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for children with


Abstract: Characterized by aggressive or violent

behaviors, reactive attachment disorder (RAD)
affects children who have been repeatedly exposed
to traumatic experiences. This article discusses the
underlying causes of RAD and provides insight on
therapies and interventions.
Keywords: aggression, behavioral therapy,
developmental trauma disorder, early childhood
development, foster care, foster children, pediatrics,
reactive attachment disorder, trauma, trust-based
relational intervention


serious condition in which infants or young chil-
dren do not establish healthy attachments with a
primary caregiver and their basic needs for com-
fort, affection, and nurturing are not met.1 It is a
developing issue in psychology and healthcare,
affecting children between ages 6 months and 2
years who have experienced disrupted attachment
and lacked individual attention during fundamen-
tal periods of development. RAD is commonly
seen in foster children who have been repeatedly
exposed to traumatic experiences, including
neglect; physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse;
or other maltreatment.2
Children with RAD are more likely to develop
behavioral health disorders, social disorders,

substance abuse disorders, and other attachment

disorders such as disinhibited social engagement
disorder.3 Additionally, foster children diagnosed
with RAD or developmental trauma disorder
(DTD), which is characterized by symptoms that
overlap with but extend beyond those of posttrau-
matic stress disorder (PTSD) due to interpersonal
trauma during development, are at increased risk June l Nursing2019 l 51

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

for criminal behavior and incarcera- Due to limited research, the diagnos-
tion as adults.4,5 Increasing awareness tic criteria are controversial, and the
and implementing early interventions disorder has been misunderstood
is necessary to gain a complete under- and underdiagnosed since its intro-
standing of these children and increase duction.9
their chances of success as adults. This Children with RAD typically ex-
article examines the role of healthy hibit aggressive or violent behaviors,
attachments in early childhood devel- which can negatively impact their
opment and discusses how nurses can lives and place in society without
intervene to mitigate RAD and other proper intervention and support
trauma-related disorders. from those responsible for their care.
They are often described as with-
Early childhood development drawn, with unexplained fear, sad-
John Bowlby outlined attachment ness, or irritability. These children
theory in the 1960s, proposing that do not seek or show any response to
early caregiver interactions are a reli- comfort, and they cannot maintain
able predictor of future interpersonal significant relationships. Addition-
relationships.6 The concept relies on ally, they demonstrate a need to con-
the theory that an infant’s primary trol their environment and others
instinct is to form a close bond of around them.1,10
comfort and security with a primary Disrupted attachment, the under-
caregiver in the first year of life.7 lying cause of RAD, can stem from
Infants rely on caregivers to recog- Children with RAD are various circumstances. These include
nize their physical and psychological more likely to develop living in an orphanage or foster care,
needs during growth and develop- prolonged hospitalization, abuse or
ment. Those who do not form bonds behavioral health neglect by primary caregivers, mul-
with caregivers in infancy are at an disorders, social disorders, tiple out-of-home placements, and
increased risk for developing future substance abuse the prolonged separation from or
behavioral problems, such as with- disorders, and other death of a primary caregiver. Trauma-
drawal, aggression, impulsiveness, based disruptions alter childhood
and other socially inappropriate be- attachment disorders. development and produce children
havior. Inconsistent care, continual who are impulsive; rage-filled; un-
neglect of basic and emotional needs, docrine system and inflammatory able to give or receive love; and
and the inability to form a secure, pathways may also impair brain lacking in conscience, remorse, and
stable attachment make up the clini- development.8 empathy. These impairments can
cal criteria for diagnosing RAD.1 Stimulation of a developing brain have lifelong consequences.10
The impact of complex develop- encourages neural activity and
mental trauma at a young age may prompts the formation of synaptic Factors related to foster care
also lead to the development of RAD. connections. In neglected and abused Attachment disorders are typically
Many of these children have experi- children, these neural connections fail associated with and diagnosed in (but
enced neglect, physical and/or sexual and the neurons die. The prefrontal not limited to) foster children.10 As of
abuse, and emotional trauma at vul- cortex is responsible for personality 2017, over 430,000 children in the
nerable stages.2 Additionally, scientific expression, decision-making, impulse US were in the foster care system.11
research has demonstrated that control, and social behavior. These Of these, 61% were removed from
chronic child maltreatment perma- functions are compromised in chil- their homes due to neglect.12
nently alters brain maturation, forma- dren with RAD.8 According to a 2012 statistic,
tion, structure, and function, RAD was first recognized by the approximately 80% of US prison
resulting in an inability to regulate American Psychiatric Association in inmates have been in foster care.13
cognition, emotion, and behavior. 1987 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Data show that men placed in foster
Cumulative childhood adversities Manual of Mental Disorders, third care as children are 23% more likely
combined with the subsequent edition. Neglect is a core factor, and to have an arrest, conviction, and in-
chronic stimulation of the neuroen- symptoms typically manifest by age 5.1 carceration than those who remained

