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Results-Based Financing

Module 5:

In the previous module you reflected on the fit of RBF for your organization. Now that you have learned a great
deal about what makes an organization well-suited for RBF from the case studies shared in this module,
continue to build on your understanding of RBF fit for your organization. Using insights from Educate Girls and
the cases presented in the reading, is your organization currently prepared for RBF in the following areas?

Step 1: Evidence of Outcomes. Reflect on whether your organization currently has the necessary…
§ Experience delivering the program
§ Experience with the target population
§ Rigorous evidence of positive program impacts

Step 2: Organizational Capacity. Reflect on whether your organization has the necessary…
§ Skills and capacity of staff to implement the program
§ Partnership capabilities (e.g., experience working in partnerships, overcoming
partnership challenges, ability to handle external evaluator partnership)
Results-Based Financing

Step 3: Performance Management. Consider whether your organization has the necessary…
§ Data and analytics capabilities
§ Data-driven decision making
§ Willingness to undergo rigorous evaluations
§ Leadership that mobilizes staff to actively identify and tackle tough challenges and
organizational processes that support learning and adaptation
§ Processes to incentivize and motivate staff, demonstrated spirit of learning and innovation

Step 4: Are you ready for RBF? Based on your reflections above, do you think your organization is
ready for RBF? Why or why not?

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