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As all three of them got dressed, Camila was pouting, still upset that Ben finished

inside her. She looked at him. "Don't you realize I can get pregnant now?"

He thought about making up some excuse to let her know that it wouldn't happen,
but then… nah.

He shrugged. 'Fuck it. Let her take a Plan B pill. She deserves it… '

Camila soon left in a hurry to go to the pharmacy, leaving Ben and Miyuki to talk. He
was reviewing his camera footage, having captured some artistic footage during the
sex also, when Miyuki addressed him. "Benjamin-kun, shouldn't I also worry about
getting pregnant?" Although it was irresponsible, she'd been busy with various
things since the last time they had sex and the issue slipped her mind until now.

He considered giving her a random excuse, but seeing as how she was in love with
him now, Ben decided to be upfront with her. "I practice a special tantric technique
so you won't get pregnant if I don't want you to." His best version of honesty was still

It wasn't his fault though, because he didn't know how to explain to her about his
system. To his surprise though, Miyuki didn't doubt his words at all, only returning a
warm smile. "Okay…” Then, she even approached him, and wrapped her arms around
him in a hug, burying her face into his chest "Benjamin-kun… thank you…”

She couldn't describe how happy she was that he was here for her, saving her from
being blackmailed into sex by Camila… by instead helping her blackmail Camila to
have sex…

Either way, they still had sex in the end, but Miyuki didn't dwell on that… She
preferred having the feeling of control, like playing a Choose Your Own Adventure
story and ignoring the reality that the fixed ending was always inevitable…

Even more than that, she didn't want to think about the brooding underlying theme
of her choices only being an illusion, and what that said about the existence of free

No, she just wanted to hug Ben… and he was fine with that too, because he thought
giving her too much development might lead to a spinoff series that cannibalized his

'Side characters supporting the protagonist is how it should be… ' He believed the
only protags who enjoyed other characters taking their spotlight were cuckolds…

Still, her quick acceptance made him ponder a sensitive subject. 'At this rate, my life
is going to only keep getting crazier. Since Miyuki trusts me, maybe I should tell her
about my system… ' He still found it tricky though, so for now, this could only remain
in the back of his mind.

Soon, Ben bade farewell to the Japanese beauty, and walked back through the
hallway to his own dorm room, because it was once again time for his favorite
dessert--points cobbler…

Yet, before that, he felt the situation called for a celebration song, and he knew the
perfect one. What better tribute to Camila, who tried to Yoko Ono his relationship
with Miyuki… than "Come Together" by The Beatles.

Ben started stamping his feet to the beat…

"His hoes on two sides, he got… skills for rainfall

He got… Squirtle finger, he shoot… in your hole and

He say, "I blackmail you, you don't blackmail me~"

One thing I can tell you, you gon' try some peepee~

Cum together~

Right now~

Over me.




He's Brazzers productions, he's got… enormous cumshoot

He's got… oh so sick burns, he's one… vaginal slapper

He's got d*ck down… below his knees~

Pulls poon with his charm, yet he can't get no disease~

Cum together~

Right now~

Over me."

Meanwhile, in a dorm room Ben was passing by, a certain student was holding his
hand over the mouth of a friend, as he also held a finger to his own mouth indicating
to be quiet. This student's forehead was sweating as he heard Ben's familiar voice
passing by his door.

It was Tyler, and inside his room, there were many boxes and luggage because he
was moving out, to escape the cursed Ben…

Having held his breath, he released a sigh of relief only when he heard the singing
voice disappear down the hall and a door slam shut. His friend who was helping him
move stared at him in confusion. "What was that about?"

Tyler gulped. "We need to hurry. If he sees us… best case scenario--punched in the
d*ck… Worst case--balls in your face…”

The friend went wide-eyed. 'What kind of a dorm is this? Why did I ever agree to
help this pervert?'

Back in his room, Ben laid down on his bed and spread the most satisfied smile he'd
ever shown. Today was the best day of his life… He got promoted at work, Miyuki fell
in love with him, he had a threesome with two beauties for the first time, and he
even got multiple faceslaps in… Of course, there was the biggest win of all—his yet
unchecked system rewards!

Ben took a brief glance at his notifications… and what he saw caused his jaw to drop!
There were too many! It was so insane that he felt he needed to prepare himself. As
such, he decided to get the minor things out of the way beforehand.

The first was to see his exp gains on his new Wartortle skill that evolved mid-battle…
Yet, to his surprise, there was no change.

[Wartortle Rain Dance(Skill, Set, Rare, Growth) - Intermediate technique to make a

woman squirt. Can use both hands and the mouth simultaneously. Power has


'Hmm, is it because I already gained exp using Squirtle Hydro Pump on Miyuki and
Camila?' The system soon verified that fact. So it seemed he could only evolve the
skill again by continuing to spread his seed to new pastures. 'It's the system forcing
the harem tag on me again. It's not my fault… '

He believed it was a strong defense… and if you asked him what he'd do if he could
make the choice himself--no comment…

Following that, Ben got up to sit in a comfortable position, and took some deep
breaths, because he was aware that what was coming next might overexcite him. It
was of course--achievements!

He expected a mountain of them! After all, so much happened in such a short time…
Yet, even prepared, when he opened the screen and saw the list—his eyes popped
Sitting on his bed, Ben read through his achievements with shining eyes. The sex
itself was incredible, but it would never compare to a pointsgasm…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Pittsburgh Push-Pop(fine) -

While getting a blowjob from a woman, have another woman push her head to force
her to deepthroat]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

He nodded. "You can't spell team without meat."

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Skeetlance Videographer(fine) -

Take a nude video of a woman while attaining a repeatable achievement for a sex

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"A true artist should practice in various mediums…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Stranger Ringing The Bell(fine)

- While getting a blowjob from a woman, have another woman throw your penis
around inside her mouth]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"That sound makes the best kind of alarm clock…”

He also wondered if it would disorient symbiotes…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Gollywop(fine) - While getting a

blowjob from two women, slap them in the face with your penis]
[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"It wasn't only Squirtle, my wop also upgraded…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Sollywop(fine) - While getting a

blowjob from two women, have one slap the other with your penis]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"I'm don't think Miyuki was solly… but fine."

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Driver's Headucation

Lesson(fine) - Have one woman ejaculate your penis into another woman's mouth]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

Ben stared at this achievement. "I need to hurry and get a license…”

He didn't need to drive in Manhattan, nor could he afford a car, and maybe not even
gas money for now… but if that's what Driver's Ed. was like…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Copycat Boston Cream

Strangler(rare) - While getting a blowjob from a woman, have another women push
her head as far onto your penis as possible before you ejaculate down her throat]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

He smiled, remembering this naming scheme came from the original Boston Cream
Strangler that he did himself. "Imitation is the greatest form of splattery…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Recruiting a Double-

Agent(epic) - Attain a repeatable achievement for a sex act with a lesbian]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +5000]

Ben gasped. It was his first epic achievement! He believed it was well-deserved
though! After all, how many men could have sex with a lesbian?

Now that he'd gotten an epic, after chatting with the system a bit, he obtained a
clearer understanding of how the rarity levels worked for achievements.
Fine was something noteworthy.

Rare was something he'd recall for the rest of his life.

Epic was something his circle of friends would talk about and remember for the rest
of their lives!

As for legendary which he'd never seen yet, it was for something strangers in a large
geographic area would talk about if they knew about it! It was the type of rumor that
could make him famous!

At that moment, Ben understood the core of the strategies used by the Kardashian
family and others who gained fame through sex tapes…

Given what he knew about them, he also suspected they passed the knowledge on as
a family heritage…

'If I ever get something like an invisibility item, I should sneak into a Kardashian
house and see if I can find a copy of Cum Tzu's Art of Whore.'

Then, he realized another thing. "Maybe the Kardashians had their own whore

His heart was full of envy. 'So many points they must've accumulated… '

Heavy on the "cum."

Sighing, Ben could only make do with his own system… but he soon cheered up by
reading more achievements.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Ass-embly Line(fine) - Set up a

spanking chain with you and two other people]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

Ben read once about how amazing this invention was for productivity, and now he
experienced it first hand. "Efficiency is the key. Standardization for mass

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Tapping the Keg(rare) - Make a

woman squirt repeatedly in a short time]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

He smirked. 'If I knew that would be the name, I would've done a keg stand…

Now, let's call the truck to pick up that empty hunk of metal… '

Although he was thankful for the achievement, Ben was a little disappointed this
wasn't also an epic, because the original squirt achievement was already a rare. He
understood why though. The distance between rare to epic was 5x, as compared to
the distances below rare such as fine to rare which were only 2x. Therefore, to get an
epic achievement, it needed to be something monumental.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Dual Wielding(epic) - Squirt

two girls at once]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +5000]

"And there it jizz…”

Ben held his hands at his waist, with the index fingers pointed out like they were
guns. "Bang bang."

He then blew on his fingers, one hand at a time like they were smoking.

This achievement made him appreciate Wartortle Rain Dance even more since he
would've never gotten this achievement by himself. Still, Ben did put in the work to
create the situation for Wartortle to shine. The Pokemon were powerful, but they
couldn't pay the registration fees to get into Pokemon tournaments without their

Ben was applying pimp logic to the Pokemon circuit…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Virgin Surgeon(repeatable,
rare) - Take the virginity of a new woman]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

He was getting quite adept at this now. "Repetition is the key to perf*cktion…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Owwywop(fine) - While having

sex with a woman, make her slap herself in the face]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

'It's so much easier when they save me the trouble of faceslapping… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Doggy Pile-Up(fine) - Have sex

with two women stacked one on top of the other in doggy style position]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"Miyuki really put the ass in assist today…”

Ben enjoyed this position a lot. After all, as a kid, his favorite part of mecha anime
and cartoons was when the robots combined into a larger mecha…

As for why this wasn't ranked higher though, he asked the system and she explained
it. The calculation for the rarity of this position took into account that he was already
in a threesome, but didn't give extra points for it directly, as was the case for most
threesome achievements.

To be specific, if he was with one woman, getting her into an exotic position was
uncommon. Given he was in a threesome with two women as the foundation, the
rating elevated to fine, because he needed to convince both of them to station at
their posts…

Yet, the system didn't calculate most of the points for the threesome itself there, but
in its own separate achievement.

Regardless, since this was already a tier higher than the other position achievements
he gained which were only uncommon, Ben was satisfied.
In any case, he had nothing to complain about, because for the first time, he was
making massive gains!

That wasn't all either. The best part was—this was only the beginning! There were
still many rewards waiting!
Inside his dorm room, Ben sat on his bed, squinting at the next achievement he

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Scrotorola(fine) - Have sex with

one woman while another licks your testicles as they roll over her during your

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"Hello Scroto…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Sharing a Tuna Flavored

Popsicle(fine) - After having vaginal sex with one woman, receive oral sex from
another during the same session]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

"Sharing is caring…”

Ben may not have been perfect, but he always held fast to the fundamental principles
of sucksociety…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Brooklyn Bridge(fine) - Have

one woman ride you cowgirl, while another sits on your face]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

Smiling, he was proud of the structure he built. After all, he spent countless hours in
his youth dreaming up such an architectural wonder… having spent many frustrating
hours toiling over the blueball-prints…

Yet, yesterday at last, he finished his dream cumstruction…

"A feat of modern Bengineering…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Humanoid Tentacle

Monster(rare) - Give orgasms simultaneously to two women using different body
parts ]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

Ben didn't mind the hidden insult. Getting these points only improved his mood. He
felt tentacular…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Hate Fu*k(fine) - Have rough

sex with a woman for revenge]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +500]

'Where it lacks in points, it makes up for in psychological benefits… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Tennessee Turnaround(rare) -

Reverse blackmail a woman into sex]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

Ben's feelings were mixed on this one. 'The real credit should go to Miyuki. At most,
I'd be an accessory… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Holey Trinity(repeatable, epic) -

Have a threesome to completion]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +5000]

After continuous cumtivation of the Dao of Plow, Ben was now touching the edge of
the divine realm!

"Yuss!" Seeing it was another epic, he fist-pumped! That was three epics so far!
What's more—this was repeatable!

He believed the system was setting him on the right path for once!

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Homemade Waterfall(rare) -

Creampie a woman, then have the sperm leak out of her into another woman's

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +1000]

'This is why waterfalls are classic training spots for cum fu… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Trick and Treat (uncommon) -

Trick a girl into thinking she's going to be pregnant when she isn't]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points +200]

Although this was one of the achievements with the fewest points, Ben felt it held
understated sentimental value…

Reaching the end of his achievements, he looked at his points. With what he gained
now, combined with those he saved before and the Slow Cosby achievement he
received when Miyuki fell in love with him, that brought the points total to… 33000!

Ben's jaw dropped!

He hurried to open the store page to see what he could buy, to discover… there was
nothing new…

"33000 still isn't enough?" He knitted his brows, thinking it over. '5x is the multiplier
between epic and rare, which is also the difference between the high level mystery
boss and the mid level. Since 25000 showed nothing new, then maybe the next
purchasable item will be of an even higher multiplier than 5x… How high though?
10x? More?'

Sighing, he decided to put it aside for now. The system never told him about hidden
features unless it was a troll, so there was no way to know. Ben also chose not to
spend the points yet, because there were a lot more rewards he needed to review.

For example, he received a new title!

[Congratulations! You've unlocked a new title: Virgin Surgeon, M.D.(uncommon)]

[Conditions met: Have sex with five virgins]

'Finally finished my residency in the vagina… '

He rushed to open his title screen.

[Virgin Surgeon, M.D.(uncommon): You are skilled with your instruments. When
having sex with a virgin, your penis will not cause pain]

Ben didn't understand how that would work, but he didn't care to. The important
thing was that his d*ck was now officially magic…

As far as titles went though, this one didn't seem too useful, but since he didn't
expect it in the first place, it was still a pleasant surprise. "I guess I could consider it
a utility skill for the uterus…”

Besides that, he got another big win out of the run-in, run-out, run-in with Camila…

Ben completed his monthly challenge!

[Congratulations! You've completed the Monthly Challenge: Two and a Half-Some -

have a threesome… with two women]

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Stat Point(Random) -1]

[Completion status: 1/1

He ended up finishing it way faster than he expected. 'Could this be the tipping
point… where I break through the bottleneck into the better side of weak->strong?
Will girls start falling for me at a casual glance? Will I finally get the OP tag?'

Soon later though, he facepalmed… because he realized he set up enough flags for a
military funeral…

"Forget it… which stat did it go to?"

[Distributing reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Assigning Stat: Manliness +1]

Ben closed his eyes, as he sensed his natural assertiveness increasing. "Wow, this
is…” Then, he opened them and sat there blinking, because he discovered even his
voice became a tad deeper. "Is it raising my testosterone level?"

It was impossible to tell for sure, but Ben heard from Beluga that high testosterone
was a common trait in what most people considered masculine men. Testosterone,
or T in bro speak, was one of the key hormones in men.

With high T-levels came a series of other traits: more muscle mass, a deeper voice,
more body hair, a higher sex drive, along with a multitude of health benefits. It was
even theorized that high T-levels attracted women, making it a good idea to raise
your T, if you wanted to put P in V…

On top of that, the benefits weren't limited to health and dating.

It was common scientific knowledge that testosterone was important for

competitiveness. Both in sports and business, top competitors tended to have higher
T-levels. Now that Ben realized manliness raised testosterone, he had a better
understanding of the role the stat played in his pick up artist system. As a result, he
even modified some of his future plans.

Ben had wanted to do more research about raising T-levels because he heard there
were many natural methods to do so, but with the system handling it, he could now
focus on raising his manliness stat instead. Wanting to see where he was with that,
he opened his stats screen to read the description.

[Manliness: (+1)7 - At most, only half a b*tch…]

"Why is it still half?!?"

Ben shook his head… Wasn't 7 pretty high? It was! So why must he eat insults?

He didn't bother asking the system though, because he already knew that even if she
responded, it would be with those three little words, and that didn't refer to "I love
you," but "go f*ck yourself…”

Instead, Ben checked his challenges screen, to see what his new monthly mission
would be.
[Monthly Challenge: MILF Hunter - Seduce a woman over the age of 35 who is at
least a 7 in looks and in a relationship]

Ben didn't think it seemed too hard, but it wasn't easy either. First, her being in a
relationship would make things much trickier. Not every woman was looking to
cheat and he also wasn't trying to break apart a happy home. 'Though if the
foundation's rocky, I'll shake some stones… '

Second, it was a fact that women's looks faded as they aged. If you took 100 women
who were 7s at 25, it was hard to say how many of them would maintain that
standard at 40, maybe not even a dozen. It meant there were not that many potential

Ben got up off his bed to stretch as he considered the possibilities. There was
Professor Tremblay, and the most promising one was Titjob Tina, but he left her
department so it was difficult to say when they'd both meet again. Of course, he
could also meet someone new. "I can only do my best…” Shaking his head, Ben
continued reading the rest of the challenge.

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Permanent old man breath]

Ben frowned when he read the punishment. He'd heard that at a certain age, some
elderly people developed natural bad breath because of gum disease. It seemed if he
failed to pork a milf, it would soon be his turn…

Although it didn't sound so bad, Ben understood how difficult this would make
picking up women, since having bad breath was one of the best ways to get shut
down right away during an approach.
With that out of the way, the next thing, was Camila's booty chest. This was the
reward that excited him most, which stayed in the back of his mind until now for one
simple reason—it was a different color!

Ben took out the chest from his pocket, staring at its stunning exterior—a
glimmering royal purple.

[Booty Chest(Consumable, Epic) x1 - Drops one object of guaranteed associated


When he saw the tier, Ben gasped!

While he was in Miyuki's room, with two girls watching him, he didn't read the
details. Although he expected it, to verify it with his own eyes now--it gave him a

This meant it would drop a guaranteed epic item! How good were epic items? Until
now, the epics Ben received were the D*ck Dan Pill, Divine Line Generator skill book,
and the Typewriter of Truth—all powerful items that either brought massive
changes to his life or would have great usefulness for a long time! Each one was

An epic item was worthy of the word—epic!

The thing he found weird though, was why Camila dropped an epic chest while all
his other girls dropped rares. Taking a poke in the dark, he even decided to ask the
system, and to his surprise, she responded.

[The rarity tier of the booty chests is determined by the stats of the
woman(especially looks), the difficulty of seducing her due to her personal
circumstances, and her other individual characteristics such as special bloodlines,

'I guess I can understand why Camila would be a higher rarity then. Looks-wise, she
isn't too different from the other girls, but there's one thing that made her a much
more difficult conquest—the fact that she was a lesbian. In fact, it should've been
impossible, and only happened because of a very special rare item and Miyuki's
assistance. Wait… '

That's when Ben focused on the end of the system's message. "Special bloodlines…
does… Camila have one?"

Although he assumed the epic tier was from her being a lesbian, he couldn't tell if
there was another special characteristic, because the system didn't divulge further
information on any specific girl. 'However, Camila's status never indicated anything
about a special bloodline… '

In fact, the only time he ever got such an alert was when he saw the Dungeon Master
at Domina… which made him realize something else. 'So I might get another epic
chest if I seduce that beautiful mature redhead?'

Then, Ben shook his head, because he was getting too far ahead of himself. The
redhead wasn't of import or sexport right now…

As far as Camila, he didn't know if there was something else going on with her, but
there was no way to find out at the moment. Besides, there was a more essential
item at hand--the epic chest!

Remembering epic loot was waiting for him, Ben stared at the chest with intensity,
rubbing it in his hands like it was a genie lamp or a supermodel's vagina…

He understood that no matter what, even the best supermodels would have to open
their vaginas at some point.

Such was also the case here…

Taking a deep breath, Ben prepared to open the chest, wondering what item it would
drop. The rare chests tended to have potions, which were very useful for Ben. So
what kind of epic would he get? He didn't know so he recited a mantra in his head for
the thing he most desired.

A cure for cancer?

Celebrity status?

Infinite wealth?

'D*ck Dan Pill. D*ck Dan Pill. D*ck Dan Pill.' He wanted a bigger d*ck!

Some might say, "Ben, buddy… isn't it big enough?"

To which he would reply, "Why are billionaires still greedy for wealth? Aren't their
bank accounts big enough? The answer is simple—to have money for the most
expensive surgeries for bigger d*cks!"

Ben didn't know his limits! His sex life changed so much for the better since the D*ck
Dan Pill that he thought another one might bring even more improvements! Would
having such a massive ding dong backfire?



Almost certainly!

But he was willing to take the chance!

He couldn't help it! He was addickted!

It was the same reason bodybuilders wanted to get so massive. Ben was a boner-

Or at least, he'd give it a shot! He believed a man needed to shoot for the heavens! So
it was obvious you could reach farther with a longer cannon!

If in the end, it turned out he flew, or his boner grew, too close to the sun… then he'd
accept falling from the sky like Dickarus…
Even then, plummeting on his way to death, he'd be sure to enjoy the view…

Of his jumbo johnny…

With that in mind, all of that unnecessarily long mental rant in mind… Ben grabbed
the lid on the purple chest, and opened it!

Purple light filled the room! It looked like the mood lighting at Beluga's house!
As Ben covered his eyes, the purple light from opening the epic booty chest soon
receded, like Rick James left the party…

Looking down, Ben found that in his hands, there was now a new item—a glass vial
full of red liquid.

At first, he thought it was another potion. Yet, unlike the previous ones he'd received
for the rare chests, this item was different: smaller, and glowing!

It released a subtle ambient light, showing that whatever was inside, was no normal
substance. Eager to know what it was, he read the system description.

[Refined Elite Human Bloodline Essence(Consumable, Epic) x1 - Increases the

genetic potential of the human who drinks it]

Ben narrowed his eyes. "Genetic potential?" After pondering it a few seconds, he
nodded in understanding. "It could be shvontz size."

His parents and school told him to never give up on his dreams…

Then, he remembered another possibility. "Wait… is this a Super Soldier Serum?"

Ben found it interesting because that was an item that would give him significant
strength: somewhere between the world's top powerlifter… and enough to hold back
Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet and Power Stone…

The strongest antagonist in the known universe, Thanos…

The Thanos who beat Thor and Hulk within minutes of each other…
The Thanos wearing the strongest power-enhancing item in the universe…

It might make Ben that strong.

Depending on who was writing that day.

After contemplating it though, he wasn't sure if taking that Serum would be a good
thing. "It might turn me into a pansy-ass like Steve Rogers…”

Ben shook his head. "I don't know what the movie studio was thinking, but I
wouldn't want to live in this country if Captain America was a 93 year old virgin."

However, Ben thought of a counterpoint. "Winter Soldier also took the Serum. In that

Ben's eyes enlarged as he realized something incredible! Something that meant this
little tube of liquid could change his life!

"Does it feel like someone else is doing it when Winter Soldier uses the metal arm to
jack it?"

"It might be worth it…” He considered if giving up an arm for that was a good idea.

Then, Ben gasped, because something else came to him, and he realized the great
significance of what could happen if he ingested the bloodline essence. "Will I get the
evolution tag?!?"

When he asked the system about the epic consumable, she failed to give him an
adequate response though, because she didn't understand what he meant by tags…

Yet, regarding the consumable itself, she did say it would improve the potential of his
stats. So, after weighing all the aspects, Ben decided that drinking it was the only
logical choice, and he believed any rational person would agree. "This is the way to
the metal arm…”

He was absorbed with tunnel-vision for that metal fleshlight.

It made Ben forget that the Super Soldier Serum was only one aspect of a long
storyline in how Winter Soldier got that metal arm. To be fair though, that storyline
was forgotten by almost everyone else who saw it too…

"I have to do this, because I'm pretty sure vibranium means it can vibrate."

That was the final straw that made Ben steel himself…

With the decision finalized, holding the glass item, he sat on his bed against the wall
in a comfortable position. He didn't know what kind of side effects would come from
consuming the liquid so it was best to prepare. Gulping with some anxiety, Ben lifted
the vial closer to his mouth as its glow reflected on his face.

When he opened the top, he couldn't help but grimace a bit at the powerful smell of
iron, but soon composed himself. He knew drinking this was the key… to his pathway
for the future… to an automatic jerk arm that functioned on solar power and never

So, after preparing himself a moment, Ben brought the vial to his lips, and drank it!

A powerful metallic taste assaulted his tongue as he winced while trying to down the
contents as fast as possible!

When he finished drinking, system notifications popped up.

[Detecting absorbed bloodline: Elite Human]

[User has unlocked bloodline system]

‘…Is that it?' Reading the screens, Ben's face was terrible as the awful taste lingered
in his mouth. A second later though, his expression became even worse!

His eyes bulged, because he realized he'd made a huge mistake!

It was the most common grave error made by university freshmen: "I forgot the

He didn't bring something to wash the taste down! Hurrying to his mini-fridge, Ben
grabbed an orange juice and glugged it down… flooding out the horrible aftertaste.

"Ahh…” A few moments later, with it gone from his mouth, he could relax at last.
"Thankfully, I had something to drink this time. OJ… to save the day… with good old
vitamin FU—!"

Right then, he dropped the orange juice as a profound pain overwhelmed him!
Dropping to his knees, Ben huddled up into a ball on the floor! His body shook! He
lost all control!

It was different from the pain when he took the potions, but only in a worse way! He
felt the pain deep inside his bones! Everywhere! As if he was being attacked at a
cellular level!

Five minutes later, Ben got up from the floor, releasing rough breaths. His clothes
were soaked in sweat, and he was frowning. "My juice…”

He'd spilled the chaser, committing the second gravest error made by university

"The results better have been worth it." It was a branded orange juice, not that
generic concentrate garbage. There was pulp and everything…

Ben checked his system messages again.

[Detecting absorbed bloodline: Elite Human]

[User has unlocked bloodline system]

[Genetic modifications commencing]

'Damn, she got me again… ' He shook his head. 'Was another troll delay before this
last message really necessary?'

He wanted to wait longer, but the taste was atrocious, and he suspected she might
troll delay for years if she wanted…

Helpless, Ben read the next notification.

[Detecting alternative absorbed bloodline: Orange]

"No…” He did not like where this was going!

[Bloodline conflict detected]

[Conflicting bloodline combination: (Elite Human, Orange)]

[Reason: Bloodline inferiority. Drastic difference between qualities of bloodlines]

Ben blinked. "Which one is inferior?"

"Isn't it a matter of opinion?" He thought it was a reasonable question…

[Conflict resolution in process]

[Lower quality bloodline eliminated]

[Conflict resolved]

[Genetic modifications resuming]

[Bloodline absorption in process]

[Bloodline absorption completed]

When Ben saw there weren't any more messages, he stopped breathing for a
moment… because he realized there was an issue. "Wait… which bloodline did I

His face changed colors…

"It can't be…” The system didn't make it clear! And that terrified him! He didn't want
to be an orange man!

"Am I a Trump now?!?"

Standing in his room, releasing heavy breaths from anxiety, Ben forced himself to
calm down. "Relax, it might've all been a troll from the system. There's a good chance
my bloodline didn't become half-orange, or whatever it would be called—tangerine

He didn't know the outcome so tried to stay positive. However, deep down, he still
dreaded becoming the fruity version of Jeff Goldblum in The Fly…

Soon though, Ben came up with a good test to see if he became the literal golden
child of the Trump family…

The method was simple--try out a few quotes from the ancestor…

So after a brief search on the internet…

"Make America great again."

"Grab 'em by the pussy. Grab 'em by the pussy."

"I don't know who Lil Jon is. I don't—I really don't."

"I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean… I want to help women."

"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy

"She got schlonged… she lost, I mean she lost."

"She does have a very nice figure… If [Ivanka] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be
dating her."

"My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various
other parts of my body."

"You know, it really doesn't matter what the media writes as long as you've got a
young and beautiful piece of ass."

"I will build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me… and
I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern
border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Ben was amazed he didn't need to put a perverted twist on any of those for them to

They were already perfect…

Yet, it was for that exact reason that he narrowed his eyes. "Not good, a few of those
quotes resonated."

He started to panic fearing he became a raisin and nut Trump-mix…

With fevered urgency, Ben scanned through the system screens to see if he missed
anything. There weren't any additional notifications, but when he exited to the main
system menu, he discovered something new!

There was now a Bloodline option that wasn't there before! Ben opened it in a rabid
rush, and there, he saw what he'd been wishing for!

[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Pending Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human(+1)]

Seeing this, Ben dropped to his knees and kowtowed…

"Thank you… Hillary, Obama, Arianna Huffington, Rosie O'Donnell, Kim Jong-Un…

The entire media industry…

All of Hollywood…

The FBI…

Self-tanning cream…”

He rattled down the list of Trump's enemies…

Ben thought perhaps they played a spiritual role in preventing his Trumpification…

Yet, he soon came to a point where he needed to stop, because he realized the list
was effectively endless…

Ben didn't have any strong political stance or opinions on Trump, but couldn't help
but marvel at how abhorred one person could be. "This guy's aggro range is
legendary… It seems like more people hate him than Hitler… dead included…”

Having paid his respects to the demon of the left… Ben moved on to open his
bloodline information.
[Human(Bloodline, Fine) - Standard human bloodline. Cap of 10 on stats. Average
fertility. High learning potential. No bloodline abilities]

When he saw the fine rating, Ben's head raised a bit, proud of his fine race… but he
soon realized that he was gloating over being better than ants, mice, and maybe
some sh*tty goblins somewhere…

'I guess in most fantasies, humans are always one of the most dominant races, so
when considering that, fine makes sense… However, I always took that as human fan-
service, because the authors were pandering to their human readers… '

He suspected that if there was fiction read by elves somewhere, in their stories,
humans might get the monkey treatment…

It seemed things weren't quite that bad though. So with an improved mood, Ben
continued on to the pending enhancement.

[Elite Human(Bloodline, Epic) - Advanced human bloodline. Cap of 11 on stats.

Below average fertility. Very high learning potential. No bloodline abilities]

[Elite Human enhancement effect: Max Stat Point Potential(Random) +1]

[Would you like to apply the enhancement now?]

Ben understood the function but still found one thing weird. In a typical system,
there would be stats like strength, agility, intelligence, etc. While he possessed those
characteristics and could even boost them with some items, the system didn't
include them in his stats outright, keeping them hidden. Even now, the enhancement
would only apply to his stats which focused on seduction. Like a nymphomaniac ex-
girlfriend, it was like the system twisted the world to make everything only about

However, Ben couldn't complain. Even though she was a sadistic pervert… he
understood that having any system that could help him grow was a lucky blessing,
despite having gotten it because of his world-class bad luck…

So, he returned to the screen, and chose to receive the enhancement.

[Elite Human Bloodline enhancement commencing]

[Assigning Stat: Personal Talent Max Potential +1]

Ben shook his head. "Well, that's just great…” The stat for which his potential raised
to 11, happened to be the one that was the lowest, sitting at a 3…

He sighed… 'Whatever, this is still a good thing. I'll just work on improving personal
talent when I finish my next plan.'

He tried to look at the bright side, and with that mindset, he remembered another
positive aspect of all this, and soon shook his fists in excitement! "I did it!"

He recalled… that all this meant his story gained the evolution tag…

Yet, he soon furrowed his brows, because something was else was off. "I feel like I'm
forgetting something important…”

Only after a while of deep pondering, and deep cleaning of the spilled orange juice on
the floor… which almost became his family… did Ben remember what he almost

At that moment, he wished he didn't remember, because all his hopes and dreams
disappeared, like flat asses in the wind…

Glowering, Ben dropped the paper towel roll…”With only this bloodline
enhancement, how am I supposed to get an auto-jerk arm?"

It wasn't for many minutes that he broke free from his d*ckpression…

Yet, Ben managed to do so because he found a smidgen of hope. "There's still a

chance I can spin Willy and get an arm-p*ssy."
With Camila's Mexican flag, Ben believed he still had a chance to get his soldierin'
arm of special forces…

Otherwise, he feared he might experience some sudden side-effects from the

bloodline concoction, also known as Hulk-raging in his room…

To Ben's surprise though, that thought improved his mood even further. The reason
was that he realized he possessed a blessing from a long time ago. It was that no
matter how disappointed he became, it could never be worse than that time after
watching the two recent stand-alone Hulk movies.

Smiling like a man with nothing to lose… Ben navigated to his flags screen, where he
saw a new Mexican flag, radiating light.

"That is fuego…”

Smirking, and with a goal in mind, he went ahead and summoned Willy.


As the big black disco ball materialized, looking like it came from a John Travolta
party… Ben made some distance. Putting his hands up, he got ready to punch,
cocking one fist back, as a potential counterc*ck to any unexpected c*ck…

He'd even spent an afternoon earlier watching old episodes of Hajime no Ippo in

Yet, this time, by the time Willy finished expanding and became a wheel, there were
no unwelcome jizzitors…

With the threat gone, Ben exhaled and put his arms down. Rubbing his hands
together, he even considered which arm he should sacrifice to the spirit of fapping…

'Most people would keep their dominant arm if offered this blessing…

That's the rational choice since they could continue doing all their daily activities
without a problem, but those people are sheep!

If I sacrifice my dominant right arm, I'll have not only a sensation-less metallic arm
but also a left arm that can count as half an outsider…

Hence, not only will it be like someone else is stroking my salami… but I can also use
the left hand to get that partial stranger sensation when playing with my schnutz!'

Ben smirked, knowing his rare scientific wisdom was the kind that one would gain
only after years of experimentation in the lapratory… and once or twice, in the

Having decided, he approached Willy, grabbed the lever, and spun!


Ben stared hard at the wheel, trying to wish his desire into reality. "Come on! I want
it so give it to me! Just a metal arm!"

"Okay, I'll take a forearm!"

"All right, just a hand!"

"Give me a thumb and an index--I'll make it work!"

A short while later, the wheel stopped spinning, with the arrow landing on… a
drawing of a piece of grass.

Ben frowned. "That doesn't look like the pony I asked for…”


Then, when Willy disappeared, the only thing remaining was a white book on the
floor, making Ben's eye twitch…

'No, calm down. I've never seen a white book before. It might be something even
better than what I wanted.' He tried being optimistic, even though he couldn't fathom
such an item…

With an open mind and one flesh arm too many… he walked over and picked up the

[Weak Grass Manipulation(Skill Book, Trash) x1]

"Trash tier?"

Ben's arm shook as a vein pulsed in his forehead…

'No, before judging, I should check the skill description first.'

[Weak Grass Manipulation(Skill, Trash) - Tiny telekinetic control over one blade of
grass. Useless in every way imaginable]

"I see…”

He lifted the book above his head… and threw it on the ground!

"I won't be part of your system!"

Ben didn't understand! "I was sending out the mental vibrations! Positive energy!
How come I didn't get it? It was supposed to work! How else did The Secret sell 30
million copies?!?'

Five minutes later, after pacing around his room, Ben released a long exhale, because
he managed to find a silver lining in the garbage-tier grass skill… 'I shouldn't be so
quick to judge. There are no trash skills, only trash people… '

Picking the book back up, he tried to console himself that the system might be
under-valuing the ability. 'After all, who believed moonlight sculpting would be

He nodded. 'It could be just like that. This ability might seem like garbage. Yet,
there's some chance the system re-arranged the rational laws of physics, so
moonlight becomes tangible matter to use as a weapon… or grass becomes stronger
than steel…”

Doing such a thing seemed absurd and Ben couldn't help but wonder at the cost-
benefit of it all…

Even so! He spread a newfound smile full of hope!

[Would you like to learn Weak Grass Manipulation(Skill, Trash)?]

After confirming, the book soon turned into a ball of light, and with him not having
let his guard down, it flew towards his forehead, entering his hot tub of

Ten minutes later… Ben was outside in the park, kneeling down on the grass under
the bright sky. The smell of the freshly-cut lawn filled his nose as the soft ground
cushioned his legs. It made him feel like he was the king, who after many years away,
returned home at last, to the love and adoration of his grass citizens. Ben even felt an
unfamiliar affection for his subjects as he stared at a single blade of grass. "You
gonna f*cking dance for me, wench?"

After learning the skill, the result was like other active skills in that he possessed a
new method to activate it mentally. In this case, If he focused on a blade of grass, he
sensed that he could form a spiritual connection with it. 'Obey me, and I will grow
you into the strongest grass-type Pokemon… '

Choosing in his mind to form the connection, Ben felt it lock on, and he proceeded to
squint hard at the leaf of grass, as he sent a telekinetic command. 'Move… '

Yet, even after tried several times, he didn't observe a difference… 'Maybe I'm not
focusing hard enough?'

Twenty minutes and a minor headache later… 'MOVE YOUR FLAT ASS!'

Ben was gnashing his teeth, because the grass still wasn't budging! 'It can't be like

Disbelieving the system would lie to him about the skill, he dropped on his belly,
bringing his face so close that it was almost touching the grass. 'Move! Move! Don't
lay there like a dead fish!'

His eyes became bloodshot! His hands gripped the dirt! And at that moment, he
gasped! 'It moved!'

After a moment of surprise, he tried it again. 'It moved again!'

Success! It worked! Telekinetic powers were at his disposal!

He'd achieved his desired outcome, and yet, Ben was frowning…
Sitting on the ground in the park, Ben had achieved success using Weak Grass
Manipulation! The skill description wasn't lying! It worked! He really gained
telekinesis over plants, being able to move grass with his mind! So why was he

Because it f*cking only moved a millimeter!

The change was so small, you would need a magnifying glass to see it, and it only
worked when there was zero wind. It wasn't even enough to tickle someone!

Yet, it wasn't like he could make it grow either. He couldn't even pull the grass out,
having tried and learned that the skill stopped working then. Ben was now a
superhero, but one who could only move a single blade of grass a f*cking millimeter!

"Die!" He karate chopped the grass!

Like that, a once hopeful top Pokemon met its end…

It was a short life, and it committed no wrong except to exist… having been born as
the wrong leaf of grass that met the wrong human ass.

However, Ben was only following the tradition of slaughter. In reality, it's what
happened to all the useless Pokemon. After all, what did people eat? There were no
pacifist vegans in a world where even salads were alive…

Although no one talked about it in the open, and there was no documentary about it
yet… this was the dark side of the Pokemon training industry.
It was a world for kids where everything people murdered and ate was intelligent.


Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Ben, when he delivered a karate chop, sending the leaf
of grass to isekai into its own story in a distant Tang Sect… someone was passing on
the nearby pathway, an acquaintance who had seen all of it…

Having stopped her steps once she observed the karate chop… Professor Tremblay
sighed. 'I need to work harder to properly educate these students… '

After debating whether to call the mental hospital… she decided not to, since she
didn't understand Ben and vegans were doing unusual things these days…

Instead, she left to return to her office, having reignited her fire for teaching. She'd
found a new desire to spread knowledge, and an even stronger urge to rid the world
of ignorance.


After lying in the grass with his head buried a while, Ben found the strength to get up
and keep moving forward. 'I refuse to believe the system would give me a trash skill
that won't become divine tier. It's simply not done!'

His face regained confidence. 'This is only my misunderstanding for sure. I have full
faith that one day, this weak grass skill will turn out to be the grass emperor skill… '

Ben knew there was precedent to believe such a thing.

63rd stratagem of web novels: if something receives a noteworthy introduction, the

more useless it appears, the more useful it will turn out to be.

Like most authors of web novels and anime, Ben held firm faith in the cliches…

As for the metallic arm, he couldn't even think about it, burying his greatest wish
deep down. He dare not speak of it again, for fear of falling into a deep and desolate
Instead, Ben walked back to his dorm room, to deal with his 33000 points, and to
also prepare for his big plans tonight.

Thinking about them, his mood improved a little. Earlier, Beluga texted him and Ben
mentioned he received a promotion. As a result, they made plans to celebrate at
night by going out with the whole gang. Missing his buddies, Ben looked forward to
it, but he looked forward to meeting beauties even more.

It couldn't be helped, since it had been several weeks since he went out on the town.
After all, Ben understood that humans weren't too different from animals, and like
how being cooped up in a familiar place would make a dog restless if it didn't go on
walks, Ben also felt the urge to take a stroll down the nightlife streets; spraying on
everything he saw…


Later that evening, Ben was in his room getting ready to go out to meet the Fracking

In the end, he chose to save the 33000 points, taking a different approach than usual.
He did it for two reasons. First, his heart couldn't handle any more disappointment…

If he got another useless loot drop, Ben believed it might lead to a new supervillain
origin story…

However, it wasn't because he was so brittle, but because most supervillain origin
stories were…

Second, Ben had a hunch that if he managed to save 50000 points, there might be a
new item available. Since he wasn't in urgent need of anything, he thought that for
now, it was worth it to see if he could reach that goal.

So, after putting that aside and doing some chores, he began getting ready for the
nighttime escapades. At the moment, he was doing the most important step in those
preparations for going out with the boys—and that didn't refer to Antonio and
Beluga, but to his balls… which at the moment, he was shaving…

In the bathroom with an electric razor, Ben was keeping up with the Kardashians…

It was something he started to do recently after Beluga told him women preferred it
by far, and up to this point, Ben received no complaints. The only issue was of course
was that he wasn't accustomed to having a blade so close to piercing his hearts…

It led to Ben having a constant spider-sense of danger…

So, with light sweat on his forehead, he tried to give it his all. In fact, manscaping was
the only time in his life he ever gave anything 110%…

And through that intensity, he gained super focus, time slowed down, he could see
the wings on a fly, etc…

He imagined this exact situation was the inspiration for all the writers that came up
with slow motion abilities such as in movies like The Matrix, Wanted, and even Flash
and Quicksilver…

Ben was also certain this is what was really trained in real-life super soldier

Thankfully, a while later, through the grace of Gillette… Ben finished without any

So after getting dressed, he went out to where they were all meeting, and it wasn't to
just any place. Beluga was adamant they visit a special destination—the most
prestigious nightclub in the city--Latrine!
As Ben stepped out into the street from the subway, he froze when he saw how many
good-looking people there were. Young men and women were everywhere, in lavish
nightlife attire, chatting and laughing as they walked to their destinations. This was a
neighborhood Ben had never been to, another hotspot of Manhattan nightlife, and
with the perfect name representing his goal for the night—it was the Meatpacking

Unlike the West Village that housed bars like Domina, this neighborhood catered to
big nightclubs. Top DJs, models, and the wealthy frequented this area on a regular
basis. It was a place where people of a higher tier of appearance and status gathered,
but Ben hoped to sneak in…

As he walked to his destination, he couldn't help having a sense that he didn't belong,
but soon, his mood improved, because he saw someone who looked even more out of
place. There, on a corner, was big Beluga in a formal three-piece purple suit and tie…
and he wasn't alone.

Antonio was nearby, trying to attract the attention of passing girls, by doing the

It wasn't working though…

In addition, there was even an unexpected fourth member, Chuck, who was doing his
best to learn and imitate the moves of metallic mayhem on Antonio's side…

Meanwhile, Beluga was giving yelling pointers, on how to be more robotic…

Ben pondered something. 'Should I go alone?'

He shook his head though. 'F*ck it. Tonight, let's go C*cktimus Prime.'

Soon, they all greeted each other and chatted for a few minutes as they prepared to
go out. Ben slapped Chuck's arm. "Hey, you're a freshman, right? Will you be able to
get in?"

Chuck nodded. "I think so. My roommate helped me get a fake ID."

"Hey, you wanna hit this?" Antonio interrupted them as he passed Ben his iPhone.

"Huh?" Ben glanced at it, and saw it was playing a video, of a hardcore porn!

Ben stepped back. "What the f*ck are you showing me porn for? We're in public!" He
looked around to make sure no one saw them.

Antonio chuckled. "Relax cuz. This is good for getting the T-levels up before goin'

Beluga nodded. "It does work, Benjamin…”

That's when Ben noticed Beluga was watching his own porn.

Then, Beluga and Antonio even put their phones side by side and started doing

"She has the physical advantage, but look at that amateur technique…”

"Don't even start. Those are the tits that never quits…”

Observing this, Ben could only shake his head in disbelief, looking to the side at little
Chuck and having the impulse to cover his big young eyes as he brought him to a safe
place far away from here…
It was only due to Ben's vehement insistence that the group soon left to go to the
club, forcing the two public perverts to end their play by play analysis…

Several minutes later, as they arrived outside Latrine, Ben's eyes broadened, because
of how upscale it was!

A doorman and bouncers in tuxedos stood at the front of a spacious entrance area,
which was cordoned off by a velvet rope. Dim red lighting illuminated the space,
casting a glow on the red carpet that led to the shadowy interior. A group of tall
models walked in right as Ben's group arrived. Ben swallowed at the sight of the
beauties. 'It's the entrance to the slutlestial realm!'

He also felt relief he suggested they arrive early. 'It's lucky we got here now. I read
online this club gets so busy that a line develops around the block.' Seeing their
destination, the four got onto the back of the short line, as they chatted waiting for
their turn to enter.

A short while later, they reached the doorman at the head of the queue, who looked
them up and down with a disapproving glance. "You on the list?"

Antonio and Beluga looked at each other before Antonio replied. "No, we're just
walkin' up."

The doorman shook his head with a cocky smirk. "If you're not on the list I can't help
you. Private party tonight. Step to the side."

The four frowned, and right at that moment, two handsome men in expensive-
looking clothes walked up from behind them, as the doorman lifted the rope to let
them in with no trouble.

"How come they got in?" Ben furrowed his brows.

The doorman gave him a cursory glance before looking back at his phone and
sneering. "Look, kid. With your appearance, you'll never get in here."

Hearing this, Ben wanted to curse. 'So it's looks again, but it's not like I can change
that now.
As the four stepped out of line, Chuck sighed. "Sh*t. What do we do now?"

Everyone in the group looked at Beluga, the most experienced of them, and when
they saw his expression, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

Beluga smirked with confidence, staring at the doorman as if he was thinking of the
perfect plan that would get them inside at any moment.

A minute later… with a confident smirk, Beluga was still staring at the doorman
because he came up with nothing.

Right then, a group walked up from another side of the entrance. Ben viewed a girl
give the doorman some names as he scanned down a list on a clipboard, and soon
permitted them entry. Seeing that, Ben remembered an item he'd been carrying with
him for a long time, and realized this was the perfect opportunity to utilize it.

Reaching into his pocket and grabbing it, he received a system notification if he
wanted to use it. Choosing yes, he sent a few mental commands.

A few seconds later, he turned to his friends. "Don't worry, I got this."

Antonio kept nodding as he gave him a deep glance. Seeing this expression full of
trust, Ben was thankful to have such a cousin.

Antonio put his hand on Ben's shoulder. "You gonna hit him in the nuts again?"

Before Ben could respond, Chuck and Beluga also gave their support.

"If you're going to curse his mother…”

"Benjamin, if it's sexual favors…”

"F*CK OFF!" Ben fumed.

'What kind of f*cking friends are these?' Ignoring them, he took a deep breath, and
approached the doorman.
Ben strolled up to the Latrine doorman. "Hey, we're on the list."

The suited man eyed him up and down for a moment, then shook his head as he
sneered and looked away.

Ben narrowed his eyes. "Go check your list. Like I said, we're on it."

The doorman wanted to ignore him, but when he observed Ben's confident body
language, he restrained himself, because he knew there were some patrons who
attended this club that he couldn't afford to offend. While Ben didn't look like one of
them, his assertive posture gave the experienced doorman the impression he wasn't
lying. "What's your name?"

Ben smirked. "Benny BeVito… +3."

The doorman gave the list a casual glance through thinned eyes, thinking if this brat
was lying to him, he'd get the bouncers to throw his ass down the street for good. A
moment later though, he blinked… because there it was!

He stared at Ben for a few moments… before opening the velvet rope. "All right."

Ben turned his head to his three friends, and smirked as he waved them over. Seeing
everything that was happening, they gawked in disbelief. Yet, they soon joined Ben
as they all walked inside through the dimly-lit entrance.

"Yo cuz! How'd you do that? You threaten the nut-tap?"

"Teach me the divine curse…”

"Sigh… Benjamin, I hope you didn't offer him too much of yourself."
"SHUT UP!" Ben just got these bastards in but he wished he left them outside now…

As for how he did it? It was with an item he picked up a while ago.

[List Modifying Pen(Consumable, Uncommon) x1 - Add something to a written list

nearby with a mental command]

'It was useful at last.' Ben chatted with his friends while pretending it was his
personal charm though…

However, all their attention was soon captured by the posh interior of the club they
entered. It was simply opulent. With big eyes, everyone looked around, as blasting
dance music became louder with each step further inside. What greeted them was
expensive leather and suade furniture, chandeliers, and staff in suits. There was an
exotic, other-worldly vibe too, due to the Red neon lighting that colored the air and
the walls. Yet, what was most eye-catching, was the clientele.

The further they went in, the more people they ran into, and the more shocked they
became. Every single woman was beautiful, and every man was handsome and tall!
They towered over Ben! It forced him to experience a certain fantasy: 'I'm among
true six-clawed dragons and phoenixes!'

It wasn't something that pleased him though. Instead, like suffering under a dragon
aura, it made him feel nervous, like he didn't belong here!

Chuck and Antonio weren't any better either, and Even Beluga wasn't completely
unaffected. The truth was that none of them ever stepped into this club before and
didn't know what to expect, but now they learned they'd underestimated this place!

As they walked into the main dance area, the four PUAs looked even more awkward
among the rich, tall, and beautiful on all sides… It forced Ben to stop by a wall to get
his bearings, as they all followed him.

Even though he'd been successful with women in the recent past, that was still
somewhat within his comfort zone, in his university environment among students.
However, in this place, he held no competitive advantage! He was at the bottom! In
terms of stats, which one of these men wasn't crushing him? Which one of these
women wasn't out of his league?

Even Antonio who was much more experienced looked uneasy as he turned to
Beluga. "Beluga, you chose this club, but… isn't this a bad spot for us? Only the top
class girls come here. That would normally be lit, except here, they came to meet
high-status dudes: millionaires, athletes, models, all categories we ain't qualified

Hearing this, Chuck and Ben frowned, seeming a bit down, because they knew he
was right.

Yet, Beluga only smiled, his confident attitude not having weakened one bit. "Look, I
know that being around high-class women and competitor alphas like this, your
instincts are probably screaming at you that you have no chance." The three juniors
exchanged glances, and understood they all shared that feeling. So, when they saw
Beluga's firm expression, they couldn't help but wonder why he was different.

Beluga never planned to hold back though, and soon shared his secret. "Your
instincts are telling you to flee, but if you want to soar higher, the only way is to
challenge yourself, and the first step to do that—is to forget those instincts!"

His eyes flared as his words captured their attention, drowning out the club music in
the background. "Don't respond based on those impulses! I know what you're
thinking: 'I'm not good enough. I'm out of my depth.' Well, the fact is, there's no point
worrying about not being good enough! It's useless!"

Beluga spread a helpless smile. "When I started like you, I also worried about it, and
you know where it got me? Nowhere…

It wasn't until I gained enough experience, that I realized… I was worrying about
nothing! Because the reality is, to get the hottest girls, you don't need money and

Hearing this assertive declaration, the three young men's eyes widened. They
understood the power of seduction skills or they wouldn't be here, but to say you can
get the best girls without those things women value so much… it seemed hard to

Beluga sneered. "I know what you're thinking, but it's true. To get top-quality
women, you don't need to be a billionaire, all you need… is the confidence of a

"The confidence of a billionaire?" Ben repeated it as he and Antonio looked at each


"How do we do that?" Chuck's big eyes stared at Beluga with enthusiasm.

Beluga nodded with appreciation. "It's not as hard as you think. In time, you'll realize
like I did that strong game has its own status. Meanwhile, until you become an
experienced veteran, all you have to do—is play the role! Act confident and you'll
become confident! If you can get past those instincts that keep you on the losing side,
then you can condition yourself, to join the winning side!"

The three showed various expressions as they considered his words. Confidence… it
was something they'd already heard was important, but was it really so magical?
Wasn't it easier said than done? It was hard to believe that's all it took.

Seeing their doubt, Beluga only smiled, with genuine confidence…”Watch this."

He gazed around the nearby area, until he found the most gorgeous woman he could
see, and approached her…
Ben, Antonio, and Chuck watched as Beluga opened a stunning redhead inside the
crowded club, as they all thought similar things.

'Come on, that's too much right. That girl's supermodel quality… '

'Even if he's got skills, that chick's too beautiful… '

'Will anyone know it's me if I fart here?'

Ben looked around with thin eyes, before releasing a slow exhale full of relief… from
two places.

He smiled, knowing the crowd would obfuscate the source of the airborne toxic

It would remain hidden, along with his secret talent as an airbender…

However, he like the others, also thought Beluga was biting off more than he could

1 minute later though, when the gorgeous girl started asking Beluga questions with
enthusiasm, their faces began to change.

3 minutes later, when he put his arm on her waist and she smiled, their eyes

5 minutes later, when they started making out, their jaws were on the floor!

What the sh*t was this?!? None of them ever got a number from such a top-quality
beauty! Let alone made out with her! And in a place like this among so many
alphas?!? In only 5 minutes?!? How?!?

This was reality! Not a game! So how'd Beluga turn it into World of Porkcraft?!?

A few minutes later, they watched him get her number as he returned to the three

Right away, they couldn't hold back their questions.


"What's the secret?"

"Can I get sloppy seconds?!?"

Beluga chuckled at them. "I told you boys, it's all about believing in yourself. You
have to understand something--our perceptions shape our world. If you accept that,
and make your mindset, self-belief, and confidence unshakeable, then other people
won't ever be able to shake you either! Females will find it attractive! Men will get
out of the way!

It'll shine through in your interactions! In your body language! In your words! Sh*t
tests will deflect of you naturally! Others will bend to your will!

This is the top confidence shared by many of the world's most successful people;
leaders like Steve Jobs who could make the impossible happen. The name of this
technique--is the reality d*ckstortion field!"

Ben squinted at this. 'Really? The name sounds a bit ridiculous. Just call it what we
all know it is--ruler's haki… '

Yet, whatever they called it, to the three youngsters listening, they couldn't deny its
extreme appeal.
Beluga concluded his thoughts. "Remember, no one can shape your reality but you,
and it starts in the mind. If you come from a place of supreme confidence, you'll be
unbeatable. Then, even if you fail sometimes, it'll only be temporary--building
towards your inevitable success. That'll be your foundation.

When you talk to a female, that confidence will support you like a mountain, making
her realize she can't phase you, and women desire such a steady man. After all, most
of them live floating within a sea of emotions. So what they want most is a man who
can serve as a lighthouse, to tie their boat to and guide them.

When a woman realizes you have that potential, she'll either have to succumb to
your will if she wants to attach her shaky ship, or leave to sail into the stormy sea. If
she passes, it'll be her loss though, since in the end, a ship needs a lighthouse, but a
lighthouse doesn't need a ship, and there's no shortage of females out there. Plus,
she'll get scurvy."

Ben thinned his eyes. "Scurvy, huh? I thought you've never told a joke in your life.
What happened to that?"

Beluga gave him a side glance. "It's called a metaphor, Benjamin. Read a book."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Do light novels count?"

"No." Beluga shook his head in disappointment.

Ben sighed… Then, when he joined the other two juniors to ponder over everything
that was said, the redhead beauty from before came over, kissed Beluga on the cheek
to say goodbye, and left.

Observing this, Chuck swallowed. "Where's she going?"

Beluga watched her walk away. "She has a photo shoot in the morning, so needed to
leave early."

Seeing this girl's shapely backside, Ben was the first to want to try applying Beluga's
uber-confidence. "Let me give it a shot."
He scanned the club until finding a tall raven-haired girl by the bar, who looked like
an actress. Although Ben gained a lot of experience in opening women until now, the
quality here was without a doubt of a higher standard; so much so that his heart
sped up in nervousness, something that hadn't happened before an approach for
some time.

Gulping, he reminded himself to be confident. Then, his face became firm, and he
walked over to her, thinking reassuring thoughts on the way:

'You're the man now, dog… '

'You're The Duke of New York, A-Number-1… '

'They're gonna have to call in the national guard to take me out, cause I ain't going

As he continued thinking positive affirmations, with each step, Ben's body relaxed
further, until his anxiety… disappeared…

When he reached the girl, the confident mindset proved its effect, even putting an
extra pep in his step. Using an assertive opener that's worked for him in the past, he
delivered the line with perfection. 'Beluga was right, my delivery was smoother than
ever! If I push past the anxiety and come from a place of confidence, it really makes a

Yet, reality didn't always play with the balls…

As soon as Ben finished his opener, he received an unexpected system alert.

[You've failed the Value Test - the target's value is too high relative to yours.
Attraction is impossible. Approach failed]

[Target's current attraction level: invalid]

'Huh? Value test?' He blinked, having never seen this notification. Meanwhile, the girl
scoffed at him. "Not interested. Get lost little man." Then, she turned around and
ignored him. Scrunching his eyebrows, Ben could only return to his crew in
"What happened?" Antonio asked.

Ben sighed. "She wanted to explore the sea…”

Something preoccupied his mind though. 'The system mentioned value. What was
Inside the nightclub, Ben tried to ignore the dance music in the background, as he
pondered over an issue that was troubling him. 'The system said I failed the value
test because the target's value was too high relative to mine. What did she mean by

Then, looking at his more experienced friends next to him, he realized he might be
able to get some advice. "Beluga, I think I understood the usefulness of confidence,
but when I opened that girl, I got the impression she thought my value was too low,
but what is value exactly?"

Beluga looked at him as he crossed his arms in his purple suit and responded in his
deep voice. "Ah, I see… Benjamin, it's like this. When you approach a female who
outclasses you too much in looks or other desirable traits, the concept of value
comes into play. Do you remember when we first started picking up women together,
I explained to you that when a man makes an approach, he has a baseline from
where the woman's attraction starts off?

Ben thought back and nodded. He also grasped that concept from his own
experiences. Often when he opened girls, he started out at attraction level
indifferent, but sometimes it was higher or lower depending on if he was her type
and how pretty the girl was.

Beluga continued. "So look at the baseline like this: if your desirable traits such as
looks or status were higher, the attraction baseline would also be higher. You would
then open and start from that baseline, and use seduction skills to raise the
attraction further. Well, that baseline… is also known as value—it's a combination of
your looks, social status, and everything else a female finds desirable in a man."

Ben had also verified this himself. As his stats increased, he noticed when he opened
girls, his attraction level started higher with more of them, showing his baseline was
increasing along with his stats.

Beluga elaborated. "You see, women are always looking to date higher value males,
but they do have a range, so they might give someone of lower value a chance in
certain situations if you can woo them with your game. However, there's a bottom
limit to that range, so when they think you're hitting on them, if they believe your
value is below that desirable value range, you'll get shut down immediately! In that
way, value is the gateway to attraction!"

Ben's eyes flashed. "So when you approach them and make your interest known, it's
like forcing a value test, and if you fail, the interaction is over?"

Beluga's eyebrows raised. "That's right."

Chuck was also interested in this. "Is there anything we can do to raise our value
before the value test?"

Beluga laughed. "Of course there is… like attraction, value is also a matter of
perception. Since that's the case, all you have to do is—control that perception with
seduction techniques!"

Standing against the wall of the club, the three youngsters' eyes lit up with the desire
for knowledge, as they stepped to Beluga so that the music didn't make them miss a
word of what he was about to say.

Smiling, Beluga explained. "While confidence is the foundation, you also need
techniques to build upwards. But before I teach you techniques, I'm going to teach
you something more important—how to delay the value test! You see, if you are
forced under the value judgment right away, you won't have time to use any
techniques to raise your value, and thus fail. So the first step is to create time."

"How do we do that?" Antonio asked.

"Quite simple. First, you need to understand that there are two types of openers:
direct and indirect. A direct opener lets a female know of your romantic intentions
right away. For example: 'You're cute, what's your name?' or 'I just saw you from over
there, and had to come introduce myself.'

In both of these cases, the woman will be clear you're hitting on her, and make the
value judgment right away." Beluga turned to Ben. "When you approached that girl,
you went direct, right?"

Ben thought about it and nodded. He did indeed use an assertive opener that made
his intentions clear.

Beluga nodded. "That was your mistake because you weren't in a position to pass the
value test. The rule of thumb is, if you're not confident of passing the value judgment,
you go with an indirect opener. What's that? It's the kind of opener where you open
conversation but your romantic intention isn't clear. For example, asking questions
or comments about the environment or something they're wearing, making a joke
about someone they look like, etc.

You don't give them the impression you're asexual or looking to get friend-zoned, but
just keep it ambiguous, so that they don't make a hard value judgment on you. The
reason they won't use the test is women don't have nearly as high standards for
acquaintances they chat with as they do for romantic partners. So, you open indirect
to buy yourself time, then reduce the value difference between the two of you, until
you're confident you can pass the value test, and go direct then.

Of course, it's even better if you can change that difference to be in your favor, raising
your value as high as possible. In addition, it's important to understand that direct
openers are not bad in themselves, they're just sometimes unsuitable."

Beluga then gazed around the club, as if scanning for something. When he found it,
he smirked and pointed somewhere for the three of them to notice. "Take a look at

Not far from them, a very handsome man in expensive clothes opened a girl who was
pretty but still worse-looking than him. His opener was also one of the trap cliches—
"Can I buy you a drink?"

Yet, even so, it worked! Her eyes lit up as she followed him to the bar, and a few
minutes later, they even started kissing.

Beluga chuckled. "You see, he went direct, but it worked for him because his value
was higher than the girl's. So when she made the value test, even though he used a
bad opener, the value difference was still large enough that she was very open to
him. In fact, if the value difference gets big enough, in theory, you could say almost
anything and have it work!

Of course, value isn't the end of it. He could still lower her attraction for him by
saying many dumb things. Also, unless she's a slut, he'll still need to do comfort and
possibly deal with LMR later, but value has essentially helped him breeze through
the attraction phase, and will even soften the rest of the pick up. That there… is the
power of value!

On top of that, you also saw the usefulness of direct openers; in the case of that guy,
it saved him a lot of time and simplified things. So whether direct or indirect, the
best move always depends on the situation."

Ben grasped everything but still frowned. "Even knowing all that, I'm pretty sure my
value is much lower than 99% of the people here. Is it really possible for me to pass
the value tests of such beautiful girls? What could I do?"

Beluga only laughed at this. "Possible? Of course it's possible! With the right
seduction techniques, anything is possible!"

His declaration captivated the three juniors, who stared at him with shining eyes,
"What techniques? Tell us!"

Smirking, Beluga gazed into the distance, as if choosing his words, as if adding a
dramatic effect to the silence, as if staring at a nice pair of boobs…

Following his gaze, the three also understood, because it really was a huge pair of

'Yea, it's normal though… '

'I'm also gonna stare a while… '

'Gasp… It's the legendary gen-jugs-tsu… Infinite Suck-you-omi!'

All four of them were trapped in an illusion, but who could blame them? After all,
each one of those twins was a beautiful natural hanger… a natural cliff hanger.
A minute later when the busty girl in the nightclub went to the bathroom, the
illusion shattered, freeing the four ninjas from queef village…

In the end, it turned out it wasn't a divine technique at all; just a nice pair of tits…

Sometimes it do be like dat tho…

Sighing, Beluga returned to the issue at hand as the harp music exited the scene…
and the club track re-emerged. "So what were we talking about? Ideal nip size?"

The three juniors all shook their heads, as Antonio answered. "No. Seduction
techniques for raisin' value."

Beluga looked a bit disappointed… but he followed up regardless. "There are two
approaches to reducing the value gap with the target. The first is to raise your value.
The techniques for that are the same as you would use for building attraction, as
long as they're indirect. So besides for working on yourself to increase your value
over the long term, you can utilize the short term methods.

I know you're aware of some of them already such as teasing. So I'll show you
something new. Before that though, I need to emphasize an important point—many
of the things females find valuable aren't easily judged at a glance. For example, let's
say I tell a woman I'm the CEO of some company. I'm hinting to her that I'm rich,
powerful, assertive, and a host of other traits females appreciate. Now, answer me
this: if I tell her that and hand her this thing, won't she believe I'm a valuable man?"

Beluga took out a silver card holder from his inner jacket pocket and handed Chuck a
business card that read:
"CEO Eugene Hershman

Beluga Industries, LLC."

Chuck gasped. "Wow! I had no idea! Are you a CEO?"

Beluga smirked. "You could say that…”

Chuck blinked. "What do you mean?"

Showing a confident expression, Beluga clarified. "I'm the CEO… of those business

Meanwhile, Ben grabbed the card from Chuck's hand and stared at it. "Look at that
subtle off-white coloring… The tasteful thickness of it… Oh my God, it even has a

His hand shook, as the card fell to the ground…”I'm a bit lost. What uh, kind of
business are you in?"

Beluga stood up straight. "Mergers and acquisitions."

"Fancy." Chuck's eyebrows elevated.

Beluga nodded. "I merged by name onto those business cards and made an
acquisition for a batch of them."

Ben squinted. "So, in other words—you're a corporate executive brahfficer…”

Antonio translated. "These cards are bullsh*t…”

Realizing the implication of this, Ben showed a hesitant face. Although he didn't
mind fibbing about small things, this seemed a little too much. "Are you suggesting
we do this? Isn't this a bit… misleading?"

Beluga chuckled. "Misleading? What is a CEO anyway? Look…”

He gathered his words as the three grimaced…

Beluga snorted. "You can call it misleading, but do you know how often females
mislead men? All the time!

Makeup itself is misleading. Plastic surgery is misleading. Playing hard to get is


At these words, everyone couldn't help but consider the uncomfortable truth behind
that… Even the youngest Chuck looked down with a troubled expression, as if
realizing Beluga had a point.

Sighing, Beluga put the cardholder back into his jacket pocket. "Don't focus on the
cards. They're an extreme example and I rarely even take these out. You can do
whatever you want, as long as you understand this—the point is not the cards, but
what this example implies."

"Which is what?" Ben asked.

Beluga replied. "That many aspects of value are not apparent at first glance; Your job,
background, personal history, almost everything but your looks. These are all things
that females try to discover about you as they probe you with questions and glances.
There's communication happening, and the point of all this, is you can control what
messages you send!"

Out of nowhere, Antonio realized something. "You're talkin' about DHV's!"

Beluga nodded with appreciation. "That's right—DHV's, short for displays of higher
value. These are the messages you deliver to females communicating your high
value. The common ones you know of are expensive items: your car, watch, clothes.
Then there are things that aren't necessarily expensive but suggest at social status or
other desirable traits, such as these business cards, glasses for intelligence, or simply
wearing a formal suit.

On top of that, there's an even simpler way! Although showing is more effective, you
can also tell stories! Tell them about those expensive trips you took to exotic lands.
Tell them about your beautiful ex-girlfriend, and then show pictures of your pretty
2nd cousin…”
Antonio narrowed his eyes. "When you gonna introduce us?"

"Never!" Beluga's face became cold.

Then, he looked at Ben. "You got a job at a top media company, right? You should get
some business cards printed soon. In any case, the point is that what you show, what
you say, and whether you exaggerate is up to you. True or false isn't the key, but this,
Benjamin, is how you raise your value!"

Ben exhaled. He agreed the principle of communicating value was important, but
couldn't help notice his outlook differed from Beluga's. Ben wouldn't get fake
business cards printed to create an identity girls liked. He believed the focus should
be on genuine value. If one didn't have such value, then put effort into creating it! It
wasn't all about getting laid, at least not until the approach of his mission deadline!
"A lot to think about. It's not simple."

Antonio patted his back, having already heard of this technique, but still learning
from Beluga's deeper explanation. "It'll get simpler as you get used to it. In fact, I've
been experimentin' a bit with this myself. Sometimes I tell chicks I'm from Vermont
and have an emergin' maple syrup conglomerate…”

Chuck winced. "How's that working out?"

Antonio gave a shaky nod. "It's gettin… You know, it's gettin."

Beluga put a hand on Antonio's shoulder to encourage him. "Don't worry, you'll
become accustomed to it. Of course, there is another way to decrease the value gap
with the target, although it's risky because it can backfire."

"Oh, what is it?" Ben became interested.

Beluga replied, "Instead of raising YOUR value, you could lower the value of the

Hearing this, Ben's eyes shined! "You're saying I can lower people to my level?!? I'm
good at that! Tell me more!"

Beluga nodded. "This is a subtle form of a put-down. In simple terms, you say
something to a female that drops her self esteem or causes her to question her own
value. In this way, her self-perceived value drops, along with her desirable value
range. Then, even if your value is lower, you'll enter her downgraded range.

For example, let's say I approached that woman there, and picked up a piece of lint
off her dress, implying there was more on it. Wouldn't she fear she was wearing a
dirty dress now? Becoming worried about how she looked? Her perception of her
value would lower from that point onward. This technique… is called the neg!"

"But what if there's no lint?" Chuck asked.

Smirking, Beluga reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of lint.

"There's always lint…” He replied, before putting it back, not wanting to waste good

Ben wasn't preoccupied with the lint though. He'd be sure to stock up later…

Instead, he focused on what he believed this meant for him. "Are you saying… I can
get girls… by insulting them?!?"

His jaw dropped. 'Is this the moment my trash to trees talent turns out to be divine

Within the nightclub full of juicy targets, Ben the poison dragon licked his lips with
his forked tongue at the concept of getting girls with insults…

Beluga shook his head though. "Insult is a bit strong, but you could say negs work as
a subtle form of that…”

"I see… I want to try it." For the poison dragon, his strongest instinct was to spit his
corrosive breath. The situation only determined the orifice…

As the dance music filled his ears, with the freedom to be himself, Ben felt like a
beast who'd been returned to the wild, as a deep impulse overtook him to
manspread his wings and dings…

He gazed around Latrine, searching for an appropriate target to receive his gift… and
soon found one. He wasn't sure about the limits of begging, so wanted to test where
they lied first. He decided to approach the actress-looking girl at the bar who gave
him a rude rejection earlier. Taking a closer look at her to customize an opener, he
noticed her very heavy dark blue eye makeup, which made it look almost like she
was wearing a mask.

On this approach, he wanted to not indicate his romantic intention. So, he walked
over with indirect body language and a casual expression, like a stranger might have
when about to ask for the time.

As the woman watched this, even though she rejected him earlier, she didn't dismiss
him right away, because she didn't understand what he wanted. With a warm smile,
Ben delivered his opener. "Did it hurt?"

She snorted. "Come on. So cheesy? Who doesn't know this one? When I fell from
heaven, right?"

"No, I was thinking parking lot maybe… cause from the blue eyes I see you landed on
your face."

Her face turned pale. For a reason unknown to her, that insult coming out of Ben's
mouth carried extra acidity to it… making her freeze for a few moments. "H-how
dare you say that to a woman?"

Ben's eyebrows raised. "Oh, you're a woman? Excuse me, I didn't know, my vision
transcends gender and race… I just thought you were a ninja turtle that didn't fully

A few moments later, walking back to his buds, Ben nodded. "Yep, that was too far…”
He realized he should turn off the poison dragon title that added extra soul damage
to the negs.

"What happened?" Chuck looked afraid.

Ben shrugged. "She said I'm a woman. I told her tits or gtfo."

He sighed. "She gtfo…”

Chuck blinked. "Yea… Still, even if your neg was harsh, didn't she overreact a bit?
Falling over like that?"

Antonio shook his head in disapproval. "Was she tryin' to make a joke? Does she
think she's in the Three Stooges? Slapstick ain't funny these days…”

*Cough* Ben understood that with the poison dragon title, the negs from his mouth
were more like Zangief's suplex…

So, he switched titles to C*ckpuncher, a good safety move in any situation…

Beluga also added his wisdom. "Benjamin, you can't be antagonistic. Even though
you're negging, she has to believe you're on her side."
Ben's eyes flashed with awareness. "Got it. I'm going to try again." Understanding his
error, Ben scanned for a new target. At the edge of the dancefloor, he saw a tall
woman and walked over to her. Approaching with light dance moves, Ben showed
her a bright smile, nodding to get her attention. "Hey!"

"Hey!" she answered back.

He scanned her up and down with a surprised expression. "Well, aren't you a tall
glass of piss!"

Seeing her frown, Ben realized he needed to follow Beluga's advice. 'I have to make
her believe I'm on her side.' So he laughed. "Am I right?" Then he moved in for a high

A minute later, he was narrating the failure to the Fracking Crew…

Chuck grimaced. "I guess it was… better?"

Antonio chuckled. "The hell was that? A glass of piss?"

Ben frowned. "She didn't have to reject my high five though!"

"A high five isn't enough Benjamin! Not always!"

Beluga sighed. "Look, A neg is not an insult. You can't make it seem intentional.
That's why the best way to deliver it, is as a backhanded compliment; You say
something that sounds like a compliment, but it has a neg within which is what
really catches their attention."

Antonio also knew about this. "Yea, for example. You might approach a chick wearin'
normal clothes and say, 'Hey, I like your style, I really admire your bravery for darin'
to dress so unusually.' It sounds like you're givin' her a compliment, but she's gonna
worry. Like 'Unusual? Do I look weird.'"
Ben nodded in understanding. 'So you bury the neg within a compliment… ' Grasping
his mistake, he wanted to improve, so he searched for a new target. Near the DJ
booth, he spotted a beautiful woman with curly hair in a leather jacket, and
approached her.

As he reached her, Ben opened her with an indirect line: "Hey, do you know what
time this club closes?"

