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UNIT-1: Getting Started and the UNIX Architecture & Command Usage and Basic File Attributes.

The UNIX Operating System, The UNIX Architecture, Features of UNIX, Locating Commands,
Internal and External Commands, The File System: The File, The Parent – Child Relationship, The
HOME variable, Absolute Pathnames and Relative Pathnames, The UNIX File S ystem, ls –l: Listing
File Attributes, The –d Option, Listing Directory Attributes, File Ownership, File Permissions,
chmod: Changing File Permissions, Changing File Ownership.

1 What is the use of kernel in UNIX operating system?

With a block diagram explain UNIX operating system organization and explain Kernel-Shell
With a neat diagram, explain the relationship between the kernel and the shell of the UNIX
operating system.
Discuss the architecture of UNIX operating system with the help of a neat diagram.
With a neat diagram explain the architecture of UNIX operating system.
What are different layers of UNIX Operating system and explain the relationship between kernel
and shell.
Describe briefly the Unix architecture explaining the role played by the kernel and shell in sharing
the work load.
How do kernel and shell coordinate for the functioning of unix operating system?
Explain with a neat diagram a architecture of unix operating system.
Discuss the role of kernel in operating system.

2 Describe the salient features of UNIX Operating system.

Discuss features of UNIX.
Explain the salient features of Unix operating system.
What are the features of Unix operating system? Explain.
List and explain the salient features of Unix operating system.

3 What is the difference between internal command and external command?

Briefly explain the difference between internal commands and external commands in
Explain internal and external commands with example.
Differentiate between internal and external commands with suitable examples.

4 Explain absolute path name and relative path name each with an example.
With suitable example, bring out the differences between absolute and relative path name.

5 Explain UNIX file system with a neat diagram.

Illustrate with a diagram typical Unix file system and explain different types of files
supported in UNIX.
Explain Unix file system.
Describe the unix structure with neat diagram.
With a neat sketch, explain the directory structure of UNIX Operating system.

6 What is the use of ls command? In detail, Explain the output of ls –l.

Which command is used for listing file attributes? Explain the significance of each field in
the output.
With an example explain the ls command to obtain long listings.
Give the significance of the seven fields of ls –l command.
Explain the significance of all the fields of ls –l output. Which of the attributes can be
changed only by the super user?
Explain the significance of the first four fields of the ls –l output. who can change these
attributes? Is there any attribute that can be changed only by the superuser?

7 Mention the different categories of files that exist in UNIX. Discuss each one of them
What is a file? Explain the different types of files as available in UNIX operating system.
Define file. With examples, explain the three categories of files supported by UNIX.
Name the two types of ordinary files and explain the difference between them. Provide
three examples of each type of file.
What is file permission? What are the different ways of setting file permission? Explain.
What is file permission? Explain how to use chmod command to set the permissions in a
relative manner with an example.
Explain the different types of permissions changes supported by the unix operating
Explain the use of chmod command to change file permission using both absolute and
Relative methods.
Which command is used to change the file permission in Unix? Explain with an example.
Explain the command which is available in Unix file system to change the permission of a

8 What do you mean by dot (.) and dot dot (..). Discuss with suitable examples.

9 Explain the following environment variables

i) PATH ii) HOME

10 With the help of a diagram, explain the parent –child relationship in UNIX file system.
What is a parent child relationship? with the help of neat diagram explain the unix file
Explain the Unix directory hierarchy.

11 Name the command used for creating, deleting and changing the directory. Explain with
the syntax and example.

12 Files current permissions are rw- -w- r—write the chmod expression required to change
them for the following.
i) r—r-- --x
ii) rwx rwx –x
iii) r-x r-x r-x
iv) rwx rwx r—
Using both relative and absolute methods of assigning permissions.

13 What are the system calls, and what role do they play in the system? How is C
programming to different and powerful in the UNIX environment compared to windows?
Describe system calls.
14 What is the use of the following directories? Explain
i) /bin ii) /usr/bin iii) /tmp iv) /etc v) /usr
15 What is user and group in Unix? Explain the related commands for changing ownership
and group

16 Define the following:

(i)File permission and directory permissions
(ii)Absolute and relative pathname

17 Write a shell script to get current date, time, user name and current working directory.

18 Display only the names of all users who are logged in also store the results in user.txt.

19 What information is presented when the following commands are entered?

(a) date (b) who (c) passwd (d) bc (e) cat (f) pwd (g) mkdir (h) cd (i) rmdir

20 Translate the following permissions to octal code and symbolic code

(i) --x --x --x (ii) rwx--x --x (iii) r-xr-xrwx (iv) r-xr-x--- (v) --xrwx—x

21 Operating systems like Unix provide services both for programs and users. Explain.

22 Explain briefly the significance of a Unix file and the relation it has to a process. Why do
Unix systems predominantly use text files?

23 What do multiprogramming, multiuser and multitasking mean?

24 Explain any four ls command options with examples.

25 What is path environmental variable in UNIX?

26 Explain chown and chgrp commands in UNIX with an example.

27 Explain the format of chmod and chown commands in unix.

28 Explain the following general purpose utilities with the help of suitable examples.
1) wc
2) who am i
3) tee

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