52 l Nursing2019 l Volume 49, Number 6

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at home.14,15 Similarly, a 2014 study
found that 55% of young men be- Developmental disorders and therapies
tween ages 19 and 31 who aged out of
Cognitive A form of psychotherapy that targets inaccurate or negative
foster care were involved in criminal
behavioral therapy thinking to help patients manage challenging circumstances20
activity since leaving the system.14
A review of the literature yielded Developmental A relatively new diagnosis that describes “the biopsychosocial
trauma disorder sequelae of exposure to interpersonal victimization in
limited evidence regarding the preva-
childhood that extend beyond the symptoms of PTSD”5
lence, diagnosis, treatment, and out-
comes for RAD. According to the Dialectical An empirically supported therapy approach to manage
International Child and Youth Care behavioral therapy complex mental health problems32
Network, 800,000 children with se- Eye movement An evidence-based but controversial psychotherapy
vere attachment disorders have been desensitization approach in which bilateral movements are used to help
brought to the attention of child wel- and reprocessing manage PTSD33
fare services, but the actual number
may be up to 16 times higher than Reactive A serious condition in which infants or young children do
the given statistics.16 One US study attachment not establish healthy attachments with a primary caregiver
of foster children ranging from ages disorder and their basic needs for comfort, affection, and nurturing
are not met1,34
10 to 47 months identified RAD in
38% of participants.17 Another com- Trust-based A holistic intervention developed for childhood victims of
parable study identified RAD in 19% relational “maltreatment, abuse, neglect, multiple home placements,
intervention and violence” who may have developed behavioral disorders.26
of foster children between ages 6 and
12 years.17 These figures indicate a
significant prevalence of RAD in the mindful practice, and close monitor- of attachment. Proposed by Schore,
foster care population. ing of and intervention in crises” for regulation theory explores how early
patients who have difficulty regulat- parent-child interactions have a large
RAD management ing their emotions.21 impact on an infant’s regulatory ca-
Traditional parenting styles and be- • eye movement desensitization and pacities.9
havior modifications have not proven reprocessing therapy, which utilizes TBRIs have the potential to im-
successful for disruptive behaviors. bilateral stimulation to help patients pact the lives of children who have
These include verbal criticism, time- focus on and reduce the emotions experienced complex developmen-
outs, harsh punishments or threats, related to past trauma.22 tal trauma such as RAD.24 A 2013
and guilting or ignoring the child. Medication therapies have been study supported the effectiveness of
These methods can have negative used successfully as well, including TBRIs in decreasing maladaptive and
effects and are not productive or con- psychopharmacologic agents to violent behaviors and promoting
ducive to change.18,19 Psychotherapy address the associated behavioral healthy attachment relationships.24
is crucial in managing delayed devel- symptoms such as “explosive anger, TBRI is designed to connect and
opment, but evidence-based studies hyperactivity, and difficulty in focus- build a relationship with children
are lacking in the treatment of RAD. ing or sleeping.”8 Rather than the of all ages and follows three princi-
Since the 1980s, many treatments traditional behavioral methods, how- ples to encourage healthy attach-
have been implemented (see Devel- ever, effective treatments seem to ment: empowerment, connection,
opmental disorders and therapies). have focused on attachment-based correction.18,24-26
These include:20-22 therapies, which have proven Empowerment focuses on the eco-
• trauma-focused cognitive behavioral successful in promoting positive logic and physiologic concerns of the
therapy, which targets “inaccurate or healing and recovery in children child, with emphasis on a safe and
negative thinking”20 to help patients with RAD.3,18,23 structured environment, sensory
manage challenging circumstances needs, and nutrition to encourage
and “includes education, relaxation Understanding TBRI trust in traumatized children. Trauma-
exercises, coping skills training, Trust-based relational intervention tized children often have sensory pro-
stress management, or assertiveness (TBRI) is an attachment-based thera- cessing deficits, which may negatively
training.”21 py focused on safety, human connec- affect behavior, social and motor skills,
• dialectical behavioral therapy, tion, and regulation.24 Regulation and academic performance. Sensory
which incorporates “skills training, refers to the neurobiological aspects stimulation improves physiological, June l Nursing2019 l 53