She nodded. "Yea, I think 4."

'Remember, wrap it in a compliment.' At this moment, Ben prepared his neg.

"Thanks! I like your style!"

"Oh, thanks!"

"Yea! You look like you're auditioning for a prison production of 'Grease!'"

A minute later… Ben was speaking with Beluga.

"Why would it be a prison production?!?" Beluga shook his head.

"Grease is a classic! It wouldn't be a neg as a normal production!"

"Your brain's not normal!" Beluga didn't know how to help this boy…

"Aight, look guys, Ben ain't the type to figure out new things like this quickly by
himself." Antonio already understood his cousin's issues. "We might as well all work
some sets together. What do you say?"

At that suggestion, everyone agreed, but they had to come up with suitable tactics
first. With that in mind, they discussed what role would be best for each of them to
play. After all, group pick up was a team sport; There needed to be one opener,
someone to focus on disarming obstacles, and several other specialized roles. So,
after a short conversation, they made a plan and soon started their approaches.

It was a night that left few, if any, of the people who came in contact with them the
same… called by some as the birth… of the four whoresmen of the ac*ckalypse.

Actually, it was only called that by Ben.

At the edge of the nightclub, the four PUAs finalized their group pick up strategy, and
soon, in the style of a celebrity marriage, they split up!

Each went off to perform their respective role!

The first one out was Antonio. As the scout and jungler, his job was to select the
targets. Knowing it would be bad if his mission leaked out, he narrowed his eyes,
entering stealth as he sneaked around the club to find the ideal p*ssy pathways.

Hiding behind corners, peeking his head over the bar, and shadowing behind

These were the tactics he adopted, and he was too suitable for this role! With his
narrow frame and shaved head, there was only one word to describe him—

A short while later, he smiled, because he'd found the first target! The first step of the
plan was complete! Having chosen a group of four girls at the bar, Antonio glanced
back and sent a hand signal to the next key member of the chain--the man far behind
him, who was releasing the support aura--the heavy artillery and tank—Beluga!

He'd been leaning back against the bar, securing their home base and flag-point as he
waited for Antonio's signal. Now, it was finally his time to strike!

Like a human bowling ball… he used his massive size to power through the crowd,
marching towards Antonio who'd taken partial cover behind a tree--a lanky drunk
man in green…

Passing Antonio, Beluga soon reached the target, and fired his heavy ordinance! The
opening line!
This was his role! As the most experienced of the group, his openers were deadly and
came with an AOE effect! Upon delivering his line with his imposing frame, he
captured the aggro of all the girls!

They tried to fire back shit tests, but there was almost no effect! The attacks were
absorbed by Beluga's confidence shield and massive health bar--aka infinite delusion
and shamelessness.

As a high level tank, Beluga didn't even need to launch attacks back. With his
experience and developed skill tree, he'd already developed a thorn aura! Bouncing
back the sh*t tests from the women as his own negs!

The girls realized their attacks were useless on him and they were even taking some
damage themselves, but there was nothing they could do about it! His words
enraptured them! They were under the tank's control!

With slow and charm auras cast on all of them, they were stuck in the set! The
second step of the group attack plan was complete!

Next up, it was the moment for the official start of the group battle!

With an assured smirk, Beluga gazed at the girls. "You have to meet my friend. He's
the coolest guy in here. You're going to love him!" With the setup complete, he
turned around and waved, indicating for his teammate to engage—the third wheel of

It was the bomb disposal expert and utility player, Chuck!

Receiving the signal, he walked over with a smile. "What's up, ladies?"

Right away, the eyes of all the women lit up!

"Toooo cute!"

"Oh my God, he's adorable!"

"What's your name? Come to momma!"

He defused all the obstacles! Their traps became useless scrap under his eyes! Chuck
was nigh unstoppable, for one simple reason—the shota effect!

His appearance was too damn lovable! With his small size and big cute eyes, he lulled
them into a helpless state! This was his hypnotic ability! He was a shota-conman!

Deadly, but the women sensed zero threat! Like a killer rabbit in a monster's cave!

Like a tub of popcorn with a hole at the bottom!

As Chuck entered the set and started conversing, the girls all fawned over him, falling
further under the team's double layer of control. For some reason, they felt he was
naturally trustworthy, and thus, stage 3 of the plan… was complete!

The women were lined up and ready to be taken down! Now, there was only one step
remaining! To finish these targets off!

For this role, who else could it be, but the man himself, the famous finisher of
women, chosen for this because he was number one… chronologically to volunteer!

Of course, it was none other, than Ben! As he saw Beluga's signal to come over, he
smirked. 'Let's slay these whorelocks!'

His role was a crucial one--the sniper, the DPS, the damage dealer! Once the set was
under control, he'd come in and take one down with his charm! Solving one of their
troublesome members! Gaining advantage in the group battle!

Soon, Ben entered the set, greeting the group and positioning himself near the girl
Beluga pointed out as his target. First, he checked her status.

[Target's current attraction level: disinclined]

'It's lower because she's so hot, which also means I probably wouldn't pass the value
judgment now. So it's good Beluga used an indirect opener, and as per the plan, he
and Chuck haven't initiated a value test yet by going direct.' Ben remembered what
they discussed: Stay indifferent until they all raised attraction high enough, at which
point one of them would activate the value test.

It was key that person passed. Otherwise, it would burn the entire group, and the
one slotted for that role--was Ben!

As he reviewed the details, Beluga was giving the women an introduction to him like
the one for Chuck earlier. "My buddy Ben is the man. Top student at NYU. Just got a
big promotion at Hearth, the massive media company. He's super fun! You're going to
love him!"

When it ended, Ben noticed a difference with his target.

[Target's current attraction level: indifferent(+1)]

He couldn't help reveal a small smile at this buff from the tank. In essence, Beluga
was bragging for Ben, but it worked because Ben wasn't the one doing it. If he
bragged himself like that, he'd come off as being full of himself or bullsh*tting.

However, coming out of someone else's mouth, it was believable! The reason was
people tended to be jealous, so rarely bragged about others! Beluga used this
knowledge to create this introductory technique, which raised the attraction level for
each teammate in a safe and fast way!

As they continued conversing for a while, Antonio also joined and it became 4v4.
Sensing the moment approaching, Ben glanced at his target's status.

[Target's current attraction level: attracted(+4)]

So far, he'd been successful in building up her attraction. Now, it was time for him to
fill his role as the damage dealer!

He winked at Beluga, as Chuck and Antonio also received signals—that it was now!
The moment arrived! Ben's turn to shine!

His job now was simple, to engage the value test by going direct, thus
communicating his romantic intentions. Then, he'd extract that girl to another part
of the club so he could work comfort on her alone. Once her friends saw that and
realized this 4v4 became romantic, the other girls would also open up to their own
partners. This was a group AOE attack! One that reduced their defenses!
Beluga also trusted Ben could fulfill this role. After all, he'd been sleeping with many
beautiful women at NYU, so Beluga believed there was no way he didn't know how to

Hence, the moment arrived.

With the stage set, Ben approached the target who was giggling at his jokes with a
cute smile, and recalled the plan. 'I'll do it as we discussed. Beluga said I need to
isolate her somewhere alone.'

Ben leaned into her ear, and when she didn't move back, showing she'd already taken
a liking to him, he felt even more assured. Even more important though--he had faith
in himself and his crew. They'd done so much setup, and the conditions were
flawless. The target was ready. His confidence was sky-high. It was all for this
moment. He couldn't fail. "Can I come home with you? It won't take long."

A minute later, as Ben's target pulled away the other girls with a face of disgust, he
yelled at her in disbelief. "Are you not gonna let me ult?!?"

Standing at the bar of the nightclub, Beluga's yells overpowered the music. "You
asked her to go home with you?!?"

"You said isolate her somewhere alone!" Ben retorted.

"I meant to the bar or dancefloor! Not to act like a stray dog!"

"Someone needs to take them in!"

Antonio also chimed in. "What type of damage dealing was that?!? Self-damage?!?
You team wiped us!"

Even Chuck added something. "Which kind of ADC were you trying to be? Kalista?"

Ben's face fell once they all complained. He was a bit down now. He really
misunderstood what Beluga said.

Seeing this, Chuck decided to keep the peace. "All right guys, there's no point arguing.
It's only one set and there are many more here."

Sighing, Antonio and Beluga also let it go. They knew Ben had only been doing this
for a couple of months, so errors were normal.

As for Ben, he also understood these kinds of mistakes were inevitable for one
simple reason—he was too charisma-heavy. As an amplifier, charisma worked on his
stats, but it worked through his actions… That meant it made his good moves
become great, and his bad ones become After Earth…

The problem was that when mixing his other middling stats with his general lack of
common sense… Ben's bad moves came a little too often for comfort, literally… he
couldn't start the comfort phase…
In any case, consistency was never his strength.

Beluga decided to explain the situation to him in more detail this time. "We can't
extract the females out of the club, not yet. The first problem is it's early and
everyone just arrived, so they'll be hesitant to leave. The second issue is where we

In another venue, we could try to get the women to go somewhere else, but it isn't a
good idea here because this is the best club. That means the women will be very
resistant to going to another place. It's one negative of coming here, but
counterbalanced by the high quality of talent."

Ben nodded in understanding.

Antonio added something. "So to be clear, isolation here means to another spot in the
club, not their house, or their grandma's house… or--"

"I got it already!" Ben felt the urge rising to use his title… but he knew he was the one
who messed up, so he converted that frustration into motivation to do better on the
following sets.

As the four prepared to go back out on a second tour of booty duty… Ben excused
himself for a bathroom break. Leaving the three holding down the bar, he made his
way to the restrooms. 'Man this club is huge… ' As he walked away from the bar, the
area became darker and full of people. It forced him to watch their legs as he passed
so he didn't bump into anyone.

Despite being careful though, as he approached the bathroom, he ran into a guy
standing in front of him. Yet, when he tried to step left, step right, the guy kept
blocking him! Not letting him through! 'Does this bastard have a problem?' Ben
realized this might be the start of a physical altercation, as his adrenaline pumped
and he squeezed his hands into fists. "You got a problem?!?" He looked up into the
dirtbag's eyes…

And saw himself in a wall-sized mirror…

People around were staring at him, watching the showdown, as if making mental
bets on who the victor would be…
As it turned out though, the betting favorite for winner, was no one…

Then, as if Ben's bladder shrank, his urgency to use the bathroom seemed to increase
as he dashed towards it…

Five minutes later… Ben returned to the crew, having subconsciously buried his
memory for the previous few minutes… as they went off to do new approaches.

The team setup was the same, with Antonio scouting, Beluga tanking, Chuck
disarming, and Ben finishing. The results this time were much better though, albeit
mixed. After all, it was a nightclub full of young people and distractions, a place
where sets get broken for a variety of reasons. However, the biggest wild card of
all—was Ben.

Though not in a bad way. He was sometimes the savior! His performances were
volatile, but no one doubted his value to the team. At times, his lines and
performances were spectacular, creating an even larger contribution than Beluga. Of
course, at other moments, it was like his finger missed the nut button and pressed

"I like your style! You look like the responsible type of girl, someone who'd
appreciate saving by enjoying a honeymoon at a carnival."

"What do you study? Huh, that's unexpected. Oh, why am I surprised? For some
reason, when I saw you, I imagined you were a month into a transexual dance theory

"Have you been to the bathroom here? Did you see that huge mirror? Weird right?…
Is that normal for club restrooms? Oh, why'd I ask you that? I don't know, you seem
like you use public bathrooms a lot."

They were the best of lines. They were the worst of lines…
It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness…

Ben's performances were hit or miss, but what no one could deny, was his addition
was decisive. In that way, he fulfilled his role as an ADC, either carrying the team or
getting shut down early. The most valuable aspect of his moves though, was they
saved the team a lot of time, allowing them to open multiple groups of women.

Instead of having to make slow progress on only a few sets for the entire night,
which was common at nightlife venues, with Ben's contributions, they were able to
open many and close multiple. It led to all of them getting numbers and even the
occasional make-out! Since numbers were all they could get for now, it was a great

In fact, the one getting the most kissing opportunities wasn't Ben or Beluga, but
Chuck! With his shota powers, the girls were grabbing at him, which after he used
game to increase attraction, turned into trying to lick his face. Their aggressiveness
was even uncomfortable to watch. It made Ben almost feel bad for the guy. At one
point, a girl even ripped the sleeve of his shirt, displaying something that made his
face turn pale: scars on his wrist.

Realizing Chuck must've had his own difficult backstory he hadn't shared yet, Ben
sighed. 'Today's youth is too pessimistic… ' He thought like an old man despite being
born the same year…

However, Ben recognized something. He didn't know about Chuck's problems, but
seeing him so cheerful and outgoing now only made Ben appreciate him even more.
'Good kid. Once I become the Harem Emperor, I'll be sure to give you my fall out
p*ssy or occasional sloppy seconds… '

This was the most charitable you could expect a PUA to get with women…

At that rate, hours passed as the Fracking Crew made their way through the club,
collecting numbers and looking for the ideal set: a group of girls they could get some
real results with. Soon though, when they stuck into a new set of beauties at the bar,
they all looked at each other, realizing something: 'It's these girls… The perfect set…
We've found them!'

What was the perfect set? For the four whoresmen… it's always been one thing, and
one thing only—mythical… drunk… sluts…

In a 4v4 at the bar with the fracking crew and four beauties, Ben's eyes glowed as he
looked at the status screen of his target.

[Target's current attraction level: attracted(+2 slut bonus)(+2 drunk bonus)]

[Target's current comfort level: invalid(drunk status)]

Swallowing, he couldn't help but grin, as a tune started up in his head…

'I like… drunk… sluts and I can not lie!

You other brothers can't deny!

That when a girl walks in and is slurrin' in your face

You try to take her to your place

Plus I'm hung! Gonna do her rough

'Cause I noticed she won't shut up

Like alcohol she's smellin'

I'm desperate and can't bother carin'

Oh baby, I want to get wit'cha

Cause you had a pitcher

My homeboys tried to warn me

Don't let her drink more (or you'll need an attorney!)

Oh, that's breath-of-gin

You say you even have some drunk friends?

Well, ask me, yes please!

As long as they don't act too loopy

I've seen her dancin'

Though more like drunk prancin'

She's sweat, wet

Spilled a drink smokin' a cigarette

I'm tired of opening

Sayin' grindin' is the thing

Take any PUA and ask him that

Better she drink a six-pack

So Frackers (yea!) Frackers (yea!)

Are these girls now drunk enough? (hell yeah!)

Tell em don't drink it (drink it) drink it (drink it)

If she drinks too much

Baby out black."

It was of course, "Baby Got Back" by civil rights leader… Sir Mix-a-Lot…

With the song/plan completed… Ben continued chatting up his girl and not a minute
later, Antonio stepped over to him and whispered in his ear. "These f*ckers wnna

Pulling back, he stared hard into Ben's eyes and his genuine message was
transmitted. 'You have my sword.'

Ben looked at Chuck, who nodded at him 'And you have my bow… '

Then, Ben glanced at Beluga who's face became firm. 'And my axe… '

For the last step, Ben turned back at Chuck, who was cringing while glancing into
Ben's eyes, like he was doing a fourth wall break look into the camera in the style of
The Office…

However, Chuck was only roleplaying exactly what Legolas did in that scene of LOTR.
Seriously, Ben didn't believe it himself until someone told him that and he YouTubed
it. Now, whenever he watched the movie, he could never unsee it…

After they formed the Fellowship of the Dingus… Beluga walked over to Ben, and
whispered into his ear. "We'll take my car, get these females back to my house. My
mother is visiting her sister for the week. It'll be ideal."

Ben nodded, satisfied with the plan. As Beluga returned to his girl though, and was
about to pitch the extraction idea to her, Ben noticed something odd. One of the
bouncers of Latrine was standing near their group, with his arm up and pointing
down towards their girls. At the same time, his head was turned back looking to
another part of the club: an extravagant elevated platform roped off from the rest of
the dancefloor.

Over there, Ben saw a tall, good-looking guy covered in jewelry with a bottle of
champagne in his hand, chucking as he held a thumbs up to the bouncer. He was in a
group of a dozen men of similar ages and styles, decked out in expensive clothes and
surrounded by women and tables with liquor bottles on them. They were having
quite the party.

Seeing the nod, the bouncer moved towards the girls Ben was with and spoke to
them. "Ladies, you've been invited to the VIP. Please follow me."

"Woooo!" Laughing and howling, the four drunk beauties took their drinks and
prepared to leave. Seeing this, Beluga was about to step forward and say something,
but noticed the massive meat-mountain of a bouncer glaring at him, along with
another one not far behind him staring, ready to come in as backup. Seeing this,
Beluga made the wise move of not doing anything. He knew what was happening

However, Ben didn't. With an annoyed expression, he stepped towards Beluga. "What
the hell just happened?"

Shaking his head, Beluga explained. "Look…” He pointed to the VIP section where
those guys were, right when they passed cash into the hands of the bouncers, who
opened the ropes to let the girls up. Watching this, Beluga sighed. "Guys in VIP
sometimes do that. They don't even have to go out to talk to girls. They just throw
the bouncers some cash and they do the work for them. The girls never refuse either.
VIP is like crack for them… free drinks and status all night."

Ben knitted his brows. "Then why don't we get VIP?"

Hearing their conversation, Antonio sneered at this. "Cuz, you know what that area
is? That's the best, highest-end section of the most exclusive night club in New York
City. It even has its own name. It was hard enough to get into Latrine, and now, you
want to get into Outhouse?!?"

Ben didn't know what to say. "Why not?"

Antonio cringed. "Sure, we can get into that VIP. I think the minimum there is 3k
though. Do you wanna pay for that?"

Ben's eyes twitched. "I'll… pay you back?"

"No, you wont…” Antonio wasn't so silly. Ben still owed him 5 bucks from a bet they
made racing ants when they were 6. He never forgot that bet, and every year, he even
noted down the adjustment with interest…

Ben shrugged. "Then, we can sneak in?"

Beluga shut that idea down too though. "There's no point sneaking in. Not only will it
probably not work, but if you don't buy a table, there's no point in being there
because everything circulates around the liquor at the tables."

"What about our preciouses, though?"

"Our what?" Chuck squinted, not understanding the reference. After all, the entire
Fellowship scene from earlier was only part of Ben's imagination/mental illness…

Antonio understood though. "He's was referencin' The Lord of the Rings. Precious
was a reference to the One Ring in the movies. In this case, when Ben said
preciouses, he was referring to those chicks' vaginas…”

Finishing the explanation, Antonio glanced at Ben for confirmation, and realized he
missed something. "Or buttholes."

Now, the reference was complete…

Despite that accomplishment though, it didn't change the fact that their dream set
was gone, making everyone there frown, depressed. Beluga wasn't one to stay down
for long though. If something interfered with his reality, he made sure to prioritize
his confidence and well-being. In this case, by dragging others through the mud.
"They were golddiggers… no loss…”

"So we're just going to give up like that?" Ben was unwilling.

"Nothing we can do. We just need to move on. It doesn't matter anyway, look around.
There are plenty of fema—" Beluga's words cut off when he gazed around himself
and recognized a new dilemma—where were all the women?!?

All the girls were gone!

While they focused on their set and them getting pulled away, somehow, the
dynamics of the club changed and it was now kielbasa country!

As all four of them looked around in bewilderment, one by one, they came to a
realization, and looked over to the VIP area. That's when they realized where all the
women went, as they watched the bouncers hustling back and forth to there with
groups of girls like they were villagers in Age of Empires…

Outhouse… was full of girls! The dozen guys had the entire VIP section on lockdown,
living large with waitresses delivering bottle after bottle to their area, leading to the
girls not having any reason to leave. As for the bouncers, they kept going out on their
search lines, rotating and picking up their cash tips like ants following pheromones…

Either way, all of this meant one important thing for Ben and the crew—they were

At this point, everywhere in the club but the VIP was full of guys, with each girl
remaining getting 10 desperate dudes hitting on her, making it near impossible to
get any genuine results. Seeing this, Beluga was the first to verbalize that this
wouldn't work. "We can't get anything else done here. We should go somewhere
else…” He was pragmatic, rolling with his punches.

Antonio and Chuck also didn't have any better ideas, so although they felt terrible
about having to leave in such a good spot, there was nothing they could say. Ben also
frowned. 'Are we going to have to just leave like this?'

The Fracking Crew was having a disastrous dilemma. Would they have to abandon
their drilling site? Would they have to learn how to become astronauts to go to
space, land on an asteroid, and drill inside it to drop a bomb that would blow up said
asteroid and save the world from Armageddon?

Would they have to do all that because it was easier to teach drillers how to become
astronauts than it was astronauts to become drillers?

Would they?

'No… ' The three others might've given up, but Ben—he wasn't willing! 'This can't be
the end… I need to find a way out, but how?'
Standing in the middle of the nightclub, which at the moment, was heavy on male
chub… Ben wasn't willing to give up. Not after working so hard, not after wasting an
item, not after… so it was mostly the item…

That was fine though because as if recognizing his determination, the system sent
him an alert.

[Challenge conditions met]

[Optional Challenge initiated]

[Special Optional Challenge: Mission Incockable - Seduce a new woman, who is an 8+

in looks, from your current location within the next 4 hours]

Seeing this, Ben hurried to glance at the time on his phone. In theory, 4 hours was
enough to extract a girl from here and take her home, but it would be tight. As for the
bathroom or another private area, it wasn't possible here because they were too

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Incurable impotence for 3 months]

Seeing the punishment, Ben's face became solemn. 'They want to put my little
brother in a system-induced coma?'

It was harsh, but when he considered that the challenge was optional, he
understood; He had the choice to decline it, which may have been part of the reason
for the difficult penalty.

Ben considered it with care. He was making good time on the death challenge to
raise all his stats to an average of 8, but at the moment, only one of his stats reached
that point. Even if it was looking good now, if the system made him impotent for 3
months, that would change everything.

It would upgrade the difficulty to nightmare mode. Then, not only would it be an
arduous mission to get any new points or women, but if he wanted any chance of
keeping his current girls, he'd have to pretend to have developed an oral sex fetish
along with abstinence…

On top of that, he'd even need to hide his own schvontz, using some sort of
magician's sleight of wang…

Like a penile version of Weekend at Bernie's…

[Do you wish to accept the challenge?]

See this prompt, Ben was hesitant on how to reply. 'I could use the stat point, but… '

The consequences of this challenge were no joke. Even the name the system created
for it was meaningful: Mission Inc*ckable…

Ben understood that it chose to parody that movie in particular for one simple
reason: it was a global success and thus an easy reference for his fans…

Besides that though, it was because the mission right now seemed almost
impossible. Those rich guys in VIP locked down the majority of women in the club,
making it beyond difficult for anyone but them to hook up with a woman tonight.
And that wasn't the only problem.

Even if all the girls weren't in VIP, there were many horny alphas around, which
would lead to inevitable competition. Yet, even if there were no men there, it
wouldn't be easy, because the final challenge, last but not yeast, was with the girls

These ladies were top class. It meant there would be a mountain of sh*t tests to sift
through if one even dreamed of seducing them in such a short time. All in all, it
seemed truly inc*ckable…

'Should I accept?' As the club music thumped in the background, Ben furrowed his
brows for a while, as he contemplated the best move. If it was the old him, he
would've taken the safe route without a second thought. But that was the old him…

'I swore to myself after I cleared the last death challenge that I'd make sure to live
my life well and as I choose. I can't do that playing it safe. Plus, I don't believe this
sadistic system will allow me to either.' Exhaling and closing his eyes, like he was
using his imagination cause there were no pics… Ben made his choice. 'I accept!'

At that moment, a new timer activated.

[Remaining time: 03:59:59]

[Remaining time: 03:59:58]

[Remaining time: 03:59:57]

Watching the countdown, Ben nodded. 'Let's make it happen.' In reality, the decision
was risky, but it wasn't reckless, and he didn't only make it because of shounen

The ultimate reason he accepted the challenge, was that Ben had a plan!

As a downcast Beluga, Chuck, and Antonio prepared to exit Latrine, Ben spread a
confident expression as he stood in front of them. "Wait, we shouldn't leave yet…”

Beluga shook his head. "Benjamin, struggling here would be a waste of time. We
might as well go somewhere else and make the most of it."

"It's not a waste of time. Trust me, I can fix this…” Ben's face became serious.

Beluga showed a helpless smile. While he appreciated the courage of youth, he

believed people should make do with that they have. Even so, he didn't mind hearing
Ben out. "What is it?"

"It shouldn't take long. Just wait here for a few minutes." Putting his friends on
pause… Ben turned around as he walked towards a particular location--Outhouse.
On the way, he considered the details of his idea. The first step worked: he succeeded
in stopping his friends from becoming premature evacuators…

Now, he only needed to sort out a couple of issues, and after a few seconds, Ben
smiled. He'd completed the plan. So, with everything laid out, he commenced!
Reaching the edge of the VIP area, he approached the bouncer blocking off the roped
entrance. Seeing the more than 100 beautiful women behind that rope, Ben wanted
to jump over it and start humping in random directions…

In this place, he wouldn't have to hump long before hitting 5 beauties!

Yet, when he saw the 6 foot tall, 300 lb husky-fat bouncer there, Ben knew he
wouldn't win through power. Glancing at that mid-section, he was pretty sure one
well-timed hip-thrust would send him flying. That meant the only choice was to fight
using technique. 'How do I get through this tub of love???'

At this moment, the bouncer also spotted Ben, and narrowed his eyes. 'He better not
be thinkin' I'm fat… '

The bouncer crossed his arms. 'This right hea… all muscle boi… '

Ben stared into the eyes of the bouncer and started a nightclub mental showdown. 'I
bench more than you bro… '

Unfazed, the bouncer ate the eye contact like it was a 5-piece nuggets…

He even returned his own soul attack. 'I'm bigger than you man… '

Yet, Ben's ego wouldn't go down so easily, as he glanced at the big man's gunt… 'My
body fat's much lower than you, bruh… '

At this, the bouncer puffed his chest out. 'I get paid… to be big… '

That was the end of it… Money talks, bullsh*t walks… and Ben didn't have any
goddamn money…

What he did have though, was a plan, in which this inner showdown with the
bouncer was not a vital step, at all!

The bouncer had his own plan though. As he glared at Ben, he reinforced those
tactics in his mind, by refining them into one basic rule—to do his job with minimum
brain cell expenditure…”Keep it movin' man, private party."

Ben, however, had already prepared for this. "It's cool bro, I'm not here for that. I just
wanted to ask you something."

The big man narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What is it?" He'd seen too many stupid
drunks in clubs talk nonsense to try to get into VIP.

Ben was different from that riffraff though, because he wasn't drunk…
That led to him doing something the bouncer didn't expect. Ben's eyes lit up, like he
was meeting his lifelong hero…

Giving the big guy an intense gaze, Ben opened his mouth with a hopeful and
reverent tone. "How do I become as great as you man?"

The bouncer blinked. "What?"

"You seem like you have the greatest job. Surrounded by beauties, commanding
respect in the entire venue of hundreds of squared feet, and even more cubed…

What I'm asking is, how do I become a bouncer? You guys hiring?"

The large man studied Ben, trying to figure out if he was serious. After all, Ben was
one of the shortest guys here!

Despite his small size though, Ben was adamant. because he'd seen Rudy…”How are
the perks? You guys in a union? You got a dental plan? Or free dental dams?"

The bouncer went wide-eyed. No one ever asked him that before. 'Dental plan?
What's that?'

His health knowledge was limited to brushing them in the morning and Flintstones

A few seconds later though, he shook his head, and cleared the RAM… returning to
his basic programming. "Look, it's not gonna happen little man."

Being rejected like that from his hero… Ben's face fell like he found out his dog died…

Shaking his head in disappointment, he could only accept the cruel reality. "I guess
it's not in my cards to become a nightlife legend…”

Then, after checking the time on his phone, Ben glanced at the bouncer. "Well, thanks
for listening. I better get out of here. It's getting late." Next, as if so tired he was about
to fall asleep, Ben released a huge yawn, stretching his arms into the air.

At the same time, something flew out of his hand… arching into the elevated VIP
area. This, was Ben's target from the very beginning. He wasn't interested in the
mental showdown with the bouncer, or working at Latrine. The bouncer was not
actually his hero…

What was Ben's real goal? It was behind that rope--every hole…

As for the item he threw, it was of course, a drop from the system, a little something
special he'd been saving for the right occasion like a 70 year old bottle of wine.

[Fart Bomb Pheromones(Consumable, Fine) x1 - A bomb that delivers an olfactory

attack. Launch to make a fixed 30x30 foot area carry a horrific scent to any woman
that enters. Lasts 6 hours]

Ben held no qualms launching it in plain sight over a crowd because it was a
consumable, meaning no one could see it. However, they could see him. So he didn't
dare make a pitching motion in the middle of the club for fear of staff throwing him
out. He also needed to be nearby to guarantee he didn't miss. That's why he came as
close as possible, right next to the bouncer. After all, the stakes weren't small. Ben
considered himself a responsible person, and he was now caring for three months of

If he missed, it would cost millions of lives…

Millions of little undeveloped Bens and Benitas…

With their own hopes, dreams, and afros…

So much wasted talent and uneaten Doritos…

Heart-wrenching… truly heart-wrenching…

That's why, as he watched the far bomb fly, Ben swallowed with anxiety. 'This better
work, or it's going to be the season of d*cklessness… '

The stakes couldn't be bigger, unless you worked for Brazzers…

However, one other thing that couldn't be bigger, was the defensive range of the girl
dancing like a tweaker, waving her arms all over the place in the apparent landing
zone of the fart bomb.

In fact, her arms were so active that it would surprise few people if she slapped away
an incoming missile… let alone a fart bomb, which is what happened next.

His face froze in horror as his attack was deflected by this Byuakugan b*tch…

That's when Ben realized the issue. Although normal people couldn't sense
consumables, these items still collided with the environment. That's why he was able
to keep them in his pockets, and also the reason for this unfortunate accident.

The worst part of the current situation though, was where the fart bomb flew:
towards the edge of the VIP section, and right over the fence, to the other side of
Ben's current location.

Watching this occur, his face turned paler than the girl's tweaker relatives in the
Hyuga clan…

'Oh no… ' He understood that this could be bad… very bad… Losing the consumable
had the potential to become a d*ck-altering event…

Ben hurried to speed-walk over to the area where the fart bomb dropped, and when
he saw it—he gasped. 'This is terrible… '

It was the worst place: a staff-only area guarded by a hulking bouncer. This guy
wasn't the husky fat version either. He not only lifted, but also maintained a diet and
a strict steroid regimen…

In other words, this was the evolved version of the bouncer from earlier…

And just like how the disposition of a Blastoise differed from a Squirtle… this big
man's facial expression was anything but warm.

Watching him guarding the area, Ben knew he didn't have many options, because
he'd already accepted the system's challenge. That meant that if he failed it, there
wouldn't be any cumsequences…

And that would be the problem…

On top of that, he lacked time, because the fart bomb was the only way he found to
help with the challenge, and he'd already activated it!

Ben was sweating as he looked at the huge bouncer, the guardian of the fart bomb
treasure area… where Ben needed to enter in a hurry. The consumable fell there and
he needed it to pass his current challenge!

If it went off, it would be wasted! And there was precious little time left!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:50]

Before he threw the consumable, the system gave Ben the option to select the timer
on the ass-powered explosive…

He chose two minutes so he could go back and tell his friends to watch the faces of
the people who got crop sprayed…

That was the only thing that saved him now! It showed the value of pettiness!

Even so, there was still a massive dilemma in front. He knew where the fart bomb
was but couldn't get to it! He asked the system to pause the timer but she ignored
him! The only choice was to find a way in!

Yet, there was no chance this bouncer would allow him back there. Ben couldn't say
he dropped something from VIP because he didn't have a VIP bracelet. He had no
business being in the staff area. Despite that, he had to get in!

'What should I do?' Ben first considered punching the bouncer's d*ck off…

He soon rejected that option though, because it would be useless to retrieve the
bomb if security threw him out of the club after.

'I need another way in. Think! Think! Thick! Tits!'

Ben shook his head. A busty black-haired waitress walked out the back and caught
his attention for a moment. 'Don't get distracted! I need to fo— Wait… ' He glanced
back at the waitress who was coming out of the staff area, passing that bouncer now
and heading out to the dancefloor. 'That's it!'

He found a chance! 'Going through the bouncer is too risky. There's a reason Mario's
arch-enemy is Bowser… '

Ben preferred avoiding the tough bosses. 'If it's this waitress though, I may have a
way in!'

This whole night, he'd been saving an ace in his undies…

It was something for when it got late, if things became dire, but now--he could call
the situation Ghost or Nymeria, because it couldn't be more dire!

As for that trump card--it was his sometimes trusty Divine Line Generator!

With no time to waste, Ben approached the waitress, and activated it!

[Divine Line Generator Activated]

[Uses remaining: 0]

[A: "Did you see the fight outside? It was between a midget and your mother."]

[B: "Just wanted you to know I appreciate you… Waitresses like you are the real
heroes—the firefighters of nightclubs that help us put out the fires of sobriety."]

[C: "Your eyes are as blue as the sea I dumped my ex's body in."]

Ben had little time to debate the options so went with his gut. He was nervous
though, his heart rate speeding up because he was almost certain that if he messed
up, his mission would fail!

What's worse is that he wasn't optimistic. Until now, when he chose divine lines, he'd
been wrong more often than right!

'No, I need to have faith. The line is divine… The line is divine… '

Repeating this mantra, he stopped in front of the waitress, and delivered his chosen
divine line, the one he hoped would change his dingus' destiny…

Ben's heart was pumping like an oil well. Despite that, just like Beluga told him, Ben
did his best to ignore the anxiety. After all, he'd opened hundreds of women already,
and although he failed the vast majority of those, those failures led him to this
moment. They gave him enough experience to know how to mask his nervousness
and reveal a confident smile, even in this high-pressure situation.

"Hey, just wanted you to know I appreciate you… You waitresses are the real
heroes—the firefighters of nightclubs that help put out the fires of sobriety."

As the busty beauty paused and stared at Ben, he held his breath. 'Please don't be a
dwarf-lover or an M that wants to get murdered… ' He prayed he chose right.

Yet, with her response not coming right away, he was already regretting his choice.
'Damnit, I knew it! She wanted the midget-battle!'


*Pfft* The waitress giggled.

[Target's current attraction level: curious(+2)]

"Why, thank you!" She replied with a smile.

Having passed the first test, Ben released a small sigh of relief. In reality, he went
against a rule choosing that line, the guideline that you shouldn't open women with a
compliment if you're not sure of passing the value test. From a technical perspective,
that line could've been considered a direct opener. However, in this specific
compliment, there were some vital subtleties that made it work.

For one, it didn't target her beauty. Girls wanted people to appreciate them for their
personality or other traits, and were more open to creative compliments in those

Second, it made her laugh. Being funny overruled most other issues. Even comments
about her looks could've passed if they were humorous enough.

Third, the nightclub staff worked hard and were exhausted. So many of them
welcomed some appreciation from a non-snobby patron.

Fourth, it wasn't a glamorous job. In fact, it was on the seedier side of society rather
than something her parents would be proud of. So pointing out her job was a subtle
neg, and even the joke reinforced that by framing her like a vending machine liquor-

All in all, with those factors combined, his line was enough to intrigue the waitress!

Ben glanced at the countdown.

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:25]

All this took some time to describe but actually happened in 25 seconds…

Ben was off to a good start, but he knew attraction level curious wasn't enough. He'd
already made a plan for how she could help him enter that staff area, but he first
needed to raise her attraction high enough that he could pass her value test, and for
that, he could only take risks!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:25]

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:24]

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:23]

With time ticking down, Ben gulped as he looked at the nightclub waitress, knowing
she was his last chance for schlong-saving…

Not having a moment to waste, he didn't even wait for her to finish giggling when he
fired his next line, one he'd been working on a while. "I'm thinking of getting into
waitressing myself… can you give me any tips to break into the industry?"

It was the same line he used on the bouncer, but this time, it worked!

She laughed! "Oh, I don't have any tips, sorry."

[Target's current attraction level: interested(+3)]

'I guess the line's better on girls… ' Ben didn't understand humor, but he did
understand sexist double standards…

With that, he'd also passed the second hurdle! However…

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:16]

Ben narrowed his eyes. 'Running out of time. I need to go direct now, but I'm not sure
if I can pass the value test, in that case… '

He smirked. "No tips? That's unexpected, I got the impression you were the perfect
waitress, even if your hair smells like Jagermeister…”
Now, she couldn't hold back from outright guffawing.

[Target's current attraction level: attracted(+4)]

It landed! After Beluga taught him about negs and Ben failed multiple times, he'd
been thinking about how to make good ones, and now—he succeeded! It was a
perfect neg! A compliment that she was the perfect waitress, and also a joking insult
that she got no tips and her hair smelled…

On top of that, it was funny! That made it pass even easier!

Ben couldn't relax though, because the clock was ticking! 'I just need one more line!
But it's going to be the riskiest of them all! I have to go direct!'

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:01:08]

Seeing almost half the time gone though, he became more nervous than ever. This
wasn't a normal approach where he could shake off failure. The stakes were serious!
The consequences frightful!

A thought emerged from somewhere in the back of his mind. 'It's just 3 months of
impotence. You were already d*ckless for 18 years… It'll be fine!'

He blinked. 'What the hell was that?!?'

Under heavy pressure, thoughts to escape, to take the easy route, crept up from a
place of fear in his subconscious; trying to get him to avoid difficulties; trying to get
him to sink into comfort. These were what people referred to as—inner demons…

These whispers were nefarious and perfectly-timed, arriving right when Ben's
anxiety was at its height, his discomfort like needles poking into each part of his
flesh and mind. He didn't have to suffer so, the murmurs said.

Instead of pain, they brought soothing calls of peace, of letting go of troubles, of not
being responsible for failure.

They promised a cure if he'd only keep drinking poison…

They promised to ease the symptoms if he'd only embrace the disease…
They promised anything he wanted to hear, and their words were sweet, too sweet
for anyone to ignore. 'Should I just… take it easy?' Ben's eyes shook. He could be free.
It would be so easy. All he had to do—was quit and walk away.

Then, Ben recalled everything he'd gone through these past couple of months: every
failure, every fall, and every rise from the ground.

And those little victories, no matter how inconsequential at times, gave him
strength! In his moment of doubt, he remembered Beluga's advice that his
subconscious mind would sometimes go against him, and so, he stopped listening to

'No one can control my mind better than me! I'm its master! Not the other way
around!' He first shut it down!

Next, he remembered what it said, calling him d*ckless for 18 years… 'Wait, why
does even my mind insult me?!?' He was angry now!

However, it wasn't only his mind. His body was rebelling too!

His hands shook!

His heart thumped!

His mouth was dry!

This was a full-scale rebellion!

Even so, Ben gritted his teeth, and fought to overcome it!

His hands shook, so he held them against his legs.

His heart thumped, so he did his best to ignore it.

His mouth was dry, but not as dry as the chicken in the dorm cafeteria… so not that
Every part of his body was telling him to run away though!

Every part, except the one yelling something different--his little brother. 'Don't kill

Once again though, under this maelstrom of impulses, Ben remembered Beluga's
advice: 'Ignore your anxiety, and focus on displaying confidence. You don't need to
have it. You only need them to believe you do!'

Gulping, Ben did his best to exude self-belief. As the waitress observed him, he
forced whatever parts of his face and body he could control to relax, and as for the
ones he couldn't, he disregarded them. It was all for this last line, the one he couldn't
afford to mess up!

Locking eyes with her, Ben smirked, radiating supreme self-assurance. "Well, since
you have no tips, I should be a gentleman and help you out. Not to brag, but I've
satisfied every waitress that's ever served me—with just the tip."

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:59]

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:58]

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:57]

Although a lot happened in his mind in those seconds before, none of those moments
were as stressful as these now, because the waitress… still hadn't responded…

Waiting, Ben did the only thing he could: hold his confident expression and not avert
eye contact as long as possible. Yet, he couldn't help but watch the last minute tick
down. With each passing second, he became more and more nervous, terrified he'd
gone too far!

Sweat began forming on Ben's head as he gazed at the waitress, waiting for her
response. 'Did I push too hard?' He couldn't afford to fail, but every passing second
made him more certain of that being the inevitable outcome.

'Say something!' Unbearable pressure squeezed on his hearts…

He knew this was it; the moment that would determine everything.

Live or die. Jizz or cry…

Then, he noticed a trace of something creeping up on the beauty's cheeks… a tinge…

of red…

Her eyes also narrowed a bit, and the edges of her lips stretched… This, was an
expression… of lust! "Oh, I'd have to see it to believe it."

After he processed the response, Ben's eyes gleamed, and he squeezed his fists in a
tiny celebration!

She was interested! His line passed!

Returning her own charming smirk, the waitress made her own offer to Ben. "I'm
working most of the week, but maybe on my day off, you could show me what you

He nodded in a hurry. "Sounds good. What's your name?"

"Bridgette." She smiled.

However, Ben wasn't worried about her name but the clock winding down. After all,
even if she was attracted to him, by the time she got off work tonight, his challenge's
timer would expire. That meant if he failed to seduce a woman here, he'd be so broke
he couldn't give any waitress a tip…
That's why, from the beginning, he didn't open her to get her number. Instead, he
approached her for what she could do for him next! "I'm Ben. Bridgette, could you do
me a small favor real quick?"

"Sure." Waitresses were always more open if they believed they'd get a nice tip…

"I have to use the bathroom but there's a huge line back there. I noticed the staff
bathroom there. Could you let me use it for a minute? Just a numero uno…” Ben
pointed to a door with a staff-only bathroom sign, in the same area where he lost the
fart bomb!

She thought about it for a few seconds. For Ben though, with his meat-lasso on the
line… each one that passed was like an erectile eternity…

'Please don't say no… Please don't say no… ' Everything was at stake for him. He was
terrified at the thought of losing three months of sex and possibly his life, but mostly
the sex…

That was 90 days of prime Romero seed… and he could only pray she wasn't a
ruthless Chinese xianxia MC. 'They're innocent. Please spare my descendants… '

After making him beg to spare his clan in his head… Bridgette nodded, proving she
preferred Ben as a cockroach villain…”Ok, but only for a minute or I'll get in big

His eyes lit up. "You're my savior! Let's go! I can't hold it much longer!" He glanced at
the clock.

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:39]

Ben's face turned pale. 'There's not enough time!'

With so few seconds remaining, he held zero confidence in making it! Even so, he
gritted his teeth, and found the determination to struggle until his last dying bload…

As for what drove him? One simple thing; Ben owed too much to someone, that
person so close to his hearts—his little brother… who he cared for more than
anything. Ben remembered how since they were little, his little bro was unable to go
outside, because of his d*ckly disposition…

Growing up alone inside a pair of pants…

Unable to play with others…

Lethargic, pale, and quiet…

It was a sad child-wood…

That's why Ben wouldn't let him suffer in silence anymore. Sure, it was a bit cliche
for a character's background story, of their penis…

Even so, Ben believed the tale was good enough to garner serious acclaim at the
Academy Awards… as long as he cast minorities to play his balls…

Meanwhile, the waitress was in a good mood from their interaction. Giggling, she
escorted him towards the staff area, passing by the massive security guard. When he
glared at Ben, Bridgette spoke up. "Derrick, it's all right. He's with me, just to use the
bathroom a sec."

Then, she escorted Ben into the dark staff hallway towards the restroom. The entire
time, his eyes were like a cat's, scanning every nook of the corridor searching for the
fart bomb. However, there wasn't enough light, the area was large, and the item was
small. When they reached the bathroom, he still hadn't seen it! 'Where the hell did it

Benjamin's breathing became rougher. If he failed to find the fart bomb, all this was
meaningless! He'd be impotent for 3 months!

"This is it," Bridgette said and pointed to the door. Yet, when Ben remained
motionless outside it, looking around everywhere, she squinted at him, as did the

Gulping, Ben was still scanning for the item but couldn't find a trace. What he did see
though was the bouncer's expression becoming aggressive, wondering why he didn't
enter the restroom yet. So, to not be thrown out, he placed his hand on the
doorknob. Then, Ben opened the door with odd slow movements, while continuing
to search the ground.

It didn't buy him much time though. His behavior led to the bouncer's face becoming
more suspicious and agitated, making Ben sweat even more. 'Why isn't he turning
around?!? Even Metal Gear wasn't this bad!'

However, it wasn't only the big guy. Even Bridgette was getting irritated. She needed
to work, after all. Ben asked her to use the bathroom so what the hell was he doing
standing there?

Things soon got even worse though, as the scowling bouncer started walking
towards Ben. "Yo, you're acting weird as sh*t. Get in there or get the f*ck out of here."

Ben could only curse his bad luck. With no other choice, he stepped inside the
bathroom, closing the door behind him at a snail's pace, as his eyes made a final
search in desperation. Scanning the floor! The walls! Everywhere!

After all, it was his last chance! If this door closed it would be over! He'd be unable to
get back out!

Then… at the last second—a breakthrough! He saw it! The fart bomb was in a crevice
between the floor and wall. Yet, when he spotted it, he was already in the restroom,
about to shut the door. 'Maybe I can just hop out?'



In her impatience, the waitress shut the door herself! "Hurry up! I can't leave you
alone back here near the offices. You've only got a minute then I've gotta go back to

Except, Ben didn't even have a minute!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:23]

There wasn't enough time to do anything! Even worse, time wasn't his biggest
problem anymore! He was now in the bathroom, and couldn't come out without it
seeming bizarre, and the big guy wasn't the only adversary!
Bridgette was watching the door too! Ben didn't doubt that if he came out right after
entering, one of them would make him leave! They were both already suspicious of

Even going out and pretending to drop something wouldn't work! The fart bomb was
too far!

Although the waitress was attracted to him, that meant little in a nightclub. It was
enough to get him here but she'd already become annoyed! If he did another weird
thing, he was certain she'd switch into professional mode, and toss him!

Time was running out! He needed to reach that item but had no way! He was trapped
now! The situation was impossible!

With bulging eyes, Ben despaired! 'I'm f*cked!'

Yet, as he thought over everything at a frenzied pace, he sensed something else.


Ben turned around, and soon, his face grimaced in horror! Things were already bad
enough, so bad he didn't believe they could get worse, but now—he learned he was
wrong! Because someone left a fresh floater!

*Cough* Ben immediately held his breath!

Now, even the toilet became a third enemy!

He was trapped and sieged inside a small compartment, with no oxygen in the room,
and few seconds remaining of d*ck life!

His eyes were desperate! 'What am I? White trash David Blaine?!?'

Stuck in the staff bathroom that turned into a gastrointestinal chamber… Ben held
his breath as his face turned blue!

He didn't take a big breath before he went under, not daring to sample this Cincinnati
air freshener…

Now, Ben was in deep sh*t!

It was like an episode of Fear Factor!

Although he'd taken some potions and worked out, it didn't mean his lung capacity
was incredible. He lacked experience holding his breath in bathrooms. It's not like he
was a deep sh*t diver!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:19]

Glancing at the clock, as the precious seconds ticked down, Ben didn't understand
how things could've gotten so bad, and cursed his bad luck. 'Is this karma for the fart
bomb?!? I shouldn't be punished for this! I haven't even launched it yet. This is pre-

He wasn't being judged on the crime, but on his intent to fart…

Even so, there was nothing he could do. Turning back around, he stared at the
doorknob, his brain going into overdrive to find a solution.

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:17]

'Staying in here won't work!'

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:16]

'But rushing out isn't an option!'

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:15]

"Hurry up!" The waitress yelled from outside the door as she looked at her watch.
She needed to get back to work.

With no way out, Ben glanced down at his little brother who was on his last seconds
of life. 'I'm so sorry. I didn't protect you… '

Ben's face shook with unwillingness, as veins throbbed on his forehead, because he
was about to lose the closest person-ified penis to him…

Also, because he was still holding his breath and about to pass out…

With less oxygen flowing to his brain, his mind slowed down, making it even more
difficult to think up a way out of this.

The only thing that still burned strong inside him was the deep guilt over the
impending sausage slaughter…

Turning back around to glance at the lazy river of poop… Ben's face became firm as
he made a decision. 'Don't worry little bro. I won't let you die alone… ' Ben decided
that as a show of comradery, he'd commit septic suicide!

He would breathe in the poison!

His expression was resolute. 'I'll meet you in heaven, little bro. You'll be open casket.
I'll be open toilet… '

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:09]

Glancing at the clock, Ben knew there was no way he'd make it now, and resigned
himself to die by buttstard gas…

Yet, as his execution time approached, a distant voice came from outside. "Bridgette,
what are you doing? Come here, I need your help!"
Realizing something was happening, Ben put his ear to the door. From there, he
heard the sounds of hurried footsteps moving from the front of the restroom and
into the distance! It made his eyes pop out! The governor called to pardon him!

A spark of life reignited in his pupils! 'I want to live! I don't want to breathe this
Samoan Febreze!'

When the footsteps drifted off, Ben opened the door in a hurry and stuck his head
out of the bathroom. He then peeked in both directions, like a man who sh*t his

Struggling for air, he also took a huge gasping breath! A loud one! While at the same
time, the door creaked, making a lot of noise!

Wincing, Ben peered at the bouncer's position, knowing that if he heard that, it
would be over!

There, Ben saw a view of the big guy… but it was only his back. The club music from
the dancefloor was still heavy enough that he didn't hear anything.

Ben looked at the clock.

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:03]

Turning pale, he sprinted towards the fart bomb!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:02]

He saw it ahead, leaned down and reached out for it!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:01]

He grabbed it! But his forward momentum sent him to the floor!

[Remaining time until activation of Fart Bomb Pheromones: 00:00:00]

Ben crashed into the floor! The timer expired!

*Pant* *Pant*

Gazing up at the ceiling while lying on the hard nightclub ground, Ben winced,
appearing like a man whose d*ck no longer worked…

However, his hands, were empty…

As for the fart bomb? It was in mid-air! Over the VIP section!

He'd done it!

At the last moment, Ben twisted his body sideways and made an acrobatic throw like
a baseball fielder!

In the crucial moment, he went A-Rod to save his A-Rod!

Those potions weren't for nothing! Digging deep, he pulled off the play of a lifetime!

Then, as he gazed at the fart bomb arching down…


It exploded! Sending magical gray smoke only he could see over the entire VIP area!

Exhaling with deep relief, Ben moved onto his side, posting his elbow on the ground
and resting his head on his hand, getting comfortable while he rested a moment. He
wanted to watch the smog drift down, feeling all sunsets paled in comparison to the
bootyful splendor of these freedom fumes…

For him, this scene was the essence of America…

However, the fart bomb, wasn't the end of the matter.

A deep voice came from nearby. "What the hell you doing, boy?"

Hearing this, Ben looked up, and saw the bouncer approaching him with malice in
his eyes. Ben understood why too, because at the moment, he was laying down on
the floor of the staff area, with one leg crossed over the other like he was having a
picnic. It was as if he was telling the bouncer: "Draw me like one of your French

As such, watching the bouncer stalk towards him, Ben couldn't avoid getting
nervous. 'He doesn't look like he's enjoying this pose… '

This was trouble now. Ben had gotten to the treasure but only by sneaking around
the guardian, and that was no longer an option. 'What do I do?' He knew his current
position was too strange and difficult to explain, but then, he recalled this was a
party, and came up with an idea.

A few seconds later, the bouncer's expression changed from fury to disgust, as he
watched Ben perform the worst breakdancing moves of all time.
When Ben finished twitch-dancing on the ground, he fell into his final pose, with
both his arms hugging his body…

Sweating as he gazed at the bouncer, Ben only hoped he wouldn't get kicked out of
the club now, which was the whole point of his impromptu performance.

It was too weird that he was so far from the bathroom and lying on the floor
randomly. He needed a reason and this is all he could come up with—pretending the
music got the better of him…

"What the hell is that?" The bouncer approached him with narrowed eyes.

'Looks like I'll have to punch my way out after all… ' Ben sighed but tried for a final
Hail Mary. "The music took hold of my body man…”

Shaking his head, the bouncer stared at him. "No, I meant that last move. What's it

Ben squinted. "Huggies for heroes…”

Nodding, the bouncer's face softened. "Good name. I used to be known for some
moves myself." He sighed as he gazed into the distance…”But then I got old and gave
up on those childish dreams. They didn't pay the bills, and the world wasn't ready for
Bboy Leeroy's Turkey Twizzler."

The big man was silent for a long time. "Sometimes I wish that… Years ago, they tried

He kept stopping mid-sentence though, and soon released helpless laughter. "Don't
give up on your dreams kid…”

Now, it was Ben's turn to show a strange expression. "Yea, anyway… I've gotta go.
Thanks for letting me use the bathroom."

At the mention of that, the bouncer's mood improved as he smirked. "You're very
welcome. Speaking of it, while you were in there, did you enjoy my present?"

Ben blinked. "What pres—"

Then, his face fell… as he put all the puzzle pieces together. The scenes of the evening
flashed in his mind: the bouncer hiding a tiny smirk as he allowed him to go to the
bathroom, the big guy pressuring him to enter the bathroom when he hesitated
outside, and finally--someone slamming the bathroom door to trap him inside. They
were all bathroom-related scenes…

Nonetheless, they made Ben discover something. He thought it was the waitress who
slammed the door at the end, but now he understood--it was the big man! That also
made him realize who the genuine mastermind of this entire situation was--the
bouncer! He left the floater!

The puppetmaster whose puppets were all poo.

The chessmaster who always played black.

The sh*tter in the shadows.

'It was him all along!' Ben thought he was the plotter, manipulating the situation to
get the fart bomb from the start, but didn't realize until now, that this whole time, he
was the one tangled in a chocolate spider web!

Ben gnashed his teeth. 'This fiend's anus was nearly the source of my demise!'

Ben wanted to scream at him! Ask him why! Yet, the big man's grin told Ben
everything he needed to know. It contained pain and madness, love and loss, joy and

This was the bouncer's revenge on the world for not supporting his breakdancing

Leaving floaters in public restrooms!

Ben always wondered who was leaving them around the world and now he knew…
him and people like him…

Angry, Ben had to hold back everything in his soul to not megaton punch this guy's
d*ck off…

However, with a challenge still active, he knew there were more important things to
handle now. So, he took the L like a man, and left while shaking his head in disgust…

When Ben passed by the big man, going on his way to return to the Fracking Crew
who'd been waiting for him, the bouncer's chuckling died down at a slow pace… All
that remained, was a frightening contradiction: a cold face, and blazing eyes.
Glancing back at the restroom, he stoked the flames of revenge in his heart, burning
himself from the inside…

His revenge against the world would be endless…


Meanwhile, a few minutes ago in the VIP section, 200 women were dancing as the 20
male ballers kept ordering more and more alcohol to their tables. They were in a
position most men dreamed of; rich, handsome, and surrounded by beauties. It was
the life.

Standing in the elevated section of the VIP, some of them glanced down at the main
dancefloor and chuckled on occasion. The reason was… they were playing a little

Throughout the night, they watched and laughed, as peasants like Ben ran around
below and hustled to talk to girls. During that struggle, these 20 guys sat back,
danced, and had the staff deliver girls into their laps, and they found that difference…

It made them feel powerful having weaker people nearby to compare to. As such,
when girls danced on them, they made sure to enjoy the envious gazes of the
plebeians below, which is also what prompted one of them to suggest the game.

It was simple. When they saw a guy below making progress with a woman, they
would call a bouncer over to bring her upstairs. Seeing that man's face of loss and
frustration when the girl ditched him… it was too funny! And this, is what happened
to Ben's group…

It was a game they liked playing sometimes, a sandbox adventure, where they'd
throw sand in guys' eyes while stealing their boxes…

However, like any game, no one could play forever. At this point, almost all the best-
looking girls in the club were in their section, making a few of them regret it. Yet, this
time, they didn't realize they'd thrown poison at a poison dragon, and Ben's motto
was to fight poison… with literal poison… and he'd already sprayed it on them!

As the 20 guys were having a grand old time at the expense of everyone else below,
out of nowhere, all the women in VIP froze like the music stopped…

They all ceased dancing, as their faces morphed into various expressions of horror!

Some turned pale, some held their mouths and noses closed, and some gagged. The
one thing all the girls did have in common though, was they headed towards the exit!

It was the fart bomb! It turned the VIP into a dead zone!

The circumstances of the club were changing, which in the case of Ben's challenge,
meant he now had a chance!
"Where you going, babe?"

"What's going on?"


The 20 men in VIP didn't understand what the problem was because the fart bomb
only affected women, but the girls were too sick by the smell to open their mouths
and explain. They only hurried to leave, making the guys look at each other in

As the women shuffled out, the rich men went with their tried and tested method--
giving the bouncers more cash to retrieve them. Yet, the ladies wouldn't budge now,
only glancing at the VIP with revulsion. With no progress towards recovery, soon, the
20 guys came up with various theories on what was happening.

One group thought it was the song the DJ played, Barbie Girl by Aqua. They glared at
the DJ booth. 'Bastard! You triggered all our women with your sexist song!'

Another part of the men believed it was because they didn't have enough alcohol. So
they yelled at a redhead waitress to get more bottles.

A few minutes later, she came back with a few of the most expensive bottles of
champagne, in ice buckets, with sparklers coming out the top. At the same time,
trying to regain the attention of the women below, the men stood at the rails of
Outhouse, overlooking the dancefloor while jumping around and celebrating.

However, they failed to notice the strangeness of the waitress as she brought the
alcohol up. With every step she took, her face turned greener, and soon, she
projectile vomited on one of them!

Their celebration didn't have the same energy after that…

It wasn't the end though, because then, she threw up in the ice bucket!

The men were devastated. 'Our champagne… '

The people below who saw this shuddered!

Sick to her stomach, the waitress soon ran back out, as she shouted at security.
"Hurry and tell the owner! All those guys sh*t their pants!

Hearing that, the male security now also looked at the men in VIP with disgust. The
rich guys tried to dance it off but at this point, they were like caged monkeys
throwing their poo around as all the onlookers gazed at them.

Several minutes later, the male owner came out and visited the VIP, but didn't find a
problem. So, he figured the men were being too rude or grabby, leading to the
waitress hating them and the girls leaving. They were wealthy clients though. So he
apologized and offered more free bottles of champagne that he brought out himself.

The guys in VIP didn't comprehend what was happening. Despite that, they assumed
the ladies would return in the end. After all, they'd never been to a party where
everything didn't go their way, so why would this be any different?

Sure, they could leave Outhouse and go to the bar, but then they'd have to be near the
plebs, which most of them considered demeaning. Also, they'd already spent so
much money on these tables. With all those bottles left unopened, they thought
leaving VIP would be a massive waste. After all, leaving unopened alcohol in a
nightclub was like not picking up good loot.

The most important reason they weren't too worried about the girls not coming back
though, was this was VIP—where every woman wanted to be. What fool didn't know
However, by this point, rumors of what was occurring in Outhouse spread to most of
the staff and patrons, with everyone except the isolated rich guys themselves hearing

From that day forward, among the nightlife scene of New York City, those 20 men
became famous, known as—The Loaded Diaper Division.

Failing to realize what was going on, the rich guys waited in VIP for hours for the
women to return, but they never did. The girls weren't interested in being with Very
Important People, if they had self-defecating mindsets…

As a result, the men stood at the railing overlooking the dancefloor the entire night.
They danced alone holding a bottle in each hand, with plastered smiles on their
faces. Yet, those smiles couldn't hide their genuine feelings forever, as those grins
were soon joined by dead eyes…

As people continued looking at them with disgust, the men began to feel bad, so they
kept drinking to push it off, becoming drunker and drunker, sadder and sadder… and
the worst part was—they didn't know why.

They were drowning in champagne, but the cham was silent…


Meanwhile, when the chaos first began in VIP, as the girls shuffled out onto the
dancefloor, Ben had returned to his buds near the bar, where they all watched the
craziness unfold.

He grinned when he saw the waitress paint one of the guys with her bowels…

Noticing the turmoil and fear on all their faces, it was as if he was feeding off it, like
some kind of clown creature from the void. Gazing at the redhead waitress as she
left, he thanked her for her sacrifice. 'Your hair is winter fire. January embers. My fart
burns there, too… '

As for the rest of the Fracking Crew, they showed varied expressions of confusion.
When they saw Ben's smirk though, they remembered he said he would fix the
situation, which caused them to glance back and forth between him and the
commotion in Outhouse, as their eyes broadened. 'It couldn't be… '

Antonio was the first to ask the question on all their minds. "Did you do that?"

Ben nodded with a grin.

"How?" Chuck furrowed his brows. All they saw was Ben talk to a bouncer, followed
by a waitress, and then disappear into an area near VIP. What could he have done to
get all the girls out from there though?

"Benjamin, what did you do?" Even Beluga was eager to know. This is a move he
didn't have in his playbook.

Laughing, Ben told them the truth. "I released a big fart there."

Antonio narrowed his eyes. "Cuz, I've known you a long time. I don't ever remember
your farts being so deadly, neither in damage nor scope…”

Ben put a hand on his shoulder. "Against you, I always held back the real farts… only
giving you the occasional blips… the babies at the edges… because you're family and
I love you…”

"Get off me!" Antonio shrugged the hand off. He didn't believe Ben was some hidden
fartuoso or butthole benefactor.

Beluga and Chuck also exchanged glances of doubt, before shaking their heads. They
didn't understand the exact situation, but it didn't matter. If Ben didn't want to tell
them, they wouldn't push him to. If he was telling the truth, then that was an even
bigger problem because he should see a doctor right away.

In either case though, it wasn't a big deal to them, because there were more
important things to worry about now! The girls, were available again!

"Cuz, I don't know what you did, but we can't let this chance slide." Antonio stared at
the girls with starving eyes, as did the rest of the gang.
It was time, for the Fracking Crew to resume drilling!

Inside the nightclub, as the girls returned to the dancefloor from VIP, the Frackers
ogled them like starving beasts…

However, there was a problem—they weren't the only ones.

By this point, all the men outside VIP had been swimming within a sea of sausage
like Scrooge McDuck…

Without food, without warmth, like a remake of Waterworld with Kevin Costner set
in some guido's butt…

So, when the men in the club saw 200 women enter the waters again, a fire lit up in
every one them as step by step, they crept towards the VIP exit. With red eyes and
green dollar bills, they surrounded the area like a pack of piranhas.

These animals were chomping at the bitties… and when the women reached their
hunting grounds, they attacked!

"Hey, come dance with me!"

"Baby, let me buy you a drink!"

"Wanna come to my place and re-enact a rape scene?"

The woman who received the last line turned pale. "No, I don't want to!"

"That's the spirit!"

They tried everything… The piranhas' hunger was out of control, and of course, this
created an issue for all the other men in Latrine: it spread a sense of desperation in
the space and inflated the women's egos. As a result, the girls became standoffish,
and that wasn't the only problem.

The fart bomb had traumatized the women, giving them nasal trauma…

Some left the club as a result, and the ones who stayed were less receptive to pick up
attempts. They were still uncomfortable whenever they glanced at the 20 fools
dancing in VIP and remembered the stank of their booty batter…

Ben, of course, noticed all this, but he didn't regret what he did, because it was his
best move, even if the results weren't perfect. So, all in all, he succeeded in making
his challenge to seduce someone here easier, but it still wasn't easy.

As the Fracking Crew chatted with a group of women, Chuck noticed them frown
when they looked at Outhouse, and became curious about what really happened. So
he asked one of the girls.

She winced and hugged herself for comfort. "It was like an elephant sharted in

Hearing this, Beluga, Chuck, and Antonio all went wide-eyed as they turned to stare
at Ben, realizing this motherf*cker wasn't joking…

Beluga gulped. 'He'd be a terrifying enemy.'

Chuck stepped back. 'I should never get on his bad side.'

Antonio narrowed his eyes. 'Keep him away from the beef.'

After that, the group continued attempting to pick up women, but with limited
results. The girls were just not in a good mood. Not only did they start at lower
attraction levels, but they were harder to please.

Ben and the boys managed to get a couple of numbers, but many more rejections.
Yet, the quality at Latrine was still sky-high, leading them to prefer staying there
than going anywhere else. So like that, time flew by, and soon, it was getting late and
people were getting sloppy.

At a certain point, while taking a break at the bar, Ben had watched this one dude get
a girl. It was the coolest and most chill pick up Ben had ever seen. As the guy sat with
his back against the bar, just hanging back and relaxing there, a cute girl approached
him and chatted him up. Only several minutes later, she was making out with him,
slobbering all over his face. Even then, the dude barely responded, letting her do all
the work as he relaxed. It was the peak of chill. It wasn't until ten minutes later that
everyone realized he was asleep the whole time.

That's when Ben realized people were getting sloppy…

Something else also happened to let him know it was getting late. Ben overheard a
bartender speak to a girl after she ordered a cocktail. "Would you like to go out after
this drink?"

He was tall and handsome, a guy many women would be thrilled to date. Despite
that, the girl smirked with pride, then shut him down. "Sorry, no can do. I have a

The bartender squinted at her for a while. "Ok… but it's last call and I need to close
the bar."

Ben had never seen a smirk morph into embarrassment so fast… Yet, after he
finished chuckling, and of course, trying to pick up the girl at her lowest moment…
he recognized he was also in trouble. The reason was, he still didn't have a good
prospect to seduce and his time was running out!

At one point, Ben even ran into the waitress who helped him to the bathroom earlier
and tried to hit on her again, but to his dismay, her attraction reset to the bottom!
Her boss yelled at her because of him so she was no longer interested. Not that it
mattered though, because she wouldn't be leaving the club until his challenge
countdown ended, and there wasn't a place for a private hookup here either. Still, it
was another pie in the face for Ben the dancing clown…
He couldn't help but enter desperation mode. 'I can't leave here empty-handed!' He'd
gone through so much to get the fart bomb in play and create this situation. If at the
end of it all, he still ended up a eunuch for the Winter, it would be too tragic! Ben
wasn't willing!

Yet, he wasn't the only one having issues; The rest of the Fracking Crew was getting
tired. Few men possessed the endurance to hit on women for so many hours without
becoming exhausted, including them. After all, it was a grueling thing talking so
much b*llshit…

However, as time wound down, Ben caught sight of a miracle in the making—a
perfect setup! No, the perfect set—drunk sluts! The ones from before that the
bouncer stole and sent to VIP! They were still in the club and back at the bar now!

Seeing this, the crew went wild with excitement, before launching into the usual
routine, with Beluga opening and the rest of them in the wings. Except this time, an
unexpected result occurred. They blew Beluga out! His opener failed!

Chuck and Antonio sighed, feeling it was a pity, but if Beluga couldn't do it, they felt
they had no chance. Only one person showed a different response--Ben. Even if
failure was almost guaranteed, he couldn't afford to pass this up! After all, his penis
was on the line! The system was holding it c*ckstage!

So, narrowing his eyes, Ben visualized his approach. 'You only got one shot. Do not
miss the chance to get blown… '

Eminem's edited lyrics pumped him up, especially because they were less gay now.
The main reason Beluga's opener didn't work was that like many there, the girls
were still annoyed from being fart-frosted…

On top of that, dozens of guys had hit on them since then, numbing them to the point
they didn't even remember Beluga.

So, Ben knew he had to step up. He was the only one that could, the only one with
remaining endurance due to having taken stamina potions which seemed effective
now. This was his last opportunity, and the time to put everything he'd learned to
good use.

Gazing at the group of drunk sluts that may have been his last chance at saving his
private Ryan… Ben gritted his teeth and tried to come up with a way in. He needed a
strong opener, so it was unfortunate that he'd already used his divine line earlier on
the waitress.

As he pondered though, he couldn't think of anything he visualized working. Then,

things got even worse.

"Bar's closed!" the bartender shouted across the bar, making it official for everyone.
Last call had finished!

With the end of his time approaching, Ben started to sweat as he glanced at his

[Special Optional Challenge: Mission Inc*ckable - Seduce a new woman, who is an 8+

in looks, from your current location within the next 4 hours]

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Incurable impotence for 3 months]

[Remaining time: 00:54:12]

Ben's breath became heavy. There wasn't even an hour remaining! Even if he
managed to take a woman home now, it would be cutting it as close as a

Yet, the issue would be even greater when the club closed. It might be fatal!

From the challenge's description, Ben believed picking up women outside wouldn't
count. Once he left the front door, that would be it!

'No, I only have a few minutes left. I need to make this work!' He stared at the set of
drunk beauties at the bar and watched them frown and complain when the
bartender explained he wouldn't serve them anymore. Observing this, all of a
sudden, an idea sprang to Ben's mind!

Taking a deep breath, he narrowed his eyes. 'This'll work… No, it has to!' With a
tactic in his mind, he walked over to the girls!


"Is that it?"

"Damn, this stinks even worse than that VIP…”

They were still complaining when they heard Ben's voice at their side. "Hey ladies…”

They all turned to him and were about to tell him to leave as they did to Beluga, but
Ben finished his sentence first. With a gleam in his eyes, he delivered it—a home-
made divine line! One he crafted from the experience of struggling these past few
months! From failing again and again! He used those lessons to inspire his own

With a confident expression, Ben told the women the line he believed only a god
could deliver, the perfect opener for this situation: "I have alcohol…”

The girls paused, as Ben fired a follow-up. "How about you guys join my friends and I
at the afterparty…”

"Afterparty?" The drunk slutty beauties looked at each other, as Ben held his breath.
If they said no, they might as well be unplugging the life support to his lower body…

However, they didn't say no! "All right!"


"I wasn't done partying! Let's go!"

Ben's eyes shined! It worked! His divine line worked! All his creativity and talent
shone through at the most important moment! And what a line it was! Did the
system give it to him a while back? Sure!

Was it plagiarized? Sure!

Yet, being that Ben believed he lived in a web novel, he thought no one would mind!
Because for some web novel authors, copying entire stories and only changing a few
words was par for the course!

It was even a good way to get a high ranking!

Why write when someone already did it for you? That sh*t is hard! Sharing is caring!
Adopt socialism and help redistribute their wealth instead!

Originality? Creativity? Self-respect? Drake scoffed at those big words!

Ben didn't need them either. Like those authors, he'd do anything it took to get his
d*ck working…

After that, the four girls opened up not just to Ben but also to the crew. They started
chatting together as they walked towards the club exit. On the way, Beluga asked Ben
what line he used and Ben told him about the afterparty, also confirming it was all
right to use Beluga's house.

When he heard it, Beluga took a second look at Ben, as if he was re-evaluating him,
because he'd never informed him about this move and even forgot about it himself—
the afterparty! For club sluts, this was the best method to get them in private later in
the night. It was 99% effective, like the evil twin opposite of the birth control pill…

Somehow though, Ben discovered this technique and saved them all. Now, Beluga
began to understand why Ben was having such success with women at his university.
For helping raise Ben to this point, he felt a sense of pride, as well as deep down, a
seed of a yet unknown confusion.

As they were leaving, the music stopped and the lights turned on, signaling the end
of the party as everyone exited, everyone except the 20 guys in VIP who were now
drunk as dogsh*t… wearing a cologne of a similar theme… and lying on the sofas.
The staff gazed at them and shook their heads in disgust, now viewing them less as
wealthy ballers and more as homeless ballbags…

When Ben and his group arrived outside the club, Beluga moved to the front. "We'll
take my car. Don't worry, there's plenty of room in the ride for all of us."

One of the girls smiled. "Oh. What do you drive? A hummer?"

Beluga mumbled, "It hums a bit…”

A few minutes later, they reached the front of his whip—a big-ass purple minivan…

The women stared with hesitation. "Is this a joke? What's up with this ride?"

In this situation, Ben's face turned pale. These didn't look like the type of girls that
rode in the third row…

'Was it all for nothing?' He hadn't thought this far ahead, and now, it might cost him a
price that could only be paid in expandable flesh…
Outside in the Manhattan street, as the four club-girls talked trashed about Beluga's
purple pimp-wagon minivan, instead of getting offended, he deflected with a line he
had on autopilot. "My driver got into an accident and crashed my Mercedes. He's in
the hospital and the dealership couldn't replace it for me in time, so he gave me his
car tonight."

The four women exchanged glances, and shrugged. According to their drunk logic,
the story checked out…

So, they all got in the car, with eight people fitting into seven seats, and started off on
their way. It wasn't a very long ride to Brooklyn. Even so, Ben became more nervous
with each passing minute. After all, he still needed to seduce one of these girls.

For that reason, when they arrived at the front of Beluga's house a while later, Ben's
eyes gained a fierce determination. It was his last chance. D*ck or die…

Then, when they went inside, everyone learned that Beluga's place wasn't bad to
host the after-party because of two fundamental things.

First, he had alcohol.

Second, Ben convinced him ahead of time to keep everyone away from his basement
full of fish tanks…

As a result, the four guys and four girls hung out upstairs, as they turned on music
and started drinking. At this point, it was late enough that the girls didn't care where
they were, because there weren't any other options anyway. In fact, that was the
theme of the night because they didn't have other choices for men either. These…
were the benefits of having a private party.

