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Game Changing Webinar Series

DEC 2022
(Day 2)

Sir Hasan Dossani

Whatsapp: +971 5552 45672

Our Strategy for 2 Days

1- Introduction to SBL
2- Exam Techniques
3- Professional Skills
4- Formats
5- Technical Articles
6- Topics / question solving
7- List of important topics
8- Study plan for last three weeks

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Before We Proceed

• This Webinar is based on “CBE” approach

• All topics cannot be covered in this webinar due to limited time

• It is MANDATORY to watch the following Webinars for 100% coverage:

✓ September 2021 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for revision of important topics)

✓ December 2021 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for full case study drafting practice – NEHBY)

✓ March 2022 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for full case study drafting practice – TT4U)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


How To Ask Question

• You can type your question in the CHAT BOX

• Your question should relate to the topic under discussion

• Any general / other question should be asked in last 10 minutes of the webinar

For verbal discussion in role plays, you will need to raise Hand in Zoom and then I will allow permission to

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Teacher’s Intro

Professional Qualification
• Fellow Chartered Accountant (1999)
• CMA, CISA, CIA and several more
• 20 years working experience in field of accounting and auditing
• Working as CFO in Dubai since last 12 years

Teaching Experience
• Teaching ACCA students since last two decades
• Taught appx 6000+ students
• I teach online @ VIFHE
• I love to share real life / board room examples
• Conducted numerous P2P webinars for ACCA

My Whatsapp: +971 5552 45672 (Dubai)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Join My Global SBL Group

To join my global whatsapp group, pls message on the below number and you will be sent a link

+ 92 330 202 8295

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Exam Techniques

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


When You Open The Paper

Linking with Exhibits

1. Copy paste all technical requirements on your Word Tool in the CBE Platform

2. Copy paste relevant sentences from Exhibits under respective question #

3. Prepare skeleton of the Answer before you attempt it (format, headings, etc)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Time Management:

1. Reading & planning time: 60 min | Drafting time: 180 min

2. STOP reading as soon as 60 minutes are up and START DRAFTING

3. Read 1:Many Exhibits FIRST and then 1:1 Exhibits (if 60 minutes are not up)

a. 1:Many (Board Minutes, Meeting Transcripts, Annual Report, Website)

b. 1:1 (Financials, newspaper articles, specific topics)

4. Allowed drafting time: 1.8 minutes per TOTAL marks

5. STOP drafting and move to next question as soon as drafting time is up

• You can write target ending time in your WORD response tool to keep track

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Number of Points

1. Technical marks + professional marks = TOTAL MARKS

2. Normal question: 2 marks per point

3. 1 point = 1 para

4. Exception:

• Identify weakness & give recommendation question: 2+2 marks (4 mks)

• Identify risk & give recommendation question: 2+2 marks (4 mks)

• In FINANCE related question, give 1-2 points extra (to score high)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Format of Your Answer

1. Linking your answer with Exhibit is a MUST

2. Adopt paragraph style of writing

3. Leave one line between each para

4. High focus on FORMATS

5. Look for stress words (e.g. very, significantly, extremely, notably, etc.)

6. Use tabular format for weakness and recommendation type questions

7. Use of models is not mandatory

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


What to do if UNABLE to find Answer

1. Define (no marks - just to fill space)

2. Use Search / Find Option in CBE Platform using key words

3. Summarize current status / problem from the Exhibit by talking about its “root-cause”
and its “impact” on the business

4. Try and briefly answer the requirement in last para

5. Push This Question To Last BUT DON'T Leave it black

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Technical Articles
Following articles have been published since JUNE 2022

1- Applications of new technology – Part 1 (Oct 2022)

2- Applications of new technology – Part 2 (Oct 2022)
3- Responsible leadership (Jul 2022) FOCUS
4- Environmental and sustainability issues (Jul 2022)

Previous Technical articles (published during last 18 months):

1- Cyber security
2- E-Marketing
3- Market segmentation
4- A world of Intelligent Agents (AIs)
5- Four Line of Defence
6- Internal Audit / Audit Committee

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Applications of New Technology Part 1

Technology Used in our Homes
Examples of Smart Technologies in our home
• Lighting
• Temperature control
• Security systems
• Amazon Alexa / Apple Siri

• Remote access
• Energy and cost savings
• Convenience / ease of use

• Relatively expensive than non-smart appliances
• Dependency on internet
• Privacy issues
• Data security issues / hacking

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Technology Used in Travel Industry

Examples of Smart Tech in Airline, Trains and Busses

• Online ticketing
• Online check-in / baggage drop
• Real time update

• Faster
• More efficient
• Convenience

• May not handle complications
• Safety risks
• Technical errors
• Data security issues / hacking
• Not call customers can use

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Applications of New Technology Part 2

