English 7 q1 LP w3 w4

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DATE: July 1. 2019 - Monday

SUBJECT MATTER: Classes suspended due to heavy rains

DATE: July 2. 2019 - Tuesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 20, 2019

DATE: July 3. 2019 - Wednesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 21, 2019

DATE: July 4. 2019 - Thursday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 24, 2019

DATE: July 5. 2019 - Friday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 25, 2019

DATE: July 8. 2019 - Monday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 26, 2019

DATE: July 9. 2019 - Tuesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 27, 2019

DATE: July 10. 2019 - Wednesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Please refer to lesson plan dated June 28, 2019

DATE: July 11. 2019 - Thursday


DATE: July 12. 2019 - Friday

SUBJECT MATTER: Allotted time for Project/Performance Task

DATE: July 15. 2019 - Monday

SUBJECT MATTER: Literary Genres

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify literary genres
2. give examples of titles with specific genres
3. differentiate prose and poetry

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities: WORD OF THE DAY
a. Have the assigned student present the Word of the Day
b. The word of the day must consist the following:
 Vocabulary Word  Tagalog translation
 Pronunciation  Part of speech
 Word definition  Sample sentence


a. The teacher will post picture of various titles of literature
b. The groups of students will try to guess the title of the book by the cover of the title
c. The group that gains more points will win the game

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation
The teacher will present the five main genres of literature: poetry, prose, drama, non-
fiction, and media; as well as the other types of literature through a PowerPoint

2. Discussion
The teacher will show pictures and illustrations differentiating prose from poetry. The
students will give examples of literary texts and determine whether the text is a prose
or poetry.
3. Valuing
Guide Questions:
a. In which genre of literature can artistry be expressed? Prose or poetry?
b. Imagine a world without literature. Would life be better or not?

C. Assessment
Identify whether the piece of literature is prose or poetry.
1. Novels 6. Speeches 11. Sonnet
2. Lyric 7. Essays 12. Verse
3. Couplet 8. Epitaph 13. Haiku
4. Short Stories 9. Fables 14. Textbooks
5. Quatrain 10. Biography 15. Newspapers
D. Synthesis
Enumerate the Literary Forms and Genres using the first letter clues presented
P – Prose OL – Oral Literature
P – Poetry MF – Mythology and Folklore
D – Drama GN – Graphic Novels
NF – Non-Fiction F – Fables
M – Media SS – Short Stories

F. References
 English – Grade 7 Learner’s Material, First Edition, 2017, Department of Education-
Bureau of Learning Resources, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines
 English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature, Eight Edition,
2018, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 927 Quezon Avenue, 1104 Quezon City.

G. Materials:
 Visual Aids and Organizers
 ICT Materials
 White Board and Marker


DATE: July 16. 2019 - Tuesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Literary Genres During Pre-Colonial Philippines

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. identify the characteristics of riddles, proverbs, folk narratives, epics and legends
2. construct sentences using figures of speech
3. appreciate pre-colonial Philippine literature

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities: WORD OF THE DAY
a. Have the assigned student present the Word of the Day
b. The word of the day must consist the following:

 Vocabulary Word  Tagalog translation

 Pronunciation  Part of speech
 Word definition  Sample sentence


a. The teacher will choose a student based on a wheel of names
b. The chosen student will be asked about their favorite pieces of literature
c. The student will briefly share the gist as well as the title and the author of the text
B. Development of the Lesson
1. Presentation FOUR PICS ONE WORD
The teacher will show a picture puzzle showing various types of pre-colonial Philippine
Literature. The students will have to guess the meaning of the picture as the teacher
presents each topic.
Riddles - a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in
ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game.
Proverbs - a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.
Folk Narratives - These are stories handed down from the remote past by words of
mouth from one generation to another, reflecting the people's tradition, feelings,
beliefs, and judgments
Mythology - The stories of ancient Philippine mythology include deities, creation
stories, mythical creatures, and beliefs.
Legends - a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but
Epics - a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the
deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.

2. Discussion
Identifying Figures of Speech
A figure of speech is a literary device used to create a special effect or feeling by making
some type of interesting or creative comparison. Some common types of figures of
speech are simile, metaphor, and personification.
Simile is a comparison of two unlike things using like or as.
Example: The Chinese are like ants who work day and night.
Metaphor is a direct comparison of two unlike things.
Example: The Chinese are vines who have slowly taken root in our society.
Personification is a literary device in which an animal, an object, or an idea is spoken of
or is described as if it were a person.
Example: The sun refuses to set.

3. Valuing
Guide Questions:
1. Why do we need to preserve the Philippine literature of the past?
2. How can we pass down our pre-colonial literature to the future generaton?

C. Assessment
Answer Lesson 2: Exercise 5 (pg.29, ECAS 7) on a 1/4 sheet of paper.
D. Synthesis
Today I have learned that Pre-Colonial literature ____________________________

E. Assignment
Read The Prowess of Aliguyon (pg.40-44, ECAS 7)
F. References
4. English – Grade 7 Learner’s Material, First Edition, 2017, Department of Education-
Bureau of Learning Resources, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines
5. English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature, Eight Edition,
2018, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 927 Quezon Avenue, 1104 Quezon City.