So, alone and in good spirits, the four PUAs turned on their charm, and the girls
responded well, in between their slurs and drunken buffoonery…

Before long, they'd all split off into pairs, each getting involved in their own
conversation. This, of course, included Ben, who was working on a beauty with black
hair as he checked her status.

[Target's current attraction level: attracted(+2 slut bonus)(+2 drunk bonus)]

[Target's current comfort level: invalid(drunk status)]

Her status was promising, very promising…

Very very promising…

And he imagined his other friends were in similar situations. However, his back was
still cold because of the other system screen he viewed.

[Remaining time: 00:19:40]

His challenge clock was winding down, so he knew he needed to make a move. To be
exact, since this was a group of four couples, they all needed to make a move, and in
a surprise play, the first one to do so was the person who'd been the least
conspicuous that night—Antonio!

Ben watched as he kissed his girl, whispered something into her ear, and then led
her into the hallway. Although Ben didn't hear what he said, he would applaud his
cousin if he could, which he couldn't because he was too busy being jealous and

Then, next up was Beluga, who wanted to show his girl something. "Yea, you need to
see this, follow me. Yea, really, it's the original Shroud of Turin…”

Now, only Ben and Chuck remained. In reality, out of all the Frackers, Chuck was the
one with the least work to do, as his girl also proved to be a shotacon, pressing him
against the wall as she licked his neck.

So, that only left Ben, who looked at his black-haired girl and caught her staring into
his eyes. She knew what was coming next. In fact, all four of the women knew what
was going on, because in the first place, clubs were a place for people to hook up. If it
wasn't someone's birthday or an event for some organization, when women went to
clubs, it was never to "just dance." It was to get attention from men, and if the right
one came along, to get more…

That's why at this point, when they all ended up partying in a man's house, it only
took one of them taking the lead to go somewhere private, for the rest to fall down
like domihoes…

Ben noticed it too. As each girl left, his raven-haired beauty became less and less shy,
until soon, she wasn't shy at all. Smiling with her eyes, she gazed into his, throwing
the occasional glance at his lips; the universal kissing signal…

Seeing this, bells went off in Ben's heads… and he no longer hesitated!

She was good to goo… and he knew exactly what to do.

He believed there was no way he'd screw this up! He was a made man! Smirking with
supreme confidence, he leaned into her ear, and whispered…

Nothing… as he realized, 'No, I better shut up… '

He remembered talking was a bad idea when a girl wanted to get physical. That was
even more crucial if prone to say something stupid!

In these situations, Ben learned it was best to follow one tactic—shut the f*ck up!

Instead, he kissed her! And she kissed him back!

Then, after a brief make-out, Ben grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hallway,
leading her to one of the remaining empty bedrooms, which she went along with.
This was part of the plan. Before they entered the house, Beluga told him to grab any
bedroom there, as long as he closed the door once inside so everyone else would
know it was taken.

So, bringing her into one, he shut the door behind him. As soon as he did, the girl
jumped into his chest, ravaging his lips as her hands explored his chiseled body.
Ben blinked. 'Does she have a numb p*ssy challenge too?'

He didn't expect this. Still, he returned the favor and slid his hands everywhere over
her clothes, his eyes popping open when he realized how fit she was.

'This is going to be fun… ' He envisioned watching her in various positions, enjoying
the sights from all angles. Then, he looked around the room and saw a huge pair of
granny panties on the dresser.

After a moment of shock, Ben realized he'd entered the tiger's den. 'F*ck! This is his
mom's room!'
*Author's Note: This scene is one chapter long and it's mostly comedy.

Discovering he was in Beluga's mom's room, Ben had found the gateway to hog-hell…

Despite that, he wasn't ready to leave, because that could ruin the moment with the
girl he was with. Instead, he remembered something he'd seen on the internet:
"Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome." It was the slogan of the Marines, and now, as a
meat-hole mercenary… Ben decided to follow their playbook, because he was also
trying to do battle in wet conditions…


He turned the lights off. 'Semper Fi… '

He also gave his girl the reason. "More intimate this way."

The truth would remain classified…

After that, he moved her onto the bed, and things got steamier. She was breathing
heavier now, and started removing her clothes herself. When she finished, she even
helped Ben, grabbing at his pants and raising her eyebrows when she found more
than she bargained for…

It was a hell of a deal…

During all this, Ben froze a few times. He'd never been in a hook-up that moved with
such pace. There was Penelope, but even with her, he needed to progress step by
step towards sex. Now, with this girl, he received no LMR! It was a genuine one night

Soon, as they both got naked and prepared to do the deed, Ben's tension eased at
last. 'It looks like I'm going to clear the challenge. Phew, that was a close call.' The
mission was in the bag, once he was in the vag…

It was a done deal.

A sure thing.

Then, he recalled something. 'I don't even know this girl's name.' He glanced at
where he thought her face was…”Hey, what's your—"

"My what?"

"Your n—… your bust size?"

“…Haha, 34C."

Gulping, Ben realized he almost fucked everything up! There was a time to ask for a
name and this wasn't it. If he brought that up, it would only trigger her slut alarm. It
was ironic then that he could ask for her bust size and that didn't trigger it, only
having made her laugh, but Ben didn't invent the female brain…

The important thing was, at last, he was learning to control stupid things from
coming out of his mouth!

As for her name? That was old news!

She had her chance!

The time to name herself was gone! Because the duel… was already on!

Ben smirked. 'Your name? Tell it to Yama!'

Then, he started to explore the body of the unnamed girl, who he labeled 34C, inside
the room where Beluga was conceived…

The woman was also into it, kissing him back with encouragement. However, since
Ben turned the light off to hide certain evidence strewn about, it was a little difficult
to get their positions in sync. So, the two shifted around several times, trying to get
comfortable, which is when the girl found an Easter egg. "Oh~ Nice, I found some of
your toys!"

"Toys? Like what, a LEGO?"


She turned on the toy…

In the dark, Ben blinked, uncertain where the noise was coming from. "What's that
sound. Is that a pigeon?"

Then, he touched it, and realized what it was—a dildo!


He smacked it across the room!

Ben grimaced. "You don't want that toy! It's malfunctioning!"

"But I…”

"Try this toy!" Ben put her hand on the original model… which led her to smile, and
start her own game of Hungry Hungry Hippos…

Once that happened, Ben's body relaxed once again, because at that point, he was
confident he'd pass his challenge, if nothing unexpected happened…

…Which it didn't.

Without LMR, Ben was able to escalate, and without having to develop comfort and
not even working much on arousal, they were soon having sex!

Once he saw his challenge clear, Ben released a massive sigh of relief…

However, it wasn't the proper moment to deal with the rewards. First, he wanted to
focus on enjoying himself.

In addition, tonight, he wasn't the only one!

While Ben didn't know what happened to Chuck, he could hear two other couples
making very telling sounds in adjacent rooms: Antonio and Beluga!

…Not together!

Each with a woman!

They heard him as well!

Then, it was like the three men shared a telepathic connection, as all three narrowed
their eyes. At that moment, a certain powerful impulse brewed inside of them…

It was as if they were all death row convicts that escaped from various prisons all
over the world, each arriving to the same place at the same time. The reason?
Unclear… The only thing they knew was they felt the urge to fight some random kid
named Baki…

No… this time, the enemy's name, was pussy…

As for that powerful impulse they felt? That desire that overwhelmed them… it was…
to compete against each other! To become the best! Why? Because it seemed cool!
That's the only reason they needed! No, the only reason any man needed!

3rd stratagem of web novels: if you can't come up with a decent motivation for a
character to do something, make him pursue strength! To desire to become the
strongest! All men can relate to it because all men were 12 years old at one point.

Ben, Beluga, and Antonio had also been 12…

As such, this motivation resounded in their one-dimensional souls! 'I will be the

With that becoming the center of their beings, they started to pound their girls even


"Give it to me~"

The girls started going insane! It was like the three guys were competing on an
applause meter but for moans!

It continued for many minutes! Screams of women resounded throughout the house!

*Pant* *Pant*

Meanwhile, the three were panting and sweating, switching into overdrive with their
grundle gears…

They gave it their all despite exhaustion, unwilling to lose, waiting for the moment
they got a plot penis power up…

Except, they weren't all protagonists. None of them possessed infinite stamina, and
one in particular, found himself a bit lacking. The first one to reach his limit… was

Grinding his teeth, he listened to his younger cousin's girl nearby as she screamed
and hollered, and Antonio refused to accept it! "I don't believe it! Is he so great?!?
Does he have three cocks and six balls?!?

Yet, his body couldn't hold out. With a face full of unwillingness, Antonio threw in the
paper towels…”Ay! Fittin' to cum!

Like that, he was eliminated!

Now, there were two…

Beluga and Ben kept at it with stern faces, deep in thot…

Neither was willing to quit! Their reputations were on the line! As the senior and the
one with home-phallus advantage… Beluga would never give up, because he wasn't
fighting only for himself anymore. He wouldn't allow himself to disappoint his home
fans--his pet fish…

As for Ben, he'd taken so many potions, he didn't believe he wouldn't be the last one
out, having faith he'd hang in there longer…

In fact, even the girls started to get sore and considered asking for a break, but they
were already riding the tiger…

Soon, both Ben and Beluga were drenched in sweat and exhausted, but a winner was
inevitable, so when Ben heard his mentor slowing down, he realized victory was
imminent. Yet, it was at that moment that he remembered everything Beluga had
done for him, and experienced a change of hearts. Spreading a helpless smile, Ben
made a decision--the heroic sacrifice!

He chose to finish first! To let Beluga keep his face! But if he was going out, he'd do it
in style! He yelled across the house! "DROPPINNGGG LOADSSSS!"

Hearing that, Beluga's nerves also eased as he glanced in the direction of Ben's room
and snorted. 'Looks like he understands manners after all… ' It was a good thing for
Beluga too because he couldn't last a second longer. "HURP!" He went cross-eyed!

Soon after, the three heroes were lying on their women, exhausted and unable to
move, the ladies having pushed them to a state of pussy paralysis…

Like that, a beautiful night ended, with everyone drifting off to sleep, as the
neighbors kept shouting about the noise…

Author's Note: Trigger warning. There's almost no comedy in this scene. It's quite
serious. I'm not going to give away what happens but it's a very traumatic experience
for a woman so if you can't handle that, you can consider skipping it.


It was hard for someone not to like a cheerful, friendly girl who was kind to
everyone, but when that like grew too strong, even such a spirited girl couldn't avoid
getting broken.


The school bell rang as she collected her books with a smile. She couldn't wait to
leave class to walk home. After all, it was such a beautiful day outside, and she
always got so much enjoyment from listening to the birds sing at this hour. Plus,
there were still the cookies her mom baked last night. 'Mmmm… chocolate chip.' She
licked her lips thinking about them, before getting distracted by a voice nearby.

"H-hey…” A boy with short dirty-blonde hair appeared there, holding his head down
as he called out to her.

"Ryan! What's up?" she greeted with a bright grin, which soon changed into an
expression of concern. 'Why does he look so nervous?' She noticed him fidgeting
with his fingers and gazing around with uncertainty.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" she asked. Knowing his penchant for getting into
trouble, she became a little worried now, wondering if he'd found his way into
something bad again.

"I-I'm fine…” Despite saying that, he continued acting a bit odd.

Yey, even though he was still twitchy, her tense shoulders relaxed a bit when he said
that because she believed he'd never lie to her. Whenever something bad happened,
he always told her first, and she listened with patience every time, trying to help him
figure it out. They were best friends since they were little, after all.

Although Ryan got into fights and received school discipline often, she knew he had a
good heart, and trusted him as much as she trusted anyone, including her parents.
She only wished things between them would stay that way forever. Although, since
the past summer, that was becoming more difficult.

He'd been a little more distant since then and it upset her, even more so because she
didn't know why. That had been a weird season for her in general, having grown into
her female body for the first time, developing curves everywhere, although modest.

After that, she noticed the boys glancing at her differently, and despite trying to
ignore it, Ryan's eyes were sometimes like that too--strange, and hazy… She'd been
wanting to talk to him about it, to see if they could continue on the way they were
before: talking on the phone every night before bed, finishing each other's sentences,
laughing at jokes in class. Sharing those moments was one of the highlights of her

"C-come with me. I want to t-talk to you," Ryan mumbled while gazing at his feet.

Hearing this, she spread a wide smile. This would be the perfect chance to have that
chat that's been on her mind. "Okay!" So, putting her books in her schoolbag and
getting up, she followed him out of class.

Five minutes later, when he brought her to another part of the teaching building
where there weren't any students, she followed in silence, waiting with patience for
him to tell her what was bothering him. She knew Ryan would brood sometimes, and
the best way to deal with it was giving him space until he was ready to open up.
Then, after he led her into a classroom, he stopped at last, and turned to face her.

As she gave him a smile to make him feel comfortable telling her anything, when she
saw his face, her smile became a bit stiff. 'Why's he looking at me like that?'

His eyes were different than she'd remembered seeing, ever… with dilated pupils,
scanning up the white stockings on her legs, gazing at her in a way that made her
very uncomfortable. He looked like… an animal…

*Tap* *Tap *Tap* *Tap*

Out of nowhere, a handful of other boys entered the classroom behind her…


"Great, you brought her!"

"Haha, I didn't believe he'd do it, but here she is!"

The boys jeered as they surrounded her on all sides… looking at her, with those same
eyes that Ryan showed.

Her heart was thumping now. She could feel it in her throat… With a shaky voice, she
glanced at him, her best friend. "R-Ryan… what is this?"

Yet, he didn't hear her. With a wide grin, he only licked his lips, staring at her chest,
like she was a chocolate chip cookie…

The next moment… was when the first boy struck…

Pulling her school bag off her shoulder with force, he tossed it to the side.


It landed against the wall, provoking a round of laughter that rang in her ears,
surrounding her, suffocating her…

Then, more strikes came.

One pulled her jacket down…

Another puller her arms out of her sleeves…

One hugged her from behind…

They grabbed and clawed… soon ripping the buttons off her white dress shirt…

Exposing the white bra she'd only learned to wear recently…

And starting touching her…

She didn't know if she was breathing anymore… she couldn't tell… She just kept
trying to move her lips, attempting to mouth the words, a silent scream for help
saying only one thing: 'Ryan… help.'

She couldn't say them though… because he was the one violating her the most…

Yet, the pain in her body was the least of it…

And soon, she was on her back, on the cold ground…

All she could hear was howls and noises…

All she could see were those eyes… his eyes… the gaze of an animal…

As Ryan tried to undo his pants and lie down above her, another boy did the same,
causing Ryan to push him away.

"I said I get first!" Ryan roared like a beast. Then, he climbed on top of her…

She could feel his heavy weight pinning her, pressing her down… It was a weight she
used to rely on, now--crushing her…

With her eyes blinded by tears, she tried to make a final cry. "R-Ry—"

When his name began to leave her lips though, he frowned, and put a hand over her

Then, his face turned back into a manic grin, as he finished pulling his pants down…

Her consciousness began to escape somewhere else… anywhere, anywhere but

there… and as she closed her eyes, she saw that beautiful scene outside she'd longed

It was the last thing she remembered seeing that day.

Though, she did recall hearing something, a yell from nearby… an adult's shout.
"What the hell are you boys doing?!?"

"KYAAAAAAAAA!" Releasing a high shriek, her upper body shot up from the futon,
sweating and heaving. It took a few seconds before she got her bearings… 'It was
that nightmare again.'

That event's haunted her ever since; the day a bunch of schoolboys tried to act out a
scene from a hentai they watched but forgot adults existed…

She was fortunate a janitor discovered them before anything happened. After that,
the boys were arrested, including… him…

That didn't make her feel any better though. She thought she'd grow accustomed to it
one day, but that day didn't seem to be getting any closer. Although she lost count
long ago of the number of times she woke up screaming from it, she hadn't suffered
it in a while. Yet, here it was again, and this time, in front of a stranger.

Catching her breath, she looked at the other girl in the larger bed, who she startled
awake. 'Her name's Monica, if I remember right.'

She wondered why Monica was staring at her with a dropped jaw, until she glanced
down and noticed her shirt had slipped off, revealing the compression minimizer bra
underneath, the one to flatten her chest. Turning pale, she hurried to correct her top.

"Y-you…” Monica's eyes were bulging, in complete disbelief.

She wasn't the only one rattled this morning though. Soon, a large man opened the
door and looked inside. He looked around in concern, before addressing Monica, "Are
you all right?"

She paused for a second, before replying. "I'm fine, just a nightmare. Sorry…”

Then, he glanced at the other girl in the room. "You cool, Chuck?"

Swallowing, she replied. "I'm good, Beluga. No worries…”

When Beluga left, Chuck squinted at Monica, wondering why she took responsibility
for the scream.

Seeing this, Monica smiled. "So this is why you were so shy and panicked last night…”

Chuck looked at the ground, then spoke with a pitch that was a little higher than
yesterday. It was her natural voice. "Sorry… Yea, I've… never actually gotten this far
with a girl."

"Why dress up as a guy?"

Chuck sighed. "It's a long story…”

"Well, I'd love to hear it."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chuck decided to share a little. "I get lonely… but…
something happened to me once, and I couldn't trust men after. No, I became
terrified of even touching them… So I thought maybe… I'll try dating girls, but…
being reserved, I didn't know how to approach them either. Then, I found a group of
guys online, who I could hang out with, and with whom I could speak to women."

She bit her lip. "But I didn't think they'd accept me as a girl. So I started dressing this
way, and found it helped me open up more too. When I'm in men's clothes, it's like
they see me differently; I feel like they don't want anything from me. And I see them
in another way too. The tension's gone, so I don't have the same fear…

I can even touch them without… triggering my issues; Something I couldn't deal with
no matter how hard I tried before. I hoped I could bring some of this into the rest of
my life, but so far, it hasn't happened…”

Then, she smiled. "The guys aren't bad either, a bit weird but, they're funny… I enjoy
my time with them, so…” She stared at Monica with her big eyes, showing a pleading
expression like a hungry puppy. "Please, you can't tell anyone…”

Monica got up from the bed and came to sit next to her on the futon, prompting
Chuck to move her contact lens case before Monica sat on it.

She patted Chuck's back and smiled. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me… You
sure are cute as Chuck though, but that can't be your real name, right?"

Chuck brushed back her hair with her fingers, as she tried to recover the slicked-
back style which had come undone over the course of sleeping. Blushing, she shook
her head.

"What's your name, dear?"

After a long pause, she answered. "I-its… Charlotte."


A while later, Ben, Beluga, and Antonio were sitting in a booth at a diner near
Beluga's house. The smell of coffee, orange juice and eggs permeated the air as they
prepared to order their breakfast, a victory feast of sorts.

The girls were gone already, having gotten picked up by a friend after waking up in
various states of 'what the f*ck?'

The rooster crow of the drunk slut…

Chuck also went home after saying he didn't feel well. So, that left the three guys.
"That was some night." Ben rolled his shoulders back in a stretch as he leaned back
against the red upholstery.

Next to him, Antonio nodded as he sipped on his chocolate milk with honey and
lemon. "Yea, that's why they say Latrine's the best place to piss in…”

Picking up his coffee on the other side of the booth, Beluga also thought so. "The
quality of the females was indeed notable."

Ben's preferences were different though. "I still prefer the smaller bars like Domina.
They're more intimate, with less nonsense like what happened with the VIP."
On that note, Beluga couldn't help recalling many things as he gazed at Ben. It
amazed him how much Ben changed in a couple of short months. Beluga still
remembered teaching the fat boy to open women, and how Ben failed hundreds of
times before getting any semblance of success. Now, this 18 year old even pulled off
a miracle play in the top club of Manhattan that he shouldn't have even been in.

It didn't become any less shocking each time he thought about it. First, Ben
somehow got them into the club. Then, he cleared the VIP, which Beluga still
wondered about. In the boy's words, he weaponized his anus and launched a nuclear

The truth was a matter of debate, but amazing either way. Then, Ben pulled that set
of girls back to the house, leading to all of them closing, which was unthinkable. Yet,
it wasn't only that.

He was dating multiple beautiful girls, developed his body, and even got a job at a
great company. This pace of development, somehow made Beluga feel a bit uneasy. It
forced him to compare his own life to Ben's, and realize that in many areas, he'd have
to admit he was lacking…

A few moments later though, Beluga smiled and shook his head. 'What am I thinking
about? I don't need all those things. A real player can get women with game only.
Everything else is a waste of time.'

Then, he placed his coffee down as his face became serious. 'I need to be careful. I
almost slipped up there… ' Exhaling, he closed his eyes and repeated something in
his head several times. 'Never doubt the sect. The scriptures are correct. Never doubt
the sect. The scriptures are correct… '

At that moment, a waiter approached their table. "You ready to order food now boys?

Hearing this, Antonio's face lit up as he hurried to go first. "Let me get some bacon
with peanut butter on the side…”

The waiter's eye twitched but he wrote it down.

Antonio continued. "Oh, and you got cereal? Froot Loops? Yea, let me get some
pancakes, covered in Froot Loops…”

"What the hell are you ordering?" Ben couldn't listen anymore. It was worse than
ordering lobster at a diner…

Beluga also frowned in disapproval.

"What? It's my food! Mind your business!"

Ben sneered. "You're right. I forgot… you need the energy. After all, you seemed real
'tired' last night…”

Gritting his teeth, Antonio slapped the table. "I told you! It's not that I finished
fastest! I held her mouth closed cause the moans were hurtin' my ears! I put her in
silent mode!"

Ben cringed. "Oh, so that wasn't you who yelled 'Fittin' to cum?'"

"I always yell that!" Antonio was doubling-down…

Soon, they were tugging on each other's shirts, forcing Beluga to get their attention
with a dramatic gesture. He lifted a knife above his head, and stabbed it into the

*Snap* Or he tried to but it broke because it was plastic.

Meanwhile, the waiter watched all this with a dead face. 'F*ckin kill me now… '

He closed his eyes and dreamed of oblivion…

'If my acting career doesn't take off soon… ' The waiter opened his eyes and stared at
the broken plastic knife, thinking it would look great lodged in his brain…

Anything to get away from these three…


In Ben's dorm bathroom, the shower water sprinkled against the ground, creating a
peaceful zen-like melody… that was broken by Ben wailing his heart out while
lathering shampoo.

"I've been roaming around~

Always looking to pound and all I see~

Painted faces fill the places I can't reach~

You know that I could juice somebody~

You know that I could juice somebody~

Someone like you and how you blow and how you squeak~

Countless lovers~

Fart bomb covered in Latrine~

You know that I could juice somebody~

You know that I could juice somebody~

Someone like you~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

End of the night, while others give up~

I'm off to creep~

Waging wars to find a ho to beat my meat~

I hope it's gonna be explosive~

I hope it's gonna be explosive~

Somewhat like pee!~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Somewhat like pee~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Somewhat like pee, somebody~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

Ho~ oo~ ooo~ Ho~ oo~ ooo~

I'm ready now

Give heady now

Teeth shreddy now

Stay steady now

I'm sweaty now

Nutted already now

D*ck's spaghetti now

(Jizztar solo)

Ho~oo~ooo~ Ho~oo~ooo~

Someone like you, somebody~

Someone like you, somebody~

Someone like you, somebody~

"I've been roaming around~

Always looking to pound and all I see…”

As he finished his version of "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon, Ben was full of
emotions. Covered by the running shower, he couldn't tell if the water dripping from
his head was from the shower… or tears… from his penis…

He wasn't the only one at a loss though, because Fariq was sitting at his desk with a
troubled expression, looking in the direction of the bathroom. 'What is the matter
with his brain?'

When Ben turned off the shower, his mood was much better. Although he didn't get
much sleep the night before, it was worth it, if for nothing else than the system
rewards he was about to eat.

Since he was already in private, he opened his system screen and began multi-
tasking, reading notifications while drying himself off with a towel.

[Congratulations! You've completed the Special Optional Challenge: Mission

Inc*ckable - Seduce a new woman, who is an 8+ in looks, from your current location
within the next 4 hours]

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Incurable impotence for 3 months]

Reading the punishment still caused him to shudder a bit. It was really a close shave
this time.

[Completion status: 1/1]

[Distributing reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Assigning Stat: Seduction Skills+1]

Smiling, Ben opened his stats window to check where he was at with everything.

[Looks: 6 - You look like a balloon artist at a gender reveal party]

'I wonder how much that pays… '

[Charisma: 8 - Suited to lead… Lemmings off a cliff]

Ben blinked, but soon recovered. 'Just cause I'm suited for it doesn't mean I have to
do it.' He was planning to dodge the Lemmings army draft…

[Social Status: 6(5+1) - High-end office furniture]

He squinted. 'So it is high-end… '

[Seduction Skills: (+1)7 - Strong game if used on a 2 A.M. server at a hot dog stand]

Ben didn't mind the dig, because the system mentioned nothing regarding the
sexiness of the server…

Implications of greasiness weren't enough to bring down his hot dog.

Instead, he was in a good mood, because after lots of hard work, his seduction skills
were at a respectable level at last. The night prior, when Ben was having sex with
34C… he completed the challenge and felt the information related to seduction in his
head become more accessible and robust. Yet, he stopped paying attention after
about.01 seconds on account of being f*ckupied.

Now that he concentrated and reviewed his knowledge though, it did seem he held a
more thorough understanding of all the concepts he'd learned until now, as well as
how to apply them. He smirked imagining his conquests in the future.
[Knowledge: 6 - Knowledgeable like a mini-encyclopedia… of porn]

"Thank you." Ben felt pride…

[Manliness: 7 - Like you were baptized in soy sauce]

Ben envisioned himself as a human spicy tuna roll…

[Communication: 7(6+1) - Skilled… at hissing in a street fight]

Ben wasn't against it. 'As long as I win, or at least don't lose… '

In fact, he felt a bit of gratitude to the system for providing him with the idea…

It seemed like a good tactic…

[Personal talent: 3 - Natural talent at putting his socks on with his feet in the air]

'It's time-efficient!'

Ben understood that life was short… and so were his legs…

Shaking his head, he moved onto the rest of his status screen. Besides his stats, most
other things remained the same:

PUA Points: 38,000


Equipped Title: C*ckpuncher,

Unequipped Titles: Poison Dragon, Virgin Surgeon M.D

[Current Hearth Tower Ranking: 682]


[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human(+1): Personal Talent Max Potential+1]

The only thing that changed here was he gained some more points. That's why Ben's
next move was to review his achievements in order to understand which of his
actions earned him the difference. Despite the points total increasing though, it still
hadn't reached the 50,000 target he was aiming for, where he hoped a new store
item would become available and give him some more options.

After all, an increase from 5,000 to 50,000 was massive. Something that cost that
much couldn't be bad and would have a very high chance of changing everything for
him. Of course, it was all still speculation. In addition, even if he received nothing
new or it wasn't something he chose to buy, he could still purchase a bunch of other

For now, Ben smiled as he began to read his achievements, reliving his
accomplishments last night at Latrine, which all led to the final prize—34C, and her
booty chest which would serve as desert.

Believing a steamy bathroom to be as good a place as any… Ben continued toweling
down as he read through his achievements.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Trampede(rare) - Cause a

stampede of women by repositioning them from the vicinity of enemy competitors]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

He recognized that referred to the fart bomb. 'It was like the new Jumanji movies but
better… '

Speaking of which, that reminded Ben to update his mental counter on the number
of jungle-related movies Dwayne Johnson's been in…

A few seconds later though, he sighed. 'I lost count… ' He couldn't count that high!

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Formation Annihilation(fine) -

Break the female-attraction formation of a group of enemy competitors]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben nodded. 'It's about time I become a master of formations. After all, it's required
for any half-decent xianxia protagonist… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cultivating the Dao of

Plow(repeatable, rare) - Have sex with a new woman to completion]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben closed his eyes. 'Buddha said, "If I don't enter hell, who will enter hell?" So I say,
If I don't enter her p*ssy, someone else will? F*ck that sh*t!'

He prepared to take on the burdens of his fellow man, relieving them of the sins of
the flesh, by occupying all the women.

This was a sacrifice Ben was willing to make for all humankind… Bearing the women
on his back spread-legged like a cross.

This was his way, his Dao, his road to enlightenment, one lay at a time…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Same Day D*cklivery, Same Day
Return(repeatable, fine) - Have a one night stand, sleeping with a woman you met
for the first time that day]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben shrugged. 'Sorry, I don't accept returns… '

He'd learned from the best eBay vendors of sh*t products…

'If the purchase disappointed her, let her give me a poor review on Yelp. Oh wait, she
can't. Winning!'

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Misfortune Cums in Pairs(fine) -

Run a successful group pick up where you and at least one wingman end up
successfully seducing women in the group]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

For the first time, Ben learned about the true value of teamwork and friendship…

It was 500 PUA points… 'That's about what I'd value it at… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cross Cumtree Racing(fine) -

Participate in a sexual endurance marathon with a woman against at least one other

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

'Is the system American? Because I see she gives out participation trophies… '

Ben wasn't expecting to get awarded for this, in particular because he threw the race
and ended up getting second. However, he wouldn't complain about getting points.
That was even more the case because he understood that the act of giving out
participation trophies only hurt the genuine winners, after all; grinding down their
drives to succeed until they fit into the accepted standard of mediocre…

Though, maybe, just maybe, it hurt the losers a little too, by conditioning them to fail
without consequences for the rest of their lives…

Of course, if one lacked compassion, they could argue it also damaged the nation as a
whole, by eliminating all sense of responsibility and meritocracy. Who needed those
things though? Sure, they were the major building blocks of the nation's success, but
things were fine enough now, so it seemed as good a time as any to take a nation-
wide vacation for a couple of generations…

Isn't that what they invented autopilot for?

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Bat-Trick(rare) - Have sex with

three women in one day]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

'Damn, I really did, didn't I?' Ben failed to realize it before but with Camila, Miyuki,
and 34C, he became the man of the match…

Grinning with pride, he stood there thinking about it for a few minutes… until the
steam left the mirror and he saw himself loitering naked like an idiot…

So, he moved on. Reaching the end of the achievements, Ben knew the points total
still failed to reach his goal of 50,000. Since he still wasn't in urgent need of anything
though, he decided to continue saving them for now, and with that completed, the
sole remaining thing was the booty chest.
It was unfortunate there was no flag since 34C was American. For that reason, Ben
cursed her parents for not participating in more international sex tourism…

Yet, a chest was still something to look forward to, even though this one wasn't up to
par with the others he'd gained in the recent past, because it was light blue. Reaching
for his jacket hung up on the door, he pulled it out of the pocket. Holding it in his
hand, he gazed at it.

[Booty Chest(Consumable, Fine) x1 - Drops one object of guaranteed associated


This chest was the same rarity as he got from Penelope the first time he'd ever
picked one up. It forced Ben to consider the factors that led to the tier evaluation
once again. In terms of attractiveness, 34C was up there with his other girls. Even the
system officially recognized that when he completed the challenge, since it required
her to be an 8 or higher in looks.

He recalled the key evaluation criteria the system mentioned before, one of which
was the difficulty of seducing her. In this case, there was nothing easier than a drunk
slut. So Ben hypothesized sluttiness lowered the rating. That would explain why the
tier of Penelope's chest was only fine too. Although the Greek girl didn't have a slut
bonus when Ben seduced her, she did have a drunk bonus, and also took part in
some slutty behavior, motivated to get revenge on her boyfriend.

Another thing Ben considered was that 34C and Penelope both weren't virgins.
Although the system didn't say anything outright about the chest grade factoring in
virginity, she did mention there being an effect from the girls' personal
circumstances. Ben speculated virgin status may have been a component in that.

It made some sense. If the system's goal was to help him become the best pick up
artist, then he'd need to face challenges, and it was logical that virgins would be
more difficult. As far as the system's deeper goal, that was something that tickled
Ben's mind once in a while, but he always brushed it off for the simple reason that he
had no idea. He wasn't qualified nor informed enough to consider that question, at
least not yet.

That's why instead of worrying about things he'd be unable to figure out, Ben
focused on the moment, and right now, he had some loot to pick up. Even though the
chest was only fine, it could still drop various useful items. So, with bright eyes, he
opened the booty chest, as blue light filled the bathroom.

As the blue light dissipated from the bathroom, Ben opened his eyes and looked into
his hands to discover… a yellow scroll.

[Catnip Formation(Magical Skill Scroll, Consumable, Fine) x1 - Choose a fixed 10x10

foot area to increase the chance of females approaching it for 1 hour]

After reading the description, Ben felt it wasn't bad at all. Seeing how the 20 guys
used the VIP section in Latrine to such powerful effect, he recognized the benefit of
formations. That even went double for public places with many competitors like
clubs. After all, there was a reason every xianxia included formations, and it wasn't
only because it was on the list of cliches to check off… although that was 90% of it…

Having finished reviewing the changes to his system, Ben decided it was time to
leave the bathroom, since he'd finished showering a while ago and believed Fariq
must've thought he was in there finessing the gremlin…

He was right. That is what Fariq thought… but that was fine because it wasn't the
first time…

Walking out of the restroom and choosing clothes he'd wear, Ben anticipated the
next few days with a smile. It was the weekend now. That meant no school and no
work until Monday so he could relax. On top of that, he had a delivery coming tonight
that he was very much looking forward to. It was a special package, and the delivery
girl had been bugging him non-stop to bring it over and watch as he signed it

Of course, this was a run-down and beat to sh*t euphemism for a hook-up…

Yet, it was still in play because you couldn't spell p*ssy without UPS…

As for the identity of this delivery girl? It was the beauty blowing up his phone every
time he checked it, the pink-haired anime-girl, and blowjob goddess—Katie.

*Ding* *Dong*

Hearing the doorbell ring, Ben smirked as he approached the front door. Fariq had
left and given him some private time tonight that Ben believed wouldn't be
interrupted by a Domino's agent…

Knowing he could take off his armor, even if for one evening, put Ben in a good
mood… and soon, his mood improved further.

When he opened the door, there she was… the pink-headed beauty with a lollipop in
her mouth. She held her pink handbag with both hands in front of her, as it bounced
from side to side, moving with her body as she rotated her hips back and forth. And
when she saw Ben, the rotations became faster and faster… soon reaching a
staggering speed as her eyes broadened and she smiled wide.

"Mmm!" She dove into his chest! Hugging him tightly!

Ben was a bit overwhelmed, but he brushed her hair, as he checked her statuses.

[Target's current attraction level: fangirl]

[Target's current comfort level: soulmate]

[Target's current love level: enraptured(+1)]

He blinked. Attraction and comfort didn't reduce, as he expected, since the love
status locked them in, but there was something surprising. 'The love level even
increased? How's that possible when we haven't seen each other?'

"I missed you so much…” Katie mumbled into his shirt. Then, she looked up at him,
resting her chin on his chest. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course." He smiled.

That made her so happy that she opened her eyes wide again, and jumped!
Wrapping her legs around his waist!

It caught Ben off guard, but… he managed to keep his balance. Cupping her ass with
both hands, he carried her inside as her arms wrapped around his neck and her head
buried into his shoulder.

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff* She sniffed him all over with loud exaggerated mannerisms
like a cat…

When she finished, she only maintained a bright smile as she gazed at him with her
pretty eyes…

Soon, Ben sat down on his bed with her on top of him, not wanting to stand like that
all day since he never did curls without a squat rack…

From there, she hung onto him as the two began chatting. Ben knew Katie needed a
lot of attention. At times, it was even exhausting texting her so much. Yet, when he
saw her, he felt it was worth it, because she was really a pleasure to be around.

"Did you manage to avoid all the beards on the way here?" He asked with a playful

Katie replied in a serious manner though. "Mmm, I was very careful. I took a detour if
I got the slightest sense of potential bearditude…”

She stared at him like a child who was reporting to her father. Then, she glanced
down…”Why'd it take you so long to see me?"

After blinking a moment, Ben sighed. "Too much going on with the plo— I mean…
too many things have been happening recently. I had a bunch of exams, and even got
promoted at work." Hearing this news, Katie's eyes lit up, and she began asking him
all sorts of questions. He answered them one at a time, trying his best to make it
sound like he went to an all-boys school and worked at a sausage factory…

She also told him about her days. Katie didn't go to school. When he asked her about
it, she said she liked the otaku stuff so felt it would be better to work at her parents'
shop. In her words, university seemed too stuffy.

Ben thought it sounded a bit frivolous, but in truth, it didn't seem like a bad deal to
him. Who wouldn't want to enjoy themselves while waiting to inherit their family's
manga shop? This was the otaku dream!

As Katie was telling him about a recent anime she watched, he noticed her glance
down. Then, out of nowhere, she stood up off of him, and got down on her knees… as
she continued giving him her review of the anime.

"The characters were interesting. At first, it all focused on the MC but later, the side-
characters got a lot of development." She unbuttoned his jeans…

"They're funny and unique, and the plot's addicting, and there's a cute mascot." She
lowered his jeans to his ankles…

"The best parts though… are the action scenes." She looked up into his eyes, smiled,
and moved her head forward…

Breathing heavy, Ben stared at this in delight. 'This is the best f*cking review I've
ever heard.'

At this rate, Anime-Planet and MyAnimeList would soon be out of business…

*Author's Note: This is a 1-parter. The next chapter won't be R-18.


Sitting on his bed, Ben watched Katie below, grasping his cock at the base with both

It shocked him when she got on her knees out of nowhere, brought his pants down
and pulled his dick out… After all, she hadn't even taken her coat off!

Still wearing her red peacoat, with her pink hair hanging down her back to her
waistline, it was like she was trying to cosplay as Zero Two… and Ben liked it. When
she started stroking him with two hands as she gazed up into his eyes… he liked it
even more.

"Feels good?" she asked.

Ben nodded.

"Have you kept your promise?"

"No 2D girls!" Ben announced. He was a man of his word, and had switched to 3D
hentai recently…

"In that case…” Smiling, she stuck out her tongue… and licked her lips in slow

Once again, Ben marveled at how long her tongue was, and it amazed him even more
when she brought it forward, circling the head of his dick…

Making some room by letting go of one hand, she licked up the sides of his cock…
every inch… as if she feared missing a spot…

Then, she even pressed it up against his stomach, and brushed her tongue side to
side against the bottom of his balls…

Ben's breathing became heavier as he felt its soft texture there…

Then, one at a time… she put his balls in her mouth… and sucked on them… as her
hand above continued jerking him off with incredible finesse…

When she made sure she got every inch of his balls wet too… she brought his boner
back down, and slid it over her extended tongue… holding it steady as she massaged
the bottom of it…

Following a few seconds of that, she pulled back, and after collecting some spit in her
mouth, elevated her head a bit to reach above Ben's erection, at the base. There, she
dropped the spit from base to tip… covering the whole top of his dick with a line of

Smiling up at him, she then wrapped her other hand around his shaft, and started
jerking him two-handed with unbelievable synchronized twisting motions… With so
much lubrication, it was like there was no friction even when though she squeezed
so tight…

At the same time, she leaned forward, and puckered her thick juicy lips… in a wet
kiss against the tip of his manhood… Looking up into his eyes, she slowly spread
those lips, as she pushed them forward, to consume his cock… From there, she
started to suck the tip… stroking and blowing in concert…

When Ben felt his manhood enter her wet flexible mouth at last… combined with the
astounding caressing of her hands… he leaned his head back, because the physical
sensations were overwhelming…

He'd received oral from a good number of girls by this point, but none of them
matched up to her in any aspect. 'Katie's really the queen of this, an S-rank talent… '

*Pop* *Pop*

As she blew with great enthusiasm, her lips made popping noises from the suction
whenever she took them off… only to bring them right back on and repeat…
Her cheeks hollowed out… like she was sucking her favorite lollipop…

Then, as if thinking Ben's shaft wasn't getting enough attention, she removed her
hands, and forced her head further down his cock… at a very slow pace… so he could
enjoy it even more.

He could feel her large lips moving down it… inch by inch… until there was nothing
left… because she'd deepthroated the whole thing!

Ben once again experienced how incredible her throat felt; tight… wet… and supple…
He thought it was the most perfect sensation… but then, she showed him something
even better.

Ben felt her unusually long tongue against the underside of his dick… as she
extended it out the bottom of her mouth… down to his balls, which she began licking
with enthusiasm…

"Fuck, that's amazing Katie…” Ben appreciated her more than ever.

Hearing his compliment, she smiled with her eyes, but she wasn't done though.
Winding her tongue back up, she then began to use it in another way… coiling it in a
circle around his dick… like a snake…

Ben blinked when he felt this, not having even known it was possible…

Like that, Katie's tongue applied an extra layer of unbelievable pleasure… as she
began throat-fucking Ben's cock…

*Gug* *Gug* *Gug* *Gug*

Her forehead banged against his stomach as she engorged herself on his member…

With her tight throat massaging the tip, her lips sucking the shaft, and her tongue
squeezing the base… she was stimulating every inch of Ben's manhood…

He didn't know a blowjob could be so good…

Even, a little too good… so much so that he couldn't take more than a few more
"Mmm~" As Katie moaned while she gobbled his cock, Ben watched the beauty from
above; fully clothed yet with his dick in her mouth… going from tip to shaft… and it
was too stimulating!

"Katie! I'm going to cum!"

Her eyes flashed with delight! But she remembered something from the last time
and moved her head back from Ben's dick, leaving only her tongue extended
underneath as she wrapped it with both hands and started stroking hard!

"Mmm, give it to me~ I want to taste it!" Last time, it all shot down her throat, not
allowing her to savor the taste of Ben's sperm. This time, she wanted to enjoy it

As her hands squeezed it out, and her tongue massaged the bottom of the head… Ben
reached the peak!

"I'm cumming!" His legs shook as white cum shot out the tip! Covering Katie's tongue
and continuing down her mouth and throat! And she couldn't get enough!

"Uhh~" She moaned when it hit her tongue and she tasted it… her eyes rolling to the
back of her head… 'Ben's cum is the best~'

Wanting more, she kept stroking as she swallowed the first batch… which was soon
followed by a second… and a third… rolling down her tongue and into her stomach…

However, she couldn't eat fast enough, leading to some dropping down the sides of
her mouth… dripping down her cheeks, chin, and all over her red peacoat below…

Katie didn't pay attention to that though! When Ben stopped spraying, she hurried to
lick her face and lips… getting every drop she could…

"Oh…” Then, she saw a drop leaking out of the hole of Ben's dick, and wrapped her
lips around it before it fell out… as she started sucking…

Bringing her hands to the base of Ben's cock and gripping it hard, she also stroked it
towards herself… trying to drain it dry… to get every last drop…

Ben watched her from above, as she closed her eyes and sucked on the head… it
bobbing up and down in her mouth like she was a baby sucking on a pacifier…
His legs kept shaking with every suck… because this was too stimulating…

His face also cringed like he'd eaten a lemon… because he'd already nutted… yet she
was still sucking…

As Ben lied on his bed with Katie snuggling against his chest, his face was one of
satisfaction. 'It was worth it to give up on 2D girls, temporarily… '

After Katie lollipopped him… Ben counterattacked, bringing out his best fighter
Wartortle to weaken the enemy's morale… before launching a full-scale attack. After
engaging in an hour of hard-pressed cumbat… the armies were exhausted, taken to
rest by the genital-generals…

However, the losses weren't even. Katie's side had suffered many fatal orgasms…
leading to Ben's final victory. It was cumclusive…

Yet, both leaders would be remembered, having demonstrated their skills in a

spectacular d*cksplay…

It was bootyfull…

Following such a cumslaught… all that remained were the pieces of armor littering
the battlefield; Katie's clothes, strewn about all over the floor and bed, including her
red peacoat, which was still covered with suspicious stains… She didn't mind that at
all though. In fact, she planned to never wash it, hiding it in memory of her second-
ever time having sex with Ben…

In addition, although he didn't notice, poking out of the outer pocket of the coat,
there was a small piece of wood—a piece of broken wood; a perfect match for the
missing corner of his desk nearby.

Katie rubbed her head back and forth against Ben's chest, opening her eyes as she
smiled. She'd known she was in love with him since after their first date, and the
feelings were so powerful… It was the first time she'd experienced such a thing.

After that date, she went home and prayed to every god she knew to bring them
together: Zeno… Arceus… Belldandy… Haruhi Suzumiya… Naoki Urasawa… she was
at it for quite a while…
Now, her heart experienced the greatest joy, because she believed they granted her

Tilting her head up so she could look into his eyes, she pressed her cheek against his
chest, blushing as she showed a small shy smile. "Ben… I love you…”

His eyes went wide. Frozen…

Ben didn't know what to do, shocked because he never expected her to issue a
declaration of d*ckdependence.

He swallowed, as her words forced him to reevaluate his feelings for her, which were
becoming stronger every time they met. 'I like her. I like her a lot… ' He was certain
now. It was hard not to develop feelings for a girl so affectionate and sweet. 'But, is
this love?'

When he asked himself that… he still wasn't sure…

Yet, as Katie stared up at him, with an expression of reliance and expectation, Ben
knew he couldn't stay silent. "Katie, I'm… very fond of you…”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth though, his face twitched, because he
thought they sounded ridiculous. He glanced to the side, a bit embarrassed. When he
caught sight of his hand, he even imagined Wartortle's spirit materializing out of it
and cringing… staring at him with a "what the hell was that" expression…

Then, with his Larry David sideburns… Wartortle entered into a spiel: 'Are you out of
your goddamn mind?'

Wartortle shook his head in disapproval. 'Fond? What is that anyway? Fond…

I'm fond of the Jets… yet you don't see me having sex with them.

Can you even be fond of a person? I mean fond… that's something you reserve for
inanimate objects, a coffee mug, a pair of pants… a goldfish at maximum!

Saying that to a person? Ehhhh… I don't know.'

Having heard enough, Ben rattled his head and rubbed his eyes… until he couldn't
imagine that sh*tty old turtle anymore… 'What the hell am I thinking about?'

However, although Wartortle didn't approve of Ben's response, it seemed to be

enough for Katie. Her smile became stretched from ear to ear as she hugged him
even tighter, holding him in silence as she wished this moment could last forever.

A while later… as the two were getting dressed, Ben offered to wipe off Katie's coat,
but she refused, hiding it behind her back with a stubborn expression.

Ben shrugged. 'She really likes to clean… '

Then, he began organizing his bed, as she watched him with a smile, before he
nudged the bed to the side and her eyes glimpsed something underneath. It was a
purple, NYU student ID…

Thinking he dropped it, Katie wanted to be helpful. So, when Ben turned his back to
get a shirt from his dresser, she stepped over and bent down, preparing to pick it up
so she could hand it to him, until she glanced at the ID, and the smile fell from her

Because it wasn't Ben's photo and name on it…

Instead, there was a girl's face… and a girl's name—Olivia Sherry Bennett.

Standing up in slow motion, Katie felt like her heart stopped…

Then, when Ben put the shirt on and turned around, he noticed Katie's face looked a
little strange, and approached her. "What's wrong?"

She looked down at her feet. "N-nothing…”

With his body language reading, he could tell something was off, but he thought it
was just her being shy, from recalling her statement of love, or seeing the amount of
jacket jizz…

Either way, he stepped towards her, and hugged her by her narrow waist, reassuring
her with his firm hold, that her jacket only needed dry-cleaning.

Yet, continuing to stare downwards, Katie asked him something he didn't expect.
"Baby… are you… seeing other girls?

His eyebrows raised as his body became stiff for a few seconds, having been caught
off-guard and out of c*cket…


*Author's Note: I wanted to give out a thank you. This week I received a Crown,
wand, sword, and ring. It's the first time I've gotten the top 4 donation items on
Webnovel in a short time and I feel like I've made an achievement in my author

I also beat my Paypal record with a 77 USD donation this week. So I just wanted to
let you know, that these gifts motivate me a lot, and that includes the balloons :)
They all add up and every bit counts.

The biggest thing is it feels good knowing that putting all the extra effort into the
story is being recognized, instead of focusing on churning out filler chapters to
maximize release rate like other authors. So thank you to everyone that has shown
their support! I'd name you here but I don't rat on nobody.
After Katie's words resounded in his ears several times, Ben snapped out of his daze.
'So it's finally time for this talk… '

It was the first time a girl he was seeing asked him if he was dating other women,
and this situation… it was troublesome.

Watching Katie, he sighed. 'She's such a good girl. I should reciprocate by being the
best guy I can… so what's the best way to lie to her?'

In reality, he didn't want to hurt her with the truth, but when he saw her raise her
head and gaze into his eyes with an expression of dependence… he just couldn't
bring himself to lie. "Yes…”

Right away, Katie's eyes began to moisten.

Seeing this, a bitter sensation pervaded his chest… and he wished he could make her
feel better. "But they were 3D girls!"

That didn't seem to work though as her lips started to quiver. "Can't… can't you just
see me?"

Ben knew it wasn't possible, not when there was a murderous system pressing him
with non-stop challenges to sleep with women to survive. "No…”

Now, Katie's eyes fully teared up. "W-why not?"

There was a struggle in his heart and mind. He didn't think it was wise to tell her
about the system. She didn't seem like the mature type that could handle something
like that. So, he channeled Beluga. "I can't. It's my human nature…”

"What part of your human nature?"

Ben looked deep into her eyes. He wasn't sure how to respond. He had no words, so
he tried to be as upfront as possible. "My… penis?"

When the words left his mouth though, he already felt terrible. 'Stupid! Can't you see
she's upset?' Even if it was true, his phrasing wasn't exactly poetic…

Ben had started to control his mouth when wooing women, but these kinds of
relationship moments were still new to him. That's why now, he sounded
unintentionally insensitive. In fact though, during social interactions, he was
sometimes simply as dumb as a dildo…

As tears began falling down Katie's face… the pain in Ben's chest stabbed deeper, and
he hurried to wipe her eyes with his sleeve. "It won't change how I feel about you…”

Then, he gave her a long kiss on the lips, followed by a deep hug…

If he couldn't transfer his feelings through words, he could only do it through

actions… which got mixed up when he popped a boner again.

After a few minutes of silence, Katie managed to say something. "Will you… stop
seeing me?"

"No. I won't stop seeing you. I always enjoy being with you." Ben held her shoulders
and kept a resolute expression as he looked into her eyes…

"Another girl… won't make you stop seeing me?"


Seeing his firm face, Katie sniffled, but the tears soon dried up… giving way to a
difficult smile. She was still sad, without a doubt, but somehow, she accepted it. Or,
she forced herself to accept it… because she knew deep in her heart that she was
unable to let go of Ben…

However, it was getting late now, and with confusing feelings swirling in her chest,
she decided to go home.

As Ben walked her to her house, she was quieter than usual. Yet, she still grasped his
arm and leaned against his shoulder, with a firmer grip than ever, and was even more
resistant than the last occasion when it came time to leave him when they arrived.

As he watched her dad come out and let her into the house, Ben poked his head out
from behind the tree…

Gazing at her leave, he found the situation complicated. 'I can't fall in love with this
girl. As the protagonist, I might be forced to switch maps.'

He was trying to be pragmatic by managing his expectations.

'I'll probably be battling armies single-handedly.'

He sighed. 'That'll make it too inconvenient to bring her along. It also means she'd be
home alone, and in that situation—she couldn't be trusted. Everyone knows army
wives sleep around… '

A short while later… when Ben returned to his dorm, he hurried to go to sleep,
because he had a big day coming up. In the morning—he was going to Fariq's MMA

As he dozed off, he didn't notice, that a certain NYU ID from under his bed was now


Ben woke up the next day refreshed, recharged, and reloaded…

He'd slept well, having dreamt of a potential sequel to the wonderful Robin Williams
movie—What Dreams May Cum…

In other words, he dreamt of Katie's blowjob…

Even after having experienced it multiple times in waking, and dream states… he still
found her skills amazing, to the point he even began to suspect that Katie had a
blowjob system.

However, he shook his head, not because he thought it was impossible, but because
he didn't dare fuel the spinoff threat…

Ben stretched and yawned. 'She can get her own fans.'

As he rose out of bed, he checked his system notifications, and frowned. Like the last
time with Annabelle, he received zero new points. It was a bit of a problem. He found
these occasions with his girls great, but he was also marching on his path to
execution if he didn't make any system gains during hook-ups. 'I'll have to think of
something… '

In any case, he needed to focus on today, because soon, he'd be jumping into a new
endeavor--starting MMA.

Earning enough money now from his job at Hearth, Ben knew he'd be able to afford
it, and thus, could move on to the next stage of his plan—using the manliness

[Mid Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Manliness) x1]

It was an item Ben had been saving for a while: a mid level multiplier that would give
him 100x growth for one week. That is to say—almost two years of progress!

He first won this item as the reward for the Booty Burglar challenge when he in-
fluenced Penelope to break up with her boyfriend. At that time, he struggled to come
up with good activities to use it in, unsure what would raise manliness. Then, when
Fariq suggested MMA, Ben realized it was a great option!
Learning how to fight, practicing a rough sport, getting injured and beating people
up, becoming a human weapon… going to mortal combat tournaments on an island…
ripping people's spines out by their heads… punch-exploding the Earth… all these
seemed like manly things to Ben!

Thus, MMA became the natural choice!

At the moment, with his manliness at a 7, Ben hoped this multiplier and a week of
training would help him raise it to an 8. Then, it would become only his second stat
to reach that level!

A success with that, would be a serious step closer to passing his death challenge. So,
with a plan in place, Ben glanced at Fariq's bed.

This roommate of his woke up earlier and left, as usual, but they'd be seeing each
other at the gym later, and as Ben looked at his phone, he realized he needed to get
going, because their agreed upon time to meet there was approaching.

Soon, it would be time to learn how to fight, above the belt…

When Ben stepped into a bodega in midtown Manhattan, the scent of fruits entered
his nostrils. He was running late for the MMA gym and had left his dorm without
eating breakfast. Now though, he'd arrived faster than expected to the gym's
neighborhood, and found himself with spare time. So, he decided to grab some

Walking around the store, Ben considered what he should buy. 'Fariq told me it was
good to eat something with potassium before training, because it helps avoid
cramps.' With a goal in mind, Ben looked around, and soon, in the fruit section of the
shop, he found something. There were two cantaloupes inside a crate near his leg. 'I
think I read these have a lot of potassium.' He smiled, because it was a fruit he'd
enjoyed a lot at home, but didn't have an opportunity to eat since arriving in

Glancing nearby, Ben even discovered there was a counter area where people could
eat, with tableware at the end he could use. As such, he made his decision, picked out
the last two ripe cantaloupes, and walked over to the cashier to purchase them,
looking forward to his meal. Placing them down on the countertop, when he
observed that the cashier was re-arranging something behind the counter, Ben
stepped to the side and grabbed some napkins, only to turn back and see his
cantaloupes… disappeared!

He blinked. 'Can the fruits move here? Is this Sausage Party?'

Yet, when Ben glanced nearby, he found the location of his two pieces of breakfast.
They were in the hands of a tanned girl who was examining them.

"Hey, come work the register! I want to buy these!" she yelled to the store clerk as
she put the cantaloupes back down on the counter.

With a grumbling stomach, Ben frowned and stepped towards his fruits, reaching for
them. "Sorry, I just put these there. These are my—"
"Hua!" When the woman saw Ben reach for the cantaloupes right next to her, her
face became rigid, as she grabbed his arm with both hands, spun her body, and threw
him over her shoulder!


Ben flipped over and his back smashed against the solid ground! He got the wind
knocked out of him!

*Cough* He laid on the floor and tried to catch his breath.

"Don't touch! Filho da puta!" The girl snorted, showing a face of disgust to Ben who
was groaning on the ground.

Recovering after a couple of seconds, he crawled back up to his feet. 'I just wanted
potassium… '

He felt wronged. "Hey, I put those cantaloupes there! I was going to buy them!"

Holding the fruits, the girl sneered. She checked a few seconds ago and knew these
were the last two. So whether he put them there wasn't important, because they
were her favorite food, and she understood that in America, possession was 90
percent of the law!

The woman gazed at Ben with scorn. "Yes? Can you prove it? I don't see your name
on them."

Ben narrowed his eyes. Instead of apologizing for throwing him on the ground, she
was continuing to steal his food! So shameless! He couldn't let that slide! "That's
right! My name's on them. Take a look!"

"Huh?" The girl squinted.

Ben pointed to the fruit. "My name's Dole!"

The girl glanced down at the cantaloupes, and saw a sticker on them that read,
It was a famous worldwide fruit brand…

She looked up at Ben with her mouth open, in disbelief that such a shameless person
could exist!

However, while she was examining the fruit, Ben was examining something else—the
girl herself; smooth tanned skin, dark eyes, straight dark hair flowing down her back,
and her body… thick…

Large breasts and ass, a narrow waist, and the best highlight of all—big juicy

He swallowed at the sight of them stretching her sweatpants. 'She wronged me, but
she's actually pretty hot. So, all is forgiven!'

Ben was a person full of cumpassion…

He understood that sexy women had it rough. After all, Beauty was a curse… with so
many problems to deal with: constant male attention, free gifts, leeway from
teachers and bosses. It was a nightmare!

So, he decided to let this girl off one time, with the fine print that she'd end up
sleeping with him, of course…

Wanting to understand her situation, Ben checked her status.

[Target's current attraction level: disgusted(-1)]

'Not a great start.' Not only did he begin below the average at disinclined, but the
current scene led him to drop a level to disgusted. Despite that though, Ben
possessed the perfect weapon for this situation—the divine line generator!

If he used the correct line, regardless of her current attraction level, it would jump to
curious, and that… would give him a decent chance of getting somewhere with this
woman. So when the cashier approached the counter to sell her the cantaloupes, Ben
knew he didn't have much time, and activated the skill right away.

[Divine Line Generator Activated]

[Uses remaining: 0]

[Time till refresh: 23:59:59]

[Divine Pick Up Line Generated]

[Choose one of the following]

[A: "Wow, you have the chin of Superman. I bet you could take a serious punch." ]

Ben blinked… then moved on to the next one.

[B: "Hey, we got off on the wrong foot. How about we split those cantaloupes, one

'Seems all right.' He was willing to give up one cantaloupe if it meant she'd also
sample his nuts…

[C: "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer cucumbers? You know, you can use them for
many purposes…”]

Ben's expression became one of consternation. This third line seemed like it held
some deep wisdom… knowledge he believed any girl should appreciate knowing…
but something inside him told him it'd be better to not say it… Yet, maybe…

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Ben's face became serious, as he deliberated
over the best choice…

Standing in the middle of the bodega, Ben soon decided on which line he'd used on
the beauty.

Stepping closer to the dark-skinned woman but not too close… he then delivered the
words "Hey, we got off on the wrong foot. Why don't we split those cantaloupes, one

The girl looked at him and smirked. "Can't get sh*!"

"Huh?" Ben blinked.

"The fruits are mine! Vai tomar no cu!" After saying something he didn't understand,
the girl took her fruit, and walked out, glancing back at Ben with a hateful expression
for trying to steal her favorite food.

Meanwhile, he stood there, confused as he watched the fruits of his labor ripen…

[Target's current attraction level: mortal enemy(-1)]

'So unreasonable?' He recalled that the last time he'd reached the bottom level with a
woman, it was when he accused her of committing genocide on millions of people…

Now, it was because of a cantaloupe?

Ben could only wonder what the correct divine line was as the wrong ones disappear
from the system window, soon answering his doubt.

[A: "Wow, you have the chin of Superman. I bet you could take a serious punch." ]

Ben cringed. 'Who is she, Mick Foley?… Mickey Rourke?… Mickey Mouse?'

The line seemed too cartoonish…

He didn't get it. 'Or maybe another masochist?'

Ben shook his head for a few seconds. Then, he chalked it up to not being able to win
them all, as he grabbed a banana and a protein bar and made his way over to the


After taking the elevator to the bottom floor, Ben exited to the sounds of shouts and
bodies hitting mats.

Walking into an off-white reception area, he saw there was a large sign on the wall
that read, "Barbosa MMA Gym."

There, behind a desk, a huge muscular black guy was going through some
paperwork, as a few others passed through from time to time. Ben observed that the
space was only the beginning of a much larger compound though. On each side, there
were entrances to many rooms where blue mats lined the floors and walls, with
jacked guys running around and wrestling inside. At the end of one room, he could
even see what appeared to be an octagonal cage. 'Is that the famous MMA octagon?'

He wasn't a big MMA fan but he'd watched it on TV before. So he knew that like
boxers, MMA fighters sometimes fought in a ring overseas, but in the west, a cage
with an octagonal shape was the norm. Inside, Ben could even recognize a face.
'Haven't I seen that fighter on TV?'

He didn't know the man's name but was certain he was a pro, and a famous one if
even Ben could recognize him.

At this point. the big guy behind the counter looked at Ben. "Can I help you?"

It was then that Ben also heard a familiar voice.

"Ben!" Fariq exited one of the rooms, wearing a blue uniform of some type that
looked like a kimono. Walking over, he put a hand on Ben's back as he nodded to the
receptionist. "Terrence, this is my buddy. He's here to sign up but I'll give him a crash
course first."

"All right, Fariq. Let me know when you guys are ready." The large guy at reception
said before returning to his work.

Fariq then proceeded to give Ben a tour of the various training areas and locker
room. The guys there were so muscular that many of them put Ben's recent gym
gains to shame. Seeing such powerful dudes around, he even became a bit nervous.

Ben was here to attempt MMA, but he wasn't sure if he could do it. He'd never been a
fighter, and his experience was limited to punching c*cks… 'I can only give it a try. If
it doesn't work out, I'll just have to become the strongest c*ckpuncher of all time… '

He was planning to give Skyler White a run for Walter's money…

That's when Ben remembered something and turned to Fariq. "Hey, in MMA, is
c*ckpunching allowed?"

Fariq stared at him for a long time. "No, Ben… c*ckpunching is not allowed. It is not
allowed anywhere…”

Ben shrugged. 'I guess I'll be a free spirit… ' Even if they didn't allow it, he didn't feel
the need to play by society's so-called "rules…”

"This is the area where you'll do your first training today. It's the beginner's Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu class." Fariq pointed to a wide room covered in mats.

"Jiu-jitsu? I thought this was an MMA gym?" Ben was a bit confused.

Fariq explained. "MMA is short for mixed martial arts. In other words, it is a
combination of multiple martial arts, and consists of three primary areas. First,
there's stand up striking like Muay Thai kickboxing, boxing, or Karate. All MMA fights
start on the feet so this area is important.

Then, you have stand-up grappling where fighters compete for control, and to try to
bring their opponent to the ground if they prefer fighting there. This includes
disciplines such as Judo or wrestling.

Last but not least, you have ground grappling which these days, is dominated by
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or BJJ as we call it."

Ben nodded. "I see. So why am I starting with BJJ?"

Fariq smiled. "Because it's the safest area to begin with, and the specialty of this gym.
Also, ground grappling is very important. You know, most fights end up on the
ground, whether in MMA matches or on the streets."

Ben squinted. 'That's weird. In anime, all fights end up in the sky… '

Having shown him everything, Fariq then brought Ben back to the reception area.
"You'll learn about all of MMA over time, but for now, beginner's BJJ will be a good
introduction for you." Next, Fariq helped him fill out the registration forms for new
members, and soon, Ben was an official member of the Barbosa MMA Gym!

Yet, right when the receptionist accepted the forms, something unexpected
happened--Ben received a system alert!

[Dojo detected]

Having finished signing up as a member of the MMA gym, Ben read down the
unexpected system alerts he received.

[Unique conditions detected]

[Dojo detected: Barbosa MMA Gym]

[Dojo Membership Qualifications: Paid monthly membership]

[You've acquired official entry into a Dojo. Train here to improve your stats. Earn
rewards for increasing your status in the Dojo and completing special achievements]

[Special Event initiated for user's first Dojo entry]

[Special Event: Dojo Mojo - 30% bonus to stat development in the Dojo for the next 7

Reading this, Ben grinned. 'A dojo… ' As he looked around the gym a second time, it
gave him a different feeling now, like this was a place that forged heroes, where one
raised their stats to the maximum before setting out of the newbie village…

He even scanned around for a training dummy and some wooden swords…

When he failed to find them though, Ben returned to reading his system info,
relishing in the fact that he'd gained a huge opportunity. It was another special area!
That meant extra challenges, rewards, and other unknown benefits!

In addition, the 30% bonus was just what he needed! With his manliness already
being a 7, he wasn't sure if one mid-level multiplier would be enough to get it to an 8,
but he was much more confident now. However, as he read the description again, he
was unclear about one thing.

Ben glanced at Fariq. "How do you determine people's statuses at this gym? How
would I increase my status?"

Fariq and the receptionist both stared at him… thinking, 'Status? What the f*ck kind
of question is that?'

Yet, Fariq gave an answer. "The typical method of judging… status… would be the belt
system, bro" He pointed to a thick cotton belt wrapping around his waist. It was a
deep purple. "In the two stand up aspects of striking and grappling, there is no belt
system; For the most part, those people compare between each other with their
fighting records. For BJJ though, there are colored belts separating skill levels."

Ben nodded. "So it's by the belt around your uniform. I see you're a purple. Is that
pretty strong? How long would it take for me to advance from white to grape drink?"

Terrence grimaced at Ben…

Fariq didn't mind the joke though. "Bro, we call this uniform a gi, and the colored belt
system goes white-blue-purple-brown-black."

Since Fariq was purple, Ben understood his achievements weren't small. He must've
been training seriously since back in India.

Fariq continued. "Between belts, you can also gain up to four white stripes." He
pointed to a single white stripe taped around the end of his belt. "These show the
differences between students of the same rank. Then, to advance between each color,
it often takes one to three years, depending on your speed of growth. Although, that
is only a guideline, since everything goes by the whim of the instructor."

Ben held a decent grasp over it now. "So the instructor decides… Is that the head of
the Gym?"

Shaking his head, Fariq replied. "Bro, various black or brown belts may be
instructors of different classes, but when you say the head of the gym, we only refer
to one man." He glanced to a photo on the wall, of a large muscular tanned man with
short black hair in a white gi, with a red belt around his waist.

"Red belt? I thought the highest was black?" Ben asked.

Fariq gazed at the photo for a few seconds longer with reverence in his eyes. "The
red belt is reserved for the most influential and famous masters of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
It's not something you can gain through skill alone, and the head of this gym, is such
a man!

One of the first to bring BJJ to the USA…

Former MMA champion…

Son of the founder of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu…

The master, the legend, Ricardo Barbosa!"

Ben blinked. "Hickory Barbecue?"

Terrence and Fariq stared at Ben in disbelief, before having him repeat it several
times until he got it right…

Fariq then continued. "The Barbosa family is famous in martial arts circles. They
created BJJ and helped spread it all over the world from Brazil, and now, it dominates
the grappling arts. Most members of this founding family are powerful martial artists
too, so being able to be a member of one of their gyms is an honor."

After Ben nodded, Fariq then pointed out one of the training rooms at the side. "The
beginner's class will be coming up soon, bro. It's taught by a brown belt, who's also a
member of the Barbosa family. It should be a good chance for you to get used to

Then, Fariq helped Ben purchase the necessary equipment which included a white
belt and a gi. "Ben, which color gi do you want? Most people were plain white but
some also like black because it's easier to clean."

Ben browsed along the wall where they had uniforms of various colors, and soon
narrowed his eyes. 'Yes, for a poison dragon, it can be only that… ' He then pointed to
a gi outfit hanging all the way on the end.

Following his finger, the receptionist chuckled. "Colors like that are just for display.
No one buys 'em." Yet, he stopped laughing when he saw Ben kept his arm extended,
pointing to the uniform with a serious face. Terrence raised an eyebrow. "You for
Ben returned a slow nod, then turned back to stare with intensity at his chosen gi.
'Without a doubt, I can't choose anything else. What other color would be more
appropriate for a poison dragon? It has to be… baby-vomit green!'

Shaking his head, Terrence removed the uniform from the wall and sold it to Ben.
Then, after saying thanks to Fariq, Ben went into the locker room and changed into
the gi's top and pants, hurrying because the class was already starting.

Several minutes later, bare-footed, he ran to the room where his first BJJ class was
happening. 'So the teacher's going to be a member of the famous Barbosa family. I
wonder what he'll be like… '

As Ben entered the space, he saw the other white belt students were already
stretching on the mats. Meanwhile, they all looked at him with strange expressions,
wondering why the class now included a giant booger…

He didn't care about their lack of style though… Instead, he took an empty spot by
the wall and imitated their stretches, when soon, the instructor walked in, a master
of the famous Barbosa family.

When Ben saw the teacher, his jaw dropped…

At the same time, his bright green uniform also caught the attention of the instructor,
who glanced at him, leading to the two locking eyes…

Ben couldn't believe it. This teacher, was far from what he expected, because this
renowned BJJ practitioner… was a woman!

And that wasn't all! This powerful brown belt, with tanned skin and a powerful
physique, was no stranger to him. In fact, they'd crossed paths not too long ago. No,
they not only crossed paths, they crossed cantaloupes!

She was the one whose shamelessness was only equaled by her sexiness!

The heinous cantaloupe thief!

When the female Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor walked into the room, it was hard for
her not to catch the attention of everyone. After all, not only was she the teacher and
a beauty, but she also wore a bright pink gi uniform.

With strong individuality, it stood out from everybody else wearing traditional white
gis or the occasional black or blue, with the exception of one person—Ben in his
slimy green…

So, as the two f*ckal points of the room… when he and the instructor stared at each
other, all the students noticed something was off and began whispering.

"Is it finally time for the showdown between the green and pink rangers?"

“…No, I think something else is happening." One of them approached her. "Instructor
Valentina, what's the matter? Do you know him?"

Being addressed, she snapped out of the trance, and her eyes flashed. "Yes… he
grabbed my melons earlier."

As dozens of large men turned and stared daggers at him, Ben gulped. 'Damn, I
forgot that cantaloupes are melons… She's good… '

The students became outraged!

"He what?!?"

"Can we kill him?!?

"No skipping the line! I mean, how dare you?!?"

Some of them rose off their feet and approached Ben with expressions of malice.

Malice over the melons…

Seeing this, Ben began to sweat. He closed his hands into fists preparing to fight. Yet,
he was way outnumbered! 'Not good. Two fists can't punch 8 c*cks… '

Watching this, instructor Valentina crossed her arms and smirked. This was her
cantaloupean vengeance…

However, at this moment, a peacemaker entered from the door. Jumping in between
Ben and the students, Fariq held his hands up. "Friends, I'm sure this is a
misunderstanding. Ben is my roommate. He would never do such a thing… and get

Fariq whispered the last part under his breath… so that only Ben heard him, who
nodded. 'He understands me well… '

Hearing Fariq's words though, the BJJ students looked back at Valentina, who gazed
at Fariq for several seconds, before speaking. "It's all right. Get back to your places!"

The students still glowered at Ben but soon returned to stretching. They all gave
Fariq respect because he was well-liked in the gym. On top of that, his belt rank of
purple was much higher than everyone here except for the instructor. Even so, that
didn't stop the students from continuing to whisper.

"We'll back off for now, but I still need to investigate the details from this brat."

"Me too."

"The size, shape, how they felt…”

"Well said. We'll interrogate him well…”

Soon, everyone finished stretching and gathered together, sitting in a semi-circle on

the blue mats. In their center, Valentina demonstrated techniques on one of the
students. It was the basics of BJJ: the different positions, how to transition from one
position to the other, and submissions to defeat the opponent such as chokes and
joint locks.

As she proceeded, Ben took something out from his gi pants—a light blue card.

[Mid Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Manliness) x1]

If he wanted to get the most out of training, this was the key. So, holding the card,
Ben activated it with his mind!

*Whoosh* A rush went through his brain! A deep urge! An intense purpose!

Become manly!

Images passed through his thoughts!





Punching a bear!



Stick shift!


Acting in The Expendables!




Getting heart disease!

Ben was in the zone—the man-zone, and he was ready to man up!

Now, as he watched the instructor teach the moves, his enthusiasm and focus
reached new levels, helping him absorb everything to the minutest detail.

A while later… the lesson ended and all the white belts began to pair off. It was time
for open grappling practice so they could attempt the moves on each other, and the
most popular choice for partner was clear to everyone—Ben!

A dozen students approached him with smiles on their faces. Yet, they could only
curse under their breath when they saw Ben shake hands with the first one to arrive,
who also showed the kindest smile.

Soon, everyone got into their positions of facing each other with kneeling stances,
and a moment later, they began. That's when Ben watched the smile drop off the face
of his partner… who pounced!

Within seconds, outmatched in technique, Ben was on his back in a passive position,
pressed by the body-weight of his opponent, who was also cranking his neck. With a
solemn expression, the student whispered a sweet lullaby into Ben's ear. "Tell me,

"What?" Ben's struggled to respond with his face squished against the mat.

"I want the truth!"

"W-What truth?!?"

The student brought his face right up against Ben's, until their cheeks were
touching… as they both faced the direction… of Valentina the instructor. "Were the
nips hard or soft…”

"D-don't know!" Ben shouted.

"Wrong answer!" The student then cranked harder on Ben's neck, forcing him to slap
his hand on the mat, tapping out! Ben lost!

A few minutes later, the student gave Ben a respectful bow before walking away. At
this point, Ben's cheeks were rosy from being pressed against the mat the whole
time. With fearful eyes, he gazed at the student leave as if watching the exit of a

Soon, a different white belt sat across from Ben as they switched partners for the
next round of practice. This one's face was simple and straightforward; the type you
knew you could trust at a glance. Seeing that, Ben asked him, "Who was that evil guy
I just rolled with? Did he murder his parents or something? He was so vicious!"