Technology Used in Retail Sector
Examples of Smart Tech used in Retail Sector
• Self checkouts
• Checkout free shopping (e.g. Amazon Go using App)
• Chatbots

• Faster
• More efficient
• Convenience
• Multiple languages
• Operation savings for retailers

• May not handle complications
• Customers making errors
• Not call customers can use
• Frauds / shop-liftings

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Technology Used in Banking Sector

Examples of Smart Tech used in Banking Sector

• Online banking
• Mobile banking

• 24/7 banking
• Faster
• More efficient
• Convenience
• Real time updated information available all the time
• Operational savings for bank

• Dependency on internet
• Not call customers can use
• Privacy issues
• Data security issues / hacking

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Responsible Leadership
Tradition leader / organization
Focuses on shareholders only (profitability) PLS WATCH MY SEPT
Responsible leader / organization
Focuses on:
▪ Multiple stakeholders (and not only shareholders) while making strategies
▪ Social responsibility / contribution (e.g. employee health & safety, job opportunities, CSR, etc)
▪ Environmental sustainability (e.g. pollution, recycling, scare resources, waste management)
▪ Ethical and moral behavior (e.g. honest and truthful, pay fair taxes, admit mistakes, etc.)

Benefits of responsible leadership

▪ Enhanced reputation
▪ Improved staff morale leading to increased efficiency and greater staff retention
▪ Ability to attract good talent / resources
▪ Customers, suppliers and investors would like to associate with such organizations
▪ Long term growth in profitability and value of the company

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

Where do Accountants Fit In?
▪ Accountants hold leadership position (CFO or Finance Director or NED)
▪ Ensure company is not focused on financial objectives only
▪ Implement KPIs focusing on qualitative aspects such as:
- Stakeholders satisfaction
- Social impacts
- Environmental impact
- Ethical decision making

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Environmental & Sustainability Issues

Responsible Organization
A responsible organization not simply earns profits for its shareholders but they also have a duty towards their
other stakeholders, such as social contribution and environmental sustainability

Social Contribution / Footprint

▪ Employees (e.g. pay scale, working conditions, health & safety, training, diversity, no discrimination)
▪ Customers / suppliers (e.g. quality, honesty, transparency, data privary)
▪ Society community (e.g. job creation, CSR)

Environmental Sustainability / Footprint

▪ Responsible use of limited natural resources (e.g. trees, oil)
▪ Waste products (minimize wastages, recycling, waste disposal)
▪ Pollution (carbon emission, green, etc.)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

Risk relating to Environmental Sustainability Issues
▪ Operational risk (business disruption)
▪ Regulatory risk (legal fines and penalties)
▪ Reputational risk (bad publicity)
▪ Business risk (loss of customer and market share)
▪ Financial risk (losses)

▪ Fashion / clothing industry (fast fashion organizations)
▪ Motor industry

Communicating Environmental initiatives

Integrated reporting is a key tool in communicating organization’s environmental initiatives to key stakeholders
(covered separately as next topic)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

Impact of Environmental Initiatives on Industries (Porter 5 Forces)
▪ Power of customer: Increased (as customers have more choices now)

▪ Power of supplier: -

▪ Threat of new entrants: Increased (smaller companies can now enter the market to sell environmentally
friendly products)

▪ Competition: Increased

▪ Threat of substitute products: Increased (innovation, environmentally substitutes, recycled products)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Common Sense Question

>25% of paper is based on

common sense

Lets attempt one such question now???

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Common Sense Question

SBL Sep/Dec 2021: OPTIMA

(CBE Platform: Past Exam Library # Sep/Dec 2021…….Read Exhibit 1 & 6 only)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Revision / Practice Classes

(Paid Session)

You can also join my Revision / Practice Classes starting 7 NOVEMBER 2022:

- 80+ hours of practice in LIVE sessions

- 5 SBL Case Study solving (full)
- 3 Mock Exams under strict exam conditions with debrief sessions
- 1 Mock Script checking with marks and feedback
- All classes will be recorded for later viewing
- Grand revision 2 days before the paper
- Investment USD 90 (PKR 14k for Pakistan based students)

For inquires & admission: +92 324 922 1387

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


• PESTEL / P5F / Strategic Position • Harmon Process matrix

• SFA Framework • Mendelow Stakeholder matrix
• SWOT / TOWS • Cultural Web
• Corporate Parenting / BCG • Context of Change
• Ansoff Growth matrix • Risk Mitigation Process


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


• Financial ratios & Projections • Professional / Corporate Code of Ethics & Public interest
• Funding Strategies (debt vs equity) • NEDs / Committees / Family Owned
• Budgets / MIS • Integrated Reporting / 6 Capital
• Project Management / PID • Social & Environmental Footprints
• Value Chain • Risk management and recoms
• E - Business / E - Marketing • Control weakness & recoms
• Big data / CRM • Audit Committee / Internal Audit
• IT / Cyber risks and security


