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Two persons who have in uenced me a lot.

Neeraj Kamal
Roll No. 20074023
Branch : Computer Science & Engineering
Semester : 01
Subject Code: H-101
Submitted to: Dr. Swasti Mishra

Department Of Humanistic Studies 1


Two persons who have in uenced me a lot.

Mo va on is the reason that great ideas are turned into great
accomplishments. Mo va on is what drives us to get things done! When
a person plans or wants to do something, he / she needs mo va on for
that speci c thing. Actually, I have been mo vated by many people
especially by my family members like my mother and my father but the 2
persons who in uenced me the most are Mr. Vishal Joshi and my mother.
Firstly, I would like to tell something about Mr. Vishal Joshi.

Mr. Vishal Joshi

Vishal Joshi Sir, besides being an excellent teacher, the thing I liked the
most about him was that he taught us to encounter everything be it studies
or other activities with pure logics and also he told us NOT to believe in
learning by just memorising something but by knowing the logics behind it,
and I followed his sayings in my learning and I made sure that I am
literally learning and not just memorising and as a result I am here in this
prestigious college and with branch that I wanted. I will follow his saying at
every stage of my life and I will always be thankful to him. He also made
us familiar with our upcoming journey in our life like college life which I
will experience now and also the job environment which I will nd myself
in there after some years. He also guided us to do meditation to help
maintain inner peace and as a result I have bene tted from it very much
especially in my dif cult times when my thoughts didn't remain in my
control, it helped me to control my thoughts and emotions to a very much
extent and I will continue practising it in every stage of my life.

Department Of Humanistic Studies 2




My Mother

Everyone likes his/her mother. Role of mother for his son/daughter is

incomparable to anyone. She has to raise her son/daughter from the infant
till he/she can stand on his own legs to face the world. In the journey she
cares very much for her child be it helping his/her to complete school
homework, playing with him/her and providing all the nutrition. No one
other than the Mother take care of her child from dusk till dawn. My
mother is always with me in my good as well as dif cult times to support
me and always take good care of me and my health. She is the one who
discards all her comfort but always make me feel good and comfortable. I
love my mother a lot. Whenever I face some challenges, she is always there
for me to hear the problems being faced by me and she always has a
solution. She has kept me motivated right from the beginning. During my
JEE preparation, her role in my life increased drastically. I could not have
cracked the JEE without her and take admission in this prestigious college.
I have seen tears of happiness in my mother’s eyes when I got this
prestigious college. I will always be very thankful to her and always love her
for her support and motivation and the major role she played in my life
and even till now her role is unmatchable to any other. I look forward to
make her really proud of me in coming years.

Thank You!

Department Of Humanistic Studies 3


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