Ben's new partner raised his eyebrows. "Corey? He's the nicest guy here. He's a

With an expression of horror, Ben turned his head and looked at Corey's back. 'Every
day, you stray further from God… '

Then, the time for them to start training came again, which is when Ben's partner's
simple and kind face, morphed into a demonic snarl!

Not long after… that face was pressed against Ben's, as his arms wrapped around
Ben's neck in a choke from behind. "Tell me and I'll give you a painless death…”

The trustworthy simple man increased the pressure, whispering sweet nothings into
Ben's ear, whose face was turning blue. "Were the nips big or small…”

*Gurg!* Ben couldn't answer, because there was no air to speak! 'I just wanted a

In this sweaty MMA gym, one by one, the students of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class gave
Ben a "warm welcome."

Warm like urine in the eyes…

At one point, on account of it being his first class, even instructor Valentina gave him
a "private lesson," showing Ben the dangers of cranking too hard on some of the

She wasn't seeking any gratitude, but believed it was her duty… and everyone else
shared a similar mindset, endeavoring to show their cordiality by wrapping it
around his neck…

Like that, each white belt received their time in the sun, by laying on Ben like he was
a beach towel… and digging his face into the ground…

After all, it was human nature to seek some shine, basking in the warm glow of
someone else's tragedies…

Meanwhile, having lived in the darkness, Ben was suffering was seasonal

*Pant* *Pant*

By the end of it, all his joints were sore, as he laid flat on his back, struggling for air.
Even though he'd taken multiple potions for strength, agility, and stamina, BJJ was
famous as a martial art that focused on using technique to overcome strength. It
wasn't possible to brute force his way out of things when he possessed zero idea
what was happening.

Struggling to raise his head, Ben observed all the white belts in class snickering and
pointing at him, satisfied with their hazing. A few even walked by him, bending down
to pass on a few kind words as seniors.
"If I see you here again, you're dead…”

"You made a big mistake defiling my goddess…”

"May God have mercy on your soul, but I'll be hunting you to hell until I know the

Even the priest wouldn't let Ben's soul pass in peace…

Watching this all from the edge of the class, the beautiful female instructor smirked,
and soon left the room, forgetting about Ben because she expected him to never
come back. She was certain of that, having never seen someone take half the beating
he took today and return.

At this time, Fariq also entered the room, sighing when he saw Ben lying on the blue
mats, twitching from time to time. He approached and sat down next to him. "Sorry,
bro. I should've warned you that many people in this gym are secretly in love with
Valentina. It seems there was some misunderstanding between you two. I should've
expected this."

When Ben didn't respond, Fariq also shook his head, understanding this was the end
of Ben's MMA career that never even started.

*Tap* *Tap*

However, at that moment, Ben sat up with shaky movements, and posted his hands
on the mat. Looking up, he then took a deep breath…

His lungs burned…

Every muscle ached…

And he didn't have a joint that didn't hurt, not even a finger…

Yet, despite all that, he was smiling!

Seeing this, Fariq's eyes expanded!

As for what Ben was smiling about, it was obvious!

The thrill of surpassing one's limits?

The chance to face strong enemies?

The desire to never give up and never surrender?

No, he copped a feel!

When he rolled with Valentina, although she put a beating on him, he made sure to
get his little revenge. Since in this place, it wasn't innocent before proven guilty when
it came to grabbing melons… then he figured, he might as well commit the crime!

Although at the time, she'd wrapped up his hands in various joint locks, Ben learned
how to use the rest of his body! His shoulder! His elbow! His chest! His back! With
each one of them, he pushed a little harder against Valentina's chest or thighs… so
that by the end, his mind stored a 3D image of her exact proportions!

This was the true form of data fighting!

It wasn't about who won the fight, but who jizzed at night!

While they rolled, even Valentina sensed something was off. Yet, since she was
already cranking Ben's joints to the point where any more would break them, and
due to the fact that this type of contact was normal in BJJ, she didn't cross the line.
When they finished though, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes at Ben. It was the
moment when the genius master saw an unexpected bit of talent in the rookie!

A talent at indirect contact with a woman's private areas!

Watching Ben smile, Fariq asked the question he thought he knew the answer to, but
now wasn't sure. "Will you… come back?"

Turning to him with a jittery neck like a puppet in a horror movie… Ben smirked.
"Come back? I'm already here! Isn't there another beginner's class after this?"

Fariq's eyebrows shot up. "You mean…”

"That's right. I'm going to keep training!"

Although Ben was beat up, he could feel his body recovering a bit with every passing
minute, and the reason was evident—the enhanced recovery effect from the mid
level stat multiplier!

Back when he used a low level one for looks, he was able to train for hours in the
gym every day. Now, with a mid level one that provided 10x the effect, he didn't even
have to sleep it off to rest. After half an hour, he believed it'd be enough to return to a
passable condition!

Ben wasn't willing to waste this opportunity to learn. Even though he was getting
tortured by all the students in the last class, he sensed his movements improving a
bit by the end. Since he only had a week for this multiplier and the special event, he
planned to attend every class he could!

Twenty minutes later, as the next class was about to start, Valentina walked into the
room, and observed Ben sitting against the wall with his head down on his knee.
'He's still here? Is he unconscious?" Walking towards him, she was about to poke the
corpse… when Ben lifted his head an inch, and they exchanged gazes.

At that moment, she went wide-eyed, because he wasn't unconscious at all! No, he
didn't even look demotivated from the beating he took! Instead, Ben's eyes had a
certain glow, giving her a strange feeling.

In his gaze, she saw a glint of determination, the look of a budding warrior, or of a
tiger cub about to grow up. These, were the eyes of a hero… a protagonist…

Then, Valentina frowned, because she realized it wasn't that. No, these were the eyes
of someone who visualized her naked.
After another BJJ class with a bonus Brazilian beatdown from Valentina and some
white belt students, Ben headed home.

Even with the boosted recovery from the mid level multiplier, after taking two
classes in such a short period, his body was reaching the limit. After all, it wasn't like
he gained limb regeneration. The multiplier only sped up recuperation of fatigue, as
well as moderate muscle and joint soreness. He didn't expect it to help him if he
pushed it too far and picked up a serious injury. Hence, Ben picked up, and went
home, intending to return the next day.

As for his revenge, he had faith it would come in due time. Those white belts? He'd
wipe his ass with them until they were unwashable…

That wasn't a metaphor; He considered stealing them from the locker room and
taking them to the bathroom, which would force those guys to buy new ones,
creating unexpected expenses for those bastards.

As for Valentina? He didn't prepare to let her off either. In fact, he aimed to finger her
like Fist of the North Star…

As Ben took the subway, he thought about his plans, knowing this would be a busy
week. His schedule wasn't simple anymore. Now, he'd be living the proper city life,
juggling multiple important things at once: attending classes at NYU, working at
Hearth, and going to BJJ classes whenever he could. Not to mention, there were the
girls he was dating too.

Ben did have an option of focusing on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu more, skipping some classes
and such, and although he considered it, he didn't want to fall behind in other areas
to chase stat gains once again. After going through it once, he understood the
nightmare of playing catchup. Though his time this week was very valuable under
the 100x multiplier and 30% stat gain boost of the Dojo event, he wasn't willing to
get into a situation where he was lagging in school or short on money again. That
meant he still needed to balance his priorities.

However, as the week progressed, Ben found that most days, there was enough time
to attend at least two classes of beginner's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Sometimes it was in the
morning, sometimes at night, and sometimes both, but he made it work.

A couple of days later, Ben's BJJ skills were improving at a rapid rate, and the other
facets of his life weren't falling behind either…

At the moment, he was in the back of his Strategic Marketing class, watching the sexy
and sensual Professor Tremblay finish up a lecture, when the bell rang signaling the
end of the period. Hearing that, Charlotte who was sitting next to him turned to Ben
and smiled. "Have a good day," she said with her timid voice.

Ben returned a polite smile back. "You too, Charlotte." She'd been warming up to him
more and more as of late, even sitting nearby and asking for advice about class
material. In fact, he was the only person she spoke with in class. For Ben, this was a
welcome change though. He was glad to see her mood improve and to have such an
adorable little sister around, even if he wasn't a sis-con or a strategic-class

After Charlotte left, Ben was slow to get up from his seat. He'd received a text on his
phone from Annabelle and stared at it for a long while, unsure what to make of it.
She sent him a photo of a recent artwork she created—it was Godzilla destroying a
city, but he had Al Gore's head.

She named the piece: "Mother Earth Cleansing the Pollution."

As Ben was texting back how much he loved it… to his side, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hello," a girl greeted with an English accent.

"How's it going?" Ben turned to look at Olivia. Although their relationship was
unusual, like he did after hooking up with any girl, he texted her the next day and
kept in touch. Only, her responses over text were curt, or if she did speak with him, it
was regarding school matters.

Despite that, Ben didn't fail to appreciate her "assets" at any given opportunity. After
all, he believed Olivia truly possessed all the attributes to "go places."

Yes, no one would ever doubt, her "talent."

Today, in particular, she looked very sexy. With her long hair in a ponytail, she wore
something like a schoolgirl's outfit with a plaid skirt and white dress shirt,
highlighting her athletic legs and ample breasts.

Ben imagined taking them off, recalling that scene in his dorm not too long ago. This
look didn't go unnoticed by Olivia, her eyes flickering as she sat next to him. While
the last of the students were leaving the classroom, she looked at Ben. "We should
discuss tomorrow's quiz."

He gazed at her with interest. "What about it?"

"I believe we had an agreement."

"Oh? And?"

At his nonchalant attitude, Olivia knitted her brows. "According to the terms we
arranged, as counterpart for that time in your dormitory, you would help me in this
course for the remainder of the semester. Tomorrow, I require your assistance."

Ben blinked in confusion. "But student council president Olivia, I don't remember
agreeing to those… exact terms…” In reality, she didn't specify the details, and since
they never went over the fine print, he decided to try for a little harmless
renegotiation… 'If she has a problem, she better call Saul… '

Ben put on an honest face. "I understood it as more of a down payment. You can't
skip the monthly installments, Olivia. And what about my interest? No one ever
considers the interest…”

Hearing this shameless explanation… she glared at him for a long time with a
disgruntled expression. After a while though, she sighed. "Very well, then. Shall we
go somewhere else to discuss this matter?"
Ben glanced over Olivia's body, and perhaps it was the manliness multiplier, or
something else, but he experienced a certain urge—to rip her clothes off now!
Noticing everyone had left the classroom, he smirked. "This seems like as good a
place as any for a d*ckscussion…”
Late for a staff meeting, Professor Tremblay was marching there in her blue high
heels when she made an abrupt stop because she realized something crucial. She
forgot some documents in class! 'Tch… no, it's fine. There's no one in there this
period. I'll just run back and get it.'

Five minutes later… from the side entrance, she returned to the classroom where she
left her things, the place where she taught Strategic Marketing.

As she walked in though, her eyebrows elevated, because she saw something she
didn't expect: the presence of a student! "Benjamin?" she asked in her French accent.

Jolting in his chair in the back of the room from surprise, Ben glanced up and noticed
the professor. Then, he proceeded to stare in silence for several moments before
offering a greeting. "H-hello Professor… is something the matter?"

"Class has finished, Benjamin. Why are you still here?" She walked over to her desk
and retrieved her documents… before stepping towards Ben's table.

Looking around, he pointed down to his textbook. "This is a… comfortable place to,
assess the material…”

"Mmhmm." The professor stepped closer to him.

*Tap* *Tap*

"What was that?" She looked around. There was a noise coming from somewhere.

Ben shrugged. "Leaky plumbing?"

Hearing another sound that didn't sound like any pipes she knew… the professor
narrowed her eyes. 'Does plumbing sound like people now?"


That's when another sound caused her to glance down, towards the bottom of Ben's
desk. Although a solid partition covered most of the front of it, there was a gap at the
bottom through which she could see his feet, except… she didn't see feet. What she
saw, was a pair of hands!

Did Ben have feet-arms?

Did he go monk-e?

No! They weren't his hands!

"Ann~" One of the hands was on the floor, and the other—covering a mouth! And the
professor recognized who that mouth belonged to! It was Olivia!

Seeing her best female student's head on the ground, with a dazed and unfocused
expression in her eyes, the professor first wanted to accuse Ben of doing something
vile to her, when she next observed, Olivia moving!

Pumping backward… again and again…

*Tap* *Tap*

The schoolgirl's expression which was usually stiff and aloof, was now twisting in
pleasure with each movement…

At this point, the professor's face turned red and she became flustered! "I-I have to
go!" Glancing at her watch as if in a rush, she hurried to scramble out of the room!

Meanwhile, despite being distracted by his goop project with Olivia… Ben still kept
his manners and waved goodbye. "I'll probe the material well!"

When Professor Tremblay left the classroom, he released a sigh of relief. "That was
close… I don't think she noticed anything though…” Then, he looked down under the
table, and squeezed Olivia's thick ass, which was backing up over and over, onto his

With a handful of Olivia's juicy butt in front of him, her plaid skirt hiked up, and her
black underwear pulled to the side by his hand, he had her doing the work…
reversing into his dick back and forth… as it entered deep inside her…

"Mnnn~" Releasing the hand from her mouth, Olivia couldn't help but moan.

She knew this wasn't a smart thing to do, but Ben was adamant and she was never
afraid of taking risks. In fact, since the last time, because of her analytical nature,
something remained on her mind: figuring out just how he used that "magical golden

The bigger issue though, was once they got started, it was already too late to stop.
Even when the professor arrived, Olivia's body kept moving on its own… It felt too
damn good…

Before this, she thought sex was only a tool for her to use… but when it felt so
amazing… it became impossible to control that tool…

Sitting in his chair, Ben watched as her pussy swallowed his cock, the juices dripping
down the shaft and onto the ground…

Last time they had sex, Ben did all the work. So on this occasion, he made Olivia put
in the effort, and she didn't mind at all…

At that moment, he smirked, grabbing her long ponytail and tugging it back.

"Ah!" she cried, but didn't stop… In fact, it only made her reverse harder… pumping
against Ben's dick with extra force…

*Clap* *Clap*

"Uhu~" She tried to keep her volume down since they were in a public place, but it
was becoming difficult… and she wasn't the only one enjoying this either. Ben also
felt incredible.

The fact that he was fucking the school council president's thick booty here under a
table… bending her over on the floor as he made her ram into him… it was enough to
make his manhood throb just observing it. On top of that, having done it while the
sexy mature professor watched… the thought almost pushed him to the peak of
arousal… Yet, those wore only the mental aspects.

When you added Olivia's smooth tight walls… massaging his meat-rod on every
stroke… Ben's lower body began heating up to dangerous levels…

Despite that though, he knew not to quit until he finished off his opponent first. He'd
read it in xianxia--to always bury things at the root…

"Ang~" Olivia cried as Ben started to fuck her back… sticking it all the way inside… to
the root…

*Clap* *Clap*

Soon, he was pounding her with speed and force… almost knocking her head into the
end of the table… but she didn't care, or rather she couldn't, because the pleasure
centers in her brain were approaching overload.

Watching her, Ben smiled. This was fun. Yet, he knew they lacked time. They'd
already had one close call with the Professor, and another person could arrive at any

So, Ben gave Olivia's slit his all… feeding it with his thick member as he stretched it
out… stimulating every inch of her walls… and soon…

"Aha! AHHH—" He hurried to cover her mouth as she orgasmed on his cock!

At the same time, her pussy squeezing down on him also brought him to the brink!

"F—" Ben kept his jaw shut as his lower body reached climax! His seed shooting
deep into Olivia's pussy! Filling her up!

A short while later…

He pulled out of her… sitting back in his chair and exhaling, as drops of white liquid
leaked down from her hole onto the floor…

With her head still on the ground, Olivia glanced back at Ben. "Did you just… cum in
He nodded "In-D'd…”

Then, smirking as he looked at her ruffled schoolgirl skirt, he shrugged. "Class


Meanwhile, outside the classroom's entrance, Professor Tremblay was leaning

against the wall, and once in a while, peeking inside…

Her mind was a muddled mess. 'Should I report this? But, then I'd lose my two best
students… What do I do?' Having discovered the two students and what they were
doing in a public classroom… her breathing had been heavy for some time now…

She thought it was from the shock of running into such an unexpected situation, but
then… 'Huh?' When she looked down, she noticed her hand… it was rubbing over her
dress shirt, on her nipple… 'What am I doing?'

As her face turned crimson, the professor looked around, nervous someone had seen
her lose herself for a moment. When she saw the coast was clear though, she sighed
with relief, feeling lucky to be teaching in a non-busy area of the building.

Then, after straightening her clothes to make herself prim again, she left in a hurry.
There was still that important staff meeting she'd forgotten about, the one she was
was now very late to.

After Olivia paid off her interest… Ben explained to her why she wouldn't get
pregnant. "This is one of the abilities, of my magical golden dick…”

She seemed skeptical at first, but Ben knew that her analytical nature was matched
by her gullibility. So when he described to her some random foundations of magic
he'd read in web novels, it twisted her thoughts into enough of a messy magic loop
that she had nothing to say.

Ben smiled. 'If it was good enough to hand-wave away tens of thousands of mindless
readers, it should be good enough for her… ' He was right.

Afterward, the two separated and returned to their individual schedules, and soon,
Ben sat at home, taking a break between classes. It was then that he checked his
system notifications to see if he earned any rewards on this sexcapade with Olivia.

Yet, the only result was a frown, because he saw that once again, he gained no
achievements. The biggest reason Ben wanted to fool around in class was he thought
it might help him get some achievements, and although he'd received some the first
time during the test with Olivia, they weren't repeatable, and now, nothing new

Ben was disappointed, but soon, his eyes widened when he discovered a different

[Challenge conditions met]

[Challenge initiated]

[Special Challenge: Sextra Credit - Seduce your professor by the end of the semester.
Target: Professor Tremblay]

Reading this, Ben furrowed his brows, wondering why he received this now, but he
found his answer within the next message.
[Your professor is suspicious of your deeds on campus. Silence her with your penis]

Ben's face became serious. 'So she discovered something, after all.'

[Reward: Mid Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Random) x1]

[Punishment: Expelled from university]

[Remaining time: 59 days]

He shook his head. This was a serious punishment. Although it wasn't as harsh as
ones targeting the health of him or his family, if Ben was kicked out of school, it
would change everything about his life. Such a thing would alter his future in a
permanent and unpredictable manner.

Despite that, the reward was also good. A mid-level multiplier was a rare and
powerful item, one that could help him attain a massive breakthrough in a stat. As
such, he wasn't upset.

With 59 days to complete the challenge, although Ben wasn't sure how he'd
accomplish it yet, he remembered the professor once triggered his IOI watch. So, he
hoped it wouldn't be as difficult as it sounded. In any case though, because she was a
professor, he knew he shouldn't approach her armageddon style…

If Ben hit on her in an aggressive manner, he might not have to wait for the
challenge's time limit to expire, as she could force him to face disciplinary action
right away, or at least destroy his grade.

Also, he wasn't sure if there were other methods of failing this challenge besides for
the time running out. It was possible that if her attraction level dropped low enough,
it would fail by default. For that reason, he needed to be careful. 'There's enough
time. I'll come up with ideas step by step.'

Regardless, there was nothing he could do about it now. So, Ben focused on the tasks
in front of him: schoolwork, his job at Hearth, and of course, his favorite at the
moment, the BJJ classes at Barbosa's MMA Gym.

As the days passed… Ben's skill in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu increased at a visible rate. While
in the beginning, he got dominated and submitted left and right, several days after he
began, he became able to defend himself, enough so that at least everyone was no
longer wiping the floor with his face…

A couple of days later, he became competitive, sometimes getting submitted, but also
submitting others himself! It caused a few students and even Valentina to give him
the occasional surprised glance.

Several days after that, he began to show glimmers of dominance! Of course, his
technique was still rough. After all, even with a 100x multiplier, it wasn't possible to
master everything, because he simply hadn't seen it yet. BJJ was a sport with a
plethora of techniques and intricacies. Yet, what he could do was defend and attack
well enough, that he could now use his physical advantages!

Up to this point, Ben had taken five potions: two strength, two stamina, and one

As such, with elite power, lasting endurance, and boosted speed, his physical
capabilities were above most of the other students. Now that he had the basics
down, despite rough technique, he was able to power through the competition!
Although still not the strongest, his losses became fewer, and his wins more
frequent. Seeing this, Valentina now began watching him with interest, wondering
how this little snot-colored bastard was advancing so fast…

Finally, seven days after he'd taken the mid level stat gain multiplier, it was expiring.
At that moment, Ben was back in the first class he started in, with the same students,
and when he walked into class, they chuckled. Each of them looked forward to
teaching the melon thief another lesson.

Yet, that was only because most of them trained once or twice a week and hadn't
trained with Ben since the first time. Thus, they weren't aware of his progress.

Within the group of white belts though, a few exchanged eye contact. They took
other classes with Ben and had already tried such a thing, only to wind up getting
their joints twisted instead. Yet, instead of warning their compatriots, they smirked
at each other. There was one simple reason for this—misery enjoyed company…

'Why should only I have suffered?'

'Like happiness, pain is also better shared… '

'I'll sacrifice you all for the greater good of my ego… '

However, even with Ben's increased strength, his performance still hadn't reached a
crushing level, but that was yesterday.

Today, as a dozen hyenas stared at him, Ben spread a wicked grin, because not only
did he plan to demonstrate his more advanced BJJ skills, but to also unlock
something even more vicious--a special move.

It was something he'd been hiding so he could focus on technique, a move he was
certain that once brought out today, would destroy them all.

In the middle of the training space covered in blue mats, dozens of white belt
students sat in a semi-circle around the pink-gi'd Valentina, as she demonstrated BJJ
techniques. Among this crowd, Ben watched in silence, paying close attention just as
he had the prior week. However, on this occasion, after seven days of training and
studying aided by the 100x mid level multiplier, what he saw was completely

Because he pictured her naked.

Having rolled with her several times during the week, Ben was able to use his data
jiu-jitsu to gain an even better understanding of her measurements…

That's why, among all these students with serious expressions, he sat there with a
stupid grin, standing out in his green gi like a discarded ball of wasabi…

It didn't mean he didn't pay attention to the technique though. It was only that, Ben
already grasped it! Beyond the basic level that the other white belts observed, he
could see the intricacies. This was the result of his week of enhanced training! Yet,
the only one who was aware of that difference, was him…

That's why, when Valentina's demonstration ended and the time came for paired
practice, Ben sat back against the wall and waited. He knew a queue of opponents
was coming for him, the same as last time, and soon… his assumption proved

Not five seconds passed before a dozen students approached him with savage

"You a masochist or what?"

"Kid, you didn't eat enough punishment?"

"I'm surprised you had the balls to come back."

The same students who'd beaten on him last week and didn't know of his changes
sat down near Ben, eager for their opportunity to teach him another lesson, one he
wouldn't forget this time.

Yet, the one who looked forward to those lessons the most, was Ben!

Soon, the first opponent arrived, taunting as he cracked his knuckles. "Kid, you
better have an answer for me this time…”

Ben blinked. "An answer to what?"

"Hardness, bounciness…”

Ben put his hand up and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get your answer."

Hearing this, the opponent smiled with appreciation. "Good brat." Then, they started
their match.

Thirty seconds later, Ben was on top of the guy, with his arm around the guy's neck in
a headlock, and his right breast… on the guy's forehead.

*Slam* While repositioning, Ben slammed the guy's head against the mat

He looked down at the guy. "How's the hardness?"

"Is it bouncy enough?"

No response came because the opponent couldn't speak with an armpit in his mouth.


"How's the elasticity?"


"Does the nipple size work for you?"

When the other students saw Ben put a choke on the guy and tap him out not long
after that, they all showed strange expressions.

"Ron is sloppy today."

"He even got subbed by the rookie?"

"He probably just got unlucky."

Despite seeing that, they weren't discouraged from having a go at Ben. So, next up, it
was someone else's turn to get unlucky.

*Tap* *Tap*

A minute later, a guy tapped out to a choke from Ben, almost going unconscious due
to the unwillingness to lose to a newbie.

*Tap* *Tap*

The next guy almost got his arm snapped off not wanting to tap to an arm-lock.

*Tap* *Tap*

*Tap* *Tap*

One by one, as Valentina's admirers who bullied Ben last week lost in one-sided
fashion, their faces grew more and more shocked. They weren't the only ones to
notice the commotion either. The other white belt students who'd seen Ben get
crushed by these same opponents not long ago also couldn't help but gawk at this
massive change.

Nevertheless, like that, Ben beat most of the guys who'd rubbed his face in the
ground last week. Yet, that was only the beginning. Noticing Ben's dominance, the
senior students in the class could no longer sit back. It would be too shameful if a
fresh kid who trained for only a few days managed to defeat everyone like that. So,
from that point on, the challengers who approached Ben, rose in level!

Some of these opponents were much larger. Some possessed much better technique.
Some were about to receive their blue belts. Their advantages varied. Yet, they all
had one thing in common: yesterday, if any of them faced Ben, then without a doubt--
they would've won!

However, that was yesterday… Today, Ben believed he had a way to deal with these
guys, a special move that only he could do, and now, it was the time to unleash it!

Soon, the opportunity came to test that theory. A huge husky-fat white belt sat across
from him, smiling with confidence because he outweighed Ben by over 100 lbs, a
massive advantage.

Yet, when they began to grapple and compete for strength, the big man's eyes
popped out! Because Ben wasn't any weaker than him!

Even so, the man gritted his teeth. If he couldn't win with strength, he could still use
his technique. He didn't believe a kid who trained for a week would be able to
compete there. Once again though, he was wrong!

As they went move for move, Ben defended and attacked, proving a worthy
opponent, making the big guy look at Ben with newfound respect. "Not bad kid, I
admit you're worthy of getting an even result against me."

"An even result?" Ben chuckled.

"What's so funny?" The man frowned.

At that moment, Ben's eyes changed, as a hint of green flashed deep inside of them,
in his mind anyway…

The reason was, he turned it off, his limiter, the one that once again only existed in
his imagination…

Ben was done focusing on technique. Now, it was time to bring out his finishing
move. Glancing at the fat man's gut, Ben smirked, and launched his special attack!
"I'm surprised they let you out."

“…Let me out?"

Ben nodded. "Yea, from your job. Aren't you the last boss people have to fight at
Burger King?"

Hearing this, the man's jaw dropped, as his mind went blank for a moment, and right
then, Ben struck!
In the middle of grappling against a much larger opponent in the beginner's BJJ class,
Ben launched his special technique and caused the big guy to lose his focus, at which
point—Ben pounced!

Pushing the guy off balance, Ben was able to secure a dominant position. When the
white belt regained awareness, he was staring in shock, still trying to get his head
around what happened. 'I'm the last boss people have to fight at Burger King?"

He took a sucker punch straight to the soul…

As for what was Ben's special technique? What else? Cursing at people!

He'd activated his title!

[Poison Dragon(fine): Your verbal insults carry a little bonus soul damage in
proportion to each insult's effectiveness on the target]

The soul damage didn't cause physical harm, but along with the insult itself, it was
enough to stun the opponent, and in the middle of a match, it gave Ben the

In a dominant position now, he attempted to advance on the husky-fat man. Yet,

experienced and powerful, the big guy defended well, until Ben launched another
salvo. "BJJ is healthy exercise, don't you think?"

Lying under Ben, the opponent wasn't sure where he was going with this. "Y-yea."

"Yea, I'd say you need it. I bet when you eat a fruit, you get a standing ovation from
your organs."

When the big man's mind blanked once again, Ben used the chance to advance,
reaching an even more dominant position right on top of the guy, mounting him.
When the opponent realized what happened, his face turned livid. He then tried to
buck Ben off like a wild horse. Yet, Ben didn't budge, only waiting for the guy below
to gas himself out, after which he attacked with submissions, attempting to finish the

However, the opponent wasn't easy to submit, defending well at each opportunity.
So, realizing it'd be difficult to finish him with traditional methods, Ben once again
launched a soul attack.

"What are you doing?" The big guy's expression became strange, because Ben was
patting his stomach.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I got a little hungry… and you seem like the type of dude to keep
candies in his belly button."

The guy's teeth rattled… The soul damage was piling on now, but understanding
what Ben was doing by this point, he turtled up, bringing his arms to his neck to
protect from chokes and joint-locks.

Ben didn't mind though. He just kept attacking. "What do you do for a living? You
seem like a hacker that only breaks into refrigerators."

The man's face turned green.

"Didn't I see you in the deleted scenes of Honey Boo Boo?

The man's fat cheeks started jiggling…

"You look like if diabetes was a person."

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Huh?" Ben's eyes widened, because despite not having attempted a submission, the
opponent tapped out! He quit!

"Get off me!" The big guy yelled with a pale face.

Whuninjuredtood up, the husky-fat man rushed out of the room. His joints were fine,
and he was uninjured. Yet, when he glanced back at Ben as he ran out the door, his
expression showed absolute horror! At this point, he was suffering a migraine, and
worst of all, he felt like he'd lost a piece of himself! 'I'm done!'

This was the terror of soul damage! With perfectly-crafted insults, a poison dragon
could melt anything its breath touched with concentrated toxicity!

Seeing the man flee in fear, Ben showed an evil grin, because he'd perfected it—his
finishing technique. It wasn't a choke, nor a joint lock, but it was the deadliest
submission of all—a soul attack! Hammering on the opponent's soul from a
dominant position where they couldn't resist!

The technique was underhanded, vicious, and shameless, reaching 100%

synchronicity with Ben's personality…

It was perfection, and he named this move… The Soul Crank!

The other white belts who'd watched this all go down squinted in confusion. Ben was
whispering his lines so they didn't hear what he said. All they saw was one of the
strongest white belts in the gym give up out of nowhere and escape like he'd ran into
the devil or his ex-wife…

However, that only fueled them more. How could they let a complete rookie
embarrass them like that?

The big guy left, but a new one took his place, a muscular man with scars on his face
and a pronounced facial structure. He looked tough, like he'd been in a few fights
before. Still, what did Ben care about that? He was a white belt just the same. So
when they started rolling and Ben ran into a bottleneck, Ben unleashed his soul
attacks! "Hey, you working later today?"

The guy blinked. "Working?"

"Yea, didn't I see you selling Che Guevara shirts at the AA meeting?"

Ben passed into a better position, and a little while later, when he ran into new
resistance…”Hey, can I get your autograph after this?"

"Autograph? For what?"

"Didn't you give a Ted talk on making prison wine?"

After that, it became a one-sided barrage.

"You look like a pastry chef in a meth lab."

"You look like Suge Knight's side-piece."

"You look like Gay Leno."

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Like that, another white belt ran out of the gym, rubbing his head and wishing he
could rub his heart…

Seeing this happen a second time, the expressions of the onlookers became even
weirder. Yet, Ben waited for a new challenger. He knew it wouldn't be the end,
because he understood there were always mindless doubters no matter what one
did. If that wasn't the case, then most web novels writers would be out of a job…

So after that, it was a succession of new opponents, who all took a Duolingo class in
Ben's dragon language…

"I bet when your son finished high school, your graduation present for him was a
puka shell necklace…”

*Tap* *Tap*

"You look like the dude on the sports team that slaps his own ass after a good play…”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"You seem like the type of dude to buy a used fleshlight…”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"Your face is so weird, I bet the whole world would fake a virus just to make you
wear a mask…”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Soul crank after soul crank. When Ben couldn't finish his opponents with traditional
submissions, he spammed his special move, and like that, the corpses piled up.

However, those were the lucky ones.

When he ran into opponents who bullied him hard the prior week, Ben made sure to
give them special treatment. Instead of finishing them with a soul crank, he gained
top-position and showed them another technique he was adept in--the faceslap.

Not a metaphorical one though, literal faceslaps…

As he repositioned himself, he delivered them by "accident," over and over… until

they tapped to avoid more shame…

Such was the revenge of a poison dragon. As for offending people? Ben didn't care!
He didn't worry about them seeking payback. At this point, not only was he more
skilled than them in BJJ, but he still had a nuke in his arsenal for backup. So if they
wanted to get back at him, he wouldn't mind c*ck punching them to Cambodia…

Plus, there was nothing unethical about this. This was an MMA gym and trash-
talking was allowed. On top of that, he only went hard on people who targeted him
first. If a skilled but good-mannered opponent rolled with him, Ben would hold back
on them like a gentleman. Yes, he would still soul crank them to death…

After though, he'd apologize and tell them he had Tourette's.

Aggression was Ben's stance now. It was the effect of high masculinity; doing what
he wanted and making the world bend to his will, and that's why he could be so
ruthless today, compared to how passive he was when he first received the system.

As a result, not long later, as Ben looked around the beginner's class, everyone now
kept their distance from him, making him feel invincible. Proud, Ben nodded. 'Just
call me One-Slap Man… '

It wasn't only the Soul Crank that led to his victory though. He'd made a massive leap
in skill, which was logical considering all the work he put in. During the week, when
he didn't have classes at university or work, Ben attended every beginner's class he
could. With the improved recovery effect from the multiplier, his body didn't even
become exhausted, allowing him to train non-stop every day.

This schedule was far beyond that of a pro fighter, let alone a standard white belt. On
average, students went to two or three sessions per week. The serious ones would go
to five. Meanwhile, Ben's number of classes for the week, approached 20! In addition,
when there were no classes at the MMA gym and nothing urgent to do, he even
studied videos online of BJJ techniques.

Of course, this sped-up approach also contained flaws. Unlike academics where he'd
get far through textbook learning, martial arts like BJJ were far more complicated.
They comprised not only of knowledge, but also application. With a 100x multiplier,
when Ben viewed a move, he would understand the intricacies with perfection. This
was knowledge.

Then, when he practiced it, the muscle memory developed in an instant. This was

Yet, no matter how much he studied and practiced, seven days wasn't enough time to
view all the BJJ techniques and variations a blue belt knew, let alone experience
everything with his body.

As such, Ben couldn't avoid having holes in his game. Although he could beat these
white belts, he was still helpless against experienced practitioners at higher tiers,
and there happened to be one in the room who wasn't too happy with Ben's sudden
breakout. Calling him over, Valentina volunteered to give Ben a personal review of
his growth. Of course, this was just her telling him to know his dog role…

Though in her words, as the teacher, she said it was her duty to humble him, by
choking him into submission multiple times…

This would teach him magnanimity, and to never touch the melons at the downstairs
Ben couldn't resist either. The difference in their technique levels was apparent right
away. It was so massive that he didn't even get a chance to launch a soul attack. An
arm either covered his mouth or wrapped his neck within seconds, leaving him with
few opportunities to speak. On top of that, he feared launching an insult against that
this crazy woman would just lead to her using it as an excuse to dislocate his joints.

So, with that result settled, Ben accepted his role as second on the totem pole.
However, it was enough.

Soon, the class ended and everyone hit the locker room, changing out of their dirty
gis as they prepared to leave. Since his multiplier expired, Ben also decided to end it
at one class today, planning to go home and give his mind a rest from BJJ. Yet,
although he wanted to move on, others did not!

With showers running in the background, the white belt students congregated by the
tan-colored lockers. It was then that some of them glanced at Ben with unwillingness
in their eyes, pondering a certain scheme… The reason was… they weren't
convinced! How could they be?

Ben was young, short, and only started training last week. Meanwhile, they were all
much larger, older, and more experienced. So how could they accept losing like that?
The reality was that they couldn't!

Yet, there was no doubt Ben was a talent in BJJ. After all, him submitting them wasn't
a fluke that happened once or twice. No, everyone saw it; He beat them all up!

Even so, they weren't discouraged, because there was BJJ, and then there were other
areas of competence.

'No one's perfect brat. You're about to learn your limits.'

'He burned me earlier, but so what? I'll teach this kid what it means to be a real man.'

'Even if you're good at BJJ, it doesn't matter. You're what, 5'6? A little guy like you
should know your place.'

Exchanging eye contact, the guys opposite Ben in the locker room all realized they
were thinking the same thing. At that moment, they faced Ben, and glared at him in
provocation, as they launched their attack!
They dropped their towels!

In their minds, this was the true measure of a man… weiner-weight…

However, seeing this out of the corner of his eye, Ben sneered, because the truth was,
he'd already expected this!

Turning to them, Ben spread a wicked grin. 'Oh, you made a big mistake today, boys…
Never underestimate an MC because of his low energy reading!'

Boom! The floor shook from the strike of cotton! Ben dropped towel as well!

In that instant, all those guys' eyes bulged in this quasi-gay scene…

Ben's thick beast let them know his short height didn't run in the family…

No, his little brother had grown up getting plenty of calcium… from the system.

In addition, Ben wasn't a shower, but a grower!

It was a hidden passive boost from the Dick Dan Pill!

And with that passive boosting his base stats, it proved too much for the opponents.

'I give up… '

'I admit my inferiority… '

'Are you not even gonna let us live?!?'

When Ben got back home from BJJ class, he passed right out. Although, it wasn't so
much his body that was tired, but his mind. Coming up with such wet burns was no
easy feat. It took strenuous mental effort to spot the resemblance between the face
of a random guy in BJJ and Cardi B's kneecaps.

It was all worth it though. When Ben woke up, he was in a great mood because it was
time to review how his stats had developed.

During the week, not wanting to jinx it, he avoided checking them. Yet, he believed
they should've received a significant boost due to the mid level stat growth
multiplier for manliness, as well as the Dojo event.

[Special Event: Dojo Mojo - 30% bonus to stat development in the Dojo for the next 7

With 30% on top of 100x, Ben's gains… were substantial!

[Looks: 6 - Charlie Brown's bi-curious cousin.]

"Ok, not this one…”

Ben shook it off though. His mind swam in insults all day, making him immune for
the time being. "Poison? I was born of this…”

[Charisma: 8 - The charisma of Freddie Mercury… in a truck-stop bathroom]

Ben squinted. "That could be considered… good?"

It seemed like a place where old Freddie would've been leadership material…

[Social Status: 6(5+1) - Would receive modest respect… in a truck-stop bathroom]

'What's with the truck-stop theme today? Did she get paid to do an ad for Tim

[Seduction Skills: 7 - Recently failed in seducing a group of men in an MMA gym's

locker room]

Ben shot up out of bed and pointed at the screen. "Slanderous! Inaccurate! They tried
seducing me first!"

[Knowledge: 6 - Knows the ins and outs, of truck-stop glory-holes]

"Come on!!!"

Ben sighed. He was actually a bit jealous, because he believed whatever roadside
fast-food chain sponsored the system, they were getting more than their money's

In addition, why was he not getting a fee?

[Manliness: (+1)8 - The hardest guy at a Miley Cyrus concert]

This one made Ben smile. He'd accept it because that meant he'd probably be getting
head from Miley Cyrus…

That's about all it took…

Plus, this was now his second stat to reach an 8! He reached his goal!
Although he avoided looking at his stats during the week, he did notice some
changes within himself as the days passed. His voice became a little deeper, his
muscles bulged a little, and although it could've been his imagination, he even
thought his hair became thicker. Now, he understood the cause. These were all
effects of higher testosterone!

It was due to his manliness increasing!

It wasn't easy getting the stat from a 7 to an 8 either, requiring the equivalent of 2
years of progress by using a 100x multiplier. In addition, when he thought about
what it would take to reach a 9, Ben frowned, because he couldn't even estimate the
necessary effort. For now though, this was enough.

[Communication: 7(6+1) - A real whore-whisperer]

He shrugged. "I'll take it."

[Personal Talent: (+2)5 - Skilled at positioning himself on top of sweaty men]

Reading this, Ben beamed! Not the description… but the +2!

"She's talking about BJJ right… Yea, she's gotta be talking about jiu-jitsu…” Ben didn't
care about the "implication," because he was too ecstatic from this pleasant surprise!
Although he guessed it might happen, he wasn't sure if personal talent would
increase as well. Now, for the first time, this stat didn't make him feel ashamed! At
least, not the number!

Although the multiplier only enhanced manliness, improving so much in one activity
sometimes impacted other stats, and in this case, it worked on personal talent. The
30% from the Dojo event also affected all his stats, so this result was reasonable.

Besides that, since the stat increased now, a question emerged in Ben's mind. He
became good at BJJ, but his ability was still low level compared to the many students
with higher belt colors. Although his other skills weren't anything spectacular, he
believed when it came to cursing and playing video games, his level relative to others
on a global scale was higher. So why did BJJ, which he was worse at, increase
personal talent to a 5 now?

Ben decided it was a good chance to ask the system for clarification, and perhaps due
to being in a good mood from receiving a certain advertising endorsement… she

The personal talent stat gave different weights to talents depending on how
attractive the system judged they'd be to the overall female population.

A high stat in that category meant one possessed skills the majority of women would
find desirable. With these words, Ben now understood. While one could be a genius
at cursing or Dota 2, and there might be some girls or subterranean trolls out there
that would appreciate it… that didn't apply to the larger segment of women.
Meanwhile, being good at sports and other popular fields would have a wider appeal.

It all made perfect sense considering the system's overall framework centered
around seduction. In fact, Ben felt BJJ and MMA were still niche as far as sports went.
It was only that the ability to fight was something women found attractive due to the
hard-wired nature of humans to get into physical struggles. Thus, strength meant the
power to defend one's family and resources. It was important even in today's age
since fights and crime were still existent.

Now, Ben put everything together. He understood that this was why many women
desired guys who were large, muscular, and tough. Those men made them feel safe.

For him though, it was a bit of a dilemma, because Ben didn't fit into that category,
not being able to compare to tall bulky men. Yet, he believed in himself, because he
had the power of personality on his side, and his personality was such that he'd
c*ckpunch them to bring them down to his level.

Satisfied with his stat upgrades, Ben checked the rest of his information.


PUA Points: 38000

Equipped Title: Poison Dragon

Unequipped Titles: C*ckpuncher, Virgin Surgeon, M.D

[Current Hearth Tower Ranking: 691]


[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human +1: Personal Talent Max Potential +1)]

Nothing much changed except one thing that Ben found interesting—his Hearth
ranking. It worsened a little from 682 to 691. After thinking about it though, he
understood why; If he could climb up the corporate tower, others could as well, and
that made him realize something else: there would be competition…

Still, it wasn't the time to focus on that, since he was only getting into the groove of
his new job. When it was time to move up, he'd launch himself with full force. At the
moment though, as far as work was concerned, he was looking to make lateral
moves, in a bed with Tina or Laura.
The next day…

"Ben, I need you to bring these to your old boss Paul in Public Relations." Owen,
Ben's new boss in Male's Health Magazine, handed him a folder with documents.
Rubbing his red hair, this overweight manager exhaled with exhaustion after
working long hours. "You can go home after. Good work today."

Taking the folder, Ben glanced at Owen's belly and cursed. 'If you made these trips
yourself, maybe you wouldn't be such a fatty… ' However, he nodded and did as
instructed, going on his way. After all, this was his job now. Although he was still
working part-time when not in school, he held a proper position now as a writer, and
they even planned to give him a column on the online version of the magazine.

When he first heard that, Ben's jaw dropped, and he later danced in excitement at
home. What did a column on an international magazine's website mean? It signified
potential fame and recognition, things he could leverage into social status, which he
could convert into vagina!

It was a three-way trade! But a good one!

However, things weren't so simple.

Since he was new, this past week, Owen assigned him to "learn the ropes," which in
effect wasn't that different from being an intern, except he now worked for Male's
Health and no other office. So, Ben met the other staff members, carried out some
trivial editing of content, and learned about their procedures and practices. All in all,
it was simple but expected. There was an issue though: he feared that in his case,
Paul would extend this training phase. Why?

Because of his prior cursing in his feature's comments…

A staff member complained to Owen that it was unprofessional for a writer to speak
in that fashion to readers. As a result, Owen made it clear to Ben that he'd need to
put in extra effort to learn about the code of conduct in Male's Health.

Yet, in private, this boss told Ben he didn't mind and even joked about it. After all, it
was a known fact that flaming was a big problem in the comments, and Owen
laughed from some of the burns. In a way, this was natural too, since he himself was
a mutated fire dragon…

Despite that, Owen needed to put on a show for the rest of the staff, so the column
would be on hold for several weeks as Ben shadowed other writers and did basic
tasks during a learning period. In any event though, Ben didn't complain. In the first
place, if given the chance again, he wouldn't hesitate to spit poison on those

This was his inherent nature as a poison dragon. Plus, he enjoyed the job, since for
the most part, Owen was a good guy and it paid well. If there was one issue though, it
was the late hours.

For example, right now it was evening and Ben was one of the last ones in the office,
which was a condition for him not working some days due to classes. It was a
stipulation he agreed to, and in any case, he liked how it was more peaceful at night.

As Ben stepped out of the elevator on PR's floor, he noticed their facility was also
empty, with even the receptionist gone. Having worked here, Ben knew where to go
though. So, he walked to Paul's office, but when he approached the door, his
footsteps slowed down, because he heard voices coming from inside.

"Dear, I made dinner at home. Haven't you worked late enough today?" Standing at
the side of the desk, Tina gave Paul an entreating glance.

"I need to finish some emails." Occupied with tasks, he didn't even look up from his

Seeing this, Tina glanced at her feet, as her mind became messy with thoughts. 'He's
been spending less and less time at home. We haven't even been having sex lately…
It's even forced me to go to those dingy clubs… What happened to the passion from
when we first got married? Am I doing something wrong? Yes, I must be… '

She looked up at Paul as her face gained determination. 'Maybe I haven't made things
exciting enough for him. I have to do something… Things can't continue this way!'
Biting her lip, Tina pulled up her white sweater, as her massive cleavage threatened
to leak out the bottom…”Dear…”

"I told you, let me finish."

Ignoring him for once, she decided to try something bold. "Dear, I want you!"
Lowering her arm, she swept the documents off his desk to the ground, followed by
resting her thick behind on it… spreading her legs so her white panties peeked out
through the crotchless pantyhose under her dark skirt… She'd prepared for this
moment, and now, entered a sensual pose. "Take me here!"

It was the passionate desk sweep, throwing all work aside and having sex in a
forbidden place where they could get caught…

It was a scene any man would go crazy for… except someone with their mind on their
money and money on their mind…

"What are you, crazy?!?" Paul stood up with a furious expression. "That's all my work
you just threw on the ground! I work and eat there! We can't have sex on my desk!"

Then, he rushed to gather the documents on the floor and cursed when he saw coffee
from his mug had spilled on some of them. "F*ck! This is tomorrow's edited
contract!" His face now turned even worse as he scowled at Tina. Now, he had to
rush to the printer room to make a new one and then sit through editing it all over
again. So, not even bothering to say goodbye, he rushed out of his office and
slammed the door!

This whole time, Tina's face was pale… as she laid there frozen in that position… her
heart and confidence, torn up into pieces…

At the same time, when Paul's footsteps faded into the distance, having heard
everything, Ben's curly head slowly rose from within a cubicle…

Like a spousal-abuse shark…

Having heard everything between Paul and Tina, Ben spread a roguish grin, as he
stared at the office where he knew she was waiting inside, alone and dejected. 'Since
I'm already here, I shouldn't waste this opportunity in the department of pubic
relations… '

Ben the domestic disturbance shark prepared to jizz in troubled waters.

In addition, it seemed the system was encouraging him.

[Tower Boss Treasure Room detected]

[Treasure Room - May contain useful items or opportunities. In this case, the Boss
has exited and left his treasure unguarded]

Ben narrowed his eyes. He'd been in Paul's office before and yet only received this
notification now, which meant the treasure it referred to… 'It's his wife's vagina!'


Ben opened the door and stuck his head inside to see Tina sitting on the edge of the
desk, with tears running down her face…

Seeing that, Ben couldn't help but be affected, because the tears dropped on her big
juicy tits.

Her cleavage was still exposed, hanging out the bottom of her sweater which soaked
up the moisture, and whichever man saw this scene, would find it to be a genuine
tear-jerker, or really any kind of jerker…

Hearing Ben enter, she turned to face him, blinking in confusion for a second when
she recognized him. She realized he must've heard their argument. Yet, Tina didn't
want anyone to see her in this state, let alone a boy who she plotted against not long
ago, another person who probably hated her… She spread a helpless smile. "You
heard that, huh?" She sniffled. "So, what? Have you come to make fun of me too?"

Even though Ben knew Tina tried to get him fired a week ago, he was a big-hearted
person… Seeing her in such a condition, how could he ridickule her?

Then, he blinked. 'No, wait. That's exactly what I'm going to do… in a good way

He wouldn't tease her, he'd squeeze her…

He wouldn't poke fun, he'd poke buns…

He wouldn't mock her, he'd c*ck her…

He was trying to f*ck!

Ben didn't have to punish Tina because Paul was doing enough. Furthermore, she
was the woman who gave him his first sexual experience. For that, she'd always have
a special place in his heart of heartnuts…

A permanent security deposit box in the bank of spank…

Now, when he saw she wasn't getting what she needed, how could he not step in and
give her a helping d*ck?

It was the right thing to do, because he knew she was a nymph, and this was their

It was like feeding the ducks in the park but with your penis…

So, Ben showed Tina a warm smile. "Paul's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's
Hearing that, she stared at Ben, still sniffling… but, her tears eased their descent.

"Such a sexy woman, how could he not drop everything to give you what you need?"

"Y-you mean that?" Tina's face turned red, but she gazed hard at Ben, in desperate
need of reassurance now.

"Of course…” He spoke with sincerity as he stepped towards her. In a normal

situation, complimenting such a beauty's looks was a no-no, but this was different.
Tina was emotionally bruised. She needed a warmer approach, and Ben was aware
of the special sir-cum-stances…

Beluga told him about this once, and that understanding exceptions like this was
why pick up was an art and not a science.

So, if what she needed now was some comfort, Ben planned to give her all kinds…

All kinds!

He'd make sure she'd get the comfort and the cumfart…

Soon standing in front of Tina, Ben glanced down at her outrageous body, as her
huge breasts stuck out for him to see.

"You think I'm sexy?" She stuck her chest out a bit further now, her eyes regaining a
certain glint, of the desire for validation, a validation that only a man could provide.

Ben nodded as he licked his lips at the sight of her chest right below him… He hadn't
seen the twins for a long time… but he remembered how they looked, and also, how
they felt…

Nothing about Tina changed since that night at the fetish club. However, he'd
changed a lot, in several places… Thinking about that time, and his noob build then,
Ben was looking forward to showing her about all the "personal growth" he's made…

As for Tina, she loved Paul before, but he'd been neglecting her, and she was a
woman with needs. Although she'd been going to fetish clubs to get some male
attention and physical satisfaction, she never took it too far with anyone there, only
fooling around with her hands and tits… That was out of respect for her marriage.

Yet, now, even after she bared herself for Paul, for him to reject her in such a way… to
do such a spiteful thing… it was too much!

Ben also didn't understand Paul's response. 'Wasn't that the desk sweep of passion I
heard? That was a perfect opportunity. Why wouldn't he just let the trope play out
the way it was meant to? Why'd he have to get creative? Paul's trying to subvert
cliches now? Who does he think he is? A real writer? Pfft. The fans don't care! You
should've stuck with mindless action like the others Paul! So now I'm going to f*ck
your wife!'

As Ben grew determined, inside Tina's heart, a seed of hatred also began to sprout.
She wanted revenge!!

When that combined with the unfulfilled desires in her body… Tina glanced at Ben,
remembering how he embarrassed Paul last week, and her mouth opened, as her
breathing became a bit rougher. She thought about how Paul cursed Ben several
times these recent days in private, still upset that he bowed his head to an intern. If
she wanted to get back at Paul, wasn't the best way right here in front of her?

Tina noticed Ben's lustful eyes, and her hand slid up her stomach, to her chest, where
it rested between her breasts… teasing the reveal as it tickled the bottom of her
sweater…”You like my tits?"

Ben gazed into her eyes and nodded, after which Tina glanced over his body, noticing
for the first time how young and athletic he was; an able-bodied man… one that
could, satisfy her… Smirking, she made a decision.

Next, her finger on her chest made a quick upwards tug, raising the sweater… and
right at that moment, they spilled out! Her huge tits hung in all their glory for Ben's
eyes to feast on!

He couldn't help but swallow as he gazed at their perfect form…

"You want to touch?" With both her hands, Tina grabbed them at the bottom… and
squeezed… as she showed Ben a playful expression… 'I wonder how long he can hold
back from grab—'

Not long!

Ben the extramarital affair shark dove right in!

*Author's Note: This is a two-parter scene.


Within Paul's dimly lit office, Ben held two handfuls of meaty mounds, the breasts
belonging to Paul's voluptuous wife…

"Mmm~" Tina leaned back against the desk as she watched Ben's fingers knead her

Seeing she was enjoying it, he squeezed even harder. After all, he and these tits had a
lot of catching up to do…

In addition, the last time he'd seen these magical mammaries, she didn't let him
touch, so now, he'd make sure to fondle to his heart's delight; that and more…

Licking his lips, Ben sensed her peach-colored nipples calling him. In response, he
brought them closer to his face so he could hear better, and lipped a custom greeting
to each one--his version of 'moshi moshi… '

"Uh~" Tina opened her mouth when Ben started suckling her chest, a bit shocked at
how fast this was moving. Even though she'd resolved herself, as a married woman,
it was difficult not having second thoughts. 'Is this really happening? He's an
employee, and Paul could come back at any moment.'

Yet, when she thought of getting caught, somehow, it only turned her on more… As a
result, her breathing grew heavier, as she grabbed the back of Ben's head and pulled
it into her chest… encouraging him to suck harder.

Ben answered her wish… sampling various parts of her soft flesh at his whim… and
when he tasted enough, he stood up, grabbing the back of her neck and bringing her
mouth to his, as his tongue entered this mature beauty's lips… and explored at will…

At the same time, one hand traveled down, tracing her curves as it moved past her
skirt… soon touching her thick thigh over her black pantyhose… stopping to pinch
and rub that juicy thing…

Then, his fingers made their way up her inner leg, until reaching… a place that was
especially soft and warm… Tina's pussy…

On that spot, Ben began to massage her…

"Nnn~" Her head pulled back as she looked into his eyes with a fiery gaze. Ben
recognized that look. It was the face of the dominant woman he'd met the first time,
the one that hunted for young cocks to milk…

As if on queue, Tina brought her own hand now, reaching Ben's groin, and clutching!

Her eyes enlarged when she found something unexpected though, a nice thick dick…
but she knew just what to do with it.

Grabbing Ben's hand, she led him around the table, standing him in front of the black
leather chair, at which point she smiled, and shoved him…

When Ben fell into Paul's chair, his eyebrows rose, because it was a really
comfortable chair…

He envied Paul for a second…

Then, he looked up and saw Paul's wife, with her really comfortable tits…

Now he envied Paul even more…

"Feels good sitting in the boss' seat?' Tina smirked.

Ben nodded, and stopped himself when he almost asked her how much Paul paid for

"My husband always ignores me in that seat. Are you going to ignore me?"

Hearing this question, Ben smirked. "It depends how you plan to get my attention."

Giggling, Tina then let him know her plan. Grabbing her sweater at the sides, she
lifted it over her head, revealing her luscious tits… now exposed without
interference… Then, she reached behind her back and unzipped her skirt, shimmying
her hips side to side to let it slide down her legs, until she stepped out of it one foot
at a time in her black high heels.

Now, all she wore was her black pantyhose with a visible white g-string underneath,
her sensual curves exposed in all their splendor before Ben's eyes…

Glancing down, Tina smiled, because she could see his erection growing through his
pants. With that signal, she gave him the final part of her answer, as she got down on
her knees in front of him… placed her hands on his legs, and slid them up at a slow
pace… until they reached… over his manhood… which she began to caress…”Looks
like you're not ignoring me…”


After undoing his pants… she then took out Ben's erection… holding it in her hand as
she appreciated it with a smile. "You're so much bigger than my husband…”

Ben smirked. 'That's right! Fuck you, Paul!'

Then, Tina took her palm, brought it to her mouth, and ran it across her tongue,
applying saliva… after which, with a naughty smirk, she returned it onto Ben's cock…
and started to stroke…

His meat-rod throbbed in her grip as he watched her tits jiggle nearby… and just
when he recalled the sensation of them wrapped around his member… she reminded
him through direct experience…

Leaning forward, Tina brought those massive milkers up and dropped them on Ben's
dick… wrapping them around it so only the head popped out the top…

Then, she started moving them, up and down… titfucking Ben as they locked
eyes…”You like that? Titty-fucking the boss' wife in his office?"

Ben nodded. Of course he liked it. It was the best! He loved it!

It wasn't only the sensations of Tina's chest either, but also getting revenge on Paul!
'Fuck you, Paul! Motherfuck you!'

With this titjob, not only did Ben get in a Reed Richards-level fantastic faceslap last
week… but now, he was also slapping Paul's wife's tits!

It was a faceslap on top of a faceslap! A 2nd-degree faceslap!

No, it was past degrees, past basic mathematics. This was a faceslap that tore the
fabric of the universe! This faceslap would reverberate through time and space!

It would make Paul see the past, present, and future simultaneously!

Tachyons couldn't save him! Nothing could save him!

It was blue balls and cuckolded walls from here!

It was an ironic fate when Ben thought about it… Their positions in the company
were worlds apart, where a week ago, Paul even controlled Ben's livelihood, and
even now, Paul was still much more powerful than him. Yet, this was the result…

As Paul's wife handled his cock, Ben did his best to put the situation into words.
'Even a powerful dragon cannot repress my local snake… '

He experienced a wonderful satisfaction. 'They say the best revenge is no revenge;

that the wisest move is to move on with your life. Well, those people haven't fucked
huge titties!'

Tina spat down onto Ben's dick as she continued pleasuring it with her breasts. "It's
good you like it… Now, like this, I want you to cum all over my tits…”

At first, Ben was about to agree. In theory, it sounded good, it was a good plan…
Soon though, he narrowed his eyes. 'She can't be thinking to end it there again, can
she?' He knew from their prior experience that she liked tit-fucking. The problem
was she also stopped there last time! As such, he feared the same result. Although
this experience was great, it wasn't enough! 'I can't loop the hentai animations! If I
clone the same scene, my fans will rebel!'

Ben cursed why he couldn't be a xianxia MC. Then, he could repeat the same titty-
fuck for 5 realms and 3000 chapters…

In this world though, he knew he needed to do something…

*Author's Note: This chapter will end the first scene, but another two-parter will
follow this.


Sitting in Paul's office chair, Ben was having the time of his life and Paul's wife…
because Tina was giving him the titjob of a wifetime…

Yet, something worried Ben, the chance that she would once again limit his role in
wife to boobfuck-boy…

This… was something he couldn't accept. 'I can do better! I can be… better!'

"Cum on my tits…” Even though Tina was begging for it and her breasts were as
comfortable as could be, Ben wasn't willing to play her game. So, to her surprise, he
stood up from the chair!

Yet, despite not expecting it, Tina didn't fail at her job, maintaining her grasp on
Ben's member with her massive jugs even as he changed positions. In fact, she didn't
let go even when he grabbed the back of her hair, and tugged it down!

Her eyes shot wide-open though when this young man pulled such an aggressive and
shocking move, and as she looked up at him, she discovered his gaze was confident
and commanding. 'How are those the eyes of an 18-year old boy?'

It was the look of a man who knew what he wanted and expected to get it, and next,
Ben let her know what that was through words. "Open your mouth."

With a blank stare, Tina hesitated a moment, but his words possessed a hypnotic
quality to them, almost like this was a cliche hentai…

Yet, this mesmeric quality wasn't that. No, it was the natural hypnosis of high
charisma and masculinity, and as a result, Tina obliged, spreading her lips…

"Stick your tongue out." Ben removed his dick from her tits and held the monster
above her head, making it clear what he wanted.

Tina was still staring up at him in disbelief. When she dealt with young men before,
her body and attitude always intimidated them, but Ben… was different; self-
assured, manly…

'This is good too… ' she thought. So, she decided to play the part. With an expression
of reluctance, she stuck her tongue out…

Then, as he turned her head a bit, Ben put his manhood on that soft tongue so that
her lips were against its side, as he thrusted forward…

Like that, her slippery tongue wet the bottom of his member… as the lips traced one

With her hands now free, one of Tina's hands couldn't help finding its way down,
reaching her white panties… where she started to rub… Something about this boy's
assertive attitude turned her on… He was like Paul when they first got married, but
with a bigger cock…

As she got into it, her other hand even grabbed Ben's balls, and began to cradle them,
as he continued fucking her tongue and lips…

Still holding onto her short blonde hair, Ben then turned his dick and lined it up with
her lips. "Keep your mouth open."

With newfound lust in her eyes, Tina did as instructed, extending her tongue even
further as it licked the bottom of Ben's cock, and right then… he entered her wet
mouth… before soon pulling all the way out…


After, he inserted again… and pulled out again…


As he repeated this some more, Tina maintained that same expression, looking up at
him, as he fucked her mouth.

Next, grabbing her head with an additional hand, Ben held this big-tittied beauty
below, and began pumping her face…

*Slurp* *Slurp*

She also started putting in more effort, adding suction, and continuing to play with
Ben's balls with one hand, as the other pleasured herself…

'Wow.' As Ben face-fucked her, he could tell the difference between her and younger
girls. Tina really knew how to please a man. She kept eye contact with him, as her
tongue moved along the bottom of his dick while applying the perfect amount of
suction… At the same time, her hand cradling his balls was moving in perfect
harmony, adding an extra dimension of pleasure…

Meanwhile, her gorgeous tits below jiggled, as saliva kept dropping on them…
making this sight even more alluring…

Soon, Ben took his hands off Tina's head, allowing her to show him her skills, and she
didn't disappoint. As she started to bob her head on her own, she wrapped her hand
around the base of his member and began to stroke, adding even more sensations…

Now, this mature beauty was sucking, stroking, and playing with his nuts
simultaneously… stimulating every inch of Ben's groin… She even took breaks to
suck his balls and used her tits too, lifting them as she put his manhood in between…
From there, she resumed the prior titjob, except this time, she also used her mouth…

As he fucked those soft jugs, she kept her tongue out, first licking the tip of his cock
whenever it popped up… and then lowering her head, so she could suck it… Keeping
her mouth open, she let the tip enter and exit on each pump…

*Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap*

Like that, her tits were soon dripping from the spit flowing from her lips… and as
Ben watched this from above, he found the sight too sexy… Yet, even more than that,
the sensations… were too powerful! Her tits were going to make him cum!
Noticing his member throbbing, Tina also encouraged him. "Yes, cum on my tits,
baby!" She looked up as she squeezed her breasts even tighter around his dick. Yet,
her eyes popped out the next moment, because he grabbed the back of her head
again, and pushed it down!

With her jugs suffocating his cock, Ben inserted the end into her lips, where he

"Ahhh!" White goo sprayed into Tina's mouth, filling her throat, and dripping out the
sides… speckling her tits…

Her eyes remained bulging, because she never let a man finish in her mouth like
this… not even her husband!

A short while later, when Ben pulled out of her lips, Tina looked up at him with thin
eyes. 'This rascal… '

Yet, she wore a light smirk. 'It's not bad though… ' Releasing her tits, she cupped her
hands together below, and spit the goo down into them… holding them out like a
bowl. Then, while glancing up at Ben with a naughty expression, she brought her
hands over her breasts, and poured the jizz onto them…

With the silent appreciation of a serious critic, Ben watched this with delight… It
reminded him of when he went to a movie theatre for the first time and finished
viewing a terrific film. Right when he thought the cinematic experience was over, he
realized he could sneak right into a different movie and got a second one out of

Yet, tonight, there was even a third showing.

When Tina finished covering herself in Ben's seed… with slow sexy movements… she
rubbed it in all over her chest…

Then, after making sure she didn't miss a spot, she even held her tits and lifted them,
starting to lick the cum off with a smile…”Mmmm~"

As hot as it was, Ben still squinted seeing this. 'Wasn't it in her mouth to begin with?
Seems a bit redundant.'

It was clear Tina was no engineer.

Still, Ben chalked it up to lifestyle choices. 'I suppose that's her preferred dinner

Then, something unexpected happened.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

After sniffing a few times, it was as if Tina recalled something. "Why does your cum
smell familiar?"
*Author's Note: Please remember, this is a 2-parter scene.


When Tina questioned Ben about the familiar scent of his jizz, he stared at her with a
bewildered expression.

'Oh-oh… ' Although they hooked up a while ago in a fetish club, he thought he was as
safe as a Nazi in Argentina now… After all, he was wearing a mask back then and his
little brother had since evolved… Yet, it seemed not everything changed. Would his
nutter-butter be the thread of his unraveling?

'No… ' Ben smirked, because he knew there was a solution to every problem, and this
was no dickferrent…

As he looked into her eyes, he answered her question. "Does it smell familiar? That
makes sense. Women have told me it's the chicken of the semen."

Tina squinted. 'Does he think I'm Jessica Simpson?'

She was not Jessica Simpson. She had bigger tits than Jessica Simpson…

Regardless, Tina brushed it off as jizz being jizz…

At this moment though, despite her body still being hot, she looked around and
realized they'd made a mess, and also what place they did that in. After standing up,
she began picking up her clothes that she'd placed on the desk. "Paul might come
back at any time. That's enough. You ca—"
Right as she was about to tell Ben to leave, a hand grabbed her neck from behind…
and bent her over… onto Paul's desk…

Gasping, the sensation of the cold wood on her bare breasts shocked her, though not
as much as Ben's boldness. Even so, she couldn't help opening her mouth and
releasing a light moan. "Ahh…”


When Ben smacked her ass… her arms spread out, gripping on the edges of the
desk… Then, when he released her neck and slid his hand down her smooth back,
she got goosebumps… but stayed in place, accepting this position…

When his palm reached her ass… he squeezed both of those thick cheeks… before
grabbed her inner thighs with both hands, and spreading them apart!

Now, Tina closed her eyes…

When she felt his fingers over her white panties, in her most sensitive area… she no
longer wanted him to leave…

Ben's hands squeezed her thick mature butt over the black crotchless pantyhose, and
then used his Donald Trump card—grabbing her by the pussy…

At the same time, as he positioned his mouth over her slit covered only by a thin
piece of fabric, he also activated another ability: Wartortle Rain Dance. From then on,
his tongue began dancing on her private area, applying pressure to her clit through
the g-string…

"Mmm~" With her huge tits smooshed against the wooden desk, Tina held tight
against the sides… her heart speeding up as the heat from her lower body

Then, Ben took it up a notch. When her juices started soaking through the panties, he
moved them to the side… and started to eat her out without interference… Moreover,
he also incorporated one of his hands, bringing in the Wartortle Workforce…

It was the evolution of the Squirtle Squad…

"Ahh~" Tina's body squirmed above the desk… as her breathing grew heavy and her
face showed disbelief. 'How is he so good at this at such a young age?' She found it
hard to believe an 18-year-old could hit her spots with such perfection. Yet, clawing
against the desk… she more than welcomed it. "Mmm, Paul never eats my pussy…”

Ben the comic response shark peeked his fin up above her cheeks for a moment.
"More food for me…”

Then, he returned to diving in the deep ocean of Tina's slit…

"Ngg~" She couldn't take it for long…”If you keep doing that… Ann~ Then, I'm going
to… Ha~ CUM!" Her lower back arched as she dug her juicy ass into Ben's face…

However, Ben already trained for this moment at the FBI's center at Quanticum…

Moving out of the way a little, he let her give Paul's room a fresh coat of paint…


"Yehesss~" As Tina cried, her love-hole shot out a clear stream, covering the floor…
and right after, her body went limp on the desk…

Breathing hard, she couldn't believe it. When was the last time she squirted like that?
College? She couldn't even remember, but it felt amazing…

Her body still unsteady, she continued laying there, not noticing Ben was taking his
pants off behind her. This was a ninja-style pants removal technique from Iwagakure,
the village hidden in the cocks…

Yet, despite resting, when Tina felt Ben brush the tip of his dick against her pussy
lips… she knew what that meant…

Twisting her head, she watched as he slapped her big ass cheeks with his cock… and
she gazed into his eyes. Since they'd already gotten this far, they might as well go all
the way. Plus, her body was aching for it… to get fucked hard and well…

She was already imagining it, as she wiggled her ass in front of him… and her eyes
became hazy. "I want your big cock inside me…” Tina bit hard on her lower lip. She
couldn't believe she said that to another man. Turning her head to look at her hand,
she saw the golden wedding ring there, as a series of memories flashed in her mind.
She recalled everything she and Paul had been through, and although part of her
wanted to cry, another part told her that she might as well let those tears come from
a different hole…

So, as she stared at the ring, her eyes grew cold. "Fuck me… Fuck me on my
husband's desk…” She'd made her d-cision…

"Your order's coming right up, mam!"

"Huh?" Yet, before Tina could cancel her order due to the waiter's terrible joke… she
gasped! Because Ben's thick rod penetrated her!

*Author's Note: This is the last R-18 chapter in this scene. Four out of four. We've
cum a long way…


With the thick milf beauty Tina bent over her husband's desk, Ben grasped her
beautiful asscheeks over her black pantyhose and glanced down. Her white panties
were to the side in one of his hands, and his manhood… was deep inside her!

"Ahh!" Tina gasped in shock. She couldn't believe it! This was really happening! She
was getting fucked by another man!

*Slap* *Slap*

As Ben started to pound her wet pussy though, any traces of regret soon disappeared
from her eyes, as the pleasure soared through her lower body…

As for Ben, it was his first time having sex with an older woman, but he wasn't
disappointed, as her thick mature body provided the perfect cushion for his thrusts…

"Damn, you feel so good…” He was reveling in the sensations, sinking into the
pleasure. After all, her inner walls were just as tight and comfortable as a younger
girl's… but her curves were fuller. In many regards, Tina's body was a wonder… but it
made sense. She worked out on a regular schedule, all to please Paul. It's too bad for
that blue-balled banker-wanker that Ben was now robbing that pussy vault…

Coming in hot like the crash of 2008 to take all the vaginal liquidity…

And there would be no bailouts…

But maybe a bust-in?

As his dick measured the dimensions of Tina's deposit box… Ben believed it was
noble in a way. 'Stealing from Paul the bitch, and giving it to his whore… '

In addition, based on Tina's responses, it seemed she was also experiencing similar
thoughts, more or less…”Yes~ Your dick's so much bigger than my husband's… Fuck
me! Fuck me!" She was getting into it now, starting to thrust her fat ass back into
Ben's dick, wanting more… needing more…

In fact, she was getting very loud. "FUCK M—" In fact, too loud…

So much so that Ben put his hand over her mouth to silence this wench…

This was an office, after all. It was a place of business. So he wasn't trying to get
caught porking a boss' wife. Ben liked this job and knew these stories only ended
well when the boss didn't know about it. Hence, Ben held his hand over her mouth to
keep her quiet, but he made sure to compensate her, as he pounded her love-hole
even harder…

"Mmmn~" Although Tina's screams became muffled, they still filled the small office,
along with the sounds of Ben's balls smacking against her pussy.

*Slap* *Slap*

The scent of their action filled the space as well, providing the area with a new flavor
of Glade plug-in: cuckolding wife…

Then, after giving it to Tina from behind for a few minutes, Ben missed seeing those
big tits of hers. So, he made her flip over, laying her back on Paul's desk as she spread
her legs, wrapping them around Ben's back as she pulled him towards her. "Come
on~ Put it back in!"

Ben put his hand back over her mouth… but obliged. Slipping his dick back inside
her wet hole, he started pounding her again… as her legs wrapped tight around him.

With each pump, her big tits bounced up and down, providing the perfect scenery. As
for Tina, her face morphed into one of ecstasy… She couldn't remember the last time
someone fucked her so well, and kept releasing muffled screams through Ben's
After a while, she even also started to thrust forward… wanting it harder… faster…
and that being the case, Ben gave it to her.

Like this, the two christened Paul's desk… switching into several positions… and at
one point, Tina also suggested an idea. Asking Ben to stand up, she sat him back
down onto Paul's chair, with his cock standing erect as a target for her… There, with
her juicy ass in front of Ben's face, she bent down and sat on it… and began to show
the skills of a mature woman…

Her thick booty bounced up and down in front of Ben's face on his cock… She was
twerking on it… as her love-cave massaged every inch…

Feeling her smooth and slippery pussy, Ben was becoming overwhelmed by a
woman's experience for the first time. 'So this is the ability of a mature woman… '

"Mmmm~ Yea~" Tina was also loving it…”I'm close… Fuck, your dick is so good~"

Ben was also not far away. He couldn't believe how good she was able to fuck him
from this position…

*Slap* *Slap* From there, she went faster and faster, harder and harder, "Yes! Yes!"

Stimulating both herself and Ben's dick more and more, coming closer and closer…
and soon…

"I'M CUMMING!" As he felt her tighten around his member… liquid dripped down
Tina's pussy… lubricating his shaft even further…

All the while, her face twisted in pure unadulterated bliss… This was the best sex
she's had in forever…

Yet, instead of most girls who lost control of their bodies during an orgasm, Tina's
hands grabbed the armrests of Ben's chair, and she fucked him harder!