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Recap: Exam Techniques

1. LINKING WITH EXHIBIT: Copy paste info from Exhibits to your Answer Sheet
a. Reading time 60 minutes
b. Read 1:M exhibits first
c. Drafting: 1.8 minutes per total marks
a. 2 marks per point
b. For weakness / recommendation use 4 marks per weakness (tabular format)
c. For finance question give 1-2 extra points
4. FORMAT OF YOUR ANSWER: Paragraph style, Sub-Headings, leave line b/w each para
5. IF ANSWER UNKNOWN: Define, search using CBE tool, attempt in last


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Recap: Formats
1. Report
2. Section of a Report
3. Briefing paper / Briefing notes / Memo
4. Email
5. Presentation slides
6. Letter
7. Press release / Website release
8. Business case
9. Project Initiation Document (PID)
10. Weakness / recommendation (table)
11. Risk / mitigation factor (table)


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Recap: Professional Skills

1. EVALUATION: Include both pros and cons

2. ANALYSIS: identify or investigate reasons from Exhibit

3. COMMUNICATION: Proper format, keep in mind reader and your role, tone

4. COMMERCIAL ACUMEN: Don’t sound like an accountant (don’t mention cost firs)

5. SCEPTICISM: Ask question, disagree, challenge, probe


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Risks of CBE Software

Be Mentally Prepared for Possible Hiccups on the CBE exam day:

▪ Your ID may be rejected by the automatic facial recognition software

▪ Your system check may show a red cross (internet speed or microphone or webcam)

▪ Copy Paste function from the MOUSE may not work sometime….use ‘CTRL C’ for copy and ‘CTRL
V’ for paste

▪ During exam the software can hang or some feature might not work for e.g. highlighter may not
work…..please press refresh and it will resume

▪ Software might automatically close 10/15 minutes before time. Pls apply for MITIGATION
CIRCUMSTANCES immediately after the exams if you feel you are disadvantaged.

▪ The actual CBE Exam Software is slightly different from the CBE Practice Platform used by us for

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

▪ Tool bar varies:
‘Move’ tool' and ‘Text’ tool added in Live Exam Software

▪ The way to select text varies:

In Practice Platform, you can select text from Exhibits directly using your mouse. In the Live Exam
Software, you need to switch from ‘Move Tool’ to ‘Text Tool’ in order select text

▪ Copy Pasting Into Excel Spreadsheet

In Practice Platform, you can directly paste text into Excel Spreadsheet. In the Live Exam Software,
you need double click the Cell and then you can paste text.

You can Download the details of differences from the below link:

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Study Plan till Exam (3 Weeks)

1. Watch DEC 2021 (DAY 5) Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for topics revision)
2. Watch SEP 2021 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for additional topics revision/practice)
3. Watch DEC 2021 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for full case study drafting NEHBY)
4. Watch MAR 2022 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for full case study drafting TT4U)
5. Watch DEC 2022 Webinar by Hasan Dossani (for Technical articles )
6. Practice following SBL Questions on CBE Platform:
1. SBL Sep 2018 (Cofold)
2. SBL Dec 2018 (Hilite)
3. SBL Mar/Jun 2021 (Yex Marine)
4. SBL Sep/Dec 2020 (BCO)
5. SBL Sep/Dec 2021 (OPTIMA)

7. Do 2 Mock Exams under strict Exam Conditions & have it marked:

1. SBL Sep/Dec 2019 (Dulce)
2. SBL Mar/Jun 2019 (Smartwear)
3. SBL Mar/Jun 2021 (NCCP)

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387



(you don’t have time now)

Use Ultra Summarized Notes by Sir Hasan Dossani

Watch Sir Hasan Dossani Webinars
Practice SBL Case Studies on CBE

(all webinars and notes available in my Google Drive: )

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Different paper needs a different approach altogether

Think like a

Student CFO
Imagine that you are sharing your views with the

Examiner BOD
For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

Revision / Practice Classes

(Paid Session)

You can also join my Revision / Practice Classes starting 7 NOVEMBER 2022:

- 80+ hours of practice in LIVE sessions

- 5 SBL Case Study solving (full)
- 3 Mock Exams under strict exam conditions with debrief sessions
- 1 Mock Script checking with marks and feedback
- All classes will be recorded for later viewing
- Grand revision 2 days before the paper
- Investment USD 90 (PKR 14k for Pakistan based students)

For inquires & admission: +92 324 922 1387

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387


Contact Details

For Admissions & Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

To Join SBL Whatsapp Group: + 92 330 202 8295

Sir Hasan Dossani: +971 555 245 672

For Admissions / Inquiries: +92 324 922 1387

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