competence, variable commitment
(avoid responsibility for the group's
- support is high, direct is low
failures. When goals are not met, the
~ ask open-ended questions to determine
leader can blame members of the team for
not completing tasks the issue and help find a solution.
In school: The teacher is more of an - High competence, High commitment
observer while students are able to do as - support is low, direct is low
they wish. There is a lack of expectations ~ higher sections, hone their skills
and discipline in the classroom. These
teachers allow students to grow and learn Advantages: flexibility, comfortable
on their own with little or no extrinsic help. environment, work better together,
Turo lang nang turo, bigay lang nang Disadvantage: focus on immediate needs
bigay, pareport lang nang pareport. than long term, corporate dependency
In government: leave decisions to
subordinates and provide little direction. Servant Leadership Style
Effective siya sa mga higher sections - Influence rather than control
Needs: High Degree of Skill and - listening rather than giving orders
motivation ability to facilitate change

Situational Leadership Model Advantage: decisions are based on the

Situational Leadership is adaptive, flexible, benefit of all leads to collaboration,
weighs variables, and provides us with the encourages empathy
tools to best suit our current
Disadvantage: decisions are longer to be Importance of Leadership Styles
made. cause many leaders to work harder It plays a significant role in the job they
have and the way they communicate.
- like maam tine
Knowing your dominant leadership style
Magsaysay as “Champion of the Common can be helpful for understanding your own
Man”, “Man of the Masses,” or “The strengths and potential weakness.
People’s President.” By his conduct and
example he raised the ideal and measure
of inspired and dedicated service to all 1. Who are the two researchers that
citizens, especially the lowly among them, developed the Situational leadership
as the true measure of presidential model?
leadership and public service. A. Paul Blanchard and Ken Hersey
B. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth
“Bring the government closer to the C. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard
people.” D. Rudolfh Schaffer and Peggy Emerson

Transformational Leadership 2. Which situation showcases the

-Enhances the motivation, morale, and Transformational Leadership Style?
performance of followers through a variety A. Arrisea assists every individual in her
of mechanisms group and gives them what they need.
-Include connecting follower’s sense of B. Teacher Rei let her students report their
identity, and self to the project and lessons but didn't give any materials or
collective identity of the organization. supervision. Making the students research
- being a role model and makes them on their own.
interested C. Former President Ramon Magsaysay
- basis of respect, encouragements, and dedicated service to all citizens, especially
influence the people in the laylayan, and listen to
inconsistency, for the followers and all their voices.
trust is gone and the leader has failed D. Teacher Eliz teaches with a great heart
and intelligence. She instills values and
Great example of leadership in classroom truth in her students. She inspires and
setting, because teachers must embody encourages them. Making some of her
the values that the followers should be students inspired to be a teacher as well.
learning and mimicking back to others,
may application, challenge the status quo, 1. C.
encourage creativity among students, 2. D.
explore new ways of doing things and new
opportunities to learn, being role model

Advantage: United, creates and manage

change, great opportunities
Disadvantage: nakakaburn out dahil sa
expectations, abuse, Leaders Lose Power
If People Disagree With Them

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