*Slap* *Slap* Her huge butt almost became a blur as it slid up and down on his dick…
and for Ben, this was too much stimulation!

"OH FUCK!" He was cumming! And instead of her, he was the one who lost control of
his body! As he watched Tina's mature ass continue to pound on his groin, he felt his
seed enter her!
Yet, she continued thrusting! Leading him to spew even more! A greater amount than
he ever had! As her pussy kept squeezing more out! Making his orgasm last even
longer! The sensations becoming more powerful!

*Pant* *Pant*

A while later, Ben was lying back in the chair sweating. "That was great…”

Sitting on his lap, Tina was also breathing hard, when she turned around to look at
him with an exhausted but satisfied expression. "Yea… you fucked me so good…”
With a smile, she then leaned back against him, and grinded her ass, with him still
inside her…

Her sexy movements were tempting Ben to go another round… However, he knew
they'd been at this a while, and Paul would be returning soon. Ben was a horny fool
but he wasn't reckless. So, with great reluctance, as if saying goodbye to his loved
ones before going to war… Ben leaned Tina forward and eased her off him.

When she bent over in front, he observed her gaping pussy… which he hollowed out
with his cock… 'I feel like a frog looking up in a well… '

There was so much in this world he didn't understand… but the allure of mature
women was no longer one of them.

Then, as sperm leaked out of her onto Paul's floor, Tina looked at the mess around
the office, and realizing just how much liquid they'd spilled, her face became
worried. "Oh, no…” Even though she'd cheated, she wasn't ready to get caught.

However, Ben reassured her. "Don't worry, we'll sort this out. Trust me. Plus, in the
long run, it'll be good for the company…”

"What do you mean?" She looked back at him as her slit kept leaking…

Ben watched that with a smirk. "This is trickle-down economics…”

As Ben and Tina were in the middle of getting dressed, the atmosphere became
strange, pushing Ben to say something to break the awkward silence. "That was
great, Titjob Tina…”

"Huh? What did you say?" She turned to him.

Ben's froze, realizing he'd slipped. "I said… that was great, Tina…”

"Oh, yea…” She smiled and leaned into him, kissing him on the lips, and when she
pulled back, her face had a lustful expression. That… was an experience she wouldn't

'Phew… ' As for Ben, he felt relief to have gotten away with the verbal slip. 'It's good I
f*cked her into temporary deafness… '

Soon, they finished getting dressed and started cleaning up the liquids all over Paul's
office. As for what they used? Ben made a brilliant suggestion, and lacking better
options in a rush, Tina agreed. They used Paul's documents…

Then, when the room was clean enough, Tina got the sense that she'd forgotten
something, and at that moment, she went wide-eyed and glanced down at her belly.
'Oh no… I forgot I stopped taking contraception!'

She wanted to convince Paul to try to have a child, but they hadn't even had sex in
recent weeks due to him staying late at work and arriving home exhausted. Now,
she'd slept with Ben, without protection…

She looked at him, wondering if she should say something. Of course, Ben always
kept the Kegel Contraceptive Switch on, so pregnancy wasn't possible. Yet, Tina
didn't know that, and after thinking about it a while, she decided she'd figure it out
later. For now, they needed to leave this office before Paul returned.
So, after exchanging phone numbers and a brief chat goodbye, they determined their
exit strategy. Since Ben shouldn't have been in Paul's office, Tina would step out first.
Once she made sure no one was watching, Ben would exit after and they'd go their
separate ways.

Following that tactic, the busty blonde walked out and looked around, and after
judging the area was clear, she knocked on the door, and left. A minute later, Ben
opened the door and peeked around in both directions, also seeing no one. He sighed
with relief and stepped out.

However, what both of them missed, was in the side hallway--a girl leaning on a wall
inside a shadow…

As usual, she'd been working late and was going to say something to Paul, when she
remembered she needed to make a phone call and stopped to dial the number. Then,
at that moment, she observed Tina walk out.

At first, the girl thought nothing of it, until she saw Tina glancing around in a
suspicious manner, before knocking on the door. 'What's she doing?' the girl

Yet, things became even weirder, and soon after, when Ben exited the office, her jaw
dropped. 'It can't be… '

When Ben left towards the elevators, she knew she needed to verify if it was what
she thought it was. After all, it was possible Paul was inside and the three of them
spoke about something. Yet, when she reached the office and found it empty, the girl
stared in silence for a long time, as she realized the truth… 'They're having an affair…

She stood there like a sculpture, shocked by this scandal that came out of nowhere.
What's more is that to her, this wasn't only a rumor involving acquaintances. No, she
was at the center of it. Because this girl who became privy to this huge secret… was

Yet, regarding the peeping of this unanticipated third party, Ben didn't have the
slightest clue. A mantis poking a cicada was unaware of the whoriole behind…

Laura, though, was in a pickle concerning Ben's d*ckle…

'What do I do?' As she stood there in confusion, a voice snapped her out of her daze.

"Have you finished for the day?"

Turning around, she saw the last person she wished to see right now, her father,
Paul. Gulping, she adjusted her glasses. "Y-yes."

"Oh, good work. Is Tina still inside?"

"Laura?" Paul squinted at her.

"No, she left."

"I see… is something else the matter?"

Laura stared at him with a blank face for a second. "No. I'll be off then."

"All right, see you tomorrow." He nodded then walked past her, entering his office as
he failed to recognize the unusualness of his daughter.

Swiveling her body to look at his disappearing back, her heart contained mixed
emotions. She wanted to tell her father the truth… but something… made her stay
quiet. Even so, she couldn't keep from acting in a strange manner, but… he didn't
notice, like usual. Then, when he strolled past her with the same goodbye he gave to
any other coworker, a different emotion bubbled up inside Laura's chest—spite…

With a complicated expression, she left, still unsure if what she was doing was right.

Meanwhile, Paul re-entered his office and shook his head. He managed to re-edit the
contracts on time for tomorrow, but it was a hassle. Then, as he sat down, he noticed
something strange.


'What's that smell?' After a few seconds of recollection though, his eyes flashed,
recognizing it. 'Tina… this is her… private scent… '

Sitting in his chair, Paul leaned back, interlocking his hands as if in deep
contemplation… and on his face, there was… a smile… 'She must've masturbated in
here. Looks like my earlier display of dominance aroused her. I've still got it!'


After a schlong day at the office… Ben finally clocked out and c*cked out… having
returned home after putting in enough hours in ho-vertime…

He was in a great mood as he laid on his bed. After all, he'd been well-milfed…

He raided Paul's treasure room like a true adventurer, grabbing every large chest he
could find…

Leaving only a gaping hole… in Paul's treasure inventory list…

The best part was still to come though because even though the session with Tina
was amazing, it also meant something else: points! Achievements! Completed

Gamer nut!

Ben sat up in his bed, his eyes shining as he readied to review his feats… knowing he
could curse out loud and dance all he wanted because Fariq was in the library.
Tonight, the bathroom throne… would remain unoccupied.

'First things to handle… ' The place Ben wanted to start, was also the most critical—
his challenges!

[Congratulations! You've completed the Monthly Challenge: MILF Hunter - Seduce a

woman over the age of 35 who is at least a 7 in looks and in a relationship]

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Permanent old man breath]

[Completion status: 1/1]

[Distributing reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Assigning Stat: Personal Talent +1]

"That explains it…” When Ben was having sex with Tina, at one point, he experienced
a sudden urge to curse at her, put her in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu lock, and also challenge
her in Tekken…

Now, he understood why. Those were his three primary skills that received a boost
from this stat bump, and when he closed his eyes, Ben could also sense the
difference. With BJJ, he could visualize moves in an easier manner. His old doubts
about what to do in certain spots… were clarified. The higher stat allowed him to see
multiple options in defense and attack from various positions, and also gave him a
better understanding of which to choose. "Is this… blue belt level?"

His BJJ skills leveled up!

In addition, when he thought about his other talents of cursing and video
games…”My curses flow like water… Loot drops like heavy rain…”

They also improved, though few women would care…

Although Personal Talent was one of his lowest stats and he thus would've preferred
receiving the bonus in another area, improving was still something to smile about.
With that in mind, he checked the updated stat.

[Personal Talent: (+1)6 - Every day, becoming more skilled at positioning yourself on
top of sweaty men]

"Get new material!"

If he was going to receive insults, Ben demanded they at least be fresh…

Then, he moved on. Besides the monthly challenge, there was another ongoing
challenge involving Tina, but this one was still in process.

[Special Challenge: Booty Burglar- Steal a woman from another male, ending their
relationship. Target: Tina Baldwin]

[Reward: Mid Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Random) x1

[Punishment: None]

Despite having slept with her, it wasn't enough to complete this challenge, but that
was reasonable since it wasn't so easy to end a marriage. Beluga also mentioned to
Ben that on most occasions when women cheated, it was something they continued
to do in secret for a long time, and in this case, Ben saw no problem with that!

'So one time wasn't enough… but that's fine. I'll just have to give her some more
cumvincing… '

For milf Tina and her cute twins… Ben was willing to suffer from being ho-

That, was the nobility of a sausage saint…

'Noblesse… ho-blige… '

In his mind, Ben jizzualized the day he could liberate her from Paul's oppression…

"When she eventually tells him she wants some space, I want to be that space."

In any case, there was no deadline or punishment on this challenge so Ben was fine
with taking his time. There was something more important anyway. Since he
completed the monthly challenge, the system had refreshed it to a new one, a very
interesting one…

Sitting on his bed, Ben read over his new monthly challenge, a quest he found very

[Monthly Challenge: Keep It in the Family - Seduce a woman who is at least a 7 in

looks, and a legal or blood relative of a woman you've slept with]

Reading this, Ben nodded. "You've gotta keep your family close…” After though, he
looked around in confusion. "But, shouldn't you also keep your enemies close?"

Then, he scratched his head. "Your sex friends should be close too…”

After a few seconds of staring into space, he gave up. "Damn it. I guess I need to keep
every woman close…”

He'd made all the "close" sayings redundant…

So, he moved on as he read the rest of the challenge.

[Remaining time: 30/30 days]

[Completion status: 0/1]

[Reward: Stat Point(Random) x1]

[Punishment: Plus or minus one testicle… depending]

Ben gawked. "Depending? Depending on what?!?"

He stood up on his bed and almost stumbled off…

After getting his footing though, he sat back down and shook his head, as if he
realizing standing up in dramatic fashion never changed the situation…

As if… but not quite…

In fact, what he realized was he didn't need the answer, because between an extra
ball or one less ball, he wasn't sure which would be worse…

'Maybe gaining a ball? Then it'd be like I was a mutant in the gender-swapped
version of Total Recall…

At least if I lost one, I could say it was from a freak teabagging accident… '

It didn't matter though. The main thing was Ben knew this wasn't a challenge he
wanted to lose. So, he thought about potential candidates. "Should I ask the girls I'm
dating to meet their mothers?"

He considered hosting a harem family reunion…

In his jizzion of it… he'd sleep with all the women, as the bouncers outside rejected
entry for their husbands like it was a Manhattan nightclub…

It would be a real "white party."

Ben thought it wasn't a bad script though. 'At least, my "ending" would be better than
the one in How I Met Your Mother… '

He believed he was looking out for the fans…

Somehow though, it seemed unrealistic, so Ben could only probe if his girls had any
sisters or cousins nearby. "I guess I'll do a mom too." It almost didn't need to be said.

Yet, Ben was trying to figure out where his limits were. "Would I do a grandma?"

He contemplated it for a few seconds, and decided on no.

It was a tentative no though…

Depending on how close to the deadline he came…

Still, in his mind, this meant he possessed principles. Plus, there were issues of
logistics. 'I probably shouldn't… Sleeping with old women might be like playing
Tomb Raider.'

Ben didn't think dust would make an effective lubricant…

Of course, he wasn't a total villain. If he did sleep with a female relative of a girl he
was porking… he'd do it in a way that wouldn't hurt her. He'd do it with class…

For certain, Ben would do it tastefully…

By keeping it a secret that they'd never find out.

"Unless of course, they'd like that?"

In that case, he wouldn't limit girls from deepening their familiar love and
connection… especially if he was present to experience that beautiful moment…

"Families that lay together, stay together…” He realized he needed to do his best to
make sure his girls stayed "in touch" with their mothers and sisters…

For now though, he didn't know any, so it was a work in progress. Yet, after thinking
over the prospects, Ben slapped himself in the head, recalling he missed the most
obvious one—Laura!

'The challenge said legal or blood relative. She should be Tina's step-daughter… So,
now I have to get the daughter, after having gotten the mother, Tina--this grass mud
horse… '

Once he recalled this, Ben's face relaxed because he now had confidence in being
able to complete this challenge, and for a good reason: For this battle, there was a
multitude of strategies available to him.
The thing was, Ben possessed access to the Akashic records on this topic… with
every tactic imaginable having a viewable blueprint. Where was this treasure trove
of knowledge?


It was the Art of War in sexing stepdaughters.

Ben wasn't doing it alone. He'd stand on the shoulders of men with giant c*cks.

Thus, the plan was set. Ben would slot time to do plenty of research later…

However, before that, there was still more that he looked forward to now, because
with Tina, he gained achievements and a booty chest!

There was one thing to check first though, and that was his progress with Wartortle
Rain Dance. So, Ben navigated through the system to his skills screen.

[Wartortle Rain Dance(Skill, Set, Rare, Growth) - Intermediate technique to make a

woman squirt. Can use both hands and the mouth simultaneously. Power has


"It went up!" Ben's eyes beamed. Wartortle was becoming stronger! While he didn't
get any exp with Camila or Miyuki because they also helped level up Squirtle Hydro
Pump, he did this time with Tina, signifying the skill needed new women to level up.
Yet, Ben didn't mind as long as he understood how to do so.

In addition, there was another thing that changed about this skill after evolving. "I
only got 10 exp…” With Squirtle, Ben used to get 20 exp per girl, and now, it
decreased. He wasn't upset though because he expected this; Higher level skills were
harder to evolve. In any case, it was something to work on, which was fine because
he could see the next major goal, and it was 9 vaginas away…

For now, there were more substantive rewards waiting for him, such as
achievements, and their associated points!

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Should've Walked the

Doggy(uncommon) - Cover a competing male's private space in your fluids]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

Ben snorted. "You should've taken me outside, Paul!"

Instead, like an upset dog, Ben marked his territory… all over Paul's office, and his

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: A Superhero Goops In and

Saves the Day(fine) - Seduce a woman after you've watched her have a disagreement
with her partner]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben put his hands at his sides and stuck his chest out, putting on a courageous
expression as a hero on the side of justjizz…

He knew he'd performed a valiant D'd…

Rescucking the damsel in need…

In fact, he believed it was quite noble of him. He was like Robin Hood, cleaning out
the treasure room, stealing from Paul the b*tch and giving it to his whore.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cultivating the Dao of

Plow(repeatable, rare) - Have sex with a new woman to completion]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Sitting on his bed, Ben closed his eyes and recited the eternal mantra.

"I, your father…”

"I, your grandfather…”

"I, your ancestor…”

"F*cked your daughter…”

As the protagonist, he believed this was the key to bringing him to the next realm—
the dao of faceslapping, and creating entertaining R-18 scenes…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Chairman Netero of the Milf

Hunter Association(repeatable, rare) - Attain a repeatable achievement for a sex act
with a married woman]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben stared at this a while, not understanding how the reference applied. After all, he
wasn't an old pedophile who creeped on a blimp, looking for kids to play with his

Nor did Ben wear inappropriate tight clothing and have a horsetail whisk on his
head like some kind of ancient metrosexual…

However, the next message clarified things.

[Any lower-ranked achievements from the Royal Netori line have been invalidated]

After reading that, he understood! This was the upgraded version of another
achievement he'd received in the past!

[Cuckmaster Chief of Netori(repeatable, fine) - Attain a repeatable achievement for a

sex act with a woman in an ongoing relationship]

Although Ben couldn't get this one now, he didn't care! Because the one he received
gave even more points! It was an upgrade!

He received a decree from the empire! They raised his social status by one level!

With pride, Ben raised his chin like an aristocrat! 'I wonder what kind of animal I
should wear on my royal robes?' He used to qualify to wear a regal python. Now,
perhaps he could upgrade to a two-c*cked dragon!
He didn't know though! He wasn't sure what they permitted! Because he was
thinking nonsense!

Having reached the end of his achievements, Ben nodded with satisfaction. With the
points here, his total came to 40,700. Although it was still some distance away from
his goal of 50,000, his mood was good, because these points fell into his lap like a
Tina-pie from sky…

Not to mention, it wasn't the end, because besides this, there was something even
more substantial waiting for him—Tina's booty chest!

*Author's Note: Whenever there's a song parody, I include the title before or after. If I
believe it's a popular enough song, I do it after, so if you don't recognize the song
within the first few lines, before reading all the lyrics, you can scroll down to the end
first to identify it.


Although Tina didn't give Ben a new flag because she was American, she did give him
a chest, and this one was a bit of a pleasant surprise. In truth, he expected her chest
would be only fine quality and for good reasons: she wasn't a virgin and she had the
slut status. In the past, both of these conditions led to lower evaluations. So the belief
was sensible.

Yet, to his surprise, when he picked up this chest from Paul's floor when they were
cleaning up, the tier gave him pause, because it was a rare!

As Ben took out the silver chest from his pocket, he stared at it with a pleased smile.
Although it wasn't his first time receiving one of these, getting anything beyond one's
expectations was always a cause for celebration, and this was such an event.
However, the rarity did drive him to consider the factors that resulted in it.

After a few seconds though, he understood the reasons. Although Tina wasn't the
most innocent maiden, she possessed her own unique strengths. First, she was
beautiful. This was without doubt, and even more so for a woman of her age, having
maintained herself to perfection.

In fact, her milf status may have proved a bonus in and of itself, the system perhaps
judging it to provide extra difficulty. After all, Ben did receive a monthly challenge to
hunt a milf. However, Ben believed the major factor for her dropping a rare was also
the most obvious one—she was married!

How much more difficult was it to seduce a married woman than a single one? It
wasn't comparable. Encouraging a married woman to cheat meant getting her to risk
years of a relationship and the stability of her life. This was no easy task. Of course,
many married women cheated anyway because they didn't always weigh some of
these things in a logical manner, but that wasn't Ben's issue at the moment. His only
current concern, was the reward from this chest!

Nevertheless, before opening it, he believed it was appropriate to do a certain

ceremony. It would be his sacrifice and his tribute, a serenade to both Tina and
whatever divine beings were watching him up in the sky or down in the gutters…

*Cough* Cleared his throat in preparation, Ben's eyes became as sharp as the tip of a
paper airplane…

He was ready… As for what was this homage? What else could it be? A song! No, an
anthem! No--a ballad of the balls!

As his face overflowed with emotion, Ben began his version of "When You Were
Young" by The Killers.

"You sit there in your… heartache~

Waiting on some cubicle-boy to~

To save you from Paul the gay~

There was a witness! Watch it now, here he comes!

He does act a bit like Beavis~

But he, talks like a hentai-man,

Like fans imagined, and he… is hung~

Can we slime these mountains? I don't know~

Bigger now than any before~

I know we can make it cause she is a ho~

Let's do it sleazy! Sleazy now, watch it grow!

She's jerking on the high-spray meat-vine~

On the… top of a chair paid… with Paul's earnings,

So use… your tongue~

So use… your tongue~

And sometimes you close your eyes,

Cause that's the place where you got the jizz…

Cause you… used tongue.

They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet~

You don't have to drink right now~

But you can come and cheat~

Every once in a… little while~

You sit there in your… heartache~

Waiting on some cubicle-boy to~

To save you from Paul the gay~

There was a witness!

Watch it now, here he comes!

He does act a bit like Beavis~

But he, talks like a hentai-man,

Like fans imagined, and he… is hung~

(Talks like a hentai-man, like fans imagined)

When you… got stung~

I said he does act a bit like Beavis~

He does act a bit like Beavis~

But more than you'll ever know…”

When he finished, Ben sighed, feeling like his soul gained some vicissitudes, and his
OST… another track…

However, he hoped his prayer would get answered, and he did pray for something,
for a specific item to come out of Tina's booty chest.

Holding the silver chest in his hand, Ben knew there was a very high chance it would
drop a potion. Yet, of the three options he'd seen so far, there was one he hoped to
get before others… the agility potion, and the reason was simple: he'd only taken one
so far.

Although the side-effects were terrible, he knew what to expect when taking a
second potion, but if it was a third one…

Ben shuddered at the thought. However, if they accepted the song as tribute and
everything went well, it would be a non-concern today. So, without further adieu,
Ben touched the chest, and opened it.

Everything didn't go well…

A short while later, in Ben's hand, was another strength potion…

He face-palmed as he held the damned thing. Yes, it meant increasing his strength
even further, but according to the prior pattern, the pain and side-effects from this
one would be even worse, maybe even… threatening his life.

'Is it safe to take it?' Full of doubts, he decided to ask the system, but she returned


Ben restrained himself from cursing only by reminding himself that it could always
be worse. 'It could've been a poop emoji… '

There was always a bright side.

Now though, he needed to decide whether he'd take this potion at all. Yes, it would
improve his strength, but at what risk?

However… it didn't take very long for Ben to deliberate. Whether it was right or
wrong, he made a choice--he'd take it!

It would be risky for sure, but which part of his life these days wasn't? The system
wouldn't let him rest on his ass, and at this point, Ben didn't want to either! By now,
he understood that even with a system, life only gave a man so many opportunities!
If one didn't take them, they might not come again!

If he stayed comfortable, then in some time, he might find others ahead of him, and
himself back in a struggle. This was the kind of place the world was. This thing called
living… it wasn't for the weak!

Once Ben understood this, he began to see things in a different light. There was only
one choice—move forward! Evolve or die!
That's why, even knowing the risks, he planned to go down a one-way road, and for
that, he prepared himself for a head-on collision… placing anything he might need
within reach: water, towels, a porn mag…

He even dialed 911 on his phone and left it nearby in case he would need to call them
during an emergency. Thus, with the stage set, Ben was ready. Sitting against the wall
on his bed, he took the glass tube full of red liquid, pulled off the stopper, and drank

As the liquid passed his throat and the sharp aftertaste filled his mouth, Ben waited
with patience. Yet, it didn't take long for the effects to kick in this time! And they
were powerful! Much more intense than ever before!

"AHHHH!" Shaking, he howled in pain! It was like he was inside a desolate fire! A
bitter burning! As if every part of his body, for the first time, was watching netorare!
*Cough* *Cough*

Ben woke up feeling like a bag full of smashed up nutsacks.

The pain was so intense from this third strength potion that he couldn't stand it for
more than 10 seconds and passed out. In a way, it was a blessing because he didn't
suffer through it, but it was dangerous too. Ben knew the risks of being asleep during
trauma—it created a high chance of someone drawing a penis on his face.

Nevertheless, he survived it, and after checking his phone, he learned an hour had
passed. "I guess I'll need to test it out." Next, as he did before, he checked his strength
with a round of push-ups, and soon reached a satisfying result.

"It's about a 20 percent boost again." It was an approximation, but the result was
consistent with the gains from earlier potions. Now, Ben's strength was above elite
level and approaching world-class!

He narrowed his eyes. 'Next time I see Valentina, I'm going to give her a real piece of
my mind.' For some reason, he thought this would help him better estimate her

Whether or not that was true… Ben had now finished reviewing his gains from Tina,
and with that, a new issue emerged: what to do with the following week.

His manliness multiplier expired and things were going well at work, school, and BJJ,
but he no longer had a clear choice of direction. At the moment, he held no multiplier
and there was also no urgent need for development in any area. With 40,700 points
saved, he also hadn't reached his goal of 50,000. So as far as the best next move, it
was hard to say.
"I suppose… the first thing I should do is buy a multiplier." Although he was saving
points, this was a case where he needed to spend money. However, it wouldn't be too
expensive, because Ben was a cheapskate.

[Low Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Fine, Random): 2000 points]

He planned to go with the random option. If he wanted to choose a stat, it would cost
5000, but since it didn't matter much now, then he might as well live thriftily. With
that in mind, he navigated through his system screen to the store, and purchased it.

Not long after, Ben was holding a white card in his hand.

[Low Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Fine, Personal Talent) x1 - After

activating, get 10x the results while practicing an activity related to the specified
stat. Also increases motivation and recovery for those activities. Lasts for 7 days]

"Personal talent…” It seemed the theme of the next week would be shoring up the
main weakness of his stat build: being a waste…

Ben thought it was good that the multiplier was for personal talent though. With
this, although the results would be much weaker than with the previous mid level, he
could continue the momentum he'd built up in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Yet, he desired to
go further. 'This'll be good for BJJ but I should also try practicing something else.
After all, if the system determines the personal talent stat based on skills that attract
women, then it'll be good to a diversity of talents that they appreciate. Many women
won't care about BJJ or MMA.'

Ben was aware that the personal talent stat would improve not only from being very
skilled in one thing, but also from having a multitude of skills. He was pretty sure
there was even a tag related to this. 'Was it… jack-off all trades?

He envisioned a line of professional women from various industries on their knees…

That was an image that could become a man's goal in life… So if it wasn't a tag before,
then it would be from this point on… Ben would make it so…

Yet, with no direction, he wasn't sure what to do. As far as hobbies went, he didn't
have any besides gaming, pick up, BJJ, and weightlifting. If that wasn't the case, his
personal talent stat wouldn't have been so low to start with.

After thinking over it a while though, he remembered a place that could give him
some ideas, an information portal designed for students dealing with this exact
issue: the university website for extracurricular activities. He knew there would be a
range of clubs on it for various activities, that would perhaps include something
which appealed to him.

So, Ben sat at his desk and opened his laptop, looking for the site and soon finding it.
He then began to review the clubs, which took quite a while because since New York
University was such a massive school, the large number of students also meant a
variety of student interests.

Although, there was one club Ben was looking for in particular, one he thought he
would fit in very well at, that would cover all the bases. Yet, try hard as he might, he
couldn't locate the university's official slut society.

"I guess the Greek sororities eat up all the freshmen…” Ben sighed, having given up
on his first choice. Yet, he tried to stay positive and scanned through the list with
more care, seeking an alternative. Like that, he read through all of them one by one:

F-Society for computer enthusiasts…

Nicholas Cage Appreciation Society…

Transgender-Pets Society… for pets who had transitioned with the loving help of
their owners…

Transspecies Anarchists Club… for brave and stunning people who desired to
transition species and also abolish government…

Then, Ben's eyes shined, because he found it at last, a club he could relate to; one
where he wouldn't have to undergo surgery.
As Ben sat at his desk, searching for a university club to pick up as a hobby, he soon
stumbled upon a terrific option. It was an activity that suited him in many ways.
Albeit, he only focused on one aspect as he closed his eyes and grinned. "I can make
better pornos…”

What was this club that could help Ben reach the peak of Pornhub cultivation? It was
a path he'd already set foot on schlong ago… something that had 100% synchronicity
with his perverted soul… this destined calling was… the Photography Club!

Although Ben wasn't sure if he had any talent in it, he did possess experience. He
thought back to those times with Penelope and Camila when he got a chance to wield
his camera skills, among other things… and recalled that he enjoyed it back then. In
addition, on those occasions, the final products came out… niceee…

That's why Ben thought that photography might suit him. Plus, there were other
reasons it interested him. For one, he knew there were many girls who liked the arts
and men involved in them, with Annabelle being a prime example. He'd even heard
rumors of pick up artists taking up photography for the sole reason of meeting girls,
networking with models who sought photographers.

When Ben first listened to those stories, he cursed those wicked men, because why
couldn't he have thought of it first?

It might be too late now… Wouldn't the market be at high sausage saturation?

That would be awful! Yet, it demonstrated that photography was in high d-mand…

"Photos capture the souls! Photographers capture the holes!"

From the fashion industry to the various entertainment fields, talented

photographers were surrounded by beauties. This was a fact. Even low-level street-
accident photographers could coerce news show producers to have sex with them…
It was a racket!

For Ben's job in the media industry, photography would be very useful too. Even
Jacob the manager said as much when he first interviewed Ben at Hearth. In
addition, the hobby combined well with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

After all, he didn't think he'd be able to multiple BJJ classes every day anymore. That
was possible with the recovery of the mid level multiplier, but with only a low level
multiplier, his body would need more time to recuperate. So while resting,
photography would be a good option that didn't stress his physical state.

Hence, Ben believed it was the most suitable choice, at least until he found an
opening in the porn industry as a stunt-c*ck…

Reading the website and the details of how to join the club, he learned that there was
a meeting tomorrow he could attend, and with that, Ben had a plan. Soon, he went to
finish his things for the night, looking forward to tomorrow. It would be the day
where he intended to take his first official steps to become a pornomancer…


The next day…

It was late afternoon and Ben was on the NYU campus, entering a certain building for
the first time and looking around. As for why he was in this particular building, that
was obvious; he followed a girl with a badonkadonk booty.

Now this, was a classic story… because like the furry-loving gold-digger Alice… Ben
was also following a white snow bunny.

Yes, this, was a reimagining, of through the looking-ass…

It was unfortunate though that things didn't end as well for him, because he lost
track of her inside. However, upon seeing the sign on the wall, Ben realized this was
also the place he'd been looking for, a specialty building for the university's
extracurricular activities. Inside, there were various societies and clubs hosting
meetings and events. So, having found the right place, he searched for the
Photography Club's meeting room.

A few minutes later… after stepping out of the elevator, Ben walked over to the room
number he found on the website, and upon stepping inside, his eyebrows rose. It was
a large loft space with organized rows of black plastic chairs taking up most of the
room. What surprised him though, was the number of people inside.

Dozens of men and women were sitting or standing, chatting or showing each other
photos on the screens of their digital cameras. This, was the busy Photography Club.
Yet, there were even more unexpected sights in store. As Ben gazed around, he
discovered someone he would've never guessed would be there. 'What's she doing

Sitting alone on a chair against the wall was a girl in a blue coat, an acquaintance,
and since Ben didn't recognize anyone else, he decided to approach her for a

*Bang* *Bang*

As he reached her, Ben hesitated a moment because he saw she was in deep focus on
a game on her mobile. He could even swear he heard her mutter under her breath,
something that sounded like, "Die, bitch…”

He soon shook his head though. 'That doesn't seem like her.' Then, to get her
attention, he waved his hand by her face. "Hey, Charlotte."

"Huh?" Glancing up from her game, Charlotte blinked in confusion for a moment,
before looking back at her game, as her eyes became moist because she realized the
distraction led to her dying…

A second later though, she remembered Ben was here and glanced back up at him,
proceeding to then look between him and the phone several times as if confused
about what to do, as her hands started squirming… At that rate, soon, the phone flew
out of her fingers! "Ah!" Her mobile was going to break!

Yet, a fast and steady arm soon extended out and caught her phone as it flew past.
"You should be more careful. That would've been a cracked screen for sure.
Remember, the only time it's acceptable to drop electronics, is when rage-quitting…”
As he held the phone out to her, Charlotte reached out and snatched it from his
fingers. Red-faced, she held it tight to her chest with both hands, as her eyes darted
around the room.

Seeing she was in an awkward state, Ben tried to ease the situation. "So you play
PUBG? Hmm, I wouldn't have guessed."

Except, when she heard that, it didn't make Charlotte feel better at all. Instead, her
face turned white! 'No… now he knows!'

When Charlotte realized Ben looked at her phone, her heart sped up!

Her face was pale. 'He knows… he knows that I… play video games… '

Games were very important to her. After the incident at school in her youth, she had
stopped speaking… to everyone.

Closed off from the world, it was as if Charlotte was stuck in quicksand, and
regardless of how many psychologists her parents sent her to, no one managed to
help her. At least, that was the case, until one creative doctor suggested video games,
and from that day forward, the mute traumatized girl found an escape.

Somehow, while playing, she was able to get relief. Inside another avatar, it was like
she could look past her issues, and soon, the virtual world became a place she felt
safe in, a home where she could open up.

The key, was acting as another character. When she was someone else, she was free
and without her neurosis, and with that support, she soon found her voice again. In
time, her talking even evolved into chatter, and eventually, into talking sh*t and
roasting people…

The thing was, Charlotte really dove into the culture.

She was all about that life…

As such, this gaming personality she developed also became an important part of
her, and this character, was Chuck!

While she was never the same after that trauma, by using games as an outlet, over
time, her condition improved little by little as she became more vocal in the outside
world. A while later, she was even able to return to a semblance of a normal life, to
the point where she could attend school and even go to college.

Then, at university, she brought out Chuck and it wasn't only to learn how to meet
girls. Charlotte hoped he could help her get over her issues even further. That's how
much gaming influenced her. Yet, as much as she loved games, that was always her
private thing.

Glancing at Ben, she became flustered, because few girls played the video games she
did, at least as far as she knew. So, wouldn't that make her weird? 'Is Ben going to
think I'm strange?' The thought was troubling Charlotte. Ben was one of the only
people who was kind to her and with whom she could speak when she was herself.

Yet, he soon surprised her. "So you play PUBG? That's great! Are you any good?"

Charlotte then blinked for a while, staring at him dumbfounded. "Y-you… don't think
it's weird… for a girl to… play shooting games?"

Ben smiled. "Weird? No, it's awesome! We should party-up sometime!"

Hearing this, Charlotte's eyes sparkled, but… she soon looked away again, as her face
became crimson. 'No, I can't. We've played together before. If he plays with me, Ben
might figure out I'm Chuck.' Hence, to play it safe, she denied him. "S-sorry, can't. I'm
solo. Solo forever…”

Ben knitted his brows, then chuckled. "Yea, until chapter 45 when you randomly
become a necromancer and the minions start leveling too, right?"

"Wha?" Charlotte didn't get the reference…

Not feeling like explaining it though, Ben hand waved it away, indicating for her not
to worry about it. Just like how the author of that reference did, when by
convenience, the MC found someone else's sword in his inventory right as he was
about to get killed, with no foreshadowing or reason for it to be there. Then, he
slaughtered dozens of wolves at once right after three almost killed him. Yea, Ben
hand-waved it away in that manner…

As such, assuming Charlotte was a fan who didn't need logic… Ben sat down next to
her instead. However, this made Charlotte wiggle in discomfort, since the seats here
were closer than those in Strategic Marketing.
"Are you in the Photography Club?" Ben turned to her, and noticed a black camera
bag hanging over her shoulder.

She nodded. Photography was a hobby she picked up not long ago, finding it relaxing,
as well as something she could do both on her own and while trying to improve her
socialization skills. "W-what about you, Ben? I haven't seen you here before. A-are
you joining?" Somehow, the idea of having him here made her a bit anxious, but also,

"Yea, but I don't have a camera. Do you think this'll work?" From his pocket, Ben took
out an old iPhone.

It made her giggle. "Probably not…”

"That's what I figured." He sighed.

Charlotte looked down into her lap, as she fidgeted with her fingers together. "I-I
know a place nearby… where you can buy a cheap camera." She glanced up at him
and became ruffled when he stared into her eyes. "I-if you want! No, forget I said

"That would be great!" Ben grinned. She had him at cheap!

Then, he decided to get more info. "So, can you tell me about this club?"

Obliging, Charlotte explained to him what the NYU Photography Club was about. It
held teaching workshops, outdoor excursions to take photos, and even competitions
sometimes. Today, there was a workshop discussing techniques for taking portrait

"I see." Ben nodded with understanding, before scanning around the room. "So,
where's the cute club manager?"

Charlotte glanced at him. 'Is this thirst… the reason he's doing so well?'

In reality, as a secret fellow PUA, she thought Ben was amazing. After all, putting
aside what he pulled off at Beluga's house, she also knew he was seeing the two
beauties of Strategic Marketing: Olivia and Miyuki. First, she'd seen him do
suspicious things in class with them. Then, she overheard him mention it to Antonio
at Latrine, confirming it. So Charlotte was aware there was no shortage of gorgeous
girls in Ben's life.

For some reason though, that thought made her glance down. 'Smaller boobs…
smaller butt… Ben would probably never look at me… ' Then, realizing what passed
through her mind, her face turned beet-red once more. 'What am I thinking about? I-
I don't need to care about that… A better idea would be to ask him for pick up tips
the next time I come around as Chuck.'

As Charlotte recovered her calm, soon, everyone in the room sat down, and an
elderly overweight woman walked up to the front of the group and began speaking.
Ben pointed to her and turned to Charlotte. "Is she the one I have to faceslap?"

Charlotte squinted in confusion, making Ben sigh. 'She doesn't understand that this
is a new arc… which means someone here will definitely beg for a faceslap… '

Yet, whether or not he'd take the woman in front to slap-city… Ben soon found out
that she was the first speaker discussing photography techniques. Hence, he knew it
was time to take his system Adderall… and with that cue, pulled out a white card
from his pocket.

[Low Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Fine, Personal Talent) x1]

Since the lecture already started, Ben wasted no time, and activated the card with his


His eyes popped open! A rush of motivation arrived! And various thoughts passed
through his head!

'Being weak means that there's room to grow!'

'If you don't move forward, you'll be left behind!'

'Run until you can't run anymore, and then run again! Constant effort is life's greatest

'If you don't want to lose to guys with bigger bodies, then practice twice as hard!'
'A miracle… something like that won't come if you're waiting for it. A miracle is
something you work for!'

'It's a challenge because it's difficult! It's a dream because it can't be achieved easily!'

'No matter what, I will be number one! I'll beat anyone who tries to stop me!'

Meanwhile, as Ben's face glowed with determination, Charlotte followed his line of
sight… to observe that he was staring at the old obese woman like a starving dog…

Charlotte showed an expression of horror. 'Ok, his thirst is getting extreme now… '
She backed away in her chair.

It was one thing to be horny, but this was going too far. As she stared at Ben, she
forgot any mental compliments she paid him earlier, as only one question remained
in her mind. 'Why's he look like he's about to fall backward in his chair like a
stimulated Vince McMahon?'

As Ben ogled the old obese woman while Charlotte watched him in horror, he began
to absorb photography knowledge at a rapid rate.

After all, it was a learning speed that normal people couldn't match. With a stat
growth multiplier active, his focus, motivation, and memory formation all increased
by massive margins. So, by the end of his first Photography Club's workshop, he'd
already learned a lot about portrait photography techniques. The only problem
remaining was he didn't have a camera to practice them on. Soon though, he fixed
that when Charlotte took him to a nearby shop.

There, he bought a used Nikon D5300 for a few hundred dollars. It was a budget
camera, but even that price caused Ben to sweat. Although he had a job now, he only
began in recent weeks and didn't know how expensive photography was. That's why
when the store clerk began explaining about the cost of lenses and other equipment,
Ben hurried to leave before he got finessed…

A camera was enough for now. So after thanking Charlotte, and agreeing to meet at
the next Photography Club event in a few days, he went home. On the way back, he
thought about how he could study photography and get use out of his new camera in
his private time. The first option was obviously d*ck pics…

Yet, he remembered Beluga's red angry face when he heard of Antonio's pexting
transgressions back in the mall weeks ago, and Ben decided against it. He didn't
want his little brother to also get doxxed onto Google…

Still, he decided to put that tactic into the backup list under the tentative name Plan

It was a mixture of the words photo and phallus… He thought it was quite clever…

To be safe though, Ben put that in his mental filing cabinet under gold/sh*t…
Then, his mind changed gears because another thought crept into his head. He was
still a bit confused about something, because at the photography event, no one ran
face-first into his open palm.

'No one wanted a faceslap?'

That was odd to him, like a glitch in the Matrix…

He shrugged though, believing there was no problem, and that it was only a matter of

So, with faith in the faceslap… Ben soon returned to his dorm to drop the camera off.
Still affected by the personal talent multiplier though, he hurried to get changed,
because now, he had an appointment for a BJJ class.


*Tap* *Tap*

"Ahh…” Ben rubbed his elbow as he rolled on the mats at Barbosa's MMA gym. As for
why he was in pain? The answer had two big tits and even thicker thighs…

Sitting across from him, the tanned beauty smirked after tapping him out with an
elbow lock, her tenth submission on him of the night. Although Ben was better than
all the white belts now, there was still one person in class he couldn't beat—

Today, she was also giving him special treatment. This time though, it was because
she believed she had a legitimate reason to do so. The thing was, with how fast Ben
was developing in BJJ, she became suspicious he trained in the past and was only
pretending to be a white belt. Hence, she took it upon herself to perform a closer
analysis, using him as her partner during technique training as well as paired

As a result, she made a conclusion about Ben. 'He's got a significant grasp of many
basics, and his body is strong, but there are obvious holes in his game, the kind
someone would have… from lacking experience.'
She no longer thought Ben was faking it but that only created a bigger dilemma.
'Even if his technique is rough, he's reached blue belt level… Is it really possible to
get to this point in a week? Not even my brothers were this talented and everyone
calls them geniuses. Can such… a super-genius exist?'

As Valentina stared at Ben with curiosity, a tinge of respect began to grow in her
expression, until she saw him lick his lips and grin while staring at her chest…

Glancing down, she realized her gi came loose, revealing her sports bra underneath,
in which her breasts bulged. 'This bastard… ' Any respect? Gone…

Instead, she vowed to keep a closer eye on him, but this was a large class and she
couldn't only pay attention to Ben.

So, she allowed him to go partner with others as she gave advice to other white belts.
When people saw him coming though, they ran for the bathroom or crawled away
like desperate babies… but not everyone could escape.

After all, refusing to roll with someone once they already asked you was bad
manners. That's why not long after, Ben was laying on top of a guy, soul cranking him
by asking him if he stayed behind to sniff the mats after everyone left…

While Ben did that facing a wall in a corner, on the opposite side of the room, a large
muscular man walked in, and immediately, everyone nearby gazed at him with
worship, greeting him as he passed. Seeing Valentina sitting against the wall, he
grabbed a seat next to her, and asked how her classes have been.

Her response was casual, saying there was nothing special, and they soon changed
subjects. The two then chatted about various topics concerning the gym, as the man
gazed around observing the students, when one unusual person caught his eye—

*Tap* *Tap*

He was tapping white belts left and right.

"You look like a product of two moms…”

*Tap* *Tap*

"I bet you can't wait to get home and switch into leggings…”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

"You seem like a dude who when you get a wedgie, you just leave it…”

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

The man couldn't hear what Ben was saying but he could see his techniques, the
process of him owning everyone, and their broken faces and spirits by the end of it…

This, was strange. The tanned man turned to Valentina. "Why's that kid wearing a
white belt?"

Her face didn't change. "Because he is a white belt."

"That's blue belt level. He shouldn't be in this class."

She frowned. "He's in this class… because he only started jiu-jitsu a week ago."

The man stared at her for a few moments, "You're joking…”

When she didn't respond, he realized she was serious, as his face showed interest for
the first time since he'd entered the room. Sitting back, he continued watching Ben
for a few more minutes, before standing up from the mats and looking down at
Valentina. "Put him with the blue belts."

She glanced up at him with wide eyes. "With such a short time training, to give him a
blue belt… no one would accept it."

"Don't give him the belt. Just put him in the class. If anyone complains, tell them I
gave the ok."

Valentina showed a helpless expression, anticipating inevitable problems but his

word was final.
Then, the man walked away, passing along the side of the room and even taking a
slight detour to get closer to Ben, where he watched him roll for a few seconds,
before he smirked and turned around.

Meanwhile, as Ben stood up after submitting his opponent, he received a sudden

system alert.

[Dojo Master detected]

Reading this, he hurried to swivel his head and search around, but by this point, that
man… was already gone; the one who was the master of this place, Valentina's
father—Ricardo Barbosa.

At the end of class, when Valentina told Ben to stay because she wanted to speak to
him, he expected some more pain to come his way. So his surprise when she told him
to switch to blue belt classes wasn't small. Yet, after several seconds, he understood,
as he spread a smirk.

Seeing that face, her first instinct was to kick his balls into his brain… but she held
back. She could guess what he was thinking though, and as for what that was—four
little words: 'She wants the sting.'

Despite knowing her attraction level for him was still in the gutters, Ben tried to be
optimistic and hope for a recount or judgment in the courts…

As for Valentina, she'd already gotten used to this idiot, so didn't mind as much, but
hurried to leave before she did something illegal.


Class ended and Ben had left the gym. Although he wasn't a blue belt yet, the fact
that they moved him to the blue belt class meant they approved of his skills. So,
having grown strong, he decided it was time to put his new fighting abilities to the

*Ding* *Ding*

As the door chime sounded, Ben walked into a Pan-Asian restaurant, while wearing a
cold expression. 'I need an opponent. If things go according to script, not long after I
sit down, an arrogant young master will offend me… '

One hour later…

Ben was leaving the establishment with a stomach full of chicken and broccoli. On
his way out, he looked back over all the patrons, commending them for being smart
enough to not get their clans annihilated…

'I guess it's possible to have a peaceful meal after all… '

*Ding* *Ding*

Like that, he walked out, unsatisfied and wondering where all the cliches had gone…

'Maybe they were overbought by the other stories… '

He sighed, suspecting a supply shortage due to massive demand…

Ben returned home from his failed showdown scene at the restaurant, exhausted
from all the stuff he did during the day, and fell right into bed, going to meet the

There, in the world of dreams, he found himself in the center of an ideal fantasy. As
he laid on a sunbed aboard a massive yacht, beauties served him on all sides,
hanging grapes over his mouth and feeding him like he was a bi-curious Roman

Then, came the main course. A set of gorgeous big-breasted triplets approached him
and rubbed suntan lotion all over his body, after which they used it to cover each
other. Once finished, giggling, they exchanged glances and spread naughty smiles,
before reaching behind their backs to undo their bikini straps. Swallowing, Ben
stared at them with the thirst of a man who'd spend years lost at sea… 'The triplets
are going to take out the twins… '

For the first time, he understood the true purpose of memorizing the multiplication
table at a young age. '3 x 2 = 6… '

Yet, just when he was about to learn the truth of long division… he awoke!


A noise made Ben open his eyes. When he realized he left the dream during the best
part, he almost raged, but took a second to look around. 'Wait, maybe there's a
random sexy ghost girl here to give me oral sex… '

Yet, when he failed to see any suck-spirit… Ben's hearts fell…

That's when he heard another noise at the foot of his bed and his face became sober.
Under the dim moonlight coming through the window, his eyes traced the source of
the noise, and soon discovered--movement!

Something was shifting at the base of his bed, going through his things like an
underwear gnome… forcing Ben's heart to speed up… 'A robber? A murderer? A frat
boy?' Ben went down the list of possibilities from best to worst. Why was frat boy
the worst? Because he'd heard of them sneaking into rooms at night and teabagging
their pledges…

That, was the least desirable method of making friends… even if it was an honest
representation of ancient Greek life…

However, Ben didn't pledge a frat so he expected to at least be safe from this wurst-

Still, the situation was worrisome. As his forehead began to sweat, he sat up with
slow movements, careful to not make a sound as his legs left the bed and he stood on
the ground. He could feel his heart thump as he tip-toed towards the moving thing at
the end of his bed… and when he saw it… he narrowed his eyes, before smirking.
'Looks like I won't be needing that blowjob ghost, after all.'

A few seconds later…

"Kak!" Camila almost experienced a heart attack as a powerful grip grabbed her by
the back of her neck. She'd been digging through Ben's luggage to find the blackmail
evidence he had on her when she received this shock.

Earlier today, she conned her way into getting a copy of Ben's room key from the
janitor's spares downstairs, planning to sneak in while he slept to steal the blackmail
evidence and his phone with her video on it. It wasn't a very thorough plan, but she'd
been having trouble sleeping ever since taking such an enormous loss, and couldn't
rest knowing he possessed so much dirt on her. So, her goal was to take care of it all
at once, but it seemed someone caught her.

After Camila put her hands up to indicate submission, Ben made her stand up,
clutching her neck as he patted her down to make sure she wasn't carrying a
weapon, like he'd seen on the show Cops. He believed it was important to be safe,
and also whenever possible, to cop a feel…
As also shown on that program…

In truth, it was tough not to, since Camila really dressed the part of a thief today,
which took her sexiness to the next level. She was wearing black tights on her upper
and lower body like some kind of jewel thief, outlining her athletic ass and curves.
Licking his lips, Ben took his time checking every inch of her…

"You done, puto?" By now, Camila's face she knew who was behind her, making
Camila's face ugly.

Ben snorted. "If it isn't the big Lesbowski…”


"I don't need to ask why you're here. I can guess. It's too bad for you I already made
cloud backups of that video and the document is also in a safe place. You came here
for nothing." In fact, Ben wasn't bluffing this time. He did this in a proper manner for
once, having opened a safety deposit box to store the blackmail evidence against her.
He also figured it would be useful to have a secure place to store things in the future
anyway, considering magic items came into his possession often enough.

Even though she failed, having someone sneak into his room while he was sleeping
wasn't a pleasant feeling, and Ben would be sure to show her his dissatisfaction. Of
course, he also believed it would help Camila. After all, it was clear his last poke
didn't immunize her from misbehaving, so as a system-credentialed M.D., it was his
duty to give her a second round of c*ckccinations…”

Hearing this, a terrible sensation emerged in Camila's chest though. "No, you can't

Ben leaned his head close to her until his breath brushed her lobes and earrings.
"That's right. It seems I didn't train you enough. You're going to need more positive
reinforcement… Of course, I can allow the school to administer your punishment, if
you prefer?"

Camila gnashed her teeth in irritation. Not only did she fail in her mission to fix
things, but now she was in the claws of this wicked bastard and he was blackmailing
her again! Yet, she knew there was nothing she could do about it because he was still
holding the evidence on her, and once again, she was the one who started it!
"Well, what's it going to be? Should I let the school handle it? I think… that's actually
a good idea. Things are getting out of hand. You know what else… since I have you
here, I might as well call the police too. I believe they'd consider what you did
breaking and entering, right?" He then took his phone from his pocket and started


"What is it?!?" Ben asked in a short-tempered tone but was smiling behind her.

"I-I'll… do what you want…” she muttered.

"I can't hear you."

Camila grinded her teeth but kept calm. "I said, I'll do whatever you want…”

Ben chuckled. "Good girl…” Then, he pulled her back, pressing her juicy Latina ass
against himself… as his free hand explored the front of her body, and he whispered
into her ear. "Tit… for tat…”

His hand then squeezed her perky tits through her tights…”I'm going to have to teach
you even better this time. We can't have this happening again…” In his head though,
he thought he wouldn't mind it happening many more times, as long as he caught
her and could d-stribute pun-ishment…

Camila's heart palpitated at that declaration. "W-what do you want to do?"

Ben spread a mischievous grin. Of course, they would go by the theme of the night--
breaking and entering…

It would happen one step at a time though and he planned to enjoy himself. As for
her question, he soon let her know, that they would start with breaking.

Still holding her by her neck, he walked her over to the bed as he continued
exploring her body with the other hand. Feeling her tight top, he thought it was sexy,
but there wasn't enough room to work. So the first thing he did, was roll up her
shirt… and let her cute tits out…

Now, he let go of her neck so he could use both hands to grope them… making sure
to pinch and squeeze with extra force, in particular, on those little sensitive cherry

"Ah!" Camila winced, but kept her volume down, not wanting to anger Ben. She knew
he was holding all the cards now; the cards and the nipples…

Next, he bent her over, so her thick ass rubbed against his groin below… as he raised
his hand and…


"Ow…” Camila frowned. She'd already seen this routine and didn't like how it ended,
but, she wasn't the one in control.


Ben continued to slap her backside. After all, she'd been a very naughty girl. He
thought the spanking from last time would've sufficed, but it seemed he'd need to get
more creative.


"Ay…” Camila's head rose from the pain because Ben wasn't holding back at all, and
the thin layer of fabric wasn't cushioning anything.

As he continued raining down spanks, each of his blows reddened her ass
underneath because he didn't hold back. The force behind them wasn't ordinary
either. By this point, Ben had taken three strength potions, making him a man of
tremendous power. Thus, although he wasn't trying to give her deep injuries, he was
making sure these were no sissy slaps.






There was a more important reason Ben was spanking her now though. Gazing at
that appetizing bubble-butt below, Ben had some interesting ideas, and for these, he
believed it would be better, if her ass was tenderized…

*Author's Note: This is a 1-chapter scene and then there's a 3-parter after this.


With Camila the thief bent over his bed, Ben continued to give her ass savage spanks,
until the cheeks were nice and tenderized…

Whimpering, she glanced back over her shoulder, pouting. Yet, even though he saw
that lightly-freckled pretty face, there was no mercy in his hearts, only horniness…
which is why his next move, was to send himself to horny jail! By digging his face
into her crotch!

"Ah!" Over the next few seconds, Camila's expression morphed from surprise into
pleasure, because Ben was going to town on her pussy, and he was bringing the
whole squad out for ice cream, with the one leading the charge--being Wartortle!

The fabric of her tights was so thin that it was almost like making direct contact with
her pussy, so Ben had no trouble stimulating her clit…

However, it was still a hindrance. So, grabbing the fabric at her crotch with both
hands, he tore it!

Now, since she wasn't wearing underwear, he got an eyeful of her lovely lips
summoning him… as he prepared to isekai his face into there…

When Camila heard the rip and felt the cool air on her bare pussy, she looked back,
not having expected such a sudden thing. Yet, she soon gasped in further surprise
when Ben's face dug in!

"Nnng~" She'd forgotten he was quite good at this, for a guy… 'Damn. Is this filthy
bastard going to do this to me again?' Even though he made her feel good last time,
she wouldn't admit it, attributing any pleasure she received to Miyuki being there.
Her first instinct was still how she hated having such intimate contact with a man,
but it was a thought that faded as powerful sensations from her lower body took
over; sensations, that she couldn't deny.

Incorporating his fingers into the mix, Ben spread a mischievous grin, as he started
finger-banging and licking Camila at max velocity!

"Ahhh!" She moved into the bed as far as possible, trying to back away from his hand,
but there was nowhere to run!

Chuckling, he let his fingers keep working as he taunted her. "I almost forgot how
sensitive you are down here. It's a good thing though. It'll be easier for me to make
this lesson more memorable."

"What d-do you mean?" She immediately found out.

"Mnnnn!" Camila cried as Ben's fingers sped up, stimulating her most sensitive spots,
as hard and fast as he could! At that rate, she wouldn't be able to handle it!
"CARAJO!" She was cumming! No, she was squirting!


A short while later… Ben grinned as he looked at his arm covered with her juices, and
an exhausted Camila lying on the sheets. Yet, this was only the beginning of her
punishment, as he re-inserted his fingers!

Shaking, she couldn't believe it! Her body was still enduring extreme sensitivity from
the orgasm! But she couldn't avoid it! Because Ben wouldn't show mercy today!

As his hands jumped right back into top gear, Camila glanced back at him with a
complicated expression of ecstasy and blame, grumbling. "H-Hijo de pu—" Except
before she could even finish her curse, he'd made her climax again! "AYYY!!!"

The gorgeous Latina was twitching on the bed now, after more liquid left her body…
However, what she didn't comprehend was, her punishment was still only beginning!
Behind her, a fiendish smile remained on Ben's face, as he began a third-round!

"Ah! Bastar—"

Not long after…


It took even less time on this occasion, due to Ben better understanding what her
body wanted, and by the end, Camila looked dead as she laid on his bed.

This time, Ben got up, satisfied as he reached for a towel on his chair to clean his arm
off. This lesson was enough. As for Camila, it took her a while to catch her breath and
regain her energy, but the messiest thing, was her mind, experiencing both relief that
it was over, and also physical regret…

Nevertheless, since it was all over, she prepared to leave with her tail between her
legs, but what she didn't realize, was it was Ben's tail he wanted there…

Since that was only the first lesson!

After struggling to turn her body around and look up, Camila froze, because what she
saw, was a thick beast of a cock hanging above her head. 'What does he want to do?'

Smirking, Ben savored her dumbfounded expression, before he answered her doubt.
"Lay down on your back."

Although she showed a face of unwillingness, she still followed the directions, and
soon laid flat on the long side of his bed.

"Close your eyes," Ben ordered.

Frowning, Camila closed them.

"Open your mouth."

She cursed in her head. 'This bastard is going to make me taste his stinky dick
again… ' However, she didn't have a choice, having created this situation herself, and
although she hated it, she spread her lips. 'Here it comes… ' She prepared herself for
it, but what she soon tasted, wasn't Ben's cock, but… green apple?
Something fell into her mouth, as Camila peeked open one eye, and saw Ben
holding… a pack of Skittles…

He was standing over her throwing them into her mouth!

'What the hell is he doing?'

Ben knitted his brows. "Ah! Don't peek! You'll move the basket! I'm practicing my free

"Mierda!" She didn't think it could get any worse than a dick in her mouth, but
somehow, Ben managed to do that with candies!

So, for the next few seconds, he made it rain on her, rain Skittles… as she got to taste
the rainbow…

Strawberry, orange, grape, and of course—hit in the eye a few times for good

Trapped in this humiliating state, Camila did her best to look for a bright spot.
'Lemon's my favorite. At least give me the lemon, puto.'

Then, as if a distant God reacted to her wish, she got the lemon… as a huge cock
entered her mouth!


Camila's eyes shot open, but what she saw was only worse than what she felt! It was
Ben's ass!

Her face twisted! 'THE FUCK?!?'

He'd climbed on her for a 69, except he was on top!

Camila cursed in her mind. 'Animal!'

Except that, was only the beginning.

First, Ben's other head also got into the action, burying itself between her legs.

"Ung…” Even with her mouth stuffed, Camila's eyes still grew a bit clouded, as she
felt him use her skills on her again. Yet, that pleasure didn't last for very long,
because Ben… soon started humping her face!

*Gagh!* *Gagh!*

He'd changed exercises from planking on top of her, to dick pushups!

Camila's eyes watered as this fiend's cock entered her mouth, over and over! Pushing
her head into the mattress! Before moving back up, only to bury itself in her throat

Meanwhile, Ben found the sensation amazing. From this inverted position, he
reached a new level in the enjoyment of the slippery slide of her throat, as he filled it
as deep as he wanted… going at whatever pace he desired… It was incredible!

Of course, he was still a gentleman about it. Each time after facefucking her for half a
minute, Ben would pull out, giving her a chance to breathe…

For about a second before throating again…

It was an act of charity though, like a prince giving a beggar spare change… and by
now, Camila understood about Ben's bigheartedness, because his ballhearts were
slapping her nose!

*Slap* *Slap*

*Gak!* *Gak!*

She couldn't believe this was happening, but it was already to this point. So her only
thought became to make it end as soon as possible, and for that to happen, Camila
even started to contribute, adding suction to his dick…

"Uhh…” Ben closed his eyes because her mouth began to feel even more wondrous…
luring him to use it as much as he wanted… so he moved even faster… pushing even
harder… entering Camila's throat where he experienced an even more incredible

It felt so good, that after a few more minutes, his dick refused to hold out anymore!

Waves of bliss spread from his groin! As Ben shoved his cock in her mouth! As deep
as possible! "AHHH!"

Camila's eyes bulged! The thick cream was shooting down her throat! And there was
too much!

*Pffk!* But there was nowhere for it to go! Ben's dick was lodged in her mouth! So,
the white cum exited the only place it could! Out of her nose!

*Gugh!* *Gagh!*

A short while later, when he finished, Ben pulled out of Camila's lips and rolled to the
side, gasping. As for the tanned beauty, when he saw her sit up and cough with
sperm dripping from her nose, he started laughing.

This, made her narrow her eyes. "Chinga tu madre! Maricon!"

When he heard that though, Ben's expression turned frosty. "It seems that wasn't
enough either. I'm going to have to take your discipline to the next level."

At those words, Camila shut up, experiencing a newfound dread. 'Damn! What
heinous thing will he do now?!?'
*Author's Note: This is chap 1/2 of the R-18 scene. Edited the note in the last chap,
keeping that as a separate 1-parter scene.


As Camila wondered what dicksaster her mouth caused now… Ben laughed as he sat
up on the bed and repositioned himself. Soon, he was sitting on his knees, near her
crotch, as he yanked both of her legs toward him.

Frowning, she knew what was next. 'Tch… I have to fuck this pinche mariachi again…

It was a good call. She did.

After caressing her legs in those black tights, Ben then glanced down and grinned.
There, between her thighs, was the area where he ripped an opening earlier, and
now, he was going to cumplete the cycle of furshadowing…

*Slap* *Slap*

As he slapped his dick on her pussy, he enjoyed observing her hateful expression as
she squirmed from her high sensitivity. He liked that almost as much as the scene of
her cute slit below, still covered in liquid from all the excitement it received earlier.
'She's not a virgin anymore so I don't have to hold back.' As a hero in his own mind,
Ben convinced himself that he showed her mercy last time…

Either way though, it was time to boogie. Lowering his manhood, he lined it up with
her slit, and entered…

"Nnn~" Camila looked away as her face turned red. This was the second time she
was having sex with him, a man.
The first occasion was detestable enough, so much so that after, she swore it
wouldn't happen again, which was one of the reasons she made this desperate
attempt to steal his things. She believed if she didn't act, he could come and use her
whenever. She never expected that her fear would come true even sooner than she
thought and all because of her own folly.

As Ben filled her up, she gritted her teeth, hoping he'd finish with her soon. However,
his idea was different. He wanted to enjoy her as long as possible, and with her
velvety narrow walls squeezing his member, he verified how much he favored that
well-laid plan…

So, he began to slide in and out of her, fucking this sexy lesbian one on one. In fact, he
thought it was a shame Miyuki wasn't here. 'Should I go wake her up?'

He decided against it though, realizing that knocking on her door in the middle of the
night for a random threesome with another girl might not be the best sales pitch…

"Ang~" As for Camila, although she hated that it was happening, her body still
couldn't resist heating up. After all, Ben knew how to please a woman by now.
Looking away, she cursed him in her thoughts even more for making her feel this
way. Soon though, her curses became vocal, and more general than targeted.

"Fuck…” Breathing heavy, Camila clutched the sheets on both sides, as she lifted her
head and watched Ben's thick monster thrusting into her…

At the same time, he also found the sights and sensations incredible. Holding her
narrow legs on his shoulders, he arched forward, so he could get a better angle to
reach the bottom of her insides, and from there, he pounded her.

*Slap* *Slap*

His balls slapped against her pussy, as he rammed her! Piledrived into her!

"Ahnn~" Camila's eyes closed, as she moaned below him. She didn't want to watch a
man giving her such pleasure. Once was enough. She could write that off as a fluke,
but the last thing she wanted to do was make a habit of it.

As pleasure consumed her body, she tried to come up with something, anything, that
could at least take her mind from reality, and soon, she generated an idea. While Ben
fucked her, Camila shut her eyes, and imagined Melissa McCarthy.

Yes, it worked for lesbians too… Too bad for Camila though, Ben was one step ahead
of the game. Watching Camila's face bunched up like she'd eaten a lemon, he
narrowed his eyes. 'I bet, she's picturing a fatty.'

Great minds thought alike… when greatness was measured in degeneracy…

In fact, Ben wasn't aware that his psychic abilities were even more outstanding than
this when it came to gut-gals… since both of them shared the same go-to mental
panic button of that specific actress…

Regardless, since he understood Camila's tactic, how could Ben not have a
counterattack? As for what that was? He kept it simple--storm the trenches! He
fucked her harder!

So hard that it broke her out of her distraction!

*Slap* *Slap*

When he saw Camila open her eyes because the sensations from below were too
potent, he smirked at her. "Stay with the pleasure. Don't shut this out."

Camila wriggled below but he only gave it to her harder! "Look at your pussy. The
first orgasm was made from the asses of heroes. Like the first monkeys shot into
others. Without pleasure, without fucking nice, we would have nothing!

She tried not to think of the word "penis" or "flesh."

So Ben pounder her harder, forcing her to pay attention! "Stop it! This is your
pleasure! This is your burning vagina! It's right here!"

Keeping her eyes shut, Camila shook her head and winced, as if she was struggling to
send her mind to her cave to find her power actress…

In response, Ben pushed deeper than ever! Forcing her awake again! "No! Don't deal
with it the way those fatty-chasers do! Come on!"
That, forced Camila to open her eyes and stare at him with suspicion. 'Is he… '

Seeing she was gaining awareness, Ben nodded. "What you're feeling is premature
enlightenment, and possibly, pre-cum…”

As he continued pile-driving on top of her, Camila gasped. 'He is!'

Ben shook his head in disappointment. "This is the greatest moment of your life! And
you're off in a Krispy Kreme somewhere, missing it…”

*Slap* *Slap*

Camila couldn't take it anymore. "You're… you're re-enacting the chemical burn
scene from Fight Club!"

Ben smiled from ear to ear…

"Ahnn~" He was really giving it to her good. Yet, she wouldn't admit it! Not only that
a man was pleasuring her, but that while doing it, he managed to parody an entire
scene from Fight Club!

However, Ben didn't need her to admit it. He only needed her body… and as he
continued railing it, whether Camila admitted it or not, the stimulation was too much
for her!

"Mmmnn, Fuckkk~" She was having an orgasm again!

A short while later, with Camila still twitching below him, Ben smiled as he looked
down at her. "Congratulations, you're one step closer to me hitting your bottom."

"Huh?" Camila didn't understand this pun, but she soon would.
Finished resting, although Ben enjoyed looking at her beautiful face and breasts, he
wanted to see her thick Latina booty. So, he pulled out of her and flipped her over
onto her stomach. There, as Camila laid flat on her belly, he climbed on top of her,
realigning his manhood with her hole… and putting it back in!

"Haa~" She raised her head and cried, before glancing over her shoulder at Ben, who
posted his arms near her face, and began pounding into her from the top! Bouncing
himself off her thick ass!

From this position, Ben dove even deeper inside her love-cave… savoring the bounce
of her booty cushioning the end of his thrusts.

*Slap* *Slap*

Like that, he stretched her out. However, even though this was wonderful, after a
while, something else caught his sight—her cute little butthole… peeking out of that
ripped area of clothing…

Smirking, Ben knew it was time to hit her bottom… 'Yea. If she didn't learn her lesson
last time, she won't this time, not unless I take it to the next level.'

All of a sudden, he stopped thrusting and pulled out of her, leaning upright as he
grabbed her delicious asscheeks and kneaded them… while at the same time,
spreading them apart.

Camila turned to look at him. "What are you doing?"

Ben sneered. "Regarding how I'm going to punish you, I'll need to analyze it…”

She squinted for a few seconds wondering what he meant, but when she saw spit
drop from his mouth… soon landing on her asshole… her eyes bulged. "You're not…”

It took her long enough, but she got the pun… and was about to get the fun…

However, as a proper rapid-fire jokester, Ben already forgot about the joke. "I'm not
what?" Instead, his face turned icy as he looked at her.

Seeing his expression, her objection got stuck in her throat.

"Do you believe I won't send what I have on you to the dean tomorrow?"
With that threat, Camila gritted her teeth but kept quiet.

Ben snorted. "Don't forget, this is all your doing. From the beginning, you've been the
one creating these problems. If you didn't break in here tonight, I would've let you

Camila's face turned pale at that declaration. 'No… did I create this mess for myself
for no reason?'

"Now though, I can see you're going to cause problems if I don't have an eye on you.
So with that in mind, today, we'll start with your brown-eye…”

'FUCK!!!' Camila cursed in her head, wishing she'd never met this villain. However,
this was only one more thing on top of the pile of humiliation she already had to
endure. She believed it couldn't be so bad. So, as she buried her face in the sheets,
she sighed. "Just do it, then."

Ben was already in the process. Having lubed up her tight butthole, he lined the tip of
his dick with it, and slowly entered.
*Author's Note: This is the final chapter of the R-18 scene


"Ay!" Camila bit the sheets as a cock invaded her ass for the first time…

For Ben also, the sensation was very interesting. The first word that came to his
mind, was "strangled."

Her asshole was much tighter than her pussy, so much so that he could barely get the
head in. Even so, that was enough to make Camila squirm… and the sight of this
rebellious beauty underneath him, as his manhood poked into her round ass, made
Ben as horny as ever…

At a gradual pace, he continued to enter her… pushing inside…

With the bed underneath, Camila had nowhere to go, as Ben skewered her against
the mattress… and soon, his dick was in her ass…

"Ah… hurts…” she cried. Her face showed pain as she glanced back at Ben, begging
for mercy.

Yet, there was no mercy to be found today, not for her asshole…


He smacked her ass, watching it jiggle before him, as it clutched his cock even tighter
in response… and with that note, Ben smirked, and began to fuck her…

He started slow at first, because she was so tight it was impossible to go faster. Soon
though, she loosened up a bit… and he dug further…
Little by little, he went deeper and deeper… faster and faster… and the whole time,
Camila cried from the pain…

"Uhu…” It hurt a lot more than she expected. Ben was so thick that her ass was being
stretched to the brink, and hearing this, he believed she'd gotten enough
punishment, as he came up with an idea. Opening the system screen for a moment,
Ben glanced at a specific title he'd never used.

[Virgin Surgeon, M.D.(uncommon): You are skilled with your instruments. When
having sex with a virgin, your penis will not cause pain]

He raised an eyebrow. 'If I think about it, she's an anal virgin, right? Would this title
work on that?' Figuring it was worth a try, he activated it, and continued filling up
her ass.

"Huh?" Out of nowhere, Camila opened her eyes, because the piercing pain from
having her butt stretched, disappeared! She looked back at Ben in surprise.

When she did so, he didn't miss her reaction, because she looked too cute with that
confused face and tears at the corner of her eyes. "Does it hurt?"

Blinking a few times, she shook her head, and with that, Ben showed her a
reassuring expression "Good. In that case…”

She became frightened again. "In that case, wha--"

He started to pound her ass!

*Slap* *Slap*

Ben bounced off her thick ass as he filled it up… By now, he'd loosened her up
enough, and since it didn't hurt, he no longer saw any reason to restrain himself. It
was time to fuck Camila's tight asshole as much as he wanted!

"Ahn~ eh?" It surprised her that with the pain gone, all that remained now, was a
pleasurable feeling! It was a different type of stimulation, not like that from her
pussy; different, but good? 'No, I can't let this bastard have this too!'

However, Ben heard her moan, which gave him his own ideas. So, as he continued
filling her tight booty with his cock… experiencing the extreme squeeze of this
unexplored hole… he also grabbed Camila's hand, and pulled it down, bringing it
under her body, and onto her pussy…

"What are you doing?" She glanced back at him.

"Rub your pussy…” he commanded her.

She knit her eyebrows, but then…



He spanked her… hard.

"Tch…” With that, she got the message, and started rubbing herself. "Fine…” She
rationalized it was better this way anyway. Since she was here, she might as well
enjoy it, and she'd be better at doing it herself than some man on top of her. As
such…”Ahnnn~" Camila began playing with herself, as Ben continued driving his dick
into her forbidden hole…

For him, it was unbelievable. This was his first time giving a girl anal, and Camila
possessed the perfect ass for it: tight, large, and bouncy… It opened a new dimension
for him, and he couldn't get enough, sinking deeper into it as sweat accumulated on
both their bodies.

"Hnng~" Camila's face twisted in pleasure. This new feeling from her ass combined
with the pleasure from her pussy… created a deeper and more intricate satisfaction
than she'd ever experienced!

"So tight…” Ben was also enjoying it… experiencing a different type of massage from
the inside of a woman than ever before, and, as he kept fucking her, her narrow walls
relaxed more over time, making it feel better and better… He did this not only for
himself though, but to be a lesson to Camila, making her understand the
consequences of misbehaving, or at least that's what he told himself…

With that in mind, he moved his body up a bit, as he reached upwards with one of his
arms, and grabbed her by the back of the neck! Pushing her face into the bed!

"Ah!" Buried into the sheets with one side of her face, she could see Ben through the
corner of her eye, and sulked with a blameful expression. Yet, knowing she didn't
have the strength to resist, she instead gave up, and focused on rubbing herself…
With that and the combination of the newfound pleasure coming from having her ass
fucked… Camila, soon reached climax!

"AH! ME—ME VENGO!" She was orgasming! Harder than ever! With the stimulation
from multiple parts of her body, it was a new type of euphoria for her! Her body
quaked as waves of electricity passed through it! Liquid dripped down from her
pussy onto the bedsheets!

Yet, Ben didn't stop. Instead, when she shook, he only moved faster, because he found
this sexy as hell… The thought of being the only man to bring this unruly lewd
lesbian to climax… it also turned him on! So only moments after, as her asshole
clenched his dick, he also approached the limit!

Yet, as he finished, he wanted to see Camila's expression when a man came inside
her again. So as she was gasping, he reached up and stuck two fingers in her mouth…
pulling her by the inner cheek to turn her head towards him! "FUCKING HELL!"

By this point, her eyes were clouded over… but as they locked gazes, when Camila
felt hot liquid entering her asshole, her eyes widened. 'Now my ass too… '

"UHHH!" As Ben shouted, that wasn't the end of it though. Maintaining his gaze with
the Latina, he was still in the middle of finishing when he pulled out of her ass… and
stuck it back in her pussy! Shooting cum into her other hole!

For Camila, this was even worse! "Mierda! You came in me again!" Now, she had to
buy another Plan B pill!

And that's why Ben did it!

No, he wasn't an investor in the company that made Plan B! He just thought that shit
was funny!

