UTS B.Inggris ImamAb

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Nama: Imam Ahmad Badawi

Nim: 22574015

Kelas/prodi: 1D/Sistem Informasi

UTS B.Inggris


Yes, information technology plays a major role in the reengineering of most of the business
processes, and can develop products, services and capabilities that give companies a major
competitive advantage
1. Business process reengineering (BPR)
2. Yes same, where BPR uses an approach to reengineer the way it works in support of the
organization’s mission and reduce costs.
3. Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to
achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, speed, ad service.
4. BPR combines a strategy of promoting business innovation with a strategy of making major
improvements to business processes so that a company can become a much stronger and
more successful competitor in the marketplace. Making radical changes to business
processes to dramatically improve efficiency and effectiveness
5. successful, software to reengineering, automate, and integrate their manufacturing,
distribution, finance, and human resources business processes
A Daily Day Of My Life
Every day, my time is spent working from Monday to Saturday. I woke up at 05.00 am,
immediately rushed to pray and made my bed, after that I exercised in front of the house
while enjoying the sun in the morning. After exercising I went to take a shower and didn't
forget to have breakfast while getting ready to bring whatever equipment to bring to the
office. Then I went to the office at 08.00, the journey from home to the office took
approximately 15 minutes. after arriving at the office I met with colleagues and then absent
for attendance, when everyone had gathered before starting work, it was started with a
briefing with colleagues and superiors to discuss work activities that day. After finishing the
briefing then I went to the field and started working. break time is set at 12.00, I take a
break to eat then pray and continue to work again until 16.00. After finishing all the work I
went back to the office to be absent from home and after that I went home to rest.

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