G. Materials:
6. Visual Aids and Organizers
7. ICT Materials
8. White Board and Marker


DATE: July 17. 2019 - Wednesday

SUBJECT MATTER: Elements of a Story

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. identify the elements of a story,
2. create a story chart using the elements of a story,
3. discover literature as a means of connecting to the past.

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Routine Activities: WORD OF THE DAY
a. Have the assigned student present the Word of the Day
b. The word of the day must consist the following:

 Vocabulary Word  Tagalog translation

 Pronunciation  Part of speech
 Word definition  Sample sentence


Guess the movies by using the emojis as a clue

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation: STORY TIME
The teacher will ask several students to tell the plot a story from a book, TV show, or a
movie to describe it without dropping the name of the characters and the title of the
movie while the other students will guess.
2. Discussion
1. Setting: Where and when is the story set? Setting represents both the physical location
but also the time (i.e. past, present, future) and the social and cultural conditions in which
the characters exist.
2. Character: A person or animal or really anything personified. There can be one main
character or many, and often there are secondary characters, but not always.
3. Plot: The events that happen in a story are called the plot. In a plot you typically find an
introduction, rising action, a climax, the falling action, and a resolution. Plot is often
represented as an arc.
4. Conflict: Every story must have a conflict, i.e. a challenge or problem around which the
story is based. Without conflict, the story will have no purpose or trajectory.
5. Theme: Idea, belief, moral, lesson or insight. It’s the central argument that the author is
trying to make the reader understand. The theme is the “why” of the story.
6. Point-of-view: “Who” is telling the story? First person (“I”) or third person (“he/she/it”).
Limited (one character’s perspective), multiple (many characters’ perspectives) or
omniscient (all knowing narrator). Second person (“you”) is not often used for writing
7. Tone: The overall emotional “tone” or meaning of the story. Is it happy, funny, sad, or
depressed? Tone can be portrayed in multiple ways, through word and grammar choices,
choice of theme, imagery and description, symbolism, and the sounds of the words in
combination (i.e. rhyme, rhythm, or musicality).
8. Style: This is how things are said. Word choices, sentence structure, dialogue, metaphor,
simile, hyperbole. Style contributes significantly to tone.

3. Valuing
Guide Questions
1. Can a story start from the middle or the end instead of the beginning?
2. If you are able to tell the story of your life, what would be your main theme? Why?

C. Assessment
GROUP WORK: Each group will be given different Filipino folktales, fables, or legends.
Create a story chart for the story given.
Group 1 – The Monkey and the Turtle
Group 2 – Why the Piña has Hundred Eyes
Group 3 – The Man with the Coconuts
Group 4 – The Lazy Juan
Group 5 – Why the Fish have Scales
Group 6 – The Boy Who Became a Stone
Class will be divided by two groups. The first group of students will write questions and
clarifications about the lesson and the other will answer them, and vice versa. Students
will be given additional points if they are able to answer the question.

E. Assignment
Read The Prowess of Aliguyon (pg.40-44, ECAS 7)
F. References
 English – Grade 7 Learner’s Material, First Edition, 2017, Department of Education-
Bureau of Learning Resources, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines
 English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature, Eight Edition,
2018, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 927 Quezon Avenue, 1104 Quezon City.

G. Materials:
 Visual Aids and Organizers
 ICT Materials
 White Board and Marker


DATE: July 18. 2019 - Thursday

SUBJECT MATTER: The Prowess of Aliguyon

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. use the elements of a story to determine the content of a text,
2. arrange stories in chronological order,
3. appreciate a Filipino regional epic.

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Routine Activities: WORD OF THE DAY

a. Have the assigned student present the Word of the Day
b. The word of the day must consist the following:

 Vocabulary Word  Tagalog translation

 Pronunciation  Part of speech
 Word definition  Sample sentence

2. Review: PASS THE BALL:

Music will be playing while the students are passing around a ball. When the music
stops, the student who’s holding the ball will recite the eight elements of the story
discussed yesterday.


Rearrange the story board pictures in chronological order
B. Development of the Lesson

1. Presentation: WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?

a. The class will retell the epic
story of “The Prowess of
b. The teacher will start by telling
what happened first and then
the representatives of the
groups will tell what happened
next until the story is over.
c. Use the pictures from the story
board as a guide

2. Discussion
Complete the story board with the
elements of a story by using the
text, “The Prowess of Aliguyon”

3. Valuing
Guide Questions
1. What is one gift that you would like to have over everything else?
2. How would you feel if you met someone as good and as strong as you are?

C. Assessment
Students will continue to complete the story board with the elements of a story by using
the text, “The Prowess of Aliguyon”

D. Synthesis
Determine the Conflict and the Resolution in The Prowess of Aliguyon
 
 
 
 
 

E. References
 English – Grade 7 Learner’s Material, First Edition, 2017, Department of Education-
Bureau of Learning Resources, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines
 English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature, Eight Edition,
2018, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 927 Quezon Avenue, 1104 Quezon City.

F. Materials:
 Visual Aids and Organizers
 ICT Materials
 White Board and Marker


DATE: July 19. 2019 - Friday



Prepared by: Angelica Jessa S. Escobañez

Submitted to: Mrs. Bernadette M. Pering


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