Soon, it was over, as Ben laid at her side. He was exhausted but grinned as he
watched her grumpy expression. Although this girl was so mischievous, one good
part about her was how cute her expressions were when she was angry; her cheeks
puffing out like a kid…
How could she not be angry though? There was currently cum leaking out of both of
her holes…

Meanwhile, as she pouted and Ben chuckled, someone else had an expression very
different from both of them.

Facing the opposite wall, Fariq laid there under the covers with his eyes wide open…

His face was… full of fear and confusion…

He'd been frozen in this position since the beginning, having heard… No, having been
the audience to everything…

Now, only one thought passed through his mind. 'What is happening in this country?'

After Ben finished with Camila, he made her leave, since he didn't trust her enough
to sleep in front of her. After that, he enjoyed a night of peaceful dreams, though he
was the only one in the room to do so…

Fariq managed to get back to sleep, but only after counting about 5000 sheep… and
his dreams, were less than pleasant…

Still, he didn't regret his decision to stay quiet. He was sleeping under the covers
with the light out when Ben first entered the room and passed out, not having
noticed Fariq and thinking he wasn't back yet.

Later, Fariq woke up when he heard the commotion between his roommate and a
girl, but he still felt bad about interrupting Ben that one time when the girl ran out,
so he didn't want to disturb him again. Hence, if it meant making up that wrong,
Fariq was willing to sacrifice his peace, and mental well-being…



The next day, Ben woke up, second in the room to do so as usual, and hadn't noticed
there was a witness to his in-terrogation…

Nevertheless, Ben was in a great mood. How could he not be? Yesterday was a great
day! He foiled an evil plot and then received many bonus points from out of nowhere,
even getting to anal a girl for the first time, and one with such a perfect booty, at

The memory played back over and over through his mind as Ben went through his
morning routine, and after, he sat down in his desk chair, preparing to review the
best part of it all--his new achievements.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cummuted Sentence(rare) -

Catch a female committing a crime and grant her freedom in exchange for a
repeatable achievement for a sex act]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

As the long d*ck of the law… Ben found pride in serving justice. "She did the crime.
She paid her peenance…”

He believed in second chances, as well as 3rd and 4th ones as long as he got to
deliver the peenishment…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Swine 69(fine) - Do a

degenerate version of a 69 with the woman on the bottom]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben shrugged, not seeing the big deal. "If you need to blame someone, blame

Thinking about that, he realized he looked forward to buying a coach ticket on Elon
Musk's shuttle to Mars, because under zero gravity, every 69 was equal…

In deep space, there was no prejudice when it came to peen on face…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: C*ckup to Burpee(rare) - Do

c*ck pushups into a girl's throat]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben stared at this one for a while, not having expected to see a version of burpees
that wasn't gay…

Still, he'd take it, because even if it wasn't the best exercise, this time, Ben did enough

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Norwegian Ice Dragon(rare) -

While receiving oral sex from a woman, ejaculate down her throat causing the sperm
to exit her nostrils, creating the "ice dragon" effect]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben's eyes glinted. "I must make our dragon family rise again!"

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: European Birth Control(fine) -

Perform anal sex… on a woman]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

His eyebrows elevated when he saw the system rated anal sex lower than some of
the other achievements, but when he read the title again and considered the
difficulty, he realized the rating was just. 'It does seem like anal is a right of passage
for women these days… '

The right of passage in the wrong passage…

Ben knew the rarity of the achievement was one of the factors in determining its tier,
and anal wasn't that uncommon in a world full of cave explorers…

As far as the experience went for Ben, he'd be the first to admit it was fun, but it
wasn't something he felt the need to do with every girl. He got a rush doing it for the
first time with a rebellious girl like Camila because he felt a sense of dominance
while performing it on her. Yet, as far as the sensations went, it wasn't as good as
normal sex. Since the system didn't make it repeatable, that also meant she didn't
value it much either, so Ben wasn't planning on adding it as a staple to the sex-menu.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Dirtbag GPS(uncommon) -

Guide a woman's hand to encourage her to masturbate while having sex]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

"Dirtbag, huh?" Ben snorted. "At least I was accurate! That's more than you could say
for Google Maps!"

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Fish Hooking(uncommon) - Put

your fingers into a woman's mouth during sex, and yank her head to the side like a
fish. Should prompt a startled look from the hooked fish…]
[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 200]

He shrugged. 'So she's met Amsterdam now. She almost got fish-hooked like
McGloin… '

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Slavic Exclamation Mark(fine) -

Give a woman an anal creampie]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Reading this, Ben felt the need to visit Russia just so he could take a writing class…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Double-Layered Glazed

Filling(rare) - Give a woman an anal and vaginal creampie during the same

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

For once, Ben was thankful for his quick hip speed…

This achievement wouldn't have been possible if he didn't have the thrusting
movements of a demented woodpecker…

With these almost 5000 points though, he managed to shrink the distance to his
50000 goal by almost half. Leaning back in his chair, he put his arms behind his head
and smiled with confidence, because he believed it wouldn't be long now before he'd
reach that much.

Then, his face became ponderous, because as he thought about the achievements, he
realized something else—something he believed was very important for his future.
While sitting down at his desk and reviewing his achievements, Ben realized
something crucial.

The recent few times he's had sex with Annabelle, Katie, and Olivia, he hadn't
received any points. Yet, now with Camila, even though it was also their second time
sleeping together, he gained many. Although the implication should've been obvious
before, and Ben did have a vague grasp of it, it now became crystal clear; If he
wanted to get achievements with girls he was seeing on a regular basis, he'd need to
experiment in bed!

It made sense with how the system rewarded him. Few of the achievements were
repeatable, and even those could only be duplicated with new women. With girls
he'd already received repeatable achievements with, the only thing he could do was
to try new things. Although it was a bit inconvenient, Ben believed if he kept the goal
in mind, it wouldn't be too challenging.

After all, the system seemed pretty flexible with the range of achievements it
awarded as long as he did things it considered difficult, rare, or creative. In a way,
this was like a hidden bonus points system within the achievements.

So, since he wanted to keep seeing his girls but also needed to make progress with
the system rewards, this was the only way, but Ben was fine with it. In any event,
getting new achievements wouldn't hurt his women, at least not most of the things…

In addition, those creative positions and moves were fun, keeping their sex lives
interesting. So there was no reason to not move in this direction. Of course, he'd
customize what he'd do depending on the girl, doing his best so they enjoyed it too,
and as Ben thought of the possibilities, he came to another realization. Perhaps, he
could turn this into an artform!

Gasping, he visualized his future. He… could use this to become legendary! The
greatest sex artist! D*ckasso!

Nodding with bright eyes, Ben had found his path. In other words, he planned to try
crazy sh*t in bed…

In fact, as a patented pervert… he already had some ideas. Although he wasn't sure if
they'd all result in novel achievements or if some would go over the line, Ben was
willing to try, because that, was the nature of a sexplorer…

Still, it wasn't the time for that now. He had a long day ahead of him and needed to
prepare. In particular, there was one thing he was looking forward to tonight—his
first blue belt BJJ class.


Blue belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes at Barbosa's MMA didn't run as frequently as
white belt classes, but still often enough. Although the hours were a little different, if
Ben wanted, it was still possible to attend one every day. So in a practical sense,
changing classes didn't affect him much, at least not with scheduling. The biggest
difference between the blue belts and the white belts was more obvious—skill level.
This, was the genuine challenge.

When Ben walked into the mat-covered room, he noticed how different the
temperaments of the students here were in comparison to the white belts. Even
sitting idle, the blue belts radiated more confidence. They seemed steadier, calmer,
and more dangerous, and it made sense. Each of them invested over a year of hard
training, some even a few years to reach this point. Then, here was Ben, entering the
class wearing a white belt and his booger-gi…

The result, was predictable. Like when he first entered the beginner's class the week
before, he attracted everyone's attention. Yet, this time, the reason for that wasn't
only his gi color, but something even more noteworthy--his belt color. The blue belt
students looked at him in confusion and chattered amongst themselves.

"Why's there a white belt here?"

"Is he in the wrong spot?"

"Who's this fresh fish?"

A couple of them even strolled up to Ben, attempting to advise him he was in the
wrong class, and when he responded that he belonged there, their faces showed
disdain. Soon, however, things were clarified, when Valentina entered the room.
Although she didn't teach as many blue belt classes as white ones, she told Ben to
attend this class first so she could smooth over any potential misunderstandings
with the other students, or at least try to.

When her father instructed her to put Ben in this class, she wasn't wrong to expect
conflicts either. As she started the class and ignored white belt Ben as if nothing was
wrong, a few students scrunched their eyebrows and approached her, commenting
that there was someone who shouldn't be there. When she told them to ignore Ben
and that he was in the right place, that only made them more confused, and agitated.

Valentina was also in a difficult spot. She didn't know how to tell these hardworking
blue belts that Ben only started training a week ago. Wouldn't that be like telling
them to go die?

So, when they probed further, she instead shut them down using her authority, but,
that wouldn't be enough to solve their misgivings. It would be one thing if Ben's belt
had four stripes and he was about to get a promotion to blue belt. Then, it would be
fine if he wanted to experience the higher level. Yet this rookie's white belt was
naked! Zero tripes! What's more, his gi appeared new! Does he even train?!? Does he
even lift?!?

The students displayed various expressions of displeasure. For them, who worked
for years to get here, it was a humiliation to train side by side with a rookie who
didn't pay his dues. They didn't know whether it was bias or nepotism, but they
wouldn't accept it with only a few words. Their pride didn't allow them to. Plus,
every time they glanced at Ben's snot colored gi, it felt like he was hocking a loogie at

As a result, displeasure evolved into malice, and from that point, a collision was
As Ben experienced his first blue belt class, the differences were apparent right
away: the warm-ups were more intense, the lessons taught by Valentina more
advanced, and the stares from the other blue belts—more aggressive…

Watching them, Ben shook his head with helplessness. 'It's only a matter of time
before these fools run into my windmill hands… Should I play it by the book?' He was
considering a stratagem he'd run into before: to feign softness, so he could faceslap
with hardness…

48th stratagem of web novels: Play the pig to eat the tiger.

After thinking about it though, Ben chose not to go this route. His palms needed a
rest too…

However, even if he didn't want to use the trope, that didn't mean others wouldn't
force him to. As the teaching portion of the class ended and the time for paired
practice arrived, when a dozen blue belts approached Ben, he looked at the ceiling
and sighed. 'Daddies, forgive them… they know not what they do… '

Besides for offering a prayer for them though, from Ben himself, there would be no
forgiveness. Despite not desiring this, he wouldn't go easy on someone if they
provoked him. That's because this was another of the great stratagems, one he
wouldn't shy away from on this occasion.

55th stratagem of web novels: To create constant conflict, one should murder or at
least cripple everyone who so much as farts in your direction.

He'd go with the classic approach this time, because he was unwilling to allow these
blue belts to ninja-dust him…

So when the first one arrived, Ben wasn't planning to hold back, and it's too bad for
the opponent, that such a serious attitude was only present in one of them. Thinking
Ben would be easy to solve, the blue belt relaxed, allowing the rookie to launch the
starting attack. Yet, when Ben came at him, the difference in strength was clear as
soon as they made contact, as Ben threw the blue belt's arms to the side, and
proceeded to secure a dominant position laying on top of him.

Things only became worse for the blue belt though. Before he was able to adjust, Ben
slapped on a choke, and a few seconds later…

*Tap* *Tap*

Ben didn't even have to use soul attacks on him. It was that easy. With the
combination of being one of the weakest blue belts in the gym and underestimating
Ben, his opponent never stood a chance.

The other blue belts who'd been observing this went wide-eyed, but still couldn't
accept it, rationalizing that the sole reason Ben's opponent lost was due to
underestimating the white belt.

However, a little while later, when they watched Ben tap him again, their faces
became stern. By now, Ben's opponent was serious, but it was too late. Ben already
threw his rhythm off, then used greater strength and momentum to overpower the
blue belt. As such, there was no chance of a comeback, and soon after, the first blue
belt stood up to find another partner, as he choked down the deep frustration, of a
humiliated loser…

Still, it wouldn't be long until he became grateful, because he, was among the lucky

After, a number of other blue belts came to roll with Ben, seeking to give this first-
timer a hazing and show him his place. Yet, none of them were able to attain a
substantial advantage over this fresh white belt, with many even losing in a one-
sided manner. In this way, Ben properly introduced himself to all of them…

It was no surprise either. He was already almost at blue belt level when he finished
the mid level multiplier for manliness. After that, his personal talent stat rose from 5
to 6, providing him with a significant boost to his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills. Then, he
also consumed another strength potion, which now gave him enough power to
overwhelm almost everyone in the class. In summary, he'd taken massive strides in
the past few days. In fact, his pace of development was so fast that it was shocking!

Seeing all this from the side, Valentina's eyebrows bundled together like a rope. She
couldn't believe it! He was much stronger now than in the last class! Out of everyone
here, she should've been least affected, because she was the sole person who'd
watched Ben on a day by day basis. For that reason, his progress should've been
gradual in her eyes, almost imperceptible. That's how it was with everyone else, her
brothers included. So why was it that with Ben, every day brought her a shock?

It was one thing to beat up on white belts. They were amateurs who didn't train
often. Even if Ben crushed all of them, he'd just be the biggest of the bugs. However,
some of these blue belts, were serious martial artists! Attending competitions,
participating in amateur fights, and a few battled in some professional fights too!

Of course, the ones with pro fights didn't only train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but also
standup grappling and striking, so it didn't mean their BJJ skills were incredible.
Nonetheless, they were experienced grapplers. Yet, even against those guys, Ben
wasn't at a disadvantage!

Valentina needed to know what was happening. This was too strange! So, she stood
up and sat down closer to Ben, trying to understand how he was accomplishing all
this. Not long after though, she wished she hadn't, because the only new thing she
learned, was why he was the poison dragon.

Now, within feet of Ben and paying close attention to him, she could hear what he
was saying to some of his opponents. Thus, for the first time, Valentina became
familiar with the vilest and most wretched technique she'd ever come into contact
with--the Soul Crank.

Ben grappled against a blue belt opponent in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, as the
teacher Valentina watched on from the side, with her face twisting in horror…

She got her first sample, of some Soul Cranking action.

Lying on top of his opponent, Ben looked at him. "Hey man, you interesting in a side-
hustle? To make a few bucks?"

The blue belt squinted at him, since it was a bizarre time to discuss work. "Sorry, I
can't. I have a full-time job."

Ben sighed. "Tch, that's too bad. You seemed like the type of guy I could pay 50 bucks
to kill Rihanna."

The opponent's eyes shook. "Wha—"

Before he got a chance to recover though, Ben had already improved his position and
started to attack with submissions. Meanwhile, not far from them, having heard that
exchange, Valentina scowled.

Then, her face continued twisting and changing colors further as Ben kept talking.
"Hey bro, you got any kids?" He smiled, as if he felt bad about the last remark and
was trying to make friends.

Confused, the blue belt shook his head. "No, single."

Ben nodded. "That's for the best. You look like your baby would be born addicted to
eating ass."

Valentina winced… but this was just the beginning.

"You look like you run an amateur wrestling circuit in your backyard for squirrels."

Valentina grimaced…

"You seem like the type of dude to close the fridge with his hips."

Valentina face-palmed… and as for the blue belt…

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

He couldn't take it anymore and Valentina didn't blame him. Even though Ben wasn't
attacking her soul, she still developed a headache just from the smoke inhalation off
those burns…

Staring at Ben in disbelief, she wondered where this bastard came from. 'What kind
of jiu-jitsu is this?' She'd never seen anything like it. It was a disgrace!

Yet, as she witnessed Ben compete and defeat more blue belts, it forced her to admit
one thing—this style was shameless, but it was effective! He was using an available
weapon that few other fighters used, their mouth, and the way he was doing it was in
a style she'd never heard of—classless and depraved!

Soon, she couldn't help getting agitated and challenged Ben to roll one on one.
Although, before they started, she made something clear to him. "You say some sh*t
like that to me, and I'll snap your neck."

Gulping, Ben nodded… Then, as they rolled, he proceeded to get his ass kicked for a
few minutes before begging for mercy. Nevertheless, after working off her
annoyance, Valentina released him and allowed him to continue rolling with the blue
belts, as she performed a more careful analysis of his current ability. 'Putting his
mouth aside, which is the most vicious, despicable thing I've ever come into contact
with… the other aspects of his BJJ game are also good… '

She narrowed her eyes as she watched Ben roll with another blue belt. 'His
technique is at an average blue belt level, but it's already incredible to have reached
this point in such a short period. What's almost as shocking is, his strength seems to
have improved a substantial amount too!'

When Valentina rolled with him, she needed to use advanced techniques to avoid
clashing with him in a direct manner. Despite her skill advantage, every time she did
so, he gained the upper hand right away. It was no surprise though, since not only
was Ben's power reaching a terrible level with his third strength potion and regular
training, but also, he was a man.

Thinking about that disadvantage inherent to her biology, Valentina frowned, her
forehead creasing as a familiar fire burned in her chest. Yet, she didn't let herself get
distracted, because Ben's strength change still bugged her. 'How is it possible?'

In theory, a super-genius could advance in technique at an unbelievable speed, but

how would someone increase their strength so much in only a few days? Then, she
looked at Ben and noted that he looked quite young. Although she wasn't aware of
his exact age, she was certain he wasn't 21. Hence, since he was an enigma, she could
only rationalize it that perhaps his body was maturing, gaining strength as he trained
at a serious pace for the first time.

A growth spurt didn't only happen with height but also with muscle mass and
strength. This was something she'd seen in her brothers, though to a much lesser
degree. Regarding Ben, it was still a stretch because the difference was too drastic,
but she didn't have any other explanation. So, she accepted it. 'He's a genius… '

Now, she watched him with more interest, as he tapped another blue belt by telling
him he looked like the kind of guy to style his pubes.

'Just how special can one person be?' Valentina started gaining a bit of interest to see
how far Ben would go.

As for Ben, after she'd beat him up dozens of times, he'd developed something like a
mental trauma when it came to her and was very careful with what he said in
Valentina's presence. He didn't even dare to use a divine line on her again, for fear of
choosing the wrong one and getting his knee bent backward. Yet, if Ben did check
her status, he'd see that for the first time since they met, her attraction level for him
was no longer mortal enemy…

He wasn't paying attention to that though, because he was too busy mind-raping his
opponents… and when the class finished, everyone knew there was a new dog in
town, one not mess with and wearing a puke-colored gi…

However, Ben already moved on from thinking about them, because to his surprise,
as he stood up from the mats, he received a new type of system notification.
At the end of his first blue belt BJJ class, as Ben was about to go to the locker room,
he froze when he received a series of unique system notifications.

[Congratulations, you've been granted access to a higher level of training at the Dojo:
Barbosa MMA Gym]

[Your development speed will accelerate while training in more advanced classes]

[Your status in the Dojo has increased]

[Earn further rewards by improving your status through obtaining stripes and
higher belt colors]

[Distributing partial reward for status upgrade: PUA Points + 2000]

'Partial reward… ' As he glanced down at his waist, Ben didn't need to think much to
figure out why the system said that. The circumstances were obvious. Although he
got access to the blue belt class, he was still a zero-stripe white belt, which meant his
status wasn't yet that of a proper blue belt. Having asked Fariq about it earlier
though, he understood why.

An MMA gym and in particular a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school, that had roots in
traditional martial arts, placed great emphasis on tradition. So even if Ben was a god-
like talent, they wouldn't grant him a higher belt without him spending more time
there, and once he learned what the more advanced belts meant, he realized it made

Higher belts didn't only signify the instructors recognizing his skills but also that he
represented the school. As such, they implied a two-way street of trust. The reality
was, if Ben used his skills in the outside world for improper purposes, that would
reflect poorly on the school and such a loss would be too great. After all, the martial
arts community was a place where reputation was paramount. So in both an
honorable and lucrative sense, the gym's image was everything. It was that simple.

In addition, this principle became even important as the student's status elevated. In
theory, at the black or even brown belt level, Ben could go out and open his own
school under their brand, meaning these belts also carried authority. So even if it
was only a blue belt, how could they give that signboard to a kid who only trained
there for one week?

With as little as a blue belt, he could then go to tournaments or fights, competing

under their name with his actions affecting them. Giving such a right to an unknown
young man would be reckless. That's why in order to promote Ben, besides
demanding talent, they needed to vouch for his character. However, they didn't know
anything about him, let alone enough to declare such a relationship. Thus, he could
only wait.

After receiving the notifications though, he expected that he'd earn the full rewards
once he did receive higher belts. For now, he'd just have to do his best job as a
protagonist by jumping levels…

In any case, this was a good development. Points were points, and now, Ben's
understanding increased in regards to how to gain them at the dojo. So, as he walked
back to the locker room, he looked forward to training more in this new class and
believed he'd found a foothold in it, having responded well to everybody's warm
welcome today. Yet, not everyone else agreed.

Like the last time in this locker room after Ben dominated a class, certain sore losers
got a similar idea to those who stood in their positions before. On this occasion
though, there was a hidden hero to save the day.

As one of the blue belts who lost to Ben prepared to drop trow in a phallus face-off…
another student place a hand on his shoulder, showing a stern expression as he
shook his head in slow motion. This well-informed student had heard certain
rumors… tales of a particular up-and-comer… whose talent in BJJ was matched only
by his prowess in the pants…

In this manner, a soul was saved today…

As the week passed, Ben continued alternating his time between school, work, BJJ,
and the newly-joined Photography Club. It had been a few days since he last
encountered Charlotte, and since then, he'd been reading online about photography
and testing out his camera alone. Today though, they'd arranged to meet in the club
which had scheduled an outdoor excursion.

It was a beautiful cloudless day when Ben walked into Washington Square Park on
the NYU campus. Around him, the sounds of students chatting and relaxing filled the
fresh air, a treat provided by the nearby trees; something rare in such a metropolis.
Near the large water fountain at the center of the park, he saw the people from the
Photography Club, including one shy girl at the outskirts, sitting on a bench. It was
Charlotte, and she was in the middle of a living juxtaposition.

As someone from the club was holding a camera and demonstrating something to
the members, Charlotte stared at them with eager eyes, as if she wanted to get closer
so she could hear. Leaning off the edge of the bench on her tippy toes, it appeared as
if she was about to spring off. Yet, at the same time, her fingers gripped tight to the
handrest, keeping her in place. She even glanced to the side at her hand, spreading a
cute frown.

Ben chuckled at this sight as he approached her. "What's the matter? Devil's got your

At this joke, Charlotte's face turned red, as she backed into the bench, bringing her
hand to her chest. "No…”

He smiled. "Don't you want to listen to what they're saying? Come on." Ben motioned
for her to follow him, and somehow, with him there, she didn't feel as stifled
anymore, standing right up to join him. Then, as they approached the club members,
the two overheard what their discussion was about. Today, everyone would be
partnering up and practicing the portrait techniques they discussed in the last class.

Ben smiled at this, thinking it was a good chance to practice the stuff he'd been
reading about. In reality, he knew quite a bit about portrait photos by now.

Portrait photography was a style that aimed at capturing the personality of people
by using lighting, backgrounds, and poses. Such a photograph could be artistic or
simple. Yet, regardless of how one approached it, it was one of the most popular
styles of photography. As such, Ben had a lot of expectations for this, because
portrait was a must-know style for photographers in the media and entertainment
fields, not to mention porn…

Soon, the leader of the excursion explained what they'd be doing next, which was
picking a partner. Working as a duo, they'd take turns as models and photographers,
helping each other hone their craft. Ben nodded in appreciation. This was the kind of
practice he needed. Charlotte, however, squeezed her hands together. 'S-someone's
going to take photos of me?'

When the time came to partner up, Ben made the natural choice, turning to her with
a warm smile. "Let's do it together"

At this invitation, Charlotte looked down, her face flushing as she thought about him
taking pictures of her. Meanwhile, Ben adjusted his posture, because he thought
about the last time he took photos of a girl, and it woke his little brother up…

Ben glanced down and cursed in his mind. 'Go back to sleep! It's not your time. It's
my turn to reign! Do you want to start a war? Haven't you seen Underworld?!?'
In the middle of Washington Square Park, at an excursion for the Photography Club,
Ben was trying to convince Charlotte to be his partner, having asked her several
times but still awaiting her response.

For Charlotte though, it wasn't so simple. Rubbing the camera strap of her bag, she
hesitated at the idea of him, or anyone, taking photos of her. It was too…

Reading her body language, Ben understood the general situation. "Charlotte, it'll be
fine, trust me. Plus, this is a paired exercise. We need partners. So you do me and I'll
do you…”

Somehow, that line only made her face redden…

In her head, she knew he was right though. 'If I don't pair up with Ben, who else
would I pair up with?' She then glanced back to the club members where she now
viewed an obese Asian man, rubbing a camera as he stared at her with a lewd smile…
In his head, he was repeating his favorite mantra. 'Loli loli… Loli loli… '

Gulping, Charlotte tip-toed her way to the side, until Ben's back blocked the pervert's
line of sight to her. Then, she looked back at Ben and nodded with enthusiasm. "Ok!"

Seeing her reaction change so much, Ben's eyebrows rose, as he touched his face and
started to wonder if the left side was more charming…

Nevertheless, the partnership was set, and so, Ben wondered if he should spit on his
hand for a shake…

Or suggest a blood oath…

A few moments later, he shook his head though, rationalizing that the current
agreement was below the necessary stakes for such a thing. So, the two carried their
cameras and walked to a more secluded section of the park. Ben suggested an area
under some trees where there were no people, guessing Charlotte would be shy if
others were watching.

Thus, the two were soon alone. "Do you want to go first or should I?" Ben glanced at

Charlotte hurried to pick her camera up and put it in front of her face, answering the
question and making Ben shrug. He didn't mind either way. So not long after, Ben the
model was having his first photoshoot since the one at Hearth when he showed his
workout program. This one, however, played out in a much less professional manner.

Since the photographer wasn't much of a talker, she didn't give Ben instructions,
leaving him to come up with his own ideas. That being the case, Ben started to
deliver his championship poses.

First up was the Bateman doggy-style pose into the mirror from American Psycho…

Even behind the camera, Charlotte was scowling. Although she snapped the photos,
seeing him point at her and then flex his bicep made her a bit sick for some reason…

That was only the beginning though, as many more poses followed. Holding his
hands out in a stiff manner and moving them around like a zombie, AKA the "when
you turn off the lights and try to find your bed pose."

His eyes popping out and biting both lips, AKA the "moment you realize it wasn't a
fart pose."

Him closing his eyes and sighing into the air with a light smile because it was indeed
a fart… AKA the "moment you realize it was a false alarm… pose?"

There were many more, too many, far far too many… and after doing that for a while,
Ben checked the time on his phone and motioned to Charlotte. "Your turn."

Hearing this, she took a step back, raising the camera back to her face. "It's okay. I'll
just take photos…”

He spread a helpless smile but wasn't having it. "Come on, you can't go back on an
agreement. This isn't the Ghost Rider movie and I'm not the stupidest devil of all

When he said those words, Charlotte sighed, because she didn't know what the hell
he was talking about…

She did understand the point though and believed he was right. After all, becoming
more outgoing was her goal from the start. It's the reason she joined this club and
also why she entered university. Yet, it wasn't easy for her. Adapting to college life
had been very challenging. It still was, but she'd been trying.

She wanted to give her best effort because it was the challenge she decided to take
up. It was difficult for her to convince her parents to let her leave home to attend
school alone, but she took a rare stand to do so in order to overcome her issues. In
the end, Charlotte was the person who most wanted to understand herself and move
on from her prior trauma.

So, after clutching her little fists, with a brave yet childlike expression, she took her
camera off and placed it into her bag, setting it down before she looked up at Ben,
holding her hands together in front and waiting for instructions.

Ben couldn't help finding her cute like a puppy that didn't want to take its bath, so of
course, he wanted to capture that moment. Hence, raising his camera, Ben took his
first photos of her.

*Snap* *Snap*

Charlotte's feet fidgeted as she saw him taking pictures, but she did her best to not
run away. Ben also knew it was challenging for her. So he started in a plain manner,
doing basic shots so she could become accustomed to being under the lens. Next,
after she relaxed somewhat, he started giving her simple instructions.

Following his guidance, she entered some simple poses while standing still, and
became calmer as time passed, realizing it wasn't as bad as she thought. Then not
long after, Charlotte was heeding his directions without issue. Such a large change
surprised Ben. It was a substantial improvement, one resulting from his charisma
and communication as well as their relationship.

So when he told her to take her glasses off, Charlotte didn't think twice, removing
them from her face and holding them in her hands. Yet, a second later, she regretted
that thoughtless move.

Ben narrowed his eyes. "Wow… You look like… a completely different person…”

At those words, she froze, her breathing stopping, as all of a sudden, she heard
nothing but her pulsating heart.

As Charlotte panicked, fearing Ben recognized her other identity as Chuck, she
rushed to put her glasses back on, almost dropping them with her shaky hands.

Watching this, Ben narrowed his eyes even further. "You…”

She gulped, as her heart pounded like a jackhammer.

"You even… put them back on? What's the point now?"

'No… this c-cant… ' Her throat dried up as her nails dug into her palms.

He shook his head in disapproval. "There's no point in putting them back on… when
you look so cute without them!"

"Huh?" Charlotte tilted her head, her tension becoming substituted by confusion.
Looking at Ben's smile though, she realized he really failed to recognize her as Chuck,
and released an inner sigh of relief. It made sense, however. Wearing glasses was a
big difference between her and Chuck but it wasn't the only one. There were major
changes with her hair, curves, makeup, and other things, and it seemed she did a
good enough job.

In fact, before starting to dress as a man, Charlotte did some research, and learned
that crossdressing was something women had gotten away with surprisingly easily
throughout history, even in the distant past. That's what gave her the confidence to
try in the first place. If it worked back then, how much easier would it be in modern
times with so many advances? Apparently, easy enough to fool Ben…

Now, with her tension eased, she adjusted her glasses, but soon paused, when she
realized what Ben said and looked up at him. "You said… I'm cute?"

He nodded with enthusiasm. "Very cute!"

"R-really?" A thick blush sprouted on her cheeks, as her lips quivered…


Charlotte couldn't remember the last time she received a compliment from someone
outside her family, and a rare sensation blossomed in her chest… one of elation.
Without knowing, her lips spread into a smile as she gazed at Ben, blinking.

Ben stared at her a while in silence, appreciating her rare smile. Yet, when she
noticed that, her eyes expanded as she subconsciously raised her purse in front of
herself in slow motion, until it covered most of her face…

This only made him laugh though. "You should take the glasses back off!"

However, after the scare just now, Charlotte wasn't willing to take risks."N-no…
Without them, I-I can't see…”

"You don't need to see. Even the blind can become superheroes these days…”

Even if that was true… Charlotte still shook her head, remaining adamant, and Ben
didn't push her further, because she was adorable with the glasses too. Instead, since
she was opening up a bit now after the simple photos, he decided to instruct her to
do more creative stuff. Relaxed once again, she didn't mind either, following his
directions as he guided her through poses.

Most of them were fine, but some, turned out a little awkward.

"Yea, lean your shoulder against the tree like that. That's it! Good! Stay still," Ben

*Snap* *Snap*

As he took the photos though, Charlotte became embarrassed, releasing a cute groan.
"Ooghhh…” Inch by inch, she then slid to hide her body behind the tree, as Ben's
camera soon captured nothing but plant…

He sighed, but knew it was a process. So they continued like that. Some poses going
well. Some not so much. Ben did his best to make her open up though, and it was
working, as Charlotte chickened out less and less, and at one point, even giggled after
Ben told a joke.

Capturing that photo of her laughing, Ben glanced at his digital camera screen and
nodded in appreciation. "Your smile looks so cute!"

She blushed at the compliment. "D-do I not look weird?"

"No, it's great! Smile more!"

“…Ok, t-then I-I'll try." Doing her best to smile and appear lovable, she turned to the
camera, except her movements… were rigid like a broken robot, and her smile--
awkward. Feeling this herself, Charlotte whimpered. "Uhuuu…” Then she winced as
she covered her face with her purse once again, shaking her head at great speed as
Ben tried to calm her down with compliments.

"Charlotte, trust me. Your smile is adorable! Here, try it like this. Tilt your head…
good. Put your hand by your mouth, and smile!" When she followed his instructions,
Ben laughed inside because at last, he tricked her into entering a cute anime pose!

However, as if noticing something was off from his smirk, Charlotte realized how
embarrassing this photo was and cried in her high voice. "Noooo!"

Then, she lunged to grab the camera! At the same time, her cute voice became
demonic as she cursed. "F*ck! Delete those now ********!!!"

Hiding his camera behind his back, Ben's jaw dropped as he stared at her, having
never seen this aggressive side of her before. When she saw his face, and the fact that
her hands were on his chest, Charlotte backed away in a panic as her face grew
crimson like a ripening tomato…”S-sorry…” Staring at the ground, she stood there,
frozen. 'Oh, no… He heard me curse! Will Ben hate me now?'

She didn't think her behavior was appropriate for a girl. So all she could imagine
now, was Ben walking away from her, throwing her away like… like that other one
did… 'No, i-it's for the best. I shouldn't get closer to him. It's not safe… I can't trust
him… ' Even as she tried to rationalize it, her eyes reddened as a sour feeling filled
her chest.

However, she soon heard laughter. "What are you sorry about? That was so
adorable!" He couldn't help but like her more and more. He found this little sister too
cute! After all, Ben only had a wretched little brother growing up, whose cuteness
would best compare to dogsh*t…

With damp eyes, Charlotte looked up to find, that Ben had a genuine smile on his

"I didn't know you had a temper, but it's alright. Here, before you force me to delete
it, come check out this photo! It came out great!"

As he looked through the photos on his digital camera, she watched him, for a long
while… unclear what these feelings were that brewed inside of her.
At the end of their photo time, Ben thought the pictures he took of Charlotte turned
out commendable for a first-timer, even if many showed her squirming and hiding.

After, when they returned to the group, the leader of the excursion summed up a few
points and ended with an announcement; For the next meeting, they'd do a critique
of member-submitted portrait photos. In fact, it was a form of preparation. Their
club had an internal competition coming up involving portrait photos from beginner
photographers, and it was an excellent opportunity to get feedback for that.

Hearing that it was a beginners competition, Ben got an idea--he wanted to take
part! That also meant it would be wise of him to enter photos into the critique next
week. However, as he glanced over at Charlotte, he realized a part of that plan might
prove challenging.

Still, as the group disbanded, Ben mustered all his motivational speaking ability as
he gave her his best sales pitch. What he was selling was simple--they should both
enter! He valued the photos he took today of Charlotte. At least, he doubted he'd get
better ones during the remainder of the week. Yet, that's also where the problem
was. To use them, he'd need her consent.

As such, he pitched her that they should enter together, asserting it wasn't a big deal
because it was a beginner's competition, something trivial. Since they were both only
starting photography, no one would expect anything from them anyway. In summary,
there was nothing to lose! Knowing Charlotte's antisocial demeanor though, he
expected it to be a tough sale, but to his surprise, she nodded!

What Ben didn't know was Charlotte's mood was spectacular now, so much so that
she didn't give it much thought, agreeing to his proposal, because he was the one
who proposed it…

He was too busy grinning to catch that though, relishing in his sales skills. 'I'm a
warrior who won't take "No" for an answer. Who won't hang up the phone till my
client either buys… or fucking dies!'
Having received her consent, Ben's eyes were shining, but as a clever businessman,
he knew to quit when he was ahead. 'Since she already agreed, before she changes
her mind, I have to escape!'

Thus, after a hasty goodbye, he speed-walked/beef-walked into the distance…

looking back from time to time to make sure she wasn't following him. Yet, he failed
to notice that as he left, Charlotte couldn't help frowning, as she experienced a rare
sense of loss.

Sighing with relief once he was in the clear, Ben smiled because photography was
going well along with everything else. As he was leaving the park, his steps slowed
down though, as he narrowed his eyes. 'Am I forgetting something?' He checked his
pockets and everything was there. His camera was in its bag. There were no
important tasks he forgot to do, so why the nagging feeling?

Then, Ben's face became grave as he glanced back towards the fountain where the
photo group met, as he realized what the problem was. 'It happened again… '

Once was bad luck, but twice… that was becoming suspicious. 'Again today, there was
no faceslap… '

He checked his forehead to make sure he didn't have a fever… but it seemed fine.

He opened a news app on his phone to read about hints of a zombie apocalypse… but
there was only anti-Trump rhetoric…

Tapping his foot, Ben thought it over for a while, before looking at his open hands.
'Are they being careful? Has word gotten around about my Hulk hands?'

He feared the worst happened, that his reputation became too big; that, of a
seasoned slapper…

It seemed too soon to bring out the next tier of enemies though… which forced Ben
to consider the alternative. 'Is it really possible, to live life, without people constantly
running face-first into my propeller arms?'

Putting his hands on his head as he crouched and stared at the ground, Ben released
a complicated sigh. 'I don't know if I want to live in that world though… '

This, was his unique outlook on life.


After the Photography Club excursion, it was early evening after most classes had
ended. This was the common time for weekly office hours, when students could
approach the offices of faculty members and share their doubts about classwork.

At the moment, this was the reason Ben was strolling through the media building in
this faculty section he'd never been to. To be specific, he was here to see Professor
Tremblay in private, because he wanted to get her ass-istance with some of his

Of course, it was all to clear this:

[Special Challenge: Sextra Credit - Seduce your professor by the end of the semester.
Target: Professor Tremblay]

The office hours only happened once a week, so he couldn't afford to miss this
opportunity. After all, the punishment for failing this challenge was serious.

[Punishment: Expelled from university]

Although Ben possessed a system and faced death at regular intervals, that didn't
mean he didn't want to graduate. After all, his parents were counting on him. Plus,
there were the sexy university girls. As far as which was more important to Ben, that
didn't matter…

He believed in a hol-istic approach…

So when he opened the door to the professor's office and entered, Ben put on his
most charming expression, preparing to use his ultimate game on her. However…


He blinked. "Miyuki? Wha… what are you doing here?"

Sitting at the desk, Miyuki stood up from the chair. "Professor Tremblay said her
meeting was running late and asked me to fill in for the office hours."

Hearing this unfortunate news, Ben sighed, but when he glanced at Miyuki's slender
legs peeking out from under her skirt, he narrowed his eyes, because he generated a
new idea. 'It's time for Plan B… '

As he gazed around the office though, he thought twice. This was a faculty area he
wasn't familiar with. Compared to the back of a huge empty classroom, it would be
much riskier to unleash his ding dong here…

Getting caught, would mean he and Miyuki would be in enormous trouble! Since that
was the case, it was only proper for Ben to think long and ha-- 'I'ma pipe!'

He could understand the pros and cons, but it was time to smash, bruh…

So, as Miyuki walked over to him for a greeting, and he visualized her smooth skin
underneath her clothes, Ben smirked. 'Since I've already taken the trouble of coming
here, I'm not leaving with empty hands and full balls!'
*Author's Note: This R-18 scene will be at least 4 chapters long.


Professor Tremblay's office had a professional aesthetic with an organized wooden

table, brown leather chair, gray couch, and several more seats and filing cabinets. As
Ben looked around, he nodded. 'This is as good as place to fuck as any… '

In reality, he would've done it in a Denny's bathroom though…

"Benjamin-kun, did you come here due to some doubts about the classwork? Maybe I
could help you?" Proper as always, Miyuki started with school matters.

However, for Ben, this was a private issue—a matter of the schvontz…

Even so, he didn't mind playing a little game. "Teacher's assistant Miyuki… I sure
hope you can help me…” He smirked as he walked over to her.

"What's the problem, Benjamin-kun?" Standing in front of the desk, Miyuki had first
thought to give him a kiss as a greeting. Yet, as he came closer to her, soon only
separated by a distance that would make strangers uncomfortable, she felt his hot
breath on her lips… and blushed.

When he leaned his head into her neck and smelled her vanilla scent, her mouth
opened, as her breathing became shallow, before he whispered into her ear. "This is a
really big problem. You see, my teacher's assistant… is too sexy."

"Ah~" Miyuki moaned as Ben yanked her head back by her hair… exposing her
tender neck and ears, which he tickled with his lips…

*Bang* The rear of her thighs bumped into the desk behind her as her body became
unsteady, but when Ben's arm wrapped around her lower back, pulling her into his
chest, she found her foothold. Her heart was pounding now. 'Doing such a thing in
this place? Benjamin-kun is so bad… '

Despite thinking that though, her hands had already begun to caress his body back,
soon moving down, until they found… his hardening erection. "I see you have
another big problem, Benjamin-kun…”

He sighed with helplessness. "Do you think you can help me with this problem,
Teacher's Assistant Miyuki? I need you to educate this little brother of mine…”

Returning a slow sensual nod, she sat her butt on the teacher's desk and spread her
legs, her eyes already half-shut as she stared at him with lust.

With that, Ben knew it was on. "I need your assistance preparing for the sexam…”

She nodded.

"I'm sure with your teaching ability, you can help me with my testes…”

She nodded again, a bit more awkward this time…

"I don't think I can solve this bonework alone…”

Grabbing Ben's jacket, she pulled him into her, engaging him in a passionate kiss, to
shut his dumb ass up…

Meanwhile, as the two began exploring each other's bodies, they weren't aware that
from down the hall, the last person they wanted to see now exited the elevator—
Professor Tremblay. In high heels, a black skirt, and a women's blazer, she responded
to emails on her phone as she approached her office.

*Step *Step*

Soon, she was in front of her door, gripping the doorknob… as she glanced up from
her phone, turned the knob… and froze.

Blinking behind her red-framed eyeglasses, she stared through the very thin glass
partition at her eye level, observing the scene inside… of her teacher's assistant and
top student, becoming intimate with one another.


Swallowing, she released the doorknob as her heart accelerated. 'Him again?' It
wasn't that long ago that she caught Ben with Olivia in her classroom. Now, he was
seducing another beautiful girl from her class, and of all people, it was her teaching
assistant! The worst part of all though, was this bastard was doing it in her office!

'He's going too far!' The professor grinded her teeth, wondering if she should call
security first or barge in, when that thought got cut off, by a sultry sound.

"Mnnn~" Miyuki moaned from inside, as Ben's hand reached under her dress and
between her legs, starting to rub her private area…

Seeing this, the professor couldn't help but spread her lips, as her breathing became



When Ben smacked Miyuki's ass, she couldn't help releasing another cry, leading to
the professor licking her lips as her mouth became dry. Unable to take her eyes off
this, she realized, this was turning her on!

She wasn't too surprised though. Last time in the class, it was the same. After she'd
watched Ben and Olivia, she even thought about it later at home, pleasuring herself
there… storing the memory in her mind's vagina vault…

The female spank bank…

In reality, the professor never ran into this situation before, so she never realized
such a thing would turn her on… but now that she'd seen it, she didn't want it to
stop! Or rather, her body didn't want it to!

As the youngsters inside proceeded with foreplay, the professor observed with great
interest, her body growing fiery… so hot that she began to unbutton her front shirt…
and soon, her large breasts were out, in her black bra, as her fingers traced over

Meanwhile, inside, Miyuki leaned forward, kissing Ben as she pushed towards the
edge of the desk, so she could be closer to him… where she was able to bring her
hand down, to give him pleasure too…


Opening his fly, she reached inside… and pulled out… his hard cock… as she started
to stroke it.

Breathing heavily outside the door, Professor Tremblay's bra was now pulled down,
as one hand massaged her breast… squeezing her nipple… while the other, moved

She was getting wet at an unbelievable speed, and her fingers only accelerated that
as she began touching herself… her face morphing into one of pleasure…

Then, when she viewed Ben's large dick, her eyes expanded, shocked a short boy
could have such a thick rod… but as Miyuki stroked it, it turned on the professor
even more. She was eager to see what was next, so she watched on, with
masterbated breath…

Yet, right as both the young couple and the mature professor were reaching new
heights, an unfortunate interruption arrived.


The professor's face turned pale, because right behind her, across the hall, the
teacher's office door was opening!

Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw the bald four-eyed journalism professor
texting on his phone as he stepped out.

Professor Tremblay glanced down. One hand was up her skirt. The other was
groping her breast with her shirt open. 'I'm dead!'

She didn't know what to do! Any second, this colleague would look up and see her in
this state! So she did the only thing she could think of. Grabbing the doorknob in
front of her, she turned it, and jumped inside!


"Hmm?" The journalism professor glanced up when he heard the door shut.
However, seeing nothing, he soon walked away, in a rush because his obese wife was
nagging him to stop by Boston Market on the way home…

As he approached the elevator though, the thought of the sexy French professor
across the hall from him, who must've just entered her office, crossed his mind.
Closing his eyes, he turned his head to the ceiling, as his expression formed--a Dat
Ass face…

'I'd kill my wife to slide a finger down the crack of that booty.'

Meanwhile, in Professor's Tremblay's office, three people were locked in a silent

staredown: one guy with his dick out, one girl holding said dick… and her boss
professor with two big titties hanging out.
*Author's Note: This is chapter 2/4 of this R-18 scene.


Within the office, after Professor Tremblay entered in a panic, she and her two semi-
naked students locked eye contact…

Ben's jaw was hanging at his chest. At first, when he saw the professor enter, his first
thought was "disaster." They'd been caught! Such a situation was terrible! Yet, when
he spotted her gazongas hanging out… his second instinct took charge, which was
his manhood pulsating in Miyuki's hand…

As for the Japanese beauty, her face turned pale when her boss entered, believing it
was the end of her job and worse. Like Ben though, everything changed when she
saw the tits…


Facing off against those juggernauts… her cheeks regained color, though a strange

Then, there was the professor. In a normal situation, she should've been the one that
had the moral high ground here, with the power to end this terrible trilogy…

But those loaded up beef cannons weighed her down so much that she rolled down
that hill of morality, falling into the pool of depravity with the two mid-sex teenagers.

Now, the question was: what to do? No one knew, only thinking about how unnatural
they themselves looked, so they responded on instinct.
"I can explain!"

"I can explain!"

Believing they'd been caught meat-handed… both Miyuki and the professor yelled
out at the same time. As for Ben, he was worried too, but his dick was still in a girl's
hand so his backup supply of chill remained abundant…

The two girls were different though. Their first responses were defensive, but when
they heard the opposite party cry out, they both realized—she's also in the wrong!
That meant they possessed leverage! Hence, using the natural argumentative skills of
women, they rapidly changed their tactics to attack the enemy's weakness!

The professor's face became upright as she raised her nose at them, before speaking
in her sexy and authoritative French accent. "Miyuki, how do you explain this
student's hand up your skirt?!?" She crossed her arms, not realizing they now gave
further support to those funbags right above…

For Miyuki, this was a pivotal moment. Confronted, she knew if she became
defensive, she'd lose. So in response, she also attacked! "Professor, how do you
explain your tits hanging out and peeping on us from outside the door?!?" By now,
she'd figured out what the professor must've been doing to end up in this situation.
After all, Miyuki was a smart girl, and also, she did something similar to Ben before…

"How do you explain sitting on my desk with your legs open?!?"

"How do you explain your skirt being hiked up?!?"

Like this, the women exchanged several rounds of arguments, as Ben observed this
court case with deep intrigue…

Emotions ran wild as the voices of both the professor and teacher's assistant
elevated, both becoming further stimulated by this argument; Neither willing to
admit defeat since the consequences were so severe. The professor was becoming
agitated at Miyuki's persistence, not having expected the usual sweet and polite girl
who always listened to her to be so obstinate today. Her face and blonde ponytail
shaking in anger, Professor Tremblay soon had enough of this!

Stomping her high heels, she furrowed her brows as she approached the two
students. Then, as if bringing out the conclusive fact that would end this debate, with
the same motion she would use to direct their attention to a whiteboard, she pointed
down—to Ben's dick! Which was still in Miyuki's hand! "How do you explain that?!?"

Both Ben and Miyuki were speechless as the professor spread a victorious smirk.
However, Miyuki's face grew red as she looked away, and Ben gulped before the
corners of his lips curved upwards. When Professor Tremblay saw their expressions,
she became a bit confused, until she glanced down and realized that in her agitated
state, instead of pointing, by accident… she'd grabbed! She'd seized a dick!

She was now squeezing tight on Ben's cock!

Another few seconds passed in nervous silence, with the only relaxed person in the
room being Ben… standing there completely undicksturbed…

He watched all this with the calm expression of a Buddha…

In his mind, that was his role now; to do his best to look apathetic, despite his
abnormal thrill and smirking soul… his brains brewing various thoughts. 'The plot
dickens… '

The first to snap out of it was the professor. Looking at Ben's stupid monk face… she
recalled the last time she caught him with Olivia in her classroom, and now again
with Miyuki in her office. Did he not respect her at all?!? The nerve of this boy! Her
heart rate elevated as her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment, anger, and the
earlier stimulation. "What do you think you are doing waving this thing around
everywhere?!?" She yelled at Ben while shaking his dick!

Except, this bastard didn't repent at all! Instead, the movement stimulated him,
making his erection throb in her palm!

"Uh…” However, as the professor felt that, she couldn't help releasing a light moan by
instinct. She'd never held such a big cock before, and besides that, what was she even
doing? She was touching a student's dick now! In her own office! This was beyond
misbehaving, this was full-on scandalous!

Yet, while thinking about that, why did her breath only get shorter… Why was she
staring at that cock and even… stroked it once… 'No, I need to stop this!' The
professor turned her head and was about to end this once and for all!

Except, someone else acted first. Miyuki had been watching her reaction the whole
time, and before Professor Tremblay could take her hand off Ben'd dick, Miyuki
grabbed over the top of it! Pulling it down! Making the professor stroke Ben's cock!

The Japanese beauty's eyes glinted. She could tell the professor was in a vulnerable
state now, and the only way to diffuse this situation, was to also make her, a member
of the guilty party!
Author's Note: This is chapter 3/4 of this portion of the R-18 scene. There will be
another one or two-parter following it.


Within Professor Tremblay's office, Ben, Miyuki, and the professor were facing off in
a tense situation when the Japanese beauty made an audacious move. She held the
professor's hand, which would've been sweet, if it wasn't wrapped around Ben's

This, was a judgment call from Miyuki. She had gained some experience with other
women from the time with Ben and Camila, and when combining that with all the
porn she'd watched… Miyuki could recognize the appearance of an aroused woman
struggling to suppress her desires. After all, this was a problem she'd grappled with
often herself.

On this occasion though, things were different, because she couldn't let the professor
hold back! If Professor Tremblay recovered and left, Miyuki would be out of a job!
Both her and Ben would get in serious trouble! It would be a disaster! So for those
reasons, she needed to attack! To force the professor into submission using the most
powerful weapon at her dicksposal—once again—Ben's cock!

Feeling Miyuki's hand squeeze tight over hers, as well as Ben's member throb within
her fingers, Professor Tremblay looked back to see, that she was stroking Ben's hard
dick… as the two youngsters stared at her with lustful eyes…

They were trying to d-fuse her…

And it was working.

"Oh…” The professor's lips opened as she began breathing hard, her heartbeat
running out of control… Yet, she didn't pull her hand away, and that gave Miyuki
enough time. Pushing off the desk and stepping towards the professor, Miyuki
reached her other hand out, and grabbed the professor's breast!

Although Miyuki's nervousness while doing this was also at the peak, she did her
best to stay calm and control the situation, as she caressed the professor's tit,
looking into her blue eyes… before bending down… and licking it…

*Pant* *Pant*

Feeling the gorgeous girl's wet lips on her nipple, Professor Tremblay's body was
heating up like a forest fire, the blaze spreading and uncontrollable. This
stimulation… was too much! She couldn't resist! Soon, her hands were moving of
their own volition, one stroking Miyuki's hair, and the other… jerking Ben's cock…

He smirked, also aware it was time to get into action. So turning to the professor, he
grabbed her other full breast, as well as the back of her neck, pulling her mouth into
his… where his tongue invaded the mature beauty's lips…

"Mmm~" Professor Tremblay moaned as the two seducers attacked her nerve
endings, one's tongue swimming inside her mouth, and the other's twirling around
her breast… It was, unbearable…

Next, Miyuki released the professor's hand, relieved when she saw it continue to
stroke Ben, as she took her now free fingers, and slid them down the professor's
waist, passing over her skirt, and reaching those thick legs… There, her hand
traveled through the ravines and fields of those thighs, until she reached a magical
oasis, one that was already nursing a dripping geyser, just waiting for the right time
to burst…

Having arrived, Miyuki began rubbing Professor Tremblay's moist pussy…

"Ahnn~" The professor opened her eyes as she exchanged deeper eye contact with
Ben and Miyuki, and at that moment, something changed. The hesitation in her gaze,

As her face blossomed with fevered sexual appetite, the professor stopped being the
passive one; pushing back, kissing back, rubbing back!
She stroked Ben's dick with force…

She pulled Miyuki's face upwards into hers, tasting those appetizing oriental lips…

Ripping clothes off, from both herself, and others…

Soon, her blazer and skirt laid on the floor in the corner, displaying her voluptuous
body in only black bra and panties…

Miyuki, had even less on, her bra having been removed by the sneaky hands of Ben,
the assassin in the background…

As for this sole man present, the two girls tore his clothes off last, but they were the
most thorough with him, leaving no scrap of cotton remaining, not even his Rick and
Morty socks…


Ben's behind banged against the desk like Miyuki's had earlier, but the roles had
reversed now. The student was no longer seeking the assistance of the teacher.
Instead, it was the professor and her lascivious assistant who were desperate to
headucate the student…

Gulping, Ben looked down and couldn't believe the sight below him—two gorgeous
exotic women, both approaching perfection but in opposite ways; one dark-haired,
one light; one with youthful beauty, one with mature charm; one with a tight and
graceful body, one stacked and erotic.

They couldn't have been more different. Yet, that only accentuated their individual
strengths, and no matter how their features contrasted, they both had one thing in
common—the two of them now had their breasts out… and were on their knees…
below Ben… begging for his cock…

There were no longer any sides here, only three people in the heat of passion. That's
why when Miyuki and Professor Tremblay exchanged eye contact, the two showed
naughty smirks before looking up at Ben… both squeezing their tits together only a
foot away from his dick… teasing him…

It was almost too much to bear for a man, each minor motion of their's summoning a
wild beast within him…
His member throbbed, but he kept his cool, because Ben had cumviction… He
possessed the cumfidence that he had something they needed, something they'd
both be cumming for themselves… and not long after, they cumfirmed it through
their words.

Miyuki bit her lower lip as she gazed up at him like a thirsty cat. "Benjamin-kun, give
us your cock…”

Professor Tremblay adjusted her glasses as she shook her jugs side to side. "We want
your dick… please…”

Hearing their penile petitions… Ben sighed, before complying with expertly feigned
troll-hesitation…”All right, since you went through the proper channels… I'll grant
you this d-sire…”
*Author's Note: This is the last chapter of this part of the R-18 scene. Right after this,
there will be another one or two-parter.


Standing against Professor Tremblay's desk in her office, Ben watched the majestic
scene down below, of two beauties waiting to suck his cock…

When he came here to attempt to seduce the professor, in truth, he didn't give
himself high odds. Yet somehow, not only did he end up getting the professor in this
position, but even Miyuki together with her… It was a divine development, so much
so that Ben's mind drifted off, lost in this heavenly scene.

However, down below on Earth, Miyuki had become impatient. She grabbed onto the
shaft of his manhood, and luckily for Ben, that woke him up in an instant, bringing
him back to reality--a very stimulating reality…

Next, she stroked it back and forth, feeling it pulsate in her hand… as she looked
forward to all the things she could do with this reliable dick… but, she wasn't the
only one that wanted to try it.

To her side, the professor licked her lips, as she placed her hand next to Miyuki's, the
two women beginning to jerk it together…

It was a touching scene…

A bonding experience…

Though not a seamless one. At one moment, they even fell out of sync, creating an
awkward situation. Yet, to Ben's surprise, it just led to them giggling, turning to each
other, and exchanging a passionate kiss… as much for each other's pleasure as for
Ben's eyes above.

Only an hour ago, neither of the women would've believed they'd end up in this
situation, but, human hormones were powerful. One thing led to another and now
they were here, about to engage in a menage a trois…

As for Ben, his knowledge of French extended no further than croissant… What he
did know though, was how sexy the professor's accent was any time she spoke.

"Dis nice… big dik…” Still wearing her glasses despite tossing everything else, the
professor grinned as she stroked Ben's cock… However, she soon took her hand off to
give Miyuki space, when as usual, the teacher's assistant volunteered to be the first
to interact with the student.

Raising her posture, Miyuki couldn't wait anymore. So, opening her little mouth…
she stuffed Ben's manhood inside…

*Slurp* *Slurp*

Stroking and sucking, she got it all started off as her glistening spit covered Ben's
dick, spreading it with her fingers all the way to the base.

*Gugh* Shaking her head, she even did her best to deepthroat Ben… her mouth
contracting around his member as she pushed down as far as she could… not pulling
back until she needed to breathe.

*Gasp* As Miyuki refueled with air, strands of saliva hung from her lips connecting to
the dick… which made her smile as she glanced up at Ben…

"Mmm, looks good… may I?" Professor Tremblay scooted forward as she grabbed
hold of his member… taking her turn for the first time. If she was honest, a small part
of her still couldn't believe this was happening. Yet, as she squeezed that thick rod
and dragged the nails of her other hand up Ben's chiseled abs… she understood
something—she wouldn't be backing out… because she wanted this! She wanted this
young man! So now, she needed to please him!

That's why, as Professor Tremblay gazed up into Ben's eyes… she licked her lips,
lined his cock up with them… and swallowed it…

"Nnn~" The professor even moaned as her mouth and hand worked the dick… using
her experience to show Ben how good a blowjob from a mature woman could be…
and he would agree wholeheartedly…

Her lips hollowing out… her mouth was like a commercial vacuum cleaner pumping
his dick with the sole aim of cleaning it dry…

"Fuck…” Ben's legs twitched at the sensations… forcing him to hold onto the edge of
the desk with both hands…

Watching from above, he found it difficult to believe the stunning professor and her
teacher's assistant were both sucking his dick right now… knowing he was living the
top fantasy of every student in the Media school.

Yet, this dream, only got better…

Not wanting to be left out, Miyuki knelt against Ben's thigh, as she tilted her head up,
and put his balls in her mouth…

*Slurp* Smiling with her eyes, she began to suck and lick his nuts… as the professor
worked his manhood right by her…… their two beautiful faces looking up at Ben to
provide him maximum satisfaction…

Soon after, they began alternating, sharing like good girls… and even working
together. At one point, they both started from the sides of the base of Ben's shaft,
sticking their tongues out… and licking it all the way up… in sync…

Then, when they reached the tip, they closed their eyes and…

*Muah* They began making out… conjoining their tongues as they massaged each
other's… as well as the head of Ben's cock…

Grinning, he wished he could stop time, because this was the sexiest thing he'd ever
seen in his life…

Yet, there was more to come. After repeating the above maneuver, the two girls
changed techniques. Using their lips instead of their tongues, they pressed them in
open kisses at the sides of Ben's manhood… proceeding to mix brushing his cock up
and down… and swiveling their heads in both directions…

"Amazing…” Ben's face twisted with pleasure… but with them in this position, he got
an idea. Grabbing the rear of both of their heads, he kept them still against the sides
of his dick so their lips almost interlocked, and their tongues rubbed the bottom…

Then, he pulled back… and started to fuck their lips!

The mouths of both beauties caressed and sucked the sides… as Ben rolled his dick
back and forth over their tongues and through their lips… experiencing much more
complex sensations than from a normal blowjob… That was normal though. After all,
this was a trick he could only perform with two girls.

"Uh…” Ben moaned at this unbelievable feeling. In fact, this entire situation was too
stimulating to all his senses… That's why as the girls continued pleasuring him…
taking turns jerking and sucking… it wasn't long, before Ben's cock was reaching its
climax! "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!"

Hearing that as Ben was in her mouth, Miyuki glanced left to Professor Tremblay,
and decided that this time, it would only be right to share. So after removing her
head from Ben's dick, she lined it up next to the blonde professor's, as she kept
jerking it… even harder and faster than before…”Yes, cum on us, Benjamin-kun…” She
stuck her tongue out…

"Give me your cum… I want it…” The professor also followed suit, putting her tongue

Watching these two gorgeous women begging for a facial… was already more than
enough! As Ben's meat-pole throbbed in Miyuki's hand, and spewed!

"UHHHHH!" White cream shout out! Striking against Miyuki's tongue! Splashing all
over her face! And even in her eye! But she kept stroking!

Yet, her aim suffered. Tilting her hand a bit to the left, the next target became the
professor, but a bit off from her mouth!

"Ah!" Professor Tremblay yelped as a mass of cum hit her glasses! Spreading all
across her face! Dripping down into her mouth! And it wasn't the only one! After all,
Ben's cock was a semi-automatic!

Shots of sperm continued to cover the girls… and soon, their entire faces, were
drenched in white!
Cum dripped down… onto their tits… and the floor of this university's professor's
office… It was a glorious sight.

So as he watched his work, Ben's eyes gleamed with awareness. 'Now, I understand
first-hand why this university's so highly rated. The professor's here work extra hard
to wrench out all the potential from their students… '

*Author's Note: This is chapter 1/2 of a new portion of the R-18 scene.


After Ben painted Professor Tremblay's glasses and face in cum, it was like a wake-
up call for her, at the worst hotel of all time…

She began to snap out of her sexual state, realizing what a scandalous act she was
performing with her student and teacher's assistant. 'Oh my God, what am I doing?'
A dreadful feeling grew in her chest… She was panicking!

It also didn't help that her entire face was now cream covered… making it hard to
see, and as she was about to stand and call a stop to everything, something else kept
her rooted--Miyuki's interference.

The Japanese beauty leaned over to the professor, and began licking her face… eating
the cum off it… and once again using her hands to caress Professor Tremblay's large

"Oh~" the professor moaned. This unexpected deviant act, which should've made it
more clear how outrageous what they were doing was, only served to turn her on

It was all due to Miyuki's hard-working nature. That was never more evident than
when she used her tongue to clean off the professor's glasses… restoring her sight
again like she was running a charity program called Licks for LASIK…

In any case, it roughened the professor's breathing once more, motivating her to join
in herself…”So much cuum~" Licking it off her lips… she then turned to Miyuki, and
began a make-out session… swapping sperm, and spit… cleaning each other's faces…
At the same time, Miyuki's hands explored the professor's body, one soon reaching
down, to her panties… where she began to rub…

"Uhh~" Professor Tremblay's head fell into Miyuki's shoulder. Soon, she even pulled
the professor up to her feet, both now standing, and by this point, Ben also found his
way into the mix.

Having walked behind the professor, he glanced down and marveled at her colossal
thick ass… as he reached down and grabbed two handfuls of it, squeezing… Then, his
eyebrows rose because even with both hands, it was difficult to tame such a booty…

Yet, as a true gamer, Ben knew that even if he couldn't get through the ass-armor… he
could still conquer her weak point. So as Miyuki kept the professor company at the
front, Ben got down on his knees, spread her buttcheeks… and attacked her exposed
spot, burying his face… into her pussy…

"Ang~" The professor leaned forward as she dug her juicy ass into Ben's face… It
almost smothered him, but, he'd die with a smile on his face if it was this way…

When it's your time to goo, it's your time to goo…

Instead of worrying about breathing, Ben called in the cavalry, and who else would
be leading the charge but his cummander and genital officer… Wartortle!

"Ngnggg~" Professor Tremblay's body shook as Ben activated Rain Dance. However,
as a mature woman who'd already seen the wind and rain… she didn't neglect the
third party, pulling Miyuki in front of her to sit on the desk. As such, when the
professor bent down, she landed between Miyuki's thighs… and from there,
Professor Tremblay slid those white panties to the side, and performed her own
version of Rain Dance…

"Haa~" Tilting her head back, Miyuki moaned in pleasure, as the three now satisfied
each other in a chain… Yet, no matter how experienced the professor was, she didn't
have a magic skill like Ben. So as he used his tongue and fingers on her slit, her body
seized up over and over… forcing her to grab hold of Miyuki's tender thighs to keep

Gasping, Professor Tremblay couldn't believe this was a freshman student behind
her, eating her out like this…”Oohh yess, it's so gooodd~" Moaning, her face posted
on Miyuki's groin, doing her best to pass on the pleasure…
"Mnnn~" Miyuki was also enjoying having her boss go down on her… even if she
wasn't as good as Ben.

Either way, the room got steamier with the smells of bodily fluids… and as the two
women alternated moans, cries, and receiving licks between thighs… it didn't take
much longer, until the professor became the first to reach her limit.

With her tongue on Miyuki's pussy lips, Professor Tremblay soon found herself
unable to control her body…”Ahh~ Yes! Like that~" Her juicy ass was rubbing up and
down on Ben's face… vibrating… along with the rest of her body… and soon…”You
making me~ cummm!" The professor's vibration reached a new level! She was
having an orgasm! And even squirting!

A line of liquid shot out covering the wooden floor! Passing by Ben's face which got
out the way, and as she vibrated, with her lips still on Miyuki's clit, it was like--she'd
turned into a sex toy!

So as the Japanese girl felt this stimulation on her sensitive button… combined with
the mental arousal from her strict boss eating her pussy, it brought her own pleasure
to new heights!

In addition, what turned her on most of all, was that her man behind her boss forced
that woman into such a weak state! Knowing he was so capable gave Miyuki pride! In
fact, watching him do it, even made her heat up! So with that…

"AHAA~" Miyuki also orgasmed! Clenching her thighs around the professor's head
which continued vibrating in her groin! Although she didn't squirt, it still felt great!
Making her senses explode!

A short while later… Miyuki smiled in satisfaction, leaning back on the desk, her head
hanging off it as she rested. Meanwhile, Professor Tremblay's knees had already
fallen to the ground from weakness, her upper body resting on Miyuki's thigh.

As for Ben, he was the only one with energy remaining. Standing up, he watched the
two women in cumatose states… It made him grin with pride. 'Daddy put in a good
performance on parent-teacher night… '

Then, when he recalled something, his grin widened, because although he'd already
juiced one, turning her into a vibrator who used that momentum to climax the
other… it was still only the beginning. Now, it was time to teach these girls some real

Professor Tremblay had done a good job educating Ben about Strategic Marketing.
So as a person who believed in giving and receiving, he thought it was his duty to
offer her his knowledge now, giving it all his effort, to drill the information into her…

Nodding, Ben took slow steps towards the two who were recovering. "I hope you
girls are ready to receive your dickplomas…”

Soon, he'd arrived behind the professor, who was still bent over on her knees,
leaning onto the desk. Ben looked down at her voluminous ass below, and his dick
became erect just watching it… The reality was, the professor's ass was so thick, Ben
found it too easy to think of enjoyable positions. Shaking his head, he sighed. 'Too
many options. It's as easy as turning over one's cock… '

However, with his mind distracted, he didn't notice the professor's eyes had regained
clarity, as she looked over her shoulder, and saw Ben's stiff boner… It caused her
heart to speed up once again, the fire inside her rekindling…”Ohh, look, so nice…” She
reached up and grasped Ben's cock… giggling as she stroked it…”Mmm, I love playing
with this…”

Then, she grabbed his thighs and pulled him closer to her, as she once again opened
her mouth, and put Ben's cock inside…”Nnn~"

At the same time, Miyuki also regained awareness. Tilting her head up, she observed
her boss serving her man… and this, fired her up too… Her fingers soon skimmed
down her sweaty body, such that soon, she was rubbing herself…

*Slurp* *Slurp* After getting the dick wet all over, Professor Tremblay removed her
head, smiling as she glanced back to Miyuki's exposed pussy… Ben may have had
trouble choosing a position, but the professor already had one in mind, and it wasn't
for her. Standing up, she pulled Ben closer to the table, until Miyuki's moist slit, was
only inches from his dick…

Still stroking it, the professor pressed her massive jugs on Ben's arm as she gazed
into his eyes with a lewd expression. "Mmm, you will fuck her for me?"

Ben never desired to say yes to a teacher's assignment until now…

What an amazing chance for sextra credit this was!

And it was on his best subject!

So what other response could he give except a vigorous nod and affirmation? "Yes!
Hell yes, professor!"

He was d-termined… to get that A…

Professor Tremblay chuckled. "Good…” Next, gripping on Ben's cock, she lined it up
with Miyuki's slit… giving a teasing smile to the girl lying on the table, as she took
Ben's dick, and rubbed the head back and forth at high speed, on Miyuki's sensitive

"Ah!" Miyuki's face morphed into a complex wince mixed with pleasure at the
unexpected burst of stimulation…

This was the professor's way of teasing the youngsters. Yet, the proper business
remained. So bending down, she brought her head close to Miyuki's pussy, and…


She spat on it… before standing straight again, showing a light smirk as she used
ben's cock like a brush, dipping it in the spit for lubrication… Then, placing it at the
entrance to Miyuki's love-hole once again, the professor put her hand on Ben's
back… and pushed!

"Nnn~" Miyuki bit both her lips as his thick rod entered her…

"So tight…” Ben exhaled with pleasure as he felt her flexible walls…

"Yes… fuck her now…” The professor let go of Ben's member, bringing her hand up to
squeeze her own breast… As much as she desired to experience this big dick inside
her, she also loved something else—watching other people fuck…

Although it wasn't as good as when they didn't know she was observing, their
forbidden identities made up for that, turning her on just as much…
So as she backed up against the wall, the professor entered her ideal state--the

She wanted to enjoy this from the sidelines. As such, her free hand reached down…
and she began playing with herself…

Ben understood what this implied too, as he ignored Professor Tremblay and
glanced down at Miyuki below him. 'The driving instructor gave up her control… ' He
smirked. 'In that case, it's time to play bumper cars.'
Author's Note: This is the final R-18 chapter of this scene.


"Haa~" Lying on the professor's desk, Miyuki rubbed her pussy as Ben repeatedly
drove his cock into her… slapping her thighs with his groin.

*Slap *Slap*

Meanwhile, against the wall to their side, Professor Tremblay was playing with
herself as well… breathing hard as she watched the show… enjoying it no less than
they were…

As for Ben, he clutched onto Miyuki's legs, filling her up as he relished the pressure
of her love-cave… along with the adorable cries floating from her lips…”Benjamin-

There on the table, the two fucked with complete disregard to their location--the
riskiest place to do such a thing.

Doing this in the professor's office in the faculty area, both of them knew if they got
caught, it would be the end of them. However, in this case, they'd already gotten their
permissionary slips signed by the professor herself… whose knees were buckling
against the wall as she spun her fingers back and forth on her clit… like a DJ from
down under…

This is what a modern college education looked like in Ben's mind before he ever
stepped foot on campus. He just didn't know it would become a reality.

Nevertheless, he accepted these lessons with great enthusiasm, as every couple of

minutes, he moved Miyuki to switch their positions, hitting every angle of her

Putting her legs on his neck…

Throwing them to the side…

Even flipping her over and fucking her doggy-style…

It looked like he was rotating a chicken kebab…

Regardless, Miyuki liked getting skewered like this…

So her moans filled the room as sweat accumulated on their bodies, dripping on the
ground, and soon, the professor also had enough of watching. As much as she
enjoyed the spectator role, that cock looked too appetizing to pass up…

As such, climbing onto the desk next to Miyuki, Professor Tremblay spread her thick
legs for Ben, calling him over. "Benjamin, come here… I want your dick too… Fuck

Never a man to keep a girl waiting, except if it was on a date where he thought it
would look cooler… Ben decided to full-fill the professor's sexpectations…

Thus, pulling out of an exhausted Miyuki, he stepped to the side and put his dick on
the milf professor's pussy… Yet, even before he tried to enter her, she made the first
move. Sitting up, Professor Tremblay grabbed Ben's manhood and put it inside
herself… as she wrapped her legs around him, and began pushing her torso off the
desk… thrusting into him…”Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!"

It was a student's duty to meet his teacher's d-mands… So, with her slit already wet,
Ben started pounding her…

"Ahh~ Yesss~" The professor laid back. Meanwhile, Miyuki turned to her, starting to
suck on the professor's breast as a hand moved down her belly, reaching her clit
which Miyuki played with…

At the same time, Ben was giving it his all, hitting the bottom of her pussy! Soon, he
even posted his hands up on the table, and started pile-driving her!

"Soo goood~" The professor closed her eyes, her face twisting with pleasure…
Meanwhile, when Miyuki observed how fast Ben's hips were moving! She gasped!
Too fast! It was a blur! 'Hayai!'

This was all a result of Ben's training, not just muscle training, or BJJ, but anything
and everything…

Every single thing he ever did was for this moment… tying shoelaces, riding a bike, it
didn't matter…

He always visualized this outcome… believed it was all part of his dickstiny…

However, this type of turbo speed wasn't something even a superhero could
maintain forever. So after a few minutes, he was panting for breaths, and the
professor was like a sex demon, still pulling him into her, telling him to thrust
harder! She couldn't get enough!

It was lucky for Ben that there was backup, as Miyuki came in to save the day,
appointing herself the meat-manager…

Pausing them, she encouraged Ben to sit down on the chair, and assuaged the cock-
hungry professor by putting her on top, having her sit on him cowgirl…

Then, from this position, Professor Tremblay started going wild!