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mental, and emotional health. Proper pediatric behavioral health profes-
nutrition is important for healthy sional within weeks of their place-
children, and those with prenatal ment in foster care.27 An initial health
exposure to drugs and/or alcohol screening is recommended within 72
may experience fluctuations in blood hours. Additionally, children in foster
glucose that affect behavior. Proper care should be seen by a pediatrician
hydration and a nutritious snack every monthly during their first 6 months of
2 hours stabilizes blood glucose levels, life, every 3 months until age 24
improves mood, and optimizes months, and a minimum of every 6
cognitive functioning.18,24 months thereafter.27
Connection focuses on observa- Children with RAD may benefit
tional awareness, self-awareness, from individual, group, and family
attachment skills, playful engagement, psychological counseling.28 For
and attunement. Observational guardians, parenting skills classes may
awareness helps caregivers recognize also be beneficial. The treatment goals
anxiety and allows them to respond focus on providing a safe and stable
appropriately. Many traumatized living situation for children at risk for
children cannot verbalize their or diagnosed with RAD, and encour-
needs. TBRI helps caregivers be- aging positive interactions between
come aware of nonverbal cues, primary caregivers and children. A
such as dilated pupils, increased 2014 study demonstrated potential
heart and respiratory rates, and for maltreated children to develop
muscle tension.18,24 Facilitating the use of secure attachments to foster parents in
Self-awareness is also important, as TBRI techniques in adolescence even without appropriate
caregivers must always be emotionally attachment to a biological parent.29
available to promote healing. Similarly, schools and healthcare
attachment skills are also modeled settings can support Safety and support
under the connection principle of children with RAD. The impulsive and unpredictable
trust-based relational intervention. behaviors of children with RAD can
TBRI teaches caregivers to give the put them at risk, as well as others.8
child a voice, allowing children to be demonstrate problem behaviors. Life Children with RAD are at risk for
heard and promoting connection. Play- value terms create a culture of mutual self-destructive behaviors, and their
ful engagement and interactions pro- respect by using words instead of caregivers are at risk for violence sec-
mote warmth and trust to enhance negative behaviors, accepting “no,” ondary to aggression, manipulation,
attachment, socialization, and language. accepting consequences, and making and triangulation, in which a child
Attunement refers to verbal and eye contact. Responsive behavioral disrupts communication between
nonverbal communication of the care- strategies are used when children three parties for control.8,9 Caregivers
giver and child, including appropriate exhibit more challenging behaviors may also need support and reassur-
tone of voice, eye contact, and body and guide them to the appropriate ance when caring for these children.
position, as well as matching, in which behavior and response to assist with As such, routine safety assessments
the child mimics the caregiver.18,24 self-regulation.18,24 should be conducted to ensure that
Correction modifies behavioral these children and families are not
needs and focuses on building social Assessment and treatment at risk. Additionally, healthcare pro-
competence. This is achieved after To individualize treatment plans for fessionals should advocate for and
empowerment and connection have children at risk for RAD, a compre- provide access to the appropriate
been established and focuses on pro- hensive psychiatric assessment by a behavioral health services.8,9,30
active and responsive behavioral behavioral health professional is need- Parental influence is a key factor in
strategies. Proactive behavioral ed. The American Academy of Pediat- healing and attachment, but nurses,
strategies use preventive teaching rics recommends that children receive mental health professionals, and soci-
methods, such as role-playing, verbal a full behavioral health evaluation, etal awareness may also encourage
reminders or demonstrations, including assessments for trauma and growth in children with RAD.24 Nurses
rehearsals, and life value terms, to suicide risk, by a trauma-informed and those knowledgeable in TBRIs

54 l Nursing2019 l Volume 49, Number 6

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