"Yes! Yes!" She rode up and down on Ben's cock… her ponytail flying in all directions
as her massive ass bounced on him!

In the meantime, Miyuki got on the ground on all fours in front of them, and began
using her mouth… starting with Ben's balls…

As he felt the professor's walls gripping his shaft… and Miyuki's delicate mouth on
his nuts, Ben gripped hard on the armrests, because the sensations were
overwhelming him… even pushing him to channel Owen Wilson. "Wow…”

Miyuki, though, was only beginning her mapped route. Licking her way up Ben's
scrotum, she then tongued the bottom of his shaft… and even continued upwards to
also cover… the professor's pussy…

"Oh~" Professor Tremblay rode even harder… looking forward to the little extra lick
at the end of each of her movements…
*Smack* Ben slapped the professor's thick ass… making it shake as she pummeled
his cock with it…

She was so energetic that once in a while she even caused him to slip out of her…
causing the professor to become anxious. "No! Put it back in!"

It wasn't a problem though, because right there to solve the issue was Miyuki,
grabbing Ben's loose dick to re-connect the power supply. Of course, she would first
take her management fee, slapping his cock all over her face and mouth… and getting
some sucks… tasting the professor's inner juices with glee… before re-inserting the
rod into the impatient boss…

Like that, the Japanese beauty continued licking upwards from balls to pussy…
However, Ben and Professor Tremblay also wanted her to get her turn, so the girls
soon switched places, Miyuki on top with the professor sucking them both on the

From there, the trio moved into various positions, servicing each other with delight…
until a while later, they all ended up on the futon… covered in sweat and various
bodily fluids…

In this position, Miyuki was lying on her back on the long side, her legs hanging off
the edge. On top of her was the professor, facing stomach to stomach, with her huge
ass in the air as the two kissed… Then, behind the two of them, was Ben, taking a
second to appreciate this glorious scene…

There in front of him, was an unbeatable ass and two beautiful inverted pussies
rubbing against each other… waiting for him… Naturally, he lacked the patience to
only stare.


Stepping forward, Ben slapped the professor's ass, watching it jiggle… and getting
their attention. Professor Tremblay glanced over her shoulder at Ben, smirking as
she twerked her ass for him…”Hurry and fuck us…”

Miyuki also stretched her leg out to hook it behind Ben'd back, pulling him in. "Come,
we need your dick, Benjamin-kun…”

Ben still had trouble believing this wasn't a dream, which was why he remembered
movie logic and pinched himself to make sure, because he didn't have a spinning

Soon, he regretted it though. 'Ow! I shouldn't have pinched my balls… '

It somehow seemed most appropriate. He thought that would wake him up for sure,
but either way, it worked. This was reality!

Since that was the case, Ben grabbed his dick and inserted it. Yet, it wasn't into either
of them, but between the pussies of the two girls… From there, they pressed against
each other, grinding against it… compressing it on both sides…

Next, Ben grabbed Tremblay's ass above… and dry-fucked between their dripping
pussy lips… the soft, fleshy texture providing a unique sensation…



The two women also received stimulation as his meat-pole pressed against their

Yet, the sight of their holes soon proved too alluring to Ben. So repositioning his
manhood on top of Miyuki, he first entered her…

"Mnnn~ Benjamin-kun~ Give it to me~" She bit her upper lip as she began to pant…

Then, after a few minutes… he pulled out… and put it inside the professor, who
began to pump her ass backward into him… fucking his cock with each
collision…”Fuck! Yes!" she screamed.

Both of them were incredible, so like a fat kid's dick in a pussy store… Ben couldn't
decide on one hole… switching every minute between them… It was thrilling for him
and his little brother, but he also knew this wouldn't work. The women needed
consistency to make them cum. That's why, he whipped out a cockelganger…

In other words, he brought Wartortle into the mix! As Ben fucked Miyuki below, he
pulled Tremblay's ass up to his face, and started to chow down…
"Ahhh~" Miyuki cried as he hollowed her out…

"Ohh fuck~" Tremblay moaned as he sucked her clit…

Ben gave it his all, and combined with all the accumulated arousal so far, it didn't
take long, until both girls reached climax!


"Cumminggg againnn!"

Not long after… juices dripped down Ben's chin and cock… as the two girls panted,
laying together…

However, it wasn't time to rest, because according to Ben's clock/cock… the class bell
still hadn't rung! So gripping Tremblay's ass, he shoved his dick inside her! At the
same time, his fingers moved down and Rain Danced on Miyuki below!



Like that, Ben worked them again! Then after another championship effort, a few
minutes later… it was the same result!



They were cumming again! This time though, Ben didn't stop fucking! With Professor
Tremblay's massive meat mounds in front of him, he held on tight as he kept drilling
inside… and in reality, no man could doggy-style an ass like that for long without
succumbing… So a short while later, Ben was also going to nut!

And he had a plan! To mark this beautiful scene! Pulling out, he stroked himself off,
shooting cum on both of them!

First spraying down on Miyuki's pussy!

Then shooting lines all over the professor's ass!

Covering them in spunk!

A minute later, the two women were still lying together with their eyes closed, dead
tired and attempting to rest. Ben was recovering too, sitting down on the floor
against the sofa. As he glanced back at them, he couldn't hold back a satisfied smile
though, because this, was the day he believed he'd become an outstanding student.
"At last, I've cumpleted the teacher's ass-ignment…”

He nodded over and over with pride. "I think she'll be satisfied with my delivered

At that moment though, he heard Professor Tremblay muttering. "Shut up… Let us
nap… salaud…”

Ben sighed with helplessness. 'These damn classroom no talking rules… '

Having received top tier guidance, Ben soon left the professor's office with a
bachelor's degree in being the man…

In fact, the two women shooed him out of there, because they realized they needed
to clean up the office and became worried someone from outside heard them. Of
course, they were lucky enough that such a thing didn't happen, but that was also
reasonable; Their office hours were on the late side, and any nearby professors had
already left.

After Ben exited, Miyuki and Professor Tremblay had a bit of an awkward moment
though, unsure how this would affect their relationship, but the professor soon made
it clear. "This doesn't mean you can slack off…”

Professor Tremblay put education first and that's why her career prospects were so
promising. It wasn't only because of her assets…

That was a relief to Miyuki though. The last thing she wanted was drama in her work
life. So, regaining her proper demeanor, she returned a polite nod after the
professor's statement, and the two moved on as if they weren't tonguing each other's
insides not long ago…


A while later, Ben returned to his dorm room, exhausted. After all, the teachers had
forced him to work out the most important part of his brain--the c*ckcipital lobe…

Now, his body desired sleep, but like a young child who couldn't wait for an
adventure the next day, he knew his excitement wouldn't allow him to rest; at least,
not until he reviewed that which thrilled him so much—his system gains!

So after confirming Fariq wasn't nearby, Ben sat on his bed, and opened his
challenges screen.

[Congratulations! You've completed the Special Challenge: Sextra Credit - Seduce

your professor by the end of the semester. Target: Professor Tremblay]

[Reward: Mid Level Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Random) x1]

[Punishment: Expelled from university]

[Distributing reward: Stat Growth Multiplier(Consumable, Rare, Personal Talent) x1]

Seeing the challenge gave him a multiplier for personal talent, Ben's eyes shined!
Although he'd find a way to make good use of a multiplier for any stat, right now,
personal talent would be his first pick! The reason was obvious too. At the moment,
he was working on photography and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so focusing on personal
talent now would be much simpler for him. He only needed to keep doing what he
was already doing!

It was a tremendous reward! That's why, even though he took some serious risks
seducing a professor, it was worth every peeny!

In addition, Ben's notifications clarified that his adventure also came with other
special rewards!

[Congratulations! You've unlocked a new title: Straight A'ss Student(rare)]

[Conditions met: In one of your classes, you've had sex with the top female student,
the teacher's assistant, and the professor. Vague rumors will spread, and the campus
will now be like a second home to you]

[Straight A'ss Student(rare): When speaking with members of your university, social
status +1]

Ben clenched his fists! This was his first rare title! Even his best title, Poison Dragon,
was only rated fine! So how amazing was a rare one?!?

Of course, when comparing the two titles, it was important to consider the details.

In the case of Poison Dragon, although the soul damage seemed powerful, that was
only because it was very suitable for Ben. He was able to utilize it to its maximum
potential because he was already a fiend with a toxic tongue…

As for Straight A'ss Student, while a stat increase for a rare title seemed simple, Ben
noticed what this buff possessed that boosts from items didn't, or rather—what it
didn't possess--a cap!

Every system item he owned, even the epic Typewriter of Truth, carried a cap on the
effectiveness of its boost. Yet, this title didn't! That meant he could use it to increase
his social status stat as high as it would go! It would be useful forever! That, was why
it was rare.

Of course, there was a downside that it would only be effective on members of his
university, but that was reasonable. After all, the system explained how the title
would function; If vague rumors spread about Ben sexing beautiful professors and
students, it would no doubt make him a legendary figure, but the only people who'd
hear or care about such things were members of the university.

Despite that, Ben noticed something positive about the limitation—it didn't say
students, it said members. This, made him spread a villainous smirk… because he
realized what it marked, or rather who: teachers, administrators, and even sexy
janitors! If such a magical custodian existed…

Either way, he'd do them all! Because Ben was the class cumqueror…

Anywhere on cumpus, his cumfidence would now soar, allowing him to achieve even
greater cumquests…

In any case, Ben was in a great mood, because he'd received some tremendous
boosts. Yet, it was only the beginning! Next, he read through his achievements.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: D-fusing the Enemy(rare) -

When caught doing something prohibited, convince the person who caught you to
drop the case by seducing them]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben smirked, because he stole this right from the female playbook…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Wingwoman for the Win(rare) -

Seduce a woman together with a female partner]
[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

He nodded in appreciation. Ben would be the first to admit that for a second time,
Miyuki came through huge, and it was once again for a threesome! If he was alone,
there would've been a high chance for things to conclude with a much poorer
outcome, and by alone, he meant if Professor Tremblay caught him jacking in the

That, would've been a tough sell…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Bridge Master Blaster(fine) -

Hold two women's heads still as you f*ck their interlocked mouths]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

"God bless modern engineering and degeneracy…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Please, Sir, May I Have Some
Shplore Please?(fine) - Have two women beg on their knees for your sperm]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben was satisfied with this scene's cumclusion…

There were no opportunities for bad writing because he followed Oliver Twist's
source material; after they made the request, he hit them with his shploon…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Double Scoop of Splat-Free Ice

Cream(fine) - Give two women a sperm facial at the same time]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben shook his head. "They didn't careee if it was free… Take that sh*t out…”

In the end though, they couldn't take the splat out…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cha-Cha Choo-Choo(fine) -

Perform oral sex on a woman as she performs it on another woman]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

"Thomas had never seen such good sh*t before…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Aclliteration(fine) - Have sex

with two women who are stacked one on top of the other, as they face each other and
rub their clitorises together]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben's jaw dropped because the title was too perfect. When Miyuki and Professor
Tremblay put their clitorises closely together, it did in fact create extra emphasis…

He couldn't think of a better name even if given one hundred years, and also believed
no one else would dare to give any clitorary criticism…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Cultivating the Dao of

Plow(repeatable, rare) - Have sex with a new woman to completion]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

Ben closed his eyes as he focused on feeling the energy flowing from his body. Today,
he'd made a substantial breakthrough. With the new Straight A'ss Student title,
anywhere on campus, he'd carry an aura of power, his cumtivation creating awe in all
observers. Martial artists had to train for years to develop killing intent. Yet Ben only
had to bang Olivia, Miyuki, and Professor Tremblay to develop his own weapon…
banging intent.

He wouldn't be stingy with it either, letting it fly on any decent looking female that
crossed his path. You could take that to the sperm bank…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: D*ckagon(repeatable, rare) -

Attain repeatable achievements for sex acts with ten women]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 1000]

"It is ten, isn't it?" He paused for a second in reminiscence, becoming thoughtful and
even sentimental. This was a rare serious moment for him. The truth was that
although he hadn't been paying attention to the count, this was a significant
milestone for Ben, because it showed how far he'd cum…
Well, even though the moment wasn't serious for long, it did carry weight.

Ben never forgot where he started from. Several months ago, he was a hopeless
virgin, but since then, he'd somehow hooked up with ten beauties in such a brief
span of time. This was no simple accomplishment.

Some people would even bake themselves a cake on such an occasion. However, Ben
saw no need, because he focused on the future, preferring to bake loafs using women
as ovens…

As such, he moved on.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Holey Trinity(repeatable, epic) -

Have a threesome to completion with at least one woman who hasn't participated in
this achievement before]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 5000]

"An epic again!" He'd expected it but it was still a beautiful sight. The more important
thing though was that with all these achievements, he had finally reached his goal of
50,000 points!

PUA Points: 58100

Sitting on his bed, Ben stared at this number displayed on his blue system screen for
a long time. "I finally did it…”

He'd been saving for what felt like ages to reach this checkpoint. So now that he'd
arrived, the natural result should've been for him to feel excitement. Yet, what Ben
experienced first, was instead anxiety, because he now had expectations. He couldn't
help considering what would happen if he navigated to the store, and there wasn't
anything good there!

Ben had built up his hopes on this 50000 mark for so long, believing it'd be worth it
if he could only see what item would become available to him, but that was only a
guess. So what if he'd just wasted all that time?

Wouldn't that be anti-climactic? Wouldn't it be unsatisfying? Wouldn't it be like the

last unwatchable season of a once-popular TV series that was about to get canceled?

Ben's face turned pale. He couldn't afford to get canceled! He wouldn't be queuing up
for new auditions while waiting tables. No, this was his little life at stake! There
would be no agent or manager to save him. His next job might be rimming devils in

Even so, Ben only possessed one option. He had to open the chiming front door,
hoping he wouldn't get trolled by some children or childish adults with a flaming bag
of poop…

So, after preparing his mind, he navigated to the system's Store screen, and put
everything on the line! All of the high stakes he created in his imagination!

Yet, this time, he wasn't disappointed, because there… it was.

[Top Level Mystery Box: 50000 points - Contains a random item anywhere from rare
to mythical grade]

'Mythical grade… ' Ben gulped. He couldn't fathom what that would be like. After all,
he hadn't even seen legendary yet. The only thing he was confident about though,
was it would be astonishing. The epic items he'd received were all life-changers, let
alone legendary, and mythical was even a tier beyond that. Immediately, Ben's
instinct was singular: 'Buy it!'

Yet he stopped himself right before he did, because this decision was too important.
This was 50000 points he was gambling! Who knew how long it'd take him to gather
so many again? So Ben slowed down, analyzing his options. After all, there was also
the high level mystery box. In fact, he could buy ten of them.

[High Level Mystery Box: 5000 points - Contains a random item anywhere from
uncommon to legendary grade]

Without a doubt, this item was also very good, with chances to get epic or legendary
items, and much cheaper. However, that word kept sticking in Ben's mind:
'Mythical… '

Without having to think about it much, he understood why the top level box cost ten
times as much—access to the mythical possibility!

From his experience in how much stronger the items became with each additional
tier, he made a rough guess as to how strong a mythical item would be. His guess was
that he had no f*cking idea!

It was unfathomable!

That's how strong it would be. So he understood that even a small chance of
attaining such an item was priceless! Although he wasn't sure, he believed there was
a high chance this was the highest tier and at least by name, it seemed it would
deliver something out of myths. It might be something that a person couldn't buy
anywhere in the universe, only offered to Ben because of his system. Hence, how
could he not develop a strong desire for it?
In addition, there was another noteworthy bonus to the top level mystery box: It
increased the worst possible draw from uncommon to rare. It even skipped over the
entire fine tier. With this box, the chances were much higher to get an epic or better,
since the remaining tiers were rare, epic, legendary, and mythical. Although Ben
didn't know the odds, it was clear they were much better than with the high level
box. Still, he couldn't doubt that if he bought the top level box and received a rare
item, it would be an enormous loss…

Ben shuddered as he considered that worst-case scenario. It already pained him just
thinking about it. As such, he couldn't be rash with this choice. Sitting on his bed,
sometimes standing, sometimes walking in circles, he mulled over the pros and cons,
until after a long while… he came to a selection.

Standing up, Ben inhaled a deep breath, as he accepted and finalized his decision.
"I… want to f*ck a catgirl…”

In the end, the word mythical made Ben imagine he'd somehow have a higher chance
of meeting elegant elves, nekos, and other mythical beauties. There was nothing to
suggest such a thing, nothing at all… but Ben didn't need proof.

Reason was not necessary here. No, the otaku bible always preached faith…

So as a true believer, Ben would of course go with his hearts…

Thus, after preparing himself and almost chickening out several times, he stared
hard at the top level mystery box, his expression filled with a mix of excitement, fear,
and perversion… until finally, he bought it!


As the top level box materialized in his hands, Ben panted, not daring to blink. After
all, he'd invested all of his retirement fund that he'd saved up working the night shift
with his penis…

So when the box appeared in his hands, he gazed at it like it was the treasure itself.
The square shape, was something he was familiar with, nothing special, but the color,
was enough to prove its value. Purple and lustrous, the box carried the regal
elegance of a treasure that suited an emperor! Ben almost couldn't bear to open it,
but changed his mind in a hurry when he thought about a girl with sexy bunny ears…
A depraved impatience to open the box almost took over his body… but another part
of him was still afraid. "Please don't drop a rare…”

He didn't know the chance of that, but if it was like lower tiered boxes, the highest
probability item to drop would be rare. However, Ben couldn't afford that!

It took him a while to once again silence his doubts, but he knew he needed to take
the final step since he'd already come this far. Rubbing the smooth warm side of the
purple box, Ben knew it wouldn't change anything if he waited longer. Thus, after
clawing marks into his knee from the tension, Ben pulled himself together, and did
what needed to be done. This was the most expensive gamble of his life, but it was an
inevitable one. So soon after, Ben gritted his teeth… and opened the box!

Purple light flooded the room!

Covering his narrowed eyes with his hand, when he saw that the light wasn't
dazzlingly bright, the kind of flash that came out only when a top item dropped, Ben
knew he didn't get a mythical item… and couldn't help feeling as if a piece of his
heart was torn out. "My monster girls…”

His search for beast-women would not reach a satisfying conclusion today…

Yet, things got even worse. When Ben saw the item he'd received, his face sank like
Jack at the end of Titanic because Rose decided to womanspread on floating debris…

Ben's chest filled with dread and loss. "What the hell is this?!?"

In his hand, was a palm-sized shamrock-colored item in the shape of a thick oval-leaf,
with mysterious ridges and lines on it. Ben had never seen anything like it. Yet, this
was a f*cking leaf!

So how could his first thought not be of how worthless it was? Yet, when he watched
the item fade in his hands, becoming invisible… before soon gaining visibility again,
repeating this cycle like it was breathing, it piqued his interest. There was definitely
something extraordinary about this item, he just didn't know what yet.

So Ben did the only sensible thing, and read the system description.

[Energy Transferring Magical Leaf(Item, Legendary) x1 - A mystical leaf from a

spiritual tree grown by an ancient sect of tantric yogis. It is composed of energy and
possesses unique properties]

When Ben saw it was legendary, he stopped breathing! Then, as if confirming the
special status of the item, for the first time, the system even elaborated on its

[The following are the properties of the item]

[First: It can be bound to a host, attuning to their energy to give them full control of
its capabilities]

[Second: Due to its energy composition, the host can choose to make it undetectable
to all senses for everyone except the host]

[Third: The host can make it adhere to physical objects]

[Fourth: The host can materialize and dematerialize it within 5 feet]

[Fifth: The item can release its stored energy. This can create an effect of vigorous
stimulation to all living matter within a very small area, and as long as the host is
within 50 feet of the item, they are able to control the magnitude as well as pause
and resume the stimulation]

[The following are also limitations of the item]

[First limitation: Once the hosts activates the energy release, whether or not the
usage releases all the energy, it will continue to dissipate until the energy reserves
are empty]

[Second limitation: Once the energy reserves are empty, the host must charge the
leaf for a minimum of seven days with his energy by keeping it dematerialized
during that time between uses]

[Third limitation: If the energy leaf touches living matter while activated, it will
connect its energy signature to that living being and no longer be effective on
another lifeform until it is recharged]

Ben blinked repeatedly as he stared at these words for a long time. There was a lot of
information but two words in particular kept his attention through the whole read-
through: "Vigorous stimulation…”
He repeated those words several times, before reaching sudden enlightenment, and

'Great Poseidon's crabs… is this a remote-controlled sex toy?!?… An invisible one I

can put on women using my mind?!?'

Ben read and reread the description several times, but he was pretty sure… that's
exactly what this was! 'What yogis? The creators of this thing were a bunch of

Even so, Ben couldn't help but laugh with joy, because not only did he receive
something that seemed extremely useful, but it was a legendary item! Those 50000
points weren't spent in vain! In fact, Ben was a bit surprised it took so long for him to
receive a sex toy from the system, but better late than vanilla…

However, he did find the description a bit unclear. There was various information
about energy and while he understood it in theory, it was still difficult to grasp the
exact effect. As a result, Ben believed there was only one thing to do.

Holding the mysterious leaf in his hand as it seemed to fade in and out of existence,
Ben knew his next move—become its master!

[Detected boundable item in the user's possession. Would you like to bind Energy
Transferring Magical Leaf(Item, Legendary)?]

Selecting yes with his mind, he watched as the leaf began to glow.

[Binding commencing]

Ben could tell it was changing its nature somehow, altering something about its
fundamental properties, until a few seconds later when it stopped giving off that
feeling, and Ben squinted at the leaf. Now, although its appearance hadn't changed, it
seemed very different to his senses somehow. In fact, while continuing to look at it,
Ben found it more and more familiar, as if he was glancing at a relative…

[Binding of item completed]

After that notification, Ben experienced a strange sensation. It was like a thin string
connected his mind to the leaf, and he even became aware that he could send it
commands, with several appearing in his mind.

Now though, he knew there was still an important step remaining. With the
description still being a bit vague, Ben wouldn't dare use this on someone if he didn't
know the effect. So of course, he needed to test it, and not wanting to harm anyone,
at least until a faceslap was setup properly… Ben decided to go by the usual script.
He'd follow a plot he recalled seeing in some movie somewhere, but couldn't
remember which.

What was the plot? Simple--he'd test the unknown magical item on himself first…

What could go wrong?

Standing in his room, Ben's eyes glowed as he gazed at the magical leaf in his hand.
'My first legendary item! My first artifact! Baby, we goin' from trash to treasure!'

Of course, the legendary rating wasn't everything. He still needed to see how useful it
was in practice, which is why like any good movie scientist, he planned to test it on

First though, he wanted to understand it better.

Ben raised an eyebrow and glanced at the leaf. "Can you talk?"

"Is there a hidden master inside of you?"

"No? Then in the case you're really a comatose beauty, would you like one?"

Getting no response, Ben sighed. "What a boring artifact…”

It failed the first test but Ben didn't have high hopes for that anyway. Instead, he
focused on experimenting with its ability to release stored energy, which appeared
to be the treasure's main use. At the moment, having developed a mental connection
to it, Ben could also tell it was full of energy, which meant he could give it a proper
spin. So, while holding it in his hand, Ben activated the ability with his mind! 'Energy

Right away, Ben's eyes widened as the appearance of the leaf changed. Whereas it
was fading in and out of visibility before, now, it released a radiant green glow! At
the same time, his hand received a surge of warm energy!
Sensing that, he understood its range of effect. The system mentioned it would be
very small and that was accurate, its energy releasing in a sphere with a radius of a
few inches.

On paper, all this seemed unimpressive, and it would've been, if Ben's face wasn't
twisted with a stupid lob-sided grin! Because his hand--felt like it was having an

Ben hurried to turn the energy release off and after a few seconds, his expression
returned to a less disgusting one…

Still shocked though, he stared at the leaf, the size of its glow having diminished to
barely perceptible. However, he could also sense its energy continuing to dissipate,
like a ship with a leak taking on water; an unstoppable process. Yet, the effect just
now, was remarkable!

It was like his hand received a massage while currents of pleasant electricity ran
through it, soothing all its sense receptors while also stimulating it. On top of that,
he'd only activated the energy halfway! If he turned it to full power…

Ben narrowed his eyes. Now that he was pretty sure it was safe, it was time to do
trials with more participants and he had one special test subject in mind. Smirking,
Ben glanced down. Of course, it was his little brother…

Ben needed to know what the leaf's energy would do on a special region with more
sensitive nerve endings. Hence, he'd try a meat massage!

Before that though, he tested another function of the item first. 'Dematerialize!'

Under Ben's eyes, the leaf proceeded to vanish, until it soon disappeared. This time
though, it remained that way, failing to re-emerge, leading to Ben gazing at his empty
hand, wondering where it was. Then out of nowhere, he received a strange feeling, a
perception like a sixth sense. He looked around, hoping he wasn't being trolled like
Bruce Willis was by Haley Joel Osment in the movie…

Ben shook his head. 'Obviously, the kid knew Bruce was a ghost, right?

Epic troll job, little man… '

Ben didn't want to end up like Bruce Willis, washed up and doing low budget movies
just for paychecks like an untalented Nicolas Cage…

That's why Ben was wary of the leaf's intentions…

So, he examined his sensation of it. He could tell it didn't exist in any physical
location, but more as a perpetual thought connecting to his consciousness. When he
focused on it, he was able to even visualize a shape in his mind, and as it became
clear, his eyes gleamed! It was the leaf!

Ben didn't understand what form it existed in. It was like guessing whether Jonah
Hill would show up skinny-fat or obese…

However, it was there, and he could sense its properties, including the fact that it was
still bleeding energy. That being the case, Ben didn't want to waste any more time
lest the energy ran out. "It seems it worked. Then…”

Before the next step, he did a quick prayer that there wouldn't be any d*ck

Then, he glanced down and visualized the leaf… on his groin! 'Materialize!'

Now, he could sense it coming into existence. Although it was under his pants so he
wasn't able to see it, Ben felt the leaf adhering to his physical body, even giving him a
tickle that made his eye twitch, because the location of this tickle… was on his

He'd expected this though, and even… looked forward to it?

Whatever. That wasn't important… not for anyone but a psychologist…

The real test was the next part, so without hesitation, because he anticipated it in a
slightly unhealthy way… Ben began! 'Full energy release!'

The effect was immediate! His face twisted into a Yao Ming smile!

At the same time, his knees became weak and he lost the ability to speak! Ben was
losing control of his body! Because…”NUT!!!" The energy was pushing him to

In this situation, a normal person would've hurried to turn it off, but Ben—tried to
turn it up!

However, after a few seconds at full power, Ben felt the leaf's energy disappear, as it
also faded away from existence… soon appearing once again in its strange form
connected to his mind. So, after a short while, Ben regained his composure, standing
up straight, in control of himself like any sane human would want to be. Except Ben's
face showed a deep frown of dissatisfaction. "You're just gonna leave me here blue-

The leaf's energy wasn't enough to finish the job, at least not for him. However, to be
fair, it was close. He'd need to check his boxers to be sure…

Hence, it might've worked if Ben hadn't had sex a little while ago. It was also possible
it'd be more effective on females. Either way though, Ben realized the leaf wasn't a
sex toy to finish himself off… but rather did what the description said it would,
provided stimulation.

What's more is it was clear that going at full power like he did would expend its
energy at too rapid a pace. If he lowered the power to half or less, it would last much
longer, like an old man pacing himself…

So all in all, the test provided lots of useful information. Although Ben wasn't sure
about any unknown potential applications of the leaf, he had a general idea of its
main use: to stimulate.

As such, he saw a multitude of possibilities in his head, and was no longer upset
about the nut negation… Instead, he smirked! Because he appreciated how this item
could help him. 'This is a remote-controlled invisible sex toy, so I'm pretty sure… I
can use it to raise women's arousal levels!'

This train of thought also made Ben recall something. Beluga once told him that
sometimes, all one needed for a one night stand was to raise a woman's arousal high
enough. In fact, this was the main method of seducing sluts.

Ben also remembered reading about a psychological process called the

misattribution of arousal, whereby people made mistakes in identifying the source
of their arousal. For example, if a woman was in a good mood and was with a man,
she'd likely think he was the cause of that. Another case was where a woman was
physiologically aroused or afraid due to a scary situation such as riding on a
rollercoaster. In that scenario, she'd often misattribute that arousal, to romantic
arousal from her partner!

In other words, if Ben aroused women using the magical leaf while he was near
them, they'd think they were becoming aroused just by speaking with him! When he
realized the full extent of the possibilities, his breath became short! This was too

In addition, that was only the primary ability. The most incredible thing wasn't even
that, but the item's stealth! He could clip it onto any woman's sensitive areas with a
thought and stimulate them without them knowing what was happening! It was the
most divine ninjutsu technique!

Although it might not always work, it would be a fatal weapon if used in the right
circumstances, and a way for Ben to get the upper hand on any female in the world!
The requirements weren't even difficult! They only needed to be within 5 feet of him
to materialize the leaf on them!

With such great wonders before him, he visualized various potential scenarios…

A stoic beauty giving him the cold shoulder… he'd warm her up with a leaf nut.

A mature boss passing him over for a promotion… how about you've been promoted
to nut.

The president's wife giving a speech as Ben reaches close to her from the front of the
audience… made it to five feet—you're the first lady to nut.

This ability, possessed countless intriguing possibilities!

Of course, Ben wasn't a villain, as long as you didn't ask the faceslapped or cuckolds
of the world…
So he also considered the potential for abuse, and re-affirmed his status as a noble
hero on the side of justice. That's why Ben vowed to try his best not to use it for
nefarious means.

But he could only try…

The item's power was too damn appealing! So as Ben thought about the not exactly
consensual, but fine if they never found out about it, use-cases… he focused his mind
on the leaf, ready to bring it back out to take on the town!

However, he soon blinked, because there was no response…

Inside his dorm room, Ben kept attempting to materialize the magical leaf once
again, his brows furrowing because it wasn't reacting. However, a few seconds later,
his face relaxed. "Tch… I forgot about that."

He remembered the cause. It was due to a significant limitation of the leaf—a

cooldown of seven days. He also realized that with the cooldown, this item wasn't
one he'd be able to use whenever he wanted.

Once he released the energy, he'd need to recharge the leaf for a week, which was
also the current situation. In addition, that wasn't the only restriction. For example,
he could only release the energy on one woman. So as Ben considered all the
limitations, he soon understood that this item was more of a strategic weapon than a
regular one. Yet, its potential, was more than enough to accept that!

Ben chuckled, still in a wonderful mood. He'd let the leaf recharge for now, but he
already looked forward to all the ways he could use it. Thus, his gamble… paid off!
The top level mystery box didn't disappoint, delivering a wonderful item! In addition,
this wasn't even the end!

Ben's excitement still hadn't faded because he knew he had other rewards to get
through, and they were substantial! Perhaps no less incredible than the Energy
Transferring Magical Leaf!

He still had 8100 points remaining too but decided to save them for now, although
that didn't mean he would only buy top level mystery boxes in the future. The 50000
point boxes were no doubt tremendous items, but Ben wouldn't mind buying
cheaper boxes as well. It would all depend on the circumstances. At the moment
though, there was nothing urgent happening in his life, so he didn't mind saving in
case he wanted to use the points on a low level multiplier instead.

In any case, it wasn't like Ben was short on remaining rewards, and speaking of
Reaching into his pocket, Ben took out a tiny chest… the booty chest from Professor
Tremblay, and as he looked at it, his eyes sparkled!

It was an uncommon reaction for someone who'd seen so many chests before, and
that was for a simple reason—this chest was purple!

It was an epic!

[Booty Chest(Consumable, Epic) x1 - Drops one object of guaranteed associated


When he first saw it in the professor's office, Ben almost stopped breathing, leading
to Miyuki even questioning if he felt all right, worrying if he was having a sex-
induced heart attack or stroke…

At the time, the purple chest stunned him to such a degree that he didn't even hit any
puns on those softballs…

Now, as he stared at the chest, it was the same, as drool leaked out of his mouth. He
didn't expect to get an epic chest from the Professor, but in hindsight, it wasn't too
surprising. After all, she possessed many desirable aspects. Her beauty was at the
top level, she was an authoritative figure, a milf, intelligent, and in a professional
position that made it extremely unlikely for Ben to seduce her. Beyond that, he also
didn't know much about her, making it possible there were even more lustrous
elements in her background.

With all these factors combined though, it was a miraculous pick up, and it even
happened in a threesome! Although Miyuki helped him, that was also somewhat his
merit, because their relationship was something Ben nurtured to get to this point,
for her to be willing to do such a thing. So all in all, Ben believed he deserved this

Yet, it wasn't the chest that was so valuable but what was inside it. So as he gazed at
it, Ben narrowed his eyes. "Will it drop what I think it will?"

This wasn't his first time with an epic chest, and based on how the rare chests all
dropped physical-boosting potions, and the last epic dropped a Refined Elite Human
Bloodline Essence, he possessed a good idea of what was coming. As such, he didn't
require much fanfare. So after sitting down on his bed, he smirked, and opened it!
A few seconds later… Ben nodded, as his fingers traced the smooth surface of a
narrow glass tube full of luminous red liquid. "As I expected…” It was the same item
as the previous occasion.

[Refined Elite Human Bloodline Essence - Increases the genetic potential of the
human who drinks it]

Ben was developing an understanding of these chests. They were roads to self-
development. The rare chests improved his physical capabilities, and the epic ones
improved his genetic potential. In fact, having already taken one of these, he
understood its exact function: it would increase the cap on one of his stats from the
mortal level of 10 to the elite human potential of 11. At least, that was the effect for
now, until he took a certain amount of them.

In reality, these essences were investments. They wouldn't give immediate benefits,
but build his foundation for the future, until they one day brought him to the peak of
humanity. Although Ben was a bit dense at times, he understood the principle of
investing for future returns. That's why he often deposited half-finished burritos in
his fridge…

That was his pragmatism at work…

Regardless, he put tremendous value on these essences, even if the side-effects

weren't something trivial…

Remembering the excruciating pain from last time and how close he came to
becoming a member of the Trump family… Ben gulped as he imagined taking this
potion again. Yet, he didn't hesitate, because if he survived one, he could survive a
second. With that in mind, Ben stretched his body and prepared to consume this
thing. On this occasion, however, he'd force himself to deal with the taste, not
consuming any beverages unless he wanted to become a humanized Mountain Dew…
which would've been pointless since that role in the world was already taken by
Mark Wahlberg…

So, atop his bed, Ben raised the glass tube to his mouth, opened it, and drank it!

The agony, soon arrived…

Five minutes later…

Groaning, Ben leaned up from his bed. "Wasn't… as bad as last time." The experience
was once again terrible, but knowing what to expect softened the blow. Either way
though, it was over.

Rubbing his stiff neck, with the hard part passed, Ben's mood began to improve,
because it was time to review the benefits.

[Detecting absorbed bloodline: Elite Human]

[Genetic modifications commencing]

[Bloodline absorption in process]

[Bloodline absorption completed]

Seeing it worked and there wasn't any alleged interference from Russia this time…
Ben then navigated his system screen to the Bloodline selection to search for

[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human +1: Personal Talent Max Potential +1)]

[Pending Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human(+1)]

[Elite Human enhancement effect: Max potential cap(Random stat) +1]

[Would you like to apply the enhancement now?]

Ben knew this would boost one of his stats to 11. Although his highest stat at the
moment was only an 8, and it was difficult to say how far away he was from 10, let
alone 11, knowing his potential would be higher still gave him a positive feeling. It
was like when his middle school teacher called him special and gifted… even if that
teacher wasn't aware of that moment being Ben's peak performance in his life…

"Whatever, I'll get my stats to 11 one day and make Mrs. Sullivan proud!"

With a goal in mind, Ben selected yes to the system prompt, and prepared for his

[Elite Human Bloodline enhancement commencing]

[Assigning Stat: Charisma Max Potential +1]

"Oh?" Ben's eyes lit up when he saw this! Last time, the system assigned the boost to
his previous weak point and on this occasion, to one of his strong points! Between
the two, it was obvious he preferred the latter. So checking his updated bloodline
data, it now looked like this:

[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human +2: Personal Talent Max Potential +1,
Charisma Max Potential +1)]

Ben's heart sped up a bit as he read this. He recalled that the system told him if he
reached Elite Human +4, after receiving 4 enhancements, his bloodline would
undergo a partial evolution. While he wasn't sure of the details of what that meant, it
sure sounded cool!

Plus, he was halfway there! All Ben needed now was a push! To be specific, to push
down two more women!

The only trouble was he never knew in advance when he would receive an epic chest.
Even with the two he acquired from Camila and Professor Tremblay, the system
hadn't notified him of anything special, but, it didn't matter. All Ben needed to do was
keep slaying poon…

If he followed that righteous path… he believed he'd get more epic booty chests in
due time, and perhaps, even better ones!

Excited about his possible future, Ben almost pumped himself up so much that he
got the urge to go streaking around the quad…

Yet, he soon remembered that the booty chest wasn't the end, because his dear
Professor Tremblay had a sexy French accent, which unless she possessed some rare
mental disorder or epic troll game… meant only one thing—she was a foreign
national! Hence, she should've given him a flag!
With expectant eyes, Ben checked his Flags screen, and soon saw, that was indeed
the case! There, a new red flag with a maple leaf in its center glowed, and it meant
one thing—Ben was going to spin for another treasure!

While staring at Willy as he morphed from an ominous black ball to a circular wheel,
Ben was standing in a Crane Kick stance…

He had sweat on his forehead, not having realized how challenging it was to balance
himself using this technique. However, he couldn't use Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on a
gargantuan sausage snake, so he figured he might as well Karate Kid the thing…

After all, at least going by canon, the Crane Kick would be effective against Cobra

It didn't matter if the move blatantly violated the rules either… Hundreds of people
in attendance would ignore that without argument and award Ben the fight…
Besides, this wasn't a karate tournament. This was his bedroom.

In any case, on this occasion, Willy had been well-behaved, leading to Ben not having
to unleash his wrath on the world through a bunch of failed sequels and remakes…
only finding his way in a budget YouTube sequel series decades later.

Now though, things became simpler. Lowering his arms and hanging leg as he
exhaled, Ben took a few seconds trying to look mysterious, in the traditional martial
arts style… before focusing on the genuine task at hand.

He understood his priorities though, with his first one being obvious—looking cool…
but since he'd already achieved that, he walked over to Willy and focused on his
second priority—getting rewards. So when Ben reached the wheel's lever, he didn't
hesitate, and pulled it.


Stepping back, he observed as the wheel spun amongst its infinite options of
treasures and d*cksasters…
This time though, Ben still ended up with a lucky outcome.

A minute later, when Willy disappeared, Ben was holding onto three items that
would seem worthless, if their texture wasn't reminiscent of dazzling rubies…

Shining in his hand, these were three pieces of long strings. Yet, they were not the
kind grandma sewed into a sweater. When they touched his skin, Ben got the subtle
feeling he was in the presence of a massive force, one that could swallow him with
ease, like the first time he entered the ocean as a toddler.

Then when he read their description, he understood why these strings were so
special, because they were all epic grade!

[Red String of Fate(Consumable, Epic) x3 - Tie the string around your ankle and
someone else's to link your fates together, increasing the odds of encounters. The
length of time for the strengthened connection will be up to a day, though possibly
much shorter, depending on how much fate energy is expended to facilitate

Ben spread a wide grin, because it was an epic consumable! No, even better than
that, there were three! Fate was really on his side this time!

Although a consumable wasn't as useful as items or skills, these lustrous strings

were still worthy of their epic rating. After all, the system was there to help Ben pick
up women, and the key to that was finding opportunities with them. Well, that's
where these strings came in. These treasures meant he could set up such opportune
encounters with any three beauties he chose!

With three red strings of fate, he would no longer have to bate!

Finally, Ben had reached the end of the rewards, and the results were beyond
satisfying. Now, he appreciated what his parents meant when they said listen to your
teachers. Every time he heard Professor Tremblay and Miyuki moan… it was like
rewards were falling on him! Thus, if it wasn't clear before, it was now; There was no
better place than university to exercise his head…

However, as his body forced him into a yawn, it reminded Ben how exhausted he was
and that he needed sleep. In any case, this week wouldn't be a boring one, because
with his newly-acquired mid level multiplier for personal talent, he could take
photography and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the next level!


The next day, Ben was once again inside the student extracurriculars buildings of
NYU where the Photography Club held its meetings. On this occasion though, he
hadn't been lured here by bunny buttcheeks…

Instead, he was here due to his agreement with Charlotte, who was next to him and
had been quieter than usual since they sat down. He noticed she was wearing more
makeup too, even stranger for her. 'She wants to look good for the critique, huh… '

On occasion, she would sneak glances at him, at which point he'd reassure her that
everything would be fine. He wasn't surprised she was nervous about the club's
current session though.

Today, the club would critique portrait photos as a warm-up and learning session for
the upcoming competition, which Ben had convinced Charlotte to enter with him.
Earlier, he made her email him the pictures she'd snapped of him, which he
submitted to the critique as he also enrolled them in next week's contest. Soon,
they'd receive feedback on those photos.

In fact, at the moment, a senior of the group was at the front of the room speaking to
all the seated members about the procedure for the critique and also, the
competition. Although it was a beginner's contest, it turned out to be a bit more
serious than Ben had expected. Well, to be exact, this competition itself was nothing
grand. Rather, it was what came next that was notable; The winner would have their
photos entered into something substantial—the International Photography Awards!

Although entry only happened online, the club would pay for the entry fee as well as
help organize the winner's photo portfolio for the event.

At first, learning about the unknown stakes caused Ben to raise his eyebrows, but
now having heard of those Awards, he didn't care much. He just took it as something
to encourage the beginners, so he didn't put much thought into it. However, that
wasn't the case for everyone else.

Although he didn't notice, several other youngsters amongst the listeners gazed with
shining eyes, squeezing their fists when the speaker mentioned the famed
International Photography Awards. After all, it was one of the world's most
prestigious photo contests!

As for Ben, he was more concerned with the meeting today and how he could best
raise his personal talent stat through improving in photography. That's why when
the critiques began and some of the senior photographers spoke of techniques and
methods of improvement, Ben prepared himself to better absorb that knowledge.

As such, he took out the mid level stat growth multiplier from his pocket, and
activated it!

Immediately, the familiar rush of enthusiasm struck him like the first time he
listened to dubstep!

Become a champion!

Develop your talent!

Get the cover of Shounen Jump!

However, he managed to control himself this time, having gotten somewhat used to
this particular surge of motivational energy last week. To his side, Charlotte was
narrowing her eyes at him though. She sensed Ben was off, like he was in a strange
state, but something was missing…

Yet, with twitching eyes, he restrained himself, almost as if he was running out of

Regardless, the critique continued with various people offering constructive

criticism. Listening to it, Ben gained a lot too, picking up on mistakes he'd made
during his first week of photography and discovering new methods to improve his
skills. As the number of presented submissions increased, he also realized

Within this group, in terms of photography skills, he and Charlotte were amongst the
weaker members, but it made sense. The reality was they both started photography
not long ago. Meanwhile, some people here did it semi-professionally or studied it as
their major in university.

So when Charlotte's photos of him came up, although Ben was proud of his various
poses… he recognized the quality was amongst the worst submitted today. He even
noticed a few of the senior members frowning at the photos. But so what? He didn't
expect anything in the first place. They were both beginners in the end.

Fortunately, the veterans understood that too. So they began offering advice on how
the photographer could improve. Yet, not everyone in the room maintained such a
wholesome mindset.

"Is this a joke? I thought this was a critique for beginners, not for people who'd never
held a camera…” Several rows in front of Ben, sat a young man with short red hair,
crossing his arms as he sneered at the photos. Although he hadn't yelled his
comment, it was audible to many people around, including Charlotte…

Ben turned to her and saw her face turn pale as her body backed away towards the

'This bastard… ' Watching this, Ben grimaced. He knew how sensitive Charlotte was
to criticism. Each word must've pierced her heart like a needle…

Yet, the worst part was--he was responsible! He'd convinced her to join this critique,
thinking the people here were mature enough that it'd be an easygoing experience.
So what was with the attitude on this rusty ginger?

Glancing at the loudmouth, rage began to boil in Ben's chest…

As the redheaded young man of the Photography Club kept chastising Charlotte's
photos, she felt as if he was dumping a bucket of water on her…

The only reason she hadn't escaped the room already was that this critique was
anonymous, with no one presented as the photographer. However, although that
applied to the photographer, it wasn't the same for the model!

The redheaded youngster shook his head, as he continued to criticize the model and
photographer whom he hadn't realized sat not far behind him. "And what's the deal
with that fool of a model? Is he playing around? What's with those poses? Is he
humping the air?"

He was…

Ben had humped air…

On the screen were two images: one of Ben's mid-section tucked back and one of it
extending forward…

The person controlling the slides clicked a button, alternating back and forth
between the two pictures… creating an animation effect.

Watching that, even Ben became a bit embarrassed… He did get carried away at the
end there…

Yet, that shame only lasted a moment before he ran out of it! 'So f*cking what?!?
Daddy likes to hump air!'

He would do it again!

In fact, he's done it since!

What was the big deal though? Wasn't being a photographic model about expressing
yourself? What better way to express oneself to air?

However, though Ben accepted it, that didn't mean everyone else did. With the
maneuver highlighted on the projector now, although Ben was sitting in the back of
the room, some people recognized him, turning to glance at him as they snickered.

Despite that, the veteran members at the front remained professional, continuing to
give feedback on Charlotte's photos. Yet the redhead wouldn't stop making snarky
remarks, each one delivering a harsher blow to Charlotte's self-esteem, and to Ben's
vision of himself as the next Derek Zoolander…

Soon though, the remarks became one too many, as Ben leaned forward in his chair,
preparing to teach this rosy bastard the meaning of redrum…

Until a small hand on his arm stopped him. "Don't…”

Ben turned to Charlotte, finding her looking up at him through her glasses,
struggling to not dodge eye contact as she shook her head, and whispered, "P-please
don't cause trouble…”

Knitting his brows, Ben wanted to appeal with: 'I was only going to murder his soul…

Yet, he hesitated, because she'd never asked him for anything before…

Charlotte then elaborated. "T-That's Darryl. He's… a promising photographer here,

and… I don't want to get kicked out of this club." At the end, she glanced down, and
when she realized her hand was on Ben's arm… she panicked, pulling away like a
frightened rabbit, and holding her palm tight to her chest.

Sighing, Ben nodded to her in reassurance. Although he didn't know why, he could
tell this club was important to Charlotte, and with his temper, it really was possible
they'd get booted if he did anything rash. Even so, he swiveled his head at high speed
to glare at the redhead's stupid dome…
Fortunately, things soon de-escalated though, because they'd reached the end of
Charlotte's critique. It was interesting, however, that the next pictures up, belonged
to Darryl the redhead himself. Everyone learned that when he stood up and declared
it. "These are my photos. Please inform me if you have any advice, seniors."

The veteran members turned to him and smiled. From their responses, Ben could
see Darryl possessed quite the reputation here, and soon, it was clear why. His
portrait photos were polished and high quality, displaying technical ability that stood
out from all the entries before. The thing that caught Ben's attention the most
though, was the model. She was a beauty!

Darryl also commented on this. "To get high-quality photos, you need a high-quality
model. I got lucky." He added a bit of faux-humility at the end there for flavor…

Yet, this passive-aggressive insult only made Ben narrow his eyes. 'Just wait until I
release Magnum… '

Regardless of Ben's projects though… as the screen flipped through shots of the
gorgeous girl, the senior members showed their appreciation for the pictures.

"I don't have much to say. These shots came out wonderfully."

"Good framing, solid lightning management, excellent composition."

"Really… too talented for a freshman. Darryl's definitely a top contender in the

As far as students majoring in photography, for the beginner's competition, the club
only allowed freshmen to enter. Yet, although Darryl was a first-year, he also
practiced for some time in high school, but that wasn't even his biggest advantage.
His genuine edge, was something more unique.

Despite there being many veterans in the room with more experience, most of them
would admit that when it came to natural talent in learning and applying techniques,
they were inferior to him!

Thus, as far as beginners went, if you asked anyone knowledgeable in this club who
was the most promising, without a doubt, they'd declare it was Darryl! In other
words, he was a favorite in the competition!
Under normal conditions, he wouldn't even bother submitting photos for such a
beginner's critique, but he also wanted the club's support for the International
Photography Awards, a contest he held a great desire to enter. Hence, this was him
showing goodwill to win their favor. However, he didn't expect the level of the other
beginners to be this low…

Ben couldn't help grumbling when so many people praised the bastard. "Just cause
his hair's a little red, doesn't make his photos fire too…”

Not long after though, Ben's frown flipped, because he saw his pictures, were next
up! 'Now you'll see some real talent… '

It was unfortunate that others in the room didn't share his enthusiasm, or general
world view… about anything really… but in particular about this…

One by one, the veterans delivered pointed critique. Although they tried to keep it
positive, it didn't take Ben long to realize that he was still far from a proper
photographer. Yet, the worst rebuke of all, was of course, from Darryl. "As I said, high-
quality photos need a high-quality model. So what's with this model? How could
such a simple Sally bring out any charismatic shots? Worthless…”

Several others nearby also shook their heads, in seeming approval. They thought his
words were harsh but there was truth to them, as a couple even turned to glance at
Charlotte in the back, because in this case—the model was her.

Feeling their eyes like hot arrows firing into her flesh, Charlotte's body shook.
'They… all think I'm worthless… I shouldn't have done it… No, I-I shouldn't have
come here!'

Even then, Darryl continued, muttering to himself. "Whatever amateur submitted

these, I hope they won't join the competition. Save us all the anguish and stay out. I
can't stand to look at more of these photos, especially if they're of this girl…”

When Ben noticed tears forming in Charlotte's eyes… his face became grim. He
couldn't stop the guilt growing in his chest like a toxic cloud, because this wasn't only
Darryl's fault. He was also responsible!

Ben thought this would be a constructive critique for beginners. Who knew there
would be such a foul-mouthed brat in the room to spit insults regardless of others'
feelings? In any case, Ben couldn't accept Charlotte getting hurt from this. What's
more was, he didn't agree! 'You can make fun of my looks because you don't have
good taste… but to make fun of my cute little Charlotte? Unforgivable… '

At the moment, although he wanted nothing more than to curse and show a
predator-like hideous face to Darryl… Ben still managed to force out a big smile, as
he looked at Charlotte. "It's okay…”

With wet eyes, she glanced up at him and saw his stupid grin, wondering what there
was to smile about.

"Don't listen to him. You're a wonderful model. Pumpkin pubes over there has eyes
that only appreciate dogsh*t…”

Hearing that, Darryl realized Ben was addressing him and turned his body. "What
did you say?"

Ben sneered. "I said… you have the eyes of an anal parasite."

As a few people nearby laughed, Darryl's face began changing colors but Ben
followed up before he even had time to retort. "You wondered who submitted these
photos? It was me, and while I admit my photography skills need work, I have to tell
you, your eye for models is even worse! To be clear, I'll even spell it out for you in the
words of my great predecessors--you're trash!"

This unexpected aggression stunned Darryl a moment, but he soon snorted. His eye
for models was trash? You could ask anyone here and they'd admit his model was ten
times more attractive than Ben's! Who wanted to look at pictures of a short, normal-
looking girl?

Looking around, he could also tell from the doubtful expressions of those listening
that they agreed with him. "That's funny, but I don't think anyone here shares your

However, Ben didn't care about that. "It doesn't matter what people think. I'll
demonstrate it directly. You're going to enter the competition next week, right?"
At the mention of this, Darryl squinted at him. "Yea, so what?" He couldn't even
fathom the possibility of what this complete amateur was about to do—challenge

"So what is, I'll prove it to you through photography, by beating you at the
competition like a redheaded stepchild!"

When Ben called him a redheaded stepchild in front of their fellow members in the
Photography Club, Darryl's face turned pale… 'How'd he know I was adopted?'

His parents only told him that secret right before he left for college, but Ben
somehow also knew… now turning the dagger in Darryl's heart which stung him
every day like:

'Why'd my parents lie to me for so long?'

'Can I even call them mom and dad?'

'Why didn't my real parents love me?'

Now that these questions once again filled his mind, he didn't even have the energy
to deal with Ben anymore, dismissing him with a halfhearted snort. "We'll see…”
Then, Darryl turned back around, wondering if he had any brothers or sisters…

Ben wasn't aware of those inner issues. If he was, he'd change his attitude to loving-
kindness, putting a hand on Darryl's shoulder and comforting him with something
like: "You want more siblings? I'll help you. Where's your mom at?"

As for Darryl, he didn't think there was a need to bother with Ben, who he knew was
only talking big. Darryl believed there was no chance he'd lose to such low level
photography skills and such a subpar model. In fact, it wasn't only Darryl that
thought so. When the surrounding members heard Ben's declaration, they either
shook their heads or showed helpless expressions. They also gave Ben zero chance,
proceeding to ignore him as they returned their attention to the new critiques at the

If there was anyone who believed in him, it was Charlotte to his side. She'd seen him
pull off miracles before, both in Strategic Marketing and when picking up girls. Yet,
even her faith was minuscule. "Y-you can't be serious with this challenge. He's a
much better photographer than you or I…”

Ben smirked with confidence. "Don't worry. Right now, that's true, but that won't
necessarily be the case in the future…” Ben had the confidence to defeat Darryl in a
week for one simple reason—the mid level personal talent multiplier! In the next
seven days, Ben planned to squeeze in two years worth of experience! With that,
who'd be the better photographer in seven days was uncertain!

For Charlotte though, whether Ben won or lost didn't matter too much, she felt the
most important things, was that he stood up for her again… That support, was like a
dam that blocked the impending flood at her tearing eyes, delivering warm energy in
this frigid room. 'He's helping me again… '

Charlotte didn't understand why Ben kept coming to her rescue. There was nothing
special about her, and she didn't even treat him that well. So she couldn't help but
ask. "W-why are you doing this?"

Looking at her, Ben spread a reassuring smile. "For one, he's wrong about you. You
were great. Second, some people need to learn to keep their mouths shut. Besides,
I've kept the store open for so long with no customers, with the crippling bills almost
forcing me to close my business. So how could I not serve the first customer who
entered the door and asked for the most expensive faceslap in stock?"

It was like the government ignored legal rights, demanding Ben shut his little shop
down… even though Walmart kept selling faceslaps in bulk.

Ben wouldn't stand for it. Plus, he understood the basic maxims of a slap-
merchant…”Haven't you heard the saying 'The customer is always right?' And the
more they spend, the more right they are. So how can I not give free palm delivery to
the face of such a cheddar-cheeked whale."

Charlotte stared at him with eyes so squinted it looked like she was sleeping. She
didn't understand what the hell he was talking about…
Ben though, released an exhale, because this development was a tremendous relief.
He almost gave up hope, believing the faceslap wasn't happening, but now—the
glitch in the matrix was corrected. Everything was as it always should've been,
making Ben realize the truth: 'I might as well ride a merry go round with my arms
out because they keep coming for the slaps… '

Although he'd almost lost his religion… he'd regained faith now, once again certain
that one of the constants of the universe was the inevitable gravitation of faces to his

Ben sighed. 'Many people in my position would've believed the faceslap wasn't
coming, but you should've held on, weak hands… Crypto-coin SLAP is going to the

As it turned out, it seemed there was someone to get faceslapped in every corner, if
Ben looked hard enough… or at least, stayed awake a while.

Yet, Ben thought today wasn't the best day to deliver the megaton smack. The best
slaps needed time to wind up. In addition, they hurt worse when one held their face
out in pride, exposed and believing they were unslappable…

Ben knew that moment would be at the competition for Darryl, since it was clear
that not only he but many others in the room thought the redhead would be the
inevitable winner. As such, Ben planned to use their expectations as fuel for the
rocket engine in his hand…

In any case, he'd found a goal, but that also meant Ben couldn't slack off, because if
he did and lost because of it, he'd only end up slapping himself… That's why now, he
forgot all about Darryl and resumed his intense focus over the remainder of the
critique, absorbing all the knowledge, which he also planned to engineer into a V8
turbo engine attached to his hand…


6 days later…
*Pant* *Pant*

Ben was on the blue mats at Barbosa's MMA Gym. It was free training time between
classes where anyone could roll for practice. At the moment, he'd just finished
grappling with someone very familiar with him, but also a person he hadn't trained
with before.

"Bro… are you serious?" With sweat covering his face, Fariq sat back against the
matted wall, breathing hard but staring at Ben with wide eyes. Ben was a white belt
who'd only started training a few weeks ago. Fariq knew this for a fact because from
the start, he'd watched it with his own eyes. Meanwhile, he was a purple belt who'd
trained for three years. So if you asked anyone, they'd say there should've been a
huge difference between their skill levels. However, reality was different, because
they'd grappled to a draw! Fariq didn't beat him!

"Bro, if you really haven't trained before, the only thing I can say is—you're a
monster!" With a big grin, Fariq held out his fist, to which Ben gave him a pound.
This was a rare buddy, who wouldn't become envious of someone else's success or
talent, but only support them.

Ben knew that even amongst friends or family, it was common for people to become
jealous of others, planting seeds of discord that could sprout to create drama and
conflict. He'd even experienced that himself every time his parents bought his little
brother a game he wanted. For that reason, Ben was happy to have such a
warmhearted roommate. Yet, there was even more to be ecstatic about.

Over the past six days, Ben hadn't only practiced photography but continued training
in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So with almost a full week under the 100x multiplier, he'd
experienced the equivalent of two years of training. Even though in BJJ, it wasn't as
efficient as real training, he'd still reached purple belt level! His personal talent had
gone up by one and reached a 7! It was to the point where he grappled Fariq to a
draw, an amazing result!

Except, not everyone was thrilled to see this. Observing on the side, Valentina's face
was a bit ugly, because she had to watch Ben dominate all her students in even more
crushing fashion all week. What's more was, his skill level, even gave her a slight
sense of threat! 'At this rate, won't this bastard be coming for revenge soon?'

During the week, as before, she'd been beating him up in class every day, so she
knew first hand that he was improving at an inhuman speed. Yesterday, she even
almost failed to submit him! Before, she convinced herself that she'd been
subconsciously going easy on him since he was a white belt, but now that she'd seen
him roll with a purple belt to a draw, she realized—his skill was the real thing!

'Not good. Soon, I won't be able to beat him at all! I need to train him into submission
before that happens… ' Valentina desired to be the alpha female in her environment.
So how could she stand it watching a cub grow up into a powerful lion before her
eyes? She couldn't accept it! Throw Simba off the cliff!

That's why, with a serious expression, she stood up and walked over to Ben. "Get up
cabrao. We're going to grapple."
When his instructor Valentina challenged him, Ben narrowed his eyes as he stood up
to face her. Using his body language reading ability, he realized from her stern
posture that this was a serious challenge. Thus, he planned to take it seriously.

"Let's grapple." Her face became sharp as she entered a standup grappling stance.
Despite wearing a girly pink gi, she radiated an aura of an experienced warrior.

Ben found it difficult to take her seriously when he heard her nasally Portuguese
accent which he found super sexy, but did his best.

Meanwhile, Fariq and all the other students in the gym were watching with rapt
attention. They'd noticed the unusual strained atmosphere as Ben and Valentina
faced off. It was like a wild west shootout. So as the two stared at each other, waiting
for an opportunity, neither one willing to make a careless first move, this only
further increased the tension with every passing second. At any moment, the air
between them could ignite, bursting from a spark into a blazing flame. They only
needed a chance, a signal.


As something hit the mats, both Ben and Valentina looked down. Near Ben's leg,
there, was a metal weight… It had dropped from inside his green gi pants… striking
the ground with a heavy impact.

"What the hell is that?" She pointed to it.

His eyes flashing, Ben snorted. "It's time to get serious… so I took off my ankle
weights I wore for training. Prepare to be defeated."

However, Valentina grimaced. "Ankle weights? Then why'd they drop from your

Ben gulped. 'She's good… ' It's true he'd been wearing weights for training but they
were the type that hung off his penis to lengthen it.

It still upset him that he didn't get a second dick dan pill and was doing his best for a
homemade solution…

Yet, now it led to this misunderstanding. Even here though, Ben knew how to resolve
it with a few simple words. "I have long ankles."

"Enough bullshit!" Valentina lunged at him!

'Tch, why couldn't my moment be cool like Rock Lee's?' However, Ben soon focused
on his instructor, knowing he needed to get serious as she attacked him.

Their current position was standup grappling. Although BJJ practitioners often
started on their knees during practice, they sometimes fought from standing
positions too, to mimic how fights began in real life. From there, they'd combine Judo
and wrestling techniques to perform takedowns on their opponents, bringing them
to the ground. Once down, the BJJ fighters would have the edge in grappling. As such,
they'd use their skills to secure a submission, or if it was within an MMA match or
street fight, to land strikes from above.

During the prior weeks, Ben also became adept at some of these moves. So at the
moment, although he wasn't as technical as Valentina, he was ready. Hence, as she
threw herself at him recklessly due to suffering his terrible excuse… he saw an
opportunity to counter!

While Valentina grasped onto his arm and gi, her weight leaning into him, Ben
grabbed her as well. Yet, instead of fighting her, he exploited her momentum to pull
her backward! Using her force against her, his butt soon hit the mat, and as he
rounded his back and rolled on it, he put his feet on Valentina's hips, and lifted her
off the ground!

Eyes bulging, her grip loosened as she realized she wasn't in control of her body! But
that wasn't the end!
Utilizing the force of her momentum and his roll, Ben added even more power, by
using his legs, to kick upwards! Letting go of her and sending her flying! He'd thrown
her over him!

Smirking, he watched in slow motion as Valentina flew. Except his smirk soon
morphed into a frown, because wasn't she flying a little high? She almost hit the 10-
foot ceiling!

As she whizzed by it though, her feet missing it by a narrow margin, Ben's face
relaxed. Yet, Valentina's didn't, because the world was spinning!

He'd thrown her into an unintentional front flip! And since she was no longer rising,
that meant, she could only fall back down! From ten feet up into the ground!



Laying down, Ben looked up at the spot where Valentina landed. Her back hit the
ground so hard that she even bounced once like an anime character…

He was speechless, having forgotten how strong he was… Now, the evidence was
right in front of him though. Valentina laid there, unmoving, as the entire gym was
aghast, staring at her body… or was it a corpse?

Gulping, Ben was the first to speak. "Is she dead?"

He couldn't believe it. Weren't women supposed to be invincible in stories? A 90 lb

girl beating up dozens of trained large men? Why is it that as soon as Ben did
anything but technical grappling, she went flying?!?

He cursed in his mind. Why'd his story always have to take such a realistic approach?
What's worse was, he hadn't even waifu'd her yet! It was too early to get arrested for
domestic violence!

*Cough* However, Valentina soon moved, leaning forward as she rubbed her lower
back, and the entire gym released a collective sigh of relief.

At that moment, Ben's tensions also eased, except he soon realized something. 'Tch…
I missed an opportunity to perform CPR… '

He was slipping…

Yet, Valentina only became angrier at this development, as she turned and pointed at
Ben. "You! Come here! We're going again!" Being thrown like that by a white belt in
front of all her students, it was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to
her in this gym! How could she let things end like that?

So soon, they started grappling again. This time though, when they made contact
standing, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Ben's waist, pulling him to
the ground. She wouldn't risk him throwing her to Timbuktu again…

From there, the two grappled, as time passed.

Five minutes…

Ten minutes…

Fifteen minutes…

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that they took a break. At the moment,
Valentina's expression was horrible! Because she'd failed to submit him!

Although she possessed the upper hand on Ben in technique, his technical level was
good enough to avoid giving up an easy submission. Then, he applied his power to
break out of every troublesome spot! It led to a situation where a brown belt
instructor failed to finish a white belt! Glancing around at many of her students who
were also watching in shock at this point, she'd never been more ashamed!

For Ben, it wasn't that surprising though. After taking a mid-level multiplier, he'd
crammed in about 2 years of technique training into the previous week, which on top
of the other mid level and low level multipliers he'd used while doing jiu-jitsu, was
enough for his skills to reach purple belt! It was true that his technical ability was
still far worse than Valentina who was a brown belt, but Ben compensated for that
difference in other areas… and that wasn't a d*ck joke…

In simple terms, he used his many physical advantages! Strength, speed, endurance;
he surpassed her by far in all aspects! In reality, this was even somewhat of a rule of
thumb in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community. A significant edge in size or strength
often made up for the technique difference of one belt color. So while Ben didn't have
a size advantage, his body was at a peak athlete's level! There was no comparison
between the two!

In fact, Valentina's disadvantages didn't stop there. The previous guideline about the
significance of physiques applied to men, but Valentina—was a woman! The physical
discrepancy was even greater!

In fact, a similar principle existed for men and women, that the natural physiques of
males could also lead them to defeat females with higher belt colors. The only
reasons Valentina didn't show a worse result was she was a high level brown belt
and very strong for a woman. Those thick thighs weren't just for show…

Even so, she was still much weaker than Ben, and that, was what frustrated her most.
"Damn it!" She slammed her fist into the ground…

There was nothing that made her angrier than this… being at a physical
disadvantage which she could do nothing about. She couldn't accept it! Gnashing her
teeth, she glanced at Ben, wanting to challenge him again. Yet, she stopped herself
because she knew, there was no time. A new class would start soon and free practice
would be over here. It was pointless.

Thus, she could only glare at Ben, as she got up and walked to the female locker
room, stamping her feet in rage the whole way…

Ben watched this, wishing she'd get even more furious because each of her powered
steps shook the booty…

He didn't know everything going through Valentina's head but he could guess. Even
so, he had his own important concerns. So he stood up and left to the locker room
too. It was enough BJJ for today. The next class wasn't for him and he'd gotten
sufficient training. The most important thing though, was it was still the afternoon
and he had an important appointment soon—a meeting in the park with his favorite
model, Charlotte

Today, Ben planned to use the photography skills he'd been developing to take
photos he'd submit into the competition tomorrow. It was important they came out
well, not so much for him and Charlotte, but for Darryl. The better the photos turned
out, the louder his slap would be…

To Ben, that was basic web novel physics…

On top of that, he believed Darryl had also been doing his part, washing his face
every day for this moment… putting on moisturizer and everything…

So how could Ben disappoint him? Ben's hand had a date with Darryl's face
tomorrow, and the hand planned to show up on time and looking sharp.
It was a beautiful Autumn afternoon when Ben strolled into Washington Square Park
with a camera hanging from his neck, planning to use this marvelous environment as
the background for his photos.

Even though it was a small park, for a city-dweller, there was much to appreciate
here. That's why as he stopped to inhale the fresh air, recognizing it was a rare treat
in such a metropolis, Ben smiled and savored the tree farts…

Then, he also opened his other senses, discovering new things. He heard the singing
of birds, along with a dreadlocked guitarist in a tie-dye sweater playing a horrific
cover of Dave Matthews Band…

Ben's smile became stiff as he glanced at him. 'You couldn't just leave it to the birds?'

Nevertheless, it was an intriguing atmosphere. Here, the two mighty powers of

nature and civilization achieved a temporary truce, enjoying each other's company.
As for Ben, he gazed around this peaceful scene, realizing that since he'd taken up
photography, he'd gained a newfound appreciation for his environment and its
wonders. It even heightened his awareness and allowed him to discover hidden
magical things:

A dog humping a sleeping man's leg…

A squirrel chasing another squirrel for an acorn debt in the trees…

A young couple in love on a bench. The man's eyes scanning around sneakily, before
his hand wormed its way under the jacket in her lap as she frowned…

The man's eyes popping out and her frown twisting into a trolling smile as he
bumped into something unexpected…

These hidden wonders were always there but people missed them, not bothering to
look, or not wanting to look…

However, Ben's increased awareness even led to his consciousness blending into
these scenes:

He was that squirrel debt…

He was that creeping hand…

He was that surprising sausage. 'NO!' Ben shook his head violently!

That damn scene was too much!

So, he paced away with an awkward gait as he peered over his shoulder at that man
on the bench, finding him narrowing his eyes as if he was making a decision… before
his expression became firm, and he grinned…

Ben's face turned pale as his head swiveled away from them, vowing to never turn
his head back to that general direction…

Marching away, in his mind, he recited that man's eulogy. 'When you gays long into
the abyss. The abyss gays also into you."

It was lucky for Ben that not the entire park was full of animal and human derelicts…

Soon, sitting on the edge of the large stone fountain, he discovered Charlotte waiting
for him.

When he saw her, he paused for a second, because it was his first time seeing her
wear a dress, a cute blue ensemble that showed off her narrow legs on this warm
day. Spotting Ben, she also stood up, but kept her head down as she clutched her
purse in front of her, nervous when she thought about what they were planning to
Today, she would model for Ben once again.

Although he'd agreed to cancel her promise to send her photos into the competition,
it was only under the condition that she once again modeled for him, and for
Charlotte, it was a difficult proposition.

When Darryl insulted her at the critique, it made her self-conscious, even more than
she already was. Yet, Ben used his motivational speaking ability to convince her to do
it, along with pretending it broke his heart that she didn't want him as a model…

He didn't have to pretend too hard though… In truth, he had oh so many more
memes to show off, so there was some regret there…

However, he'd accept it as long as she modeled for him. After all, he'd declared he'd
defeat Darryl in the beginner's photography competition using Charlotte as a model,
and when Ben chose her, it wasn't out of spite for Darryl. He needed her!

In reality, when photographing her, his instincts told him that she possessed
something special! Something that could lead to miraculous photos! Albeit, he wasn't
sure what it was.

It wasn't her appearance, not that Charlotte wasn't cute, but if he wanted a beautiful
model, he could ask one of the girls he was dating. Yet, he didn't, because he wanted
to uncover this charismatic element of Charlotte, to capture it in a photograph, and
show it to the world!

So, despite her initial resistance, Ben did his best to persuade her, because he
thought it was important. Except after they greeted each other, when they once again
stood face to face, Charlotte couldn't help voicing her resignations once again. "C-
can't you find a prettier model? I'm… not right for this." She believed her looks were
nothing special. So how could any photos of her come out well? She'd only make Ben
lose the competition.

However, seeing her hesitation, Ben looked into her eyes, and smiled. "Charlotte,
trust me. You're the best model there is."

Crimson-faced, Charlotte's embarrassment was overtaken by joy in an instant… She

couldn't remember the last time someone gave her such a compliment, and that,
pushed her to make a resolution of her own. She'd do it! Even though she didn't think
she was worthy, she'd try her best, if nothing more than to repay this faith Ben

As such, the two walked in the park, amongst the fountain and the grass and the
trees, as Ben took his camera out and began snapping pictures of her. Except,
Charlotte's mental vow wasn't enough to overpower the long-cemented tendencies
of her body and personality. Being under the lens, she became anxious, making her
movements tense and uncoordinated. Thus, when Ben asked her to turn to the side
and pose, she attempted it, but soon lost her balance!

"Ah!" Tripping over herself, Charlotte prepared to fall on her face, yet, somehow… she
was, stuck in place?

No… someone was, holding her? Glancing up, she saw Ben, who caught her before
she hit the ground, and was now holding her in his arms.

"Are you okay?" His face showed concern.

However, Charlotte was paying more attention to his arms, the ones making contact
with her body. She blinked in confusion. 'This is the first time… why?' Besides for
when she dressed as Chuck, she'd never had a man touch her without feeling deep
revulsion. It was a phobia that stuck with her since her traumatic incident years ago.
Yet, out of nowhere, Ben was touching her now, and she was… fine…

"Hey, Charlotte, are you okay?" Ben repeated himself.

She snapped out of her daze. "Yea, sorry." Straightening herself, she showed an
awkward smile, but couldn't help staring at Ben, because this was too weird. With a
little time though, she came up with a quick answer as to why her phobia didn't
trigger. 'It must be because I've grown accustomed to him as Chuck… However, he's
still a man, so maybe I should be careful, but, it's Ben… ' It was all so confusing, as
she experienced certain things she couldn't admit, but couldn't deny at the same

Although Charlotte tried her best to understand herself to solve her issues, it hadn't
ever been easy. After all, she didn't have anyone to talk to about this. Even with her
psychologist, Charlotte never found the courage to tell her she went out cross-
dressing. So now, her life was only becoming more unclear, finding herself in the
arms of a man… who gave her complicated feelings.

"You ready to continue?" Ben was adjusting his camera for the next shots.
"Mmhm." She swallowed, encouraging herself to not make such foolish mistakes
again, and soon, they started taking more photos.

Even so, the results didn't satisfy Ben, whose frown deepened after every few
minutes. This wasn't it. He felt he was getting further away from what he was
searching for! Gazing at his model, his only sense was, that what she was showing
him—was wrong.

He needed her to show her genuine self, to bring out the magic inside of her which
even she was unaware of. Thus, Ben stepped towards her until they were only inches
apart, making Charlotte's eyes blink in nervousness, as his expression became firm.
"Charlotte, I know there are amazing parts of your personality that you're not
showing me…”

Hearing this, she became flustered and waved her hands around. "Y-you think too

"No! I'm certain!"

His conviction left her speechless, but somehow, made her even warmer inside…

Ben sighed as he gazed at her. "Look, can you try something for me?"

After a few moments of hesitation, she nodded.

"Good, then, just pretend I'm not here… and be yourself!" After saying that, Ben held
up the camera and pointed it to her, hiding behind it and taking himself out of the
equation, allowing her to be by herself, to be, herself…

However, it wasn't so easy for Charlotte. 'H-how… ' She didn't know what to do, and it
was even more difficult with Ben observing her. Yet, an even greater feeling took
over, one of now wanting to disappoint him, and also… of being free. So after
clenching her fists, she let go. "F*ck…” She mumbled a curse word like a baby saying
its first word.

"Huh?" Ben popped his head out from behind his camera, "Did you just curse?"

Charlotte's face paled, as she realized the trash-talking Chuck part of her personality
came out for a moment. "N-no, I said, I said…” She was stuttering, as her heart
pumped, fearing what Ben would think.
After cursing out loud, Charlotte held her breath, staring at Ben and dreading what
he'd think of her vulgar behavior.

However, his reaction was the opposite of what she'd expected. "That was great!" He
peeked his head out from behind the camera, grinning.

This, made her blink in confusion. She didn't understand what was great about it.

Ben elaborated though. "More! You shined there! Do it again!"

Her blinking rate tripled in an instant. "Really?"

"Yes! You were incredible! That curse stoked a fire in me! Talk to me like I'm a
politician who's ruining New York!"

"Scumbag sh*thead!"

Charlotte covered her mouth with both hands when the words escaped her lips, her
eyes going wide in disbelief that she'd said such dirty things in a public park.

Except, as far as Ben was concerned…

*Snap* *Snap*

These were great photos! He stared through the camera lens at his model, and took
pictures with great enthusiasm because he'd discovered something! 'She's
sparkling… '

When the innocent, shy Charlotte cursed, it was like the atmosphere bent and
something magical occurred. Although Ben wasn't sure how to describe it, he knew
this was it! This was what he'd been searching for! Hence, he encouraged her to
continue. "Charlotte! Keep going! That sh*t was double-kawaii!"

She had no idea what he was talking about…

Yet, she understood he was trying to reassure her. 'Ben is always helping me… For
once, I should do something for him. I can't let myself hesitate anymore!' Taking a
deep breath, Charlotte closed her eyes, and when she opened them, behind those
glasses, there was a glint of ruthlessness!

Although she didn't understand what was happening, not wanting to let Ben down,
she decided to continue, and this time, she cursed without restraint!

Ben guided her. "Charlotte, what did you think about the CATS movie?"

"Glorified no-brain sh*t-stain!"


"How about every new Apple iPhone needing new accessories?"

"Greedy capitalist f*ck-pigs!"


"How do you like tech companies stealing our information?"

"Those mother-zuckers can zuck a d*ck!"


As Ben kept aiding her by tossing out infuriating topics, she became more and more
liberated with her expressions and words. So he continued snapping photos, his
breath becoming heavy because the energy in the area was like she was going Super

In this manner, they continued for a while until Charlotte was panting, exhausted
and wondering what just happened, and it wasn't only her--a few frightened
bystanders also overheard her swearing…
Either way though, as Ben looked through the pictures in his digital camera roll, he
showed a big grin! 'I got it!' Charlotte was very talented at trash talking, like a young
Poison Dragon… and at least in his mind, there was nothing more beautiful than the
growth of a child from his race!

So somehow, despite the pictures not communicating her words, they captured her
energy, and it resulted in magnificent art!

In truth, Ben found it difficult to believe, because the shots came out better than he'd
ever imagined! And it was all thanks to this cute little sister! Roaring with laughter,
he ran up to the fatigued Charlotte and gave her a big hug! Raising her into the air
and spinning her around! "We did it! You were amazing! Cursing like a f*cking

Blushing like a strawberry, Charlotte didn't know how to react. She'd never allowed a
man to touch her like this since she was a child. She never could, not even with her
father. Yet, when Ben did it, there were no negative feelings, no signs of that familiar
dread. Instead, though it was covered in a layer of sheepishness, the only thing she
felt was joy, to have helped Ben and also somehow, to have created a crack in her

So as the scenery of the park spun around, Charlotte gazed into his eyes, and spread
a big grin herself, managing to respond to his excitement, though it was only through
two mumbled words: "F*ck… yea…”


After saying goodbye to Charlotte, Ben walked back to his dorm to do some touch-
ups on the photos and submit them to the competition. The whole way back, he
browsed them on his camera screen, thrilled with the results. Although it would still
depend on the judges, with these pictures, he was confident to make a serious run
for first place! And more importantly, to slap Darryl's face…

Thus, overwhelmed with excitement, it was only when Ben arrived at the entrance to
his dormitory building that he turned his phone off silent. It was then that he noticed
he'd received a text message from Fariq: "Bro, your girl came over looking for you
and said she had nowhere to go, so I let her in. I had to run but she's waiting inside. I
hope it's cool. Bye, bro!"
Ben gasped when he finished reading this. 'Girl. What girl? And he just let her in?'
He'd need to have a talk with Fariq about this. Besides, why was the entrance policy
to this dorm so lax? They just allow any pretty girl upstairs? When Ben observed the
obese middle-aged security guard ogling passing university girls though, he got his

Ben narrowed his eyes. 'This security guard is trying to set up an ugly bastard plot!'

Yet, whether that storyline was good or not… Ben still needed to deal with the
current situation. So he thought hard about who it could be waiting for him upstairs.
Various girls had visited Ben but he wasn't sure who Fariq had seen. If it was Miyuki,
that would be fine, but why would she have nowhere to go? If it was Camila…

Ben pictured his room trashed and torn into pieces… Eyes enlarging, he rushed
upstairs! To make sure she didn't touch his otaku treasure chest!

Several minutes later… when he reached his door and inserted the key, Ben gulped,
hoping he wasn't about to see a dead body someone would frame him for…

He also prayed it wouldn't be Camila… though that would be a little better than the
prior one.


When Ben opened the door and heard Camila's voice, made clear by Mexican accent,
his heart fell…

A moment later though, he realized something. 'Who's she talking to?' Walking
inside, he soon received his answer.

There, sitting on his bed, was a busty blonde beauty in a tan dress, someone he
hadn't seen in a little while—it was Annabelle. Seeing the Al Gorian, Ben's tense
muscles relaxed. Yet, it wasn't all good news. Sitting right next to her on the bed was
the girl he didn't want to see—Camila. However, unlike Ben's expectations, she
wasn't tearing through the things in his room, but instead brandishing a smirk, as
she fed female pick up lines to Annabelle. Ben wasn't sure what to think about it, but,
it was at least preferable to the alternative.

Hearing him enter, Annabelle turned to him. "Ben, I lost my keys again, I hope it's
okay if I stay with you." The last time she'd misplaced her keys, she came here and
slept over. Then, she even ended up finding them on the way back home, in her jacket

This time, although she didn't discover them there, she believed this place to be good
luck because of the last occurrence, so came over when she needed a place to go.

Ben nodded. "It's fine. Mi casa es tu casa."

"Tch… your Spanish sucks!" Camila, on the other hand, was not excited to see Ben.
Although she'd come over a few minutes ago to speak with him about something,
when this gorgeous stacked blonde opened the door for her, she forgot about that
sh*t and switched to Plan Booty… So why'd this puto have to arrive now?

As for Ben, although it was nice to see his room remained in a peaceful state, he still
needed to resolve the current dilemma. How would he deal with the two of them
here? Yet, Annabelle took the first step to ease the situation. Standing up, she took
something out of her bag and walked towards Ben with it. With a peaceful
expression accentuated by her kind-looking downturned eyes, she handed them to
Ben. "I drew these for you." It was a series of sketches.

This gesture, stunned him for a moment… because it was the first gift a girl had ever
given him… Blinking, he took them and began browsing. Half a minute later, he
glanced back up at Annabelle and spread a smile. "Thank you. I love them." They
were sketches of various fruit scuba diving.

Working hard to keep his eyes from twitching, Ben strained his facial muscles to
maintain a smile, as he hurried to put the drawings away in his desk as if he wanted
to protect the treasures…

Still, he appreciated the nice gesture, until Camila ruined it with an interruption.
"You're too nice to him. He doesn't deserve those."

This, made Ben frown as he glanced at her with cold eyes.

"Oh? You two know each other?" Annabelle looked at them with a curious

Ben blinked. "How wouldn't we know each other? She's in my room."

Annabelle scratched her head. "I thought she was a nice girl delivering hugs door to
door or something, because she's hugged me a few times already…”

He narrowed his eyes at Camila…

For her part though, she also grimaced. 'Hugs door to door? I have standards, damn

Shaking his head, Ben snorted. "Don't worry about her. She just has a lesboner for

Hearing that, Annabelle's brows raised. "Oh, a lesbian?" Then, she tilted her head as
she gazed at each of them. "In that case, have you two not had sex?"
When Annabelle asked Camila and Ben if they'd had sex with each other, it
dumbfounded both of them.

The Mexican beauty wrinkled her eyebrows. 'Tch… in which way hasn't this bastard
f*cked me? Still, that's beside the point. Asking me that… isn't she too tactless?'

Ben also gawked at Annabelle. 'How should I respond here? From her perspective,
the two of us are dating. So it probably wouldn't go well if I admitted what I did with
Camila. Plus, this time's even worse than when Katie asked me, because who knows
what this crazy Mexican will say?'

The b*tch was running wild…

However, Annabelle soon defrosted the situation herself, glancing at Camila while
pointing at Ben. "Well, have you? Because we've had sex."

A slew of complicated thoughts passed through the Latina's head. "How can you just
say that?" The two girls had only known each other a few minutes. As the lesbian,
Camila had assumed she was the promiscuous and open one, but now, she realized
she might've been wrong!

Yet, it wasn't that Annabelle was promiscuous, but that her thought was process was
different, which is why Camila's response confused her. "How can I say what? That
thing about how furniture should be made of human bones instead of wood?"

Seeing how they were both staring at her, she realized she'd said something wrong.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot that was just a thought. You didn't hear it…”

'Is she a necromancer?' Even though Ben already knew Annabelle, she always
managed to surprise him. 'If I could get the necromancer tag… ' No matter the
situation, he always considered how to raise his view count.

Annabelle looked at Camila. "Okay, you must be talking about the sex thing then,

The Latina blinked, not sure how or if she should respond. "I guess…”

Annabelle shrugged. "What's the big deal? It's just sex. Animals and plants do it all
the time."

'Plants too?' Camila and Ben exchanged glances…

For once, they were in agreement, that they needed to google that at home later…

During their moment of silence though, Annabelle walked towards Ben, getting very
close to him as she smiled. "Besides, Ben is so good at sex. Why wouldn't I do it?"

Seeing the gorgeous blonde being so intimate with that filthy bastard, Camila
couldn't help but frown. 'How's this Oompa Loompa so good with the ladies?'

He was doing even better than she was! So how could she accept that? Camila's
instinct was to stop this from going so smoothly, and, she knew the perfect way to do
it--possessing a cluster-f*ck bomb to throw into this situation. "I don't understand
what you and the other girls see in him…”

Annabelle's ears twitched as she turned to Camila. "Other girls?"

Ben gulped. 'This b*tch really said it… '

Camila spread an impish smirk as she nodded.

"Ben is having sex with other girls?"

He held his breath, preparing for chaos.

Camila's grin grew even wider. "Yes!"

Annabelle blinked. "Oh… well, that makes sense."

She then turned back to Ben as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, Camila's smirk
froze, making her look like a sculpture of an autist… one trying to make sense of a
falling stonk chart…

'Huh?' She couldn't get used to Annabelle's weirdness. "You're not upset he's seeing
someone else?"

"Upset? Why?" Annabelle didn't see the issue. "As I said, it makes sense. He's so good
in bed. Why wouldn't other girls want some?" Then, she sat down next to Camila,
inches from her face. "Like you, for example… Although you didn't answer my earlier
question, I took that as a yes, because the default is opt-in."

'Is that the default for everything now?' Camila and Ben squinted.

"So when you had sex with him, wasn't it good?" Annabelle brought her face even
closer to Camila's, to the point where the Latina could feel her breath, making her
heart thump. "T-that… I-I guess he's okay for a man, but so what? Who wants to have
sex with this fool?"

Hearing that, Ben sneered. He was getting tired of her insults. "Fool, huh? You know, I
seem to remember telling you last time that if I caught you in my room uninvited
again, there would be serious consequences."

At the threat, Camila's eyes widened, remembering the amount of harmful material
he still possessed over her. "T-that, I just came to talk—"

"I don't need your excuses!" Ben stepped in front of her and gazed into her eyes with
an icy expression. "Since all you have is insults, you've done enough talking." He
snorted. "You know, it surprises me, but it seems you still didn't learn your lesson
last time…”

"I-I…” Camila really came here just to speak with him, but it was difficult for her not
to attempt to mess up his situation when she saw him doing so well. After all,
ignoring the circumstances, this bastard invaded every hole in her body! How could
she not bear some resentment?

Ben's eyes only narrowed further though. "Now, you even came here and tried to hit
on Annabelle in my room. Did you see a Yuri tag? How dare you try to pollute my

"Huh?" Now, Camila was lost…

Even so, Ben wouldn't let her off so easily. Crossing his arms, his face became grave.
"I think it's time I share some of that 'information' I have with the school's
administration…” It was a line he'd used before but he planned to wear it out until he
wore her out…

Regardless, it was effective. With those words, Camila's face paled as the room
turned mute… the temperature seeming to drop.

Yet, the rigid atmosphere was soon broken by Annabelle, who frowned. "Oh, this is
so complicated… but I don't like this energy. We should cleanse the room of it." She
rose and took out some sage and a lighter from her purse. Then, she lit it as she
proceeded around the four corners of the room, wafting the smoke everywhere,
before letting the sage sit in a mug on Ben's desk.

His eyes dimmed. 'Where will I drink coffee from?'

Still, the entire time, he and Camila only stared on in silence at her unexpected act.
She soon returned to them with a peaceful smile though, grabbing Ben's hand as she
pulled him to sit on the bed with them, Annabelle sitting in between. Then, she stood
up and held her hands together. "All right! You two have too much tension. We need
to relieve it!"

"H-how do we do that?" Camila didn't know where Annabelle was going with this,
because unlike Ben, she'd never watched hentai…

Yet, the blonde's eyes soon shined as she answered in her serene voice. "Good
question! I happen to know an excellent method that worked for me. In fact, Ben
showed me how to do it."

"Oh?" He also wasn't sure what she was talking about. However, when Annabelle got
on her knees, placed her hands on Camila's legs, and spread them apart, they all got
some idea of where her mind was headed.

"A good way to relax is through Ben's special performance." Annabelle displayed a
kind smile, as if she wasn't holding Camila's legs open… exposing red panties.

"P-performance?" Despite being a lesbian, this sudden act caught the Latina off

Annabelle turned her head towards Ben. "Your water show!"

"Water… show?" Camila didn't get it, but Ben did…

He spread a mischievous smirk. "That's a great idea!"

Annabelle also nodded repeatedly. What was she talking about? It was her term for
Ben squirting her! "I'd like to observe the water show from a third party perspective.
It might give me inspiration for my art…”

As Annabelle's hands ran up Camila's thighs, she also began to get the jizz of what
they were referring to… but, she hesitated on how to respond. On the one hand, she
considered anything involving Ben detestable. On the other hand, she could place the
large breasts of the doll in front of her… whose fingers caressed her legs… exciting
Camila's body.

She thought back to the last encounter with Ben and Miyuki. Although she cursed in
her mind anytime she remembered that idiot's troll face… she savored the parts with
Miyuki… Plus, she had to admit, all of it felt good. Then when she added the fact that
she was indeed hitting on his woman again, she believed this villain would continue
his threats if she said anything he disapproved of. Thus, Camila made a decision, and
sighed. "All right, fine, what is it?"

With Camila's agreement, Annabelle's eyes brightened as she brought her hands
together for a single celebratory clap. "Yay, one ticket to the water show please!"

As he gazed at the Latina, Ben's face also widened into a full-on troll-grin…

It was the one she despised so much… Yet, what she hated even more, were his puns.
"Cum, suffer your fate…”

'F*ck this world… ' The Latina was already regretting it.

Author's Note: This scene will be a two-parter.


As Camila laid on Ben's bed, Annabelle grabbed and pulled down the Latina's red
panties like she was performing a casual chore around the house.

Next, chucking them to the side, she held Camila's legs open like a gynecologist… as
she tilted her head. "The skin color there's a little darker than mine…”

Camila's eye twitched upon hearing that. Meanwhile, Ben wanted to make a "that's
racist" joke… but he changed his mind because he also wanted to fuck.

Instead, he bent over and took a gander himself, prompting Camila to frown and
close her legs. That, made Ben shake his head. "Scientific research must be peer-

Annabelle's eyebrows raised at that scientific truth. "He's right!" With her kind smile,
she then gazed at Camila in a way that stirred the lesbian's loins… motivating her to
spread her legs again with reluctance.

Ben showed a cocky smirk as he got an eyeful, but soon turned to Annabelle. "Is it
darker? We'll need to see yours to be sure."

“…Oh, that's true!" The blonde stood, reaching up her dress as she pulled down her
underwear, and threw them to the side too, before lifting her dress… and exposing
herself for them to see.

At the sight of that tasty pussy… Camila licked her lips, as she tried to sit up and
reach out for it. However, Annabelle slapped her hand away. "It's not me, silly! I'm in
the audience today. You're the star of the water show!" She pushed Camila back onto
the bed, before getting on her knees and resuming rubbing her thighs. When she
turned to look at Ben, he could see her eye were bright, like an inquisitive child on
her first trip to Disney World.

Except, instead of Mickey Mouse and Goofy, Ben was more like one of those male
strippers from the Dancing Bear videos…

Regardless, she came to see a water show so he'd give her a water show. Sitting
down next to Annabelle, he put his hands up facing him as if he was a surgeon
putting on gloves. Next, he grabbed Camila's knees, looked her in the eyes, and
yanked them apart!

"Carajo!" She grimaced when he touched her.

Despite that though, Ben knew the method to warm up this Latina. "The patient is
too responsive. We need a local anesthetic. Annabelle, if you'd please assist me."

The blonde smiled. "Oh, how?"

Ben inched closer to her and whispered into her ear.

'What the hell are they murmuring about?' Camila narrowed her eyes.

When the two spread apart, with a serious expression, Annabelle looked at Ben and
gave him an affirmative nod as if saying: 'You can count on me.' Then, turning to
Camila, she leaned forward, and…

*Ptu* She spat on her pussy!

"Uunhh~" When the Mexican beauty felt Annabelle's saliva hit her private area… she
couldn't help releasing a moan, turned on in an instant…

Ben nodded over and over. "Good, now please warm the area up for me…”

Her smile widening, Annabelle leaned forward as her fingers began rubbing the
saliva she spat, over every inch of Camila's lady parts…”I've never touched one of
these that belonged to another girl before…”

"I-is that right?" Camila's breathing became rougher. There was nothing she enjoyed
more than taking a girl's first time with another girl, especially if that girl was

Annabelle's face leaned closer and closer, examining Camila's pussy with great
interest…”So, warm it up more, like this?" Tracing one finger in a closing spiral
around Camila's slit… it soon reached the center, over the hole, at which point
Annabelle glanced up into Camila's eyes, and inserted it…

"Mmm~" The Latina bit her lower lip as she gazed at Annabelle. "Yea, like that…”

"Okay…” The blonde pushed her finger deeper, pulling it in and out, investigating
Camila's insides with a curious touch…

Soon, there was even female fluid leaking from there, which got Annabelle's
attention. "Oh, I wonder…” Moving her head forward, she opened her mouth, and
gave it a lick…

"Uhhh~" Feeling a tongue brush on her, Camila's body was heating up…

"Hmm, it tastes more bitter than mine…” Annabelle gave a chef's critique of the taste,
as if leaving it on Yelp wasn't reliable anymore…

That, made Camila want to discover the difference first hand, but this wasn't Jiro
Dreams of Sushi…

If anything, it was more like the unpopular direct-to-DVD sequel--Jiro's Nightmares

of Troll-Rape…

Because before Camila got a chance to pass any forbidden gates, she'd have to defeat
the guardian, and this one--was a dragon.

Ben brushed Annabelle's hair as he moved closer to Camila's groin. "Good job, you're
warming her up well."

"Ang~" Camila moaned as if confirming.

The blonde looked at him. "It's easy! Now can I see the water show?"

"Of course!" He appreciated her enthusiasm. "Good, good… Let the donkey—I mean
water show begin…”
When she heard donkey, Camila paled a little. After all, she was Mexican…

Yet for some, a donkey might be preferable to the next villain who entered the

As the fingers of Ben's right hand twirled around, he soon summoned a fourth
pseudo-member into the room—Wartortle!

Ben gazed at his hand as he visualized the spirit appearing to stand atop it, gazing at
him with annoyance. 'I come all the way here, yet I get nothing. No "hello…”

No "Hey Wartortle, how was your day?"

You just shove me right into the thick of things…

You know, these working conditions, they're… eh I don't think this is legal…

I'm thinking of calling my Union Rep… '

Ben shook his head to rid himself of the vision as both the girls squinted at him. In
his mind though, he snorted. 'Like I'll ever let a union get involved. I'll call Frank
Sheeran to solve you… '

Then, realizing any more silence might kill the entire scene… Ben made the smart
decision to slide his fingers up Camila's leg… as they soon replaced Annabelle's. Now,
for the third time, he felt the Mexican girl's slippery insides…

Except Ben wasn't as gentle as Annabelle. So when combining that with Camila's
sensitive privates…

"Ah!" She winced as her body kept twitching… because Ben, was finger-banging her!

*Slap* *Slap*

Drops of natural lube dripped from Camila's pussy… as Annabelle watched from the
side, holding her hands in fists against her large breasts… She gazed with intensity
because she didn't want to miss the moment--when the water show began! And with
Ben calling the rain, it didn't take long for the thunder to arrive!

"Me vengooo!" Camila squirmed as his fingers slapped against her wet pussy, soon
commencing the show!


Annabelle gasped as she observed a stream of clear liquid fire out of the Latina's slit
and cover the ground…

It made the blonde's eyes go wide, as if seeing inspiration for new artwork, or, the
life and death of a civilization in an alternate dimension…

Either way, it was well worth the ticket price of entry… In fact, Annabelle found the
show so splendid that she started bouncing up and down on her knees, her tits
swinging with the momentum…”Great! Now, me next! First-person perspective!"

Ben raised an eyebrow. "As you wish…” He'd never turn down anyone for this ride, as
long as they passed the minimum height threshold, which wasn't much for him…

You could call him Tormund Anythingsbane because he'd do hobbits or giants if they
were sexy enough…

Regardless, Ben knew what he needed to focus on now, which was helping Annabelle
lay down next to the panting Camila, as she spread her legs for him, showing another
beautiful pussy ready to get juiced…

'Well, better not to keep a lady waiting.' Since his fingers were already warmed up,
Ben jumped right in!

"Hahh~" Annabelle cried in pleasure, as she watched and heard Ben's hand slap
against her pussy…

*Slap* *Slap*

Meanwhile, Camila's body had recovered, but was now falling even deeper into heat
when she saw the beautiful blonde with her legs spread next to her. Smelling the
familiar scent of a woman's musk, Camila desired to get in on the action too. So, as
Ben's fingers did their magic, she also used her moves.

One of her hands grabbed and began massaging Annabelle's huge breast over her
dress… In fact, Camila's eyes enlarged when she realized the size of it. Yet, she stayed
focused, because that wasn't the true goal. Moving her head down near Annabelle's
belly, Camila pulled back the skirt, giving her a clear sight of Ben's fingers dancing
inside of Annabelle's hole… making Camila lick her lips…

Soon, her head was right above the action, as she stuck her tongue out… and licked…

"Ooooh~" Annabelle had never experienced a woman licking her before, let alone at
the same time as a man also pleasured her…

Camila wasn't a rookie either. She knew how to hit a girl's spots. So that, combined
with Ben's divine technique… soon made Annabelle burst!

"AHAAAAAA~" She was squirting!

Hearing her cry, Camila knew what was cumming, and also what she desired to do.
"Mmm, give it to me…” She pulled out Ben's hand and opened her mouth, as her lips
covered Annabelle's hole! She was drinking the squirt juice!

Yet, this squirt differed from her own, because on top of Ben's technique, Annabelle
was a natural squirter! It meant the amount of liquid was huge! She didn't only
squirt once but multiple times! Like a female Ben!

So as Camila's mouth filled up like she'd drank from a water gun, her cheeks bulged!
She was getting a mouthful! Yet, she didn't mind!

*Gulp* The Latina drank it up… even moaning when she finished. "Oh, siii~"

As for Ben, watching the two beautiful girls with their pussies exposed pleasuring
each other was perfect in his mind. Except he had a nagging feeling something was
off. Soon though, he realized what it was. 'When did I become an extra?'

Shaking his head in disapproval, he vowed to regain his former glory. Hence, as the
two girls laid there exhausted from stimulation, he began to remove his pants…
'Time to show you why they call me the leading man.'

Even though no one ever called him that…

Author's Note: This is the final R-18 chapter of the scene.


After giving Annabelle a few seconds to rest, Camila kissed her way up the blonde's
sweet thighs… soon reaching her sweet caramel center…

"Mmm~" Annabelle removed her clothes as Camila began to lick her downstairs…
reaching down to the Latina to help her also take off her top. Then, she grabbed the
rear of Camila's head and held it tight against her crotch…

Meanwhile, Ben had already tossed his clothes away faster than Superman in a
public phone booth, and although Ben wasn't enough of a Kryptonian dirtbag to
change behind glass in the presence of passing children… he'd still take the current
scene a step further.

As he gazed at Camila's athletic ass sticking out in front of him, he positioned himself
behind it, grabbed both cheeks, and thrusted inside!

"Ah!" With only her eyes exposed above Annabelle's pelvis, the Mexican beauty
looked shocked as she once again felt Ben's thick rod stretch her out… Yet, as he
began pumping her, her eyelids drooped, as heat rose from her lower body filling
every part of her.

"Uhh~" She raised her head to cry out as their pelvises pounded against each other.
However, it didn't last long because Annabelle grabbed her head, and pulled it back
down into her crotch like a female boss…

*Slap* *Slap* The sounds and smells of sex filled the room as the three went at it…
switching positions as they pleasured each other…
Ben noticed Camila behaved better on this occasion. Perhaps it was due to
Annabelle's presence, or maybe she just didn't want her ass to get spanked red again.
Either way, this sex session intoxicated all three of them, each one putting in
substantial effort to please the other two. Yet, the star of the show—was Annabelle.

At the moment, she was doing a split, with her legs extended in a straight 180-
degree angle, except this split—was done standing!

With one leg on Ben's shoulder, she leaned against him, as he held her lower back
and fucked her in that unorthodox position… and although he was experiencing it
first hand, it didn't blunt the surprise. 'I knew she did Yoga but holy shit… '

He never knew Annabelle possessed this talent but was sure thankful she did.

Meanwhile, Camila was nearby, gawking at this too, having never seen anything like
it. Soon though, despite only watching, the sight aroused her as well, urging her to go
into action. So after approaching Annabelle, Camila started making out with her,
massaging her tongue as she squeezed the blonde's hanging breasts…

*Slap* *Slap*

However, that only drove Ben to go faster… and under such a frenetic attack from
above and below, Annabelle's body was becoming overloaded… such that soon…

"HNGGGG~" Her face twisted in pleasure as she orgasmed! Losing control of herself!

She even almost fell! Only keeping her balance through the help of Ben and Camila.

As for him, feeling Annabelle clenching around his shaft yet the friction reducing at
the same time, he looked down and saw liquid dripping down his member…

Camila's eyes broadened when she saw it too. Then, like a cat discovering a bowl of
milk, she hurried to get down on her knees, sticking her head out to where their
privates met as she started to lap it up…

She licked everywhere the liquid dripped, from the bottom of Ben's balls… up his
shaft… and all over Annabelle's pussy…”Mmm~" she closed her eyes, savoring the

Annabelle, however, felt the karmic balance was off in the room, as she glanced down
at Camila. "This is no good, now we have to also give you a juice cleanse…”

Backing off from Ben, she picked up the Latina and helped her onto the bed, laying
her on her back. Next, Annabelle went to grab Ben's hand and brought him over as
well, before she laid down next to Camila and began kissing her… Looking back at
Ben, the blonde pointed to Camila's exposed slit…”Please cleanse her physical
impurities as well… make her squirt them out…”

Ben paused, having never realized that his dick possessed health benefits…

Then, his eyes gleamed.'Could I rent it out on late-night television?'

He believed he was modest since he didn't aim for the prime-time slot…

For now…

In any case though, he believed in healthy living, if it involved getting fucked by him…

As such, he did as Annabelle asked. He dropped his cock onto Camila's pussy, and
entered her!

"Ahhh~" She moaned as Annabelle made out with her from above and Ben fucked
her down below… It was a lot of activity for one sensitive girl to deal with,
communicated in a perfect manner by her writhing body…

Yet, she wasn't the only one being stimulated. Watching her reactions, Annabelle
found it all very interesting, paying close attention to Camila's facial expressions and
bodily twitches… So as Ben continued doing his job, the blonde moved down
Camila's body at a slow pace… feeling her perky breasts… licking her toned
stomach… until finally, she'd arrived right above the action, having gotten a front-
row seat…

From only inches away, she observed Ben's dick ram inside of Camila's wet slit… the
sight, scent, and sound all delivering extreme stimuli to Annabelle's senses. And it
was this, that gave her artistic inspiration!

Yet, she sought even more! So coming closer, she stuck her tongue out, and began
licking Camila's clit…
"Nnnn~" The Latina watched all this from above, her body flinching as the two
rascals spurred every nerve ending in her groin… which to Annabelle, was very
entertaining. In fact, she wanted to probe further… Thus, she lifted her head with a
smile, and…


She slapped the top of Camila's pussy!

"Ayyy~" The Latina cried out. It was so good and yet so bad… because this
overloaded her sensitivity. Yet, her reaction only further fueled Annabelle's sense of

*Slap* She slapped it again!

*Slap* And again!

"Ahh~" Camila's body twisted once more. It was too much stimulation when
combined with the fact that this whole time, Ben hadn't stopped pounding her!

Annabelle had seen enough though, or rather--slapped enough…

Either way, she turned back to Ben, wondering what his meat-stick would taste like
coated with the Latina's juice. As such, the blonde rested her head sideways on
Camila's stomach, right above where her love-hole was, as she looked up at Ben.

He glanced down at her as they locked eyes, which is when Annabelle opened her
mouth wide… and pointed her finger at it… before pointing it to Ben's dick… then
back to her mouth…

He didn't have to be a famous pet detective to figure this one out…

Slipping out of Camila, he lifted his dick, and drove it inside of Annabelle's lips…

"Hmmm…” Her eyebrows raised as she evaluated the taste, staring at Ben's shaft as
she sucked on it, her cheeks hollowing in and out like she was sucking on a

Ben moved his torso as far forward as he could, until he felt the back of her throat…
*Cough* He'd activated her gag reflex, making her eyes water…

Then, he pulled out of her lips… bringing his meat-stick back down, and re-inserting
it into Camila's trap… the comfortable but tight walls causing an interesting
comparison between the two. There, he pushed as far as he could also, hitting the
bottom of the Latina's pussy…

"Ow…” She showed him her cute pout, as if blaming him for going too far… no not as
if--that's exactly what she was doing! 'Puto maricon!'

He didn't speak Spanish though… or read minds…

So ignoring her, Ben posted his arm on Annabelle's head, holding it down with
pressure, as he proceeded to alternate between her mouth… and Camila's sex-cave…
sampling the unique aspects of each.

*Kuah* His cock left Annabelle's lips…

*Slap* His balls slapped Camila's pussy…





However, Ben realized he couldn't play this game all day, because Annabelle gave him
a mission which he still hadn't completed. So, he focused on Camila's hole, resuming
his slam hoetry session…

"Naaa~" She gripped tight on the sheets, as Ben's meat-rocket stuffed her…

Simultaneously, Annabelle's tongue returned to work on Camila's clit, offering an

additional avenue of sensations…

Ben didn't hold back either, raising his tempo and intensity, and at that rate, it didn't
take more than a few more minutes until the Latina's nerves reached the limit!
"AHHHNNN~" Her body vibrated as she reached climax…
Yet, Ben knew that wouldn't be enough. He promised Annabelle he'd juice her…
Except it wasn't so easy. He wasn't a cold press…

More importantly though, Camila wasn't a natural squirter like Annabelle, and he
could only use Rain Dance on his hands. As a result, now, he needed to go all out!

Taking his dick out, he replaced it with his fingers, activating Rain Dance. Meanwhile,
he rubbed his cock up and down on Camila's clit with power and speed! Annabelle
stared at it. 'It's like a paintbrush!'

At the same time, Annabelle kept using her tongue… which met his cock at the top of
every motion…

That, proved to be the winning move!

"UHUUU~" Liquid fired out of Camila's slit, hitting Ben's thighs… dripping down…

Upon receiving cumfirmation… Ben and Annabelle exchanged eye contact and
smiled. They'd done it…

Yet, it was even better than that, because this, was too arousing… not only mentally
but physically, his rod still throbbing from when he grinded the sensitive head on
Camila's clit. As for Annabelle, she was satisfied, and thought Ben deserved a reward.
As such, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and glanced up at him. "Let's
clean the paintbrush…”

With her head still sideways on Camila's stomach, she spread her lips and beckoned
him with her eyes…

Well, this, was an invitation Ben would never refuse…

Hence, he raised his dick, and entered her moist mouth. Meanwhile, his hand once
again posted on her head, except this time, he moved hard and fast, fucking her face
without holding back!

*Fwop* *Fwop*

Annabelle's lips made loud noises every time he pulled in and out of them… as Ben
took her mouth to the limit… However, she didn't fail to keep up the pace,
maintaining suction and squeezing hard on his shaft… This, was a deep cleaning…
A perfect polishing…

In addition, when combined with all the stimulation before, it soon proved too much
for Ben!

"AHHH~" He was going to cum! Yet, although he planned to finish in her mouth,
Annabelle wanted to draw a painting!

So she pushed Ben back and continued to stroke! Sticking her tongue out! From
above, he watched as her hand milked his dick for all the paint she could get… and
soon, she got what she desired!

"FUCK!" He roared.

Cum sprayed on her tongue, entering her mouth and splashing all over her face……
dripping down her hair… Yet, Annabelle didn't quit, continuing to stroke but
changing the angle of the brush. So soon, Ben not only hit her face, but also Camila's
pussy! Shooting sperm everywhere!

This was the life of an artist…

After Ben's artistic d*cksplay… Camila and Annabelle laid there, exhausted and
covered in Romero dressing…

However, other than certain districts on the west coast of the United States, this
world wasn't one that allowed people to walk around in that state outside…

As such, the three had to clean up eventually and when they did, Camila noticed
Ben's grinning, satisfied expression as he walked to the bathroom, and narrowed her
eyes. She realized that every time she'd seen this villain in recent weeks, he'd gotten
her into bed! Yet, what annoyed her most wasn't even that, but that he was also
sleeping with other beauties! Where'd this bastard get the balls?!?

From a system.

She didn't know that though…

So, with Ben gone, the Latina realized this was an opportunity to elude his influence,
as she glanced at Annabelle who was putting on socks while humming a tune…

Camila's face became serious. "Do you really not have an issue with this?"

"Huh?" The blonde glanced at her.

Camila pointed at the bathroom. "That bastard is sleeping with so many women… I
mean, do you like him?"

Annabelle nodded. "I like him."

Camila had expected that answer. Although it irritated her as much as anything else,
she'd figured it out by now from how Annabelle acted around him. Yet, that was also
the problem. "Then, how can you just accept things so easily?"
The blonde gazed at her as if not comprehending the dilemma, but soon showed a
warm smile, realizing what was troubling Camila. "In this world, there are lots of
things you can hate and even turn into your enemy… but if there's nothing you can
do about it, isn't it better to accept things? If you want to live happy and free, how
can you do that when you're controlled by emotions and the thoughts of others?"

"This…” Camila gawked, stupefied… She didn't expect the blonde to say such a thing.

Then, after wrapping an arm around the Latina's shoulder, Annabelle peered up at
the ceiling. "I used to take odd comfort in the knowledge that the sun will last
another 5 billion years or so… Then I found out the amount of energy emitting from
the sun will make the earth uninhabitable in about 900 million years. At the time, I
thought, 'Well, sh*t.'"

Camila waited for what felt like an eternity for Annabelle to finish her thought, but
she only rubbed the Mexican girl's back and stared upwards…

Finally, the Latina grimaced. "Is that it? No follow-up?"

Annabelle glanced at her before raising her eyebrows. "Do you think there's a place
that delivers pineapples at this hour?"

Camila put her head down in her hands, defeated… She didn't know how to talk
sense with this girl.

Soon, Ben came out of the bathroom, leading Annabelle to stand up and raise her
hand, as she stared at him with glowing eyes.

It took Ben a second to realize what she was doing and point to her…”You… go

Annabelle bounced on her feet, along with her massive jugs, happy that she was
selected…”Can I take a shower?"

She started skipping and soon passed Ben, entering the bathroom. Both he and
Camila stared at the closed door when she left, feeling the room lost something with
her absence, though in return, it gained something too--a semblance of sanity…

Wrapped in a white towel, Ben sat down next to Camila who'd put her clothes back
on by now. The two exchanged silent glances for a moment, leading to Ben releasing
a nervous chuckle and her snorting and looking away. Both of them were aware that
their relationship, was a strange one…

The Latina in particular was bothered by it, having never experienced a boy taking
advantage of her in such a way. She always felt like she owed Ben payback, but why
was it that every time she came to serve justice, she only ended up worse off? In his
bed once again…

Then, Camila remembered why she was there in the first place, and smirked. 'No, I'll
get him this time. Because with this move, there's nothing he can do! Because he dug
this hole himself!'

Assuming the role of an actress, she put on a worried and fearful expression as she
turned back to Ben, even putting her hand on his wretched knee…”You remember I
said I came here to talk to you?"

He lifted an eyebrow when she touched his leg out of nowhere. "Yea?"

“…Well, that… it's quite a big thing."

Ben spread a wide grin. "Thank you!"

She slapped his arm. "Not that, Bendejo!"

He shrugged because it was too late. He'd already taken it as a compliment… and
wouldn't give it back…

However, as her face remained solemn, he realized she had something important to
say, so he listened with attention.
Gazing at him, she released the bomb at last. "I'm pregnant."

Ben picked his ear with his finger. "Cum again?"

She scowled. Everything this fool did irked her…”I said… I'm pregnant!"

Now, he stared at her for a long time, before channeling Maury. "Are you sure… I'm
the father?"

"Tch, I'm a lesbian, who else would be the father?"

He narrowed his eyes, as if deep in contemplation on the question. "God?"

Ben really didn't have a better answer, since he knew one thing for certain—he
couldn't be the father!

[Kegel Contraceptive Switch(Skill Book, Rare) - By holding a kegel squeeze of your

pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds, can switch on and off your sperm's ability to
impregnate a woman. A custom skill of the Perverted Divine Alchemist]

This was a skill Ben always kept activated so if he was sure of one thing, it was that
what she was saying wasn't possible! Hence, he probed for more information. "Are
you certain?"

Camila sighed as she buried her face in her hands, closing her eyes and looking
troubled. "Yes, I took two pregnancy tests and even went to the gynecologist. I'm
certain! This baby's yours!"

Her firmness only made Ben more confident of one thing—she was lying!

Yet, why? He pondered it and remembered Beluga mentioned something about

women using this technique: telling men they were pregnant in order to avoid
breaking up or baiting them into marriage. However, Ben didn't believe either of
those was Camila's reason, because he could see her attraction level hadn't changed
from invalid! She was still a lesbian! So then, what could it be…

At that moment though, his body language reading ability caught something, a tiny
twitch at the corner of her lips, and he realized what was going on--she was fighting
off a smile… That is to say, she found this funny! She was trolling him! She wasn't
pregnant at all!

Ben was right…

He kept finishing inside of her every time, and she kept having to spend money on
Plan B pills… Those were f*cking expensive!

She was running out of spending money!

So how could Camila not get pissed? She grumbled about it every day! Until finally,
she came up with the perfect way to get revenge, no, even better—to win! She'd tell
him she was pregnant!

Camila considered it a checkmate. After all, with what he's been doing, it was very
believable to have this outcome. On top of that, it was a perfect plan because there
was no way out for him! If he wanted her to get an abortion? She'd say: "Sorry, I'm
religious." This baby was a nuclear weapon, and she'd hang it over his head until she
got what she wanted!

As for what that was… If he expected her to become the mother of his child, wouldn't
he have to treat her better? To get close to her? Then, she could tell him about how
sad she was about the status of their relationship… How sick she felt whenever she
thought about that video and school transcript he kept on her…

In other words, she could trick him into giving the blackmail back!

In addition, it would be wonderful revenge! She'd make sure to torture his emotions
with it! After all, he was only an 18 year old boy. How could he be ready to deal with
this? Camila laughed inside as she imagined how this would break him. 'Will it shock
him silent? Will he shiver in fear? Will he scream out?' She turned to him, expecting
to savor in his desperate and lost expression.

Except, what she saw wasn't that—but a face of exuberant joy!

"I'm going to be a father!"

Ben opened his arms and wrapped them around her! Pulling her into a tight hug!

Then, his hands wandered, exploring her arms, waist, and tight butt… pretending to
be lost in emotion…

Meanwhile, his face hid an evil smirk… 'You wanted to play with poison… but you've
run into a Poison Dragon… '

Camila wanted to troll him by pretending to be pregnant? Tremendous! He'd take it

to eleven! He was planning to troll her back!

Ben pretended to shake with joy as he yelled, "We're going to be such a happy

Camila's jaw dropped… not understanding his reaction at all…

Then, Ben pulled back from her and gazed into her eyes…

His pupils were moist…

His bottom lip was quivering…

His chest was heaving…

Camila couldn't believe it. "Oh my God… tears of joy?"

Except she was wrong, he was fighting to hold back laughter.

He did manage to get a few words out though. "It's baby season!"

Ben frightened Camila with his parental enthusiasm. Not knowing how to deal with
it, she decided to regroup…

So, she made an excuse to return to her room, saying she wanted to go to sleep early
to save her energy for the baby… Yet, he insisted he walked her back to keep "them"

It was hard for her not to cringe when on the return trip, Ben kept his hand on her
lower back, often moving down to grab cheeks…

However, it wasn't his fault. He was only following through on his oath to protect

Camila wanted to throw down… So it was unfortunate that she couldn't say anything
because she needed to stick to her plan in order to trick Ben. It was infuriating, but
she consoled herself. 'It's all right. Just bear with it. In the long run, it'll be worth it…

Ben could more or less guess what she was thinking, and it was difficult to not laugh.
So he encouraged himself, with something along the lines of: 'It's all right. Just bear
with it. In the long run, it'll be hilarious… '

Then, after bidding Camila and her cheeks farewell, he'd completed his charge, and
returned to his room, meeting Annabelle who'd gotten out of the shower. Although
he got the urge to make her messy again, they were both exhausted. So after
finishing a few tasks, they soon went to sleep.

When they woke up in the morning, Annabelle returned home, because she'd found
her apartment key. It was in her coin purse…

It worked again—a dose of the lucky leprechaun schvontz…

In any case, with Annabelle gone and Fariq having left for class, that left Ben alone to
do what he was born to do—count points and make puns…

Although he didn't get any flags or booty chests this time, there were still enough
achievements to go around. He didn't beave empty-handed…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Yoga-nna-Get-It(fine) - Have sex

with a woman as she performs a standing split]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Ben smirked. "I was helping her stretch…”

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Pussy-Head Hamburger(fine) -

Alternate having sex with a woman while face-fucking another woman's head
positioned on top of the vagina]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

Now, Ben was the real Burger King…

Whether Ray Kroc or Ronald McDonald, they'd soon go out of business if Ben could
figure out a way to mass produce these burgers…

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Mashing Buttons(fine) - Use the

head of your penis to mash hard on a girl's clitoris until she orgasms]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 500]

This actually made him frown. Because he recalled bad memories, of when his
luckbox little brother beat him a few times using this exact strategy. Then, Ben
shivered. 'No, not the exact strategy!'

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Achievement: Holey Trinity(repeatable, epic) -

Have a threesome to completion with at least one woman who hasn't participated in
this achievement before]

[Distributing reward: PUA Points + 5000]

Seeing how this achievement overshadowed all the others, Ben realized its value. As
a result, he contemplated leading Camila around on a leash everywhere so he could
include her anytime he banged another woman…

Yet, he decided against it because she'd proven too hard to train. Plus, for now, he'd
prefer she focused on becoming a good mother…

He'd even began coming up with lots of methods to help her do that…

Regardless, although Ben didn't get a ton of achievements today, it was another step
towards improvement. Now, his points total reached 14600 points. Though it wasn't
enough for a top level mystery box which is what he desired most, it was sufficient to
buy several high level mystery boxes. Yet, Ben decided not to spend the points at the
moment, saving them for when he needed them.

Then, with that completed, Ben's life was ready to get back to legitimate business. He
hadn't expected the encounter with Camila and Annabelle at all, and although
welcome, it wasn't the top concern on his mind, because this week--Ben was on a

Yesterday, he sharpened his weapons, and today—it was time to go to war!

As for what battlefield? The arena of art! The Photography Club's beginner's

The day before, Ben took photos of Charlotte, and with how they turned out, he
believed they'd shock everyone! Of course, nothing was definite which is why he was
a bit anxious. However, he'd done everything he could. Yesterday, he'd emailed the
pictures in before going to sleep. So today, all that was left to do was find out if they
were as good as he thought they were. What was more important though, was that
Darryl would find out, and Ben hoped to give him a shocker!

…Of the non-physical variety!


Later that day, the scene had been set. Ben walked into the meeting room of the
Photography Club and noticed it was livelier today, especially amongst the younger
members. In particular, Ben observed a crowd of them at one side, surrounding two
people—one with Flamin' Hot Cheetos hair… and the other just flaming hot.

Darryl was there and he hadn't come alone. He'd brought a special guest—his model!
It was the bleach blonde beauty from Darryl's photos a week ago. Now, seeing her in
person, Ben had to admit she was sexy.

Then, he overheard some of the club members in that group discussing Darryl's
photos, fawning over both photographer and model, and it made Ben sick. 'Don't
group them together!'

It was like putting pineapple on a penis…

Don't buy it… Don't try it…

Yet, Ben wasn't the only observant one in the room. As if sensing danger through his
redhead mutant powers… Darryl glanced to the side and spotted Ben gazing at them.
No, not at them, at her—his model!

This, made the redhead narrow his eyes. She was his! Only he could look at her! Ben
didn't understand the pains Darryl went through to get her under his camera lens. So
how could he stand another photographer ogling her like that?

Snorting, he approached Ben and the girl followed him. At that moment, the rest of
the entourage all looked at each other. "Where's he going? Should we follow him,

In the end, half the group decided to follow Darryl as his temporary entourage… and
the other half left to another part of the room, doing f*ck-all…

Like that, a super-guild broke up before it even started…

However, that was only the beginning of the tension in the room. When Darryl
reached Ben, the two locked eyes and the redhead glanced at his pretty model, as if
showing her off to Ben, mocking him. "So, did you still plan on beating me in today's

Hearing that, a few of the halfhearted entourage nearby showed looks of surprise.

"Now that he mentioned it, I do remember that guy challenging him last week."

"He said he'd beat Darryl? Ridiculous."

"Who cares? I'm going back to the others. Mumbling in the background isn't for me. I
should have followed the ones who left!"

Even in a faceless crowd, some people's personalities still shined through…

So not long after, a few stragglers among Darryl's posse scattered into the distance,
his backup crew dwindling…

Yet, he didn't notice because he focused on Ben. In truth, although Darryl didn't show
a strong response when Ben challenged him the prior week, it was only it affected
him too much. He needed to book double sessions with his therapist this week to
deal with his adopted child issues…

Although he was feeling better now, how could he not resent Ben for bringing his
darkness into the light?

Seeing what Darryl was doing, Ben found it childish. He wouldn't lower himself to
that level. So instead, he gazed at the model's tits.

In addition, since she'd come close enough, he even checked her status.

[Target's current attraction level: curious(+2 slut bonus)]

'A slut, huh?' Ben smirked. Even though her status said curious, she wasn't really
curious about Ben. It was more like she was looking around the room with apathy,
curious about any nearby c*ck that met her minimum standard. After a while of this
though, she sighed and glanced at Darryl. "When's the competition gonna start? This
is taking sooo long…”

Darryl gulped, turning to her and putting up his hands in apology. "Soon Stacy, I
promise! And they're going to love your photos! You'll see!" His face showed a
placating smile as he even hunched forward a little.

The girl shrugged. "Tch, whatever…”

Darryl wiped a tinge of sweat off his forehead when he saw she calmed down. Her
satisfaction was important to him and getting her to agree to be his model was no
easy feat. Yet, he believed it was well worth it because she was the reason he had
supreme confidence in winning this competition and even making waves at the IPAs.
After all, many boys at NYU considered Stacy one of the sexiest girls among the
freshmen. Yes, it was a slutty hotness… but many boys fresh out of high school
weren't so picky. Of course, that included Darryl who considered her way out of his

In truth, he only managed to get her to model for him because since the semester
started, he'd been her top subscriber on OnlyFans.

She was more than a model to him—he worshipped her. He was Stacy's biggest fan
and paid her all his remaining money to do this, hoping it would lead her to see his
artistic side and fall in love with him…

To spend more time with her at today's ceremony, he even lied to her. He told her
that winning this contest would kick-start her genuine modeling career, because if he
won he'd submit her photos to much larger competitions…

He'd put in a lot of work, but as Ben watched this, he showed an expression of
mockery. 'What is this? Simp city?'

Starting to chuckle, he suddenly felt bad for Darryl. Yet, Ben's version of pity--was to
give his enemy a quicker and more devastating death.
Watching Darryl be so subservient to his model, Ben couldn't tell if the redhead was
her photographer or her assistant! Either way though, Ben had seen enough.
Watching this was a worse influence on a man than homeschooling him as a child
using only Tyler Perry movies…

Hence, it was time to put this sick animal down. Ben snorted as he looked at Darryl.
"You asked me if I'm going to beat you? Well, I told you once and I'll tell you again.
You're going to lose today!"

“…How? To you and your model? Is that even possible?" The redhead chuckled.
"Speaking of which, where is your little partner?

Ben glanced to the side and everyone followed his eyes. There, against the wall, was
Charlotte gazing with intensity at her mobile phone. "Die for me!"

*Cough* 'She must be playing PUBG again… ' Ben turned back to Darryl. This wasn't
the best moment to compare women…

The redhead's face showed disdain. "You're expecting to beat me with her?
Hilarious… Look, I said it last week: Quality photos need quality models."

However, Ben shook his head as he looked Stacy up and down. "And I said—you lack
an eye for quality."

Darryl sneered at this. Glancing between Charlotte and his sexy blonde, he couldn't
see how anyone could ever judge his model to be worse. Yet, he wasn't the only one
to find it ridiculous. Stacy also scowled. That little girl was a model too? That
offended the blonde! She was a genuine model, on Instagram with 13000 followers!
And a lot of them were real accounts!

Between that and her flourishing number of OnlyFans subscribers, she believed
herself to be the real deal. Brands even sometimes paid her to do shoutouts for
them! She had full bags of free clothes and was drowning in coconut water!

She believed it was everyone's dream job, at least that was the case for all her
friends. After all, all she had to do was click buttons on Instagram 18 hours a day…

Sure, she was developing tendonitis in both hands… but so what?

Medicine would fix that, right?

On top of that, OnlyFans was even easier. There was only one button to click…

Plus, since she'd started that, she began making real money, more than enough to
pay for her tendonitis treatment!

Would her future children see her nude videos on the internet years from now?
Maybe, but who cares? How about they buy her a new iPhone before talking sh*t…

But would they do that? No! How could they? They weren't even f*cking born yet!

Stacy had paid her "dues."

So, when she looked at Charlotte, it irked her. THAT was her competition? How could
it not disgust her? 'At least get fake tits, b*tch!'

The blonde couldn't stand seeing anyone here anymore. "Ugh, this is dumb." Leaving,
she went to sit down, and Darryl soon stumbled after her in desperate fashion.

Ben shook his head at this atrocity, but there were things he needed to do too; for
example, meeting his own partner.
When a shadow covered Charlotte, she looked up to see Ben, and became anxious.
Yet, this time, she didn't throw her phone into the air by accident.

Remembering that himself, he nodded in appreciation. "Kill count?"

Her eyes narrowed on instinct. "Never enough."

Charlotte's face flushed. 'What the hell did I just say?'

However, Ben's nod became even more enthusiastic. "Not bad…” Then, he sat down
next to her and they started to chat about the upcoming competition, which would
soon begin.

The format wasn't complicated. In fact, it was similar to the critique a week earlier.
Only this time, there were three official judges, veteran members of the Photography
Club, who would give grades to the entrants on top of the constructive criticism.

The ones who entered the contest weren't that different though. It was most of the
same youths who'd entered the week prior, only now, they refined their submissions
more. Of course, the biggest difference, was that the winner who received the highest
score today, would have the club submit his work to the International Photography
Awards, and while that didn't matter to Ben, the eyes of the other youths gleamed
whenever anyone mentioned it.

Entering the IPAs was an honor, and if they did well, it would be a powerful boost to
their photography careers! That's why up in the front row, Darryl's eyes shined the
brightest! Why else would he have put so much effort into this? Why else would he
have paid Stacy an obscene amount of money to be here and sit next to him?
Obviously, it was this! To sniff her hair!

Yet, pulling his head back as she turned to him and narrowed her eyes, he returned
his focus to the competition. Winning the contest was important too… Once he
became a successful photographer, he could use his reputation to seduce Stacy and
even more models! That was his dream! Wouldn't he save a lot of money then?

It was hard not to think about money when he was left with so little of it…

Even so, that would soon change. He'd win this contest, do well at the IPAs and then
book gigs as a photographer. It would be the start of his incredible career path!
There was no doubt about it!

Meanwhile, in the back, Ben didn't have so many worries. He just enjoyed the view of
Stacy's backside through the open bottom of her chair. Turning to him, Charlotte saw
who he was looking at but gave Ben the benefit of a doubt. 'He must be worried
about competing against Darryl's model?'

Ben grinned. "Now that auschwitz… I could get behind THAT as a final solution."

Charlotte's face died as she stared at him. 'I should've known better… ' Still, as a
teammate, she decided to let him in on some information. "Darryl's model, her name
is Stacy Harper. She lives in my dorm and is famous for making lots of money selling
nude videos on OnlyFans…”

Ben knitted his brows, as if judging the potential danger of his opponent. "Are there

After Charlotte turned away from him and ignored him, he turned back to Stacy.
Since there was no tape to study… things would be troublesome. Ben narrowed his
eyes, as if measuring his opponent, and once he'd captured the approximate
measurements of the booty…

His face relaxed soon after, and he glanced towards Charlotte at his side. She wasn't a
big beauty, with her thick glasses and baggy clothes making her incomparable to
Stacy in sexiness. Yet, Ben believed Charlotte possessed a unique charm of her own.
Meanwhile, when he looked at Stacy, he thought the opposite. His sense as a
photographer told him one thing when he saw her—she'd be a fun f*ck.

Some would argue that was all she needed…

Perhaps they were right…

However, Ben believed that wasn't enough to be a model; at least, not for the type of
photos he wanted to capture. The key though, was whether or not the judges shared
his taste, and with the competition about to begin, he'd soon find out.

A few minutes later, all the members of the club sat in their seats and quieted down.
Next, one of the judges explained the format of the competition, and not long after, it

One by one, exhibits submitted by the club's beginners were displayed on a projector
screen at the front. Then, like last week, the judges gave advice and feedback. Except
this time, at the end, they each gave a one-to-ten rating for the submission as well. It
was a more entertaining affair than a simple critique, with some entrants laughing in
pleasant surprise at their scores, and others frowning in disappointment. Yet, the
results weren't the same as last week; One vital aspect changed.

It didn't take long for Ben to see what that was either. The quality of the photos
today, was higher!

After all, he wasn't the only one developing his skills. Although the other beginners
didn't possess a stat multiplier, they were able to use the feedback from the previous
critique, along with putting in more preparation during the week, to capture better
pictures. As a result, the competition was fiercer! So although Ben was still confident
in his photos, he couldn't help feeling a trace of anxiety as he loosened his collar. 'It'll
be fine. There's no way I'll end up slapping my own face… '

Soon, when a new photo came up though, of a blonde sitting on a sandy beach in a
torn-up dress, Ben's hand twitched…

It was Stacy, which also meant that the photographer--was Darryl. The redhead
smirked with pride as he and the others in the room nodded their heads in
recognition. Everyone agreed his technique was beyond the beginner level and his
model was beautiful too. Everything about the portrait photo was high quality, too
high for this competition.

So once again, when it came time for the judges to give critique, they offered nothing
but praise. Yet, on this occasion, they even offered their acclaim through numbers.

"Ten! Perfect! Love it!"

"Nine! Great work!"

It was the highest score of the day, by far, and after it emerged, Ben frowned. He had
to tell himself positive affirmations in his head, because his face was already starting
to sting.

After Darryl received high scores from the judges, Charlotte noticed Ben tapping his
foot like he was playing the kick drum in a metal band, and she knew the result was a
blow to his confidence.

She'd seen him perform miracles, ones that even shocked her to this day. However,
she also knew he started photography only two weeks ago. So how could he defeat
Darryl in this competition? She had little confidence in Ben to begin with, and, even
less in herself.

In fact, the thought of her picture going up and being torn apart again terrified her.
Yet, she still agreed to participate, acting as his model and coming here to have the
audience muddy her with inevitable ridicule, because although she didn't believe in
herself, he believed in her, and that, was more than enough for her to endure the

That's why at this moment, she cast her fears aside, and tried to encourage Ben
instead. "It doesn't matter if we lose. It's just a nonsense competition."

Ben turned to her with a confused expression. "Lose? Why would we lose?"

Charlotte blinked. "Darryl just got such a high score. Aren't you worried about losing
after boasting so much? You've been tapping your foot out of nervousness."

Ben glanced down at his foot and laughed. "Nervousness? I was imagining stomping
on that redhead's face!"

Charlotte facepalmed. 'Why do I keep falling for it?'

Ben wasn't too concerned. It's true Darryl got a high score, but it wasn't like he
received all tens. Who'd win and who'd lose was still uncertain, and although
everyone praised Darryl's photo, after Ben saw it, he became even more confident of
his victory.

So after the judges reviewed a few more entrants' pictures, a new photo came up on
the screen, one that made Charlotte go wide-eyed… Indeed, it was her, but in such a
style… that it was difficult for even her to recognize herself!

The photo revealed a pure young lady, a girl next door type with glasses and soft
timid features, wearing a blue dress amongst a background of trees, grass, and a car
blowing exhaust in the distance. Her cheeks were blushing, displaying the natural
innocence of a youth frightened by her exposure to the camera, and to a greater
extent--her exposure to the world itself.

The picture was a wonderful rendition of Charlotte. It made the core qualities of her
usual appearance and temperament shine through, forcing all the men in the
audience to think the same thing: this was a girl they could bring home to mom;
delicate, cute, and with a nurturing nature. So why was this girl showing the camera
the middle finger?

In the photo, her face bent in an uncharacteristic punk-rock expression. With her
mouth half-open like she was cursing at you, the right side of her lip lifted higher
than the other causing one eye to partially close in a fierce glare like it couldn't stand
the sight of your stupid face.

What, the hell, was this?

Darryl was the first to sneer and comment on the picture. "Such an awkward
expression. Ridiculous!" That guy wanted to beat him with this? How could it
compare to his photo? This girl looked absurd! There was no refined sexiness here,
nothing sleek, nothing alluring. What was that photographer even thinking?

Darryl looked around to seek consensus from the audience, yet it stunned him to
find, that not a single person responded to his words. No, not a single person even
looked at him! Because they were all still staring at the photo!

The entire audience was baffled, stupefied, and amazed! They'd never seen anything
like this! And they couldn't take their eyes off it!

Was Charlotte a beauty who could be on the cover of Maxim? No! But they were
photographers, and photography wasn't only about capturing symmetrical beauty,
but also wonder, energy and essence; the kind that only revealed itself in fleeting
glimpses! The kind that gave photos their magic in the first place!

Photos needed charisma, passion, and theme! They needed to make you stare! To
make you think! To make you feel alive!

To show you, that there was more to this world than met the eye. More to your life
than wake-work-eat-sleep-die…

And if a photo could do that… then and only then—-was it true art!

For almost a full minute after Darryl's outburst, no one said a word. The redhead
also sat down, burying himself in his chair. Although he didn't understand what was
so special about this photo, he did recognize that the state of the room was unusual,
simmering, like a pot of water as it reached the boiling point. Still, it didn't mean this
was photo was any good. 'They're probably stunned speechless by the poor quality
and getting ready to erupt… '

So when the first judge, a middle-aged woman, stood up, gazing at the photo without
blinking, Darryl smirked. Yet, as she gave her critique, he tilted his head in confusion
to such a degree that he almost broke his neck… as if shifting the angle of his ear
would somehow change what he was hearing…

The judge's hand shook as she pointed to the photo. "This is… this is… how did he do

She continued to stare in silence for a few seconds, only regaining her composure
after realizing she was a judge and needed to do her duty here. So after a deep
breath, at last, she gave a proper critique. "The technical skills are amongst the best
of the entrants so far. I have nothing to add."
Hearing this, Darryl scowled. 'She's saying that guy's as good as me?' However, the
next part is what really turned him into a J-horror ghost…

The judge swallowed, taking a moment to choose her words with care. "Yet, the
technique pales in comparison to the other aspects of the photograph…

The energy, the charisma--they're magnetic! You can't take your eyes away!

Then, there are the layers of thematic juxtaposition. The sheer amount of depth is…
astounding… unimaginable…

Technology and nature…

Modesty and impudence…

Civility and chaos…

Creation and destruction…

Innocence… and maturity…

This photo is full of life!" Her final sentence erupted as a shout, echoing through the
space… reverberating within the minds of each member of the audience.

Soon, the second judge, an obese middle-aged man, stood up. "It's like the first time I
watched a sunrise on a rainy day…

Then, the third judge, an elderly female, also rose. "The photographer captured
something that… that… seems as if it shouldn't exist!"

Ben's photo of Charlotte was a paradox! Containing a series of things that shouldn't
exist in one person! He'd captured something incredible! A genuine piece of art! No--
a masterpiece!

As the three judges turned to look to the back of the room, at the model Charlotte,
her cheeks turned beet-red as she hid the bottom half of her face beneath her red
knitted sweater… Yet, obscured under that fabric, she couldn't help but smile…

Meanwhile, sitting next to her, Ben crossed his arms and held his eyes half-closed,
wearing the expression he imagined a grandmaster artist would possess…
He even nodded at each of the judges' appraisals, praising them for being not bad…

Commending the fact that they toiled their entire lives to build the skills just to
recognize those tiny aspects of his intricate work…

Albeit, it was true that it wasn't easy creating such a deep photograph, and in Ben's
mind, he reflected on his motivation at the time he captured this profound work. 'I
just thought it looked cool.'

He wasn't the type of conscious photographer to consider all those things the judges
mentioned. When it came to art, although he'd worked on his techniques, for the
most part, Ben was developing his instincts, and it was those that told him that
Charlotte was special and helped him arrange this photograph.

Yet, the judges believed Ben's attitude was well-deserved, because this work, was
masterful. Of course, it was hard to say if he was a genius from only one picture,
since it was possible he only captured a lucky shot and wouldn't be able to maintain
such consistency in the future. For now though, that didn't matter, because this
photograph—deserved the highest acclaim!

As such, the obese judge brought his hands up, and prepared to clap them together…
Yet, his motions were jerky, hesitant. He asked himself, 'Would it be appropriate? Is
this too cliche?'

Thus, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, his hands came together in slow
motion… as he debated the pros and cons in his mind…

At the same time, to his side, Darryl glared at him and shook his head. 'Don't do it…
don't you f*cking do it fatty!'


*Clap* *Clap*

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Soon, it wasn't just him, but also the other two judges, and then… the first row, the
second row, all the rows! Everyone stood up and faced the back of the room,
clapping! It was a standing ovation!

Yet, it was one that everyone believed was justified… not too cliche…

A minute later, when the applause died down though, the judges realized they'd
skipped something—they forgot to give their grades!

Hence, after everyone sat back down, the three judges began to ponder how to score
this photo, and that, wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Although Ben's picture possessed many unique qualities, the fact was that this was a
beginner's competition, and for that, the rules outlined that the most valuable aspect
in grading would be technique. Well, when it came to the technical aspect, Ben's
skills were good. Yet, Darryl's photo was much more refined! Thus, they weren't sure
who they should award the highest score, and as a result, the victory. After all, none
of the judges wanted to receive criticism for ignoring the rules.

As for Ben, after gloating for the entirety of the applause, he also realized the issue.
'Did I just set myself up for a reversal? Shiiiiit."

When Ben's photo received a standing ovation, Darryl couldn't help but scowl.

It infuriated him that everyone reacted like that! Yet, even after all the fanfare, he
was still confident he'd win. 'I don't believe there was anything special about his
photo. But, even if he managed to fool others, one thing's still for sure: my technique
was better! And that, should be enough to win!'

As someone who placed great importance on this contest, he wouldn't be unaware of

the rules that gave a heavy weight to technical ability. So, as he recalled them, his
face relaxed, having found something positive to deal with his discomfort. Yet, he
wasn't the only one annoyed.

To his side, Stacy's face had scrunched into a grimace. 'THAT girl is getting more
praise than me?' She didn't see how that was possible! Although the blonde didn't
understand photography, she knew what was hot and sexy, and in terms of looks, she
believed she was much sexier than Charlotte. No, she knew it for a fact! So how could
it be that she only got a few words of admiration while that short girl received so
much applause! 'Is short with glasses in style? Is this a new trend? Like the recent
one of obesity being healthy and sexy?'

Stacy didn't get it, but she vowed to scour the brainwashing fashion mags when she
got home, trying to understand this event. However, the ones in the toughest
position at the moment weren't any of the photographers or models, but the judges,
because they needed to score Ben's photo, and it wasn't a casual decision. Each one
of them believed their scores would decide the winner of this contest. As for the
entrants coming after? F*ck 'em.

Their deliberation took longer than with any of the pictures before, yet, with time
pressing down on them, they all made their decisions.

The first female judge announced her score to the audience. "I rate this photograph…
a 10!"

Gasps ensued from the audience! She gave it a higher score than Darryl's? It was

Darryl and Stacy also couldn't believe it! The redhead realized he might lose, and

The blonde realized she was unhappy, and popped a Xanax in her mouth…

As for the judge, she was proud of her decision. Although Ben's photo wasn't perfect,
it showed the kind of magic that technique alone could never capture, and that was
enough to get the highest score from her.

Next, it was the obese judge's turn. His expression was complicated but he also
announced his decision. "I give this submission the grade… of a 9!"

The audience began mumbling once again as they shifted forward in their seats.
Now, the fight was on! Darryl and Ben were neck and neck with a 10 and 9 each, and
the next judge would decide the winner. Darryl also sighed with relief. 'The last one
must've been a fluke. That judge must dislike me because of my hair color… '

He believed his redheaded people had been silently oppressed for thousands of

And that the dark-haired and blonde-haired persecutors needed to check their

As for the obese judge, he coughed, because announcing the judgment irritated his
throat. It was a tough decision, but one he needed to make. Ben's photo was
outstanding, marvelous. In fact, he believed it edged out Darryl's in quality. Yet, the
judge's eyes couldn't accept it, because those eyes already belonged to another. He
turned to gaze at Stacy. That's right, he was also a member of her OnlyFans!

Then, as he stared at her chest for an inappropriate amount of time, the other two
judges cleared their throats, causing him to regain his professional attitude. He was a
professional, at sneaking glances when no one was looking…

In any case, now, the scores were one to one, creating an air of tremendous tension
in the room. Ben's hands became clammy, anticipating the impending climax.

Meanwhile, to his side, Charlotte was even more anxious. She'd never squeezed her
little hands together so hard. Even though she didn't care if her photo won the
contest, she wanted the victory because Ben deserved it. As such, she clenched her
jaw in anticipation, unable to recall the last time she desired something so much,
until a moment later when she did remember, because it was only a few minutes ago
when she prayed to find and kill that sniper…

Either way, it came down to the final judge, a very old woman with deep wrinkles
and white hair. The room quieted down as the fiery eyes of every person fixated on
her, awaiting her pivotal decision. Then, the woman closed her eyelids, as if entering
deep contemplation about who to choose.

A minute later… she was still in that pose.

"Somebody check her pulse!"

The place became chaotic as everyone realized they were in a room with a corpse…

Anything could happen now. Would she become a zombie? A vengeful spirit? They
didn't know! Even if unlikely, the chance wasn't zero…

Yet, their concerns soon ceased, because the old woman sat forward in her seat,
opening her eyes and blinking as she noticed everyone staring at her with a mix of
concern and fear of the unknown…

The elderly judge smiled. "Excuse me, I fell asleep."

Everyone grumbled, but they couldn't bemoan it much. After all, who would they
complain to? The one who decided to make old people enjoy naps?

Regardless, they were all relieved the third judge was fine; so much so that they
didn't notice her eyes narrowing in a sneaky fashion, as her thin lips curved into a
tiny smirk. The truth was, she wasn't sleeping. She just liked the attention!

At her age, it was difficult to even get her grandkids to visit her, so she pulled this
move whenever she got the chance…

The first and second judges were more experienced than most of the audience
though, so they shook their heads in disapproval. 'This is why we shouldn't have
chosen one judge to be narcoleptic Nancy!'

Still, as old and wily as she was, Nancy was serious enough to do her duty. So, after
the audience calmed down, she lifted her head and gave her decision. "For the final
judgment…” She glanced at Ben and Charlotte at the back, who clenched their fists in

"I choose to award…” She turned to Darryl and Stacy at the front, who leaned
forward on their toes.

"Out of a score of one to ten…” She glanced at Ben and Charlotte again, whose hands
were getting tired from over-exertion…

"Spit it out, grandma death!"

The random shout from the audience alerted Nancy that her time to soak in the
limelight was ending, as she sighed under her breath, but announced her decision.
"This photograph… gets a ten!"

The audience erupted!


"Are you serious?!?"

"He actually beat Darryl!"

No one could believe it! The massive favorite to win the competition had been
dethroned! Despite having such a beautiful model too!
Darryl's face was dead. 'I… actually… lost?' He stared at the ground, lost. Everything
was over now. All his plans ruined…

Meanwhile, Stacy's face was also unsightly; No longer beautiful but twisted in
disgust, due to not only losing but doing so to such a nobody in front of everyone
here. Why'd she even come here in the first place? 'Oh yeah… ' Turning to look at the
loser redhead next to her, her frown deepened.

It was this bastard who coerced her out here but ended up full of sh*t! Instead of
winning, she became a laughingstock! So why should she stay here a moment
longer? Scoffing, the blonde stood up from her chair and stomped away, leaving the
room as she cursed in her mind. 'The subscription fee is rising next month, assholes!'

The entire event was suspenseful and ended with a bang, resulting in the victory
being seized by a black sheep from out of nowhere. It was so riveting that people
wouldn't stop talking about it as they gathered their things to leave. At the same
time, the few contestants whose photos hadn't been reviewed yet squinted in
confusion as they remained in their seats. "I didn't get my chance to go ye--"

"Shut up! Read the room, fool!"

No one cared about them anymore. It was like a sports match with a one-sided score
as the stadium began clearing out. No one cared about the heartbroken and the
damned… The audience was too busy recovering from the shock of the result. After
all, not a single person saw it coming, except for one…

Grinning, Ben turned to Charlotte. "You see, I told you that you were special…”

Hearing that, her heart fluttered, as she gazed at him with moistening eyes…
Compared to winning any contest, those few words were the real prize for her,
because no one had ever told her that before.

As for Ben, his words weren't empty either. He truly believed Charlotte was a special
model, and his comment to Darryl about model quality was spot on too. Although
Darryl's model was sexy, there was nothing more. She had no character. No special
charm. She looked like any of a hundred other pretty girls you'd find on Instagram
within a few minutes. Meanwhile, Charlotte's photos, displayed real soul!

In the end, recognizing that was what allowed Ben to secure the victory today. Hence,
although he may have been dense in many aspects, over these past few months, he'd
learned one thing:

Girls are all flowers, and all flowers bloom.

Only, each flower is different. With a different place or time where it blooms most
beautifully, gracefully, and enchantingly.

There are flowers that bloom in private.

And flowers that become more attractive bundled together.

If there are flowers that shine in a bouquet, then there are also large flowers best
suited for a vase.

In Charlotte's case, she was a fragile flower, one that sparkled brightest when
flipping you the bird.

In any case though, a garden can never have enough flowers.


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